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Book Review of

Old Yeller
Written by Fred Gipson

Submitted by:
Jorelle B. Luna
Grade 8 – Garcia

Submitted to:
Ms. Neri Francisco
Old Yeller takes place in Salt Lick, 600 mile south of Abilene
Kansas in the 1860’s. It also takes place at Travi’s log cabin in
Birdsong creek, as well as forest.

Old Yeller – He is a yellow golden retriever.
Travis – goes on a journey with Old Yeller.
Little Arliss – Travis’ brother. He ends up falling in love with Old
Momma – Little Arlis and Travis’ mom.
Papa - Little Arlis and Travis’ mom.
Burn Sanderson – Owner of dog.
Lisbeth – Burn Sanderson’s friend.

The main theme of the novel Old Yeller is the meaning of
adulthood and a boy’s passage into adulthood. Travis is the main
character and this theme is seen through the major events of Travis
needing to leave home to make money to provide for his family and
in the end when Travis feels that it is his duty as a man to shoot Old
Yeller. The theme is Adult Hood.
It was a sunny morning, Travis's mother had told him go check the meat outside.
When Travis walked outside he noticed right away that the meat was gone! The next
moment he saw a dog stand up near the cornmeal barrel. The dog was big and ugly. This
all frustrated Travis very much. The dog was starved looking except for his big round belly.
It was obvious to tell that the dog ate the meat because a ring of the rind was right next to
him. The dog was very relaxed and didn’t even give a thought to what he had done. That is
what made Travis furious. Travis then attempted to kick the thieving rascal as hard as he
could but he missed him by a hair. The dog was lucky. This caused a commotion. The next
thing you know here comes mother flying right through the door. “What on earth, Travis?
“Mother yelled scared to her wits. “Why, this old stray dog has come and eaten all our
middling meat clear up “, Travis yelled even more stressed. Then Travis tried again to kick
the dog but missed. Then out of nowhere here comes little Arliss. Arliss was so surprised
to see that dog. He went right over and started patting the dog. Bam! Now little Arliss
freaks out and turns on Travis and starts yelling, “You quit kicking my dog!” Travis was
extremely surprised that Arliss was making a fight. Arliss then ran over to the dog and
said, 'He's my dog." There was nothing else Travis could do! “Well, Travis, “she said “it
looks like we've got us a dog."

Travis's opinion on Old Yeller was always the same he hated him. Most of the time
Travis would find Old Yeller and little Arliss playing in the family's drinking water.
This got Travis furious every time. Travis actually got so that he started throwing
rocks at the old yeller dog. Old Yeller and Travis were not buddies at all! But that all
changed one day when Old Yeller came to the rescue. It all happened when Travis
was down at the creek working. He heard a scream. He knew it came from Arliss
but he was a natural screamer and so the family never usually paid any attention to
him when he screamed. But when Travis heard Arliss scream the second time, he
knew there was trouble. Travis began running. While he was running he recognized
the sound of a charging bear! Then Travis noticed little Arliss down in the spring.
Arliss was half in and half out of the water holding to a baby cub's leg. We all new
this meant trouble! The mama bear had heard the cries of her baby cub and was
coming to the rescue. The mama bear was furious and moving at the speed of
lightning. Travis knew he wouldn’t get to little Arliss in time! Mama heard the cries
and notice Arliss but she was too far away. Then out of nowhere Old Yeller came
charing out of the brus right at the bear's side. He ended up knocking the mama bear
head over heels,right into the air and then she dropped. She hit the ground so hard it
sounded like she exploded. While the mama bear and Old Yeller were fighting I told mama
to grab Arliss. Then Travis and mother ran to the house with little Arliss. Old Yeller had
saved Arliss's life.
After this Travis began to realize that Old Yeller wasn’t a bad dog that he
thought all this time. Yeller and Travis began to have a friendship that was great and
forever lasting. Travis and Yeller did everything together. Yeller would help Travis
mark all the hogs. This was dangerous. The hogs has rushes that were as sharp as
knifes. They had their own routine. Yeller would end up getting all the hogs to chase
him. But that was all part of the plan. Then Yeller would trap the hogs up against a
tree. While Travis would be on top of the tree. Next Travis would through down and
rope and lift up one of the hogs and mark them. Their friendship was beginning to be
Then one night Old Yeller got into a fight with a mad wolf. Yeller was protecting
mama and their mule Jumper. Mama yelled to Travis to get his gun. Travis was
stunned. He didn’t want to shoot when his family was near so he told them to go to
the cabin. Travis waited patiently scared to shoot because he wasn’t sure if he would
hit the wolf or yeller. Finally Travis got his chance and shot. Travis was relieved. He
killed the wolf. Yeller got up very hurt and weak. Yeller then took off to the cabin.
Travis thought everything was great but it wasn’t. Soon after this mama came out and
was explaining how great full she was of Yeller but they couldn't take a chance. Travis
was confused but caught on. Travis was filled with anger and sadness. He left his
mother quickly and headed to the cabin. He loaded his gun and called Old Yeller out
from behind the cabin. Travis then put the nuzzle up to Yellers’ head and pulled the
trigger. Travis's and Old Yeller's friendship will last forever!

I learned that we should not hurt any animals. We should treat them as our
family especially the dogs because they are our best friends.

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