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A Course Manual 

Theory of Structures‐II 

First Published: April, 2010 

  Rohit Kumar Adhikari   
This  manual,  “Theory  of  Structures‐II”,  is  the  first  in  its  kind  which  covers  whole  course  (with 
theory and numerical) that is contained in the syllabus of ‘Theory of Structures‐II’ for 3rd year I‐ 
part, prescribed by of Institute of Engineering, TU. Each chapter is followed by a comprehensive 
theoretical  background  with  a  number  of  solved  numerical  problems.  Explanations  are  also 
provided in examples wherever required. New concepts are incorporated and explained in simple 
manner and in some cases, where knowledge of previous courses is sufficient, the calculations are 
done  silently.  Theory  of  Structure‐I  is  the  basic  pre‐requisite  for  this  course.  Similar  sign 
conventions  are  followed  throughout  the  text,  so  that  no  one  gets  confused  with  the  sign 
conventions, and you are advised to do so. 

The language and problem solving technique are simple and lucid so that the readers can get the 
subject  matters easily. Various tricks and concepts, which are required for solving the problems 
faster, are included wherever possible. 

Although great efforts have been made to minimize the errors in the numerical problems, there 
might be some left unnoticed. Also, there might be some typographical errors left uncorrected. 

I would be grateful towards suggestions, corrective criticisms and feedbacks. 

At last, I am thankful to all my friends (063BCE (E/F)), who encouraged me for this task, or else, it 
would have been confined to my notes only. 


                    Rohit Kumar Adhikari


© Rohit Kumar Adhikari

Sign Convention:-

Above figure shows the sign convention adopted and don’t forget it.

While using the equations of static equilibrium, +ve directions of unknown forces are always
assumed to be in upward direction and rightward, and for moment, the same is assumed to be
clockwise. If the value obtained after calculation is –ve, then, we realize that its direction is

While drawing SFD, +ve values are drawn upwards from the baseline and vice-versa, and for
BMD, sagging moments are taken as +ve, and hogging moment as –ve and we draw +ve values
downwards from the horizontal base line.

In case of truss the tensile force is taken as +ve and vice-versa. In case of temperature changes in
trusses, +ve sign is given for increase in temperature and vice-versa. In case of fabrication error
(misfit), +ve sign is given for too long and –ve for too short members.

While drawing BMD, mainly in slope deflection or moment distribution method, it is done directly.
First joint moments are plotted. Then, for drawing BMD of the loading in span, we can assume
each member as simply supported because, the end moments are already plotted. So,
superimpose the simply supported moment of each member with the joint moment BMD. Plot both
assuming the horizontal line as the base line. If the simply supported moment has same sign with
the joint moment, we have to add and draw the former on opposite side but if they are of opposite
sign, then draw on the same side so that they balance each other. It may be clearer through
examples later.

1. Indeterminate Structures                   ……………………………………………    (1‐9) 
2. Theorems on Displacements              ……………………………………………    (10‐16) 
3. Consistent Deformation Method      ……………………………………………    (17‐57) 
4. Slope Deflection Method           …………………………………………..     (58‐76) 
5. Moment Distribution Method           ……………………………………………     (77‐100) 
6. ILD for Indeterminate Beams             ……………………………………………     (101‐120) 
7. Introduction to Plastic Analysis         ……………………………………………     (121‐154) 
8. Introduction to Matrix Method         ……………………………………………     (155‐170) 
1 Indeterminate Structures

1.0 Indeterminate Structures 
1.1 Introduction
Those structures, whose reaction components and internal stresses cannot be fully
analyzed by using the equations of static equilibrium, are statically indeterminate structures. For
example, the beam in the figure 1 below is statically indeterminate.

Fig 1.1

Here, we cannot solve the four unknown reactions with the help of three equations of static
equilibrium (viz. ∑ 0, ∑ 0 and ∑ 0) only. Hence it is statically indeterminate to first
degree. We need another equation to solve the reactions completely.

Statically indeterminate structures are also called redundant structures because the redundant
reaction components or members are not necessary for stability consideration. A statically
indeterminate structure possesses no redundant. A statically indeterminate structure of the first
degree can possess one redundant reaction or member, the removal of which does not affect the
statical stability. In the above beam, any roller can be removed without causing instability of the

¾ Basic Factors for analyzing structures

Followings are three basic factors for structural analysis.
• Equilibrium of forces
• Compatibility of deformations
• Force- Deformation relations

¾ Types of indeterminate structures

Followings are three basic types of indeterminate structures.
• Discrete(Skeletal) Structures
‐ Pin Jointed
‐ Rigid Jointed
• Continuum Structures
‐ Surface Structures (Like slab, shell etc)
‐ Solid Structures (Space dome etc)
• Discrete & Continuum Structures
‐ Bridges with Slabs

Rohit Kumar Adhikari

2 Indeterminate Structures

¾ Stability of Structures
There may be three types of instability in structures.
1. Static Instability: -
In statically instable structures, on the application of external loads, the structure becomes
undesirably unstable and may collapse i.e. we don’t know what the final condition will be.

Fig 1.2 Fig 1.3

Figure 1.4 Figure 1.5

Figure 1.6

In figure 1.2 & 1.3, the static instability is due to the reaction forces being parallel.
In figure 1.4 & 1.5, the static instability is due to the reaction forces being concurrent.
In figure 1.6, the static instability is due to the inadequate arrangement of members in the
2. Geometric Instability: -
In geometrically unstable structures, on the application of external loads, the structure may
change its shape but collapse of structure doesn’t occur and finally, the structure assumes
a stable shape. In many structures it is undesirable. (See Figure 1.7)

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3 Indeterminate Structures

Fig 1.7

3. Structural Instability: -
In structural instability, the structure resists the external load for some time and when the
resisting force is exceeded by the external force, it yields. For example, yield mechanism,
geometric buckling etc. (See Figure 1.8)

Figure 1.8

These three types of instability can be visualized seeing the corresponding figures below.

Figure 1.9 Figure 1.10 Figure 1.11 Figure 1.12

1.2 Static Indeterminacy

Static indeterminacy is of two types viz. external ( ) and internal ( ). The total static
indeterminacy ( ) is the sum of these two i.e. .

1. External Indeterminacy:-

It is the indeterminacy in the external reaction component.

For beam, frame and truss all,

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4 Indeterminate Structures

3 1 ,

where, r is the no. of independent reactions, d is an integer (2 or 3) for dimension (2D or 3D )and s
is the no. of special conditions.

# For 2-D structures, d = 2 and hence,  3 ,

For 3-D structures, d = 3 and so,  6 ,

# No. of special conditions, s = 1, for internal hinge

s = 2, for link

s = 1 for SF = 0

(In the 2nd panel of the truss, SF = 0)

2. Internal Indeterminacy:-
• For pin-jointed trusses
2 3 ……………..  2
3 6 ……………..  3 , where m = no. of members, j = no. joints and d =
dimension. But, for a compound truss having discontinuities for a simple truss, as that in
the figure 1.13, we have to work in parts.

Figure 1.13

m j Isi = m – (2j – 3)

A 14 8 1

B 8 5 1

Therefore, Isi = 2

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5 Indeterminate Structures

Note: - For a 2-D truss, total static indeterminacy ( 2.

• For rigid jointed frames

3 , C being the no. of cut or no. of closed loops.

Figure 1.14 Figure 1.15 Figure 1.16

Internally Determinate structures (Open Structures)

Below are two examples for rigid jointed frame.

Figure 1.17 Figure 1.18

3 6, 2 3 27

Note: - For a rigid frame, total static indeterminacy, 3 3.

• For hybrid structures

For a hybrid structure (i.e. rigid and pin jointed structure),
3 ∑ 1 , m1 being the no. of members meeting at the hinge.
Below are two examples for hybrid frame.

Figure 1.19 Figure 1.20

3 2 1 1 2 2 6 1 1 2 2

9 3 6 9 3 1 5

1.3 Kinematic Indeterminacy

Kinematic indeterminacy (Ik) is the total number of unknown joint displacement i.e. total
degree of freedom in the structure.

• For trusses
2 , for 2-D trusses.
3 , for 3-D trusses.
• Rigid jointed plane frames

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6 Indeterminate Structures

3 , if members are extensible.

3 , if members are inextensible.
Below are two examples.

Figure 1.21 Figure 1.22

            3 9 6 21   3 9 6 10 11

Members extensible Members inextensible

Figure 1.23

No sway case

• Hybrid structures

3 ∑ 1 3 , i being the no of internal hinges not at the


Figure 1.24
3 9 6 10 2 1 3 17

For complex structures, do not use formula, do count the kinematic indeterminacy.

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7 Indeterminate Structures

1.4 Examples
Find the static indeterminacy (external, internal and total) and kinematic indeterminacy of the
structures below.

Figure 1.25

6, 41, 22, 2
6 3 2 1, 0 2 0 2, 3, 2 22 6 38

Figure 1.26 Figure 1.27 Figure 1.28

9, 35, 24 3, 9, 8 4, 9, 4
6, 36 , 42, 28 0, 6, 6, 12 1, 0, 1, 8

Figure 1.29 Figure 1.30 Figure 1.31

2, 0, 2, 4 0, 0, 0, 2 0, 0, 4, 4

Figure 1.32

6 3 2 1, 0, 1, 10 , locally unstable

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8 Indeterminate Structures

Figure 1.33 Figure 1.34

3, 0, 3, 7 2, 0, 2, 10

Figure 1.35 Figure 1.36

14, 2, 9 12, 11, 30, 20

9, 27, 36, 34 9, 33, 42, 18

Figure 1.37 Figure 1.38

9, 24, 15, 15, 10 15, 33, 22, 12

6, 3 10 1 29, 35, 17 12, 3 12 5 4 27, 39, 38 

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9 Indeterminate Structures

Figure 1.39 Figure 1.40

6, 6, 10 4, 1, 13

3, 1, 4, 6 4 3 1 0, 2 12 2 7 3 2, 2, 22

Rohit Kumar Adhikari

Sign Convention:-

Above figure shows the sign convention adopted and don’t forget it.

While using the equations of static equilibrium, +ve directions of unknown forces are always
assumed to be in upward direction and rightward, and for moment, the same is assumed to be
clockwise. If the value obtained after calculation is –ve, then, we realize that its direction is

While drawing SFD, +ve values are drawn upwards from the baseline and vice-versa, and for
BMD, sagging moments are taken as +ve, and hogging moment as –ve and we draw +ve values
downwards from the horizontal base line.

In case of truss the tensile force is taken as +ve and vice-versa. In case of temperature changes in
trusses, +ve sign is given for increase in temperature and vice-versa. In case of fabrication error
(misfit), +ve sign is given for too long and –ve for too short members.

While drawing BMD, mainly in slope deflection or moment distribution method, it is done directly.
First joint moments are plotted. Then, for drawing BMD of the loading in span, we can assume
each member as simply supported because, the end moments are already plotted. So,
superimpose the simply supported moment of each member with the joint moment BMD. Plot both
assuming the horizontal line as the base line. If the simply supported moment has same sign with
the joint moment, we have to add and draw the former on opposite side but if they are of opposite
sign, then draw on the same side so that they balance each other. It may be clearer through
examples later.
10 Theorems on Displacements 

2.0 Theorems on Displacements 
2.1 Betti’s Law
Let us consider a linearly elastic structure as that in the figure in which two separate systems of
forces, Pm & Pn are gradually applied.

Figure 2.1 Figure 2.2

Let system of forces is applied first gradually and then system of forces is applied gradually.
Then, the external virtual work done, as given by the virtual work principle is,

Where, is the deflection of point of application of one of the force (in sense & direction)
caused by the application of Pn force system.

Now, let system of forces is applied first gradually and then system of forces is applied
gradually. Then, the external virtual work done, as given by the virtual work principle is,

…………………… b  
Where, is the deflection of point of application of one of the force (in sense & direction)
caused by the application of force system.

Hence, from above two equations, we can readily have,

This equation (1) is called Betti’s law.

Betti’s law states that “In any structure, of which the material is elastic, supports are unyielding and
temperature is constant, the total external virtual work done by the force system during the
deformation caused by the system is equal to the total external virtual work done by the force
system during the deformation caused by the system of forces.”

2.2 Maxwell’s Reciprocal Theorem

Now, let the both systems considered above consist of a single force P of same magnitude but not
necessarily of same point of application and direction as shown in the figures below.

     Rohit Kumar Adhikari 
11 Theorems on Displacements 

Figure 2.3 Figure 2.4

Let, , deflection of point 1 in the direction a-b due to a load P in the direction c-d at point
2, the same of point 2 in the direction of c-d due to the load P in the direction a-b at point 1.

Then, from Betti’s law, we have,

  … … … … … … ..(1)

Equation (1) is Maxwell’s reciprocal theorem. Maxwell’s reciprocal theorem states that “In any
structure, the material of which is elastic, the deflection of point 1 in the direction a-b due to the
load P at 2 in the direction c-d is equal to the deflection of point 2 in the direction of c-d due to the
load P applied at 1 in the direction of a-b.”

Figure 2.5 Figure 2.6

Figure 2.7

From these figures,  ,  , .These are very important results.

2.3 Castigliano’s Theorems

In 1876 Alberto Castigliano published his work on the variation of strain energy in systems in two

First Theorem:-

Let P system of forces is gradually applied on a structure.

Let,  total external work done

     Rohit Kumar Adhikari 
12 Theorems on Displacements 

strain energy of the structure

  ,   ,   , … … . ,     be the deflections of the point of application of the forces (in the

corresponding direction).

Now, the forces are varied by an infinitesimal amounts such that   is changed by a small amount
  and all other deflections are held constant.

Now, we have, and

But, and




,             0

  ………………………………………. 1

which is Castigliano’s first theorem.

It states that “In any structure, which is elastic and of which supports are unyielding and
temperature remains constant, the first partial derivative of strain energy w.r.t. any one of the
deflection at the point of application and in the direction of a force is equal to that force.”

Second Theorem:-

Now, let the force be increased by a small amount   . Then,


Equating these two, we get, (     0)

  ………………………………………….. 2

which is Castigliano’s second theorem.

It states that “In any structure, which is elastic and of which supports are unyielding and
temperature remains constant, the displacement at the point of application of any force in its
direction is equal to the first partial derivative of the total strain energy w.r.t. that load.”

     Rohit Kumar Adhikari 
13 Theorems on Displacements 

2.4 Examples
1. Determine the deflection under the load P in the following figure using Castigliano’s theorem.

Fig 2.8

Ans. We know, from Castigliano’s second theorem,


2             ,     
2 2 4 2

1 1
4 4 2 3 96

So,    2   .
96 48

2. Determine the vertical deflection and rotation at free end A of the cantilever beam.

Fig 2.9 Fig 2.10

Fig 2.11

Ans. To determine vertical deflection at A, let us apply a vertical load P at that point as shown in
figure 2.10.


,   x being measured from A.


     Rohit Kumar Adhikari 
14 Theorems on Displacements 

 –  1
2 2 2 4
2 3 4 20

1 2
So,    0
2 3 4

But, actually, 0, so,

  downward   .

Now, to find the rotation at end A, apply a moment P at A as shown in figure 2.11.


, x being measured from A.

 –  1 1
2 2 2 4 2 3 20

So,    2 0
2 3

But, actually, 0, so,

  anticlockwise   .
6 6

3. Find the vertical deflection at point C.

Fig 2.12 Fig 2.13

Ans. For vertical deflection at C, apply a load P as shown in figure at C. Then,


Member Origin Range M / /

AB A 0-1m -30x 0 0
BC A 1-5m -30x+(30+P/2)(x-1) (x-1)/2 [-30x+(30+P/2)(x-1)]×(x-1)/2
     Rohit Kumar Adhikari 
15 Theorems on Displacements 

So, due to symmetry,

120 1
2 30 30 1       120
2 2

= (downward) (Using Calculator) Ans.   

4. The sign board in figure weighing 2.2 KN is supported by a cantilevered steel pipe whose axis is
bent to a circular arc of 7m radius. Taking I = 50 × 10-6 m4, E = 200 × 106 KN/m2, determine the
vertical displacement at the centre of the sign board.

Fig. 2.14

Ans. Since the curvature is large in comparison to the x-sectional area, usual beam deflection
formula can be used replacing dx by ds. In this case, ds Rd .

Applying fictious load P downward at the centre of the sign board, we have, moment at any
position, M = -P   Rsin
/ /
So,    0.7854
2 2 2 2


0.7854 59.27    .

5. Determine the horizontal deflection at the joint C of the truss below. A = 100 × 10-6 m2 and E =
200 × 106 KN/m2.

Fig 2.15 Fig 2.16

Ans. To find the horizontal deflection at C, apply a horizontal force Ph force at C as shown.
Member forces are calculated and noted on the figure itself. Then,

     Rohit Kumar Adhikari 
16 Theorems on Displacements 



Member P (KN) L (m)

AB 43.3+0.25Ph 2 0.25 21.65

BC -86.6-0.5Ph 1 -0.5 43.3
AC -50+0.87Ph 1.732 0.87 -75.34
∑ 10.39


1 10.39
  10.39 5.195 10 0.5195   .
100 200

(i.e. deflection is towards left).

     Rohit Kumar Adhikari 
17 Consistent Deformation Method

3.0 Consistent Deformation Method 
3.1 Introduction
Let us consider an indeterminate structure as shown in figure which is statistically indeterminate to
the first degree, whose supports are unyielding. One of the reaction components can be considered
as being redundant i.e. extra. In our case, let us assume the vertical reaction at b as being

Now suppose we remove the roller support at b from the actual structure and consequently, the
vertical reaction it supplies. The statically determinate and stable structure after the removal of the
redundant reaction is called primary structure. We now subject this primary structure to the
combined effect of the original loading and the unknown redundant force Xb, as in the following

Fig 3.1 Fig 3.3

Fig 3.2 Fig 3.4

Figures: Procedure for the analysis by Consistent Deformation method.

If the redundant force Xb acting the primary structure has the same value as the vertical reaction at
b, in the actual structure, then shear and bending moment at any point and the reactions at a are
the same for the two structures of figures 3.1 and 3.3. Also, the deflections at any point in these
two structures must be same. Hence, since there is no vertical deflection at b in the actual
structure, so the vertical deflection at b in the primary structure due to the combined effect of
applied load and Xb, should be zero.

Now, it is possible to express this statement mathematically and thus to obtain an equation from
which the value of unknown reaction Xb can be solved.

Assuming the +ve direction of the redundant Xb to be upward, let us introduce some notations as

∆ = upward deflection of point b on the actual structure acted upon by actual loadings.

∆ = upward deflection of point b on the primary structure due to the applied load only with Xb = 0

∆ = upward deflection of point b on the primary structure due to the redundant reaction Xb only.

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18 Consistent Deformation Method

But, it is impossible to find ∆ until the magnitude of Xb is known, so let,

= upward deflection of point b on the primary structure due to a unit load (upward) at b.

Then, we can say, due to the validation of the principle of superposition, that,

  ∆   .

Here, is unit less quantity in this equation representing the numerical value only.

