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NATURAL LAW thinking which does not refer to some simple

intuition or gut feeling.

THOMAS AQUINAS (1225-1274)
We are called to heed the voice of
 A Dominican friar who was the conscience and enjoined to develop and maintain
preeminent intellectual figure of a life of virtue. However, these both require
the scholastic period of the content so we need something more. We need a
Middle ages. basis for our conscience to be properly informed,
 His Magnum opus, SUMMA and we need a clearer guidepost on whether
THEOLOGIAE discusses many
significant points in Christian certain decisions we make lead us toward virtue
theology. or vice.
 He was canonized in 1323


The fundamental truth maintained and NEOPLATONIC GOOD
elaborated by Aquinas in all his work is the
promise right at the center of Christian faith: that God creates. This does not only means that
we are created by God in order to ultimately He brings about beings, but it also means that He
return to Him. The structure if his magnum opus cares for, and thus governs, the activity of the
follows the trajectory of this story. universe and of every creature. This central belief
of the Christian faith, while inspired by divine
Three parts to this voluminous work: revelation, has been shaped and defined by an
 Our knowledge and belief to our idea stated in the work of the ancient Greek
God philosopher Plato, which had been put forward a
 Our pursuant to be with the Divine thousand years before Aquinas. He is credited for
 Jesus is our Savior. giving the subsequent history of philosophy in
one of its most compelling and enduring ideas:
the notion of a supreme and absolutely
A full consideration of Aquina`s ethics would transcendent good.
require us to explore his discussion of other
In his work The Republic, it is often supposed
matters, such as how, in our pursuit of happiness,
that Plato is trying to envision the ideal society.
we direct our actions toward specific ends. We
But that plan is only a part of a more
might explore how emotions—“the passion”—
fundamental concern that animates the text,
are involved in this process, and therefore
which is to provide an objective basis and
require a proper order if they are to properly
standard for the striving to be moral. In other
contribute to a good life.
words, it can be said that Plato was trying to
It is also stated that, Christian life, therefore, answer questions such as, “why should I bother
is about developing the capacities given to us by
trying to be good?” and “why cannot ‘good’ be
God into a disposition of virtue inclined toward
the good. just whatever I say it is?” His answer, placed in
the mouth of the main character Socrates, is that
Aquinas also puts forward that there is
the good is real and not something that one can
within us a conscience that directs our moral
pretend to make up or ignore.
Socrates, in discussing this, elevates the elaborating on what the great thinker had already
notion of the good to unprecedented heights: written, these later scholars are often labeled as
The idea of the Good

Excerpt from The Republic In the hands of the Neoplatonists, Plato’s

idea of the good, which is the source of all beings,
Plato becomes identified with the One and the
Now, that which imparts truth to the known Beautiful. This is the ultimate reality, which is the
and the power of knowing to the knower is what I oneness that will give rise to the multiplicity of
would have you term the idea of good, and this everything else in the cosmos. All these beings
you will deem to be the cause of science, and of have a single goal, which is to return to that
truth in so far as the latter becomes the subject unity.
of knowledge; beautiful too, as are both truth Through Neoplatonists like Plotinus, the
and knowledge, you will be right in esteeming Platonic idea of the good would continue well
this other nature as more beautiful than either: into Christian Middle Ages, inspiring later thinkers
and, as in the previous instance, light and sight and allowing it to be thought anew in a more
may be truly said to be like the sun, and yet not personal way as a creative and loving God.
to be the sun, so in this other sphere, science and
truth may be deemed to be like the good, but not
the good; the good has a place of honor yet
ARISTOTLE’S FOUR CAUSES- It gives a way to
understand any being.
You would say, would you not, that the sun
is not only the author of visibility in all visible
by the matter that composes the
things, but of generation and nourishment and
changing thing. It is composed of certain
growth, though he himself is not generation? In
materiality or physical stuff. It makes a
like manner the good may be said to be not only
being unique.
the author of knowledge to all things known, but
2. FORMAL CAUSE(FORM)- due to the
of their being and essence, and yet the good is
arrangement, shape or appearance of the
not essence, but far exceeds in dignity and
changing thing. It makes a being a
particular kind.
Readers of The Republic have long been 3. EFFICIENT CAUSE(AGENCY/EFFICIENCY)-
baffled by this enigmatic passage and are still consists of things apart from the thing
trying to figure out how exactly to interpret it. being changed, which interact so as to be
Rather than be dismissed, this idea of the good – an agency of the change.
a good which is prior to all being and is even the 4. FINAL CAUSE(PURPOSE/END)- the sake
of which a thing is changing.
cause of all being – will become a source of
fascination and inspiration to later thinkers even
to this day. FOR EXAMPLE,
In the next centuries after Plato’s time, some
scholars turned to his texts and tried to decipher
the wealth of ideas contained there. Because
they saw their task as basically clarifying and
EQUAL LENGTH(FORMAL), IT OCCURS AS SUCH and this good is to return to the
FROM WOOD AND IT HAS THESE DIMENSIONS  Beings are created by god in a particular
BECAUSE OF IT IS INTENDED TO SUPPORT way. It is not accidental how beings
OBJECTS(FINAL). emerge into existence; each being is
created as a determinate substance,
as a particular combination of form
POTENCY & ACT and matter.
 The particular form determines the
 A Being may carry within itself certain materiality which makes a being a
potential, but these require being certain kind of being.
actualized.  The unique way we have been created
can be called our NATURE.
 This nature is both good and imperfect
SYNTHESIS at the same time. From god, it is
good but in its limitations, it has to be
 God is essential and essentialy good. So,
we recognize that all beings are only
possible as participating in the first  This perfection means fulfilling our
being, which is god himself. nature the best we can, thus realizing
what god had intended for us to be.
 God’s act, like emanation of light, is the
We can accomplish this by fulfilling or
creation of beings.
actualizing the potencies that are
 It is possible for us to speak of him as
already present in our nature.
the first efficient cause. Also, all
 All beings are created by god in order to
beings seek to return, it is possible
return to him, the way the human
for us to speak to him as the final
being is directed toward god is
 It is God’s will and love that are the
 Our way of reaching God is by knowing
cause of all things; to every existing
and loving him.
thing, God wills some good.
 We should not forget how the whole
 Creation is the activity of the outpouring
community of being, which is the
or overflowing of God’s goodness.
universe is directed towards its
 The goodness possessed by being
return to god.
remains imperfect.
 For Aquinas, only god in the fulness of
his being and goodness is perfect; all
other beings are participating in this ESSENCE
goodness and are good to that As rational beings, we have free will.
extent, but are imperfect since they Through our capacity for reason, we are able to
are limited in their participation. judge between possibilities and to choose to
 Notion of DiVINE PROVIDENCE refers to direct our actions in one way or the other." Our
how beings are properly ordered and actions are directed toward attaining ends or
even guided toward their proper end. goods that we desire.
This end is to rich their highest good,
There are many possible desirable ends VARIETIES
or goods, and we act in such ways as to pursue
them. However, just because we think that a Eternal Law
certain end is good and is therefore desirable Eternal Law is the Divine Wisdom of God
does not necessarily mean it is indeed good. which oversees the common good and governs
everything. Eternal law is God’s plan to lead all
creation towards God’s eternal salvific plan to be
Acts are rightly directed toward their holy and blameless before Him through Jesus
ends by reason. But this does not simply mean Christ.
that through reason we can figure out how to
pursue something that we already had Aquinas writes: "He governs all the acts
thoughtlessly supposed to be good for us; what is and movements that are to be found in each
necessary is to think carefully of what really is in single creature, so the type of Divine Wisdom, as
fact good for us. moving all things to their due end, bears the
character of law."

