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Master Trainer Training on

Computational Thinking
- The 21st Century Skills that Everyone Must Have

Presented by: Eleanor Cheah

What is this training all about?


In line with the rollout of the latest ICT curriculum in 2017, which focuses on
computational thinking, students will obtain this skill through their learning of
computer science concepts, coding and programming.
Therefore, this training would prepare teachers effectively to master CT skills, and
then transfer it to students successfully.

Day 1

Time Details Time Details

9.00 am – 9.15 am Welcome and introduction 10.45 am – 2.00 pm Computational Thinking unplugged
9.15 am – 9.30 am Discuss on
• Let’s guess! – Decompose
• Day 1 agenda
• The Algorithm
• Norms
• The Pattern + Abstraction
• Goals
• The Binary
• Inventory
(12.00 pm: Lunch break)
9.30 am – 10.00 am About CT Master Trainer:
2.00 pm – 2.30 pm Discuss about modification of CT
• Training outcome
unplugged activities
• Certification process:
• Project 2.45 pm – 3.30 pm Discuss CT application
• Classroom investigation
• Online learning 3.30 pm – 4.15 pm Discuss CT in the classroom
• Webinar 4.30 pm – 5.00 pm • MOOC walkthrough
• On-going support • Q&A
10.00 am – 10.30 am Introduction – Computational Thinking • Daily feedback (Exit Card)
• Allocation of homework: Redesign CT
activities for different age group

Day 2

Time Details Time Details

9.00 am – 9.15 am Review Agenda & Feedback (Exit Card) 1.15 pm – 2.15 pm Session 4: Introducing “change effect”
9.15 am – 9.30 am Review homework & revisit CT skills 2.15 – 3.15 pm Session 5: Automatic Drawing
9.30 am – 10.30 am • Unplugged activity: Monster Face 3.30 pm – 4.30 pm Session 6: Broadcasting
• Discuss Algorithms in Daily life
4.30 pm – 5.00 pm • Q&A
10.45 am – 11.15 am Session 1: Getting started with SCRATCH • Daily feedback (Exit Card)
• Allocation of homework: Discussion in
11.15 AM – 11.45 AM Session 2: Moving around
11.45 am – 12.15 pm Session 3: Follow the cursor

Day 3

Time Details Time Details

9.00 am – 9.15 am Review Agenda, Homework & Feedback 2.00 pm – 2.30 pm Session 9: Cloning
(Exit Card)
2.30 pm – 3.30 pm Session 10: List
9.15 am – 10.00 am Unplugged activity 1
3.45 pm – 4.30 pm Session 11: Custom Blocks
10.0 am – 10.45 am Unplugged activity 2
4.30 pm – 5.00 pm • Q&A
11.00 am – 12.00 pm Session 7: Debugging • Daily feedback (Exit Card)
• Allocation of homework: Remix
12.00 am – 1.00 pm Session 8: Variables

Day 4

Time Details Time Details

9.00 am – 9.15 am Review Agenda & Feedback (Exit Card) 2.00 pm – 3.00 pm Rubrics
9.15 am – 9.30 am Review homework 3.15 pm – 4.45 pm Integration of BIC model and CT skills in
lesson planning
9.30 am – 11.00 am Teaching structure: Brain-based
4.45 pm – 5.00 pm • Q&A
11.00 am – 12.30 pm Teaching approach: Inquiry-based
• Daily feedback (Exit Card)
1.30 pm – 2.00 pm Collaborative learning • Allocation of homework: Prepare a
lesson plan

Day 5

Time Details Time Details

9.00 am – 9.15 am • Review Agenda & Feedback (Exit 3.00 pm – 3.45 pm Discuss Cybersecurity
• Photo session 4.00 pm – 4.30 pm • Discuss project
• Discuss certification process
9.15 am – 9.30 am Review:
• Homework 4.30 pm – 5.00 pm Sum up:
• Teaching Pedagogy • Recap and feedback:
• Computational Thinking • Inquiry-based learning
• Computational Thinking
9.30 am – 10.30 am Group work – Brainstorm on lesson • Collaborative learning
planning • Performance of master trainers
• Q&A
10.45 am – 12.15 pm Teaching Demo
• Training survey (on-the-spot)
2.15 pm – 3.00 pm Introduce Python Programming
Why CT?
What is the Future?

Technology is everywhere

Medical – Deep Brain Stimulation

Contact Lens

Screenless Display
Holographic Television
What is the Future?