Now, it is a physical fact that, ∆ the total deflection is equal to the superposition of the separate
effects, namely, the applied loads and the redundant   .

i.e. ∆ ∆  ∆ …………………………………… (b)

Using equation (a) above,

∆ ∆    …………………………………… (c)

This equation is called the superposition for the deflection of the point b on the primary structure.

Since, in our case, ∆ is actually zero, so,

∆   0…………………………………………….


It is a simpler matter to compute the numerical values of deflections ∆ and by any of the
methods available for computing deflections. On substituting these values in equation (c), care
should be taken for sign. They should be considered +ve if the deflections are upward and vice
versa (+ve in the direction of redundant). Finally, if the computed sign of   is +ve, then, the
assumed direction is correct, else opposite.

Various name of this method are, a) Consistent deformation method b) Force method c)
Compatibility equation method d) Superposition method e) General method f) Flexibility approach

In applying this method, it is best & convenient to have certain notations. The deflection of point m
produced on a primary structure due to various loading condition or causes would be denoted as

∆  total deflection of point m due to all cases,

∆ deflection of point m due to condition X = 0 i.e. applied loads only and all redundants

∆   deflection of point m due to change of temperature,

∆   deflection of point m due to settlement of supports,

∆ deflection of point m due to fabrication error (manufacturing error),

  deflection of point m due to condition   1 only,

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19 Consistent Deformation Method

    deflection of point m due to condition   1 only,

  deflection of point m due to condition   1 only,

These notations will be clearer while you enter through the numerical examples.

Any redundant can be assumed to be acted in a certain sense, thus establishing the +ve sense of
that redundant. Any deflection of the point of application of that redundant should then be
measured along its line of action and should be considered +ve when in the same sense as that
assumed for the redundant.

Thus, using above notation and sign conventions, we have the following n equations for n
redundants – one equation for the known total deflection of the point of application of each of the n

∆ ∆         … … … … … … … …   

∆ ∆         … … … … … … … …   

∆ ∆         … … … … … … … …   


∆ ∆         … … … … … … … …   

The values of  ,   ,   ,……..,  obtained by solving above equations are pure numbers and
dimensionless as all the terms in the above equations should have same units. They have the
units of the unit values of them.

Redundant may be force or moment (both called force) and same designation ∆ or  can be
assigned to linear or angular deformations (deflections). The deflections can be computed by using
Moment-area method, Conjugate beam method, Macaulay method, Virtual work method etc.


In case of truss (pin jointed frame), deflections are computed using virtual work method.

Case 1:- External indeterminacy

Fig 3.5 Fig 3.6 Fig 3.7

∑ ∑
Compatibility equation is,∆   0, and ∆ &

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20 Consistent Deformation Method

Case 2:- Internal indeterminacy

Fig 3.8

Fig 3.9

Fig 3.10

Fig 3.11

Compatibility equations are,

∆     0

and ∆     0

∑ ∑ ∑ ∑
where, ∆ , ∆ ,  , 12 21


By solving these two equations, we can get the values of X1 and X2.


We study single bay, single storey frames and consider the effect due to bending only.

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21 Consistent Deformation Method

Fig 3.12

Fig 3.13 Fig 3.14

Compatibility equation is, ∆   0

where, ∆ ∑ , ∑
If there are settlements, temp. changes, fabrication errors(misfits) etc, then, compatibility equations

∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆         … … … … … … … …   

∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆         … … … … … … … …   

∆ ∆ ∆  ∆ ∆       … … … … … … … …    etc,

where, ∆ can be found by geometry, ∆     ∑ ∆ and ∆ ∑ , etc.

Integral by Graphical Multiplication:-

Fig 3.15 Fig 3.16


  Multiply the area of one of the BM diagram with the ordinate of the other at the C.G.
of the former one.

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22 Consistent Deformation Method


All of the following frames are PORTAL frames.

Single Storey, Single Bay Portal Frame Single Storey, Single Bay Portal Frame

Fixed(Clamped) at its Feet(Bases) Hinged(Pinned) at its Feet(Bases)

Double Storey Single Bay Single Storey, Double Bay Double Storey, Double Bay

In this course, you are studying only single storey, single bay portal frames.

Two Hinged Parabolic Arch:-

In two hinged parabolic arch, the static indeterminacy is one and the horizontal reaction at the
abutment is taken as redundant. The expression for horizontal reaction becomes simpler if two
requirements are imposed due to shape and proportion of arch rib. These are:

1) The curve of the arch axis is parabolic and

2) The moment of inertia of the rib at any particular section is equal to moment of inertia of the
crown multiplied by the secant of the angle  , the angle between the horizontal and the tangent to
the arch axis at that particular section.

Fig 3.17

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23 Consistent Deformation Method

Primary structure loaded with given loading

Fig 3.18

Fig 3.19

Primary structure with X1 = +1KN

Compatibility equation is,

∆   0 (Load only considered)

where, from virtual work theorem, ∆ ∑ & ∑

But,     sec , Ic being the MOI at the crown and from figure below, cos i.e.  sec

Fig 3.20

So, ∆ ∑ and ∑

Therefore, But, 1 ,

Hence, ……………… (1)

¾ Load and one support yielding (by outward) :-

Compatibility equation is

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24 Consistent Deformation Method

So, ∑ + ∑

i.e. ……………. (2)

¾ Load and both supports yielding (by outward) :-

Compatibility equation is
∆ ∆     [ ∆   ]
i.e. ∆   2

So, …………….. (3)

¾ Load and one supports yielding (yield proportional to H) :-

Compatibility equation is,

So, ……………………… (4)
¾ Load and temperature change(increase by ∆ ) :-
Compatibility equation is,
∆ ∆   0 ∆   ∆
∆   ∆
∑ ∆
So, …………. (5)

¾ Load and rib shortening :-

……………………………… (6)

¾ Load, support yielding by KH, temperature change by ∆ and rib shortening :-

∑ ∆
………………………. (7)

where,    .

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25 Consistent Deformation Method

3.2 Numerical Examples

1. Draw the SF and BM diagrams for the following beam. Take EI constant.

Fig 3.21

Ans. Here, let us take the reaction moment at end ‘a’ as the redundant as the given structure is
statically indeterminate to one degree, so that our primary structure is simply supported as shown in
figure below.

Primary Structure
Fig 3.22

Primary Structure with given Primary Structure with X1 = +1KNm only

loading only and X1 = 0 Fig 3.25
Fig 3.23

M/EI Diagram M/EI diagram

Fig 3.24 Fig 3.26

The compatibility equation is,

∆ 0……………… 1

2 1
But, ∆
3 8 2 24

1 2 1
2 3 3

So, using eqn (1) above,

0, , .
24 3 8

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26 Consistent Deformation Method

Hence, the reaction moment at a is anticlockwise and is equal to . After getting this value, the
problem is statically determinate and you can solve the problem now after.

2. Draw SF and BM diagrams for the following continuous beam. EI constant.

Fig 3.27

Ans. Let us take the vertical reaction at B as the redundant so that our primary structure is simply
supported again.

Primary structure loaded with given loading Primary structure with X1 = +1KN only

Fig 3.28 Fig 3.29

M/EI diagram M/EI diagram

Fig 3.30 Fig 3.31

Here the superposition (compatibility) equation is,

∆ 0……………………………. 1

But, from figure,

2 2 1 1 3 5
∆ 2
2 2 3 2 2 3 8 3 8 24

0.5 1 1 0.5 1
and, 2
2 2 2 2 3 4 12 6

From eqn (1),

5 5
0, So, .
24 6 4

Draw DF and BM diagram yourself.

3. Draw SF and BM diagrams. EI constant.

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27 Consistent Deformation Method

Fig 3.32

Ans. Let us choose the end moments X1 and X2 as the redundants so that the primary structure is
simply supported one.

Primary structure loaded with given loading Primary structure with X1 = +1KNm only
Fig 3.33 Fig 3.35

M/EI diagram M/EI diagram

Fig 3.34 Fig 3.36

Primary structure with X2 = +1KNm

Fig 3.37

M/EI diagram
Fig 3.38

Compatibility equations are,

(1) ∆ 0
(2) ∆ 0

Now, from figure, ∆ ∆ (Due to symmetry)

2 1
3 8 2 24
1 2 1 1 1
2 3 3 2 3 6

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28 Consistent Deformation Method

and from Maxwell’s reciprocal theorem,

Due to symmetry

So, from equation (1) and (2), substituting the values, we get,

24 3 6

24 6 3

By simply solving these equations, we get,

12 12 12

4. Draw BM and SF diagram for the beam shown below. EI constant.

Fig 3.39

Ans. It is statically indeterminate to degree two, so, let us choose the end moment and vertical
reaction at end B as redundants so that our primary structure is a cantilever beam.

Compatibility equations are,

(1) ∆ 0
(2) ∆ 0

Primary structure with given loading M/EI diagram

Fig 3.40 Fig 3.41

Primary structure with X1 = +1KNm only M/EI diagram

Fig 3.42 Fig 3.43

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29 Consistent Deformation Method

Primary structure with X2 = +1KN M/EI diagram

Fig 3.44 Fig 3.45


1 1 2 5
∆ , ∆
2 2 2 8 2 2 2 2 3 2 48

1 2
, , and
2 2 2 2 3 3

Hence, using equations (1) and (2),

8 2

48 2 3

By simply solving these equations, we can readily get,

and, Ans.
2 8

5. Draw SFD and BMD for the following beam. Take EI constant.

Fig 3.46

Ans. Let us choose the end moment and vertical reaction at B as redundants.

Then, the compatibility equations are,

1) ∆ 0
2) ∆ 0

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30 Consistent Deformation Method

Primary structure with given loading

Fig 3.47

Above figure is the superposition of the following two effects/cases.

Point load only M/IE diagram

Fig 3.48 Fig 3.49

udl only M/IE diagram

Fig 3.50 Fig 3.51

X1 = +1tm only M/EI diagram

Fig 3.52 Fig 3.53

X2 = +1t only M/EI diagram

Fig 3.54 Fig 3.55


75 1 1 200 1895.833
∆ 15 20 ,
2 3
75 15 15 200 3 28437.5
∆ 5 2 20 20
2 3 3 4
20 200 2667.667
, and

Rohit Kumar Adhikari

31 Consistent Deformation Method

From equations 1) and 2),

1895.833 20 200

28437.500 200 2667.667

Solving these two equations, we get,
47.396 tm and 14.219 t Ans.

6. Draw SFD and BMD. EI constant.

Fig 3.56

a) Support ‘b’ yields and sinks by .

The structure is indeterminate to degree two and so choose the end moment and vertical reaction
at suport b as the redundants so that our primary structure is cantilever.

Primary structure with given support settlement Primary structure with X1 = +1KNm only
Fig 3.57 Fig 3.58

M/EI diagram

Fig 3.59

Primary structure with X1 = +1KN only

Rohit Kumar Adhikari

32 Consistent Deformation Method

Fig 3.60

M/EI diagram
Fig 3.61

The compatibility equations are,

1) ∆ 0
2) ∆

Since there are no external loads, so, ∆ =∆ =0

Now, we have,

1 2
, ,
2 2 2 2 3 3

So, from above equations,


2 3

Solving these equations, we can obtain the values of unknowns as,

6 12
2 and 3 Ans.

The reactions with their directions

Fig 3.62

b) Support ‘a’ yields and allows a rotation of an angle .

Fig 3.63

Rohit Kumar Adhikari

33 Consistent Deformation Method

Displacements due to settlement

Fig 3.64

Choosing the same redundants again, the compatibility equations are,

1) ∆ ∆ 0
2) ∆ ∆ 0

From figure, ∆ and ∆ and all other drawings and values are same as before (as in
case a)).

Hence, from above equations,


2 3

Solving these equations, you can get,

2 6
and .

Reactions with their directions

Fig 3.65

7. The figure below shows a continuous beam over two equal spans. Calculate support reactions
and draw SF and BM diagrams, if the support ‘b’ sinks by . EI constant.

Fig 3.66

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34 Consistent Deformation Method

Let us choose the vertical reaction at ‘b’ as redundant. Then the compatibility equation is,

∆ ………………………… 1

Primary structure with given loading

Fig 3.67

M/EI diagram
Fig 3.68

Unit loading only

Fig 3.69

M/EI diagram
Fig 3.70

Using virtual work method,

/ /
2 2
∆ 0.5 0.25 0.25
2 2

0.5 5
8 3 16 4 384

Rohit Kumar Adhikari

35 Consistent Deformation Method

2 2 0.5
0.5 0.25
3 48

From (1),

384 48

Solving this equation, we get,

5 48

8. Draw SFD and BMD for the following beam with loads and settlements. Support ‘a’ yields and
settles upward by 3mm and allows a rotation of 1/900. Support ‘c’ and ‘d’ settle down by 3.5mm
and 2mm respectively. Take E = 10000N/mm2 and I = 2.5 104 cm4.

Fig 3.71

Ans. Given structure is statically indeterminate to degree three. Let us choose the end moment at
‘a’ and the vertical reactions at ‘b’ and ‘c’ as the redundants so that our primary structure is simply
supported. Given E = 10000N/mm2 and I = 2.5 104 cm4. Hence, EI = 25000KNm2.

Primary structure with given loading

Fig 3.72

Primary structure with X1 = +1KNm only

Fig 3.73

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36 Consistent Deformation Method

M/EI diagram
Fig 3.74

Primary structure with X2 = +1KN only

Fig 3.75

M/EI diagram
Fig 3.76

Primary structure with X3 = +1KN only

Fig 3.77

Fig 3.78
M/EI diagram

Fig 3.79

Compatibility equations are,

∆ ∆ …………………… 1
90 180

∆ ∆ 0……………………………… 2

Rohit Kumar Adhikari

37 Consistent Deformation Method

∆ ∆ 3.5 10 ………………… 3

From figure 3.79 above, we can calculate the following deflections due to settlements using simple

∆ 3.536 10 ,∆ 8.572 10 and ∆ 5.715 10

Calculations of ∆ ,∆ , ∆ using Macaulay’s method:-

Using figure 3.72 above,

10 10
61.9 30 8.08 20 13.13 6.06
2 2

10 10
61.9 30 8.08 20 13.13 6.06
2 2


61.9 10 30 20 10
8.08 13.13 6.06
2 6 2 2 6

And, integrating again,

61.9 10 30 20 10
8.08 13.13 6.06
2 6 2 2 6

Now, when 0, 0, from above equation, 0

And, when 14.14 , 0, so, 31.395


931.395 3910.257 3043.882

∆ , ∆ . and ∆ .

Calculations of other deflections using moment area theorem:-

From above figures,

1 2 14.14 4.713
14.14 0.5
3 14.14
4.713 0.571 0.429 2 12.825
6.06 6.06 3.03 6.06 6.06 0.5
4.713 0.286 0.714 2 8.745
10.10 10.10 5.05 0.5 10.10 10.10

12.825 3.463 1 56.524

6.06 0.5 6.06 6.06

Rohit Kumar Adhikari

38 Consistent Deformation Method

12.825 3.463 1
10.10 0.5 6.06 4.04 6.06
1.732 1.732 2 42.338
4.04 2.02 0.5 4.04 4.04

2.886 1 8.745 39.258

0.5 10.10 10.10

Hence, from (1),

931.395 4.713 12.825 8.745

3.536 10 1.939 10
Or, 931.395 3.536 10 4.713 12.825 8.745 1.939 10

Or, 4.713 12.825 8.745 945.083 … … … … … … … . .

And from (2),

3910.257 12.825 56.524 42.388

8.527 10 0

Or, 12.825 56.524 43.288 3888.827 … … … … … … … . .

and from (3),

3043.882 8.745 42.388 39.258

5.710 10 3.500 10

Or, 8.745 42.388 39.258 2970.657 … … … … … … … . .

Solving these equations simultaneously, we get,

40.608 , 50.570 and 12.022 Ans.

9. Draw BMD and deflected shape for the following portal frame.

Fig 3.80

Ans. Let us choose the horizontal reaction at d as the redundant.

Then, compatibility equation is, ∆ 0……………………(1)

Rohit Kumar Adhikari

39 Consistent Deformation Method

Primary structure with given loading Primary structure with X1 = +1KN only

Fig 3.81 Fig 3.82

Now, using virtual work method, (Graphical integration method used)

∆ 0 4 0
6 8 12

2 2
3 3

So, using equation (1),

12 3

1 1
, towards left .
12 2 12 2
3 3

Let us say that,

12 2

Then, the BM diagram and the deflected shape are drawn below.

Loading and reactions Free Body Diagram

Fig 3.83 Fig 3.84

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40 Consistent Deformation Method

BMD Deflected Shape

Fig 3.85 Fig 3.86

10. Calculate the end reactions of the frame hinged at the base and loaded as shown in figure
below. Take constant EI throughout.

Fig 3.87 Fig 3.88

Fig 3.89

Ans. Let us choose the horizontal reaction at d as the redundant.

Then, compatibility equation is, ∆ 0 …………………… (1)

Now, using virtual work method, (BMD drawn in the figures above)

1 3 7.875
0 1.5 3 0.75 3.75 0 3 0 0 M 0 for ab, and M
0 for be and cd

Rohit Kumar Adhikari

41 Consistent Deformation Method

1 1 3 1 82.125
0 3 3 4.5 3 4.5 2 32 3 4.5 4.5 4.5
3 6 3

Hence, using equation (1),

0.0959 Ans.

End reactions

Fig 3.90

11. Use consistent deformation method to analyze the frame below. Besides loading, there are
support settlements also, support ‘a’ allows a rotation of 0.002 radian clockwise and support ‘c’ lifts
vertically upward by 0.5mm. Take EI = 2600KN/m2.

Fig 3.91

Ans. Degree of static indeterminacy of the given frame is 2. Hence for convenience, let us choose
the horizontal and vertical reaction at support ‘c’ as the redundants.

Now, the compatibility equations are,

∆ ∆ 0……………………….
∆ ∆ 0.0005 … … … … … … …

Calculation is easier in tabular form as done below.

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42 Consistent Deformation Method

Fig 3.92 Fig 3.93 Fig 3.94

Fig 3.95

Member cd db ab Sum
Origin c d a
Limit 0 – 1.2 0 – 1.2 0 – 1.8
M0 0 -5x -6
M1 0 0 1.8 - x
M2 x x+1.2 2.4
0 0 -9.72 -9.72

0 -7.2 -25.92 -33.12

0 0 3.89 3.89

0 0 1.94 1.94

0.576 4.03 10.37 14.98

Now using Virtual work method,

9.72 33.12 3.89

∆ , ∆ ,

1.94 14.98

Now, to calculate the deflections due to settlements, we again simply use the principle of virtual
work. The settlement at ‘c’ is already included in the compatibility equations and now has no effect.
The rest is rotation at support ‘a’ due to which the deflections at ‘c’ in the direction of redundants are

To find ∆ , apply unit force in the direction of the first redundant only (figure 3.93 above).

