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Sections #(Q) Time

Quantitative Ability 10 35
Reasoning Ability 15 25
Verbal Ability 40 35
Total 65 95
Time is given in minutes.

There is no negative
marking. Each question is
assigned 1 mark. Overall the
cut- off of the exam is high.

Paper 1 Key

Paper 2 Key

Paper 3 Key

Paper 4 Key

Paper 5 Key

Links work only on purchased

version, not on sample view.

Placement Paper -1
Infosys Paper - 1
Quantitative Ability

1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
Reasoning Ability

11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25
Verbal Ability

26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35
36 37 38 39 40
41 42 43 44 45
46 47 48 49 50
51 52 53 54 55
56 57 58 59 60
61 62 63 64 65

Paper - 1 Key Index

Infosys Paper - 1

Section A

Quantitative Ability

10 Questions
35 minutes

Paper - 1 Key Index

Infosys Paper - 1

1) A set of 15 different words

is given. In how many ways
is it possible to choose a
subset of no more than 5

a) 4934
b) 4944
c) 4954
d) 4974
e) 4964

Paper - 1 Key Answer Index

Infosys Paper - 1

2) A roulette wheel which has

the number from 1 to 36.
A gambler bets that a number
divisible by 3 will turn up the
bet is repeated four times. Find
the probability that the
gambler wins at least one bet.

a) 1−
() 2

b) 1−
c) 1−
d) 1−

Paper - 1 Key Answer Index

Infosys Paper - 1

3) A, B and C can do a work in

36, 54 and 72 days respectively.
They started working together
but A left 8 days before the
completion of the work while
B had left 12 days before the
completion. Then, the number
of days for which C worked is:

a) 21
b) 26
c) 28
d) 24
e) None of these

Paper - 1 Key Answer Index

Infosys Paper - 1

4) When two trains are

running parallel and in
opposite direction at 108 Kmph
and 72 Kmph respectively pass
each other in 10 sec. When they
run in the same direction, a
person sitting in the faster
train observes that he passes
the other train in 30 sec. What
is the length of the faster train?

a) 400 meters
b) 100 meters
c) 200 meters
d) 300 meters
e) None of these
Paper - 1 Key Answer Index
Infosys Paper - 1

5) A square is constructed
connecting the midpoints of
four circles with radius 5 cm
each as shown below. Find
the measure of the shaded
area. (π = 3.14)



a) 20.5 cm2 b) 21.5 cm2

c) 22 cm2 d) 23.5 cm2
e) None of these

Paper - 1 Key Answer Index

Infosys Paper - 1

6) If each alphabet is assigned

a particular single digit
number in the following
+ A N D
+ N A M E
Then, what is the value of
(B + R + A + N + D + S) ?

a) 15 b) 25
c) 20 d) 18
e) Cannot be determined

Paper - 1 Key Answer Index

Infosys Paper - 1

7) Find the number on the

dice opposite to number 2?

4 3 4 3
6 3 1 4 5 6 2 1

(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

a) 6
b) 5
c) 4
d) 3
e) 1

Paper - 1 Key Answer Index

Infosys Paper - 1

8) If each alphabet is assigned a

particular single digit number
in the following equation,
+ L O O K S
Then, what is the value of
(E + P + Y) – (S + L + E)

a) 5
b) 0
c) 8
d) 1
e) 7

Paper - 1 Key Answer Index

Infosys Paper - 1

9) What is the value of x in

the following series.

60, 30, 70, 40, 80, 50, x.

a) 70
b) 80
c) 90
e) 95

Paper - 1 Key Answer Index

Infosys Paper - 1

10) If in a certain code

language, MANAGER is
coded as ‘klyzlmyzefcdpq’,
then TYPIST is coded as?

a) rsxyxohgqrrs
b) rswxnoghqrrs
c) stxyxohgqrrs
d) stwxuogwqrr
e) rswxxohgqrrs

Paper - 1 Key Answer Index

Infosys Paper - 1

Section B

Reasoning Ability

15 Questions
25 minutes

Paper - 1 Key Index

Infosys Paper - 1
Percentage of students appeared
for IIT exam in a school.
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
11) In which of the following year
the percentage students who
appeared for IIT examination half
the maximum in the given data?

a) 1997 b) 1998
c) 1995 d) 2000
e) None of these
Paper - 1 Key Answer Index
Infosys Paper - 1
Percentage of students appeared
for IIT exam in a school in a
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
12) Which year observes a steep
fall in the percentage of students
appearing for IIT examination?

a) 1995-1996 b) 1996-1997
c) 1997-1998 d) 1998–1999
e) None of these
Paper - 1 Key Answer Index
Infosys Paper - 1
Percentage of students appeared
for IIT exam in a school.
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
13) Which of the following year
exhibits highest increase in the
percentage of students appearing
for the IIT examination.
a) 1996-1997 b) 1998-1999
c) 1999-2000 d) 1995-1996
e) None of these

Paper - 1 Key Answer Index

Infosys Paper - 1
Percentage of students appeared
for IIT exam in a school.
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
14) Give the difference in the
percentage of students appeared
in 1996 and 1999.

a) 30% b) 20%
c) 10% d) 5%
e) None of these

Paper - 1 Key Answer Index

Infosys Paper - 1
Percentage of students appeared
for IIT exam in a school.
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
15) Give the ratio between the
percentage of students appearing
for the IIT exams in '97 and '99.

a) 1 : 2 b) 2 : 1
c) 1 : 3 d) 3 : 1
e) Cannot be determined

Paper - 1 Key Answer Index

Infosys Paper - 1

16) Pick an appropriate

Statements :
Some flowers are birds
Some birds are cats
I. Some flowers are cats
II. No flower is cat
a) If only conclusion-(I) follows
b) If only conclusion-(II) follows
c) If either conclusion-(I) or (II)
d) If neither conclusion-(I) nor (II)
e) If both conclusion-(I) and (II)
Paper - 1 Key Answer Index
Infosys Paper - 1

