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This chapter presents the summary, conclusion and recommendations of the study.


The major object of this study is to determine the Perceive Reason of Drop out Students of
Pagsulhugon National High School S.Y. 2019-2020

Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions:

What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

a. Age

b. Sex

c. Grade level

d. Economic status

What are the reasons of drop out students?

 Family Issues
 Financial Assistance
 Decline in Academic Performance
 Peer Influence

The study utilized the descriptive survey utilising researchers made survey questionnaire. The
respondents of the study were one hundred sixty (160) all junior high school students who are studying
at Pagsulhugon National High School.


In light of the data analyzed and interpreted, the following findings were evident :

1. Demographic profile of the respondents

 Based on the findings, there were more respondents with the age of 11-15 years old with the
total number of 119(74.37%) than age with 16-18 and 19 years old and above with total number
of 40(25%) and 1(1.63%).
 There were more female respondent with a total number of 84(52.5%) than male respondents
with a total number of 76(47.5%)
 There were more respondents came from grade 10 with total number of 56(23.75%) than grade
7 - 9 with the total number of 20(12.5%), 32(20.01%) and 28(17.505%).
 The respondents of this study are almost belong to middle class with a total number of
102(63.75%) than lower and higher class with a total number of 56(35%) and 2 (1.25%).

2. The Perceive Reason of Drop out Students of Pagsulhugon National High School are family issues and
financial assistance.


Based on the findings of the study the following conclusio were drawn :

Demographic profile of the respondents

a. There were more respondents with age of 11-15 years old than those respondents with an age of
16-18 and 19 yers old and aabove.

b. There were more female who composed the sample of this study than male.

c. There were more respondents came from grade 10 than grade 7-9.

d. The respondents of this study are almost belong to middle class than lower and higher class.

The Perceive Reason of Drop out Students of Pagsulhugon National High School are family issues and
financial assistance.


In light of the foregoing findings and conclusion derived from this study, the following
recommendations are hereby offered:

 Parents should help and support their children's studies.

 Parents should trust and keep motivating their children's.
 Parents should be a role model that despite of poverty their still a hope to keep moving.
 Since the teachers play a significant role in students lives, they should assist them in lessons and
keep motivating them when they are sharing ideas during class activities.
 Students should bear in mind that money is not a hindrance in pursuing their dreams.
 Students should be wise in spending money.
 Students should study their lessons when they have free time instead of playing mobile legends.
 Every school should provide a conducive learning for students in order for them to meet better
 Every school should have conduct a seminar we're advocate that education is important and
open the eyes of each individuals that poverty is not a hindrance in achieving goals and be
successful, which this seminar give a color in their lives and serves as inspiration to them.

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