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- ROJAS ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING REVIEW center SAS 8 tw Room 206, GMT Bullding, Comer Junquera and P, Del Rosario Sts, Cebu Cty ‘ATOMIC MASS Atomic mass fan element isthe weighted average of the masses of, its atoms. The unt of atomic mass is called atom mass unit (obbreviated as amin most books). Atomic mass unit Is defined as exactly 1/12 the mss of a carbon atom, used as reference, ‘Atomic mass of common elements Involved in basic Chemistry Problems (to be memorized, if not given): enent | — ana —|“ahert [am tt [Fiydrogen 1 Sulphur eel 5) © [oxygen 16 Helium 4 He Pa Sodium "2296 223 _| Nitrogen 14 a P 3 [Phosphorus|~ 30.9 3 31 | Chlorine. pas |S ‘Calum [40.08 = 40 | Carbon. 2 Ia "Note: For other elements, refer to the gered able FORMULA MASS ‘Facmauta mass (sometimes called molecular mass) refers to the sum of the atomic mass of every atom ina formula unit. Sor" EXAMPLE 1: Solve the formula mass of ethyl alcohol, €4,0H. Inthe chemical formula, carbon has 2 atoms, hydrogen has a total of 6 . ea unt 6 =O lwol EXAMPLE 2: What isthe formula mass of (Ni) HPO, , certain fertiter? In the chemical formula, nitrogen has 2 atoms, hydrogen has a total of ‘9 atoms, phosphorus has 1 atom and oxygen has 4 atom, ‘Atomic mass: N= 14; H=1, P= 31; 0 = 16 ‘Atomic mass: € = 12; H = 1; 0 = 16 Formula mass of GHIOH= 2(12) + 106) + 106) x Formula mass (WH), HPO, = resrveunsels,2 (14) + 9(1) + 11) + 4(16) = 132 Pi Oy 1/Solve the formula mass of water, Hp. a ce a0 £1 Lt) 2. Solve the formula mass of methane, CH, . a eis BiB 3. Solve the formula mass of vitamin C, CeHyOg. (nirds4 EXAMPLE 3: How many grams are there in 3.2 mol of calcium chloride, CCl? Atomic mass: Ca = 40; C1 =35.45 Note: In the chemical formula, 1 mol of CaCh has 1 atom calcium and: 2atoms chlrine, Formula mass CaCly= 1(40) + 2(35.45) = 110.9 amu or 110.9 g/mol . 1099 Mass of CaQ = 32 mot x 41059. 5 355 9 EXAMPLE 4: Calculate the number of moles of 47.7 9 of ethylene Glycol, CHg0, used as antifreeze In cars? ‘Atomic mass: C= 12; H= 1; 0 = 16 Formula mass C2Hg03 = 2(12)+6(1) + 2(16) = 62 g/mol Moles of CgH60, «47.7 gx +" 20769 mol 9 ‘TEST YOURSELF: 6. How many moles are present in 6.07 9 of methane gas, CHy ? seams ego EBs oh) 7. How many gromsof sodium acetate NaCyHa0p are there n 2.65 tno of that compound? R2BAQ us ©2929, ihe )+ Ur) 739 v.273 Ne 3 (0) +104) How many grams ate there in 0.01 mole of NayS0, ? Avig ” C429 Hee ptae UrmnGrny 8. Vitamin Chas the meeclr formula of Cyd How many I RRO yn LD 4 B(4) 6.3.08 mol Brea + « (Wy) 10, What s the mass of 0.01 mole of Na:SO,? Molar mass: Na = 23; S Aone cng 109) 4 104 as 52388 a4 (We 11, Calculate the number of moles of hydrogen atoms in 17:4 9 of (Qi? Molar mas, N=; H= iS = 325.0 = 16 eh a a rhe sp Oars 2 tormeyonsan eS tor Ceiememeom 7 bd tit ) betes 3 0.2589 alte A180 cis2 a Pei76 ln BU. (te by? Consider the formula of hydrazinium nitrate, NaH (NOs )p. Solve 4 Sheth meir mss cle aN ray moe ome ot » 194 is 60.00), gy Be samt WON of 04? 4 AN o00 eon THe apa: A SP (standard 1d pressure Pee aaneteec lara nacyioh tol of any sibaane asa wme of 22.4 hrs ort kel hes a SB ita) 4 VED) + (jy), voume ot 224 m*, wet 90 ‘A aaole's a collection of a large fixed number of fundamental chemical entities. A mote of atoms of any element is defined as that amount of Substance containing the same number of atoms as there are C atoms In exactly 12 9 of pure %C. The unit mole Is abbreviated as mal. Note: The symbol °C means carbon element withthe superscr Indicating its atomic mass number. : ¢ ama = 1 gram/al Page 1/10 EXAMPLE 5: Calculate the volume occupied by 7.4 g NHy at STP. ‘Atomic mass: N= 14; H= 1 f Formula mass =1(14) +3(1) =17 g/mol 1 n=74 gx *72..0435 mol 79 Note: At STP, 1 mole of eny substance occupies a volume of 22.4 L. é Room 206, GMT Bui Volume of Nis = 0.435 mol x 224% 29740 ‘TEST YOURSELF: 44. ALSTP agus occupies 0.213 L How many males are ee ints sample? ‘A. 0.0089 mol 8B. 0.0077 mat 15, What Is the volume at standard temperature and pressure of 16 9 of gaseous suphur doe, SOs? Mobr mass = 32:05 16 ARAL Cpe 8. 168L SEL 16. Cate he mea T1267 991 O27 ‘ fer C26L 6 163 Ret a Ais onal eaten Aedpcldsrite A167, ‘g/mol a, 8134 g/mol Bazyma Fe 18, Calculate the volume occupied by 0.75 mol of O: at STP. 429.86. c168L BB3L D.a7L 0.095 mot & > EEL 23, cokaste the mass of 5 x 1 molecules of water 1. 0.0081 mal mage silat MIN ors] tam ROJAS ELECTRICAL EneneSunG REVIEW CENTER ar oe FaUi) Sl, 22. What the mas of one mole of Cy? A241 x10%9 iarees 1 wit | an wel | ‘TEST YOURSELF: B. 1.83 x 109 De66x10%9 ASS g 850.044 g 0.0249 0.0399 24, How many molecules are in 5.89 of acetone, CyHg0? 