17) Pick an appropriate

Statements :
All pens are pencils
No pencil is cap
I. All caps are pencils
II. Some caps are pencils
a) If only conclusion-(I) follows
b) If only conclusion-(II) follows
c) If either conclusion-(I) or (II)
d) If neither conclusion-(I) nor (II)
e) If both conclusion-(I) and (II)
Paper - 1 Key Answer Index
Infosys Paper - 1

18) Pick an appropriate

Some teachers are players
No player is singer
I. Some teachers are singers
II. No singer is a teacher
a) If only conclusion-(I) follows
b) If only conclusion-(II) follows
c) If either conclusion-(I) or (II)
d) If neither conclusion-(I) nor (II)
e) If both conclusion-(I) and (II)
Paper - 1 Key Answer Index
Infosys Paper - 1

19) Pick an appropriate

No car is bag
Some bags are buckets
I. Some cars are buckets
II. Some buckets are not cars
a) If only conclusion-(I) follows
b) If only conclusion-(II) follows
c) If either conclusion-(I) or (II)
d) If neither conclusion-(I) nor (II)
e) If both conclusion-(I) and (II)
Paper - 1 Key Answer Index
Infosys Paper - 1

20) Pick an appropriate

All bags are books
All pens are pencils
I. All bags are pencils
II. Some bags are pens
III. All pens are books

a) Only conclusion-(I) follows

b) Only conclusion-(II) follows
c) Only conclusion-(III) follows
d) No conclusion follows
e) All conclusions follow

Paper - 1 Key Answer Index

Infosys Paper - 1

21) Gita walking with a boy

meets Sita and on being
asked about her relation
with the boy, Gita said, “my
maternal uncle and his
maternal uncle's maternal
uncle are brothers“. How is
Gita related to the boy.

a) Nephew
b) Brother–in–law
c) Mother or Aunt
d) Grandson
e) Son

Paper - 1 Key Answer Index

Infosys Paper - 1

22) F is son of A;
B is brother of C;
A is sister of B;
E is brother of D;
D is daughter of C.

who are the cousins of F?

a) C and A
b) A and E
c) B and E
d) D and E
e) None of these

Paper - 1 Key Answer Index

Infosys Paper - 1

23) Shyam started from his house

towards West. After 30 m, he
turned to his right and walked 15
m, then he turned to his left and
walked 15 m. After that he turned
to his left and walked 40 m. Now
he turned to his left and walked 7
m. Finally he turned to his left. In
which direction is Shyam
walking now?

a) East
b) West
c) North
d) South
e) Can't be determined

Paper - 1 Key Answer Index

Infosys Paper - 1

24) Mary’s daughter's

birthday is on June-29,
Sunday. Her husband’s
birthday is on Christmas
day. Find the day of the
week on her husband’s

a) Wednesday
b) Thursday
c) Friday
d) Saturday
e) Sunday

Paper - 1 Key Answer Index

Infosys Paper - 1

25) Eight friends are sitting around a

circular table facing the center. Their
names are A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H.
• G sits opposite to B who is
immediate right of H.
• E sits between A and H but not
opposite to F.
• D is not neighbor of either G or E.
• C sits exactly opposite to E.
F is not immediate neighbor of B.

In the following pairs, who are the

neighbors of E?

a) B and H
b) A and H
c) G and H
d) C and F
e) D and H
Paper - 1 Key Answer Index
Infosys Paper - 1

Section C

Verbal Ability

40 Questions
35 minutes

Paper - 1 Key Index

Infosys Paper - 1
Reading Comprehension

The banking sector has been on a

roll over the last couple of years,
throwing up huge opportunities for
wealth creation on the way. As the
Indian economy does well with over
8% growth in recent times, banks
tend to be one of the biggest
beneficiaries due to the demand for
credit and the fact that market
conditions are suitable for growing
the loan book. In fact, post the global
financial crisis of 2008 and 2009, the
banking index delivered a return of
82% during May 2009 until October
2010, compared to a return of 40%
delivered by the broader market.
26 27 28 29 30
Paper - 1 Key Index
Infosys Paper - 1
Reading Comprehension
"In 2009-2010 banking was the safest
bet at a time when everyone had
concerns on the market, especially
on sectors like telecom due to the
competitive intensity or power and
real estate due to the infrastructure
bottlenecks or oil and gas, which
was underperforming," says Ajay
Parmar, head, institutional research,
Emkay Global Financial Services
This is also due to the strong credit
quality of Indian banks, which made
them resilient during the global
crisis. During this period i.e. May
2009 until October 2010, the returns
delivered by the PSU bank index
were much stronger at 110%.
26 27 28 29 30
Paper - 1 Key Index
Infosys Paper - 1
Reading Comprehension
This can be attributed to the flight to
safety away from other assets into
PSU bank deposits along with
healthy credit growth. Further, PSU
banks have a large amount of
holding in longer maturity
government securities and bonds
which did well since the yield on the
10-year benchmark came down from
9.5% to 5.5% in March 2009,
indicating a rise in the price of the
bonds, leading to a higher mark-to-
market profit on their investment
portfolio. However, of late, banking
stocks have been beaten down due
to reduced credit off take, pressure
on yields etc.
26 27 28 29 30
Paper - 1 Key Index
Infosys Paper - 1
Reading Comprehension
which is flowing into valuations
causing downgrades in this sector.
Since November 2010, these stocks
have delivered a negative return of
19% compared to -13% of the Nifty.
The PSU Bank index has performed
even worse with a negative return of
29%. With the Reserve Bank of India
(RBI) raising its key policy rates by
250 basis points (a basis point is a
hundredth of a percentage point)
since March 2010, there has been an
overall increase in the lending and
deposit rates in the system.

