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PROPOSED MODIFICATION & COMMENTARY - IRC: 6-2017 ILLUSTRATIVE WORKED EXAMPLES: Sm, [CUAUSENO. & TITLE: See |206 - FOOT OVER BRIDGE, FOOTWAY, KERB, RAILING, esign caicutarions |PARAPET AND CRASH BARRIERS (ORKED EXAMPLE NO. [/TLE OF WORKED EXAMPLE: [2051 fae OUT HORIZONTAL LOADS ON PEDESTRIAN RAILING. |(ctause 206.5) ” Y Vertical Post hemes es ert osm vrs f Roby av fort Elevation, n Logical Direction 3 * Dat e Ooo); [\ See SS 045m 15m 0375m — —> th sided footath & ion SOLUTION: PRELIMINARY DATA: Z Cie of Vertical Post - tam 4 Height of vertical Posts = tom vp Horizontal oad on horizontal railing = us etym 4 Vertical oad on Horizontal ling = sien _/- Hotwotal oad tof verte post : 15 x18 = 27 kN 1SKWm sin sem | | FT3 xym Cod Lecdina on Solid Parapet sosiea onal Page 19 of 90 Lof4 PROPOSED MODIFICATION & COMMENTARY - IRC: 6.2017 ce ILLUSTRATIVE WORKED EXAMPLES Se vesign caicutanions |PARAPET AND CRASH BARRIERS: JwoRKeD EXAMPLE NO. [TITLE OF WORKED EXAMPLE: /ERTICAL LOADS ON FOOTHPATH FOR A SIMPLY SUPPORTED SPAN JOF EFFECTIVE SPAN LENGTH 30 M,(Clause 206.3) UDI.» 9KN/m (from both footpath) ee Foe 0375m 15m 045m 95m 045m 1.5m 0375m Both sided footpath, Trarsverse Direction SOLUTION : vera span Length sous my ftectve Span length > om Width of Footpath: = 1s m7 Loading (P') = 4 kN/mn? © For effective spans of over 7.5 but not exceeding 30 m, the intensity of load shall be determined according to the equation(Clouse 206.3{6)): “ ° : xen? Fort = 0 om ° : 3. kW/m? (100d intensity on one footath) DL on Span = 21593 1m both footpath) es ww 0 et 2.) UPL Spm = \S 93 y-SHNlm (b~ oot Ftp Page 20 of 90 2ofa PROPOSED MODIFICATION & COMMENTARY -IRC: 6.2017 JP ILLUSTRATIVE WORKED EXAMPLES. eIaDsENO TIE asiices [206 - FOOT OVER BRIDGE, FOOTWAY, KERB, RAILING, TLE OF WORKED EXAMPLE: VERTICAL LOADS ON FOOTHPATH FOR A CONTINUOUS SUPPORTED 206-3 IDECK OF EFFECTIVE SPAN LENGTHS 7 M, 30 M, 45 M, (Clause 206.3) ‘UDI. FROM BOTH FoOTHPATH: 1aeN/m ox sawym HWW f '777 TT f tm 7m 30m asi bm Loni Direction GE Railing g3 Oo O a Footpath | 5 O} 0} en Fee TO 0375m 15m 045m osm 045m 15m 375m sowwTion Both sided footathTronoerse Direction para: SPAN] SPAN SPAN lEffective Span Length (L)} = tO 30° 45 m hath of Footpath (W) 137m JLoading (P') ® 4 7 KN/m oy soa For effective span Length of 75m or les the intensity of load shall be (Reference Clause : 206.3{a)) :” Pp = 4 kW/m (Load Intensity on one footpath) UDL on Span = x1 Sx {from both footpath) = kN ne Se OR Page 21 of 90 30f4 PROPOSED MODIFICATION & COMMENTARY - IRC: 6-2017 ILLUSTRATIVE WORKED EXAMPLES. GIAUSENO. & TITLE: 206 - FOOT OVER BRIDGE, FOOTWAY, KERB, RAILING, IPARAPET AND CRASH BARRIERS For effective spans of over 7.5 but not exceeding 30 m, the intensity of load shall be determined according to the equation(Reference Clause 206.3 (b)) 3 kN/m® (Load Intensity on one footpath) 9 KN/m farpeus v (from both footpath) For effective spans of over 30 m, the intensity of load shall be determined according to the equation Reference Clause 206.3 (c) TB rr wa © bs Peas + as fies) ume & L Fry Sete pat For both sie loaded Tooth path W=3.0™m an « For L= . UDL on Span 21.52.47 45 om 222 fovin (Load intensity on one footpath) 666 KN/m Page 22 of 90 (rom both footpath) ora PROPOSED MODIFICATION & COMMENTARY -IRC: 6.2017 ILLUSTRATIVE WORKED EXAMPLES TAUSENO. & TIVE: |208 - IMPACT FACTOR FOR VARIOUS BRIDGE TYPES [WORKED EXAMPLE NO. TITLE OF WORKED EXAMPLE: IFIND OUT IMPACT FACTOR FOR A SIMPLY SUPPORTED RCCIPSC |BRIDGE OF EFFECTIVE SPAN LENGTH 30 M. (Clause 208.5) SP SE DESIGN CALCULATIONS UVELOADING SOLUTION Tifective Span Effective Span vent venetign) Impact Fa Impact Factor x i, % Page 23 of 90 Loft PROPOSED MODIFICATION & COMMENTARY - IRC: ILLUSTRATIVE WORKED EXAMPLES IcCAUSE NO. @ TIT: cseatutsunions [208 - IMPACT FACTOR FOR VARIOUS BRIDGE TYPES JORKED EXAMPLE NO. [TITLE OF WORKED EXAMPLE: IFIND OUT IMPACT FACTOR FOR A CONTINUOUS STEEL BRIDGE OF IEFFECTIVE SPAN LENGTHS 30 M & 20 M. (Clause 208.5) Longer span loaded LUVE LoAOING: TIASS ATCLASS-B LOADING Effective Span Effective Span 2 Lengthlters) LengthiLett) Impact Factor . 8 Equation © [asta Impact Factor = 1207 Impact Factor _ Equation ~ GaSe) 7 1.207 Impact Factor Shorter span loaded LVE LOADING Effective Span Tective Spar = 20m/ * Lenatilteff) Lengths) Impact Factor _ [9 J Impact Factor = 1269 / Impact Factor Page 24 of 90 1of2 PROPOSED MODIFICATION & COMMENTARY -IRC: it ILLUSTRATIVE WORKED EXAMPLES: Ictause NO. Time? LASwacee DESIGN CALCULATIONS 1208 - IMPACT FACTOR FOR VARIOUS BRIDGE TYPES jwonKeD ExaMPLE NO.