4.020 6x10" al hy ny of 8.35% 10" pada NOME te ecules are there v1 kg of water, 10? Petit aaa eT Met asc} pasaxio® (1) + (tad B. 3.29 x 10 26, Calculate the number of nitrogen atoms in 151 g of ammonium Kieioh coun OO HAD HA 717 x10" 0.803 x10" eet NB, atthe mass of 9.25 x 108 mls Oy ot 19, Figdthe densty of ethylene CHy at STP. ASI39 a jwsl wre sm orcs cae 8S av All) $e 2 Saez mle Ge PISO $x fe 28. How many molecules are thee in 35 g of thy! alcohol, C,HjO? 20, How many grams of SO, are there mascelthlie compound at STP? Atomic mass: O = 16; $ = 32. H RBS Mabel a. em cane ce tan ets AVOGADROS NUMBER Avogadro's number's the number of particles (molecules or atoms) {iva mote of substance forall substances. Nq = 6.022 x 10% partcies/mol Mazo particles/ EXAMPLE 6: How many molecules are there in 9.g of ammonia, NH ? ‘Atomic mass: N=14; H= 1 Formula mass =1(14)#3(1)=17 g/mol n=9.gx 1% osz9.mol 179 6.022 x 10”? molecules mal Ny 0529 mol £3.19 «10 moles EXAMPLE 7: How many hydrogen atoms are there in 30 g of water? ‘Atomic mass: H #1; Q= 16 Formuta mass H,0 = 2(}) +1(16) = 18 g/mo! Solving for the number of motes of hydrogen, ~ Lol HO. nw LOO 2m 399 4,003.333 molH 189% imolH,0 Solving forthe numberof atoms N using Avogadro's concept 6.022 x 10H atoms Amol H Ng =3.333 mol Hx = 2.007 x 10H atoms A786 x102 54x10 re B.62x10% DAS x10? EMPIRICAL FORMULA Eztical formulas the simplest formula of a compound from its ‘Composition. It has the simplest possible set of integral subscripts. 00D FOR THE BRAIN: CH Is an empirical formula while CaM is not because Is subscript can both be divided by 2. EXAMPLE 8: Calculate the empirical formula of glucose, a simple sugar if a certain sample contains 393.4 g of carbon, 66.07 9 of hydrogen and 524.2 g of oxygen. ‘Atomic mass: C = 12; H 50 = 16 3834 96x co s242g0x 4 a aa7omotc, 6607 9Hx 1 6507 mh € 32.76 mol O —— Dividing each by the smallest amount, 32.76 mol c= 228 =H 3276 ‘Thus, the emperial formula is CH,0 EXAMPLE 9: Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) Is composed of 40.92% carbon, 4.58% hydrogen and 54.5% oxygen by mass. Determine Its empirical formula, ‘Atomic mass: C= 12; H = 1; 0 = 16 ‘Assume 100-arams ofthe compound, so that the percentage mass is ‘equivalent to the mass of each composition: 402 cx 341 moic, asegtx 1 9 19 545 90x ~™ 340625 23-41mol 0 169 By especton the smallest mol 2.41, Die each numberof mole by . ROJAS ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING REVIEW CENTER! . Room 206, GMT Building, Corner Junquera and P. Del Rosario Sts, Cebu City Multiply all by 3+ C= 3; H 24.029; 0= 3 “Thus, the empirical formula i, CaHyO3- TEST YOURSELF: 29. A.compound containing carbon, hydrogen and oxygen is found to Contain 9.1% H and 54.4% C, What Is its empirical formula? F202 C. CHO, CoO D. C04 30. Whats the erplical formula ofa compound that contains 4 g of calcium and 7.1 9 of chlorine? Ca = 40; Cl = 35.45 a) FOG, B. CaQh D. Cag 31. What Is the emperical formula for a compound containing 31.9% potassium, 29% chlorine and 39.2% oxygen by welght? K = 39.098; Cl= 35.45; 0 = 16. ©. K,C0, KAO, . K:020) D. KO, 05 32, Determine the empirical formula for a compound containing ‘carbon, hydrogen and cxygen that Is 40% carbon and 6.66% hhydrogen. A. CHOs B.GHO cco D.C, 33. 1.5 g sample of a compound contains 0.467 g sulphur and 1.033 {9 chlorine. What i the empirical formula of the compound? Molar ‘mass, Cl = 35.45; $ = 32.07 AS © Sch B.SC, D.SCh 34. Ascorbic aid (vitamin C) Is composed of 40.92% carbon, 4.58% ‘hydrogen and 54.5% oxygen by mass. Determine Its emprical formula. A GHD, © Ho; 8. GH,03 D. GO, ‘35. A sample of a monoprotic acid was analyzed. The sample ‘contained 40% carbon and 6.71% hydrogen. The remainder of the ‘sample was oxygen. Determine the empirical formula of the acd. AGO ©. CHO B. CaH202 D. co, 36, Calculate the empirical formula of glucnse, a simple sugar if 2 Certain sample contains 393.4 g of carbon, 66.07 9 of hydrogen and 524.2 9 of oxygen. A. cho, © Gyo 458 hg seen an, FS PeRceNTCoMposTON —p.t r “The subscripts inthe formula of a compound give the mole rato of ‘atoms of the elements in the compound. The. refers to the mass rata ofthe elements converted to percentage EXAMPLE 10: Calclate the percentage compostion of hydrogen in rubbing alcohol, CyHg0. ‘Atomic mass: C = 12; H 5 0= 16, 12g mole 169° malo 3 mol Cx 36 g._B mol Hx =89 mol H Amol Ox 69 mass of H ‘otal mass % mass of H =- —8 _.13.33% 3648416 Jel set! EXAMPLE 14; Calculate the percentage composition of aluminum in aluminum oxide, AlO3 ? Al = 26.98; 0 = 16. 