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1st Reference - Overview


Deslate, M. F. (2018, October 9). The SOGIE Equality Bill - DivinaLaw: Law Firm in the Philippines: Law
Firm in Makati: Litigation Law Firm in the Philippines. Retrieved October 26, 2019, from

Direct Quotation:

“The SOGIE Equality Bill is meant to fulfill the rights set forth in the 1987 constitution, particularly the
equal protection clause. It recognizes the LGBTQ++ as equals and ensures that their rights are protected
inasmuch as everyone’s is. The bill also acknowledges the Philippines duties under international law
particularly the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and
Political Rights. It thus recognizes the non-discrimination of the LGBTQ++ as both a national and
international duty.”


The author, an underbar associate, used a run-through of a legislative proposal’s purpose. This person
did so, in a simplified manner that is explicit to all. Included in the 1987 Constitution is the SOGIE
Equality Bill that seeks to equate and protect LGBTQ++ rights to the rights of everyone else. The
Philippines’ participation in international relations puts the country’s duty of implementing the bill as an
international responsibility.

2nd Reference – In Favor


Placido, D. (2019, September 4). No 'special rights' given: Catholic nun supports SOGIE equality bill.
Retrieved October 26, 2019, from

Direct Quatation:

“A Catholic nun on Wednesday defended a proposed bill seeking to protect individuals from gender-
based discrimination, saying it does not give “special rights” to a certain group in society. The proposed
Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity or Expression (SOGIE) Equality Bill merely addresses the
concerns of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community, which has historically faced
discrimination, said Sister Mary John Mananzan, a Catholic nun running an all-girls school in the capital


Sister Mary John Mananzan, a Catholic nun, claims that the pending SOGIE bill offers no exceptions to
the LGBT community and that the bill simply endows protection upon the said community that is prone
to discriminations throughout history. This article was published online to acquaint its readers of a
national phenomenon regarding the bill that is unusual in essence. A person of religious, Christian
background, agrees with the bill’s implementation claiming that it is simply a matter of protecting a
historically marginalized group. This gives its audience, especially those who are part of the LGBTQ++ a
sense of relief due to the advocacy of an unexpected ally.

3rd Reference – Not in favor


Galvez, D. (2019, August 22). Sotto: 'No chance' of passing SOGIE bill in Senate. Retrieved October 27,
2019, from

Direct Quotation:

“There is “no chance” that the Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity and Expression (SOGIE) Equality
bill will pass in the Senate, Senate President Vicente Sotto III said. Sotto said Senate could pass an anti-
discrimination bill but not one that is focused only on members of the LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual,
transgender, and queer) community. “Anti-discrimination on persons, pwede. Pero focused on gays,
which the SOGIE bill is, and religious and academic freedom impeded plus smuggling of same sex
marriage? No chance!,” the Senate leader said in a text message to reporters on Wednesday.”


The Senate President Vicente Sotto III claims that the SOGIE bill will not get ratification in the senate. He
expresses however that the senate can approve an anti-discrimination bill that focuses not only on the
LGBTQ++ but on everyone regardless of their genders. Further, the senator claims that the bill serves as
hindrances to academic and religious freedom obtaining a more censure response. The author of the
news article exhibits the opposing side of those in favor of the bill. The article expresses the possible
fate of the bill in the hands of the senators which could lead to continuation of its prolonged pending

4th Reference – Why the bill gained national attention


Talabong, R. (2019, August 26). Gretchen Diez comes out. Retrieved October 27, 2019, from

Direct Quotation:

“She was the transgender who was dragged, harassed, and arrested after entering a Cubao mall toilet.
Gretchen just needed to pee. It was 1 pm on Tuesday, August 13, when a janitress blocked her from
using the women's restroom. Gretchen initially just walked away but she felt anger rising and turned on
her heel. She spoke again to the janitress, asked to repeat what she said earlier, aimed her phone's
camera, then tapped record. The janitress retaliated by grabbing her wrist with one hand, her elbow
with the other, and dragging her across the mall, down through the fire exit, and inside a decrepit office
where a lady guard waited. They wouldn't let her out.”


The SOGIE bill gained its fame due to an incident that happened inside a mall. Gretchen Diez, a
transgender woman, was not given entrance to use the women’s toilet by a janitress. In response to the
incident, Diez went to phone-record the janitress who in reprisal grabbed her and hauled her through
the mall to detain her in its decrepit office. The author of this article detailed the happenings that led to
the public outcries regarding the bill. The incident, involved humiliation and wrongful detention that
elicited the sympathy of the majority of the LGBTQ++ for Diez, which brings us to the resurfacing of the
pending bill.

5th Reference – Recent updates on the SOGIE bill


Rey, A. (2019, September 30). Sotto: At least 15 senators oppose SOGIE equality bill. Retrieved October
27, 2019, from

Direct Quotation:

“At least 15 senators are not in favor of the SOGIE (sexual orientation and gender identity and
expression) equality bill, Senate President Vicente Sotto III said on Monday, September 30. In a news
briefing with House Deputy Speaker Eddie Villanueva, founder of the Jesus Is Lord Church, Sotto said the
chances of the bill getting approved in the upper chamber are dim, since more than half of the 24
senators are "against" the bill.”


The Senate President Vicente Sotto III claims that more than half of the country’s senators are not in
favor of the proposed SOGIE BILL. This claim was backed by the House Deputy Speaker Eddie Villanueva,
a man of religious affiliations, who asserts that due to the stance on the bill by more than half the
senator’s population, the bill’s chance of being approved in the upper house are faint. This article
published by Rappler, showcases the bill’s alleged fate in the senate as the senate’s leader presents its
stances with the senators regarding its implementation supplemented by the house deputy speaker.
This information presents a crucial part of the bill’s pathway as a law.
Review of Related Literature:

Included in the 1987 Constitution is the SOGIE Equality Bill that seeks to equate and protect
LGBTQ++ rights to the rights of everyone else. The Philippines’ participation in international relations
puts the country’s duty of implementing the bill as an international responsibility according to Deslate,
2019. The SOGIE bill gained its fame due to an incident that happened inside a mall. Gretchen Diez, a
transgender woman, was not given entrance to use the women’s toilet by a janitress. In response to the
incident, Diez went to phone-record the janitress who in reprisal grabbed her and hauled her through
the mall to detain her in its decrepit office (Talabong, 2019)

The Senate President Vicente Sotto III claims that the SOGIE bill will not get ratification in the
senate. He expresses however that the senate can approve an anti-discrimination bill that focuses not
only on the LGBTQ++ but on everyone regardless of their genders.(Galvez, 2019) As the bill acquired its
opinion from the senate, Sister Mary John Mananzan, a Catholic nun, claims that the pending SOGIE bill
offers no exceptions to the LGBT community and that the bill simply endows protection upon the said
community that is prone to discriminations throughout history.(Placido, 2019)

As the bill obtains varying opinion from the people, The Senate President Vicente Sotto III claims
that more than half of the country’s senators are not in favor of the proposed SOGIE Bill as stated by
Rey, 2019.

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