|TITLE OF WORKED EXAMPLE: JFIND OUT IMPACT FACTOR FOR A CONTINUOUS STEEL BRIDGE OF |EFFECTIVE SPAN LENGTHS 30 Mf & 20 M. (Clause 208.5) Both spans loaded LIVE LOADING a 8 c eae. 5 075m ‘CLASS A/CLASS-8 LOADING: |For Live Load portion on Longer Span = Effective Span WHEELED (CLASS-AA/CLASS-70R] LOADING or Live Load portion on Longer Span: 7 Effective Span : = 30m ¢ LengthiLe) Impact Factor Impact Factor Equation LengthLef#) 9 (23.544) Impact Factor 1.207 7 ‘or Live Load portion on Shorter Span: 7 Effective Span Lengthitert) Impact Factor 9 Equation = |taa.seteal 1269 | 20m Impact Factor Equation Impact Factor 1.207 For Live Load portion on Shorter Span :/ effective Span LengthLeft) 20m Impact Factor Impact Factor [impact Factor values calculated above are as per IRC guidelines, but for simplification, consider the |:matier span for calculation of impact factor when both spans are loaded. Page 28 of 90 2of2 TAUSE NO. & TITLE: wASenoe DESIGN CALCULATIONS. [WORKED EXAPLES NO. [TITLE OF WORKED EXAMPLE: 208-3 PROPOSED MODIFICATION & COMMENTARY -IRC: 6-2017 ILLUSTRATIVE WORKED EXAMPLES |208 - IMPACT FACTOR FOR VARIOUS BRIDGE TYPES IFIND OUT IMPACT FACTOR FOR A STEEL BRIDGE HAVING CANTILEVER 1S WITHOUT SUSPENDED SPAN. (Clause 208.5) Cantilever span loaded uvetorone Wid Cantilever arms Sly’ oe Main Span Cantilever Spar CCLASS-A/CLASS-B LOADING Cantilever Span (BEINEC) LOADING 'WHEELDED (CLASS-AA/CLASS-7OR) Cantilever Span (BEN/(EC) (Over all Length (1) = 20m Vv ‘Gver al tength (0) = 20m Effective Span aso Y// Effective Span 200.75 Length(Ler) = 15m 2 LengthlLeff) “ 1sm4 Impact Factor . 9 Impact Factor . Equation * [ean Equation ss Impactactor = ast Impocttactor = 1.250 TAIN SPAN (AB) MAIN SPAN AB) Effective Span LengthiLef) Impact Factor Effective Span Longthi tet) Impact Factor : Impact Factor = 50m 15.4% 1154 Page 28 of 99 Loft Ir LAS mace DESIGN CALCULATIONS 208-4 PROPOSED MODIFICATION & COMMENTARY - IRC: ILLUSTRATIVE WORKED EXAMPLES [ciAUSENO.& Time: 1208 - IMPACT FACTOR FOR VARIOUS BRIDGE TYPES |worKeD exampLe no. [riTuE OF WORKED EXAMPLE: IFIND OUT IMPACT FACTOR FOR A RCCIPSC BRIDGE HAVING -ANTILEVER ARMS WITH SUSPENDED SPAN. (Clause 208.5) Case: UVELOADNG Main Span ‘CLASS ACLASS-B LOADING ‘SUSPENDED SPAN [EF] Cantilever span loaded uve ono Suspended 5 pan *S cantilever Span TWHEELDED (CLASS AA/CLASS-70R] LOADING SUSPENDED SPAN (EF] Effective Span an J Effective Span . = 20m Length(Loff) Length(Le¢f) Impact Factor 45. Impact Factor 45] Equation {6+Lon) Equation (6+L 1 TANNA TAN AAT eee Span eet Span = 40m = 40m Leneth(Legt) 40m 7 LengthiLeg) J Impact Factor Equation Impact Factor Page 27 of 90 Impact Factor Equation Impact Factor . 4s © Lethe of 2 PROPOSED MODIFICATION & COMMENTARY -IRC: 6-2017 i ILLUSTRATIVE WORKED EXAMPLES: [CLAUSE NO. & TILE: oesen catcuarions {208 - IMPACT FACTOR FOR VARIOUS BRIDGE TYPES |WwoRKED EXAMPLE NO. [TITLE OF WORKED EXAMPLE: IFIND OUT IMPACT FACTOR FOR A RCCIPSC BRIDGE HAVING ICANTILEVER ARMS WITH SUSPENDED SPAN. (Clause 208.5) CANTILEVER SPAN {BE)/(FC) CANTILEVER SPAN (BE)/(FC) [Over ali Length(t) = 10m 7 ‘Over all Length(L) = 10m ete pan so+00) etc Spn so.a0 venetiign) Om venehte) 720m Equation ~ (6+Le) Equation ~ Impact Factor = 1.173 7 Impact Factor = Page 28 of 90, 2of2 PROPOSED MODIFICATION & COMMENTARY - IRC: 6.2017 I ILLUSTRATIVE WORKED EXAMPLES: SUSENO-B THLE: orate ektistanons [208 - IMPACT FACTOR FOR VARIOUS BRIDGE TYPES WORKED EXAMPLES NO. ITTLE OF WORKED EXAMPLE: JDIAGRAMMATIC REPRESENTATION OF IMPACT FACTOR. FOR VARIOUS IBRIDGE COMPONENTS. (Clause 208.7) “i. ee =) e 1 Pe AL CAA | |veropien car Ko “Y pero LH ae LA a oar Bes Nompact Ny = CROSS SECTION OF PIER ings tov _te_clanke? tas ht rs Nie Skeel Ho eke bmw a4 “ mo of ® Creeks be 9 anapact fe cure 4 uae? —— wl Page 29 of 90 Loft PROPOSED MODIFICATION & COMMENTARY -IRC:6-2017 ILLUSTRATIVE WORKED EXAMPLES: IcCAUSE NO. @ TIT: I208 - IMPACT FACTOR FOR VARIOUS BRIDGE TYPES Laser DESIGN CALCULATIONS IFIND OUT IMPACT FACTOR FOR HANGERS IN A BOWSTRING/GIROER JBRIDGE. (Clause 208.8) HaneeR an oo ELEVATION OF BOWSTRING GIRDER BRIDGE ay crocs aoe a - liam a css veka (5 BOTTOM FLOOR FLAN souuTion Etectve Spon Length for cleuation of mpact factor fr hangers Lo tam (SAK areal om vere Effective Span Eifective Span LengthiLeft) Lenath(Left) Impact Factor Impact Factor Equation Equation Impact Factor Impact Factor Page 30 of 90 Loft DESIGN CALCULATIONS [WORKED EXAMPLE NO. [TITLE OF WORKED EXAMPLE: PROPOSED MODIFICATION & COMMENTARY - IRC: 6- ILLUSTRATIVE WORKED EXAMPLES. [cIAUSE NO. & TLE: 1210 - HORIZONTAL FORCES DUE TO WATER CURRENTS FIND OUT HORIZONTAL FORCES ON CIRCULAR BRIDGE PIER HAVING WELL FOUNDATION , DUE TO WATER CURRENTS (Clause 210.2) O° “ o> SUPER STRUCTURE ABOVE — manna |) | Seek, oO meow f 4 (CIRCULAR PIER — J ceRcuaLe Well CAP eIRCULAR WELL CIRCULAR PIER IN TRANSVERSE DIRECTION OF TRAFFIC Page 21 of 99 of 15 PROPOSED MODIFICATION & COMMENTARY - IRC: 6- ILLUSTRATIVE WORKED EXAMPLES [ctAUSE NO. TTET Design caicutaions |210 - HORIZONTAL FORCES DUE TO WATER CURRENTS friTLe OF WORKED EXAMPLE: IND OUT HORIZONTAL FORCES ON CIRCULAR BRIDGE PIER HAVING 210; JELL FOUNDATION , DUE TO WATER CURRENTS (Clause 210.2) Preliminary Dota : Width of Ctelua Pier 20m Width of Circular Well cap = 7 om Width of Crevalar WELL 6 om Heightest Flood Level (HF) z 201m Well Cap Top Level - 189m WellCap Bottom Level 1886 m Max. Scour Level (MSL). 