Now, according to Virtual work principle, (using figures 3.93 and 3.95)

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43 Consistent Deformation Method

total external virtual workdone = total internal virtual workdone

. .∆ 1 0.002 1.8 0 No external laods, so M 0

∆ 0.0036

And, to find ∆ , apply unit force in the direction of second redundant (figure 3.94 above)

Again, according to Virtual work principle, (using figures 3.94 and 3.95)

total external virtual workdone = total internal virtual workdone

. .∆ 1 0.002 2.4 0 No external laods, so M 0

∆ 0.0048

So, equation (a) becomes,

9.72 1.94 3.89

0.0036 0, , 9.72 0.0036 2600 1.94 3.89 0

1.94 3.89 19.08 … … … … . . 1

And, equation (b) becomes,

33.12 3.89 14.98

0.0048 0, , 33.12 0.0048 2600 3.89 14.98 0

3.89 14.98 45.6 … … … … . . 2

Solving equations (1) and (2), we get,

7.785 and 1.023 .

You can draw BMD.

12. Determine the reactions for the portal frame pinned at both supports below in which in addition
to loading, support ‘a’ yields horizontally outwards by 12mm. Take E=12 KN/mm2 & I=4 105 cm4.

Fig 3.96

Ans. Horizontal reaction at ‘a’ is chosen as redundant.

Then, the compatibility equation is, ∆ 12 10 …………………… (1)

Now, using figures below,

Rohit Kumar Adhikari

44 Consistent Deformation Method

6 4 1440
∆ 90 4

1 4 138.67
2 4 4 6 4 4

Hence, using equation (1),

1440 138.67 12 10

12 10 12 10 4 10 1440
6.231 .

Negative sign indicates the reaction is opposite in direction as we assumed. BMD is drawn in figure
3.100 below.

Fig 3.97 Fig 3.98

Fig 3.99 Fig 3.100

13. Compute the force in the tie rod. Take I for beam = 2.4 104 cm4 and the X-sectional area for
the beam and tie rod as A = 120 cm2 and A’ = 12 cm2 respectively. Both rod and beam are of
same material. Consider the effects due to both axial and bending.

Fig 3.101

Rohit Kumar Adhikari

45 Consistent Deformation Method

Ans. Let us choose the bar force in the tie as the redundant. In figures, the diagram with dotted
lines are the corresponding BM diagrams.

Then, the compatibility equation is, ∆ 0…………………… (1)

Now, again using the virtual work method, considering both the bending effect in the main beam
and the axial effect in the main beam and tie rod,

Primary structure with given loading Primary structure with X1 = 1t only

Fig 3.102 Fig 3.103

∆ 0 0

0.75 0.391 0.391 2.25

0.391 2.25 3 2

1 17.204 71683.3
6.256 2.346 8.602

0.391 1 3.202 0.625 4


6.523 3.202 1.563 27179.167 2668.333 130.208 29977.705

Hence, using compatibility equation,

2.391 .

14. Compute the member forces in the truss below. L/A values in cm-1 are shown in parenthesis.

Rohit Kumar Adhikari

46 Consistent Deformation Method

Fig 3.104

Ans. This truss is externally indeterminate to degree one. Choose the vertical reaction at b as

Then, the compatibility equation is,

∆ 0………………………………. 1

Fig 3.105 Fig 3.106

It is better to perform the calculations in tabular form as below.

Member P0(KN) P1(KN) L/A(per m) P0P1L/A (P1)2L/A

ab -6 ‐0.375  3000  6750  421.875 
bc -6 ‐0.375  3000  6750  421.875 
bd 0 ‐1  4000  0  4000 
ad 10 0.625  4000  25000  1562.5 
dc -10 0.625  4000  ‐25000  1562.5 
      Sum =  13500  7968.75 
Now, from virtual work principle,



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47 Consistent Deformation Method

Hence, using equation (1),

1.694 1.694 .

Now, various member forces are,

. . 6 1.694 0.375 5.365 , 6 1.694 0.375 5.365

0 1.694 1 1.694 , 10 1.694 0.625 8.941

& 10 1.694 0.625 11.058

15. Compute the bar forces in the member of the truss below. E and A are constant for all

Fig 3.107

Given structure is internally indeterminate to degree two. Let us choose the member forces in bC
and Cd as the redundants.

Then, compatibility equations are,

1) ∆ 0
2) ∆ 0

Member forces with directions are shown in the respective figures. You are advised to do so.

Fig 3.108

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48 Consistent Deformation Method

Fig 3.109

Fig 3.110

Member P0(KN) P1(KN) P2(KN) L(m) P0P1L P0P2L P1P2L (P1)2L (P2)2L
bc 4.5 -0.6 0 6 -16.2 0 0 2.16 0
cd 1.5 0 -0.6 6 0 -5.4 0 0 2.16
BC -3 -0.6 0 6 10.8 0 0 2.16 0
CD -3 0 -0.6 6 0 10.8 0 0 2.16
bB 8 -0.8 0 8 -51.2 0 0 5.12 0
cC 0 -0.8 -0.8 8 0 0 5.12 5.12 5.12
dD 0 0 -0.8 8 0 0 0 0 5.12
Bc -2.5 1 0 10 -25 0 0 10 0
bC 0 1 0 10 0 0 0 10 0
Cd 0 0 1 10 0 0 0 0 10
cD 2.5 0 1 10 0 25 0 0 10
Sum = -81.6 30.4 5.12 34.56 34.56

Members aB, ab, eD and ed are not included in the calculation as for them, either P1 or P2 is zero.

Hence, using Virtual work method, and using above table.

81.6 30.4 34.56

∆ , ∆ ,

5.12 34.56

Using equations (1) and (2), and cancelling AE, we get,

81.6 34.56 5.12 0……………

30.4 5.12 34.56 0……………

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49 Consistent Deformation Method

Solving these equations, we get,

2.55 and 1.26 1.26 .

Now, various member forces are,

4.5 , 1.5 , 7.5 , 2.5 , 4.5 0.6 2.55 2.97 ,

1.5 0.6 1.26 2.256 , 3 0.6 2.55 4.53 ,

3 0.6 1.26 2.244 , 8 0.8 2.55 5.96 ,

0 0.8 2.55 0.8 1.26 1.032 , 0.8 1.26 1.008 ,

2.5 1 2.55 0.05 , 1 2.55 2.55 ,

1 1.26 1.26 and 2.5 1 1.26 1.24

16. Compute the bar forces due to an increase in temperature of 300C in the bars aB, BC and Cd.
No change in temperature of other bars. 10.8 10 / , 2 10 / and 40 .

Fig 3.111

Ans. Let us choose the member force in the member bC as the redundant.

Then, the compatibility equation is,

∆ ∆ 0………………………………. 1

But, since there is no external loads, ∆ 0

Calculations are performed in tabular form as usual.

Other members are not included because of their P1 being equal to zero.

Fig 3.112

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50 Consistent Deformation Method

Member P1(KN) ∆T L(m) P1L∆T (P1)2L P = X1P1

bc -0.6 0 6 0 2.16 -16.2
BC -0.6 30 6 -108 2.16 -16.2
Bc 1 0 10 0 10 27
bC 1 0 10 0 10 27
Bb -0.8 0 8 0 5.12 -21.6
Cc -0.8 0 8 0 5.12 -21.6
Sum= -108 34.56  

So, using Virtual work method, we know,

∆ ∑ ∆

∆ 108 10.8 10 1.664 10 and

4.32 10
2 10 40 10

Now, using equation (1),

1.1664 10
27 .
7968.754.32 10

The member forces are then calculated in above table as , since there is no
any P0.

The forces in the rest of the members(those not included in the table) are all zero.

17. Compute the bar forces in the truss below due to the following support movements.

Support a, 6mm down; c, 12mm down and e, 9mm down. E = 2 105 N/mm2, X-sectional area in
cm2 are shown in parenthesis in figure itself.

Fig 3.113

Ans. Redundant is chosen as in the figure. The compatibility equation is,

∆ ∆ 12 10 ………………………………. 1

Where, ∆ 0, since there is no external loads.

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51 Consistent Deformation Method

Fig 3.114

Fig 3.115( P1 System)

From figure 3.109, ∆ 7.5 10

Now, calculation for half portion only is done due to symmetry.

Member P1(KN) L(m) A(m2) L/A(per m)

(P1)2L/A P = X1P1
ab -0.375 9 0.009 1000 140.625 103.846
bc -0.375 9 0.009 1000 140.625 103.846
BC 0.75 9 0.009 1000 562.5 -207.69
aB 0.625 15 0.015 1000 390.625 -173.08
Bc -0.625 15 0.015 1000 390.625 173.077
      Sum = 1625  
Members cC and bB are not included in the table because of P1 for them being equal to zero.

By Virtual work theorem,

2 1625 2 1625
1.625 10
2 10

Hence, using equation (1),

4.5 10
276.923 .
1.625 10

Negative sign indicates the direction is downward.

Various member forces are calculated in the above table. For members cC and bB and dD,
member forces are zero and for rest members, which are not included in the table, member forces
can be obtained by symmetry.

Rohit Kumar Adhikari

52 Consistent Deformation Method
18. Member AC being the last to be fitted while fabricating in the truss ABCD below, was found to
be 1mm too short than the required length. Determine the forces developed while fitting this
member into its position.

X-sectional areas for diagonal member = 2000mm2 & for other members, it is 1000mm2 and E =

Fig 3.116 Fig 3.117

The member force in member CA is chosen as the redundant as shown.

The compatibility equation is,

∆ ∆ 0………………………………. 1

Where,  ∆ 0 , since there is no external loads.

Member P1(KN) L(m) A(m) L/A(per m) e (P1)2L/A P1e P = X1P1

AB -0.6 3 0.001 3000 0 1080 0 -9.7722
BC -0.8 4 0.001 4000 0 2560 0 -13.03
CD -0.6 3 0.001 3000 0 1080 0 -9.7722
AD -0.8 4 0.001 4000 0 2560 0 -13.03
BD 1 5 0.002 2500 0 2500 0 16.287
AC 1 5 0.002 2500 -0.001 2500 -0.001 16.287
Sum = 12280 -0.001


∆ 0.001

12280 12280
6.14 10  
2 10

Hence, using equation (1),

16.287 .
6.14 10

The member forces are tabulated in the above table.

19. Find the expression for horizontal reaction due to load w in the following two hinge parabolic

    Rohit Kumar Adhikari
53 Consistent Deformation Method

Fig 3.118


Primary structure with given loading Primary structure with X1 = +1KN only

Fig 3.119 Fig 3.120

Horizontal reaction at the springing is taken as redundant.



4 4

4 1 1
1 2
3 4 3 4 3

4 2

∑ 5
2 .

20. Calculate the reactions for the following arch with a vertical load of 20KN as shown.

    Rohit Kumar Adhikari
54 Consistent Deformation Method

Fig 3.121

Ans. Horizontal thrust at the right springing is taken as the redundant. Then,

4 0.5
16 4 16 10 4 10

7.253 54.613 61.866

4 0.5 61.866
& 10 1.33 46.4 .
10 1.33

Fig 3.122 Fig 3.123


Fig 3.124

    Rohit Kumar Adhikari
55 Consistent Deformation Method
21. Calculate the reactions in the following arch under the load shown.

Fig 3.125

Again, the same is chosen as the redundant. Then,

∑ 4 4 2
, But, 12 0.0556 12  

2 0.0556 12 7.5 0.0556 12 7.5 5 2.5  

2 143.34 80.173 447.030 & 0.0556 12 25.641 

17.434 .

           Fig 3.126 Fig 3.127

Other reactions can be found simply by using the equations of static equilibriums.

22. Find the hor. reaction for the following symmetrical arch shown below.

Ans. We have, for a single point load acting at a distance kL from a support is given as,

    Rohit Kumar Adhikari
56 Consistent Deformation Method

Fig 3.128

∑ 5

where, w is the point load, L is the span and h is the rise.

Now, we will use find the horizontal reaction due to each of them and use the superposition
principle to find the horizontal reaction for the given structure.

Due to two 4KN load,

5 4 80
0.125 2 0.125 0.125 4.854
8 5

Due to two 10KN load,

5 10 80
0.25 2 0.25 0.25 22.266
8 5

Due to two 8KN load,

5 8 80
0.375 2 0.375 0.375 23.145
8 5

And, due to 10KN (central) load,

5 10 80
0.5 2 0.5 0.5 31.250
8 5

Hence, total reaction,

……….. 131.780 .

23. A two hinged parabolic arch of span 36m and rise 3.6m undergoes a temperature rise of 300C
and the end supports yield horizontally outward by 0.5mm per KN of the horizontal thrust.
Determine the value of the horizontal reaction. Take Ic = 85000 cm4 , E = 2 104 KN/cm2 and =
11 10-6/0C.

Ans. Let us choose the hor. reaction at the springing as the redundant.

Then, since there is no external loads, we have,

    Rohit Kumar Adhikari
57 Consistent Deformation Method

Fig 3.129 Fig 3.130



2 85000 170000 . ,∆ 30 , 11 10 / , 36 , 0.005 /

4 3.6
36 248.832

36 11 10 30 170000
1.838 .
248.832 0.005 170000

Do remember the following formulae,

Fig 3.131

Fig 3.132

For full udl, and for half udl,

8 16

    Rohit Kumar Adhikari
58 Slope Deflection Method

4.0 Slope Deflection Method 
4.1 Introduction
Slope deflection method is very important method on its own and is also much important for the
moment distribution method and matrix method providing excellent basic requirements which will
be discussed later. Slope deflection equations are derived using moment area theorems. Thus,
these equations include the effect of bending only and not that of axial or shear force. Since, by
neglecting their effects, there is a very small error, so we have the ease for deriving the slope
deflection equations.

4.2 Derivation of Slope Deflection Equation

“The fundamental slope deflection equation is the expression for the moment an the end of a
member in terms of four quantities, viz. the rotation of the tangent at each end of the elastic curve
of the member, the rotation of the chord joining the end of the elastic curve and the effect of
external loads applied to the member.

It will be convenient to use the following sign conventions:-

1. Moments acting on the ends of a member are +ve when clockwise.

2. Let be the rotation of the tangent joining to the elastic curve at the end of a member w.r.t.
to the original direction of the member. The angle is then +ve when the tangent to the
elastic curve has clockwise from its original direction.
3. Let be the rotation of the chord joining the ends of the elastic curve w.r.t. the original
direction of the member. The chord rotation is then taken as +ve when the chord of the
elastic curve has rotated clockwise from original direction.

In designating the end moments, two subscripts are used. These subscripts together designate the
member. The first one designate the end of the member whose moment is concerned. For
example, MAB designates the moment at end A of the member AB. The angle will be designated
by one subscript indicating the end of the member. Chord rotation will be designated by two
subscripts indicating the member.

Now, with these notations, consider a member AB that has a length of L and EI constant which is
initially straight. Suppose the ends are acted upon by +ve moments MAB and MBA and any
condition of applied loads as in figure. Let AB be the elastic curve of the member and let A’B’ be
the original unrestrained position. , and are +ve as shown.

The BM diagram for this member can be considered as being composed of three separate effects;
the contribution of each end moments acting separately, which is given by the ordinates of the
triangular portions, M’ and M” and the contribution of the applied load, without the end moments,
which is given by the ordinates of M0 (i.e. the M0 ordinates are the ordinates of the simple beam
BMD for member AB assuming temporarily, it as simply supported)as shown in the figure. Total
moment at any point will then be the algebric sum of these three moment M’, M” and M0. If the
moment diagram is converted into M/EI diagram, it is simple to evaluate ∆ and ∆ , using moment
area theorem.

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59 Slope Deflection Method

Fig 4.1

Fig 4.2

Fig 4.3

1 2 1
∆   ………
2 3 2 3 6 3

1 2 1
∆   …………
2 3 2 3 3 6

Where, is the static moment about an axis through A of the area under the M0 portion of
BMD and is the same about a vertical axis through B.

Realizing that the rotations and deflections shown in the figure are actually so small that an angle,
its sine and tangent can all be considered to be equal, from diagram above,

∆ ∆
     &  …………………………………………………………

Solving equations (a) and (b) simultaneously for MAB and MBA and substituting in the resulting
∆ ∆
expression for and from equation (c), we get,

2 2
2 3 2    and

2 2
2 3 2 ……………………………..

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60 Slope Deflection Method

The last terms in the above equations are the functions of the type of loading & its physical
significance should be known. Consider all , and are equal to zero. Then, the last terms
in the above equations are equal to the moment at end A and B respectively of the member AB.
But, , and all zero means the ends of the member are completely fixed against any
translation or rotation and therefore, the member in such a state is called fixed end beam and the
last terms in the above equations are thus called the fixed end moments. Denoting fixed end
moment by FEM, we can have,

2 2
2    and   2 ………………  

Hence we can now write using equations (d) and (e),

2 2
2 3    and   2 3 ………

The FEM can be determined for any given loading. Following two examples will illustrate how to
find them.

Fig 4.4 Fig 4.6

Simple beam MBD Simple beam BMD

Fig 4.5 Fig 4.7

In the first case,

1 2
2 3 2 3 6
1 2
2 3 2 3 6


2 2 2    and 
6 6

In the second case,

3 8 2 24


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61 Slope Deflection Method

24 24 12 12

Important Results:-

Fig 4.8

In the first case, only the rotation at the near end A is given.
i.e. , 0, 0,     0  No loads  
Then, using slope deflection equations,
2 2
2 3    and   2 3
  2 0 0 0
and   0 0 0
In the second case, only the support settlement at B by ∆ is given.

0, 0,
Then, using slope deflection equations,
2 2
2 3    and   2 3
2 ∆ ∆
  0 0 3
2 ∆ ∆
and   0 0 3
Now, in the third case, we don’t know . Let us find that as below.
Using slope deflection equations,
2 2
2 , 2
But, this end is hinged and the total moment at this end should be zero, i.e.,

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62 Slope Deflection Method

2 0 0 2 0
Hence, from above expression,

Do remember these results, these will be frequently used now after.

While solving the problems, we will first find the expressions for moments in terms of the rotations
at various joints, then we will solve for the unknown rotations writing the equations of equilibrium in
terms of moment at some joints. Then, substituting the values of rotations back in the expressions
of moments will give the desired moments.
In case of frames, using Slope Deflection Method, we will solve non – sway frames only.

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4.2 Numerical Examples

1. Analyze the following beam by the Slope Deflection method.

Fig 4.9

Ans. Analyzing angles and deflections,, we see that, 0, ?, ?, 0, 0,

because the fixed support does not allow any rotation, there may be some rotation at the roller
support and there is no any chord rotation.


100 2.5 2.5 100 2.5 2.5

62.50 , 62.50
5 5

20 7.5 20 7.5
93.75 , 93.75
12 12

Slope Deflection Equations

2 2
2 0 3 0 62.5 62.5,
5 5
2 4
2 62.50 62.5
5 5
2 3 6
2 3 0 93.75 2 93.75 and
7.5 7.5
2 93.75

Equilibrium Equations

Fig 4.10 Fig 4.11

At joint 2,

4 6
0 . . 0 , 62.5 2 93.75 0
5 7.5

, 2.4 0.8 31.25 … … … … … … … … … … . . 1

At joint 3,

0 . . 0 , 2 93.75 0

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64 Slope Deflection Method

, 0.8 1.6 93.75 … … … … … … … … … … 2

Solving above two equations, one can get,

78.145 39.103

Now, using the expressions for slope deflection equations above,

2 4
39.103 62.5 46.859 , 39.103 62.5 93.782 ,
5 5
2 39.103 78.145 93.75 93.702 ,

39.103 2 78.145 93.75 0 .

