Literary - The Cozener's Kiss - Guhiting, Danes - 12.5.19 - Edited by Kael - No.2

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Article: Literary- Short Story

Title: The Cozener’s Kiss

By: Danes Clauei A. Guhiting

“Ding dong!”

She’s home! My tail began to wiggle as if I am too excited to see my owner—Betty. I would do
anything just to see her every single day. I love to see the softness of her heart-shaped lips, sparkling
hazelnut eyes that shine every time she sees me, her silky smooth, brown shoulder-lengthed hair that
touches my skin every time she gives me a pat, and of course, who could resist her bright smile that lights
up my day? She feeds me every morning, noon and night. She really knows when I am hungry. I always
love the way she takes me into bubble baths where I get to play with bubbles. Oh! I wanna see them pop
and just pop!

Betty and I met each other’s fate when I was just about two months old. I was sold from my former
owner who owns a barn somewhere in Panglao, Bohol. She used to take care of lots of animals such as
cows, chickens, goats and us, pigs. I think that was the main reason why she sold me to Betty’s parents
because she can’t handle many animals to take care of anymore. That day was both heartbreaking and
memorable. Heartbreaking because I had to leave mother behind and my six other siblings. I remember
what my mother told me, “This world will always be cruel. Know your purpose.” From then on, I always
remember those words. But I am glad I found my most favorite person in the world.

Ever since then, Betty started to mark a place in my heart. She always makes sure that I am fine.
Her father, Mr. Roger, gave me place to stay—a home for my own comfort. It’s pretty simple, though. I
have a place in the corner where I can sleep tight with my favorite cloth, just enough to keep me warm. I
also have a circular rubber wheel in my home where I get to eat my food and drink plenty of water. I was
also fond of playing on the muddy corner of my mini-home. The sad thing was, I can’t go out on my own
to feel the grass, run around in circles and chase birds all day long. But, at least, I was safe and sound.
Betty always feeds me with something weird and somewhat artificial. I guess they call it “feeds” and guess
what, I liked it anyway. It always makes me full! Burp!

By the way, I was not the only pig in the house. Beside my home lived another pig. I never got to
know her name, but I know she is a girl. If Betty was the one feeding me, she had Marco, Betty’s older
brother. I think they too, are close to each other. But one morning, she was taken away from her home.
Well, she was bigger and older than me though. Her cry was so loud and she sounded like she was really
in grave danger. I didn’t know why, but there were men taking her out of her cage and they began to bind
her with rope. I felt pity for her. I know Betty would never allow that to happen to me.

I remembered days ago, before that incident, the pig-from-the-other-side was not eating. I
thought she was very ill. She had no appetite at all and was not responding to anything. But before it all
began, she was given lots of food one night. It was as if she was having a feast of her own. I bet she got
really full that time and I suspected that was the reason of her being sick. Anyway, I wished she got well
after a few days.

“Wilbur, here’s your food!”

There she was! Her sweet voice sounded so satisfying. Oh! She was bringing food—plenty of food.
What a feast! But wait, I had to eat moderately. I did not want to end up like the other pig. Thanks to
Betty, I slept well that night. I loved Betty so much. Suddenly, she kissed my forehead. It felt amazing! I
never felt so cared for and cherished in my whole life. That was the sweetest thing she had done to me
and by far the best day of my life. I got a kiss from my most favorite human. She even said, “I want you to
know that I love you always, Wilbur.” If only I can respond to her, I would have said, “I love you, too,


I woke up with a full stomach—must have been the food the night before. I stayed in one corner
of my home and just lied there. My body did not feel the same. I felt like anytime, I had to throw up.
Luckily, I didn’t. What brightened my day was the thought of Betty. Oh, I was so excited to see her again.
I took a nap just to pass through the time but when I woke up, there was no sign of her. It’s already past
twelve noon and I have not eaten yet. Maybe she was just busy, I thought. Maybe they had to go
somewhere; her family loves to go out together. Maybe she went out with her friends. Maybe…just


It’s been two days already and I was not able to eat anything since that night. I was starving. I
needed to eat but my body felt so numb already. All I had was water and I could not even drink anymore.
I asked myself, “What could have possibly gone wrong?” My mind was already filled with pessimism. What
if they left me already? What if Betty doesn’t love me anymore? What if they wanted me dead?

What if?

My body was always shaking, and my knees went into an extensive trembling for days. I felt like I
was gonna die. Suddenly, Betty came. I began to move towards her with such adrenaline. I was so glad to
see her again. She leaned towards me and gave me a kiss—this time, it felt different. Her eyes were not
sparkling anymore but instead, tears were falling down from them. I knew it. She was crying. I did not
have a clue why, but I just did not want her to see being sad. I could not bear to see my favorite human
hurting with a hidden pain behind her eyes which I always looked up with so much joy and hope.

Then these men came, strangers that I’ve never seen before. Betty stood up and walked away,
turned her back against me. Suddenly, one man grabbed hold of my feet and the other men took over my
body. I could not move. I shouted Betty’s name and cried for help but she just covered her eyes with her
hands, sobbing, as her brother calmed her down. The men brought me somewhere and there, I saw blades
and giant knives on display.

It all sunk in. This was a scenario familiar to me—back when I was just in the barn. I knew then
and there that something wasn’t right anymore, and I only had to realize these things, minutes before I
had to get butchered. The other pig next to my place must have experienced this. I shouted as they started
to shave my hair off my skin.



I felt so betrayed.

From that moment, I got it already. What my mother meant when she said the words, “This world
will always be cruel. Know your purpose,” was true. I found its meaning before me. This is my purpose,
just like other pigs out there. No human could ever love a pig for real. I knew Betty could have done
something to stop me from getting killed, but she didn’t. I never imagined my favorite person could do
that to me, seeing me butchered, killed—slaughtered alive. There was nothing to do anymore until I felt
an electric shock all over my body…

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