11m * Max. Mean Velocit(V) 0 = 2 m/sec Max. Velocity at free HFL(V® =3V) 8 (mised), Max. Velocity at Top of Well Cap (U? = v?x8/ 20) 3.2 (usec) ‘Max. Velocity at Bottom of Well Cap(U? = v'x7.6 / 20¥ 3.04 m/sec k For Circular Pier, Well Cap, Well * 066 SOLUTION ; fre =201 m WELL CAP TOP = 189 m WELL CAP BOTTOM = 188.5 m pan i20m Vf MAX. SCOUR LEVEL = 3182 m Page 92 of 90 20f 15 PROPOSED MODIFICATION & COMMENTARY - IRC: 6- ILLUSTRATIVE WORKED EXAMPLES SUSENO. TITLE 1210 - HORIZONTAL FORCES DUE TO WATER CURRENTS FIND OUT HORIZONTAL FORCES ON CIRCULAR BRIDGE PIER HAVING| WELL FOUNDATION , DUE TO WATER CURRENTS (Clause 210.2) nk paral tothe arection ofthe water current; the intensity of pressure shall be colculated from the foloaaigy — Pp = s2Kv? where, P = Intensity of Pressure due to water current, in Kg/m? v ‘Velocity of the Current (m/sec) r = constant, having valves for diferent shapes of Pier ree suc of Water ° Pressure Intensity vce 208 m PTS ane P= ax 0.56 xa/100 hom L/ rien orton sie ene ENE [P=(62x0.66x3217100_= 70 WeLeAP TO? 3.10 KN! p= (ezxasexaayi00 = [10 vw Nonewm/ te WELL. CAP 204 Ki ¥ iP = (52 x 0.66 x 3.04)/100 1.04 sorrons 1886 4.08 xu JS weuror ake wT ‘ P= szxosexs0a7i00 Ton ‘em ws, coun + vets Pressure Distribution age 33 of 90 30f15 [GIAUSE NO. & TITLED J210 - HORIZONTAL FORGES DUE TO WATER CURRENTS. FIND OUT HORIZONTAL FORCES ON CIRCULAR BRIDGE PIER HAVING LLL FOUNDATION , DUE TO WATER CURRENTS (Clause 210.2) Free Suace of Water aT ocr 7 JF = 0.5x(21.96+3.51)x1202 «ay | vesoron 7 = * Total Fe ‘Well Soom 7 oan aromeonwalie —] 5 we ben / be mess [ae] sores sue : . i Force on Well aaghn | ben frrogfsrrtrexe | 227 * Page 34 of 90 40f15 PROPOSED MODIFICATION & COMMENTARY - IRC: 6- ILLUSTRATIVE WORKED EXAMPLES: [GCAUSE NO. TITLE: esign catcutaTions |210 - HORIZONTAL FORCES DUE TO WATER CURRENTS: [WORKED EXAMPLE NO, [TITIE OF WORKED EXAMPLE: IFIND OUT HORIZONTAL FORCES ON CIRCULAR BRIDGE PIER HAVING| |WELL FOUNDATION IN SKEW WITH WATER CURRENTS (Clause 210.4) i On = SUPER STRUCTURE ABOVE mero op a= 10° vn ----- + CIRCULAR PIER C) DIRECTION O | mam PLAN Ls re =201 ‘CIRCULAR PER cerncvain WellcaP caROULAR WeuL CIRCULAR PIER IN TRANSVE) TRAFFIC Page 36 of 90 Sof 15 FIND OUT HORIZONTAL FORCES ON CIRCULAR BRIDGE PIER HAVING| WELL FOUNDATION IN SKEW WITH WATER CURRENTS (Clause 210.4) Preliminary Data : Width of Cicluae Pier . 2 mo Width of Cirelar Well cap 7 m* Width of Cirevalar WELL 6 om Heightest Flood Level (HFL) 201 om < Well Cap Top Level 189m * WellCap Bottom Level 18860 m 7 Max. Scour Level (MSU) wim 7 7 Max. Mean Velocity (V)~ 2 m/sec Max. Velocity at free surface,at HEL(V? = 2v%) ~ : 8 Gus Max. Velocity at Top of Well Cap (U? =v'x8 /20) 32 (mised). » Max, Velocity at Bottom of Well Cap(U = v'x7.6 /20) 3.04 (sec) For Circular Pier, Wel Cap, Well = 066 Skew Angle (a) : 10 deg 7 SOLUTION : “free Sytace of Water HrL=201 ™ wewcsaron: seem, | of yam [0m roy vane scouncovec = tad Velocity Distribution Page 26 of 90 6 of 15, PROPOSED MODIFICATION & COMMENTARY - IRC: 6- ILLUSTRATIVE WORKED EXAMPLES [CLAUSE WO. & TITLE: Design caicutations |210 - HORIZONTAL FORCES DUE TO WATER CURRENTS: [WORKED EXAMPLE NO,|TITLE OF WORKED EXAMPLE: i (OUT HORIZONTAL FORCES ON CIRCULAR BRIDGE PIER HAVING| WELL FOUNDATION IN SKEW WITH WATER CURRENTS (Clause 210.4) (On Piers parale| to the direction of the water current, the intensity of pressure shall be calculated from the following equation: P = szKv where, P Intensity of Pressure due to water current, in Kg/m* v Velocity of the Current (m/sec) k = Constant, having values for different shapes of Pier Free Surface of Water Pressure intesiey P= (St x0.66x8//100 = FL 201 m ISA eon ey = (52 RO6EXS2/IOO 70 weet carro? t 10 =(Stx0.66x3.217100 10 “em 104m wwe hay / ’ P= (52 «0.66 x3 04)/100 Tor] 2or1oM= 1886 m 2.04 ky eae * [P = (52 x 0.66 x 3.04)/100 1.04 vaaem ‘ van scour + (eve istm [fears pants | Page 37 of 90 7of 15 Design caicutaTions |210 - HORIZONTAL FORCES DUE TO WATER CURRENTS: [WORKED EXAMPLE NO_|TITLE OF WORKED EXAMPLE? IFIND OUT HORIZONTAL FORCES ON CIRCULAR BRIDGE PIER HAVING] JWELL FOUNDATION IN SKEW WITH WATER CURRENTS (Clause 210.4) Free Surface of water w= 201 m Pek orto =189m WeLLcaP Tor [sso /- fe BOTTOM = 188.6 m tal Force gn Wel Cap = 05n{514319 OAs = weun To? > 188.6m Total Force on Well ’ 2 o i SN tyem —— eoSxga7k7.6x6 = + sax scouR LeveL = 183 mv Force Distribution To provide against possible variation of the direction ofthe current from the direction assumed in the design, allowance shall be made in the design of components for an extra variation in the water current direction of 20 degree(Clsue 2105) wi Total Water current force in Transverse Direction Fsin’g ~ Total Water current force in Longitudinal Direction = Feos) ~ 20+a aw % aa 530 deg Deamon Tansversd Dection | — Congtvaiial a) Direction (KN) wo Hota Force on Per 23.06 35.95 yes > [rota Force On Well Cap 1.50 2.60 -— 7 Ly ott force on well 1129 2080 ee ge OD? oT gg & = age 38090 softs PROPOSED MODIFICATION & COMMENTARY - IRC: 6- TCLUSTRATIVE WORKED EXAMPLES: > [CLAUSE NO. & TITLE: DESIGN CALCULATIONS 1210 - HORIZONTAL FORCES DUE TO WATER CURRENTS: FiTcE OF WORKED EXAMPLE: JFIND OUT HORIZONTAL FORCES ON CIRCULAR BRIDGE PIER HAVING! JOPEN FOUNDATION ON PUCCA FLOOR (Clause 210.6) * [SUPER STRUCTURE ABOVE iO * “+ O anh caROVLAR PIER cURTAIN WALL oven FOUNDATION MAX. SCOUR LEVEL = 281. CIRCULAR PIER IN TRANSVERSE DIRECTION OF TRAFFIC Page 39 of 60 of PROPOSED MODIFICATION & COMMENTARY - IRC: 6- leraUSEWO. a TE: J210 - HORIZONTAL FORCES DUE TO WATER CURRENTS TITLE OF WORKED EXAMPLE: JFIND OUT HORIZONTAL FORCES ON GIRCULAR BRIDGE PIER HAVING JOPEN FOUNDATION ON PUCCA FLOOR (Clause 210.6) Preliminary Data : ‘Width of Circluar Pier 3 mv Heightest Flood Level (HFL) wi om + Max. Scour Level (MSL) wl oom Pucca Floor Level (PF) . tom ~ Max. Mean Velocity (V) ~ 2 mfsec Max. Velocity at free surface, at HFL(V" = 2V7) kor Circular ier Difference of head b/w opp. Faces of Piers (h) Unit Weight of Water (y) . ree L202 PUCCALOORLEVEL=I81m n Piers paralte/to the direction of the water current, the intensity of pressure shall be calculated from the following equation: P = 52KV" where, ° = Intensity of Pressure due to water current, in kg/m* v Velocity ofthe Current (m/sec) K = Constant, having values for different shapes of Pier Page 40 of 90 10 of 35 PROPOSED MODIFICATION & COMMENTARY - IRC: 6- ILLUSTRATIVE WORKED EXAMPLES [ciausEno. a Tm: 1210 - HORIZONTAL FORCES DUE TO WATER CURRENTS [ri7ue OF WORKED EXAMPLE: IND OUT HORIZONTAL FORCES ON CIRCULAR BRIDGE PIER HAVING| JOPEN FOUNDATION ON PUCCA FLOOR (Clause 210.8) [WORKED EXAMPLE NO, evenot m B28. . 25 Kuso? ‘20m 10m ucca oon \ : + ¥ [ Werer coven ressre Stn Pasar di oHxd Pressure Intensity [P= (52 x 0.66 x 8)/100 = 2.75 __|KN/m? [P= {y x0.25), where y =10 = 2.5 |KN/m? ‘otal Force on Pier Due to Water Currents : P 0.5%2.75%10x3 f 41.18? KN re av’ Total Static Force due to Head Difference b/w opposite faces of Pers p= a5e1003 = 7500" KN / The Force due to water currents i ess than thot of Stotic Force due to difference of head of 250 mm between the wa faces of a pier, therefore static forcetie p = 75kN) will be considered for design of the pier. Page 41 of 90 of 1s PROPOSED MODIFICATION & COMMENTARY - IRC: 6- ILLUSTRATIVE WORKED EXAMPLES [cLAUSE NO. @ TIT oesign caicutarions }210 - HORIZONTAL FORCES DUE TO WATER CURRENTS. [TITLE OF WORKED EXAMPLE: FIND OUT HORIZONTAL FORCES ON CIRCULAR BRIDGE PIER HAVIN * [SUPER STRUCTURE ABOVE ener |) a oO aavénscow FL 201m CIRCULAR PIER rectaneurar | LS" ( \ PILE CAP ) PIER CAP 801 5m CIRCULAR PILE <> 1m 25m CIRCULAR PIER IN TRANSVERSE DIRECTION OF TRAFFIC 120f15 Page «2 of 90 PROPOSED MODIFICATION & COMMENTARY - IRC: 6- ILLUSTRATIVE WORKED EXAMPLES: [CLAUSENO. & TITLE: orsign caicutaTions |210 - HORIZONTAL FORCES DUE TO WATER CURRENTS FircroF wonreo exawece ND OUT HORIZONTAL FORCES ON CIRCULAR BRIDGE PIER HAVING 210-4 |PILE FOUNDATION DUE TO WATER CURRENTS (Clause 210.7) Preliminary Data : Width of ciecuar Pier : a ome Width of Rectangular Pile cap : 7 oms Width of circular Pile : a om?’ Number of ples in a row in Longitudinal Direction - a¢ Number of ples ina row in Transverse Direction : 3 /e Spacing bewteen Piles - 25 om © Heiahtest Flood Level (HFL) - mim Pile Cap Top Level = 189m / Pile Cap Bottom Level 1886 mi Max, Scour Level (MSL) : wim: | ‘Max. Mean Velocity (V)~ 7 2 mfsec ‘Max. Velocity at free surface (V* = 2V")~ = 8 msec ‘Max. Velocity at Top of Pile Cap (U = v?x8 /20) : 32 m/sec! ‘Max. Velocity at Bottom of Pile Cap(U? =v'x7.6/ 20) 3.04 msec ? For Gieular Pier = 0.66 k For Rectangular Pile cap - 4s For Piles (c/e spacing b/w ples <3 wich of pl) - 425 HL 202 m PILE CAP TOP = 289. PLECAP BOTTOM « 188.6 m MAX. SCOUR LEVEL = 183 (On Piers parallel to the direction of the water current, the intensity of pressure shall be calculated from the following equation: p = sak where, ° = Intensity of Pressure due to water current, in Kg/m* v Velocity ofthe Current (m/sec) k Constant, having values for different shapes of Pier Page 43 of 90 13015 PROPOSED MODIFICATION & COMMENTARY - IRC: 6- ILLUSTRATIVE WORKED EXAMPLES TAUSE NO. & TITLE: 1210 - HORIZONTAL FORCES DUE TO WATER CURRENTS: DESIGN CALCULATIONS FTE OF WORKED EXAMPLE: FIND OUT HORIZONTAL FORCES ON CIRCULAR BRIDGE PIER HAVING| 210-4 PILE FOUNDATION DUE TO WATER CURRENTS (Clause 210.7) Fre Suface of Water Pressurelntensity [KN HRL=201 oy 7 BPS HN P= (52x0.66x8)/100 = 275 reason. {aso 0 ean lp=(sax0e6x3.2/7100 = 710 PUECAPTOP. 2.50 kN/nt Pr(axisxa2yi00 = 250 +189 foam meee R87 On ¥ Pa (eaxisxaoayio0 = [237 sortoM = 886m 1.98 «vn PTO “ p=axiasxsoamioo = [i307 76m tyax scour ‘ Pressure Distribution free surtace of Water Force ew Total Force on Pier 1 fod 6.9} sx(qa-96+3,51)123_ = pier sorr0M - “iad uecae TOP Total Forceon Pile Cap 89m 4 i P| 61 Jenn / in fossa us co 80TFOM = 886m pero * Force on Pile gu sas j M4 sax scour + uv 18 m Force Distribution Page a4 of 90 a4of 15 PROPOSED MODIFICATION & COMMENTARY - IRC: 6- ILLUSTRATIVE WORKED EXAMPLES [CLAUSE NO. & TITLE: J210 - HORIZONTAL FORCES DUE TO WATER CURRENTS IND OUT HORIZONTAL FORCES ON CIRCULAR BRIDGE PIER HAVING| 210% JPILE FOUNDATION DUE TO WATER CURRENTS (Clause 210.7) To provide against possible variation ofthe direction of the current fram the direction assumed in the design, allowance shal be made in the design of components for an extra variation in the water current direction of 20 degree(Clasue 210.5) _/ ‘Total Water current force in Transverse Direction Fsin a ‘Total Water current force in Longitudinal Direction Feos'p a re seg ye —— ) Transverse Direction gras | Direction) fete (KN) Tota Fore on Pier . 