2mol Ax 79°83. -53.96 9.4; 3molOx mol A 1mol0 9% macs of l= TASS OFA _5396_ soo, total mass $3.96+48 ‘TEST YOURSELF: 37. What isthe percentage mass of rydragen in glucose, CqHy205? A67% ©7.1% 88.2% 0.93% 38, Nitrogen forms @ number of oxides. Which ofthe folowing oxides 15 64% nitrogen? A.N203 B.NO W204 D.N,0 . 39. Colculate the percent composition of sodium in borax, NayB,07 Used in commercial laundry processes. No'= 23; B = 10.81; O=16, A.22.89% 48,2506 B. 38.18% D, 25.60% 40. What isthe percentage of potassium in K3PO, ? P=3097;0= 16 A 4.6% €.39:1% 849.2% D.55.2% 41. Anoxide of nitrogen is found to contain 25.9% nitrogen. The empirical formula for this substance is ___ A.NO, CMO BNO; D. N05 42, Determine the percent composition of hydrogen in the empirical formula of glycerin C3HHg03.- AB7% 874% 65.6% 0.42% 43. What is the percentage composition of calcium in the compound CCANO3)2? Molar mass, Ca = 40, = 14, 0= 16, A, 29.15% ©. 33.78% B.3152% .2430% 444. How many grams of nitrogen are there in 25 9 of (NH J2 $04? A539 1309 8.2659 0.0199 MOLECULAR FORMULA ‘The molecular formula glves all the information thatthe empirical formula gives and In addition it gives the ratio ofthe number of moles ‘of every element to the number of moles of the compound as a whole. EXAMPLE 12: Determine the molecular formula of a compound with ‘empirical formula CH, and molecular mass 98 amu. ‘Atomic mass: C = 12; H Formula mass CH = 1(12) + 2(1) = 14 amu or 14 g/mol = 7 emperical formula units in each molecule. ‘Thus, its molecular formula is Coty « [ALTERNATE SOLUTION: Since its multiple choice, you can pick a choice and sohe its formula mass, dt must be 98s given. Ty Ge Formula mass Cytyg = 7(12)+ 114) = 98 + check! Page 3/10 : ROJAS ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING REVIEW CENTER EXAMPLE 13: A compound has an empirical formula of CH,0,, and ks ‘molar mass is determined in a separate experiment to be 180 g/mol. What i the molecular formula of this compound? 44 Atomic mass: C = 12; H = 1; 0 = 16 Formula mass CHO = 1(12) + 2(1) + 1(16) » 30 g/mol ‘ee a1 6 enpral fomua nts neh noe “Thus, ts molecular formula must be Cet... ALTERNATE SOLUTION: You can pick a choice and solve the formula ‘mass of the compound. It must be 180 as given. EXAMPLE 14: By chemical analysis, an oxide of nitrogen is found to bbe compased af 30.43% N and 69.57% O. Its molecular mass is 92. What is its molecular formula? ‘Assume 100 arams of the compound, so that the percentage mass is equivalent to the mass of each compost ‘Atomic mass, N = 14; 0 = 16 wl 3043 9 Nx “Ton Amel 1690 =2.1735 mol N 69.57 90x 43481 mol O inspection the smallest mole is 2.1735, 24735 2735 43481 2735 "Pus hemp om, Nop Fema asst NO = 40) 26) 46 gna Thee are $22 empress ech ole Thus, its molecular formula must be N04, TEST VOURSFLF: 45. Calcite the molecular formula of a compound with @ molar mass Of 104 g/mol compese of 92.3% carbon and 7.7% hydrogen. AL Ceti C. Cats 8. Gas D. City 46. By chemical analysis, 2 hydrocarbon (a compound consisting of ‘only carbon and hydrogen) was found to be composed of 85.71% (Cand 14.29% H. Its molecular mass was found to be 84. Find ts ‘molecular formula ©. Cote ACs D. GH, B. Cig 47. The percent compestion of a hydrocarbon was 89:36% C and 10.64% Hts molecular mass determined from independent method was 168, Determine is molecular formula, A Cite © Goto 8. Catao D. Cats 448, An organic acid has the percent composition of 50% C, 5.56% H, and 44.44% 0. The molecular mass of a sample having that ‘Composition was found to be 144, What is the molecular formula, of the compound? 1. Cate A. GHO B. CgHyOy D. CHO 49. A gas of molecular weight 58 was founs to contain 82.8% C and 17.28% H. What isthe molecular formula of this compound? A. Chia © Cota : Room 206, GMT Buiiding, Corner Junquera and P, Del Rosario Sts, Cebu City BCH D. CsHio 50, A compound used to ubiten teeth has the empirical formula HO. ‘The molecular mass of is compound s 34 amu. What fs ts molecular formula? AHO 8. Hj0; 51. A 10-g sample of a hydrocarbon is analyzed by combustion and found to contain 9.37 ¢ carbon and 0.63 g hydrogen, The ‘molecular weight of the hydrocarbon sample is estimated from a freezing point loviering experiment to be 128 g/mol. The molecular formula of the sample & CHO, D. Hy02 A Cots © Gute 8 City ©. Cty BALANCING CHEMICAL REACTIONS ‘chemical equation ia atten symbolic representation ofa chemical reaction. The reactant chemicals are given on the left-hand side and the product chemicalson the right-hand side. The law of conservation ‘of mass states that no atoms can be created or destroyed in a chemical reaction, so the num in the reactants has {o.balance the number of atoms that are present in the products METHOD 1: Using traditional balancing