20 years from now …


Scenario 1: Current educational system  Prepare for jobs that do not exist yet?

18th Century Year 2016


Scenario 2: Job Skill 

The Education System is

failing to produce highly
skilled workers
- 2012

Scenario 3: Not producing independent learners

Solution – Bridging the Gap

Computational Thinking

Hadi Partovi:
“Understanding how technology works, how the
Internet works, and learning to solve problems with
computational thinking, these skills are as important
as learning how electricity works, how digestion
works, or solving problems using algebra.”
What is CT?
What is CT
What is Computational Thinking


Computational thinking is the thought processes involved in formulating

problems and their solutions so that the solutions are represented in a form that
can be effectively carried out by an information-processing agent (Cuny, Snyder,
& Wing, 10).

Informally, computational thinking describes the mental activity in formulating a

problem to admit a computational solution. The solution can be carried out by a
human or machine, or more generally, by combinations of humans and

Computational thinking is the new literacy of the 21st century. – Wing, 2010
What is Computational Thinking


CT involves defining, understanding, and solving problems, reasoning at multiple

levels of abstraction, understanding and applying automation, and analyzing the
appropriateness of the abstractions made. CT shares elements with various other
types of thinking such as algorithmic thinking, engineering thinking, design
thinking, and mathematical thinking. – Lee et al., 2011
What is Computational Thinking

What IT IS and IS NOT Wing, 2006

 Complements and combines mathematical and engineering thinking

 CT draws on math as its foundations
• But we are constrained by the physics of the underlying machine
 CT draws on engineering since our systems interact with the real world
• But we can build virtual worlds unconstrained by physical reality

 Ideas, not artifacts

 It’s not just the software and hardware that touch our daily lives, it will be the computational concepts we
use to approach living.

 It’s for everyone, everywhere

 CT will be a reality when it is so integral to human endeavors that it disappears as an explicit philosophy
The Six Concepts
What is Computational Thinking


 Decompose
 Patterns
 Abstractions
 Algorithms
 Logical Reasoning
 Evaluation
What is Computational Thinking


 Large task break into minute details.

 Allow us to clearly explain a process to
another person or to a computer, or even to
just write notes for ourselves.
What is Computational Thinking


Example 1: Brushing our teeth

 Which toothbrush to use
 How long to brush for
 How hard to press on our teeth
 What toothpaste to use
What is Computational Thinking


Example 2: Solving a crime

 What crime was committed
 When the crime was committed
 Where the crime was committed
 What evidence there is
 If there were any witnesses
 If there have recently been any
similar crimes
What is Computational Thinking


Example 3: Decomposing creating an app

 What kind of app you want to create
 What your app will look like
 Who the target audience for your app is
 What your graphics will look like
 What audio you will include
 What software you will use to build your app
 How the user will navigate your app
 How you will test your app
 Where you will sell your app
What is Computational Thinking


 The ability to notice similarities or common

differences that will help us make predictions
or lead us to shortcuts
 It is frequently the basis for solving
problems and designing algorithms.
What is Computational Thinking


 Imagine that we want to draw a series of cats.

 All cats share common characteristics: they all have eyes, tails and fur.
 Because we know that all cats have eyes, tails and fur, we can make a good attempt at
drawing a cat, simply by including these common characteristics.
 Once we know how to describe one cat we can describe others, simply by following this
 The only things that are different are the specifics.
What is Computational Thinking


 Finding patterns is extremely important. Patterns make our task simpler. Problems are easier
to solve when they share patterns, because we can use the same problem-solving solution
wherever the pattern exists.
 The more patterns we can find, the easier and quicker our overall task of problem solving will
What is Computational Thinking


Computational Thinking focuses on the

process of abstraction (as in
 Choosing the right abstractions
 Operating in terms of multiple layers
of abstraction simulation
 Defining the relationships the
between layers
What is Computational Thinking


 The ability to filter out information that is not necessary to solve a certain type of
problem and generalize the information that is necessary
 It allows us to represent an idea or a process in general terms (variables) so that
we can use it to solve other problems that are similar in nature.
What is Computational Thinking


 Efficiency
 How fast?
 How much space?
 How much power?

 Correctness
 Does it do the right thing?
o Does the program compute the right answer?
 Does it do anything?
o Does the program eventually produce an answer?