26 27 28 29 30
Paper - 1 Key Index
Infosys Paper - 1
Reading Comprehension

26) According to the

passage, how is the
performance of the bank
stocks post October 2009?

a) They have performed

exceedingly well.
b) They are giving
favourable returns.
c) Their performance has
been blockbuster.
d) Both 'a' and 'b'.
e) Both 'b' and 'c'.
Paper - 1 Key Answer Index
Infosys Paper - 1
Reading Comprehension

27) Why, according to the

passage did the PSU banks
invest in government
securities and bonds?

a) Higher yields.
b) More reasonable.
c) Obligation to invest in
government securities and
d) Safety.
e) None of these

Paper - 1 Key Answer Index

Infosys Paper - 1
Reading Comprehension

28) What statement best

describes the theme of the

a) Economic growth in India.

b)Market conditions in India.
c) Success of PSU banks in
d) The performance of
banking sector in India
e) Unknown factors.

Paper - 1 Key Answer Index

Infosys Paper - 1
Reading Comprehension

29) The effect of RBI

increasing the policy rates
has been

a) PSUs outperforming
private banks.
b) Banks suffering
c) Banks lending more.
d) Increased lending rates.
e) Lower borrowing rates.

Paper - 1 Key Answer Index

Infosys Paper - 1
Reading Comprehension

30) What is the author’s

attitude towards the banking
sector in paragraph 1?

a) Upbeat
b) Disappointing
c) Derogatory
d) Contemplative
e) Insulting

Paper - 1 Key Answer Index

Infosys Paper - 1
Reading Comprehension
What you call ‘my body’ is just a
heap of food that you have eaten,
that you have accumulated over a
period of time. The mind is just a
heap of impressions that you
have gathered from outside. So
these two things are still outside.
Your mind is just society’s
garbage bin. Anybody who walks
by you, stuffs something in your
head and goes. The accumulative
part of the mind is subject to all
kinds of social, religious and
cultural situations, you are being
exposed to.

31 32 33 34 35
Paper - 1 Key Index
Infosys Paper - 1
Reading Comprehension
The very way you think, feel and
understand life is just what kind
of garbage you gathered in your
head. Some of you have social
garbage; religious garbage,
spiritual garbage, it doesn’t
matter. But all this has come from
outside. Your ability to recycle
the garbage is your intellect.
When your intellect becomes
razor sharp, nothing sticks to it, it
doesn’t get attached to anything,
it is not identified with anything,
it just makes you see everything
simply the way it is.

31 32 33 34 35
Paper - 1 Key Index
Infosys Paper - 1
Reading Comprehension

31) Which of the following

statements is appropriate
according to the passage?
a) The mind of a human being
is no more than just a dust bin.
b) Since man has awareness, he
is nobler than any creature in
the universe.
c) The human being is unholy
and inhuman.
d) The intellect of a human
being can be razor sharp
e) None of these

Paper - 1 Key Answer Index

Infosys Paper - 1
Reading Comprehension

32) It can be understood that

the author of the passage is

a) is an optimist.
b) believes that everyone has
the potential to become great
if only one hones one’s
c) believes that religion is
nothing but a huge garbage.
d) is a great pessimist.
e) None of these

Paper - 1 Key Answer Index

Infosys Paper - 1
Reading Comprehension

33) The word- ‘accumulative’,

as used in the passage is-

a) An adverb
b) A verb
c) An adjective
d) A modifier
e) A Pronoun

Paper - 1 Key Answer Index

Infosys Paper - 1
Reading Comprehension

34) The sentence - “These two

things are still outside” implies
a)The mind and body do not
constitute what we call “I”, as
you are a soul.
b) The mind and body are not
under your control as they are
tremendously influenced by
outer environment.
c)The mind and body can be
yours when they are controlled
by you.
d) In spite of all efforts, they are
always outside only.
e) None of these
Paper - 1 Key Answer Index
Infosys Paper - 1
Reading Comprehension

35) According to the passage,

which of the following
statements can be appropriate?
a) The thoughts about religion
and god also can be considered a
b) Excepting the noblest thoughts
in regard to religion and god,
everything else is no better than a
big trash.
c) When you say ‘I’, it means you
are an intellectual.
d) Mind receives only the
undesirable and highly
unwanted things.
e) None of these
Paper - 1 Key Answer Index
Infosys Paper - 1
Error detection

Each of the questions given

below consists of four sentences
on a topic numbered (a) to (d).
There may be an error in any one
part of the sentence. Read the
sentence and identify the part
which has the error and write it
as the answer. If there is no error,
mark the answer as (e).

a) If he worked hard /
b) he would have /
c) got through the exam /
d) which he wrote recently.

Paper - 1 Key Answer Index

Infosys Paper - 1
Error detection

Each of the questions given

below consists of four sentences
on a topic numbered (a) to (d).
There may be an error in any one
part of the sentence. Read the
sentence and identify the part
which has the error and write it
as the answer. If there is no error,
mark the answer as (e).

a) She told me /
b) that she will meet me /
c) the next day /
d) if she had time.

Paper - 1 Key Answer Index

Infosys Paper - 1
Error detection

Each of the questions given

below consists of four sentences
on a topic numbered (a) to (d).
There may be an error in any one
part of the sentence. Read the
sentence and identify the part
which has the error and write it
as the answer. If there is no error,
mark the answer as (e).

(a) He usually /
(b) goes to college /
(c) by walk /
(d) because he stays close by.

Paper - 1 Key Answer Index

Infosys Paper - 1
Error detection

Each of the questions given

below consists of four sentences
on a topic numbered (a) to (d).
There may be an error in any one
part of the sentence. Read the
sentence and identify the part
which has the error and write it
as the answer. If there is no error,
mark the answer as (e).

(a) After he returned back /
(b) from U.S /
(c) he has started /
(d) his own factory.