technique EXAMPLE 15: Given unbalanced equation: C3}j + 02 -+ #0 +CO, Solve the coefficient of ©, to the balance equation ‘STEP 1: Write down the number of atoms per each element on each ‘ide ofthe equation ‘GiHig + Op > HyO> Cp C=3 Hes O=2 FOOD FOR BRAIN: Always leave the hydroden and oxygen as the ast .20e to be balanced. If you have more than one element lft to balance, Select the element that appears in only a sinale molecule of reactants {and in only a single molecule of products, lo}z|o} STEP 2; Balanced the carbon atoms fist. Multiply CO; by 3 in order to ‘get 3 on the right side, Gly +0; > HO + 300, C=3 c=3)=3 Hes H=2: =z =i +32) ‘STEP 3: Balance the hydrogen atoms next. Multiply H:0 by 4 in order to get 8 on the right side, . C10 HOT I, Cas=3. HeaQ)=8 C (i) + 30) = 10 ‘STEP 4: Balance the oxygen atoms next. Multiply O: by 5 in order to. ‘get 10 on the left side 7 Gilg +50; > 41,0 + 300 3 ( 2) i) + 3@) = 10 c ANSWER: The coefficient of O25, ‘METHOD II; Using algebraic balancing technique EXAMPLE 16: Given unbalanced equation: FeS +0, -» Fe,0, + SO, ‘Solve the coefficient needed for $O2 gas in the balanced equation? STEP 1: Write the equation by assumina unknown variable coefficients Page 4/10 In each compound in the equation. Then, write down the number of ‘atoms of each element on each side ofthe equation ‘Be FeS +O Oz > CoP E703 + doS0p Fe=2e Sad Ga 3c42d ‘STEP 2: Write down the equation of each element per side of the equation (atoms to the left = atoms to the right) 2b=3c+2d-+eq3 STEP 3: Assume a = 1 -> then solve the other coeffisents algebraically Tas 1,thenc= ‘and d= 1 2 = 3) +200) bed ‘STEP 4: Replace the resuting values of coefficients, then reduce the ‘coefficients In the equation to the smallest whole numbers FeS + 20, -+ }Fe03 +50, -» multiply by 4 4F 5 + 70, + 203 +480, -» final balanced equation ANSWER: The coefficient of SO: Is 4, ‘TEST YOURSELF: ‘52, Given unbalanced equation: C3Hy (OH)s +O, + CO, +120. What i the coefficient needed for water, HO? A3 cs Bz D4 53. Given: C4Hig2 +02 -» CO2 +H, . What is the coefficient ‘needed for the HO to balance the equation? Al Cz B2 '54, What coefficient is required for HC! in order to balance the equation, Ca(OH), +HCI> Cad; +0 7 AL G2 B3 b4 '55, Given unbalanced equation: Na,CO3 + HCI-> NaCl+ H;0-+ CO, . ‘What isthe smallest possible whole number coefficient for NaCOs In the balanced equation? AL c4 Ba D2 6, If the skeleton equation, FeS2 +02 ->Fe03 +02 is made batanced, what is the coefficient needed for the O: gas? A2 C4 B7 on 57. Given the unbalance chemical equation, N205 ->NO, +0. ‘What Is the coefficient needed for the NOs to balance the ‘equation? A4 c3 Bt D2 ‘58. When the equation, CrpS3 +HCI+ CiCls +HpS ts balanced, the ‘coefficent of HCI is _. A4 c3 BS Dé 59. Given unbalanced equation: CqHyo +02 -> Cz +H20 . What is the coeficent needed for the CO; to balance the equation? A8 Gil B.10 ry ‘Atomic mass: B Holanty (or moiar concentration) is one of the most common unit of Concertration used in Chemisty. It is defined as the aumber of moles of solute dissolved pee liter of solution. moles of solute 4. ae ‘volume of solution in liter v Note: The symbol for molarity is capital M (means moter), its unit is called molar ‘FOOD FOR THE BRAIN: Solute isthe substance dissolved while solvent is the solution where the solute is being dissolved. Example, sugar (solute) dissolve in water (solvent). EXAMPLE 17: What is the molarity of NaCl solution in which 175 9 of [NaCl Is alssolved in 750 mL of solution? Atomic mass: 3545 = 23;0= Formula mass NaCl = 1(23)+1(35.45) = 58.45 g/mol n= 15 gnaax — 03 na 545960 velay OE FBS _ Dy Volume of solution in iter 0.75 EXAMPLE 18: What is the molarity ofa solution obtained by dissolving 25 g of NaCl in enough water to produce 4 of solution? ‘Atomic mass: Na = 23; Cl = 35.45 Fomula mass NaCl = 1(23)+1(35.45) = 58-45 g/mol Amol 58459 n= 259 x 4277 mol ‘umber of moles 277 Volume of solution in iter 4 1067 M Mokarty = EXAMPLE 19: How many liters of 2 M solution can be produced from 1184 g of ethyl alcohol Cy CH, OH? = 12) H=1,0= 16 CHC OH + C=2; HG; 01 Formula mass = 12(2) +1(6) +16(1) = 46 g/mol n= 104 9x4 mot 469 Motarity = RUmber of moles yy volume In hers v veces. 2iters M2 ‘TEST YOURSELF: 660, If L of solution contains 4.5 mol of solute, what isthe molarity of solution? A225M c18M BL25M DOM (61, What isthe volume of a 2M solution that contains 0.5 mol of saute? ‘A400 mL, ©. 