 Ilities
 Simplicity and elegance
 Usability
 Modifiability
 Maintainability
 Cost
 …
What is Computational Thinking


 The ability to develop a step-by-step strategy for

solving a problem
 It is often based on the decomposition of a
problem and the identification of patterns that help
to solve the problem
 In CS, it is often written abstractly, utilizing
variables in place of specific numbers
What is Computational Thinking

Logical Reasoning

 Make predictions
 It helps develop children’s ability to reason logically and to make deductions from
the information they have
 Debug – looking carefully at the code and using logical reasoning to explain what
the program is actually doing are good starting points
What is Computational Thinking


 It is the process that allows us to make sure our solution does the job it has been
designed to do and to think about how it could be improved.
 Once written, an algorithm should be checked to make sure it:
 Is easily understood – is it fully decomposed?
 Is complete – does it solve every aspect of the problem?
 Is efficient – does it solve the problem, making best use of the available resources (eg as quickly as
possible / using least space)?
 Meets any design criteria we have been given

 Failure to evaluate can make it difficult to write a program.

What is Computational Thinking


How do we evaluate our solution?

 Does the solution make sense?
Do you now fully understand how to solve the problem? If you still don’t clearly know how to
do something to solve the problem, go back and make sure everything has been properly

 Does the solution cover all parts of the problem?

Does the solution describe everything needed. If not, revisit and keep adding steps to the
solution until it is complete.

 Does the solution ask for tasks to be repeated?

If so, is there a way to reduce repetition? Go back and remove unnecessary repetition until
the solution is efficient.
What is Computational Thinking

Other Concepts

 Parallelization: simultaneous processing of smaller tasks from a larger task to

more efficiently reach a common goal.
 Simulation: developing a model to imitate real-world processes.
 Data Representation: depicting and organizing data in appropriate graphs,
charts, words, or images.
 Data Analysis: making sense of data by finding patterns or developing insights.
 Data Collection: gathering information.
 Automation: having computers or machines do repetitive tasks.
Connect with CT
What is Computational Thinking

Simple Daily Examples

 Looking up a name in an alphabetically sorted list  linear / binary search

 Standing in line at a bank, supermarket, customs & immigration  performance
analysis of task scheduling
 Cooking a gourmet meal  parallelism: you don’t want the meat to get cold while
you’re cooking the vegetables
 Cleaning out your garage  abstraction: throwing out stuff and keeping only
what you need
 Doing laundry or getting food at a buffet  pipelining: wash, dry, iron stages; or
taking plates, salad, entrée, dessert, and etc
What is Computational Thinking

Across Subjects

CT concepts  Subject Example

Decompose  Literature Break down the analysis of a poem into

analysis of meter, rhyme, imagery,
structure, tone, diction, and meaning.
Pattern  Economics Find cycle patterns in the rise and drop of
the country’s economy.
Algorithm  Culinary Arts Write a recipe for others to use.
Abstraction  Mathematics Determine the rules for chemical bonding
and interactions
Computational Thinking

Across Curriculum

CT Concept,
CS Math Science Social Studies Language Arts
Find a data source Find a data source Collect data from an Study battle Do linguistic analysis
for a problem area for a problem area, experiment statistics or of sentences
Data collection for example, flipping population data
coins or throwing

Write a program to Count occurrences Analyze data from Identify trends in Identify patterns for
do basic statistical of flips, dice throws an experiment data from statistics different sentence
Data analysis calculations on a set and analyzing types
of data results
Use data structures Use histogram, pie Summarize data Summarize and Represent patterns
such as array, linked chart, bar chart to from an experiment represent trends of different sentence
list, stack, queue, represent data; use types
representation graph, hash table, sets, lists, graphs,
etc etc to contain data

Define objects and Apply order of Do a species Write an outline

Problem methods; define operations in an classification
decomposition main and functions expression
Computational Thinking

Across Curriculum

CT Concept,
CS Math Science Social Studies Language Arts
Use procedures to Use variables in Build a model of a Summarize facts; Use of simile and
encapsulate a set of algebra; identify physical entity deduce conclusions metaphor; write a
often repeated essential facts in a from facts story with branches
commands that word problem; study
perform a function; functions in algebra
Abstraction use conditionals, compared to
loops, recursion, etc. functions in
programming; use
iteration to solve
word problems

Study classic Do long division, Do an experimental Write instructions

algorithms; factoring; do carries procedure
Algorithms &
implement an in addition or
procedures algorithm for a subtraction
problem area
Computational Thinking

Across Curriculum

CT Concept,
CS Math Science Social Studies Language Arts
Use tools such as: Use Probeware Use Excel Use a spell checker
Geometer Sketch
Automation Pad; Star Logo;
Python code