Paper - 1 Key Answer Index

Infosys Paper - 1
Error detection

Each of the questions given

below consists of four sentences
on a topic numbered (a) to (d).
There may be an error in any one
part of the sentence. Read the
sentence and identify the part
which has the error and write it
as the answer. If there is no error,
mark the answer as (e).

(a) The students /
(b) work /
(c) meticulously throughout
the year/
(d) doesn’t they.
Paper - 1 Key Answer Index
Infosys Paper - 1
Error detection

Each of the questions given

below consists of four sentences
on a topic numbered (a) to (d).
There may be an error in any one
part of the sentence. Read the
sentence and identify the part
which has the error and write it
as the answer. If there is no error,
mark the answer as (e).

(a)She could not give the exam/
(b) since she lacked/
(c) the requisite attendance /
(d) required by the University.

Paper - 1 Key Answer Index

Infosys Paper - 1
Error detection

Each of the questions given

below consists of four sentences
on a topic numbered (a) to (d).
There may be an error in any one
part of the sentence. Read the
sentence and identify the part
which has the error and write it
as the answer. If there is no error,
mark the answer as (e).

(a) He hoped /
(b) to top the exam /
(c) but could not be able to do
so /
(d) because of ill-health.
Paper - 1 Key Answer Index
Infosys Paper - 1
Error detection

Each of the questions given

below consists of four sentences
on a topic numbered (a) to (d).
There may be an error in any one
part of the sentence. Read the
sentence and identify the part
which has the error and write it
as the answer. If there is no error,
mark the answer as (e).

(a) We have not met them yet /
(b) though /
(c) they lived here /
(d) for a year.

Paper - 1 Key Answer Index

Infosys Paper - 1
Error detection

Each of the questions given

below consists of four sentences
on a topic numbered (a) to (d).
There may be an error in any one
part of the sentence. Read the
sentence and identify the part
which has the error and write it
as the answer. If there is no error,
mark the answer as (e).

(a) Neither he nor his brother /
(b) are capable /
(c) of taking over their father’s
business /
(d) after his retirement.
Paper - 1 Key Answer Index
Infosys Paper - 1
Error detection

Each of the questions given

below consists of four sentences
on a topic numbered (a) to (d).
There may be an error in any one
part of the sentence. Read the
sentence and identify the part
which has the error and write it
as the answer. If there is no error,
mark the answer as (e).

(a) No sooner the sale started /
(b) at the shopping mall /
(c) than there was a mad rush /
(d) to grab everything
Paper - 1 Key Answer Index
Infosys Paper - 1
Fill in the blanks

A blog is a web page made up of

brief, frequently updated entries that
are arranged (46) like a journal.
The purpose of blogs (47) greatly
from links to news, photos, even
fiction. Blog posts are (48) to
instant messages to the web. Many
blogs are (49) "what's on my
mind" type musings others are
collaborative efforts based on a (50)
topic or area of mutual interest.

a) Symmetrically
b) Chronologically
c) Interestingly
d) Passionately
e) None of these
Paper - 1 Key Answer Index
Infosys Paper - 1
Fill in the blanks

A blog is a web page made up of

brief, frequently updated entries that
are arranged (46) like a journal.
The purpose of blogs (47) greatly
from links to news, photos, even
fiction. Blog posts are (48) to
instant messages to the web. Many
blogs are (49) "what's on my
mind" type musings others are
collaborative efforts based on a (50)
topic or area of mutual interest.

a) Depend
b) Shift
c) Vary
d) Change
e) None of these
Paper - 1 Key Answer Index
Infosys Paper - 1
Fill in the blanks

A blog is a web page made up of

brief, frequently updated entries that
are arranged (46) like a journal.
The purpose of blogs (47) greatly
from links to news, photos, even
fiction. Blog posts are (48) to
instant messages to the web. Many
blogs are (49) "what's on my
mind" type musings others are
collaborative efforts based on a (50)
topic or area of mutual interest.

a) Familiar
b) Similar
c) Unique
d) Superior
e) None of these
Paper - 1 Key Answer Index
Infosys Paper - 1
Fill in the blanks

A blog is a web page made up of

brief, frequently updated entries that
are arranged (46) like a journal.
The purpose of blogs (47) greatly
from links to news, photos, even
fiction. Blog posts are (48) to
instant messages to the web. Many
blogs are (49) "what's on my
mind" type musings others are
collaborative efforts based on a (50)
topic or area of mutual interest.

a) Personal
b) Ephemeral
c) Temporal
d) Local
e) None of these
Paper - 1 Key Answer Index
Infosys Paper - 1
Fill in the blanks

A blog is a web page made up of

brief, frequently updated entries that
are arranged (46) like a journal.
The purpose of blogs (47) greatly
from links to news, photos, even
fiction. Blog posts are (48) to
instant messages to the web. Many
blogs are (49) "what's on my
mind" type musings others are
collaborative efforts based on a (50)
topic or area of mutual interest.

a) Vague
b) Specific
c) Controversial
d) Contemporary
e) None of these
Paper - 1 Key Answer Index
Infosys Paper - 1
Theme Detection

51) The United States of America

is a federal republic with
autonomous state and local
governments. Taxes are imposed
in the United States at each of
these levels. These include taxes
on income, payroll, property,
sales, imports, estates and gifts,
as well as various fees. In 2010
taxes collected by federal, state
and municipal governments
amounted to 24.8% of GDP. In the
OECD, only Chile and Mexico
taxed less as a share of GDP. The
United States also has one of the
most progressive tax systems in
the industrialized world.
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Infosys Paper - 1

The passage best supports the

statement that:

a) Taxes in the United States of

America are imposed and
controlled centrally.

b) The type of tax imposed varies

from one state to another.

c) The taxation in the Unites States

of America depends on state and
local Governments.

d) Taxes are the main contributors

to the economy in the United
States of America.