200 mL 8.250.mL 1D. S00 mL. 162, Calculate the molarity of a solution containing 0.5 mol in 2.5 L? ASM 02M 8.05 B.125M How many moles of solute are contained in a3 Iter of a 1.8 M sdlution? Page 5/10 . ROJAS ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING REVIEW CENTER A.5.4 mot 74. A 25 mL of a solution of 2.5 M HCI is given. To what volume must B33 mol Ibe dlted to obtain 9 concentration of 0.5 M2 ASmL © 20mL 64, What s the molarity of a solution containing 14.63 g of NaCl in 8.125 mi. . 100 mL (658 mL? Atomic mass: Na = 23; C= 35.45, A045 ©.036m 75, How many mk of water must be added to 50 mL of 10 M HNOs B.025M 0.058 Drepare 4M HNO? ASOmL 125m 65, An averoge cup (250 ml) of coffee contains 125 mg of caffeine, 8.250 mL 075m CattyoNyO2 . What is the molarity of caffeine in the coffee? Acomen c.007a 76. Twenty milters of 0.15 M KOH was required to neutralize 47.5 8. 0.0033 D.0.0054 M ‘mL of HCL. Calculate the concentration af the HC solution. 4.03566 ©. 0.063 M (66. What is the mass of NaCl are contained in 50 mL. ofa 1.2, eae ones Hl sor ge a my O00 FOR THE BRAIN: The unit % w/v means mass concentration in B. 3860 mg D.ss00me ‘grams of solute per milliliter of solvent, The equivalent unit is g/mL. ‘When a concentration is diluted by adding theivolume ofthe solvent, 667. What is the volume of a 0.5 M KCI solution containing 259 of KCL? the number of mass in the solute is the same. ‘Atomic mass: K= 39.10; Cl = 34.45. ‘4,700 mi ©. 745 mL me 8.680 mL 5.690 mL etre * Maer “> mass of sohte Is constant (W/V Detore Neto = (%¥ Vaner Vaner 68, A chemist needs to add 3.81 9 of glucose CyHy20¢ to a reaction mbure. Calculate the volume in mL ofa 2.53 M glucose solution EXAMPLE 22: Two liters of 9 3% wiv solution of gluacose was ‘She should use for the oadiaon: prepared from 0.75 L of a gluocase stock solutions. What was the Aioa me 972m. Concentration ofthe stock solution? 8.8.36 mL D.1.93 mL (% WI ctor Vosore = (% WIN )ype Vater QOD FOR THE BRAIN: When a concentration is cuted by adding the (34)(2L) = 00781) \olume of ie sovet the number of moles Inthe slite ls the aa ees eae cane Note: 896 w/v means 8 grams per 100 mi. Moet Voctore = Motes Veer TEST YOURSELF: EXAMPLE 20: Calculate the molaty of 1.5 Lof a 2.5 M solution after 77+ How much S¥% w/v NOC! solution can be prepared from 3 9 of thas been dluted to 4.5L. Nac 8.60 mL C15 mL See 8.16.67 mL 167 mL. (25X15) =Myner (45) 78. What was the concentration of stack saline solution if 100 mL of it Mager = 0.833 M Was used to prepare 500 ml of 0.9% wi saline? 45% 5.5% EXAMPLE 21: What volume of 0.2 M KOH is required to prepare S00 eae ey ‘mL of 0.08 M KOH? Mowaumry Meter oetore = Mater Vener ‘Mlaty's another concentration unit used in Chemistry. It is defined as (0.2) petore )= (0-08)(500) the aumber of motes of solute per kiloaram of salverk. Vpetore = 200 mi. Motalty = Moles of solute__ ‘TEST YOURSELF: inass ofthe solvent in klograms 69, How much water must be added to 100 ml of 20.75 M solution of Note: The symbol for molality is smal letter m (ml/kg), Is units KCl to make a 0.04 M solution? called motal 4.0.18 1.833 L BL75L D.1918L EXAMPLE 23: Calculate the molality of a sulphuric acid, #504 soluoncontaring 244g fs ain 1869 of water, Ao 70. What isthe oly of solaton prepared by catg 200 mot Slion contig 24.49 of st 9 0.5 M KOH to a final volume of 500 mL? m1zsM com Forde mum of $04 =2(1)61(92)-+4(86)=08 gel 244 an 0.2489 mol 71. To what volume must 10 mL of 10 M HNOs solution be diluted to 49x 989 . ‘mol produce a 0.1 M solution? Witoo ne © 500 mt ee 2000 mt 5am vey POLE 02409 a Calculate the molarity of a solution after 1.7 L of 2.06 M solution is i ot sobre 0. diluted to 2.5L. Sitedte cam EXAMPLE 24 How mony grams of Cs 0H mut be dsohed a cise 5asn 4009 of water ty 20.5 moa ston? 73, Commercial nitric acd is approximately 15.4 M, What volume of Atomic mass: C = 12; H = 1,0 = 16 ‘commercial nitric acid must be used to prepare 5 Iters of 6 M nisi acd? Formula mass CzHsOH = 2(12) +(5-+1)(1)+1(16) = 46 g/mol ALL 19st ats M108) 46 om Bast D.Lazt Page 6/10 | . ROJAS ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING REVIEW CENTER . Room 206, GMT Bulding, Comer Junquera and P. Del Rosario Sts, Cebu City mol of site _ mol GHgOH 4 5 Kgofsovent — kg H,0 04 n=02 mol Molalty = x 69, Mass of GHs0H = 02 molx #25 29.29 EXAMPLE 25: Calaat the molality ofa suiphurk ai solution of densty 1.198 glam, contalning 27% H,S0, by welght, Atomic mass, H= 1;0 = 16; $= 32.07 ‘Assume a volume of 1 cu. cm of the acid solution. Thus, its mass must be 1.1989. Mass of Hy$04 =0.27(1.198) =03246 g ‘Mass of HyO = 1.198 -0.32346 = O.87454 9 Formula mass HpSOq = 2(1)-+1(32.07) + 4(16) = 98.07 g/mo! n= 0.32346 gx aoe $8079 = 0.003298 mol __ ol of sohite _ 0.003298 mol Molaity eee ‘kg of solvent 0.00087454 kg 377 m ‘TEST YOURSELF: 79, Whatis the molly ofa solution which contains 20 g of cane sugar CyaHz2Oyy dissolved in 125 9 of water? 