To draw BMD, first draw the ordinates of end moments and them superimpose the effect of
the loads assuming the member as simply supported as illustrated below. You can draw the SFD.

Fig 4.12

Fig 4.13

Fig 4.14

2. Analyze the following beam using SD method.

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Fig 4.15

Ans. Analyzing the angles and deflections, 0, ?, ?, 0.


40 2 2 40 2 2
20 , 20 ,
4 4

10 6 10 6
30 , 30
12 12

Slope Deflection Equations

2 2
20 20, 2 20 20
4 2 4
2 30 2 30 and, 2 30
6 3 3

Equilibrium Equations

Fig 4.16 Fig 4.17

At joint 2,

0 . . 20 2 30 0

, 1.67 0.33 10 … … … … … … … … … … . . 1

At joint 3, (free end is replaced by an equivalent end moment of 40KNm at joint 3 )

40 0 . . 2 30 40 0

0.33 0.67 10 … … … … … … … … … … … … … … 2

Solving these equations, we can get,

3.367 13.267

Now, using the slope deflection equations above,

20 18.3 , 3.367 20 23.4

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66 Slope Deflection Method

1 1
6.734 13.267 30 23.3 and, 26.534 3.367 30 40 .
3 3

Fig 4.16

3. Draw BMD for the following frame.

Fig 3.17

Ans. Analyzing deflections and rotations, 0, ?, ?, 0


20 4
26.67 , 26.67 ,

40 2 2
20 , 20

20 2 2
10 , 10

Slope Deflection Equations

2 2
26.67 26.67, 2 26.67 26.67,
4 2 4
2 20 2 20, 2 20
4 2 2
2 10 10, 10
4 2

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Equilibrium Equations

Fig 3.18 Fig 3.19

At joint 2,

0 . . 26.67 0.5 20 10 0

, 3 0.5 16.67 … … … … … … … … … … . . 1

At joint 3,

0 . . 2 30 40 0

, 2 40 … … … … … … … … … … … … … … 2

Solving these equations, we get,

2.426 18.787

So, using above expressions,

26.67 27.88 , 2.426 26.67 24.24 ,
1 1
2 2.426 18.787 20 31.83 , 2 18.787 2.426 20 0
2 2
2 2.426 10 7.57 and 2.426 10 11.22 .

BMD(KNm) Fig 4.20

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4. Draw BMD for the following frame. Draw the deflected shape also.

Fig 4.21

Ans. Analyzing deflections and rotations, 0, ?, ?, 0


40 2 2
20 , 20 ,

60 1.5 1.5
22.5 , 22.5 , 0

Slope Deflection Equations

2 2
20 20, 2 20,
2 22.5 1.33 0.67 22.5, 0.67 1.33 22.5
2 2
2 2 ,

Equilibrium Equations

Now, you can easily draw the isolated joints 2 and 3 with moments as before.

At joint 2,

0 . . 2 20 1.33 0.67 22.5 0

, 3.33 0.67 2.5 … … … … … … … … … … . . 1

At joint 3,

0 . . 1.33 0.67 22.5 2 0

, 0.67 3.33 22.5 … … … … … … … … … … 2

Solving these equations, we get,

2.20 7.20

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69 Slope Deflection Method

So, using above expressions,

2.2 20 17.8 , 2 2.2 20 24.4 ,

1.33 2.20 0.67 7.20 22.5 24.29 ,

0.67 2.20 1.33 7.20 22.5 14.39

2 7.2 14.4 and 7.2 .

Deflected shape

Fig 4.22 Fig 4.23

5. Draw BMD for the following symmetrical frame. EI constant.

Fig 4.24

Ans. Analyzing deflections and rotations, 0, ?, Due to symmetry



60 8
320 ,

Slope Deflection Equations

2 2
0.5 , , 2 320 0.25 320
4 8

Equilibrium Equations

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70 Slope Deflection Method

Now, you can easily draw the isolated joint 2.

At joint 2,

0 . . 0.25 320 0 . .

So, using above expressions,

0.5 256 128 , 256 ,

0.25 256 320 256 , and due to symmetry, 256 , 256

and 128 .

Fig 4.25

6. Draw BMD for the following beam.

Fig 3.26

Ans. Analyzing deflections and rotations, 0, ?, ?


20 6 4
19.2 , 28.8 ,

2 15
37.5 , 37.5

Slope Deflection Equations

2 2
19.2 19.2, 28.8,
10 5 5
2 3 4 2 2 4
2 37.5 37.5, 37.5
15 5 5 5 5

Equilibrium Equations

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Fig 4.27 Fig 4.28

At joint 2,

2 4 2
0 . . 28.8 37.5 0
5 5 5

, 1.2 0.4 8.7 … … … … … … … … … … . . 1

At joint 3,

2 4
25 0 . . 37.5 25 0
5 5

, 0.4 0.8 12.5 … … … … … … … … … … 2

Solving these equations, we get,

14.95 23.1

So, using above expressions,

14.95 2 14.95
19.2 16.21 , 28.8 34.78 ,
5 5
4 14.95 2 23.1
37.5 34.78 ,
5 5
4 23.1 2 14.95
37.5 25 .
5 5

Fig 4.29

7. Find the end moments in the following beam due to following support settlements.

Support 1; 0.01m downward and 0.001 radian clockwise, Support 2; 0.04m downward and Support
3; 0.0175m downward. EI = 20800KN/m2.

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Fig 4.30

Ans. Analyzing deflections and rotations, 0.001 , ?, ?

Fig 4.31

0.04 0.01 0.04 0.0175

0.003 , 0.0015
10 15


Since no external loads, all FEMs are zero.

Slope Deflection Equations

2 0.001 3 0.003 0.007 ,
10 5

0.001 2 3 0.003 0.008 2 ,

5 5
2 3 2 2
2 3 0.0015 0.0045 2 , 0.0045 2
15 5 5

Equilibrium Equations

Fig 4.32 Fig 4.33

At joint 2,

0 . . 0.008 2 0.009 4 2 0

, 6 2 0.001 … … … … … … … … … … . . 1

At joint 3,

0 . . 0.0045 2 0

, 2 0.0045 … … … … … … … … … … … … 2

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73 Slope Deflection Method

Solving these equations, we get,

0.0007 and 0.0026

So, using above expressions,

20800 20800
0.007 0.0007 26.21 , 0.008 0.0014 27.5 ,
5 5
2 20800
0.0045 0.0014 0.0026 27.5 ,
2 20800
0.0045 0.0007 2 0.0026 0 .

9. Find the end moments for the following frame.

Fig 4.34

Ans. Analyzing deflections and rotations, 0, 0, ?


5 6
15 , 15 ,

Slope Deflection Equations

2 2 2
15 15,
6 3
2 2 4
2 15 15,
6 3
2 2
2 ,
3 3

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74 Slope Deflection Method

Equilibrium Equations

At joint b,

40 15 0 . . 25

4 2 3.75
, 15 2 25 . .
3 3

Now, using above expressions for moments,

2 4
3.75 15 12.5 , 3.75 15 20
3 3
4 2
3.75 5 , 3.75 2.5 .
3 3

Fig 4.35 Fig 4.36

10. Find the moment at the support D of the structure below. Support B settles 3mm downward,
support D settles and allows a rotation of 18.840 clockwise along with a horizontal translation of
2mm left. Take EI = 120000KN-m2.

Fig 4.37

Ans. Analyzing deflections and rotations,

?, ?, 18.84 0.329 ,

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75 Slope Deflection Method

0.003 0.002
5 10 , 6.67 10
6 3


No FEMs are to be calculated.

Slope Deflection Equations

2 3
2 3 0.0005 120000 2 0.0015 ,
2 3
2 3 0.0005 120000 2 0.0015 ,
2 2
2 0.329 3 0.000667 1.33 120000 2 0.327 ,
2 2
2 0.329 3 0.000667 1.33 120000 0.656

Equilibrium Equations

Fig 4.38 Fig 4.39

At joint b,

40 0 . . 40 120000 2 0.0015 0

, 40 180 240000 120000 0

, 240000 120000 220

, 24 12 0.022 … … … … … … … … . . 1

At joint c,

0 . . 120000 2 0.0015 1.33 120000 2 0.327 0

, 2 0.0015 1.33 2 1.33 0.327 0

, 4.66 0.436 … … … … … … … … … . 2

Solving these equations, we get,

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76 Slope Deflection Method

0.0514 and 0.1046

Now, using above expression for moment,

1.33 120000 0.656

1.33 120000 0.1046 0.656 88003.44 .

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77 Moment Distribution Method 

5.0 Moment Distribution Method 
5.1 Introduction with Basic Concepts 
The moment distribution method is an ingenious and convenient method of analysis of the stress
of rigid jointed structures. This method was presented by Prof. Hardy Cross. All the methods
discussed previously involves the solution of simultaneous equations which is the major part of the
computational work where there are more than two unknowns. The moment distribution method
does not involve such solutions of simultaneous equations and is much shorter than other
methods. It has a further advantage of consisting of a series of computation in cycles, each
converging to a precise final result; therefore the series can be terminated when the desired
accuracy is achieved.

In slope deflection equations, the moment acting at the end of a member is algebric sum of
following four separate effects.

1. The moment due to applied load on the member as if it was fixed end beam, i.e. the FEM.
2. The moment caused by the rotation of the tangent to the elastic curve at the near end (end
3. The moment caused by the rotation of the tangent to the elastic curve at the far end.
4. The moment caused by the rotation of the chord of the elastic curve joining the two end of
the member w.r.t. the original position of the member.

Consider a structure having its members of constant EI, no joint translations, and so all angles
are zero. If the supports are unyielding, there is no joint rotations at a, c, d and e, but there will be
some rotation at the joint b when some load is applied. However, suppose that we first consider
the unloaded structure & imagine that we apply temporarily an external clamp that locks the joint b
against rotation. Then, if load is applied, FEMs will be developed in the member ab which can be
computed by using FEM equation. The moment FEMba causes a counter clockwise moment at
joint b.

Fig 5.1

If the clamp is now released, this moment will case the joint to rotate anticlockwise. When this joint
rotates, certain moments are developed throughout the length of the members meeting at the joint
b. the joint will continue to rotate until sufficient end moments are developed in the end b of the
members to balance the effect of FEMba. Of course, certain end moments are developed in the
farther end of these members. When equilibrium is established at the joint b, the structure in this
state will have attained its final deformation position and the total end moments at the end of

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78 Moment Distribution Method 

various members will be the algebric sum of the FEM and the moment caused by the rotation of
the joint b.

This is the process of moment distribution. When the joint is unlocked, it will rotate if the FEMs
acting on the joint do not add up to zero; this resultant moment acting at this joint is therefore
called unbalanced moment. When this unlocked joint rotates under the action of this unbalanced
moment, end moments are developed at the ends of the member meeting at this joint. These are
called distributed moments. As this joint rotates, however, and there is bending in the members,
end moments are also developed at the farther end of these members, being called as the carry
over moments.

Sign convention is same as that in the slope deflection method, i.e. the moments are +ve when
they act clockwise at the end of the members.

The unbalanced moment at a joint is simply the algebric sum of the end moments of the members
meeting at this joint if all the joints were locked (fixed).

For calculating distributed and carryover moments, let us do some advanced analysis.

Fig 5.2 Fig 5.3

Consider the above structure when the joint b is unlocked. In such case, joint b will rotate under
the action of the unbalanced moment M. The structure deforms as shown in the figure above &
develop the distributed moments Mba, Mbc, Mbd etc which restore the equilibrium of the joint b.
These distributed moments, being unknowns are assumed to be +ve and therefore, as stated
earlier, they act clockwise at the ends of the members & anticlockwise at the joints.

Since, ∑ 0,     0…………………………

However, the distributed moments can be found by using slope deflection equation, being
0 and all angles zero.

. .    4 ,    4 ,    4 ,    4


effective stiffness factor

Now, from equation (a),

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79 Moment Distribution Method 

4 0      
4 ∑

So,  etc.     Therefore,   in general,
∑ ∑

where, summation is meant to include all members meeting at joint b.

Let, be the Distribution Factor for the end b of the member bm,

. .       ………………… 1  

i.e. the distributed moment developed at the b end of the member bm, as joint b is unlocked and
allowed to rotate under the action of the unbalanced moment M, is equal to the distribution factor
times the unbalanced moment M with its sign reversed.

For carryover moment, consider any member bm, one end b of which is rotated through an angle
, developing an end moment at this end. It should be noted that when joint b is unlocked,
all other joints are kept locked & therefore, 0. Since 0 also, so, using slope deflection

4   and,    2     . .  

Here, is the carryover moment and is half of the corresponding distributed moment and has
the same sign.

Fig 5.4 Fig 5.5

If the farther end is hinged, as in figure 5.5, then keeping this end unlocked while unlocking the
near joint (joint b), we have,

0      2 2 0  Slope de lection equation ,  

2 2 2 2 3 4 4
2 4


reduced stiffness factor

While doing numerical, we can modify this K only when the hinge(roller) support is at the end or
there lies a cantilever having no rigidity as will be seen in the examples. You should not try to apply
this easiness while that lies at some middle of the structure.

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5.2 Analysis 
Analysis of beam and frames with out translation (no sidesway) of joint are quite simple and same
which will be easily understood direct through examples.

But, analysis frames with lateral translation of joints is not simple and we have to do analysis in two

Consider, for example, a frame shown in the figure below, which involves sidesway, as there is
nothing to prevent the horizontal deflections at the top of the columns.

Given frame
Fig 5.6

Hold joint C; Prevent sidesway Push joint C; Introduce sidesway

Fig 5.7 Fig 5.8

Final Results = Case A +  Case B

In addition to the joint rotations at B and C, we, in this case, have some unknown chord rotation
developed in the columns.

In order to handle this type of problem by moment distribution method, we can break it down into
two parts. First, suppose that we introduce a horizontal holding force R that prevents any horizontal
movement of joint C (and hence that of B also). With the structure retained in this manner, we can
apply all the given loads and determine the resulting end moments as in usual cases by moment
distribution method. With these end moments, we can then back figure out the value of R simply by
statics. See case A in the figure.

In second part of the solution (case B), we imagine that we first lock the joints against rotations
(whose effects are already included), push the frame at joint C by a horizontal force P towards right,
and introduce some arbitrary displacement, ∆ (P force should be applied at the same level and line
of action of the reaction R). We can now analyze the angles introduced in the columns. Using S-D
equations, we can compute the corresponding initial end moments developed at the ends of the

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81 Moment Distribution Method 

members. These moments will be expressed in terms of ∆, but since, ∆ is arbitrary, we can let ∆
to be unity or any other convenient value and obtain the numerical values of the initial end moments.
Then, if we unlock the joints B and C and distribute and carry over the moments up to a desired
accuracy through cycles, we finally arrive at a set of end moments if the values of ∆ we assumed
is true. But it will seldom be true (may be if you are very very very lucky! But still you don’t know is
that true or not without doing the following analysis). Again, by back figuring, we find the force P by

Now if be a constant, multiplication of which with P in case B is equal to the reaction R in case A,
then, as in figure,


And, resulting end moments in case B =  End moments in case B

So, final end moments = end moments in case A + End moments in case B

Symmetrical Structures

In symmetrical structures loaded symmetrically, symmetrical joints rotate by same amount, but in
opposite directions.

Fig 5.9 Fig 5.10

Making use of this fact, the modified stiffness factor of member AB below is established. We have to
modify the stiffness factor of that member which is cut by the axis of symmetry and then we can
analyze for the half portion thereby reducing our calculations. Then, for the corresponding joints, the
values of moments would be of same magnitude but opposite in directions as will be clear in the
following examples.

Keeping the farther end B unlocked, we have from figure below,

2 2             in magnitude

1 1
2 4 4 ,     where,    
2 2

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Fig 5.11

Skew-Symmetrical structures

Fig 5.12 Fig 5.13

The cases in which the structure is symmetrical but the loading pattern is anti (or skew)
symmetrical, then the structures are the skew-symmetrical structures as shown above. If we
modify the stiffness factor for the member lying in the axis of symmetry, we can have our work to
be done for half portion of the structure only and on the corresponding joints, the values of
moments are same with same signs.

Fig 5.14

From figure, 2 2   6            

3 3
, 2 4 4 ,     where,  
2 2

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We can use the advantages of breaking given structure into symmetrical and anti-symmetrical
part, analyze each of them separately and superimpose their individual effects to get the results.

Given Symmetrical Skew-Symmetrical

Fig .15

Given Symmetrical Skew-Symmetrical

Fig 5.16

Given Symmetrical Skew-Symmetrical

Fig 5 .17

Remember that the following three figures are equivalent to each other and all are skew-
symmetrical cases.

Fig 5.18

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5.3 Numerical Examples 
Analyze the structures below using moment distribution method and draw BMD.


Fig 5.19



100 2.5 2.5 100 2.5 2.5

62.50 , 62.50  
5 5

20 7.5 20 7.5
93.75 , 93.75  
12 12

Joint 1 2 3
Member 12 21 23 32
Keff I/5 3I/7.5
∑Keff 3I/5
DF 0.33 0.67
FEM -62.5 62.5 -93.75 93.75
BAL &CO at 2 5.16 ←10.31 20.94 → 10.47
Final -57.34 72.81 -72.81 104.22

Here, first the fixed end moments are calculated by locking all the joints. In this example, joints 1
and 3 are already locked (fixed) and they need not be unlocked. But, the joint 2 is not fixed end
actually, so it should be unlocked. While doing so, the total unbalanced FEMs at this joint is
distributed to the ends of the members meeting at this joint 2 according to their distribution factors
(DF). This distributed moment at near end also induces carryover moment at the farther end which
is simply half the near end moment. In this example after unlocking the joint 2 once, the moment at
this joint is balanced, and other two joints are already fixed and need no unlocking. Hence the
calculation stops now. Total moment at any end is obtained by adding all the moments in the
column as done in the table.

Fig 5.20

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85 Moment Distribution Method 


  Fig 5.21



40 4
20 , , 20  
8 8

20 3
15 , 15  

Joint 1 2    3   
Member 12 21 23 32 34
Keff I/4 0.75(I/3)
∑Keff I/2
DF 0.5 0.5
FEM -20 20 -15 15 -10
BAL & CO at 3 -2.5 ← -5
BAL & CO at 2 -0.625 ← -1.25 -1.25
Final -20.63 18.75 -18.75 10 -10

In this example, for the member meeting at roller(hinge), the reduced stiffness factor is modified.
Unlock this joint first and distribute moment. Then, no carryover is send to this joint. See how the
cantilever part is treated. It is replaced by a end moment of -10 at the near end of member 34. This
member has no distribution factor (no rigidity), hence, we have not distributed to this member i.e.
the distribution factor of the member 32 is 1.