Paper - 1 Key Answer Index

Infosys Paper - 1
Theme Detection

52) The major cause of the French

Revolution was the disputes
between the different types of social
classes in French society. The French
Revolution of 1789-1799 was one of
the most important events in the
history of the world. The Revolution
led to many changes in France,
which at the time of the Revolution
was the most powerful state in
Europe. The Revolution led to the
development of new political forces
such as democracy and nationalism.
It questioned the authority of kings,
priests, and nobles. The Revolution
also gave new meanings and new
ideas to the political ideas of the
Paper - 1 Key Answer Index
Infosys Paper - 1

The passage best supports the

statement that

a) The French revolution brought

about a radical change in the
political set up of France.

b) The French Revolution resulted

in France losing its powerful status
in Europe.

c) Democracy overthrew
aristocracy during the French

d) Political status of kings was

dominant during the French
Paper - 1 Key Answer Index
Infosys Paper - 1
Theme Detection

53) Shakespeare communicated his

comedy through language and his
comedy plays are peppered with
clever word play, metaphors and
insults. The theme of love is
prevalent in every Shakespeare
comedy. Often, we are presented
with sets of lovers who, through the
course of the play, overcome the
obstacles in their relationship and
unite. The plotline of a Shakespeare
comedy contains more twists and
turns than his tragedies and
histories. Although the plots are
convoluted, they do follow similar

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For example, the climax of the play

always occurs in the third act and
the final scene has a celebratory feel
when the lovers finally declare their
love for each other.

The passage best supports the

statement that
a) The theme of love was prevalent
only in the comedies of
b) The comedy plots of
Shakespeare’s plays were straight
c) The central theme in most of
Shakespeare’s comedies was love.
d) The lovers were united during
the climax of Shakespeare’s plays.

Paper - 1 Key Answer Index

Infosys Paper - 1
Theme Detection
54) In 1889 Captain Max von
Stephanitz began the
standardization of the breed of
the German shepherd. It all
started at a dog show in
Karlsruhe in western Germany. A
medium-sized yellow-and-grey
wolf like dog caught his
attention. The dog was of the
primal canine type, supple and
powerful, and possessed
endurance, steadiness, and
intelligence. He was a working
sheepherder, born with this
ability, requiring no training
other than direction and finish to
become proficient at the task.

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Infosys Paper - 1

This dog, Hektor Linksrhein, was

purchased by von Stephanitz,
renamed Horand von Grafrath,
and became the first registered
German Shepherd Dog.

The passage best supports the

statement that
a) The German Shepherd breed
was unknown before 1889.
b) Captain Max Von was a sheep-
c) The name of the first registered
German Shepherd was Hektor aka
d) The first dog show was held in
Germany in 1889.

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Infosys Paper - 1
Theme Detection

55) Online shopping or

e-shopping is a form of electronic
commerce which allows
consumers to directly buy goods
or services from a seller over the
Internet using a web browser. An
online shop evokes the physical
analogy of buying products or
services at a bricks-and-mortar
retailer or shopping center; the
process is called business-to-
consumer (B2C) online shopping.
In the case where a business buys
from another business, the
process is called business-to-
business (B2B) online shopping.

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Infosys Paper - 1

The largest of these online

retailing corporations are
Alibaba, and eBay.

The passage best supports the

statement that
a) Online shopping is completely
different from bricks and mortar
b) Business to Business and
Business to Consumer are two
forms of online retailing.
c) A seller can sell to a buyer in
online retail through a web
d) eBay is a Business to Business

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Infosys Paper - 1

56) Find a synonym of the

underlined word.

The engineers subjected the

engine to exhaustive tests.

a) Complicated
b) Thorough
c) Exclusive
d) Compulsory
e) None of these

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Infosys Paper - 1

57) Find the antonym of the


a) Autonomy
b) Anachronism
c) Analogous
d) Analysis
e) Catabolism

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Infosys Paper - 1

58) Far from condemning

Rahul Dravid and comrades
for an admittedly ______ but
also unfortunate exit, the
time has come to remember
their______ contributions.

a) ominous, ordinary
b) precarious, extraordinary
c) ignominious, outstanding
d) dubious, stupendous
e) analogous, promiscuous

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Infosys Paper - 1

59) Even though Bangalore is

the IT of the country and
the back office of some of the
world's largest corporations, it
on civic development fronts.

a) center, falters
b) hub, falters
c) face, betrays
d) force, emancipates
e) mass, fleas

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Infosys Paper - 1

60) Anjali, Sachin’s wife is ___

him by four years.

The appropriate comparative

degree in the blank is

a) elder than
b) elder to
c) older than
d) older to
e) older for

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Infosys Paper - 1

61) On the eve of Republic day

last year, an additional district
collector________alive by a

Which of the following verb forms

fits in the blank?

a) was burnt
b) had burnt
c) has been burnt
d) had been burnt
e) will been burnt

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Infosys Paper - 1

62) The Vice-Chancellors will

be asked to prevent political
tensions ____ the campuses in
the state.

a) in
b) at
c) on
d) of
e) to

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Infosys Paper - 1

63) Oil and other commodity

markets zoomed _______
stratospheric heights.

a) to
b) at
c) in
d) for
e) an

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Infosys Paper - 1

64) Miami University

conferred honorary doctorate
____ the Oscar winning
musician A.R. Rahman.

