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CNC SYSTEMS OSP5020M OSPSOOM-G Enhanced Function Manual (1st Edition) ME32-021-R1 3643-E P-() SAFETY PRECAUTIONS SAFETY PRECAUTIONS ‘The machine is equipped with a variety of safety devices designed to protect prevent accidents and Injuries from occurring. Still, operators must use the machine carefully and learn not to rely on these safety devices. This section describes the general safety precautions required for machine operation. Every operator must read this section carefully and observe the guidelines it describes. Before Turning on the Power (1) Make sure that doors to the operation panel and the electric control cabinet are closed. (2) Do not put any obstacles on or around the machine. (3) Turn on the main power switch before turing on the CONTROL ON switch on the operation panel. (4) Make sure that there is not dangerous elements around the machine. In Manual or Continuous Operation (1) Always follow the operation manual. (2) Never operate the machine without closing the front shied. (8) In initial grinding, check for operating conditions and interference according to the steps from no- load run to single block grinding to continuous operation. (4) Ensure the safety before rotating or moving the spindle, (5) Check the tool offset values. (6) Check the zero offset values. (7) Ensure that the spindle speed and feedrate override switches are set at 100 %. Operate the machine carefully and stop it immediately in case of abnormality. If necessary, sot the feedrate override switch to 5, 10, and 60 % etc. (8) Never attempt to touch the spindle or tool in rotation. (9) Do not touch the spindle or the tool when indexing or changing speed. The spindle may turn, (10) Never apply @ rotating torque to the spindle by operations such as retightening of milling chuck before the spindle is completely indexed. The spindle may turn. (11) Do not turn the spindle with the tool or othor parts loosely fixed (12) Be sure to stop the spindle tool and use a brush or broom when removing chips adhering to the spindle. (13) Cutting operation causes scatter of chips, coolant, and in some cases fragments of the tool. Be sure to close the cover and stay away from the spindle. (14) Load a workpiece securely on the table. After loading, ensure that there are no tightening tools left on the table, 3643-E P-(i) ‘SAFETY PRECAUTIONS: (18) Do not move the table when an operator is on it. (16) When two or more persons operate the machine, each operator should make sure of the other operators’ safety. (17) Movements of ATC, APC and AAC are large and dangerous. Operators must keep away from these units while in operation. (18) If the ATC, APC or AAC stops in the middle of operation for some reasons and you inspect the machine without turning off the power, always secure an emergency escape zone and never touch the problem unit directly by your hands. The unit may start moving suddenly. At the End of the Day (1) Clean the area around the machine. (2) Return the APC, ATC and AAC to the preset retracting position. (G)_ Make sure that all the power switches are turned off before leaving your workplace. (4) Tum off the CONTROL ON switch on the operation panel before tuming off the main power switch, In Maintenance Inspection or Abnormality Treatment (1) Pross the EMERGENCY STOP switch in case of emergency. (2) The person responsible for maintenance should grasp the points of inspection or repair before ‘maintenance work. (8) When two or more persons conducts maintenance work, they should cooperate each other by ‘exchanging signs and information, (4) Use fuses or other parts of the specified rating for replacement. (5) Turn off the power before replacing parts or checking wiring connections. (6) After removing parts for inspection or repair, do not forget to remount and securely tighten them with the screws. (7) Use calibrated measuring instruments in measuring inspections such as voltage check. (8) Use great care in handling the following high-voltage units: ~ Main breaker = Servo drive unit + VAC drive unit = Power cables (9) Do not leave any flammables or metallic parts inside the operation panel or the terminal box. For the safety precautions in machine operation, refer to the Instruction Manual for the NC Machining Center. 3643-E P-(ji) ‘SAFETY PRECAUTIONS. 5. Symbols This manual uses the following symbols to emphasize the items which must be strictly observed: REMARKS : Precaution in machine operations, Default of this item affects the machining accuracy and smooth operation. CAUTION : Default of this item causes faulty machine operation, machine damage, or possible operator injury. More care must be exercised to this item than the items indicated under “REMARKS", WARNING : Default of this item causes not only machine damage but also a serious ac- cident may result including loss of life. Sufficient care must be paid to this item, 3643-E P-(Wv) ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS TO ENSURE SAFE OPERATIONS I INTRODUCTION OVERVIEW (LIST OF ENHANCED FUNCTIONS) TM DETAILS OF ENHANCEMENTS A. MANUAL GAUGING FUNCTION SECTION 1 OVERVIEW .. 4. Gauging of incination and Comer Position R 2. Gauging the Center of Two End Faces (ID End Faces and OD End Faces) .-....-.. 2 3. Comparison and Calculation of Gauging Results ............ 2 SECTION 2 OPERATION Seeder Seeoese a 1. Gauging Workpiace’s Inclination and Comers .. 3 4-1. Calling the Gauging Screen... 3 4-2. Operating Procedure. 2 3 2. Gauging of the Center of Two End Faces (ID End Faces and OD End Faces) ....... 6 2. Calling the Gauging Screen. ® we 7 2-2. Operating Procedure ..... peed 8 2-2-1, Gauging the Center of Two IO End Faces... 8 2-2-2, Gauging the Center of Two OD End Faces é 13 2:23, Comparison and Calculation of Gauging Results... . 