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Principle Of Business

School Base Assement

Establishing A Business

“Production Plan”

Name: Lacey-Ann Skervin

School: Seaforth High School

Centre Number: 100115

Registration Number: 100115


Year: 2018

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my teacher, for her knowledge and
expertise which helped me in the successful completion of this School Based
Assessment (SBA).

Secondly, I would like to express gratitude to our Heavenly father for

providing me with the knowledge, strength and the wisdom which guided me in
the successful completion of my S.B.A.

Lastly, I would like to thank my parent for providing me with the necessary
finances which assist me in the successful completion of my (SBA).Thank you.

Inside this School Based Assessment (SBA) you will see the entrepreneurs’ plan and
objectives for their prospective business, Tae Tae`s Bakery.

You will also find information on the description of the business, location, how
the capital will be obtained and the roles and function of the entrepreneur’s .This
project will help others who read it by allowing them to know the necessary steps.
Table of content

Topics Pages

Introduction........................................................................................................... 2
Description of the business.....................................................................................3

Justification of location.........................................................................................4

Selection of appropriate labor..............................................................................5

Sources of fixed and working capital..................................................................6

Roles of entrepreneur .........................................................................................7

Function of the entrepreneur...............................................................................8

Types of production............................................................................................9

Levels of production..........................................................................................10

Quality control measures...................................................................................11

Uses of Technology............................................................................................12


Potential Growth................................................................................................14

Government Regulation....................................................................................15

Ethical Issue......................................................................................................16
Description of Business

The name of the intended business will be"Tae Tae's Bakery”. The type of business
will be a sole proprietor .The proposed business engaged in production of bakery

The major aim of the business is to make it a bigger, better business also to
make 100% profit by ensuring customers satisfaction .The business will be
producing: cake, bread, bun, bulla, donut and dough.
Justification of location

The business will be located at 12 King Street, Kingston .The location has chosen
for the various reasons .The following are listed below:

Land space: There will be availaity of sufficient suitable land for the business at
an economically viable price. It also is a suitable position which will attract
Selection of appropriate lab our

This business will need skilled and experienced staff. There are a total of nine (9)

Position Type of labor Number of Functions

Baker professional 2 To prepare
Security skilled 2 To ensure the
safety of the
Cashier skilled 2 To cash the prices
of the pastries
purchased by
Janitor Semi-skilled 2 To ensure the
business is
hygiene at all time
Pastry truck driver Semi-skilled 1 To deliver pastries
to customers
Source of a Fixed and Working Capital

Fixed Capital

These are durable (long term) assets of a business which are used over a long
period of time and are tied up in permanent use. Some examples of fixed assets or
land, for this business money will be borrow from banks and other institutions, a
sum of four million (4,000,000) and will be paid back at a later date.

This capital will be used to purchase building and machinery.

Working Capital

Capital will be obtained from saving a sum of six hundred thousand (600,000) will
be borrowed and a sum of three hundred thousand from family members. These
capitals will be used to purchases goods to stock out the business.
Role of the entrepreneur

The role of an entrepreneur is to help contribute to the economy by employing

others and generating revenue .The business will be organizing factors of
production. Human and non-human for the effective operation of the business.

Will also come up new and creative ideas that will boost the production of the
business. We will also come up with the capital necessary for the operation of the
Types of production

This prospective business will engaged in secondary production .This involve

lacking the material from primary production and changing them into finished
goods to be purchase by consumers.

This business will be advertising in the Jamaica Gleaner and will be brought out to
get people advice and ideas so it could be used in the business. These ideas will be
put together and use to improve the business.
Level of Production

This business will be engaged in domestic level production .Domestic level

production involves producing goods locally, within the country.

Tae Tae`s Bakery will purchase samples from other Bakery`s within the country
and use these samples’ to create extraordinary products
Quality control measures

This business has many measures that are put in place to ensure that the qualities of
the materials being issued meet demand of the customer .Two measures relating to
production are:

A sample of the products can be sent to companies, in order to get the feedback
from customers .This is to ensure that the products are durable or approiate for the

Bakery products are also checked by company representative department to ensure

that the products that were promised as a part of the package are available.
Use of technology

Types of technology that will be employed are: computer, wireless sensor

A computer allows you to easily keep track of how many types of bread are
produced in a day and how many are sold.

Wireless sensors will be used to gather time and temperature because temperature
is an important aspect in the factor of the bakery, the thickness of the crust and
moistness of the crumb are determine by time and temperature .So with this the
business will not waste too much time and it will saved a lot of time and money yet
there will be quality.

We will buy products from local suppliers, this is backward linkage. The linkage
will allow us to source, minimize delivery time and transport costs and to maintain
a close relationship with our customers.
Potential for growth

There will be great growth in the business. We will intend to employ more persons,
purchase more machinery and equipment. We will also make the business well
known overseas and in the Caribbean.


For this prospective business, there will be a great, infrastuctal expansion within
the next (3) years .The business will also intend to employ more persons, purchase
more machinery and equipments.


This prospective business, intend to have different branches in all parishes of

Jamaica within the next five to twelve years .To make the business well-known
overseas and the rest of the Caribbean.
Government Regulations

The entrepreneur will ensure that all employees have a valid food handler’s permit
which must be renewed when required by law

The business must be legally licensed to operate before it can be officially opened
or carry out any operation .This also consist of been passed by the Health
Inspector. The health inspector has to check both the hygiene of the environment
and employees

These are two regulations that can have an impact on Lacey’s Pastry Shop.

This can be either positive or negative. If the inspector realize that the food
handlers permit is not up to date the business will be forced to shut down until it is
updated. However if the business passed both test the business could be promoted
and that will allow the business name to get popular.
Ethical Issue

Ethical issues refers to the beliefs about what is right and wrong behavior or

One ethical issues that the business will have to adhere to is: keeping promise

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