8.0468 C0495 m B.0424m 0.0477 m £80, The molalty of a solution of ethyl alcohol, C,HsOH in water Is 154 m. How many grams of alcohol are dissolved In 2.5 kg of water? Alzg 8. 1099 C1299 D779 81. A solution was 2.4 m and contained 245 g of solvent, Calcuate the ‘molalty ofthe solution after dilution with 125 9 more of solvent. A.5.88m 338m 8.2.29 m D.159m 82. Calculate the mass of water required to prepare a 4m aqueous ‘olution of Nib sing 25 g of Ns, 4.0329 kg ‘C0368 ko 8.0347 ig D.0.356 kg 83, Calculate the molality of an aqueous solution 2.24 m in sucrose, tates - Assume that the density ofthe solution Is 2.05 g/mL, A165 155m 8.145 m D.175 m OOD FOR THE BRAIN: The unit % w/w means mass concentration In grams of solute per grams of the total solution. EXAMPLE 25: Calculate the % w/w of 12.5 g CaCh in 1509 H;07 ‘Note: *% w/w means mass of solute per total mass of solution. 2s ‘We mass CaCh = e150 = 7.69% EXAMPLE 26: What mass of KC is required to prepare 120 g of a ‘64% w/w solution of KCI? Atomic mass: K = 39,10; Cl = 35.45, Note: 6.4% w/w means 6.4 g KCI per 100 g solution. 64 9Ka WDecciaton Mass of KCI = 120 g solar x 7.68 9 EXAMPLE 27: What isthe molality of a 10% w/w NaC solution? Note: 10% w/w means 10 @.solvte per 100 0 of the total solution. ‘As given, there are 10 g of solute (NaCl), thus there must be 90 g of solvent, so thatthe total mass ofthe solution is 100 9. ‘temic mass, Na = 23; Cl = 35.45 Formula mass NaCl = 1(23) + 1(35.45) = 58.45 g/mol n=109x oe) =0.171 mol 5845 9 many = MOLSFsoe O47 MLN gy ‘igofsovent 0.09 kg water ‘TEST YOURSELF: £4, Calculate the numberof grams contained in 5 9 of a 12% w/w aqueous glucose solution, A218 9 669 829 0.1849 ‘85. How many grams of 5% w/w NaCl solution are necessary to yield 3.2 NaCl? A169 C409 8109 D649 86, What isthe % w/w of a 2.6 m solution of KBr? Atomic mass K = 39.10; Br = 79.9 AB36% ©. 21.8% 8.221% D. 244% (MOLE FRACTION ‘Another way to measure concentration is with mole fraction, defined as the umber of males of a given component of @ soltion divided by the {tial umber of mols inthe solution, _= Number of mol of a spec element ele fraction = eta moles of the solson EXAMPLE 28: Calculate the mole fraction of NaCl ina solution of 0.015 mol of NaCl dlssoNve in 50 9 of water. Fermula mass H0 = 2(1) +1(16) =18 g/mol molof H,0=50 9 x 7 -2.77!mol 189 mol of NaCl ‘otal mol 0.015 tJ oe 0.015 + 2.777 0053725 EXAMPLE 29: Calculate the mole fraction of water in a solution of 50 9 CHOH and 75g of water. ‘Atomic mass: C= 12: H = 1; 0 = 16 Formula mass CHsOH = 1(12) + (3 + 1X1) + 1(16)= 32 g/mol mol CHyOH= 509x 4721 1.562 mol 329 Formula mass H,O = 2(1) + 1(16)= 18 g/mol 1 mol molH20= 759% 4.166 mol 189 4.166 ‘mol of HzO 1.562 + 4.166 Mole fraction HO = total mol 07273 Page 7/10, EXAMPLE 30: The mole fraction of alcohol in water is 0.1. SoWve Its ‘molality, Note: 0.2 mole fraction (or 10%) for alcohol, means that water has 10.9 mole fraction (or 90%) Water has a chemical formula HO and a formula mass of 18 g/mol. mass 1,0 mol of solute gf sovent 0.0162 kg Motalty ‘TEST YOURSELF: 87, Calculate the mole fraction of ammonia in a 2 m solution of Nes in water. 8,0.0347 B. 0.0419 0.0235 D. 0.0512 88, If 20 g of ethanol (formula mass = 46) and 30 g of water (formula ‘mass = 18) are mbced together, the mole fraction of ethanol in this mbxture s_ 8.0261 0.207 0739 0.0.793 89. Calculate the molaity of an alcohol in aqueous solution if the mole fraction ofthe alcohol is 0.15. A98m 853m 69m D.Lg9m 90. A gaseous miture consists of 2 kg of oxygen Ox, 5 kg of nitrogen, [Nz and 3 kg of xenon, Xe. What s the mole fraction of oxygen ‘gas? Atomic mass: O = 16; N= 14; Xe = 131.3 02115 0.2133 8.02147 D.0.2368, 91, An aqueous solution of glucose, CH;20, has a mole fraction of (04 for glucose, What is the molality of the this solution? A3im cam 46m D.54m 92, A student has a solution with a mole fraction of 0.20 of chloroform (Qnoleculer mass 119.4) in carbon tetrachloride (molecular mass 153.8), What is the molality of chloroform in the solution? A.1328m 1.525 m B.1.193_m 1.626 m HLCALCULATIONS ‘The pH isthe concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution. A solution ‘with @ high concentration of hydrogen ions is acid A solution with a tow amount of hydrogen fons Is basic, or also known as aikafing, The pH scale Is 122. The pH number atthe middle is neutral, such as ‘water with @ 2H of 7. Thus above Zits alkaline; below Z, its acicic. “(a EXAMPLE 31: Calculate the pH of a 0.0026 M HCI solution, (+ -) =2.505 oan mt wa) EXAMPLE 32: A mass of 3.65 g of HC! in 200 mi of solution would have a pH of _. ‘Atomic mass: H = 1; C1= 35.45 Formula mass HCl = 1(1) + 1(35.45)= 36.45 o/mo! mol 459 n= 365 9x 0.1 mot . ROJAS ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING REVIEW CENTER : Room 206, GMT Building, Comer Junquera and P. Det Rosario Sts, Cebu City moles of solute Marty aa eh 05, 93, The pH of a 0.001M HCI solution is AL i B7 94. The pH of an HCl solution is 2.7. Calculate the concentration ofthe HE solution. 