14 SECTION 3 PARAMETER ... 3643-E Pv) TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE B. RELATIVE ACTUAL POSITION DISPLAY FUNCTION SECTION 1 OVERVIEW oo... eee eee ee ee ees ece eee een deal BLS 21 SECTION 2 OPERATION .......6.c0s0ceseseveceeeeeeueeeeseees is sxe, | BR Selecting the RELATIVE ACT POSIT Screen. 2, RELATIVE ACT POSIT Screen 3. Reference Position Setting ............. 24 841. Setting the Actual Position at “Oo... eee esa 25 3-2. Setting the Actual Position at a Desired Position... 26 3-3. Data Setting Range and Restrictions ..........0.c0ee eee eee ees 29 SECTION 3 PRECAUTIONS . $ 30 SECTION 4 PARAMETERS 31 SECTIONS ERROR ..... otdatat' Be ©. AUTOMATIC ANIMATION DATA FILE SELECTION FUNCTION SECTION 1 OVERVIEW eee eec eee ec eeee eee ea 33 SECTION 2 ANIMATION DATA FILE 34 SECTIONS FUNCTION .. 36 SECTION 4 USE OF BLANK MATERIAL SHAPE DATA FILE ........ 36 1 9643-E P-(vi) INTRODUCTION Enhancements have been made to the OSPS020M/OSPS00N-G in order to offer users most advanced CNG functions. ‘The software version which incorporates enhancements is A708B". The control software filename is MA‘07"3B*POL. This software will be applied to machining centers which are manufactured in and after March 1992, ‘This manual has been provided to explain differences of functions before and after enhancements. Read the following manuals to get detailed information of the existing functions before proceeding to this manual. Operation Manual for OSP5020M/OSP500M-G (publication No. 9610-E) Programming Manual for OSP5020M/OSPS00M-G (publication No. 3336-E) ‘Special Function Manuals No. 1 and No. 2 for OSP5020M/OSPSOOM-G (publi and 3295-E) Instruction Manual for LMAP (publication No, 3381-E) Instruction Manual for Manual Gauging Function (publication No. 3425-E) OVERVIEW (LIST OF ENHANCED FUNCTIONS) Manual Gauging Function Gauging of workpiace's OD, ID, OD end face, ID end face, end face, in are possible, ‘ Gauging of workpiecs's OD, ID, OD end face, ID end face, end face, inclined OD end face, in- clined ID end face, inclination, and tour comers are possible. The gauging result comparison function is provided. tation, and two corners Relative Actual Position Display Function Actual position data can be expressed only in terms of absolute dimension from the zero point. ‘ A screen to display relative actual position data is provided on which actual position data can be ‘expressed in terms of incremental dimension from a desired point. DETAILS OF ENHANCEMENTS Refer to the explanation that follows. A. MANUAL GAUGING FUNCTION 3643-E Pt SECTION 1 OVERVIEW SECTION 1 OVERVIEW The following three functions have been added to the conventional manual gauging function. This manual only describes these additional functions. For basic operation and information of the manual gauging function, refer to the Instruction Manual for Manual Gauging Funetion (publication No. 3425-E), (1) Gauging of Inclination and Corner Position (2) Gauging of the Center of Two End Faces (ID End Faces and OD End Faces) (9) Comparison and Calculation of Gauging Results 1 Gauging of Inclination and Corner Position ‘in addition to gauging of comers A and B and workpiece's inclination, gauging of corners C and D and ‘workpiace’s inclination is made possible (see Fig. 1). When a comer to be gauged is selected, the contact position indicating arrow(s), associated number(s), and the corner name will be displayed in a different color. Fig. 1 Gauging Workpiece’s Inclination and Corners 3643-E P-2 SECTION 1 OVERVIEW Gauging the Center of Two End Faces (ID End Faces and OD End Faces) 'n addition to gauging of the center of two end faces by which the center of and the distance between ‘two end faces are obtained by performing two-point gauging (gauging of an end face which is parallel to the X- or Y-axis), the function which enables three-point gauging of the center of two end faces, the angle formed between the end face to be gauged and the X-axis (inclination), and the distance in the direction which is perpendicular to the end face to be gauged (width) is made possible. Whether two- point gauging is performed or three-point gauging is performed can be switched using the parameter (soe Figs. 2 and 3). It is also possible to perform two-point gauging while the three-point gauging specification is selected. Fig. 2 Gauging the Center of Two ID End Faces ‘Fig. 8 Gauging the Canter of Two OD End Faces 3. Comparison and Calculation of Gau: ig Results ‘n conventional gauging, absolute gauging results are obtained in the work coordinate system currently selected. The new manual gauging function allows gauging results to be saved using the data transfer function and to perform gauging while comparing and calculating gauging results of various gauging cycles. I is also possible to display the results of comparison/calculation (angle, gistance, coordinate value, eto.) at data columns of CAL, RESULT on the WORK GAUGING screen. 3643-E P-3 SECTION 2 OPERATION SECTION 2 OPERATION 1-4. 1-2. Gauging Workpiece’s Inclination and Corners Select a comer to be gauged from A, B, C, and D. Determine the surface of a workpiece with which the touch probe is brought into contact according to the guide drawing on the screen. Calling the Gauging Screen Select “6. INCLINE, CORNER" on the WORK GAUGING MENU screen to call the INCLINE, COR- NER screen (see Screen 1). MAN, OPERATION ro EDJEDEDEDESD! Operating Procedure Follow steps (1) to (5) below to perform gauging of workpiece’s inclination and a comer. Steps (3) to (6) are the same as the conventional gauging procedure. For details of these steps, refer to the In- struction Manual for Manual Gauging Function (publication No. 3425-E). (1) Selecting the Comer to be Gauged 1) Make sure that the following guide message is displayed on the screen and move the cursor to A, B, C, or D of GAUGING CORNER using cursor control keys. Select corner by cursor and press WRITE button Note: “A" is intially set when this screen is displayed. 