7a 35.02 Tote Force On Pile Cop x 233 0 : Isat 3s Total force on pile pk Page 45 of 90 15 of 15 PROPOSED MODIFICATION & COMMENTARY - IRC: 6.2017 J TLLUSTRATIVE WORKED EXAMPLES foe 1211 - LONGITUDINAL FORCES DUE TO FRICTION, BRAKING, esicucacutanions [SHRINKAGE & TEMPERATURE JDERIVE EXPRESSIONS FOR HORIZONTAL FORCES IN BEARINGS OF SIMPLY 211-1. _ |SuPPORTED SPAN & CONTINUOUS SPAN ON UNVIELDING SUPPORTS. (Clause br1.51.82115.2) 1 SIMPLY SUPPORTED SPAN WITH FIED" & FREE’ BEARINGS (owe 2415. «Til Free D.L Reaction at’ js * DL Reaction at '8" | Reaction at'A’ yy = LL Reaction at's sowrion FRICTIONAL FORCE DUE TO TEMPERATURE FALL = wl Ra ue to Temperature Fal eck will undergo on contraction Free Bearing wll rest wisi movement upto o force of HC *® and equ0l 8 opposite force will be generated at Fed Bearing.) Wu ily Rg * Ra FRICTIONAL FORCE DUE TO HORIZONTAL FORCES ON THE DECK ALONG WITH TEMPERATURE EFFECT : casei: Fy Ry? Ry) ae acting in opposite direction he Free Bearing will ot move til is subjected too force of 2 Uy pin the oppsite rection Tl that te it wil act as Fed Bearing Tus bth Bearings wil share equal the applied force Fy —-, “TT wT) lhe +s) y+ Ry) By2 —— uptoa wx of Rat R cases: Fy Rt ar ating in same dcetion — ‘The Fee Bearing would not be abe to toke ony farther force & the fl Fi transferred to the Fised Beorng Wi gg +R) FOTALFORCEAT FEDER Geet [Fz ha # Ral Ga Ra) care Fabs Ra _ Page 45 of 90 tous PROPOSED MODIFICATION & COMMENTARY - IRC: 6.2017 TLLUSTRATIVE WORKED EXAMPLES ENOTES 11 - LONGITUDINAL FORCES DUE TO FRICTION, BRAKING, HRINKAGE & TEMPERATURE ce aims DERIVE EXPRESSIONS FOR HORIZONTAL FORCES IN BEARINGS OF SIMPLY JUPPORTED SPAN & CONTINUOUS SPAN ON UNVIELDING SUPPORTS. (Clause peris3 @ 2115.2) at DISMAY SUPPORTED SPAN WH IDENTICAY TLASTOMERIG SEARINGS (Omuse ULB L mI z Wy? Vt FRICTIONAL FORCE DUE TO TEMPERATURE, SHRINKAGE & CREEP Ve vier v = GASH) 4 s = Shearmedslsin po . ) A ~ Phare of ensomerc bearing, C# SY Heghtofelastomene bearing CE Sfeckve ) te = Movement of deck above bearing oer than due to appli fore. temperature creep sanage ase Dotening) Sat T Tt Tt vy, vu /AICIONAL FORCE DUE TO HORIZONTAL FORCES ON THE DECK ALONG WITH TEMPERATURE, SHRINKAGE & (CREEP eFrECT Case: Fyin direction (A> 6) with inward Temperature forcas —, 71 "TTI —v, Ve ‘2 — — FR Gaiei, Fyindrecton(® > A) wth inward Temperature forces —r ® TT TT Me Whe RR — Ar [TOTAL FORCE AT BEARINGS = BEARINGIAL ae cre Fy2 +Vie Z Fy2—-We = case Fa Whe 7 Fy2 Wie [v2 vic, ts Forceat each Beorng ito be considered Page 47 of 90 rorte }211 - LONGITUDINAL FORCES DUE TO FRICTION, BRAKING, TLCONTNUOUS SPAN SUPPORTED THROUGH TOED GEARING AT INTERMEDIATE PERE TREE [BEARINGS AT REMAINING PIERS (Chuge 20152). a LL i 7 = — aT = € TANT) a WF 7 rp | Following calculations for Helzantal Forces onthe supports are due to Expansion of ridge Deck omy, ilar procedure can be followed for Contraction of Bridge Deck aso, eee sownon Caged Fy is Indreetion (A> €) © Wryfte Su xen) saat a z 3 t D Te FL TL 72 G1 OTT Tempter) — _. e .— vf FbeRnl) x) 5B upto ut uasznata ue) aR (i) eA ten 22a —— - x 5 € D TOF 71 TT 171 wh aq em, Froe Hm oo" HR ona.foce | ——> — ZL Fil bial a Ful) HR Page 48 of 90 softs PROPOSED MODIFICATION & COMMENTARY — STRATIVE WORKED l211 - LONGITUDINAL FORCES DUE TO FRICTION, BRAKING, ous cacuianons [SHRINKAGE & TEMPERATURE. wonceoexawrie wo [re OF WORKED EXAMPLE JOERIVE EXPRESSIONS FOR HORIZONTAL FORGES IN BEARINGS OF SIMPLY |SUPPORTED SPAN & CONTINUOUS SPAN ON UNYIELDING SUPPORTS. (Clause feris18 21152) Gaal Aw ndvecion(e > A) 0 WrmteSoalac saan * WT 77 “TT ay WT a it — Temp. Force a — un Wri Free <— <— Fy/(92AR) x (aR) ios nn J =a (i) Soe En x 2 2H —sA a 7 € . E Ee NTT tT Ay ea — —_— — a — ° wt i > HR Fy2uR mR rm ree rn q mn [TOTAL FORCE ATED BEARING wo EAENN + GLAAD Fis) = ub) wi Fee 7 lhicever is areater where, Zavand Sak Number of bearings tothe left andrigh ofthe fixed bearing respectively. ve «Tota Horzonalforee developed onthe re bearings tothe right of the ee bearing Ht Total Horizontal force developed onthe re bearings tothe ltt ofthe = feed bearing = Horzontal force applied on the Brie. Page 49 of 90 4ofse PROPOSED MODIFICATION & COMMENTARY - IRC: 6.2017 is TLLUSTRATIVE WORKED EXAMPLES > pre AStuces {211 - LONGITUDINAL FORCES DUE TO FRICTION, BRAKING, escncatcuanons [SHRINKAGE & TEMPERATURE jORKED EXAMPLE NO, TLE OF WORKED EXAMPLE JDERIVE EXPRESSIONS FOR HORIZONTAL FORCES IN BEARINGS OF SIMPLY 