Threading, Solve linear Simultaneously run

pipelining, dividing systems; do matrix experiments with
Parallelization up data or task in multiplication different with
such a way to be different parameters
processed in parallel

Algorithm animation, Graph a function in a Simulate movement Play Age of Empires; Do a re-enactment
parameter sweeping Cartesian plane and of the solar system Oregon Trail from a story
Simulation modify values of the
Computational Thinking

Vocabulary and Progression

Definition Ages 5-7 Ages 8-9 Ages 10-12

Data Collection The process of gathering Conduct an experiment to Collect characteristics of Design survey questions to
appropriate information see which toy car is the good writing from exemplar gather appropriate
fastest down an incline. writing samples. information to answer
Record the results. questions.

Data Analysis Making sense of data, Generalize about the order Read over different writing Calculate basic descriptive
finding patterns, and the cars finished based on samples and categorize statistics (mean, mode,
drawing conclusions characteristics of the cars. according to their strengths range, frequency) of the
and weaknesses. data collected from survey.

Data Depicting and organizing Create a table or graph that Use a rubric to create a Plot data on a chart or a
Representation data in appropriate displays results. chart showing which writing graph.
graphs, charts, words, or sample best illustrates each
images section of the rubric.

Problem Breaking down large Decide best route (starting Decompose the writing Identify subgroups within
Decomposition tasks into smaller parts point, angle, etc.) for car to process into strengthening the dataset to explain
take. stages. response patterns.

Abstraction Reducing complexity to Identify the best car. Identify author’s purpose. Draw conclusions or
define main idea generalizations from survey
Computational Thinking

Vocabulary and Progression

Definition Ages 5-7 Ages 8-9 Ages 10-12

Algorithms Series of ordered steps Create a set of directions Design an animation that Design an experiment that
and taken to solve a from school to major communicates a topic or can be conducted that would
problem or achieve landmarks in the concept. effectively test a hypothesis.
Procedures some end neighborhood.

Automation Having computers or Use Google Earth to help Use an application to create Program a virtual experiment
machines do repetitive identify any problems with a storyboard of the to collect data independently
or tedious tasks route. animation. over time.

Simulation Representation or Create a map that illustrates Have the animation illustrate Use the virtual experiment to
model of a process the path taken. a process learned about in model and test situations.

Parallelization Organize resources to Assign roles of both driver Program animation to carry While the virtual experiment
simultaneously carry and navigator to reach out commands for different runs, write an introduction
out tasks to reach a landmark. components simultaneously. with a prediction.
common goal
Computational Thinking


Computational thinking for everyone means being able to:

 Understand which aspects of a problem are amenable to computation
 Evaluate the match between computational tools and techniques and a problem
 Understand the limitations and power of computational tools and techniques
 Apply or adapt a computational tool or technique to a new use
 Recognize an opportunity to use computation in a new way
 Apply computational strategies such as divide and conquer in any domain
Computational Thinking

Who uses it? – Students

 A math student trying to decide whether they need to multiply, divide, add, or
subtract in order to solve a word problem.
 A writing student who is researching a topic and needs to take notes in an
organized and structured way.
 A science student trying to draw conclusions about an experiment.
 A history student trying to make comparisons between different historical
 A writing student trying to organize supporting details for a topic sentence.
 A reading student trying to find evidence to support character traits within the
 A math student trying to find a new way to solve problem.
Computational Thinking

Who uses it? – Teachers

Teachers in all types of classrooms would like for their students to engage in:
 Expressing: I can create.
 Recognizing that computation is a medium of creation

 Connecting: I can do different things when I have access to others.

 Recognizing the power of creating with and for others.

 Questioning: I can (use computation to) ask questions to make sense of

(phenomena in) the world.
 Feeling empowered to ask questions about the world.
Computational Thinking

Example 1: Ms. Martinez

 Representing data through abstractions such as models and simulation

 Logically organizing and analysing data
Computational Thinking

Example 2: Ms. Lee

 Describing how the diagrams are an abstraction of the actual rooms in a home or
school building that enables students to represent all the possible escape routes.
 The students prepare to create an algorithm to calculate the safest and fastest
routes from the buildings.
Computational Thinking

Example 3: Mr. Davis

 The skills of logically organizing and analysing data necessary for proving a
thesis with citations of strong and thorough textual evidence are also essential
elements of computational thinking.
 Three CT skills:
 Decompose: break down the structure
 Abstraction: abstractions of literary elements.
 Evaluation: work with others to achieve a common goal. Students reflect on their unit and the skills that
enable them to be effective writers.
Computational Thinking

