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6 instances at all times ..

6-6-0 and 3-3-3

home directories = EFS
HTTP 500 and 503 = cloudfront distribution and randomness keynames
docker = ecs
table changes = dynamo streams to monitor changes
security = create IM role and ensure ec2 instances and configure versioning and MFA
api gateway = enable gateway caching
disaster recovery = create ami and copy it to another region
blue/green = weighted route 53
add tags to find environment
use pre-signed URLS to upload images
500mibs then use throughput
spot instances stopped not terminated = persistent request and use EBS volumes
forward requests without header mods = Network load balancer
file storage and POSIX = amazon EFS
10TB,replication in 3 AZ then AURORA
log KMS keys = use aws cloudtrail
AWS kinesis and not go internet = use interface VPC endpoint
AWS pilot light disaster recovery = continuously replicate PRD to RDS
source,dest,protocol are recorded being secure and reliable = VPC flow logs
S3 workload and exceeds = randomize keynames
votes = use SQS
s3 schedule task to perform = trigger lamba function when a new is uploaded
64TB and 300KB = dynamoDB
INFOSEC = enable VPC flow logs
Route 53 dns = Server from S3 bucket & create 53 hosted zone
intensive read/writes then use EBS with raid 0
app hosted on EC2 need unlimited size then use DynamoDB
add auto scaling to EC2 backend and replace front and reseve proxy with ELB
NAT instance into NATGATEWAY = launch NAT gateway in each AZ
recovery if WS stop replying = launch instance in ASG with ELB health check
capability of sharing session = store session in aws elasticache
deploy http/https = use App load blaancer
data scientists = use redshift for both, separate query queues in WLM
centralized logging = install and configure cloudwatch logs agent in EC2
OLTP consistent and high throughput = Provisioned IOP SSD
stores data in RDS, read heavy and minimal latency critical = AWS elasticache
JSON files = DynamoDB
sis instances all times = 6-6-0 and 3-3-3
deploy automatically = cloudformation
ecrypt data before writing = AWS KMS API
10TB then use aurora
send text messages = SNS
When to use EBS = app uses RDS and long running work process
millions of rows column-wise = redshift
backups durable acrros AZ = Take snapshots
24/7 instances then use standard reserved instances
high compute cost and be cost efficient = create cloudfront to put static content
key-vlaue pairs and semi structured = dynamoDB
10 microservices = replace the classic load with single app load balancer
legacy app to open firewall = configure a prxy ec2
multicontainer based = aws elb app load balancer and EC container service
users use internet = allow inbound http/https for security groups used by web
3TB of data to external data store = s3 storage
located around world = cache the web content in cloudfront and use edge location
for delivery
get alerts = cloudwatch metrics and alarms
decouple applications = use SQS to send messages
share contents = bucket policy
RDS mysql cluster must be secure = 2 privates subnets
4TB data and keep growing for the years = redshift
no special hardware and 512mb = lambda
how to add new ec2 to accesss static content = configure the ASG to launch with IAM
rol with read only
volume backup = create EBS snapshot and copy it to another region
log network traffic = use VPC flow logs
customer order not lost = SQS and scale processing nodes

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