2) Press the WRITE key. ‘The selected comer (A, B, C, or D) will be displayed at the data column of GAUGING COR- NER. At the same time, the display color of arraw(s), number(s), and corner name in the fe drawing will change to white. 8643-E P-4 SECTION 2 OPERATION 2) Gauging Contact Points 1, 2, and 3 After the completion of step (1) above, the cursor will automatically move to TOUCH POS 1 and the following guide message will be displayed on the screen. Touch the end face and press WRITE button In this step, bring the touch probe into contact with the workpiece to perform gauging operation. ‘The gauging direction varies depending on the comer to be gauged. Refer to Table 1 below ‘when performing gauging operation, Table 1. Relationship Between the Comer to be Gauged and the Gauging Direction Comer to be Gauged | TOUCHPOS1 | TOUCH POS2 | TOUCH POSS Comer A’ Ye Ye x Corer B Ye Ye Corner © ‘Comer D 1) Make sure that the cursor is located at TOUCH POS 1 and bring the touch probe into con- tact with the workpiece. 2) Press the WRITE key. X- and Y-coordinates of the contact point will be set. 9) Make sure that the cursor is located at TOUCH POS 2 and bring the touch probe into con- tact with the workpiece. 4) Press the WRITE key. X- and Y-coordinates of the contact point will be set. 5) Make sure that the cursor is located at TOUCH POS 3 and bring the touch probe into con- tact with the workpiece. 6) Press the WRITE key. X- and Y-coordinates of the contact position will be set. Note 1: Touch probe radius compensation data is not included in data at TOUCH POS 1, TOUGH POS 2, and TOUCH POS 3. Note 2; Each of comers A, B, C, and D must have an right angle. 3643-E P-5, SECTION 2 OPERATION (8) Obtaining Comer Position Data and Workpiece's Inclination ‘Move the cursor to CORNER POS/ANG and press the WRITE key. Corner position data and workpiece's inclination will be calculated on the basis of data at TOUCH POS 1, TOUCH POS 2, ‘and TOUCH POS 3 and be set. At the same time, gauging results such as angle, distance, and coordinate values will be displayed at data columns of CAL. RESULT. Note: The angle formed between the X-axis and contact positions 1 and 2 is set at each corner. (4) Setting Data at ZERO OFFSET NO. To obtain work zero point data on the basis of corer position data obtained in (3) above, follow the procedure below. 1) Move the cursor to ZERO OFST NO. 2) Key in the desired work coordinate system number and press the WRITE key. ‘The entered number will be set at ZERO OFST NO. (6) Setting Data at CORNER SET and ZERO OFFSET ‘The zero offset value is obtained by entering coordinate values (with plus/minus signs) of the cor- ner position with regard to the desired zero point. [F4] (CLEAR) key: Pressing this key clears data obtained in gauging operation. IF6] (BACKUP) key : — Prossing this key stores the obtained zero offset value in the NC. 1F7] (QUIT) key: _Pressing this key returns the display to the WORK GAUGING MENU screen, [F3] (CAL) key and [F1] (SET) key: These keys are not used normally 3643-E P-6 SECTION 2 OPERATION Gauging of the Center of Two End Faces (ID End Faces and OD End Faces) In addition to gauging of the center of two end faces by which the center of and the distance between two end faces are obtained by performing two-point gauging (gauging of an end face which is parallel to the X- or Y-axis), the function which enabios three-point gauging of the center of two end faces, the ‘angle formed between the end face to be gauged and the X-axis (inclination), and the distance in the direction which is perpendicular to the end face to be gauged (width) is made possible. Whether two- ppoint gauging is performed or three-point gauging is performed is set at NC optional parameter (bit) No, 48, bit 3. 0: Gauging of the center of two end faces (between two ID end faces and between two OD ond faces) is performed by two-point gauging. Note: The conventional WORK GAUGING MENU and WORK GAUGING screens are used. 11: Gauging of the center of two end faces (between two ID end faces and between two OD end faces) is performed by three-point gauging, Note: The WORK GAUGING screens for three-point gauging are provided. When “0” is set at NC optional parameter (bit) No. 48, bit 3, gauging is performed in the conven- tional manner. The explanation that follows is made assuming that “1” is set at NC optional pa- rameter (bit) No. 48, bit 3. 3643-E P-7 SECTION 2 OPERATION 24. Calling the Gauging Screen Select "4, INT END CENTER” or “6. EXT END CENTER” on the WORK GAUGING MENU screen. (see Screen 2 or Screen 8). WAN. OPERATION comm oN 2 Ge dow 0 MAN, OPERATION pec.ny oon 2 ‘SEX BO COMER reer rone over Fos 3 L eu. FELT 9.000, 2.008, ec eerrostr al ey G0 ome .008 178 portelone Souping, select ante = ca. | cee | Fem Josoae | cure 3643-E P-8 SECTION 2 OPERATION 22. Operating Procedure 2-2-1. Gauging the Center of Two ID End Faces Follow steps (1) to (5) below to perform gauging of the center of two ID end faces. Steps (8) to (5) are the same as the conventional gauging procedure. For details of these steps, refer to the Special Function Manual No. 1 for OH-OSP-HMG (publication No, 3436-€). MAN, OPERATION eam "= & Toush the end fase and geese IRLTE Button The distance between two ID end faces, the center of two ID end faces, and inclination* can be ob- tained by bringing the touch probe into contact with two (for two-point gauging) or three (for three- point gauging) points on the two end faces opposing each other. * For three-point gauging only (1) Setting an Axis This setting is necessary only when performing two-point gauging. 