Example: Decompose

 In mathematics, we can decompose a number such as 256.37 as follows:

2  102 + 5  101 + 6  100 + 3  10−1 + 7  10−2

 In science we decompose a projectile’s velocity into its components along the x-

and y-axis.
Computational Thinking

Example: Pattern

 Have students identify trends in stock price cycles that may suggest when they
should be bought and sold.
Computational Thinking

Example: Algorithm

 In mathematics, when we add and subtract fractions with different denominators,

we follow an algorithm.
 When a chef writes a recipe for a dish, she is creating an algorithm that others
can follow to replicate the dish.
Computational Thinking

Example: Abstraction

 Daily planner uses abstraction to represent a week in terms of days and hours,
helping us to organize our time.
 Find the main idea (thesis) of a short story or article to help students understand
the important information.
Computational Thinking

CT is different

 It is a unique combination of thinking skills that, when used together, provide the
basis of a new and powerful form of problem solving.
 It is more tool oriented.
 It makes use of familiar problem-solving skills such as trial and error, iteration,
and even guessing in contexts where they were previously impractical but which
are now possible because they can be automated and implemented at much
higher speeds.
Computational Thinking

Attitudes and Dispositions

Computational thinking skills are supported and enhanced by a number of

dispositions or attitudes that are essential dimensions of CT.
These dispositions or attitudes include:
 Confidence in dealing with complexity
 Persistence in working with difficult problems
 Tolerance for ambiguity
 The ability to deal with open-ended problems
 The ability to communicate and work with others to achieve a common goal or
(CSTA, 2012)
Algorithms &
Explore and Develop
Algorithm & Logical Reasoning

What is Algorithm

 It is a repeatable process for determining the solution to a problem.

Algorithm & Logical Reasoning

Monster Face

 Pretend that you all are “computer” now and I am

the “Computer Scientist”.
 I have a monster face in my hand and I would like
you all – the computer, to draw the same monster
face as mine.
 Listen very carefully and follow my algorithm.
Algorithm & Logical Reasoning

Monster Face
Algorithm & Logical Reasoning


 Did you manage to draw the monster face exactly the same as me?
 How you would improve my algorithm so that others can draw precisely the
same as mine?
Algorithm & Logical Reasoning

Monster Face

 Now it’s your turn.

 Think of a monster face.
 Write each step of your algorithm in your handout.
 When you have done all your steps, get a friend to
try it.
 Was it what you expected?
 Change your algorithm to improve it.
 Get another friend to try it.
 What did you find out?
Algorithm & Logical Reasoning

Algorithms in Daily Life

 Finding a fruit in the grocery store.

 Alphabetizing name tags.
 Re-organizing your kitchen to make finding stuff easier.
 Finding keys that you lost.
 Finding something good to watch on TV.
 Washing your car windows.
Algorithm & Logical Reasoning


 What’s an algorithm that you use?

 What are the steps for doing it?
 What’s the time requirement of your algorithm?
 What’s the space requirement of your algorithm?
Algorithm & Logical Reasoning


 Solve a problem
 In shortest time
 With minimum space requirements
Algorithm & Logical Reasoning

Example 1: Yellow Pages

Algorithm & Logical Reasoning

Example 2: Bubble Sort

Algorithm & Logical Reasoning

Example: Bubble Sort

What’s your steps?

 Compare adjacent elements. If the first is greater than the second, swap them.
 Do this for each pair of adjacent elements, starting with the first two and ending
with the last two. At this point the last element should be the greatest.
 Repeat the steps for all elements except the last one.
 Continue for one less element each time, until there are no more pairs to
Patterns &
Patterns & abstraction


 Abstraction is a way to make problems or systems easier to think about.

 It simply involves hiding detail – removing unnecessary complexity.
 The skill is in choosing the right detail to hide so that the problem becomes
easier without losing anything that is important.
Patterns & abstraction

Unplugged 1: Noughts and Crosses

How does a computer play chess

 Is the computer really that intelligent?
 Pete’s rules:
 Pete’s Move 1: Draw an X in a corner for me.
 Your Turn: Go where you like.
 Pete’s Move 2: If no-one went there already then draw an X in the opposite corner to my move 1. Otherwise put an X in a free
corner for me.
 Your turn: Go where you like.
 Pete’s Move 3: If there are two Xs and space in a line (in any order) then put an X in that space. I win!
 Otherwise if there are two 0s and a space in a line then put an X in that space. Ha!
 Otherwise put an X in a free corner for me.
 Your Turn: Go where you like.
 Pete’s Move 4: If there are two Xs and a space in a line (in any order) then put an X in that space. Gotcha! I win!
 Otherwise if there are two 0s and a space in a line then put an X in that space for me.
 Otherwise put an X in a free corner.
 Your Turn: go where you like.
 Pete’s move 5: Put an X in the free space for me.
Patterns & abstraction

Unplugged 2: Locked-in Syndrome

One of the worst medical conditions I can imagine is locked-in syndrome.

