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Management – 708 Creativity Book Review Sumit Kumar

Book Name: Think Out of the Box

Book Author: Som Bathla

Review by: Sumit Kumar


Introduction: Think Out of the Box is one of the many books written by the author Som Bathla, Author

started writing just couple of years back and primary focuses on Development of Mind Set, Habits and Work

Smarter and Still create Time for things that matter. While searching for the book for this journal, I found

this book on website, in the book sample what caught my attention was “Generate Ideas on

Demand” and “Instead of thinking outside the box, get rid of the box”.

There are many chapters in this book which I feel will help me implement in my personal and professional

life. As discussed in class room creativity is mental process and can be strengthened and continuously

practiced. Chapters on Key Challenges in Building Creativity, How to Put Everything together to Think out

the box, Routines to Start Thinking Differently helps me to overcome the routine work syndrome and think

better ways in the problem solving.

In this book Authors shares from where did “Thinking Out the Box” come from? And uses image of 9 dots,

its same exercise we need in class where one as to combine 9 dots in one go without lifting the pen and

without repetition over the dots.

While solving the 9 dots exercise author mentions about peoples first attempts usually involves sketching

lines inside the imaginary square and this is true with us in business or personal when any puzzle situation

comes in-front we start thinking about it either to solve it, manage it or let it do.

While thinking of a creative problem solving, we start connecting the dots.

I found more interesting the fact that author mapped out a plan of action to take to achieve success. This was

very interesting as we keep hearing Never give up in our daily routine yet there are main obstacles and every

person deals with it differently.

In my professional life of software development and website development, creative thinking plays a very

vital role on How best to use technology and meet business or client requirements. At every step of software

development life cycle, our goal is to think out of box and creative problem solving with use of technology.

As an entrepreneur of the business the biggest challenge I face today is sustainable growth in this

competitive world. Constant in change in customer needs and technology involved in support and meet the

needs of demand make me to think out of the box. Sometimes my 3-year-old daughter gives me ideas which

in turn helps to solve the problem more effectively.

This book as chapter on How Multi-tasking This Way improves Creativity and Become an Idea Machine-

Set up Daily Idea Quota. I have implemented this in my professional life by making notes of idea’s which

come-up during discussion with Project Management team, we studied this same in class with use job

interviews to get new ideas, not to screen candidates. Many ideas come from discussion in meeting special

when focus is to delivery good optimal solution for user friendly website development.

There are many techniques that get results while creative problem solving to mention few are 1) Ask

Compelling Questions 2) Find Your Center 3) Explore Context 4) Seek Wisdom

In this book the author says “Instead of thinking outside the box, get rid of the box”. I wish to read this book

completely to understand How author suggests readers to that. The glimpse I see he uses Real-world Out of

the Box Examples. Why Your Brain is like Box? And also has the topic on Let’s peep Inside the Brain.

Conclusion: Over all book is structure well to starters to start thinking differently and how to implement in

daily life. Some Examples and Chapters seem to be interesting and main curiosity builder is How to get rid

of the box and think from the different paradigm.

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