a) on
b) for
c) at
d) to
e) it

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Infosys Paper - 1

65) Find an analogy for


a) shy : timid
b) enraged : angry
c) sad : upset
d) excited : anxious

Paper - 1 Key Answer Index


Placement Paper -1
Infosys Paper - 1

Quantitative Ability

1) b 2) a 3) d 4) c 5) b
6) b 7) c 8) d 9) c 10) b
Reasoning Ability

11) b 12) c 13) c 14) c 15) b

16)d 17) d 18) d 19) b 20) d
21) c 22) d 23) c 24) b 25)b
Verbal Ability

26) c 27) a 28) d 29) d 30) a

31) d 32)b 33) c 34) b 35) a
36) a 37) b 38) c 39) a 40) d
41) a 42) c 43) c 44) b 45) a
46) b 47) c 48) b 49) a 50) b
51) c 52) a 53) c 54) c 55) b
56) b 57) e 58) c 59) b 60) b
61) a 62) c 63) a 64) a 65) b

Paper - 1 Key Index

Infosys Paper - 1

1)b; Add up to the number of

ways so choose exactly 0, 1
… 5 words from the given

The answer is

C0 + 15C1 + 15C2 + 15C3 + 15C4 +
C5 = 4944

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Infosys Paper - 1

2)a; The total number on a roulette

wheel is 36
One number is chosen in 36C1= 36 ways
The possible numbers that divisible
by 3 are {3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27,
30, 33, 36}.
Total are 12 numbers. Probability of
getting a number divisible by 3 =
12 1
36 3
Probability of not getting a number
1 2
divisible by 3 is 1− =
3 3
Probability of not getting divisible of

3 in 4 times is
( )( )( )( ) ( )
The probability of winning at least

once is ()
Paper - 1 Key Question Index
Infosys Paper - 1

3)d; If C worked for x days.

Then, A worked for (x–8) days
and B for (x-12) days

Work done by A =
( x−12)
Work done by B =
Work done by C =

( x−8) (x−12) x
+ + =1
36 54 72
6 x−48+4 x−48+3 x
 13x = 312
 x = 24

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Infosys Paper - 1

4)c; Let the trains be 'x' and 'y' meters

long. When they are moving in
opposite directions,
Relative speed = 30 + 20 = 50 m/s
Total length = (x + y) m.
Then time to cross each other =
x+ y
=10 ⇒ x+y=500 ...... (1)
When they are moving in the same
Relative speed = 30-20=10mps
Here the total length is nothing but
the length of the slower train (y) only.
Then, time= =30 ⇒ y=300m
Substitute y value in equation-(1),
we get, x = 200m
Length of the faster train = 200 m.

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Infosys Paper - 1

5)b; Shaded area

= (Area of the square ABCD)
– (Area of 4 quadrants)
= 102 – (Area of full circle).

Area of quadrants
Area of circle
∴ 4 (Area of Quadrant)

= Area of Circle.
= 100 – 3.14 × 52
= 100 – 3.14×25
= 100 – 78.5
= 21.5 cm2
Paper - 1 Key Question Index
Infosys Paper - 1

6)b; The equation in question

can be rewritten as:

9 4 3 0 7
+ 2 8 5
+ 8 2 6 7
1 0 2 8 5 9

Hence, (B+R+A+N+D+S)
= (1 + 0 + 2 + 8 + 5 + 9)
= 25

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7)c; In figure-(ii),
4 is adjacent to 1 and 3.

In figure-(iv),
2 is adjacent to 1 and 3.

Hence, 4 is opposite to 2.

Hence, option - c is correct


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8)d; The equation in question

can be rewritten as:

9 4 5 5 3
+ 9 8 8 2 1
1 9 3 3 7 4

Hence, (E + P + Y) – (S + L +E)
= (3 + 7 + 4) – (1 + 9 + 3)

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Infosys Paper - 1

9)c; Series decreases and

increases alternatively with
the difference of -30, +40.

Hence, next number = 90.

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10)b; The word MANAGER

has 7 letters, where as the
code has 14 letters. It means
each letter in MANAGER is
coded with 2 letters.
M is coded as kl ;
A is coded as yz ;
N is coded as lm.
It means one capital letter is
coded with two previous
small letters. Similarly,
TYPIST is coded as follows.

rs wx no gh qr rs
∴ TYPIST = rs wx no gh qr rs.
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Infosys Paper - 1

11)b; From the graph, we can

say, maximum percentage of
IIT students appeared for the
exam in 2000 which is 80% of
the students. Half the 80% is
40%. 40% of students appear
for the IIT examination in

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12)c; From the graph, we can

observe that there is sudden
fall in the percentage of
students appearing for IIT
examination in 1997-1998.

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13)c; During 1996-1997 there

is only 40% increase rate but
during 1999-2000 there 50%
increase rate.

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14)c; Percentage of students

appeared for IIT exam in
1996 = 20;

That of in 1999 = 30;

∴ Difference = 10%.

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15)b; Percentage of students

appearing for IIT exam in
1997 = 60;

And, that of in 1999 = 30.

∴ Ratio = 60 : 30 = 2 : 1.

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16)d; The possible diagrams from

the given statements:
F = Flowers
F B C B = Birds
C C = Cats
(a) (b)
Is true only in diagram-(b) but not
in diagram-(a). So, conclusion-(I)
does not follow.
Is true only in diagram-(a) but not
in diagram-(b). So, conclusions-
(II) also do not follow.
Hence option-d is correct choice.
A conclusion is said to be true, if it
follows in all the possible Venn
Paper - 1 Key Question Index
Infosys Paper - 1

17)d; The possible Venn

diagram is as follows.
p = Pen
p C pc = Pencil
pc c = Cap

From the above diagram,

caps and pencils are apart
from each other and there is
no relation established
between them. Hence, both
the statements are not true.
Hence, option-d is correct.