It leaves you with all your mental abilities intact, but totally paralyzed. It
could happen to anyone, out of the blue, as a result of a stroke. If you are
one of the lucky ones you can perhaps blink a single eyelid. Your
intelligent mind is locked inside a useless body, able to sense everything
but unable to communicate.
Patterns & abstraction

Unplugged 2: Locked-in Syndrome

In real life
 There is a book titled “The Diving Bell and the Butterfly”.
 It is the autobiography of Jean-Dominique Bauby, written after he woke up in a
hospital bed with locked-in syndrome.
 In the book, he describes life with locked-in syndrome. Bauby did have a way to
communicate not only to write the book but also to talk with medical staff, friends
and family. All he could do was blink one eyelid. He did it without any technological
help at all. He just had a human helper to write down his words.
 How did he do it?
Patterns & abstraction

Unplugged 2: Locked-in Syndrome

 Suggest ways Bauby could have communicated with the helper by blinking.
 Any problem?
 The need to deal with extra characters: punctuation, digits, etc
 What you do when the person blinked by mistake?
 What if it is in Mandarin?

 Suggestion of improvements:
 Guessing a word before it is finished.
 Changing the order of the letters ask – ask the common ones first – E is most common so ask about it
Patterns & abstraction

Unplugged 2: Locked-in Syndrome

 Now decompose how long it would take to write the book this way..
 How many questions on average does it take over all the letters in the book?
Patterns & abstraction


For the sprite

Patterns & abstraction


For the falling object

Patterns & abstraction


Patterns & abstraction


Patterns & abstraction


Patterns & abstraction


Patterns & abstraction


The length of numbers block is set to the amount of numbers

the user wants to input. This was done with this block:

The value for the variable increases by 1 with each iteration of the loop.
Eventually, the variable will be more than the number of items in the list, and
the loop stops.
Patterns & abstraction


The item of block allows the program to look at each individual item in the list. Because the Item
6 # variable begins at 1 when the program first starts, it will start with the first item in the list and
go through each item in the list.

Again, the value of Item # increases by 1 with each iteration of the loop. This allows the program
to check each item in the list. This is another algorithm. This algorithm checks each item in a list.
Patterns & abstraction


7 This is a very similar algorithm to the first. This tells the computer that if the
new number in the list is larger than the previous number, then the new
number becomes the maximum number. The set block circled in red changes
the item number of the largest number.
Patterns & abstraction


7 This is a very similar algorithm to the first. This tells the computer that if the
new number in the list is larger than the previous number, then the new
number becomes the maximum number. The set block circled in red changes
the item number of the largest number.
Patterns & abstraction


Patterns & abstraction


Teach with CT
Transfer CT Skills
CT Training

Pedagogy – BIC Model

21st Century Teaching and Learning Approach:

 A structure – Brain-Based structure
 An approach – Inquiry-Based
 A skill – Computational Thinking Skills
CT Training

Pedagogy – BIC Model

Activation Develop Integration Review Preview
Inquiry Inquiry Inquiry Inquiry Inquiry Inquiry
approach approach approach approach approach approach

CT skills CT skills CT skills CT skills CT skills CT skills

Teach with CT
CT Training


 Discussion on integration of CT to each participant’s subject area

 Teaching demo
 Discuss on the ethical use of computers and network
 Introduction to Python Programming
 Discuss on certification process
 Continuous support
CT Training

Ethical use of computers and network

 Personal Privacy
 Network Security
 Software Licenses
 Copyrights
 Impact of computers on international communication
 Appropriate and inappropriate social networking behaviours
 Appreciate the role of adaptive technology in the lives of people with various
CT Training

Introduction to Python Programming

CT Training

Continuous Support

Any Question?
Thank You!

We are in the HEART of EDUCATION.

For more information:

Eleanor Cheah
Mobile: +60-16-202 3039

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