043M 8.0.37 0.002" 0.0.03 95, Two hundred milters of 0.5 M HC is diluted to 5 titers with water. What wil be its pH? Ald d 4 BAS D7 96. A solution is adjusted from pH 8 to pH 9. The relative oncenraton of te hyregen on (cary has changed bya factor of A100 capo 8.8/9 D.10 IDEAL GAS ‘An ideal aasis one which satisfies the equation , PV/T = constant, ‘under all Groumstances. PV = ART —» equation of state for an ideal 93s = absolute pressure of the gas Ve volume of the gas m= mass of the gas R = unversal gas constant = absolute temperature of the gas Pv, atm fo = mole pa | om | mole mole 147 psi 101.325 kPa ‘= 760 mm Hg = 29.92 In Hg = 760 tor = 1.013 bar =1 bar “Temperature Conversions: Fa2c+32; coS¢r-32) 5 9 K=C4273; ReF +460 where: C= degree Colcius; F = degree Fahrenheit degree Keirin; R= degree Rankine EXAMPLE 33: What volume would 15 g of argon occupy at 90°C and 1735 torr? Molar mass of argon = 38.95. n=iSgx oe 39959 '=0.375 mol of Argon Page 8/10 PV =n > ieal gas aw yaKT _ (0375\(0.0821)(90+4273) P 735 torr x =Laun. EXAMPLE 34: 0.40 9 ofa volatile liquid occupies 107 mL at 1 atm Pressure and 27°C. What isthe molecular weight ofthe liquid? Leatm mole-K ne. (X0.107) “RT (0082127 +273) os PV enRT +R = 0.0821. 0.004344 mot EXAMPLE 35: What is the density of oxygen gas at 20°C and § atm of pressure? Note: Since not specified, for simplicity assume a volume of 4 L PV = nRT -» ideal gas equation 5a) RT 0.0821(20+273) =0.2078 mol ‘Note: Onygen gas refers to Oa, thus is molar mass is 32 g/mot : 2a, m= 0.2078 molx 328-6659 = M8659. p= BaSS9 665 on ‘TEST YOURSELF: ‘97. A.gas has a density of 2 moles per liter at 0°C. Under what pressure is the gas? A448a0n © 58.2am B.50-2atn 0.49.5 atm ‘98. What is the pressure of 4.87 grams of hydrogen Hs that occupy 6.8 ters at 10°C? A. 7.56 atm B. 6.93 atm ©.7.72 am 0.831 atm ‘99. An alr compressor used for spraying paint has a tank capacty of (04 mi that contains alr at 27°C and 6 atm. How many moles of air does the tank hold? ‘A. 90 moles . 106 moles B. 116 moles, . 98 moles. 100, What isthe volume of 1 gram of NH at 2.3 atm pressure and 30°C? 8.926 mL ¢.332mL B, 636 mL. €.408 mL 101. Calculate the pressure of 0.44 mol of gas in a sample occupying 1666 mL at -§*C. ‘A. 1580 kPa B. 1640 kPa 102, Sulphur hexafluoride (SFs) isa colorless, odorless, very unreactive ‘gas. Caleuate the pressure exerted by 1.82 moles of the gas in 2 ©. 1420 kea, D.1470 kPa Steel vessel of volume 5.43 L at 69.5°C. A942 atm C971 atm 8.9.24 atm D.8.17 atm 103. How many moles of Helium are needed to fila balloon that has @ ‘volume of 6.45 L and a pressure of 809 mm Hg ata room ‘temperature of 24°C? Assume Ideal gas behavior. A265 0278 8.0255 D.0.223 104.An Ideal gas sample weighing 1.28 g at 127°C and 1 atm has a Volume of 0.25 L. Determine the molar mass of the gas. C168 g/mol 49.4 g/mol ‘A322 9/mol 8.805 a/mol . ROJAS ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING REVIEW CENTER b 105. Calculate the density of carbon dioxide at 0.99 atm and 55°C. A162 g/L CLD BLz2gL 0. 194g/t 106.A flask contains 1 gram of oxygen, O, at an absolute pressure of 10 atm and a temperature of 47°C. Whatis the volume of the flask? 4.91 on? Bor 68m? ©. 82cm 107.A weight of 15 g of NO gas in 8 2.24-lter container at a ‘temperature of 273°C willbe under what pressure? ‘A10atm C7 atm 8.8.atm 0.9 atm 1108. Determine the molar mass of a gas whose density at 25°C and 1 ‘atm pressure is 1.72 g/L. A.42.1 g/mol 8.40.9 g/mol 108. The density of nitrogen i 1.25 kg/m? at STP. Determine the density of rkrogen at 42°C and 730 mm mercury. A.1.40 kg/m? C.1.90 kg/m? B. 1.09 kg/m? D. 1.04 ka/m? ‘GENERAL GAS LAW Fn th eon Y= tig cost en, 7 eta. BML. Ba general gas ew TOR Both pressure and temperature must be absolute values, EXAMPLE 36: A gas in a 1.5 L container has a pressure of 245 mm, Hg. When the gas is transferred completely to a 350 ml. container at the same temperature, the pressure will be. Using the general gas law equation, % : e + temperature Is constant as given EXAMPLE 37: A sample of Ch occuples 8.5 L at 80°C and 740 mm Hg. ‘What volume will the Cl occupy at STP? ‘Note: At STP, the temperature is O°C and the pressure is 103.325 kPa or 760 mm Hg Using the general gas law equation, AM Na, (740K8.5) _ (76000) TT; ” 80+273 ~ 04273 Wy=64L ‘TEST YOURSELF: 1110. 