1) Make sure that the following guide message is displayed on the screen and move the cursor to "X" or “Y" at AXIS SELECT to select an axis along which the touch probe is moved. Select axis by cursor and press WRITE button Note: "ig intially set when this soreen is displayed. 2) Press the WRITE key. The selected axis will be displayed at the data column of AXIS SELECT. 3643-6 P-9 SECTION 2 OPERATION (2) Gauging Contact Points 1, 2, and 3 To gauge the tance between two ID end faces, the center of two ID end faces, and inolination, the touch probe needs to be brought into contact with the workpiece at three points. This is called three-point gauging. On the other hand, the touch probe is brought into contact with the ‘workpiece at two points in conventional gauging operation. This is called two-point gauging. Refer to the explanation below for details. a) Three-Point Gauging 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 8) 7 8) 9) Move the cursor to TOUCH POS 1 Make sure that the following guide message is displayed on the screen. Touch the end face and press WRITE button 12 positions gauging, select axis Bring the touch probe into contact with the workpiece. Press the WRITE key. X- and Y-coordinates of the contact point will be set Make sure that the cursor is located at TOUCH POS 2 and the following guide message is displayed on the screen. Touch the end face and press WRITE button 12 positions gauging, select axis Bring the touch probe into contact with the workpiace. Press the WRITE key. X- and Y-coordinates of the contact point will be set. Press the WRITE key. X- and Y-coardinates of the contact point will be set. Make sure that the cursor is located at TOUCH POS 3 and the following guide message is displayed on the screen. Touch the end face and press WRITE button Bring the touch probe into cantact with the workpiece. 10) Press the WRITE key, X- and Y-coordinates of the contact point will be set. Note 1: TOUCH POS 1 and TOUCH POS 2 are located on the same end face of the workpiece while TOUCH POS 3 is located on the end face which is parallel with the end face where TOUCH POS 1 and TOUCH POS 2 are located. Note 2: When the cursor is located at TOUCH POS 1, TOUCH POS 2, or TOUCH POS 3, command C will be generated auiomaticaly. Note 3: Touch probe radius compensation data is not included in data at TOUCH POS 1, TOUCH POS 2, and TOUCH POS 3, 9643-E P-10 SECTION 2 OPERATION b) Two-Point Gauging 1? 2) 3) 4) 5) 8) Move the cursor to TOUCH POS 1. Make sure that the following guide message is displayed on the screen. Touch the end face and press WRITE button 112 positions gauging, select axis Bring the touch probe into contact with the workpiece. Press the WRITE key. X- and Y-coordinates of the contact point will be set. Make sure that the cursor is located at TOUGH POS 3 and the following guide message is displayed on the screen, Touch the end face and press WRITE button Bring the touch probe into contact with the workpiece. Press the WRITE key. X- and Y-coordinates of the contact point will be set. Note 1: Do not periorm gauging at TOUCH POS 2. Note 2: When the cursor is located at TOUCH POS 1 or TOUGH FOS 3, command C will be generated automatically. Note 3: Touch probe radius compensation data is not included in data at TOUCH POS 1 and TOUCH POS 3. 3643-E P11 SECTION 2 OPERATION @) Obtaining Inclination, Distance Between Two End Faces, and Center Position 2) Three-Point Gauging ‘iter the completion of step (2) above, the cursor will automatically move to CENTER POS and command C will be generated automatically 1) Make sure that the following guide message is displayed on the screen. Press WRITE button 2) Press the WRITE key. X- and Y-coordinates of the center position, the distance between two end faces (L), and inclination (2) will be calculated on the basis of data at TOUCH POS 1, TOUCH POS 2, and TOUCH POS 3 and touch probe radius compensation data and be set (see Soreen 5). ‘At the same time, results of comparisonvcalculation (angle, distance, coordinate value, etc.) will be displayed at data columns of GAL. RESULT on the WORK GAUGING soreen. Refer to Section 3, “Comparison and Calculation of Gauging Results”. = Inclination (A) + The angle formed between the end face where TOUCH POS 1 and TOUCH POS 2 are located and the X-axis. ~Distance between: The distance in the vertical direction between the end face two end faces (L) where TOUCH POS 1 and TOUCH POS 2 ara located and the end face where TOUCH POS $ is located, assuming that they are parallel each other. ~ Center position : The canter of TOUCH POS 1 and TOUCH POS 2. (CENTER POS) MAN. OPERATION Tous Fos 2 Bias Less caries es Gm Bee 3643-E P12 SECTION 2 OPERATION b)Two-Point Gauging Select an axis along which the touch probe is moved and perform gauging at TOUCH POS 1 and TOUCH POS 3 in the conventional manner. Note that gauging is not performed at TOUCH POS 2. Inclination, distance between two end faces, and center position are obtained and set as fol- lows. = Inclination () + When "2 is sot at AXIS SELECT, 90° will be set. When "Y" js set at AXIS SELECT, 0° will be set. ~ Distance between ‘The distance in the vertical direction between the end face two end faces (L) where TOUCH POS 1 and TOUCH POS 2 are located and the end face where TOUCH POS 3 is loceted, assuming that they are parallel each other. = Center position : The center of TOUGH POS 1 and TOUCH POS 3 is ob- (CENTER POS) tained. Note: In two-point gauging, no data is present at TOUCH POS 2. MAN, OPERATION Tuo hos 3 Taam. ‘RE 232.909 ‘ ca. mee Ta sect Te (4) Setting Deta at ZERO OFFSET NO. To obtain work zero point data from corner position data in (3) above, follow the procedure be- low. 1) Move the cursor to ZERO OFST NO. 2) Key in the desired work coordinate system number and press the WRITE key. ‘The entered number will be sot at ZERO OFST NO, 9643-E P-13 SECTION 2 OPERATION [FA] (CLEAR) key Pressing this key clears data obtained in gauging operation. IF6] (BACKUP) key : Pressing this key stores the obtained zero offset value in the NC. IF7] (QUIT) key: Pressing this key returns the display to the WORK GAUGING MENU screen. IF3] (CAL) key and [F1] (SET) keys : These keys are not used normally 2-2-2, — Gauging the Center of Two OD End Faces MAN. OPERATION ea See en corer -_* conte Pos The distance between two OD end faces, the center of two OD end faces, and inclination’ can be ob- tained by bringing the touch probe into contact with two (for two-point gauging) or three (for three- point gauging) points on the two end faces facing outside (see Screen 7). * For three-point gauging only ‘The operating procedure is the same as 2-2-1. “Gauging the Center of Two ID End Faces” except that data is set with reference to OD end faces instead of ID end faces. Refer to the explanation in 2- 21, 9649-E P14 SECTION 2 OPERATION 2-2-3, Comparison and Calculation of Gauging Results In conventional gauging, absolute gauging results are obtained in the work coordinate system currently selected. The new manual gauging function allows gauging results to be saved using the data transfer function and to perform gauging while comparing and calculating gauging results of various geuging ycles. Any combination of gauging cycles, for example “INCLINE, CORNER” and ‘INT END CEN- TER", “ID” and “OD", and others, is allowed as long as “CAL, RESULT” is displayed on the WORK GAUGING screen. It is also possible to display the results of comparison/calculation (anglo, distance, coordinate value, etc.) at data columns of CAL, RESULT on the WORK GAUGING screen. MAN. OPERATION ann ‘INT Bho CoMER OL. REST 9643-E Pets SECTION 2 OPERATION (1) Transfer of Gauging Results 1) Alter the completion of gauging, press the function key [FS] (TRANSFER) on the WORK GAUGING screen. The following guide message will be displayed on the screen. INT CENTER (HO)X 162.475 INT CENTER (HO)Y 147.078 INT CENTER B 45.000 These are previous gauging results. Do you wish transfer new gauging re- sults? ! ‘This guide message indicates the type of gauging which the previous gauging results belong to, For example, “INT CENTER (HO)X 162.475" means that the X-coordinate obtained in ‘gauging of the center of two ID end faces has been transferred and that the X-coordinate val- Ue is 162.475 in the machine coordinate system. Indications on the scraen have the following meanings. END-FACE ...... Results of end face gauging have been transferred. INSIDE-DIA. ..... Results of ID gauging have been transferred. OUTSIDE-DIA. ... Results of OD gauging have been transferred. INT CENTER .... Results of gauging in which the center of two ID end faces was obtained have been transferred. EXT CENTER .... Results of gauging in which the center of two OD end faces was obtained have been transferred. CORNER ....... Results of gauging of inclination and comer have been trans- forrod. Note 1: X- and Y-coordinates transferred represent those in the machine coordinate system (HO). Note 2: “B" reprosents an angie. 2) To transter present gauging results, key in Y and press the WRITE key. To cancel transfer of present gauging results, Key InN and press the WRITE key. Note: Entry of a character other than Y is recognized to be entry of Nand transfer is not performed. ‘When Y has been keyed in and the WRITE key has been pressed, the following message will be displayed on the screen. Which result do you transfer (posit: 1. angle: 2 posit & angle: 3) 3) Select data to be transferred (1, 2, or 3), key in a desired numerical value, and press the WRITE key. Present gauging results will be transferred and saved in the NC. Data to be transferred varies depending on the type of gauging operation performed. Refer to Table 2 on the following page. 8643-E P16 SECTION 2 OPERATION Table 2. Gauging Operation and Data Transferred Type of Gauging Operation | Data Transferred When “1” is Selected | Wale Transioved XYZ end face End face position data 0 1D center ID center position data 0 ‘OD center ‘OD center position data 0 Center of ID end faces | Position data of the center of two ID end | 0 ((wo-point gauging) facos (oniy of the selected axis) Center of iD end faces —_| Position data of the center of two ID end _| End face angle {three-point gauging) faces Center of OD end faces | Position data of the center of woOD | 0 (two-point gauging) end faces (only of the selected axis) Center of OD end faces | Position data of the canter of two ID end | End face angle (three-point gauging) faces Inclination and corner: Corner position data Workpiece angle When “3” is selected, data transferred when “1” is set and data transferred when will both be transferred. Note: It has been entered while gauging is not completed, the following guide mes- sage is displayed and data transfer is not performed. (Previously transferred values remain effective.) ‘No gauging result! Press “WRITE” button and continue gauging. Press the WRITE key. Data transfer is canceled and gauging operation can be continued. ” is set 3643-E P17 SECTION 2 OPERATION (2) Comparison with Gauging Data Data obtained in other gauging cycles is convertad into the pseudo local coordinate value on the basis of data transferred in (1). Inclination, distance, and coordinate values (with reference to the zero point in the local coordinate system) will be displayed at each data column of CAL, RE- SULT. Note however calculation and display of calculation results are not executed depending