Fig 5.22

    Rohit Kumar Adhikari

86 Moment Distribution Method 


Fig 5.23



80 2 4 80 4 2
106.67 ,, 106.67  
6 6

40 4
0, 53.33 , 53.33  

Joint 2 3 4 5
Member 21 23 32 34 43 45 54
Keff 0.125I 0.25I 0.25I 0.25I
∑Keff 0.375I 0.5I
DF 0.33 0.67 0.5 0.5
FEM 150 -106.67 106.67 0 0 -53.33 53.33
BAL & CO at 2 & 4 -43.33 → -21.67 13.34 ← 26.67 26.67 → 13.34
BAL & CO at 3 -32.45 -65.89 → -32.95
BAL & CO at 4 8.24 ←16.47 16.47→ 8.24
BAL & CO at 3 -2.72 -5.52 → -2.76
BAL & CO at 4 0.69 ←1.38 1.38→ 0.69
BAL & CO at 3 -0.23 -0.46 → -0.23
BAL & CO at 4 0.06 ←0.12 0.12→ 0.06
Final 150 -150 49.6 -49.6 8.8 -8.8 75.67

Fig 5.24

    Rohit Kumar Adhikari

87 Moment Distribution Method 


  Fig 5.25



50 4
25 , 25  

20 6
60 , 60 , 0 

Joint 1 2 3 4
Member 12 21 23 32 34 43
Keff 0.75 1 1 1
∑Keff 1.75 0.375I
DF 0.43 0.57 0.5 0.5
FEM -25 25 60 -60 0 0
BAL & CO at 1 & 3 25 → 12.5 -15 ← -30 -30 → -15
BAL & CO at 2 16.13 21.38 → 10.69
BAL & CO at 3 -2.67 ← -5.34 -5.34 → -2.67
BAL & CO at 2 1.15 1.52 → 0.76
BAL & CO at 3 -0.19 ← -0.38 -0.38 → -0.19
BAL & CO at 2 0.08 0.11 → 0.06
Final 54.9 -54.9 35.8 -35.8 -17.9

Fig 5.26

    Rohit Kumar Adhikari

88 Moment Distribution Method 


EI Constant

                                                                              Fig 5.27



30 4 100 4
40 , 40 , 50 ,
12 8

20 3
50 , 15 , 15

Joint 1 2 3 4 5 6
Member 12 21 25 23 32 36 34 43 52 63
Keff 0.25I 0.25I 0.25I 0.25I 0.25I 0.25I
∑Keff 0.75I 0.75I
DF 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33
FEM -40 40 0 -50 50 0 -15 15 0 0
BAL & CO at 2 & 4 1.7 ←3.3 3.3→ 3.3→ 1.65 -7.5 ←-15 1.65
BAL & CO at 3 -4.8 ←-9.6 -9.6 -9.6
BAL & CO at 2 0.8 ←1.59 1.59→ 1.59→ 0.79 0.79
BAL & CO at 3 -0.13 ←-0.26 -0.26 -0.26
BAL & CO at 2 0.02 ←0.04 0.04→ 0.04→ 0.02 0.02
Final -37.5 44.9 4.9 -49.9 42.6 -9.9 -32.37 0 2.48 0

Fig 5.28

    Rohit Kumar Adhikari

89 Moment Distribution Method 


Fig 5.29



36 6
108 , 108 ,  

108 , 108  

Joint A B C D E F
Keff 0.25I 0.5I 0.5I 0.25I 0.5I 0.5I 0.25I
∑Keff 0.75I 1.25I 0.75I
DF 0.33 0.67 0.4 0.2 0.4 0.67 0.33
FEM 0 0 -108 108 0 -108 108 0 0 0
BAL & CO at B & D 17.8 ←35.6 72.4→ 36.2 -36.2 ←-72.4 -35.6→ -17.8
BAL at C 0 0 0
Final 17.8 35.6 -35.6 144.2 0 -144.2 35.6 -35.6 -17.8 0

Fig 5.30

In this example although the structure is symmetrical, there is no chance to modify the reduced
stiffness factor and do our work for half portion only, because a member lies on the axis of
symmetry. But we see that in such types of symmetrical structures, the calculation is lesser as
there will be no unbalanced moment to be distributed at the middle joint that lies on the axis of

    Rohit Kumar Adhikari

90 Moment Distribution Method 


                                                                                  Fig 5.31


Non-sway analysis

Apply a horizontal holding support having reaction R as shown so as to prevent the sidesway.


2 7.5
9.375 , 9.375 and all other FEMs are zero.

Fig 5.32 Fig 5.33

Non-sway moments are tabulated below.

Joint 1 2 3 4
Member 12 21 23 32 34 43
Keff 0.2I 0.2I 0.2I 0.13I
∑Keff 0.4I 0.33I
DF 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.4
FEM 0 0 0 0 -9.38 9.38
BAL & CO at 3 2.82 ←5.63 3.75→ 1.88
BAL & CO at 2 -0.7 ←-1.41 -1.41→ -0.7
BAL & CO at 3 0.21 ←0.42 0.28→ 0.14
BAL & CO at 2 -0.06 ←-0.11 -0.11→ -0.06
Final -0.76 -1.42 1.42 5.29 -5.29 11.39
From the above FB diagram,

∑ 0 0.44 8.3 7.5 2 0 7.13

Sway analysis

Now apply a sway only as shown in figure below.

    Rohit Kumar Adhikari

91 Moment Distribution Method 

Fig 3.34 Fig 3.35


6 ∆ 6 ∆ 6 ∆ 6 2 ∆
5 7.5

7.5 100
. . 1.125, so, let, 100, then, 88.89
2 5 1.125

Joint 1 2 3 4
Member 12 21 23 32 34 43
DF 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.4
FEM 100 100 0 0 88.89 88.89
BAL & CO at 2 -25 ←-50 -50→ -25
BAL & CO at 3 -19.17 ←-38.33 -25.56→ -12.78
BAL & CO at 2 4.8 ←9.6 9.6→ 4.8
BAL & CO at 3    -1.5 ←-2.9 -1.9→ -0.95
BAL & CO at 2 0.4 ←0.8 0.8→ 0.4
BAL & CO at 3    -0.12 ←-0.24 -0.16→ -0.08
Final 80.2 60.4 -60.4 -61.3 61.3 75.1

From FB diagram above,

∑ 0 28.12 18.19 0 46.3

Now, we have,

0 7.13 46.3 0 0.154

Now final moments are,

Member 12 21 23 32 34 43
Non sway (1) -0.76 -1.42 1.42 5.29 -5.29 11.39
Sway (2) 80.2 60.4 -60.4 -61.3 61.3 75.1
Total=(1)+λ(2) 11.59 7.88 -7.88 -4.15 4.15 22.96

You can now draw the BM diagram.

    Rohit Kumar Adhikari

92 Moment Distribution Method 


Fig 5.36


Non-sway analysis

There are no FEMs, so no analysis is necessary.

Fig 5.37

Sway analysis

Fig 5.38 Fig 5.39


6 ∆ 6 ∆ 6 ∆
, ,
5 4 3

4 16 3 9
and , Let 100, then, 156.25 and 277.78
5 25 5 25

From the FB diagram above,

∑ 0 28.4 68.9 109.4 0 206.7

60 0 207.6 60 0.29

    Rohit Kumar Adhikari

93 Moment Distribution Method 

Joint A B C E F D
Keff 0.2I 0.25I 0.25I 0.25I 0.5I 0.25I 0.33I  
∑Keff 0.45I 1.25I 0.75I
DF 0.44 0.56 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.43 0.57
FEM 100 100 0 0 156.25 0 0 277.8 277.8 156.3
BAL & CO at B & E -22 ←-44 -56→ -28 -59.8 ←-119.5 -158.4→ -79.2
BAL & CO at C -11.3 ←-22.6 -22.6→ -22.6→ -11.3 -11.3
BAL & CO at B & E 2.5 ←5 6.3→ 3.2 2.5 ←4.9 6.4→ 3.2
BAL & CO at C -0.9 ←-1.85 -1.85→ -1.85→ -0.9 0.9
BAL & CO at B & E 0.2 ←0.4 0.5→ 0.3 0.2 ←0.4 0.5→ 0.25
Final 80.7 61.4 -61.4 -49 131.8 -82 -126.4 126.3 201.8 144.1
Now, the final moments are tabulated below.

Non-sway 0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 
Sway 80.7 61.4 -61.4 -49 131.8 -82 -126 126.3 201.8 144.1
Final -23.4 -17.8 17.8 14.2 -38.2 23.8 36.7 -36.6 -58.5 -41.8

Fig 5.40


Fig 5.41

    Rohit Kumar Adhikari

94 Moment Distribution Method 


The cantilever part on the left has no structural use and can be discarded. Then the problem can
be solved by breaking the loads into symmetry and anti-symmetry.

Symmetrical Part

                                                              Fig 3.42


20 1.5 3.5 20 3.5 1.5

0, 21 ,  
5 5

Joint A B
Member AB BA BC
Keff 0.375I 0.3I
∑Keff 0.675I
DF 0.56 0.44
FEM 0 0 -21
BAL at B 11.76 9.24
Final 0 11.76 -11.76
See the modification for K is done for the hinged support and for symmetry also and the
calculation is done for half portion only.

Skew-Symmetrical Part

Non-sway analysis

There are no FEMs, therefore, no moments are produced.

Fig 5.43

Sway analysis


    Rohit Kumar Adhikari

95 Moment Distribution Method 

6 ∆ 6 2 ∆
100 Say

Fig 5.44 Fig 5.45

Joint A B
Member AB BA BC
Keff 0.375I 0.3I
∑Keff 1.275I
DF 0.29 0.71
FEM 100 100 0
BAL at A -100→ -50
BAL at B -14.5 -35.5
Final 0 35.5 -35.5
See, here also the same for skew symmetrical analysis is done.

Now, from the above FBD,

∑ 0 8.88 8.88 0 17.76

10 0 17.76 10 0.56

Final end moments are tabulated below.

Symm. 0.0 11.8 -11.8 11.8 -11.8 0.0
Sway 0.0 35.5 -35.5 -35.5 35.5 0.0
Final 0.0 31.6 -31.6 -8.1 8.1 0.0

Fig 5.46

    Rohit Kumar Adhikari

96 Moment Distribution Method 


Fig 5.47

Ans. We will solve this problem by using the advantage of breaking it into symmetrical and skew-
symmetrical parts as below. Following two figures together are equivalent to the given one.

Fig 5.48 Fig 5.49

Symmetrical Part


1 6
0.75 , 0.75 ,

3 2 6 3 6 2
8 8

Joint A B
Member AB BA BC
Keff 0.333I 0.188I
∑Keff 0.521I
DF 0.64 0.36
FEM -0.75 0.75 -4.5
BAL at B 1.2 ←2.4 1.35
Final 0.45 3.15 -3.15

Skew-Symmetrical Part

Non-sway analysis

    Rohit Kumar Adhikari

97 Moment Distribution Method 

See figure 5.49 below.


0.75 , 0.75 ,

3 2 6 3 6 2
8 8

Fig 5.50 Fig 5.51

Don’t get confused with that roller, it is skew-symmetrical again.

Joint A B
Member AB BA BC
Keff 0.333I 0.563I
∑Keff 0.896I
DF 0.37 0.63
FEM -0.75 0.75 -2.25
BAL at B 0.28 ←0.56 0.95
Final -0.47 1.31 -1.31

From FBD above,

∑ 0 1 1 0.36 0.36 0 1.28

Sway analysis

6 ∆ 6 2 ∆
100 Say

Fig 5.52 Fig 5.53

Hence, using the free body diagram above,

    Rohit Kumar Adhikari

98 Moment Distribution Method 

∑ 0 24.08 24.08 0 48.16

0 1.28 48.16 0 0.027

Joint A B
Member AB BA BC
DF 0.37 0.63
FEM 100 100 0
BAL at B -18.5 ←-37 -63
Final 81.5 63 -63
Note that the DF’s are same as in non-sway analysis.

Now, final moments are, M Symmetrical Non sway λ Sway

Symm. 0.45 3.15 -3.15 3.15 -3.15 -0.45
Non-Sway -0.47 1.31 -1.31 -1.31 1.31 -0.47
Sway 81.50 63.00 -63.00 -63.00 63.00 81.50
Final -2.22 2.76 -2.76 3.54 -3.54 -3.12

Fig 5.54


Fig 5.55

Ans. This is a symmetrical case and and we will have our calculations for half portion only.


    Rohit Kumar Adhikari

99 Moment Distribution Method 

20 6
60 , all other FEMs being equal to zero.

Joint A B E G
Keff 0.25I 0.3I 0.563I 0.167I   
∑Keff 1.249I
DF 0.2 0.24 0.45 0.12
FEM 0 0 0 0 -60 0 0
BAL & CO at B 6 ←12 14.4 27 7.2
Final 6 12 14.4 27 -52.8 0 0

Fig 5.56


EI = 1000 KNm2

Fig 5.57


FEMs due to load only

60 2 1 60 1 2
13.33 , 26.67
3 3

20 6
60 , 60

    Rohit Kumar Adhikari

100 Moment Distribution Method 

FEMs due to support settlement only

6 0.009 6 0.009
6 , 1.5
3 6

Joint A B C
Keff 0.333I 0.125I
∑Keff 0.458I
DF 0.73 0.27
FEM(load) -13.33 26.67 -60 60 -20
FEM(settlement) -6 -6 1.5 1.5 0
FEM -19.33 20.67 -58.5 61.5 -20
BAL and CO at C -20.75 ←-41.5
BAL and CO at B 21.38 ←42.76 15.82
Final 2.05 63.43 -63.43 20 -20

Fig 5.58

    Rohit Kumar Adhikari

101    ILD for Indeterminate Beams 

6.0 ILD for Indeterminate Beams 
6.1 Introduction 
Influence line diagram for indeterminate beams can be obtained by using the Muller Breslau’s
Principle. It states that,

“ If an internal stress component (Shear force, Bending moment etc) or reaction component is
allowed to act through a displacement thereby causing deformation of the structure, the curve of the
deformed shape represents, to some scale, the influence line for that stress or reaction component.”
Or, in other words, “ The ordinates of the influence line for any stress elements (SF, BM or
reactions) of any structure are proportional to those ordinates of the deflected curve that is obtained
by removing the restrain corresponding to that stress element from the structure and introducing a
displacement at its place in its direction in the primary structure that remains.”

This principle is applicable to any types of structures, whether it is beam, or truss or frame; statically
determinate or indeterminate. In case of indeterminate structures, this principle is limited to the
linearly elastic structures. By applying this principle, it is possible to sketch in no time the
approximate shape of ILD for any stress elements and can be used for the design purposes.

For example, to draw the ILD for the reaction at roller B of the propped cantilever AB, the restrain for
this reaction RB is removed, then, a deflection in the direction of the same is applied. Then, the
deflected shape, to some scale, represent the ILD for RB.

Figure 6.1

                                                                                 Figure 6.2

To draw ILD for reaction, remove the reaction component; for bending moment, remove the
moment carrying capacity i.e. provide hinge; and for shear force, remove the restrain for shear
force (cut the member).

After doing the above, then if we are able to provide unit displacement in the direction of above
stress element for which we are interested to find ILD, and then draw the deflected shape, we
exactly get the ILD. But, it is not easy to give unit displacement directly i.e., we don’t know how
much force in the direction of the stress element would give that unit displacement. So, we apply
unit load in the direction of the stress element, find the deflections at different intervals and now, if
we divide each of the ordinates by the displacement due to unit load in its direction (i.e. we are
making the displacement in the direction of the stress element as of unit value), then we can get
the ILD for that stress element. It will be clearer through examples. The deflections are taken as
+ve when they are downward. Other sign conventions for moment and shear force are same as
usual. Here, displacement means vertical deflection in case of reaction, rotation in case of moment
and relative vertical deflection in case of shear force.

    Rohit Kumar Adhikari

102 ILD for Indeterminate Beams

6.2 Numerical Examples

1. Draw ILD for RB for the following propped cantilever. Give ordinates at 4m interval.

Fig 6.3

Ans. First remove the restrain for reaction at B, i.e. remove the roller, then apply unit load in the
direction of the reaction RB.

Fig 6.4

Now, we have to find first the displacements (in this case the vertical deflections) at B as well as at
various intervals. Let us use the conjugate beam method for that purpose.

Fig 6.5

Recalling that in the conjugate beam, the fixed end is replaced by the free end and vice-versa, and
it is loaded with the M/EI diagram,(M/EI diagram is +ve, so the loading is downward (+ve) ). Now
the bending moment at any point in the conjugate beam will give us the vertical deflection at that

Now, from figure, the moment at various intervals in the conjugate beam (corresponding
deflections at real beam) are,

2666.67 2666.67 200 4 4 1877.34

, 4 0.5 4 ,
2666.67 200 8 8 1152
8 0.5 8 ,
2666.67 200 12 12 554.67
12 0.5 12 ,
2666.67 200 16 16 149.33
16 0.5 16

Rohit Kumar Adhikari

103 ILD for Indeterminate Beams

2666.67 200 20 20
20 0.5 20 0, as it should be.

Negative sign indicate that the deflection is upward.

Now, in the ILD, the deflection at B should be unity. i.e. 1, which can be obtained by dividing
the deflection at B by itself. So the ordinates of ILD are obtained by dividing each of the above
deflections by the magnitude of .

So, ILD ordinates are,

149.33 554.67
0, 0.0559, 0.208, 0.432,
2666.67 2666.67 2666.67

0.7 1

ILD is plotted in the following diagram.

Fig 6.6

2. Draw ILD for RA for the continuous beam shown below. Give ordinates at 1m interval. EI is
constant throughout.

Fig 6.7

Ans. First remove the restrain for reaction at A, i.e. remove the hinge, then apply unit load in the
direction of the reaction RA.

Fig 6.8

Now, draw the conjugate beam, loaded with M/EI diagram replacing the free end by fixed support,
the internal support B by internal hinge and, the roller C remains unchanged.

The moment about the internal hinge for left or right portion is zero, so,

6 1 5 5
0 5 5 0
2 3

Rohit Kumar Adhikari

104 ILD for Indeterminate Beams

Fig 6.9

Fig 6.10

Due to the presence of internal hinge, which can transfer only the shear force as shown, we can

6 1 6 10 132
for A B portion only 0 6 2 6 0
2 3
0 for whole beam 0

Now, from figure, the moment at various intervals in the conjugate beam (corresponding
deflections at real beam) are,

132 132 28 1 1 104.2

, 1 0.5 1 ,
132 28 2 2 77.33
2 0.5 2 ,
132 28 3 3 52.5
3 0.5 3 ,
132 28 4 4 30.67
4 0.5 4
132 28 5 5 12.83
5 0.5 5 ,
132 28 6 6
6 0.5 6 0, as it should be.

Now, calculating from the other side,

5 1.2 1 4.8
0, 1 0.5 1 ,
5 2.4 2 8.4
2 0.5 2
5 3.6 3 9.6
3 0.5 3 ,

Rohit Kumar Adhikari

105 ILD for Indeterminate Beams

5 4.8 4 7.2
4 0.5 4

Now, to get ILD, we have to make the deflection at A as zero. For that dividing all the above
ordinates by the magnitude of deflection | |, we get the ordinates of ILD. ILD is drawn below.

