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ABOY, Pamela Suae G.

General Biology November 12, 2009

11-SV02 Sir Samuel C. Brillo

A New Species of Hanging-Parrot (Aves: Psittacidae

:Loriculus) from Camiguin Island, Philippines
Jose G. Tello, Jacob F. Degner, John M. Bates, and David E. Willard

1. Read the abstract of the research paper. What could be your alternative abstract for
the research? Limit your abstract in 10 sentences (maximum).

A new species of Hanging-Parrotor Colasisi, Loriculus, is described from a series of 23

specimens (19 males, 4 females) collected in the 1960s on Camiguin Island, Camiguin
Province, Philippines, at elevations between 300 and 1350m. It distinguishes from all
other members of L. philippensis group and all other Loriculus because it lacks sexual
dimorphism in plumage coloration. The overall color pattern of the new species appears
most like females of L. p. worcesteri and L. p. apicalis but differs in plumage
characteristics (the width and extension of the orange-scarlet crown patch, the amount
and intensity of blue in the face and thighs, and the intensity of the blue in the tail above
inner edges and the tail below). In addition, males of the new species are larger than
males of nearby populations of L. philippensis, having significantly longer tails and wing
chords. Nothing is known about the habits of the new species; however, the small size of
the island of Camiguin, coupled with extensive deforestation, makes the status of the new
species a significant conservation concern.

2. Summarize the research paper using a graphic organizer.

Loriculus camiguinensis
Location Islands of Camiguin, Bazol, Balut, Dinagat, Mindanao, and Siargao
(including sub-
Introduction They quantitively evaluate the external morphology and compare the
plumage color of specimens reffered to L. p. apicalis from Camiguin with L.
p. apicalis from Mindanao and specimens of other subspecies of L.
philippensis. The result demonstrates that the Camiguin population of L. p.
apicalis is separable from all other populations of L. philippensis in
plumage. It is further separable from all neighboring populations in body
Methods All statistical analyses were carried out using the program Statistica (Statsoft
Inc. 1995). Mensural data were tested for normality using Kolmogorov-
Smirnov tests and Lilliefors probabilities prior to all the analyses. Multivate
analyses were used to reduce the dimensionality of data and facilitate the
analysis of morphology in two three dimensions (Pimentel, 1979): they used
the varimax raw method to rotate the three components that are reported in
the principal components analysis in order to improve interpretability of the
resulting patterns.
Holotype Field Museum of Natural History No. 284389, adult male from
Kasangsangan, Municipality of Catarman, Camiguin Province, Camiguin
Island, Philippines, elevation between 1000 and 2000.
Diagnosis L. camiguinensis is characterized by a lack of sexual dimorphism in plumage
coloration. The overall color pattern of L. camiguinensis is most like females
of L. p. worcesteri from Bohol, Leyte, and Samar and L. p. apicalis from
Measurements of Wing (99.8mm), tarsus (11.7mm), tail (49.5mm), culmen (18.0mm), bill
Holotypes length (15,0mm), bill height (11.1mm), bill width (6.4mm), gape width
Distribution Loriculus camiguinensis is known only from the forests of Camiguin Island.
Specimens have been collected between 1000 and 4500 ft (300-1350 m) in
the municipalities of Catarman and Mahinog (Balete et al., 2006: Heaney &
Tabaranza, 2006a).
Etymology This species was name after the Philippine Island of Camiguin, to which this
species appears to be endemic.

3. If you have the chance to ask the researcher about his research, what would be your
two questions and why?

L. camiguinensis’s habitat is unfortunately close to diminishing. My first question is, is it

possible for them to live in a different habitat? Second question, if the answer to my first
question is yes, then is it also possible for them to breed with a different species that
differs in physical appearance? I chose this questions because I am simply curious and I
am dying to know the answers. Also because it was not mentioned in the journal that I

4. Why is research important in the study of zoology in terms of social, economical,

and environmental perspective?

In terms of social, for those who have studied, research is important in order for us to
broaden the understanding of the animals in their environment. Economically, research
may know the lacking in the habitat of one’s species just like what in my example and
how for them to think a solution for the reasons of diminishing habitats. Environmentally,
because not only we need to study the animals but also for us to deepen the understanding
of their environment through the acquired knowledge from the research.
5. From the research journal that you used in this activity, what could be the research
topic that you can do (make a thesis topic and thesis title) and how will you conduct
the research to come up with the result?

A thesis topic that I think is worthy of researching is how can their habitats be prevented
on diminishing. With this, my thesis title could be “Solutions in preventing the habitat
from diminishing.” I will be conducting my research with the combination of quantitative
and qualitative methods to have an accurate research.


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