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Infosys Paper - 1

18)d; The possible Venn

diagram are as follows.
T = Teachers
S P = Players
(a) (b) S = Singers

Conclusions-(I) follows only

in diagram-(b) but not in
diagram-(a). So, it does not
Conclusion-(II) is valid only
in diagram-(a) not in
diagram-(b). So, conclusion-
(II) is also not true.
Hence, option-d is correct

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Infosys Paper - 1

19)b; The possible Venn

diagram are as follows,

M B Bk M B

(a) (b)
M = Mobiles
B = Bags
Bk = Buckets
Conclusion-(I) is true only in
diagram-(b) but not in
diagram-(a). So, conclusion-
(I) is not valid.
Conclusion-(II) is valid in
both the diagrams. So, only
conclusion-(II) follows.
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20)d; Since the subject of the

first statement and predicate
of the second statement are
not same, we cannot apply
any rule.

Thus, no conclusion follows.

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Infosys Paper - 1

21)c; Gita can either be the

mother or aunt of the boy.

If Gita is the mother:


Gita(-) Boy's Uncle(+)


If Gita is the aunt:

Uncle(+) Uncle(+)

Gita(-) Uncle(+)


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Infosys Paper - 1

A(-) B(+) C

F(+) D(-) E(+)

E and D are the cousins of F.

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Infosys Paper - 1

23)c; According to the

question, only direction is
needed. i.e. W–N–W–S–E–N
= Final direction is North.
So, he is walking in the North
direction at present.
Diagram Method:
15 m
15 m
40 m
30 m

According to the diagram he
is walking in the North.

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Infosys Paper - 1

24)b; Mary’s daughter

birthday is on 29-June.
Her husband’s birthday is on
x-mass day i.e 25-Dec.
Number of odd days from
29-June to 25 - Dec = Jun + Jul
+Aug +Sep + Oct + Nov + Dec
= 1+3+3+2+3+2+25 = 39
= = 4 odd days.
Mary’s husband’s birthday is
4 days after Sunday
i.e. Thursday.

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Infosys Paper - 1

25)b; The neighbors of E are

A and H.




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Infosys Paper - 1

26)c; Refer to the last

paragraph of the passage.
The passage begins with an
undertone on the bank
stocks. In the third sentence,
‘Since November 2010, these
stocks have delivered a
negative return’, means that
the performance of the stocks
has been blockbuster.

Paper - 1 Key Question Index

Infosys Paper - 1

27)a; According to paragraph

3, ‘since the yield on the 10-
year benchmark came down
from 9.5% to 5.5% in March
2009, indicating a rise in the
price of the bonds, leading to
a higher mark-to-market
profit on their investment

Paper - 1 Key Question Index

Infosys Paper - 1

28)d; The passage does not

explain in detail about the
economic growth, market
conditions or success of
PSUs. The performance of
banking sector in India is the
central issue of the passage.

Paper - 1 Key Question Index

Infosys Paper - 1

29)d; According to the

passage, the last line of
paragraph 4 states that
increase in the policy rates by
250 basis points by the RBI
has resulted in an increase in
the lending rates, because of
which PSUs are performing

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Infosys Paper - 1

30)a; The author, in the first

paragraph has stated positive
things about the banking
sector in India. His tone thus
is ‘upbeat’.

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31)d; The last sentence of the

passage gives clue for this.

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32)b; The author of this

passage is not against the
religion; he just says that
people are just accumulating
undesirable things; based on
the passage, we cannot say
whether he is a pessimist or
an optimist. The last sentence
of the passage clearly
indicates that mind has got
the sharpness and potential
to take a person to the
highest levels.

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Infosys Paper - 1

33)c; The word accumulative

is used as an adjective with
the noun ‘part’.

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34)b; Since the body and

mind are not under your
control, they are not yours
and they are outside of you
only; because, anybody can
influence your body and
mind without your consent.

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35)a; The author is of the

clear opinion that even
thoughts related to religion
also can be a trash.

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36)a; This is a conditional

sentence, which talks about
an unfulfilled condition.
Here the first part should be
in past perfect.

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37)b; This is an example of

reported speech. The answer
should have been ‘she would
meet me’.

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38)c; ‘on foot’.

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39)a; ‘returned’ not ‘returned

back’. This is an example of

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40)d; don’t they? The question

tag must agree with the

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41)a; Students take the exam

and teachers give the exam

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42)c; was not able to do so.

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43)c; they have been living


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44)b; ‘is’ capable. neither-nor

is followed by singular verb.

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45)a; ‘did the sale start’

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Infosys Paper - 1

46)b; The entries in a blog are

arranged in chronological
i.e. the order in which they
occurred, just like a journal.

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Infosys Paper - 1

47)c; Vary/varies follows from

____ to ___. The purpose of
blogs vary greatly from links
to news.

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Infosys Paper - 1

48)b; Blog posts are similar to

instant messages to the web.
Blog posts cannot be superior
to the instant messages
because they have the same
quality. The word familiar
doesn't fit in the present
context. We cannot use the
word unique in this place
because it excels superlative
degree which is
grammatically incorrect.

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Infosys Paper - 1

49)a; As the phrase what's on

my mind expresses personal
attitude of the author.
Therefore,option-a, is correct.

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Infosys Paper - 1

50)b; As the author is

expressing his views
positively in this part of the
sentence therefore we cannot
use the options a and c
because they have negative
Option-d, contemporary can
not be used as it has plural
So the option-b, specific is the
correct choice as it has
compactness with the
author's motive.

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Infosys Paper - 1

51)c; The taxes in the United

States of America are
imposed across different
levels. Hence the taxation
depends on the state and
local government agencies.

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Infosys Paper - 1

52)a; The passage explains

that major impact of the
French revolution was the
change in the political ideas
and set up since the authority
of the kings, the church and
noblemen was questioned by
the people and this saw the
uprising of democracy.

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Infosys Paper - 1

53)c; It has not been explicitly

stated that love was not a
theme in Shakespeare’s
tragedies. His plays were
convoluted and his comedies
revolved around the theme
of love.

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Infosys Paper - 1

54)c; It has not been stated in

the passage that the breed
was unknown or that there
were no dog shows before
1889.The sheep herder here
refers to the dog.