7-L sample of gas at 0°C was cooled to -133°C at constant ‘pressure. Calculate its final volume. ABL Cab B36L 0.48L 111.4 500 mL sample of gas in 2 cylinder with a movable piston at STP {s heated at constant pressure to 41°C. What Is the final volume? ‘A. 157,000 mL C575 mL 8.435 mL 150 mL 112. Ammenia gas occupies a volume of SL at 4°C and 760 tor. Find its volume at 77* and 800 torr. A625L B.665L cet B7L 113.Given 2 500 mL sample of Hy at 2 atm pressure. What will be the ‘volume when the pressure is changed to 720 torr? Page 9/10 A237 mL. 8.528 mL ©.474 mL 1B. 1060 mt. 114.4 gas sample coupes 5 at 60°F and atmosphere pressure. Find the volume at 200°F and a gauge pressure of 50 psi, A228 ciaahe 8.193 D. 3.841 115.4 100 f volume of nitrogen at 27°C and 15 psia is compressed to. fil a tank that Is inital empty and has a volume of 5 fe. Ifthe final termperature ofthe nitrogen is 17°C, what isthe abosolute pressure in the tank? A290 pia B. 180 psia ©. 330 psla . 240 psla 116.A sample of gas at 0.83 atm and 25°C has a volume of 2 L. What ‘wil be its volume at STP? ALgL aye B16L DASE 117. The volume of one mole of gaseous water at 100°C and 1 ‘atmosphere pressure is _. A188L cra B.402L 0.3061 118. carte is pressurized to 250 kPa when the temperature is 15°C. ‘The car Is driven where the temperature ofthe tire on the asphalt ‘eaches 65°C. Estimate the new pressure Inthe te assuming no air has leaked out. ‘A. 380 kPa gage C474 kPa gage 8.359 kPa gage 1.490 kPa gage ‘MOLECULAR ENERGY OF A GAS ‘According tothe kinetic theory of gases, the average kinetic energy of the molecules of a gas is proportional to the absolute temperature of the gas. KE ==kgT > kg = Boltzmann's constant = 1.38 x 10799/K EXAMPLE 38: What s the average kinetic energy of the molecules of any gas at 100°C? HE = FhgT = 3.38 x 107%)100+ 273) =7.72 x 107 J TEST YOURSELF: 119, Mereury isa gas at 500°C, What isthe average energy of mercury ‘atoms at this temperature? A12x10"3 14x10") B.16x 103 D.1.8x 1073 120. The molecules of a gas at 10°C would have twice as much average Ke at. AD B. 566°C 859°C 293°C 121. The average kinetic energy of nitrogen molecules changes by what factor when the temperature Is increased from 30°C to 60°C. A30 C2 Biz 0.28 “The root-mean-square speed of a gas molecule s the square root of the average of V for a molecule over a prolonged time V = mms (or root-mean square) speed in m/s: ‘M = molar (or atomic) mass ofthe gas (ka/mol) T = absolute temperature in K . ROJAS ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING REVIEW CENTER Room 206, GMT Building, Comer Junquera and P. Del Rosario Sts, Cebu City 2 = universal gas constant (8.314 Y/moHK) ALTERNATE FORMULA to solve rms speed: vee P= pressure of the gas molecule (Pa) p= densi of the gas (kg/?) EXAMPLE 39: Calculate the root-mean square speed of helium atoms at 25°C. For helium, atomic mass = 4 g/mol = 0.004 kg/mol ve (RE, RCSA | ™ 0.004 EXAMPLE 40: How fast do carbon dioxide molecules travel at STP? 1363 mys Note: Carbon dioxide, CO; -» Atomic mass: C= 12; O = 16, AtSTP, the temperature is °C or 273 K. Fomula mass of CO, = 1(12) + 2(16) = 44 g/mol or 0.044 kg/mal ve PE, PETIT «553.38 me mw Y aoe EXAMPLE 41: Air at room temperature has a density of about 1.29, kg/m?. Assuming it to be entirely one gas, find the rms speed ofits moecules. ‘Assuming at STP condition, pressure is 101.325 kPa a a v E - POBD sez {£000 FOR THE BRAIN: In some books standard atmospheric pressure [s assumed to be 100 kPa. Use this value If by using 101.325 kPa, your answer isnot avaliable, F000 FOR THE BRAIN: Airis about 78% nitragen gas. Thus, the molar ‘mass of alris approximately equal to that of Ne which is 28 g/mol. If rot to arrive the correct answer, use 29 g/mol, common to books. ‘TEST YOURSELF: 122, Calculate the root-mean square speed of nitrogen molecule, Nz at 25°C. 4.525 ms ©. 515 m/s 8.505 m/s D. 535 mys 123. Compute the rms speed of O: molecules at STP. ‘4.461 mis C489 mys 8.428 m/s 0.456 mvs, 124, What isthe rms velocity ofthe molecules of air at 27" A361 mis C539 mys 8.517 mis D. 446 mys 125. At what temperature will the molecules ofan ideal gas have twice the rms speed they have at 20°C? Assoc 960 B40" 0.920% 1126. In helium gas (M = 4 a/mol) at 300 K, the rms speed of an atom 's 1350 m/s. What ls the rms speed of an oxygen molecule (M = 32 g/mol) at this temperature? A. 455 m/s C464 mys B. 446 m/s 0.477 mys 127.An object must have a speed of at least 11.2 km/s to escape from Earth's gravitational field. At what temperature will the rms speed for H, molecules equal to the escape speed? AL0x10°K C15 x 10°K B12 10°K D.18x10'K Prepared by: ENGR. ROMEO A. ROJAS JR. Page 10/10

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