on the type of gauging operation as indicated in Table 3 below. Table 3. Gauging Display and Calculation Results Calculation Results End face gauging = 1D center ° ‘OD center o Center of ID end faces (two-point gauging) ‘Center of ID end faces (three-point gauging) Center of OD end faces (two-point gauging) Center of OD end faces (three-point gauging) Inclination and corner ° © + Calculation results are displayed — 1 Calculation results are not displayed. Workpiece A is located in the machine coordinate system while forming an angle as illustrated below. The following is the procedure to obtain the distance between the reference corner position and the center of hole a, and coordinate values of the center of hole a in the xy coordinate system (pseudo local coordinate system). Reference corner position 0 xm (am, ym)... Machine coordinate systern WY) ceeeeee Pseudo local coordinate system Fig. 4 Workpiece to be Gauged D) 2) 3) 4) 5) 3643-E P-18 SECTION 2 OPERATION Select "A" for GAUGING CORNER on the 6. INCLINE, CORNER screen. Bring the touch probe into contact with workpiece A at TOUCH POS 1, TOUCH POS 2, and TOUCH POS 3 in this order and obtain comer position data and inclination. Press the function key [F5] (TRANSFER) on the 6. INCLINE, CORNER screen to transfer cornet position data and inclination obtained in step 2). ‘The following guide message will be displayed on the screen CORNER (HO)XO CORNER (HO)YO INT CENTER BO These are previous gauging results. Do you wish transfer new gauging results? (YIN) Key in ¥ and press the WRITE key. The following message will be displayed on the screen. Which result do you transfer? (posit: 1 angle: 2 posit & angle: 3) Key in “3” and press the WRITE key to transfer comer position data and inclination. ym Workpiece A % and Y-coordinate values of comer A are x0 and y0, respectively. H(O)X x0 HO)Y yo Inclination 8 .. 0 Fig. 5 Gauging of Inclination and Comer 3643-E P19 SECTION 2 OPERATION 6) Quit the 6. INCLINE, CORNER screen and display the ID gauging soreen. 7) Set the touch probe inside hole a and bring it into contact with the hole ID at TOUCH POS 1, TOUGH POS 2, TOUCH POS 3, and TOUCH POS 4 to set contact position data. After data has been set at TOUCH POS 1, TOUCH POS 2, TOUGH POS 3, and TOUCH POS 4, the cursor will automatically move to CENTER POS/RAD. 8) Make sure that the cursor is located at CENTER POSIRAD and press the WRITE key. Data will be set at CENTER POS/RAD. (Fig. 6) Hole a wth -- GJ {0\- Workpiace A X- and Y-coordinates of the center position obtained in |D center gauging are taken as xt and yt, respectively. Fig. 6 ID Center Gauging X- and Y-coordinates of the center of hole a will be displayed on the screen. These coordinates fre calculated on the basis of comer position data transferred in step 5) above and are ex- pressed 2s coordinate values in the local coordinate system which is obtained by rotating the ma- chine coordinate system by £. ‘The following data will be displayed at data columns of CAL, RESULT. CAL. RESULT X: The distance between the reference point (x0, yO) and the center of hole a ‘along the X-axis in the local coordinate system (x, y). CAL. RESULT Y: The distance between the reference point (x0, yO) and the center of hole a along the Y-axis in the local coordinate system (x, y). CAL, RESULT L : — The distance between the reference point (x0, y0) and the center of hole a CAL. RESULT g: The angle formed between the X-axis and segment L in the local coordi- nate system ‘Angle B displayed at CAL. RESULT i is completely different from angle B which is ob- tained in gauging operation and is transferred. Note: Fig. 7 Local Coordinate System after Comparison/Caleulation 3643-E P-20 SECTION 3 PARAMETER SECTION 3 PARAMETER NC Optional Parameter (Bit) No. 48, bit 8 0 Gauging of the center of two end faces (between two ID end faces and between two OD fend faces) is performed by two-point gauging as conventionally. 1: Gauging of the center of two end faces (between two ID end faces and between two OD ‘end faces) is performed by three-point gauging. B. RELATIVE ACTUAL POSITION DISPLAY FUNCTION 8643-E P-21 SECTION 1 OVERVIEW SECTION 1 OVERVIEW This function displays relative actual position data of each axis with regard to the reference point on the RELATIVE ACT POSIT screen, Tho reference point can be set at any position for each basic and additional axis independently. Similarly, relative actual position data can be displayed for each basic and additional axis indepen- dently. 8643-E P.22 SECTION 2 OPERATION SECTION 2 OPERATION 1. Selecting the RELATIVE ACT POSIT Screen Follow the procedure below to display the RELATIVE ACT POSIT screen. 1) Press the function key (F2] (ACTUAL Operation Mode Screen POSIT.) in the automatic, MDI, or manual ae GaN) OPERATION ami Ow X 2287.99: Y 1546.189 2 2287.989 F 1000, s a 2) Press the page key ( {C3] or repeatedly until the RELATIVE ACT POS- IT screen is displayed. X 2287,959 A 349.999 Y 15a0.188 2 2287.989 SSS aeD 3643-E P-28 SECTION 2 OPERATION RELATIVE ACT POSIT Screen ‘The RELATIVE ACT POSIT screen looks like as follows, AUTO: OPERATION memRnn x 2287.999 A 349.999 Y 1549. 