Fig 6.11

3. Draw ILD for RB for the continuous beam in the figure below. Give ordinates at 1m interval. EI is
constant throughout.

Fig 6.12

Ans. First remove the restrain for reaction at B, i.e. remove the roller, then apply unit load in the
direction of the reaction RB.

Fig 6.13

Now, draw the conjugate beam, loaded with M/EI diagram , no supports will be changed.

Fig 6.14

Fig 6.15

Rohit Kumar Adhikari

106 ILD for Indeterminate Beams

2.727 1 11 6 7.272
0 6 5 11 0
2 3

The C. G. of the triangle as in the igure lies at , where, L is the total length and a is the

distance of the peak from the end from which you are measuring.

And from equilibrium of vertical forces, you can find,


Now, using the conjugate beam,

7.272 0.455 1 7.196

0, 1 0.5 1 ,
7.272 0.91 2 13.94
2 0.5 2 ,
7.272 1.36 3 19.776
3 0.5 3 ,
7.272 1.82 4 24.23
4 0.5 4
7.272 2.27 5 26.90
5 0.5 5
7.272 2.727 6 27.27
6 0.5 6 ,

Now, calculating from the other side,

7.727 0.545 1 7.636

0, 1 0.5 1 ,
7.727 1.09 2 14.727
2 0.5 2
7.727 1.64 3 20.721
3 0.5 3
7.727 2.18 4 25.09
4 0.5 4

But, we should make the ordinate at B as unit, so divide all the deflections above, by the
magnitude of M6 to get the ordinates of ILD which is drawn below with the values of ordinates.

Fig 6.16

Rohit Kumar Adhikari

107 ILD for Indeterminate Beams

4. Draw ILD for moment at C for the continuous beam in the figure below. Give ordinates at 2m
interval. EI is constant throughout.

Fig 6.17

Ans. First remove the restrain for moment at C, i.e. provide an internal hinge at this point and then
apply unit moment at C as shown in figure. You can find the reactions using statics.

Fig 6.18

Here, this continuous beam is equivalent to two simply supported beams.

Fig 6.19

Fig 6.20

Fig 6.21

Now, draw the conjugate beam and load it with the M/EI diagram as in the figure above.

In the beam A’C’,

Rohit Kumar Adhikari

108 ILD for Indeterminate Beams

1 1 1 1.33
0 8 8 8 0
2 3
1 1 2.67
0 8

In the beam C’B’,

1 1 1 1
0 6 6 6
2 3
1 1 2
0 6

Now, the moments at various points in the conjugate beam gives the corresponding deflections in
the real beam, i.e.
1.33 2 2 2.49
0, 2 0.5 2 ,
8 3
1.33 4 4 3.99
4 0.5 4 ,
8 3
1.33 6 6 3.48
6 0.5 6 ,
8 3
1.33 8 8
8 0.5 8 0
8 3

Now, calculating from the other side,

1 2 2 1.78
0, 2 0.5 2
6 3
1 4 4 2.22
4 0.5 4
6 3
7.272 2.727 6 27.27
6 0.5 6 ,

Now, you have to understand that if we give unit displacement in the direction of the stress
element (moment in this case), then only the deflected shape would give the ILD. The
corresponding displacement of moment is rotation. But, the rotation at C is not unity. So, if we
divide the rotation at C in the beam by the rotation itself, then it will be unity. Thus, to get ILD we
have to divide all the deflections above by the magnitude of the rotation at C. But, we don’t know
its value. Again, recalling that the shear force in the conjugate beam at any point gives the rotation
in the real beam at that point,

Rotation at C in the real beam Total shear force at C in the conjugate beam Total reaction at C

2.67 2 4.67

Now, dividing each of the above deflection by magnitude of this rotation, we get the ordinates of
ILD which are shown below in the diagram.

Rohit Kumar Adhikari

109 ILD for Indeterminate Beams

Fig 6.22

5. Draw ILD for reaction at A for the continuous beam in the figure below. Give ordinates at 2m
interval. Flexural rigidity is 2EI for AB and EI for BC.

Fig 6.23

Ans. First remove the restrain for reaction at A, i.e. remove the roller, then apply unit load in the
direction of the reaction RA. You are supposed to find the reactions simply by using the equations
of static equilibrium.

Fig 6.24

Now, see that the M/EI diagram is different from the BMD, since EI is changing.

Fig 6.25

Now, draw the conjugate beam, loaded with M/EI diagram, provide internal hinge for the internal
support and fixed end for for free end.

Fig 6.26

Rohit Kumar Adhikari

110 ILD for Indeterminate Beams


6 1 1 6
0 6 6 6 0
2 3
6 1 3 1 21
0 6 6 0
2 2
3 1 1 108
0 6 6 6 0 . .
2 3

Now, using the conjugate beam,

108 108 21 1 2 66.67

, 2 0.5 2 ,
108 21 2 4 29.33
4 0.5 4 ,
108 21 3 6
6 0.5 6 0,

Now, calculating from the other side,

6 2 2 10.67
0, 2 0.5 2 ,
6 4 4 33.33
4 0.5 4

But, we should make the vertical deflection at A as unity, so divide all the deflections above, by the
magnitude to get the ordinates of ILD which is drawn below with the values of ordinates.

Fig 6.27

6. Draw ILD for moment at fixed end A for the propped cantilever shown below. Give ordinates at
2.5m interval. EI is constant throughout.

Fig 6.28

Ans. First remove the restrain for moment at A, i.e. remove the moment carrying capacity of this
end i.e. provide a hinge support, then apply unit moment at A. You can find the reactions simply by
using the equations of static equilibrium. Now, draw the conjugate beam loaded with M/EI diagram
as shown in figure 6.31 below.

Rohit Kumar Adhikari

111 ILD for Indeterminate Beams

Fig 6.29

Fig 6.30

Fig 6.31


1 1 1 1.67
0 10 10 10 0
2 3
1 1 3.33
0 10 0

Now, various deflections in the real beam are the moments in the conjugate beam. So, working
from the right support in the conjugate beam,

1.67 0.25 2.5 3.915

0, 2.5 0.5 2.5
1.67 0.5 5 6.267
5 0.5 5
1.67 0.75 7.5 5.494
7.5 0.5 7.5
1.67 1 10
10 0.5 10 0

Now, again we have to make the rotation in the deflected shape of real beam of figure 6.29 at A as
unity to get the ILD, so we have to divide all the above deflections by the magnitude of this
rotation, which is equal to the shear force at A’ in the conjugate beam.


So by dividing all the above deflections by this value, we get the ordinates of the ILD which is
drawn with ordinate values in the following diagram.

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112 ILD for Indeterminate Beams

Fig 6.32

7. Draw ILD for moment at D for the propped cantilever shown below. Give ordinates at 2m
interval. EI is constant throughout.

Fig 6.33

Ans. First remove the restrain for moment at D, i.e. provide an internal hinge at D, then apply unit
moment at D. You can find the reactions simply by using the equations of static equilibrium and
noting that the moment about the internal hinge for either of the left or right portion is zero, as a
hinge can not transfer the moment.

Fig 6.34

Now, draw the conjugate beam loaded with M/EI diagram as shown in figure 6.376 below,
remembering that the internal hinge is converted into the internal support.

Fig 6.35

Fig 6.36

Now, in the conjugate beam,

4 1 2 42.67
0 2 8 8 0
2 3

Rohit Kumar Adhikari

113 ILD for Indeterminate Beams

4 1 26.67
0 8 0

Now, working from the right end,

26.67 1 2 54.01
0, 2 0.5 2
26.67 2 4 26.67
4 0.5 4
26.67 3 6 7.34
6 0.5 6
26.67 4 8
8 0.5 8 0

Now, as before, relative rotation at D in the real beam is the total shear force i.e. reaction at D in
the conjugate beam, and is,


So, dividing the deflection ordinates obtained above by the magnitude of this rotation, we get the
ordinates of the ILD which is drawn in the figure below.

Fig 6.37

8. Draw ILD for moment at D for the continuous beam shown below. Give ordinates at 1m interval.
EI is constant throughout.

Fig 6.38

Ans. First remove the restrain for moment at D, i.e. provide an internal hinge at D, then apply unit
moment at it. Now, to find the reactions,

Fig 6.39

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114 ILD for Indeterminate Beams

0 2 1 0

0 8 4 0 1

0 0

Fig 6.40

The conjugate beam loaded with M/EI diagram for the released structure is drawn below.

Fig 6.41

To find the reactions in the conjugate beam,

2 4 1.33
0 4 0.5 4
2 10.67
0 8 2 2 0.5 4 4 0

4 4
0 0

Now, the deflections at various points in the released structure are,

1.33 0.5 1 1.247

1 0.5 1
1.33 1 2 2
2 0.5 2
1.33 1.5 3 1.74
3 0.5 3 ,
1.33 2 4
4 0.5 4 0

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115 ILD for Indeterminate Beams

Now, calculating from the other side,

4 0.5 1 4.083
0, 1 0.5 1
4 1 2 8.67 4 1.5 3 3.58
2 0.5 2 , 3 0.5 3
3 3

Now, to get ILD again, the relative rotation at D in the released structure should again be unity,
which is now actually equal to the reaction at D in the conjugate beam, i.e.


So, dividing all the above deflections by the magnitude of this rotation, we get the ordinates of ILD
which is drawn below.

Fig 6.42

9. Draw ILD for SF at D for the continuous beam shown below. Give ordinates at 1m interval. EI is
constant throughout.

Fig 6.43

Ans. First remove the restrain for shear force at D, i.e. cut the member at D, and then apply unit
force at D on the both portions in opposite direction as shown. Now, to find the reactions,

Fig 6.44

For the portion AD,

0 1 0 1 1

Rohit Kumar Adhikari

116 ILD for Indeterminate Beams

0 3 0,

Which does not satisfy the equation of static equilibrium, so we have to apply a 3KNm moment at
the end D in the portion AD in clockwise direction. Accordingly, there should be an equal and
opposite moment at D end of the other portion CD as shown in figure.

For portion DC,

0 5 1 8 3 0 2.2

0 1 0 1.2 1.2

Now, draw the M/EI diagram and draw the conjugate beam loaded with M/EI diagram as done

Fig 6.45

Fig 6.46

Now, care should be taken while drawing the conjugate beam. At D, in the real beam of fig 6.44,
there is change in the vertical deflection from left to right, but there is no change in rotation and we
know the vertical deflection in the real beam is equivalent to the moment in the conjugate beam.
So, the change in vertical deflection in the real beam cam be represented by the change in
moment in the conjugate beam at D by providing moment as shown in figure in our +ve
direction. Now, to find the reactions,

6 5 5 5
0 5 0.5 5
6 28 28
0 0.5 5 6 0

28 6 6 132
0 6 0.5 6 0

Now, various deflections in the released structure are,

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117 ILD for Indeterminate Beams

28 1 1 27.833
0, 1 0.5 1
28 2 2 54.67
2 0.5 2
28 3 3 79.5 79.5 132 52.5
3 0.5 3 ,
28 4 4 132 30.67
4 0.5 4
28 5 5 132 12.83
5 0.5 5
28 6 6 132
6 0.5 6 0

Now, calculating from the other side,

5 1.2 1 4.8 5 2.4 2 8.4

1 0.5 1 , 2 0.5 2
3 3
5 3.6 3 9.6 5 4.8 4 7.2
3 0.5 3 , 4 0.5 4
3 3

Now, to get the ILD for shear force, the relative deflection at D in the released structure should be
unity. But, this is equal to the moment in the conjugate beam, so dividing all the above
deflections by magnitude of , we get the ordinates of ILD which is drawn below.

Fig 6.47

10. Draw ILD for SFleft at B for the continuous beam shown below. Give ordinates at 2m interval.
EI is constant throughout.

Fig 6.48

Ans. First remove the restrain for shear force at just left of B, i.e. cut the member at left of B, and
then apply unit force at B on the both portions in opposite direction as shown. Now, to find the

For the portion AB,

0 1 0 1 1

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118 ILD for Indeterminate Beams

Fig 6.49

0 4 0,

Which does not satisfy the equation of static equilibrium, so we have to apply a 4KNm moment at
the end B in the portion AB in clockwise direction. Accordingly, there should be an equal and
opposite moment at B end of the other portion BC as shown in figure.

For portion BC,

0 4 1 4 4 0 2

0 1 0 1 1

Now, draw the M/EI diagram and draw the conjugate beam loaded with M/EI diagram as done

Fig 6.50

Fig 6.51

The conjugate beam is drawn as in the previous example. Now, to find reactions,

4 4 2.67 2.67
0 4 0.5 4
4 13.33 13.33
0 0.5 4 4 0

13.33 4 4 62.65
0 4 0.5 4 0

Now, various deflections in the released structure are,

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119 ILD for Indeterminate Beams

13.33 2 2 25.33
0, 2 0.5 2
13.33 4 4 42.65 79.5 62.65
4 0.5 4 , 0

Calculating from the other side,

2.67 2 2 4.00
2 0.5 2

Now, to get the ILD for shear force, the relative deflection at B in the released structure should be
unity. But, this is equal to the moment in the conjugate beam, so dividing all the above
deflections by magnitude of , we get the ordinates of ILD which is drawn below.

Fig 6.52

11. Draw ILD for vertical reaction at A for the propped cantilever shown below. Give ordinates at
1m interval. EI is constant throughout.

Fig 6.53

Ans. First remove the restrain for vertical reaction at A, i.e. remove the capacity of the fixed
support to give vertical reaction but you can not remove the restrain for reaction moment there i.e.
this end should not allow any rotation in the released structure(it can still give a reaction moment),
then apply unit load in the direction of the reaction RA. So, put a moment MA in the released
structure. See no rotation is allowed in the deflected shape at A. Now,

Fig 6.54

0 1 0 1 1

0 1 5 0 5 5

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120 ILD for Indeterminate Beams

Now, M/EI diagram and the conjugate beam are drawn below. While drawing conjugate beam, see
there is some deflection at A in the real beam, and knowing that the deflection in the real beam is
equivalent to the moment in the conjugate beam, so there should be some moment at this end
(say MA’) but there is no rotation in the real beam, so no shear force i.e. vertical reaction should be

To find the reactions,

Fig 6.55

Fig 6.56

5 12.5 12.5
0 0.5 5 0

5 2 5 41.67 41.67
0 0.5 5

Calculating from the right side,

12.5 1 1 12.33
1 0.5 1
12.5 2 2 23.67 12.5 3 3 33
2 0.5 2 , 3 0.5 3
3 3
12.5 4 4 39.33 41.67
4 0.5 4 ,

Now, to get the ordinates of ILD, as before, we have to divide all the deflections by the magnitude
of the deflection at A, i.e. by . ILD with the ordinates is drawn below.

Fig 6.57

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121 Introduction to Plastic Analysis 

7.0 Introduction to Plastic Analysis  
7.1 Introduction 
Up to here, we carried our analysis on the basis of elastic behavior of structures i.e. stress-strain
relationship is linear. Such analysis called elastic method of analysis is useful to study the behavior
of structures towards serviceability under the working loads, which assumes the structure fails when
the stress in any point of the structure reaches the yield stress. However, in case of steel structures,
when the load is increased, some of the sections may develop the yield stress. Any further increase
in the load causes the structure to undergo elasto-plastic deformation and some of the sections may
develop fully plastic conditions at which a no. of plastic hinges are formed, transferring the structure
into a mechanism. This mechanism will collapse without noticeable additional loading.

A study of mechanism of failure and knowledge of the load causing this mechanism is necessary to
determine the load factor. A structure is designed so that the collapse load is equal to or greater
than the working load multiplied by the load factor specified. Design of structures using plastic
analysis is increasing nowadays in steel structures.

The figure below shows the idealized stress-strain diagram for structural steel.

Fig 7.1

As shown in the figure, a large amount of plastic deformation (12-14 times the elastic deformation)
is useful for a section to develop plastic hinge after it has reached the yield stress. Furthermore,
the large reserve strength available in the strain-hardening zone is neglected in the figure.

Consider the stresses across a section of a simply supported beam as load is increased. When
the loading is in the elastic limit, the stress varies linearly as shown in the second figure below up
to when the extreme fibre reaches the yield stress. If now the load is further increased, the section
can still resist more load because the interior fibers has not reached the maximum i.e. (yield
stress). As the load is increased the outer fibers now has no carrying capacity, they just contract or
expand as the case may be, but the inner fibers resist the load till they also reach the yield stress.

Fig 7.2

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122 Introduction to Plastic Analysis 

In such intermediate stage, the condition is called elasto-plastic condition. The load applied is
resisted continuously till whole fibers yield. This stage is called fully plastic condition. Thus, we
found that there is a lot resisting capacity even after the outer fibre reaches the yield stress. After
all the fibers yield, the section has no resisting capacity and behaves like a hinge for additional
loading i.e. allows rotation about this point.

Plastic Hinge

It is the section at which all the fibers have reached the yield stress, because of which for any
further loading rotation takes place at this section, resisting no additional moment.

Plastic Moment Capacity

Plastic moment capacity of a section is the moment that causes the formation of plastic hinge at
that section i.e. causes all the fibers to yield.

Assumptions of Plastic Analysis

1. The stress-strain curve is idealized to be composed of two straight lines as shown in figure
7.1 above, neglecting the strain hardening effect.
2. Plane section before bending remains plane after bending.
3. The relation between the compressive stress and compressive strain is same as that
between the tensile stress and tensile strain.
4. When fully plastic moment is attained at a section, a plastic hinge is formed, which can
undergo rotation of any magnitude, the value of the moment remaining the same as the
plastic moment.
5. Effect of axial and shear force on the plastic moment capacity is neglected.
6. The deflections are considered so small that the equations of static equilibrium hold good
as for undeformed structures.

Shape Factor

When a structure is within elastic limit, the bending moment is expressed as,

,  being the stress and being the section modulus, given as,

When the extreme fibre starts to reach the yield stress, let us denote the yield moment at that time
by , which is given by,  .

Now, if be the plastic moment capacity of the section, we define plastic section modulus as,

,    . .    

Now, shape factor is defined as the ratio of the plastic moment capacity to the yield moment, i.e.

S is always greater than 1, since plastic moment capacity is always greater than the yield moment.

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123 Introduction to Plastic Analysis 

At the time of the formation of plastic hinge i.e. when a section reaches the plastic moment, since
there is no any effect of the external load on the section, total compression force, must be equal to
the total tension force.

i.e., , . .    

So, area of tension should be equal to the area of compression.

Fig 7.3

But,        , /2

i.e. the plastic NA divides the whole area into two equal parts.

Now, plastic moment,

       ,   where,     
2 2

Where, and are the distance of centroid of the area of compression and tension respectively
from plastic NA.