In thinking about what is good for us, it is

also quite possible that we end up thinking Natural Law
exclusively of our own good. Aquinas reminds us The human being, as rational,
that this will not do; we cannot simply act in participates more fully and perfectly in the law
pursuit of our own ends or good without any given the capacity for reason. The unique imprint
regard for other people's ends or good. We are
upon us, upon our human nature by God, is the
not isolated beings, but beings who belong to a capacity to think about what is good and what is
community. Since we belong to a community, we evil, and to choose and direct ourselves
have to consider what is good for the community
as well as our own good. This can be called the
common good." So Aquinas writes: "Wherefore it has a
share of the Eternal Reason, whereby it has a
natural inclination to its proper act and end: and
A law, therefore, is concerned with the this participation of the eternal law in the rational
common good. It is also necessary for rules or creature is called the natural law."
laws to be communicated to the people involved
in order to enforce them and to better ensure
compliance. This is referred to as promulgation. Human law
We can speak of law as a form of restriction and
direction of human actions in such a way that the Aquinas points out that while reflecting
common good is promoted. Aquinas's own on our human nature will provide us the precepts
summary of this point is worth citing: "The of the natural law, these are quite general and
definition of law may be gathered; and it is would have to be made more specific, and at the
nothing else than an ordinance of reason for the same time more concrete in the actual operation
common good, made by him who has care of the of human acts. For this reason, there is also
community, and promulgated" human law. Human law refers to all instances
wherein human beings construct and enforce
laws in their communities.
animals, a desire that has to do with sexual
intercourse and the care of one's offspring. The
Divine Law intrinsic connection between the sexual act and
Aquinas asks us to recall that there is a fecundity gives rise to a number of notions of
certain form of happiness that is proportionate to what is acceptable and unacceptable in varying
our human nature, which we can obtain by degrees of contentiousness.
means of our natural principles. However, there
also is another, more complete, happiness that
surpasses human's nature, a supernatural
happiness that can be obtained through the
power of God alone. To direct us toward our
supernatural end, we had been given further
instructions in the form of divine law. Divine Law
is decreed by God in the Ten Commandments and
in the new commandments of Love taught by
Jesus Christ.

In Common with Other Beings
In reading Aquinas, we have to consider
how we, human beings, are both unique and at
the same time participating in the community of
the rest of creation. Our presence in the rest of
creation does not only mean that we interact
with creatures that are not human, but that there
is also in our nature something that shares in the
nature of other beings. Aquinas thus identifies
first that there is in our nature, common with all
other beings, a desire to preserve one's own

Aquinas tells us that it is according to the

natural law to preserve human life. We can thus
say that it would be a violation of the natural law,
and therefore unethical to take the life of

In Common with Other Animals

Aquinas then goes on to say that there is

in our human nature, common with other

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