211-1. [SUPPORTED SPAN CONTINUOUS SPAN ON UNVIELOING SUPPORTS. (Clause peis4.62115.2) RICTONAL FORCES AT NTERMEDIATE PI SUPPORTING SIMPLE SNS FROMM RUGTIRANDEET |) gr® SIDES THROUGH FLASTOMFRIC BEARING BEARINGS & IED” SINGS RESP oo UVIKDING sUPPONTS wet — et ane: When Vehies ae moving rom et to ehton : + —ru ry, ae G a Tete" a “rela rrr © 7s — | te ve —— HIB Red lhe Re He - x ZT ue — ey n2—— - 3 1 Le Ss é Wy 2a & 3 4 —A —rn sgn % SC % 177 TTT rh y —— me) Vie — 448 yet Ra? LR Ra eg Hee t Be oe. ie - ry2 —— igo 2 Ful + para FR) e 2 aa Bly — — * et D V1? TTT Td — —— ty, vie —— > Ry * Rae) a HR * Roo) : — os te np - Factangeny Za Rad 7 mROT A RORMEDATE SUPORTE PORT coset Fou HRs # Red HR # Rat Fya/2 Wee O Fil2* Me Z coer | Rtwtwena 7 | WlierRaeiwaevin7| twa >| Z Foal) * = atelee— lee hy) Page 50 of 90 sorte [Wichever = grrer PROPOSED MODIFICATION & COMMENTARY - IRC: 6-2017 ILLUSTRATIVE WORKED EXAMPLES: [emuseno. a TE l211 - LONGITUDINAL FORGES DUE TO FRICTION, BRAKING, sunp.y suppoR 9 FFECTIVE SPAN LENGTH 30 =» UNDER CL WI LOADING (tae Preliminary Dat: Overall Span Length (Lec exp. ap) - as om f Effective Span tenath Lar) . oom (ead toad of the Deck (UOL) . 200 Nim (sav) Max. Reaction at Support'8 due to Dead eon = m0 KN (CLASS 70.R(W) Weight thou impact - 1000 kN (LASS 70 RW) Weigh (with impact) - ssw Max. Reaction at Support’ due to Live Load, (lth roe = ee Coefficient of Friction between Teflon & oon + » * (Whichever govern Stailesstoa (i) 00s 7 SOLUTION ea 0RCANSS 70800) viet TIT Fe | | Free 3350KN 438m gg OTE y= 964 KN (Re tRad - = Step 2: Ave horizontal force on the Seek onthe sco ww (20% OF O00 KN span under consideration (Fy) - 00 ‘Le Class 70R(W)) a Step 3: Mosnorta forces at he ied reeds the tngtdina recon salle as flows: REDON AEE SEAN Fy/2+ (Rye + Ryo) case i+ Ra lRye Rd 305.55 KN fe Case: Fa wR + Real 20555 KN % 7667 RN — 305.55 KN - 205.55 KN 7 once Page 51 of 90 Gora Ir Pe PROPOSED MODI ON & COMMENTARY - IRC: 62017 D EXAMPLES leaosenoce TE 1211 - LONGITUDINAL FORCES DUE TO FRICTION, BRAKING, SHRINKAGE & TEMPERATURE. [wonceo eXAMPLENO, 211-2 [rms oF worneo exanrce: JFIND OUT MAXIMUM HORIZONTAL FORCES AT'FIXED’ FREE" END FOR SIMPLY JSuPPORTED DECK WITH 'FIXED" AND FREE’ BEARINGS ON UNVIELDING SUPPORTS, cause 211.84) iM OF EFFECTIVE SPAN LENGTH 30 m UNDER 2-LANES OF CLASS ALOADNG (ane Preliminary Dato: (Ovecall Span Length (1 /e exp. g09) = us mo Effective Span Length (Lem) 300m ead Load of the Deck (UDL) 200 kW/m — say) 7 Max. Reaction at Support '8' due to Dead es m0 KN ‘anes of ass A, Weight (The ain : loads in one lane only is considered) 554 KN 2-Lanes of Clas A, Weight (With impact) 124650. KN Max. Reaction at Support’B' dueto ve Load, (Roxb s $3893 KN Coefficient of Fiction between TTT 003 A {Whichever governs) Stainless steel 44) — A 0.05 which sownon ‘Step 1: Total D1L+ LL Reaction a Free en (Rl Step 2: Applied horizontal force onthe Deckoon the span under consideration (,) Step 3: Horizontal forces at the Fixed & Free end, in ‘the longitudinal direction, shal be as follows Free Rye = 3150 KN Ray = 938.9 KN. 075m t 405m ee Sf = 4088.93 kN (20%0f554 KN = MOB AN orcas) FRED EARNCTA FREE SEARING BT Fy 24 * Reo coe aR) 59.85 0 oe Case! Fy wlRen* Res) noeas an A 2287 0 Dee Desi 25885 KN 70805 Page 52 of 90 of r= [aaUsE Noe TE jm oF wonneD Exar: uso 2145.1) PLY SUPPORTED DECK OF EFFECTIVE SPAN LENGI Mowe2ihsi 7 Preliminary Data: ‘Overall Span Length (L fc exp. ¢80) Effective Span Length (Lay) Dead Load of the Deck (UDL) Max, Reaction at Support 'B' due to Dead Load, Aye) Special Vehicle Weight Max. Reaction at Support 'B'due to. Live Load, (Re) L Coefficient of Friction tween Teflon Stainless stee (1) SOLUTION: ccaorsy astacee —|211 - LONGITUDINAL FORCES DUE TO FRICTION, BRAKING, coxsin cncuuarions [SHRINKAGE & TEMPERATURE JrINo OUT MAXIMUM HORIZONTAL FORGES AT FIXED’ & FREE" END FOR SIMPLY 211-2 |suPPoRTED DECK WITH FIXED’ AND FREE” BEARINGS ON UNVIELDING SUPPORTS, [mi UNDER SPECIAL VEHICLE LOADING: mS om 300m 200° -KN/m (say) 3150 KN 3850 KN 7 v 19782 KN 0.03 00s ass whichever governs WT t Free yy 315OKN gg =1978.2 KN 075m ‘Step 4: TotalO.L+ LL Reaction at Fre en 4 = sma2 KN pha ‘Step 2: Applied horizon} fore onthe Deck on the . ow Braking Forces nto span under consideration (Fi) - be considered Step 3: Horizontal forces atthe Fived & Free end, in ‘the longitudinal dcection, stall bea flows: FIXED BEARING IA FEE SEARING a) HR # Raa) DESIGN = 25641 KN 25641 KN Force ¢ (parr betas Voraantal Frcs developed Lx m span undervorous LAC Css oodias in Lanes Simpy Sonpared Wpe oP SNe, | GASSOFVENICLE | FIXED BEARING A, | FREE BEARING” 2 [eas 708 jw 305.55 [Kk 705.58 [KN 2 |euassa 759.85 [et 208.45 [Kw 3 fsreciat vente [25641 [ew 256.41 [kN Page 53 of 90 ofa PROPOSED MODIFICATION & COMMENTARY - IRC: 6.2077 I 1ABences — [211 - LONGITUDINAL FORCES DUE TO FRICTION, BRAKING, SHRINKAGE &| mc orwonero eum uo OUT MAKMUM FRICTIONAL FORGES AT INTERMEDIATE PIER SUPPORTING SiMe] 2113 [oonns trom 11a lon (MNO LEFT ( S]ES THROUGH NED" & TREE” BEARINGS} RcSPeciWvety