Collapse Load

A structure is said to have collapsed if the entire or part of the structure starts undergoing unlimited
deformation. This happens when the no. of equations of static equilibrium are greater than the no.
of independent reactions. The state at which this condition develops is called collapse mechanism
and load causing it is called the collapse load. It is also called the ultimate load. Normally
structures are allowed to carry only a fraction of the ultimate load, called working load. Thus,

Collapse load = Load factor × Working load

i.e. the ratio of the load causing the collapse to the working load is called the load factor. Thus,
load factor is similar to the factor of safety in elastic design in which it is the ratio of the yield stress
to the working stress.

Methods of Plastic Analysis

There are two methods for plastic analysis.

1. Statical Method:-
This method is suitable for the structures whose BMD is known and consists of drawing
BMD & equating BM at sufficient points to plastic moment so that the collapse mechanism
is formed. So care should be taken that no plastic moment is exceeded by any section.
This method is suitable for beam.

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124 Introduction to Plastic Analysis 

2. Kinematic Method:-
This method starts with an assumed collapse mechanism. After collapse mechanism is
formed, there can be no change in curvature at any X-section except at the location of
formation of plastic hinges. Hence, if a virtual displacement is given to the structure just
after a collapse mechanism is formed, the internal work is done only at plastic hinges,
where plastic moment is acting. Hence, by equating the internal workdone by the plastic
moment at plastic hinges with the external workdone by the loads, we are able to get the
collapse load. However, according to kinematic theorem, it is equal to or greater than the
collapse load. So, we consider all possible collapse mechanism and the least of the
collapse load obtained is taken as the real collapse load. For simple structures like beams,
single storey single bay frames etc, it is possible to imagine all collapse mechanism and to
arrive at real collapse load, but in case of multi storey multi bay frames, some collapse
mechanism may go beyond the imaginations.
This method is also known as mechanism or virtual work method.
For beams:
For any span of a beam to collapse, there should be natural hinge (mechanical hinge(roller
or hinge support)) at the two ends and one plastic hinge at the span. To reduce the trials,
we have to know the point of maximum BM in the span. E. g. in case of a set of
concentrated load, the maximum BM occurs under the load.
For Frames:

Given Frame

Fig 7.4

Beam mechanism Sway mechanism Combined mechanism

Fig 7.5 Fig 7.6 Fig 7.7

a) Beam mechanism:-
The individual members (beam or column) may fail by the beam mechanism similar to that
in case of beam. This mechanism takes place in the member where there is load in the
span. As in beam, three hinges are necessary, two at the ends (some may be mechanical
also) and one within the span. In case of concentrated loads, the intermediate hinge will be
formed under one of the loads, so, the no. of trials would be equal to the no. of point loads.
In case of continuous member or simply supported or both ends fixed, loaded uniformly
over the span, the intermediate hinge is at the middle of the span and in case of one end

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125 Introduction to Plastic Analysis 

fixed(or continuous) and other hinged, the intermediate hinge will be at 0.414L from the
hinged end(propped end).
b) Sway mechanism:-
Due to lateral forces, a frame may sway considerably and form a collapse mechanism. Two
hinges at the bottom(may be mechanical) and two at the top of the column are necessary
for this mechanism.
c) Combined mechanism:-
Combination of beam and sway mechanism may also take place as in figure. Generally,
formation of hinge at intermediate of the column need not be considered as collapse

All the above 3 mechanisms are to be checked and the real collapse load is the least of these
three and plastic moment capacity is the greater of the three.

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126 Introduction to Plastic Analysis

7.2 Numerical Examples

1. Find the shape factor for a rectangular section.

Fig 7.8

Now, for plastic section modulus, we have,

2 2

Since the section is symmetrical, plastic and elastic neutral axis coincide with each other. The
centroids of area of compression and tension, as in figure are,

Therefore, the plastic section modulus is,

1.5 .
2 2 4 4 4 4

2. Find the shape factor for a circular section.

Fig 7.9

Ans. We have, section modulus,

4 4

Now, for plastic section modulus, we have,

2 2

Since the section is symmetrical,, plastic and elastic neutral axis coincide with each other. The
centroids of area of compression and tension, as in figure are,

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127 Introduction to Plastic Analysis


Therefore, the plastic section modulus is,

4 4
2 1.698 .
2 2 3 3

3. Find the shape factor for a triangular section.

Fig 7.10

Ans. We have, for a triangle,

36 3

Hence, section modulus,

2 24

Now, for plastic section modulus, we have,

……………………… 1
2 2 2 4

Now, let the plastic neutral axis be at a depth of h’ from the apex of the triangle. Then width at this

…………………………………………. 2

So, area under compression,

1 1
2 2 4 √2


Therefore, the centroid of the area of compression, yc from plastic NA is,

3 3√2

And yt is,

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128 Introduction to Plastic Analysis

1 2
2 2 3 2
2 2

1 2 0.293
0.146 0.293 0.293 2 0.293 0.707 0.0387
2 3 2 0.155
1 0.2499
0.146 0.293 2 0.293 0.707


0.236 0.155 0.0977 2.342 .
2 4

4. Find the shape factor for a symmetric I-section.

Fig 7.11

Ans. To find the MOI about neutral axis consider three areas, one A1 and two A2 where,


Then, since twice the later deducted from the former area gives the real area in the figure,

2 ,
12 12 12 2

Hence, section modulus,

12 2

Now, for plastic section modulus, plastic NA is again same as the elastic one. So,

2 2 due to symmetry
2 2

Where, and are the centroid of areas A1 /2 and A2 /2 (areas of compression or tension)
from the plastic NA. So,

2 2
2 4 2 4 4

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129 Introduction to Plastic Analysis

4 2
1.5D .
2 2

4. Find the shape factor for a symmetric I-section.

Fig 7.12

Ans. To find the MOI about neutral axis,

100 250 47 230 250

2 34.9 10 , 125
12 12 2

Hence, section modulus,

34.9 10
279.2 10

Now, for plastic section modulus, plastic NA is again same as the elastic one. So,

250 250 230 230

100 2 47 2 319.35 10
2 4 2 4


1.144 .

4. Find the shape factor for an unsymmetrical I-section.

Fig 7.13

Ans. This is unsymmetrical and we should first locate the elastic neutral axis.

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130 Introduction to Plastic Analysis

Considering the area of two flanges and one web separately and taking the distances from the

∑ 14 2 11 1.5 9 5.5 10 1 0.5

∑ 4 2 1.5 9 10 1

Now, finding the MOI of each flange and web separately and transferring them to the neutral axis
using parallel axis theorem,

10 1 1.5 9
7.52 0.5 1 10 7.52 5.5 1.5 9
12 12

14 2
11 7.52 2 14 988.272

and 7.52 (greater than (12 7.52))

Hence, section modulus,


Now, for plastic section modulus, we have to locate first the PNA.

We have, total area,

14 2 1.5 9 10 1 51.5, 25.75


The PNA may lie on the top flange, or on the web or on the bottom flange.

Let, as first trial, it lies on the web at a depth h’ from the top fibre. Then,

Fig 7.14

Area above PNA (area of compression) should be equal to /2 25.75,

. .1 10 1.5 1 25.75 11.5

Which means the PNA doesn’t lie on the web but lies on the bottom flange. So, from figure below,

Area below PNA (area of tension taken here for simplicity) should be equal to /2 25.75 again,

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131 Introduction to Plastic Analysis

Fig 7.15

2 10 14 25.75 10.161

Which is OK.

Now, plastic section modulus can be obtained by considering each segmental area for
compression and tension sides.

1 10 9.661 1.5 9 4.661 0.161 14 0.0805 1.839 14 0.9195 183.389


1.395 .

5. Find the shape factor for the following T-section.

Fig 7.16

Ans. We should first locate the elastic neutral axis.

Considering the area of the flange and the web separately and taking the distances from the top,

∑ 10 120 5 110 10 65
∑ 10 120 110 10

Now, finding the MOI of the flange and web separately and transferring them to the neutral axis
using parallel axis theorem,

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132 Introduction to Plastic Analysis

120 10 10 110
33.69 5 120 10 65 33.69 10 110 3.185 10
12 12

and 120 33.69 86.31(greater than (33.69))

Hence, section modulus,

3.185 10

Now, for plastic section modulus, we have to locate first the PNA.

We have, total area,

10 120 10 110 2300, 1150


The PNA may lie on the flange, or on the web. Let it lies on the web h’ below top fibre. Then, area
of tension,

Fig 7.17

120 10 1150 5, which means it lies on the flange. So,

Fig 7.18

Area of compression, 120 1150 9.583. Now, again, considering the area of
segmental areas of tension and compression area, we can write,

9.583 120 4.792 0.417 120 0.2085 110 10 0.417 55 66479.167

1.80 .

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133 Introduction to Plastic Analysis

6. Determine the collapse load for the SS beam below.

Fig 7.19

Ans. BMD for this beam is easily drawn below for this beam being simply supported. There are
already two mechanical hinges at the end and formation of one hinge in the span is sufficient for
collapse. (Remember, no. of plastic hinges required is generally equal to one plus the no. or static
indeterminacy of the beam) Since MB is maximum under the load, so plastic hinge will be formed
under the load. From diagram,

Fig 7.20

The moment under the load is wab/L which is equal to the plastic moment Mp at the time of
collapse. So, denoting the collapse load by wc, we have,

7. Determine the collapse load for the the propped cantilever below.

Fig 7.21

Ans. We know, two plastic hinges are necessary for collapse condition and we also know that
there is some moment at the fixed and the maximum value of BM in the span is under the load.
With these information, we can draw the BMD as in figure below .So, two plastic hinges will be
formed, one at the fixed end and the other under the load at the time of collapse having the value
of moment as Mp each.

Fig 7.22

The moment under the load in simply supported case is wab/L. From figure, we have,

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134 Introduction to Plastic Analysis

When, , .

8. Determine the collapse load for the the fixed end beam below.

Fig 7.23

Ans. We know, the static indeterminacy for the structure is two, and three plastic hinges are
necessary for collapse condition and we also know that there is some moment at the fixed and the
maximum value of BM in the span is under the load. With these information, we can draw the
BMD as in figure below .So, three plastic hinges will be formed, two at the fixed ends and the
other under the load at the time of collapse having the value of moment as Mp each.

Fig 7.24

The moment under the load in simply supported case is wab/L. From figure, we have, if wc be the
collapse load,


When, , .

9. Determine the collapse load for the the following propped cantilever with udl over the entire

Fig 7.25

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135 Introduction to Plastic Analysis

Ans. We know, the static indeterminacy for the structure is one, and two plastic hinges are
necessary for collapse condition. One will be formed at the fixed end but we don’t know directly
where the other will be formed in the span i.e. where the BM will be maximum.

Fig 7.26

For that let the BM will be maxm at a distance x from the propped end, then, we know that for a
simply supported beam of same span and same udl,

2 2

Now, from figure 7.26 above,

……………………………………………………………… 1
2 2

For Mx to be maximum,

0 0 2 ………… 2
2 2 2

Since, we have assumed that a hinge will be formed here(at a distance x from the right end),

2 2


2 1 2
2 2

2 2 2 2 0

2 √4 4
√2 √2 1 0.414

Since the other root is not admissible.

Remember this result that one of the plastic hinge in this case is formed at a distance of 0.414L
from the propped end. It will be used later.

Now, from equation (2),

2 0.414 .

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136 Introduction to Plastic Analysis

10. Determine the collapse load for the the following beam. See the plastic moment capacity near
the fixed end is twice that in the span.

Fig 7.27

Ans. In this case also two hinges will be formed at the fixed ends but the plastic moment capacity
there are 2Mp. Hence from figure,

Fig 7.28

2 .

11. Determine the collapse load for the the following beam. See the plastic moment capacity at the
fixed end is twice that in the span.

Fig 7.29

Ans. Since BM is maximum under the load, required plastic hinge for collapse condition will be
formed under the load. For the use of kinematic method, the collapse mechanism is drawn below
when a virtual displacement ∆ is given at the point of application of load.

Fig 7.30

From figure,

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137 Introduction to Plastic Analysis

Now, total external virtual workdone ∆

And, total internal virtual workdone (see no work is done at end mechanical hinges because there
is no moment)

Equating these two works, according to the virtual work theorem,

Same procedure is followed now for other examples also without stating.

12. Determine the collapse load for the the following beam.

Fig 7.31

Ans. In this case since, at the ends also plastic hinges are formed work is done there also.

Fig 7.32

From figure,


Now, total external virtual workdone

2 4

Total internal virtual workdone


4 .

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138 Introduction to Plastic Analysis

13. Determine the collapse load for the the following beam.

Fig 7.33

Ans. The third hinge can be formed under either of the loads. So, both cases are to be checked.

Case 1

Fig 7.34

As first trial let us suppose that hinge will be formed under the load 1.25w. Then from figure,

∆ 0.2 , , ∆ 0.25
0.8 4 16


1.25 ∆ ∆

1.25 0.2 2 2
16 4

Now, let us suppose that the third hinge will be formed under the load w. Then, from figure,

Case 2

Fig 7.35

∆ 0.25 , , ∆ 0.2
0.75 3 15


1.25 ∆ ∆

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139 Introduction to Plastic Analysis

1.25 0.25 2 2
15 3

The same result is obtained from both cases i.e. the collapse may occur through any of those two
cases. Hence, real collapse load,


14. Determine the plastic moment capacity for the the following beam. Take a load factor of 1.5.

Fig 7.36

Ans. Since load factor is 1.5, given loads are working loads and multiply them by 1.5 to get
collapse loads.

Fig 7.37

Two collapse mechanism are possible.

Beam mechanism in AB:

Fig 7.38

Collapse may occur in span AB.

Here, ∆ 2


60 ∆ 3 120 3 40

Now, let us suppose that the third hinge will be formed under the load w. Then, from figure,

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140 Introduction to Plastic Analysis

Beam mechanism in BC:

Fig 7.39

Collapse may occur in span BC also. We know that, in such case the interior hinge will be formed
at a distance of 0.414L from the propped end. Although we are working on the span BC, there is
Mp acting at B end because, lesser moment capacity is attained first (Mp of span AB at end B).


∆ 0.414 0.414 6 , 0.706 ,
0.586 6


∆ 0.414 6
30 6 2 30 6 2 3 0.706
2 2

223.56 2.412 54.29

Hence, the greater of these two mechanism is the real moment capacity and so, moment capacity
of span AB is 54.29 and that of BC is 2 108.56 .

15. Determine the plastic moment capacity for the the following beam. Take given loads as
collapse loads.

Fig 7.40

Ans. Four different cases are possible.

Beam mechanism in AB:

Case I: Hinge under the load of 80KN

Fig 7.41

From figure,

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141 Introduction to Plastic Analysis

∆ 2 , , ∆ 2
4 2


80 ∆ 60 ∆ 2 2 2 1.5

80 2 60 4 3.5 38.26

Case II: Hinge under the load of 60KN

Fig 7.42

From figure,

∆ 2 , , ∆ 2
4 2


60 ∆ 80 ∆ 2 4 1.5

80 60 2 4 3.5 36.36

Beam mechanism in BC:

Fig 7.43

∆ 2


60 ∆ 3 1.5 60 2 3 1.5 21.82

Beam mechanism in CD:

Fig 7.44

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142 Introduction to Plastic Analysis

∆ ,
2 2


80 ∆ 2 80 2 40

Hence, the greater of these four mechanism is the real plastic moment capacity, i.e.

40 .

16. A single storey single bay portal frame clamped at the base of the columns is loaded as
shown. Find the collapse load . is constant throughout.

Fig 7.45

Ans. All three mechanisms are possible.

Beam mechanism:

Fig 7.46

∆ 0.75


∆ 4 0.75 4

Sway mechanism:

∆ ∆ 4 4

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143 Introduction to Plastic Analysis

Fig 7.47

Combined mechanism:

Fig 7.48

∆ , ∆ 0.75


∆ ∆ 2 2 0.75 6

Hence, the lesser of these three mechanism is the real collapse load, i.e.


17. A pinned base rectangular portal frame ABCD of height L and span 3L is of uniform x-section
with plastic moment capacity of . The frame is subjected to a horizontal load P at the top left of
the column from left to right with a vertical load P at a distance L from the right end of the beam.
Find the ultimate value of load P.

Ans. The frame is drawn below.

Fig 7.49

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144 Introduction to Plastic Analysis

Beam mechanism:

Fig 7.50

∆ ,
2 2
∆ 2 2 2 2

Sway mechanism:

Fig 7.51

∆ ∆ 2 2

Combined mechanism:

Fig 7.48

∆ , ∆ 2 , 2

∆ ∆ 2 2 2 6

Hence, we see that the collapse load is same for the beam and the combined mechanism, so it
may fail by any of these two. Hence, real collapse load,


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145 Introduction to Plastic Analysis

18. The following portal frame clamped at the base of the columns is loaded as shown. Find the
collapse load . See plastic moment capacity for beam is twice that of the columns.

Fig 7.53

Ans. All three mechanisms are possible.

Beam mechanism:

Fig 7.54

See is used as the plastic moment at two ends because plastic hinge will be formed just at the
top of the columns at those joints because its moment capacity is lesser.

∆ 0.5 ∆ 2 2 2 0.5 6

Sway mechanism:

Fig 7.55

∆ 0.5 ∆ 4 0.5 0.5 4

Combined mechanism:

∆ 0.5 , ∆ 0.5


∆ ∆ 4 2 2 0.5 0.5 8

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146 Introduction to Plastic Analysis

Fig 7.56

Hence, the lesser of these three mechanism is the real collapse load, i.e.


19. Find the collapse load in the following frame.

Fig 7.57

Ans. All three mechanisms are possible.

Beam mechanism:

Fig 7.58

∆ 2 ,
4 2

∆ 2 2 2 4.5 1.125

Sway mechanism:

See the horizontal sway at the top of both columns should be equal, then,

∆ 3 3
∆ 3 , ∆ 2 2 3 2 2
4 4 4

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147 Introduction to Plastic Analysis


Fig 7.59

Combined mechanism:

Fig 7.60

∆ ∆ 3
∆ 3 , ∆ 2 , ,
4 2 4 4


∆ 2 ∆ 2 2

3 2 2 3 3 2 7 6 0.857
2 4

Hence, real collapse load, 0.857 .

20. Find the plastic moment capacity for the following frame. Loads shown are collapse loads.

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148 Introduction to Plastic Analysis

Fig 7.61

Ans. Two beam mechanisms are possible.

Beam mechanism in the beam:

Fig 7.62

∆ 4 , 2

160 ∆ 1.5 2 160 4 1.5 2 2 2


Beam mechanism in the left column:

Fig 7.63

∆ 0.586 6
∆ 0.586 6 , 1.415
0.414 6 0.414 6
∆ 0.586 6
20 6 1.5 2 120 1.5 2 2.415
2 2


Sway mechanism:

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149 Introduction to Plastic Analysis

Fig 7.64

See the horizontal sway at the top of both columns should be equal, then,

∆ 6 ∆ 6
∆ 6 , 1.5 20 6 1.5 2 20 6 4.5
4 4 2 2


Combined mechanism:

Fig 7.65

∆ ∆ 6
∆ 6 , ∆ 4 , 2 , 1.5
4 4 4

20 6 160 ∆ 1.5
20 6 160 4 2 1.5 1.5 2 1.5

1000 9.5 105.26

Hence, plastic moment capacity of left column 2 210.53 , that of beam 1.5
157.89 and that of right column 105.26 .

