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The Cube Personality Test

The Questions
It’s important to remember the first thing that
comes to your mind when You Answer each
question and remember not to take this test too
seriously, just a bit of fun that lets you dive
into your mind a little. Either write down or
sketch out your answers.

So here we go, are you ready?

Think of a desert, as vast as you can imagine. There is a cube in this you see it?

1. Describe the cube. What’s it made of? Can you see through it? How

big is it? Where exactly is it? Is it buried in the sand or is it sitting on

top? Is it floating? Is the cube moving?

2. As you’re observing the cube, you begin to notice that there’s also a

ladder in the desert. What’s the ladder made of? How long is it? Is it an

old ladder? Where is it in relation to the cube?

3. Now imagine that a horse has appeared in the desert. Is the horse

moving at all? If so, in which direction? What does it look like?

4. Now try and imagine flowers in your desert. How many of them

can you see? Where are they in relation to the other objects in the


5. A Thunderstorm begins. Can you see it? What kind of storm is it?

Is the wind strong? Is the storm far away or close to you? Does it affect

the horse, the flowers, the cube or the ladder in any way?

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The Cube Personality Test
The Answers
Ok so what does it all mean? There are lots of
varied interpretations so remember it’s just a
bit of fun to open up your mind to start thinking
about things.

The cube represents you.

The material the cube is made out of represents your feelings, and the kind of front

you put up. If it's transparent, your inner world and attitude to life are still forming

into their correct shape and you tend to present your feelings honestly. If it's opaque

or solid, you’re a fully-formed individual who’s hard to manipulate and you keep

parts of yourself hidden from most of the world. The size of the cube represents your

ego. If the cube you’ve envisioned is large, you’re likely a very confident person. If it’s

small, you’re most likely shy and modest. If the cube is dug into the ground or

covered with sand, it means you are a planner that thinks far into the future. If the

cube is sitting on top of the sand, that means you’re a pragmatic person who knows

exactly what you want from life. A cube that is spinning or moving signifies that you

are someone who thinks out of the box and avoids convention and stereotypes.

A cube that’s hanging in the air indicates that you’re an artistic personality with

great imagination.

The ladder represents your friends.

If you’ve envisioned the ladder touching the cube, this means you’re very connected

to your friends and rely on them for support. If the ladder is detached, this means

you’re more self-assured and prefer to be independent. If the ladder is below the

cube, your friends see you as an authority figure. If the cube is on the same level, you

and your friends are equals. If the ladder is above the cube, this means you see your

friends as authority figures in your life. If the ladder is short, this means you prefer

keeping a small circle of friends. If it’s a long ladder, you’re an extrovert with many

friends and acquaintances. A new ladder indicates that your friendship mostly

consists of people you got to know relatively recently. If it’s old, your friends are

largely those you’ve known for quite some time.

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The Cube Personality Test
The Answers Continued
The horse is your ideal partner.

The look of your imaginary horse may say much about what you crave to see in your partner.

If the horse you imagined is a strong workhorse, that means your ideal partner is hardworking

and reliable and that you like to feel protected and safe in romantic relationships. If you’ve

imagined a more delicate horse, that means your ideal partner is likely someone who takes

pride in his or her appearance and enjoys being pampered. Did you visualise a beautiful

Pegasus (horse with wings) or a unicorn? It means you value outward gloss, and if you thought

of some kind of imaginary creature, you’re likely dreaming about someone you’ll never have,

or a celebrity. Is the horse tied up, or is he running free? This embodies the level of control you

feel you have (and need), romantically-speaking. Does your horse rub its neck at the cube

or nibbles at its corner? You and your beloved are probably very close and have warm

relations. If the horse is far away from the cube or moving in the opposite direction, this means

you’re distant from your present partner or far from attaining your ideal one.

The flowers represent your children.

The number of flowers you imagined represent the number of children you would like to have.

If the flowers are close to the cube, it means you desire a close relationship with your kids – or

already have one. If the flowers are far from the cube, this means you do not value having a

close relationship with your kids. The color and vitality of your flowers may tell you

something about your kids’ health and prosperity.

The thunderstorm represents your fears.

A thunderstorm symbolises threat and your anxiety about yourself and your surroundings.

It indicates the current state of your mind and how you perceive the probability of risk in your

life. Is the storm you imagined far off in the distance? That means you’re living life with little

worry. If it’s close to the cube but not affecting it, you’re able to confront the difficulties you

face and easily defeat them. If the storm is directly over the cube, your troubles are

overwhelming you right now.

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