OWUNVIELOING SUPPORTS. (mune 27.39) STDS SPORTED DCE OF EEE S90 ENGTH OH AND ADM NORA TORT (OADNG ane 2135.2 Prelininary Doe: oeetston isi Tae [tar ceveh Ce = L we | tse fp w | asp Etecve San Cnet) ae a ce leaoadorine oe =f ewe, | 200 anime] won. | 220 - fwrian han Recion daw DT Pree Super ~ [aim | aso Jw | orm | ses. ow [ne toad one Deno cass cn - :c00 few sono few sc oaiwy moxw aseaenton eTOTTT ex ranae Tena) mae] ona [Goat case eacion de ToL = Fre Supporta3o) = | atta | sss ag/ few Aad | Gensy) Jew ee Recon TOT earths 6 ~ Jems | ms fiw | om | aoa few Koaticenittan eon | — [335 —Tymcarergorma Sees sie 0 = ae penne sor) fh of epensen TE ie SOLUTION: ——_farthsrblem, wo cose hth drecion wl overn maxim con! forces ot termediate pees oow eo © veidesare mows toma2e caorcUssTo RCW) cores Ton bboy ay a oR _ STS + 3 ao 6 pti NTR, a ee 151m #=- fae | ; Ryy= 315041 R= 4565 KN jg 164.1KN gg 880.3 KN 075m 30m 075m 075m 40m 0.75 m ain Ta 5 ep Te + LL Reaton are end inna] sue [ada] 5152 fo Freez Rpicararaonar ocr - . r fst onsponuner cones) ~ [| = i | 2m few Page 54 0f 90 sorte PROPOSED MODIFICATION & COMMENTARY -IRC: 6.2017 ILLUSTRATIVE WORKED EXAMPLES: [ausenoarme 1ASewee [211 - LONGITUDINAL FORCES DUE TO FRICTION, BRAKING, SHRINKAGE &| oescncacuanons [TEMPERATURE [NORFED EXRMPLENO. rac oF wonKan ExaMut: FIND OUT MAXIMUM FRICTIONAL FORCES AT INTERMEDIATE PIER SUPPORTING siMeLE| 211-3 |SPANS FROM ITS RIGHT (R) AND LEFT (L) SIDES THROUGH ‘FIXED’ & "FREE" BEARINGS| [RESPECTIVELY ON UNVIELDING SUPPORTS. (Clause 21.5.1), ()— Vehicas are moving om D9. , eos tll a LY wit th fe tiets ait) ITTV TT, ste ersison aiid el oKd a= 96875 4N 075m = 075m = 075m bres tanatcamconntecow |» ferwonal ome Jn |] 55425 fo fon the span under consideration (F,) : ™ ie Fin, 300 fe con Oy vain nape citlidoyy yy D ¢ x pk TT) WVVTTNTT) TK fo 1 | Free j Kt 075m 075m 075m TeRSpan High Span orate] 3432. & lew eps ToaiDistineacionatrecend | = [oimertal| a4za26 fv | 4° | satsat Step 2 Roped Paranal force onthe ack > | a ow r lew on Spon under consigeraton Fi “ = TROEREDIATE SUPPORT DiRECTION TOAD ADD same [ew cose Fyuonl2e + Rye Ry Ra mt fo ha) D> A 32377_KN cases Foe Wa * Ra Rane) Ado 20825 |e DESIGN FORCE ON INTERMEDIATE PIER = 32377 |kN Page 58 of 90 roots € =) ‘ince _|211 - LONGITUDINAL FORCES DUE TO FRICTION, BRAKING, SHRINKAGE &| orsencucinavons [TEMPERATURE fwonreoxawrieno’frizor wont exAMP JNO OUT MAXUM FRICTIONAL FORCES AT INTERMEDIATE PIER SUPPORTING os] lspans FROM ITS RIGHT (®) AND LEFT (L) SIDES THROUGH ‘ELASTOMERIC BEARINGS’ AN [Fixe & FREE" BEARING RESPECTIVELY. Preliminary Data: Span Description Teh Span eral Span Length = T oa etfective Span Length . L 30 mS 4 lbead Load of the Deck = | won 200 wm | (uote = 220 KN Max. Reaction due to (D1) at fer Renctenduero(LH et | ing) 93949 8 OR) 969.75 KN Sie A ec Fear Rating easton —— - laaring = | 38 tine (0x0 Warne Qo” Movement of Deck Above learing is 30mm (Assume) ye sowTion wy itt Lass 70R 0m) GLASS 708 (W) x 5 e Te 11 ATTY yr weasel | ner sgal Ry =9355KN osm 30m TetSpon Taser fiepirtoabuscneacion Laon apn. ° — fee To = Perens sore a |g D550 frie vectontrespanunder = | Fy 2a fe DN ‘Step 3 Rarsortal orcas ate Geceends Tr the Bae longus! direction, shalbe a folows TD SUPPORT INDERMEDIATE SUPPORT -C] SPOT) coset FH Ge Bol HR + Ral Fa2* Vii Fal Vie THE KN case Fu/2u(Ron* Rd 31947 KN 115.00, «N 3087 DESIGN FORCE ATINTERMEDIATE PER = | isa ew Page 56 of 90 ss i y anette =) PROPOSED MODIFICATION & COMMENTARY - IRC. 6.2017 TELUSTRATIVE WORKED EXAMPLES. wABewors [211 - LONGITUDINAL FORCES DUE TO FRICTION, BRAKING, SHRINKAGE &| oxscncarcounons TEMPERATURE IND OUT MAXIMUM FRICTIONAL FORCES AT INTERMEDIATE PIER SUPPORTING CONTINUOU 211-8 eocor ¢x201m) Spans SUPPORTED THROUGH TIKED: BEARING AT INTERMEDIATE PE ND FREE BEARING AT REMAINING PEIRG RESPECTIVELY Preliminary Dae: Z Overall Span Length (L, c/c exp. gap) = 1.5 om Effective Span Length (Lj) 300m ~ Dead Load ofthe Deck (UDL) 200 KN/m (say) re ‘Max. Reaction at Support 'A'&'E'dueto ye Dead ond) 8 (Red mY ne eae shae Reocton a spport'8 0" due yt’ eal alien = 59082 aw ae. Dead Load, (Ral & (yl Bi Vi it Number of Free Bearings tothe eftof wv vo ww Fixed Bearing(Ent) hw Number of Free Bearings tothe Right of Fired Bearng(SaR) . ae ‘lane of Class 70-R(W), Weight 3000 KN Lane of Gass 70-RW), (pact) as KN 7 Coefficient of Friction between Felon 003 Stainless steel) ¢ 00s — Leff the Fed bearing span are ase LASS 708 7) 1485708 (W) WL ® 3 cA. Pe ma 777 Te 1 WT Ry =315.8 KN y= 833.4 KN 075m 30m 30m 30m O75m Reaction at Support 'A' due to Le . toad, (Ry) ~ G ‘Reaction a Support’ due to Live Load, = Brest KN Ra Reaction at Support 'D' due to Live ~ assay oo) - 4 Reaction at Support'E'dueto Uiveload, gg a) Page 57 of 90 nora ae 1211 - LONGITUDINAL FORCES DUE TO FRICTION, BRAKING, SHRINKAGE &| pescncatcuuanons |TEMPERATURE [woRkED xAMPLE NO JrTLE OF WORKED EXAMPLE Fino OUT MAXIMUM FRICTIONAL FORCES AT INTERMEDIATE PIER SUPPORTING CONTINUOUS| DECK OF (4 x 30 M) SPANS SUPPORTED THROUGH FIED’ BEARING AT INTERMEDIATE PIER| |ANO FREE" BEARING AT REMAINING PEIRS RESPECTIVELY. Tet of Fred Bening Tight of Fined Bearing = farmer) 390523 J |g Se seeneo w step 1: Total. + LL Reaction eden femececcontnessnnr = | hy 300m ew / | he 0m mw Doedientnntat wit ie wekwet Sea od ae es nocatveretbermesneaetates "Ef 02 =) asso aaron) gp ee a TT ITT nessa abaisigen Ranasin sesyiin 2m sm asm Max neaion upp ue to ve ‘Load, (Rea) - =e Mx ston upp duet Uwe = as tone Mr aston Suppor ue to tne a -ms « ta ston suppor Eden Une, Load, (Re) - B53 KN ea 3 = IatmueRy) au7L01s aN / oa7e7 x / |Step 1: Total D.L + LL Reaction WReatRaad = [BRatRy) 5882.89 yh JE (RyitRye) 3985.23 KN ‘ es: pst Foro Lheoedermesomener = | om 0m |e 7 bracers Page 58 of 90 sole 1ASiwces [211 - LONGITUDINAL FORCES DUE TO FRICTION, BRAKING, SHRINKAGE &| vesoncacuarions [TEMPERATURE [wconkco exaMPLE no fre OF WORKED EXAMPLE IND OUT MAXIMUM FRICTIONAL FORCES AT INTERMEDIATE PIER SUPPORTING CONTINUOUS| 241-5 |oECK OF (4 X 30 M) SPANS SUPPORTED THROUGH 'FIKED' BEARING AT INTERNEDIATE PIER| NO FREE’ BEARING AT REMAINING PEIRS RESPECTIVELY. case Both ofthe red bearing spans are loaded cussmeqT > Ch ee Lass rn (w) a ‘TTT WH? Max. Reaction at upport'A de to Live ei = e4B.a7 KN Max. Reaction at Support'S' due to tive _ eae ae Max. Reaction at Support'B' dveto tive cette ere Max. Reaction a Support't" due to Live Load, (Rs) —* Toit of Fe ight of Fixed Being D = latwurm) 399897 (a Crtgy ROBIDEN 191s ToatbL st Recton bec ent — = fotwsona ornare feronay (ase IW |step 2: Applied horizontal force ee | in é lorsderation (Fy) Gel cael we" or yf Ren FaPBa | Fale D a \ 371.88 KN 371.48 KN yor ad 7 Fax (aon) o Ga7TERN Pov i Desen Force = 6776 KN 9 [= Conk Spam AN Ga ete Baws | Page 59 of 90 sora IFICATION & COMMENTARY - IRC=6-2017 PLE: oracncucaanons {212 - CENTRIFUGAL FORCES ON BRIDGES [woRKeo EXAMPLE NO, [TLE OF WORED BIAMPLE rar ENTRIFUGAL FORCE ON INTERMEDIATE PIER, SUPPORTING ADJACENT SIMPLE 2124 PANS (Clause 212.2) Preliminary Date: ‘Span Description ight Span eck Lent z re Ts |r Live Load on the Deck (without TASS | 99 cuass lew lmpact) = | vomw aa rorw) | 10° Max Reaction due wo (LU at : i a eee = | ema | ssa few cite) | 2828 {kw [Racius of conature(@) = 160m [oesian speed of venice) 70 kmh, SOLUTION eoretas rn corciassran 075m inion ll iin sc c = we kw md both the spans) CCentifugal force at intermediaterer [10386 -120° | “73600 if al Tt nse 1m shor en anes anemone th pt Iatrs on betting hod beta rte se 7360 KN Page 60 of 90 tole i= TLLUSTRATIVE WORKED EXAMPLES faaosenoce TT veecmcuanons [212 - CENTRIFUGAL FORCES ON BRIDGES JCENTRIFUGAL FORCE ON INTERMEDIATE PIER, SUF SORTING CONTINUOUS SPAN, 212-2 |(Ctause 212.2) nn at ‘Span Description Left Span ‘ight Sean limpact) - TORI) mm Pp TO R(W) 3000 kN lintermediate Support = BM) | 1221.6 [KN \ \ — itil) dP > 5 “om O7Sm The Centrifugal Force shall be determined from the following equation : Total Vertical Reaction due to tive Loa at ntermediate Pei From = m6 NF both the spans) Cental force at Intermediate Petr : uisxs20" | 1271600 = 8657 KN ‘This fore act at 1.2m above segndagstonescnonetate id reactions on bearings shouls ted or the sam Page 61 of 90 Dot? [aausenora ne: /ORKED EXAMIPLENO [TUE OF WORKED EXAMPLE: |UOYANCY EFFECT ON JuNDERPASS (Clause 213.2) 2134 PROPOSED MODIFICATION & COMMENTARY - IRC: 6.2017 [213 - APPLICATION OF BUOYANCY ON BRIDGES Gross Section of U-Wall SUBMERGED U-TYPE RETURN WALL OF VEHICULAR fusii96sm 7 wsti02g al = Poe surtace BAM 5, be Intormeciate Siab Dimensions of UWall Z & pao a (ye hea | assm qf be 00m 30m rma 7 aoe Sw), . eee = ei = 120m m, 7 a 2 00 a wo 7 [ws > = [| Baw a Founding Level = 100 7 [im — ner Se ae [Unit weight of water YW = 10.00 |KN/m* ~~ baer = . aUCTACUUTONS pone é 2) one Tar Tor amc WE z par oak SaESEorecea wk fo ew [importance Factor T z yw [Ay = (2/2) x (V/R) x (Sa/@) Au 144 (peters pct? PROPOSED MODIFICATION & COMMENTARY - IRC: 6-2017 TLLUSTRATIVE WORKED EXAMPLES: [eauseno a Time 1213 - APPLICATION OF BUOYANCY ON BRIDGES [WroRKeD eraMPLe WO TLE OF WORKED EXAMPLE, 70a UOYANCY EFFECT ON SUBMERGED U-TYPE RETURN WALL OF VEHICULAR JUNDERPASS (Clause 213.2) /AL VERTICAL LOAD ACTING DOWNWARD DIRECTION waste ‘Normal | Vertical breadth », \Weight | Selsmic Component of U-Wall Nos fey | ea tm’) ,| Volume tm’ ee etka) ftw | wea, Sater Was z T e308 J | _ineis 7 | stsa8 | 3038 Botcom Siab 1 T_YoGs 207 252 7 | 63000] 6048 [ncermediate Sab 1 T 6.360 | 69677 | 17400_| 16.70 Heel 2 a 1.2007 2a 3.76 Pc filing earrageway T i T2256 72.2567 [307.402 9951 ium concrete fil z T 53.360 3336 128.05 soi fill over hee! 2 i 143 29,845, 763 [Total Werant [ConcretevSomT L869 33 a2 [fetal Factored Downward Weight (WO. 3202 4] [rota Factored Weight (Wi0.9}{WoA,) BT |, Tora sTER FORCE|Upward Direction Water Pressure Bem) [Wty | YolKN/m) Upward Force (kNY [Normal case P.O mG m | - 10.00 2033.69 7 you ‘Normal Cave Sets Case FACTOR OF SAFETY, AGAINST FLOATING 1133 Loi Page 63 of 90 2ot2

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