189 2287.989 (8) Actual Position Data (1) Axis Name Indicates a basic axis name (X, Y, of Z) or an additional axis name (A, B, C, etc.). ‘An additional axis name is displayed only when an additional axis has been selected. (2) Mitror image Etfective When mirror image is effective, a minus sign *—" is placed preceding the axis name, When mirror image is not effective, no sign is placed. (3) Actual Position Data Reletive actual position data calculated using the following equation is displayed in the selected unit system. Relative actual position data of an additional axis is displayed only when an additional axis is se- lected, Relative actual position data = (coordinate value output from the encoder!) ~ (reference posi- tion'2) ~ (too! length offset value) - (machine zero point) “ Whether or not the manual shift amount is added can be set at NC optional param- eter (bit) No. 6, bit 7. ‘The reference position is the zero point (in the machine coordinate system) for the Felative actual position. For the procedure to set the reference position, refer to 3. “Reference Position Setting” 8643-E P.24 SECTION 2 OPERATION (4) Reference Position ‘The reference position is the zero point in the machine coordinate system and is used to display the relative actual position, of, in theit words, the zero point in the relative coordinate system, ‘The reference position is calculated form the equation below and displayed for each axis in the selected unit system, Relative actual position data of an additional axis is displayed only when en additional axis is se- lected. Reference position = (output from position encoder “1) ~ (actual position value *) — (tool length off- set value) — (machine zero point) Like the actual position display, it is possible to select whether or not the manual shift amount is includad in the output form the position encodar by setting data at NC optional parameter (bit) No. 6, bit 7. 2 ...... Where the actual is set is input. Reference Position Setting ‘The reference position is the zero point (in the machine coordinate system) which is used to display the relative actual position, or, in other words, the zero point in the relative coordinate system. The reference position can be obtained by setting the coordinate value of the actual position, Tho reference position can be set in two different manners : by setting the actual position at “0” and by setting the actual position at @ desired position. To sot the reference position, press the function key [F8] (EXTEND) in the automatic, MDI, or manual operation mode repeatedly until functions “RELATI, ZEROSET” and "RELATI, PRESET” are assigned to function keys [F2] and [F3], respectively. FATE RAT 9643-6 P-25 SECTION 2 OPERATION 3-1, Setting the Actual Position at “O” Follow the procedure below when setting the actual position at "0" in the relative coordinate system. 1) 2) Press the function key [F2] {RELATI.ZEROSET) in the automatic, MDI, or manual operation mode. The prompt "=RPZS" will be displayed con the console line of the CRT screen Key in axis address(es) for which “0” is set through the keyboard. When no axis address has been keyed in, “0" is set for all axes. Example: To set “ for X and Z axes =RPZS XZ Key in axis addresses 3643-E P-26 SECTION 2 OPERATION 3-2. 8) Press the WRITE key. > x 2.000 8 y 15aa, 189 [ean ers |tao crs leanleaolcaala] ‘The reference position with which the actual position of the designated axis is “0” is obtained and rel- ative actual position data of the designated axis will change to “0”. Setting the Actual Position at a Desired Position Follow the procedure below when setting the actual position at a desired position. 1) Press the function key [F3] AUTO OPERATION mecaran (RELATL.PRESET) in the automatic, MDI, eae or manual . r manual operation mode. So thves a The prompt “=RPPS" will be displayed ‘on the console line of the CRT screen. y 1509..189 3643-E P-27 SECTION 2 OPERATION 2) Key in axis address(es) and numerical val- Ue for which the actual position is set at a desired position through the keyboard. ‘When no axis address has been keyed the actual position is set at a desired posi- tion for each axis. Example 1: To set the actual position of X and Z axes at 200 and 300, respectively =RPPS saneeaen Key in axis addresses and numerical values. Example 2; To set the actual position of all axes at 100 =RPPS 100 Key in a numerical value without specitying axis addresses. 9643-E P-28 SECTION 2 OPERATION 3) Press the WRITE key. x 200.008 349. 999, Y 1549.18 2 300.000 aM Mamae Note: Pressing the WRITE key without keying in address(es) and numerical value(s) does not set anything. 9643-E P-29 SECTION 2 OPERATION 3-3, ay (2) Data Setting Range and Restrictions Data is input in the unit system (metric or inch) employed for machine operation and the decimal Point position is fixed. For example, when “1” has been input while the 0.001 mm unit system is selected, itis recognized as 1mm. The same rule also applies to the inch system, Data can be set within the following range. For linear axes: -99999.999 mm to +89999.999 mm (when the inch system is solocted, the entered value is converted into a metric value and checked if tis within the above range.) = For rotary axes: -99999.999° to + 99999,999° (for the 0.001° unit system) ~99999.999" to +98999,999° (for the 0.0001° unit system) 3643-E P-30 SECTION 8 PRECAUTIONS SECTION 3 PRECAUTIONS a) 2) @) (4) 6) 6) m” Data is input in the unit system (metric or inch) employed for machine operation and the decimal point position is fixed. (For example, when “1* has been input while the 0.001 mm unit system is selected, itis recognized as 1 mm.) ‘When changing the reference position of all axes including rotary axes, the entered value is inter- preted as length and degree. ‘The reference position cannot be set for an indexable axis. In this case, the actual position data is displayed on the RELATIVE ACT POSIT screen, However, when axis designation was not made with reference position setting, indexable axis, causing no error. is set at the When the power is tured off, reference position data becomes “0” since it is not backed up by turning off of the power. (The machine zero point is employed as the reference position.) However, when actual position data in the work coordinate system is rounded (parameter (bit) No. 2 bit 1 is ON) with the multiturn rotary table