21. Determine the load factor for given frame .

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150 Introduction to Plastic Analysis

Fig 7.66

Ans. All three mechanisms are possible.

Beam mechanism:

Fig 7.67

∆ 2


2 ∆ 4 2 2 4

Sway mechanism:

Fig 7.68

∆ 5 ∆ 2 1.5 2 5 5

Combined mechanism:

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151 Introduction to Plastic Analysis

Fig 7.69

∆ 5 , ∆ 2

∆ 2 ∆ 4 1.5 2 5 2 2 7

Hence, the lesser value of load factor from these three mechanism is the real load factor, i.e.


22. Determine the collapse load for the frame below.

Fig 7.70


Beam mechanism I (hinge under the first load):

Fig 7.71

∆ 2 , , ∆ 2 ,
4 2
3 3
∆ ∆ 3 2 3
2 2

Beam mechanism II (hinge under the second load):

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152 Introduction to Plastic Analysis

Due to symmetry, 2 also (check it)

Sway mechanism:

Fig 7.72

∆ 3 ∆ 4 3 4 1.33

Combined mechanism I (hinge under the first load in the beam):

Fig 7.73

∆ 3 , ∆ 2 , , ∆ 2
4 2

∆ ∆ ∆ 3 3 6 8


Combined mechanism II (hinge under the second load in the beam):

Due to symmetry, 1.33 (Try it)

Hence, the real collapse load is, 1.33 .

23. Determine the plastic moment capacity required for the following frame. Loads shown are
working loads. Take a load factor of 1.75. Assume same for all sections.

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153 Introduction to Plastic Analysis

Fig 7.74


We have to design the sections for ultimate load (i.e. collapse load), hence multiply all the loads by
load factor.

Fig 7.75

Beam mechanism:

Fig 7.76

∆ 3

140 ∆ 4 140 3 4 105

Sway mechanism:

Fig 7.77

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154 Introduction to Plastic Analysis

∆ 4 70 ∆ 4 70 4 4 70

Combined mechanism:

Fig 7.78

∆ 4 , ∆ 3

70 ∆ 140 ∆ 6 700 6 116.67

Hence, 116.67 .

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155    Introduction to Matrix Method 

8.0 Introduction to Matrix Method 
8.1 Introduction 
Matrix method of structural analysis is very popular nowadays which is a systematic way of solving
the unknown displacements or forces (two general unknowns in structural analysis are
displacements and forces), through their relationships. Matrix method is specially used when
analysis is done using computers, which can solve very complex structures that can not be solved
manually. Many computer programs for structural analysis like SAP2000, STAAD Pro, STRAP etc
follow the matrix method for analysis of structures. For manual analysis, matrix method is one of
the systematic method.

There are two approaches of matrix method in structural analysis viz. stiffness and flexibility

Stiffness Matrix Approach

This method is the systematic development of slope deflection equations in matrix form. As in the
slope deflection method, basic unknowns here are the displacements at the joints, hence this
method is also called as the displacement method. Since this method uses the equilibrium
equations at the joints, this method is also known as the equilibrium method.

Flexibility Matrix Approach

This method is the systematic development of the consistent deformation method in matrix form.
As in the consistent deformation method, basic unknowns here are the redundant forces, hence
this method is also known as the force method. Since this method uses the compatibility equations
in the direction of redundant forces, this method is also called the compatibility method.

Coordinates in Structures

Coordinates in structural analysis are different from those cartesian or polar or cylindrical
coordinates systems you have known so far. The directions of forces or displacements considered
in a structure are the coordinates in structures. The forces in the directions of coordinates
arranged in a column matrix is called the redundant force vector and the displacements arranged
in the same way is called the displacement vector.

For example, in the frame below, three coordinates are assigned as shown.

Fig 8.1

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156    Introduction to Matrix Method 

Then, the force vector and the displacement vector are,

and ∆ ∆ respectively.

You have to remember (and forget never) that, in matrix method( in general in structural analysis),
force means the force as well as the moment and the displacement means the deflection as well
as the rotation.

Stiffness Matrix

If a structure has n coordinates, its force response to the displacement is given by,

            , which is called the stiffness matrix.

This is n ordered square matrix. Here, represents the force produced in the ith coordinate of
the structure due to the application of unit displacement along the direction of jth coordinate. The
elements of the first column in this matrix are the forces produced in all n coordinates, when unit
displacement is applied along the direction of 1st coordinate and so on.

In this matrix, . Hence, a stiffness matrix has diagonal symmetry. Also, remember that no
diagonal members are –ve valued i.e. they are always +ve having non-zero values. This is
because there should be some force produced in the direction of the coordinate when some
displacement is given in the direction of this coordinate.

Flexibility Matrix

If a structure has n coordinates, its displacement response to the force is given by,

            , which is called the flexibility matrix,

This is also n ordered square matrix. Here, represents the displacement produced in the ith
coordinate of the structure due to the application of unit force along the direction of jth coordinate.
The elements of the first column in this matrix are the displacements produced in all n coordinates,
when unit force is applied along the direction of 1st coordinate and so on.

In this matrix, from Maxwell’s reciprocal theorem, . Hence, a flexibility matrix has diagonal
symmetry. For similar reason, no diagonal members are –ve valued i.e. they are always +ve
having non-zero values.

Relation between Flexibility Matrix and Stiffness Matrix

These two matrices are inverse of each other, i.e.

, where is the identity matrix of the same order. If you have one, you can generate
the other, simply by inverting it.

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157    Introduction to Matrix Method 

8.2 Procedure of Analysis 
Stiffness Matrix Method

In this approach, basic unknowns are the joint displacements. Hence, first identify the degree of
kinematic indeterminacy (degree of freedom of unknown displacements) and then assign the
coordinates to each unknown displacement. So, basic unknowns are the displacements
∆ , ∆ , ∆ , … … , ∆ along the directions of 1,2,3,…,n coordinates respectively.

Now, all these joint displacements are restrained (all joints are clamped) and the forces developed
in the coordinates 1,2,3,…,n under restrained condition are determined and noted as
, , ,……, . Now, determine the stiffness matrix elements by applying unit displacements
along the coordinates one at a time (principle of superposition). For example, when you apply unit
displacement along the direction of 1st coordinate, you will, as stated earlier, get the elements of
the first column of the stiffness matrix, viz. , , , … … , and so on. Also, note the final
forces in the structure in the direction of assumed coordinates as, , , , … … , .

Then using equilibrium equations in the direction of each coordinate, we can write,

∆ ∆ ∆  … … … … … … ∆

∆ ∆ ∆  … … … … … … ∆

∆ ∆ ∆  … … … … … … ∆


∆ ∆ ∆  … … … … … … ∆

i.e. in general,s

Above equations in matrix form can be written as,


i.e. in short form, ∆.

Hence, ∆ ……………………………. 1

Solving this equation, we can find all the unknown displacements, and then using the slope
deflection equations you can find the member forces required.

Flexibility Matrix Method

In this approach, basic unknowns are the redundant forces. Hence, first identify the degree of
static indeterminacy (no. of unknown forces) and then assign the coordinates to the direction of

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158    Introduction to Matrix Method 

each unknown redundant forces selected. So, basic unknowns are the forces , , ,……,
along the directions of 1,2,3,…,n coordinates respectively.

Now, if all the restraints for these redundant forces are removed, then the resulting structure is
called the primary structure or basic determinate structure or released structure. Now, determine
the displacement in the coordinate directions due to given loading in this released structure and
note them as ∆ , ∆ , ∆ , … … , ∆ . Now, determine the flexibility matrix elements by applying unit
forces along the coordinates one at a time (principle of superposition). For example, when you
apply unit force along the direction of 1st coordinate, you will get the elements of the first column of
the flexibility matrix, viz. , , , … … , and so on. Also, note the final forces in the structure
in the direction of assumed coordinates as, ∆ , ∆ , ∆ , … … , ∆ , which are generally all zeros.

Then using compatibility equations in the direction of each coordinate, we can write,

∆ ∆  … … … … … …

∆ ∆  … … … … … …

∆ ∆  … … … … … …


∆ ∆  … … … … … …

i.e. in general,

∆ ∆

Above equations in matrix form can be written as,

∆ ∆            
∆ ∆            
∆ ∆              
∆ ∆            

i.e. in short form, ∆ ∆ .

Hence,  ∆ ∆ ……………………………. 2

Solving this equation, we can find all the redundant forces, and then can directly find the member
forces required.

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159 Introduction to Matrix Method

8.3 Numerical Examples 
1. Analyze the following beam using Stiffness matrix method. Assume all the supports are rigid.
Take EI constant for all members.

Fig 8.2

Ans. The overhang part has no rigidity and can be replaced by a clockwise moment of 20 2KNm as
shown in the following figure.

Fig 8.3

We see that the kinematic indeterminacy of this beam is two i.e. two joint rotations at B and C.
hence assign the coordinates in clockwise direction as shown below.

  Fig 8.4

From figure 8.4, final forces in the directions of coordinate are, 0, 40 .

Now, restrain all the displacements i.e. clamp all the joints, find FEMs and the forces in the
directions of coordinate under restrained condition are found below.

  Fig 8.5

40 2 2
20 , 20  

10 6
30 , 30  

Hence, 20 30 10 , 30

Now, in the restrained structure, apply unit displacement in one coordinate direction at a time and
one by one, to generate the elements of stiffness matrix.

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160 Introduction to Matrix Method

Fig 8.6 Fig 8.7

4 4 5 2
4 6 3 6 3

   Fig 8.8 

2 4 2
6 3 6 3

Now, the stiffness matrix is,

3 3 5 1
2 3 1 2
3 3

Now, the stiffness matrix equation is, ∆

∆ 3 5 1 0 10 3 5 1 10 3
∆ 1 2 40 30 1 2 10 40


10 40
∆ , ∆
3 3

Now, using slope-deflection equations,

2 2 10
2 3 0 0 20 18.33
4 3
2 10 2 10 40
2 0 20 23.33 , 2 30 23.33
4 3 6 3 3
2 10 40
2 30 40 .
6 3 3

You can draw the BMD.

Note:- Analysis of non-sway frame is same as that of beam.

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161 Introduction to Matrix Method

2. Analyze the following frame using Stiffness matrix method. Take EI constant for all members.

Fig 8.9

Ans. Kinematic indeterminacy of the given frame is three (one sway and two rotations at B and C).
Coordinates are then assigned as shown in figure below.

Fig 8.10 Fig 8.11

From figure 8.9, final forces in the directions of coordinate are, 50 , 0,.

Now, restrain all the displacements i.e. clamp all the joints, find FEMs and the forces in the
directions of coordinate under restrained condition are found below.

30 4
0, 40 , 40 , 0 

Hence, 0, 40 , 40

Now, in the restrained structure, apply unit displacement in one coordinate direction at a time and
one by one, to generate the elements of stiffness matrix.

Fig 8.12 Fig 8.13

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162 Introduction to Matrix Method

12 12 6 6
1.688 , 0.375 , 1.5  
4 2 4 2

Fig 8.14 Fig 8.15

6 4 4 2
0.375 , 2 , 0.5  
4 4 4 4

Fig 8.16

6 2 4 4
1.5 , 0.5 , 3
2 4 4 2

Now, the stiffness matrix equation is, ∆

∆ 1 1.688 0.375 1.5 50 0

, ∆ 0.375 2 0.5 0 40
∆ 1.5 0.5 3 0 40


, ∆ 26.67

35.56 26.67
. . ∆ , ∆ , ∆ 0

Now, using slope-deflection equations,

2 2 26.67 35.56 ∆
2 3 0 3 0 0
4 4
2 26.67 35.56 2 26.67
2 3 13.33 , 2 40 13.33
4 4 4

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163 Introduction to Matrix Method

2 26.67 2 35.56
40 53.33 , 3 53.33KNm,
4 2 2
2 35.56
3 53.33KNm .
2 4

You can draw BMD.

3. Generate the Stiffness matrix for the following frame.

Fig 8.17

Ans. Kinematic indeterminacy of the given frame is three (one sway and two rotations).
Coordinates are then assigned as shown in figure below.

Fig 8.18

Now, restrain all the displacements i.e. clamp all the joints, and in the restrained structure, apply
unit displacement in one coordinate direction at a time and one by one, to generate the elements
of stiffness matrix.

Fig 8.19 Fig 8.20

12 12 2 6 6 2
0.815 , 0.67 , 0.75  
3 4 3 4

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164 Introduction to Matrix Method

Fig 8.21 Fig 8.22

6 4 4 3 2 3
0.67 , 3.33 ,  
3 3 6 6

Fig 8.23

6 2 2 3 4 3 4 2
0.75 , , 4
4 6 6 4

Now, the stiffness matrix is,

0.815 0.67 0.75

0.67 3.33 .
0.75 4

4. Use Flexibility matrix method to analyze the beam below. EI constant for all members.

Fig 8.24

Ans. Here, the degree of static indeterminacy is 2 and for simplicity let us choose the vertical
reactions at B and C as redundant forces. Then, the released structure is a cantilever beam as
shown below with coordinate directions.

Fig 8.25

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165 Introduction to Matrix Method

Now, the displacements ∆ and ∆ and elements of the flexibility matrix are found using the
method of virtual work as below.

M0 System

Fig 8.26

M1 System M2 System

Fig 8.27 Fig 8.28

It is easier to perform calculation in the tabular manner.

Member CD DB BA Sum
Origin C D B
Limit 0 – 1.5 0 – 1.5 0–4
M0 0 -100x -100(x+1.5)-30x2
M1 0 0 x
M2 x x+1.5 x+3
0 0 -5253.33 -5253.33

0 -281.25 -11373.33 -11654.58

0 0 45.33 45.33

0 0 21.33 21.33

1.125 7.875 105.33 114.33

Using virtual work method,

5253.33 11654.58
∆ , ∆ ,

45.33 21.33 114.33

, ,  

We know, the final deflections in the coordinates are zero, i.e. ∆ and ∆ are all zero.

Now, the flexibility matrix equation is,

∆ ∆

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166 Introduction to Matrix Method

∆ ∆ 21.33 45.33 0 1 5253.33

∆ ∆ 45.33 114.33 0 11654.58


188.43 and 27.22 .

Now, the structure is determinate and you can find the internal stresses like SF, BM etc on your

4. Use Flexibility matrix method to analyze the frame below. EI constant for all members.

Fig 8.29

Ans. Here, the degree of static indeterminacy is 3 and for simplicity let us choose the reactions at
D as redundant forces. Then, the released structure is a cantilever frame as shown below with
coordinate directions.

Fig 8.30

Now, the displacements ∆ and ∆ and elements of the flexibility matrix are found using the
method of virtual work as below.

M0 System

Fig 8.31

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167 Introduction to Matrix Method

M1 System M2 System M3 System

Fig 8.32 Fig 8.33 Fig 8.34

It is easier to perform calculation in the tabular manner.

Member DC CB BA Sum
Origin C D B
Limit 0–2 0–4 0–4
M0 0 -15x2 -240-50x
M1 0 x 4
M2 -1 -1 -1
M3 x 2 2-x
0 -960 -5540 -6400

0 320 1360 1680

  0 -640 266.67 -373.33

  0 -8 -16 -24

  0 16 0 16

-2 -8 0 -10

0 21.33 64 85.33

2 4 4 10

  2.67 16 5.33 24

Using virtual work method,

6400 1680
∆ , ∆ ,

373.33 24 16
∆ , , ,

10 85.33 10
, , ,


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168 Introduction to Matrix Method

We know, the final deflections in the coordinates are zero, i.e. ∆ , ∆ and ∆ are all zero.

Now, the flexibility matrix equation is,

∆ ∆

∆ ∆ 1 85.33 24 16 0 6400
, ∆ ∆ 24 10 10 0 1680
∆ ∆ 16 10 24 0 373.33


70.1 , 53.33 and 53.33 .

The results tally with those obtained while solving this problem by Stiffness matrix method.

Now, the structure is determinate and you can find the internal stresses like SF, BM etc on your

5. Use Flexibility matrix method to analyze the frame in problem no. 4, if, in addition to loading,
support D settles by 3mm to the right and 6mm downward. EI constant for all members and is
equal to 10000KNm2.

Ans. We have already found all the necessary values and this time the final displacements are not
zero, i.e. .e. ∆ 0.006 , ∆ 0 and ∆ 0.003 .

Now, the flexibility matrix equation is,

∆ ∆

∆ ∆ 1 85.33 24 16 0 1 6400
, ∆ ∆ 24 10 10 0 1680
∆ ∆ 10000
16 10 24 0 373.33


68.16 , 56.65 and 52.24 .

5. Use Flexibility matrix method to analyze the truss. Area in parenthesis are in cm2.

Fig 8.35

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169 Introduction to Matrix Method

Ans. Here, the degree of static indeterminacy is two(one internal and one external). Let us choose
the horizontal reaction at support D and the member force in FC as the redundants. The
coordinates are assigned as shown in the figure below.

Fig 8.36

Virtual work method will be used to find the various displacements.

Fig 8.37

Fig 8.38

Fig 8.39

Calculations are performed in tabular form for the sake of simplicity.

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170 Introduction to Matrix Method

Bar P0 P1 P2 L(m) A(m2) L/A P0P1L/A P0P2L/A P1P2L/A (P1)2L/A (P2)2L/A

AF 300 1 0 4.5 0.003 1500 450000 0 0 1500 0
FE 300 1 -0.6 4.5 0.003 1500 450000 -270000 0 1500 540
ED 375 1 0 4.5 0.003 1500 562500 0 0 1500 0
BC -375 0 -0.6 4.5 0.006 750 0 168750 0 0 270
BF 300 0 -0.8 6 0.003 2000 0 -480000 0 0 1280
CE 500 0 -0.8 6 0.003 2000 0 -800000 5.12 0 1280
BE 125 0 1 7.5 0.003 2500 0 312500 0 0 2500
FC 0 0 1 7.5 0.003 2500 0 0 0 0 2500
Sum = 1462500 -1069250 5.12 4500 8370
In the table, members AB and CD are not included because, for them, both P1 and P2 are zero and
so, have no effect on deflection calculations.

Units of forces in the table are KN.

Hence, using Virtual work method, and using above table.

1.4625 10 1.069 10 4500

∆ , ∆ ,  

900 8370

Now, using the flexibility matrix equation,

∆ ∆

∆ ∆ 4500 900 0 1 1.4625 10

∆ ∆ 900 8370 0 1.069 10

306.13 and 94.8 .

Final member forces are obtained as, .

Member P0(KN) P1(KN) P2(KN) P(KN)

AF 300 1 0 -6.05
FE 300 1 -0.6 -62.9
ED 375 1 0 68.95
AB -500 0 0 -500
BC -375 0 -0.6 -431.85
CD -625 0 0 -625
BF 300 0 -0.8 224.2
CE 500 0 -0.8 424.2
BE 125 0 1 219.75
FC 0 0 1 94.75
Similarly you can also apply this method for support settlement, temperature changes, lack of fit
etc remembering the consistent deformation method.

    Rohit Kumar Adhikari

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