specification, reference position data is calculat- ed in reverse order. Therefore, when the work zero point is other than "0", a value other than “0” is sot as reference position data. Work coordinate values do not change when the reference position has been changed. ‘When the relative actual position value is smaller than -89999.999 mm (-9989,9998 inch for the inch system), "~ OVERFLOW" will be displayed on the CRT screen. ‘When the relative actual position value is larger than +99999,988 mm (+8899.9999 inch for the inch system), "+ OVERFLOW” will be displayed on the CRT screen, The display of the relative actual position of a rotary axis (rotary table) varies depending on the rotary axis specification, 1) Rotary table and indexable axis specification ‘The relative actual position is displayed within 0° and 880°. The reference position is also displayed within 0° and 360°. 2) Rotary axis with limits and mult-tum rotary table ‘The relative actual position obtained using the equation on page 23 is displayed as it is. With the multtum rotary table, whether or not relative actual position data is expressed within 0° ‘and 360° when the NC is reset can be set at NC optional parameter No. 2, bit 1. When the additional axis is removed with the removable axis specification, “OVER- FLOW" willbe displayed as relative actual position data. 9643-E P.31 SECTION 4 PARAMETERS. SECTION 4 PARAMETERS (1) No. 2, bit 1 This parameter sets whether or not the work coordinate value is rounded when machine opera- tion is reset with the mult-turn rotary table specification. 1: Rounded o Not rounded (2) No.5, bit7 This parameter sots whether overlap is added to actual posit 1 ‘Added 0 : Notadded not the shift amount due to manual interrupt or pulse handle n data and graphic display data, 3643-E P.32 SECTION 5 ERROR SECTION 5 ERROR 2645 Relative actual position set axis name During zero setting or presetting of the relative actual position, alphabetic character(s) oth- fr than axis addresses are used. Or an attempt is made to set an indexable axis. Character-string None Code Hexadecimal number of the ASCII cade af the axis on which the error has been generated Measures to Take : Specify correct axis address(es). C. AUTOMATIC ANIMATION DATA FILE SELECTION FUNCTION 9643-E P-33 SECTION 1 OVERVIEW SECTION 1 OVERVIEW Conventionally, to register a blank material shape using an animated drawing, the following steps must be performed: |) Creating a program using the program edit or blank material definition function. il) Selecting the created program by designating the program selection command, i) Pressing the CYCLE START button. The OSPS020M/OSPS00M-G installed with software version after A709B* is provided with the auto- matic animation data file selection function. With this function, a file which is output using the biank material shape definition function is called the “animation data file” and a blank material shape can be ‘registered in the following manner: |) Checking whether or not an animation data file having the sama filename as the main program name is present while selecting 2 main program by designating the program selection command. ji) Selecting automatically the animation data file having the same filename as the main program name after the main program has been selected. iil) Registering automatically the blank material shape. 9643-6 P34 SECTION 2 ANIMATION DATA FILE SECTION 2 ANIMATION DATA FILE A file which is output using the blank material definition function is called the “animation data file". When a filename is not designated, filename “A.ADT" is assigned automatically. = A desired filename can be designated. - The filename extension is fixed at “ADT”. 9649-E P-35 SECTION 3 FUNCTION SECTION 3 FUNCTION ‘An animation data file which has the same filename as the main program name and the filename ex- tension "ADT" is selected and the blank material shape is registered with the animated drawing. Operation example: 1) Select main program *ABC.MIN" using the program selection function. =PS ABC.MIN 2) After main program “ABC.MIN” has been selected, animation data file “ABC.ADT” is searched. ‘When it is present, the following message will be displayed on the CRT screen and the blank material shape with the animated drawing will be registered. Animation data file read Note: When an error has been generated, the blank material shape with the animated drawing will not be registered. In this case, the blank material shape previously registered will be effective. 3643-E P-26/E SECTION 4 USE OF BLANK MATERIAL SHAPE DATA FILE SECTION 4 USE OF BLANK MATERIAL SHAPE DATA Since the blank material shape data file which was created by the OSP installed with sofware pre- vious to A709AR has a filename extension “MIN”, the automatic animation data file selection function ‘cannot be applied to it. To do s0, follow the steps below. 1) Give the blank material shape data file the same filename as the main program name, 2) Change the filename extension from “MIN* to “ADT", 3) Follow steps 1) and 2) in SECTION 3 above. ‘Note: The blank material shape data file can be used as it is. In this case, the same operating Procedure as with the software previous to A709AR applies: 1) Select the blank material shape data file by designating the program selection com- ‘mand. 2) Press the CYCLE START button. The blank material shape with the animated drawing will be registered. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS lication No. Date Edition 3643-E March 1992 Ist A7O9B* This manual may be at variance with the actual product due to specification or design changes. Please clso note that specifications are subject to change without netice. +9305.07-150 ©

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