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Infosys Paper - 1

55)b; Online shopping

‘evokes’ the analogy means
to say that brick and mortar
stores are very similar to
online stores. The buying
and selling happens over the
internet. eBay is not
mentioned to be exclusively a
B2B corporation.

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Infosys Paper - 1

Exhaustive means thorough,
complete or in-depth.

Hence, option-b is synonym

of exhaustive.

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Infosys Paper - 1

57)e; The prefix 'ana' means

up, against, back etc. And the
prefix 'cata' means down,
reverse etc. Option-b, c and d
also start with the same
prefix 'ana'. So, they cannot
be the antonym of anabolism.
Anabolism is the constructive
phase of metabolism.
Whereas Catabolism is the
destructive phase of the
Hence, option-e is the correct

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Infosys Paper - 1

58)c; Here option-a is wrong

because the second word of this
option does not match the exact
explanation of the given context.
Because we cannot say 'Team
India's contributions were ordinary
in the past'. In option-b, precarious is
not an appropriate fit in the given
meaning as it means dangerous.
Both the words of the option-d have
vagueness to have the correct
meaning of the sentence, moreover
it has a negative meaning also. But
the option-c has appropriate
meaning to fit in the given context.
As the word Ignominious means
inappropriate and Outstanding
means exceptionally good.
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Infosys Paper - 1

59)b; Hub means the effective

center of an activity.

IT hub is the correct usage

than IT Center.

Falters means lose strength

or momentum.

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Infosys Paper - 1

60)b; The adverb ‘elder’ takes

‘to’ but not ‘than’; ‘older’ is
used for the members of the
family only.

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Infosys Paper - 1

61)a; The appropriate tense is

‘past tense’ – as it had
happened in the past.

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Infosys Paper - 1

62)c; The preposition ‘on’ is

used for campus; ‘in’ is

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Infosys Paper - 1

63)a; The given statement is

not sufficient to say if the
stratospheric heights was
retained for a significant
time. Hence, the right answer
will be “to”.

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64)a; A doctorate is a like a

crown and hence, is
conferred 'on'.

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Infosys Paper - 1

65)b; Someone who is

humiliated is very embarrassed.
Someone who is enraged is
very angry.

Paper - 1 Key Question Index


Placement Paper -2
Infosys Paper - 2
Quantitative Ability

1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
Reasoning Ability

11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25
Verbal Ability

26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35
36 37 38 39 40
41 42 43 44 45
46 47 48 49 50
51 52 53 54 55
56 57 58 59 60
61 62 63 64 65

Paper - 2 Key Index

Infosys Paper - 2

Section A

Quantitative Ability

10 Questions
35 Minutes

Paper - 2 Key Index

Infosys Paper - 2

1) At a campus placement,
there are eight women and
five men competing for the
three male and three female
executive positions. How
many different combinations
of executive are possible on
the final interview for the six
executive positions?

a) 112896
b) 3316
c) 560
d) 66
e) 0
Paper - 2 Key Answer Index
Infosys Paper - 2

2) A number is selected
randomly from each of the
two sets-{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}
and {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}. What
is the probability that the sum
of the numbers is equal to 9?

e) None of the above
Paper - 2 Key Answer Index
Infosys Paper - 2

3) 12 men or 15 women can

do a work in 20 days. In how
many days 7 men and 5
women would complete the

a) 21.8
b) 22.8
c) 25.3
d) 29.4
e) 29.8

Paper - 2 Key Answer Index

Infosys Paper - 2

4) A man crosses a stationary

train in 5 minutes. The same
train crosses a pole in 48
seconds. What is the ratio
between the speed of the man
and the speed of the train
respectively ?

a) 3 : 25
b) 4 : 25
c) 25 : 3
d) 25 : 4
e) Cannot be determined

Paper - 2 Key Answer Index

Infosys Paper - 2

5) The fare of first, second and

third class tickets between two
stations Chennai and Mumbai
were in the ratio of 12:10:7 and the
number of first, second and third
class passengers between the two
stations in a year was 4:7:10. Then
the sale of tickets to passengers
running between two stations in
the year was ₹25000. How much
amount ( in INR) was acquired by
the sale of second class tickets?

a) 11121 b) 10542.50
c) 9308.5 d) 8426.5
e) None of these

Paper - 2 Key Answer Index

Infosys Paper - 2
6) If each alphabet represents a
single digit number in the
following equation,
× O N

What is the value of ENEMY?

a) 24237
b) 23247
c) 32374
d) 34327
e) Cannot be determined
Paper - 2 Key Answer Index
Infosys Paper - 2

7) Two positions of a dice are

given below. Find the number
at the place opposite to 4?

• • •
• • • • •
• • •• • •
• •
• • • •
•• ••
(i) (ii)

a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 5
e) 6

Paper - 2 Key Answer Index

Infosys Paper - 2

8) If each alphabet represents

a single digit number in the
following equation,
× T O
Determine the value of
(MAP – OE)
a) 193 b) 213
c) 183 d) 243
e) None of these
Paper - 2 Key Answer Index
Infosys Paper - 2

9) Find x the following series

2, 4, 12, 60, 420, x.

a) 840
b) 1020
c) 3780
d) 4620
e) Cannot be determined

Paper - 2 Key Answer Index

Infosys Paper - 2

10) If in a certain secret code

language, MONEY is coded as
‘lnnpmodfxz’ then RUPEE is coded
as ?

a) qstvoqdfdf
b) qsvtoqdtdf
c) qstvqodfdf
d) qstvoqtdfd
e) None of these

Paper - 2 Key Answer Index

Infosys Paper - 2

Section B

Reasoning Ability

15 Questions
25 minutes

Paper - 2 Key Index

Infosys Paper - 2

11) Pick an appropriate option

based on the following data.
Statements :
Some cups are plates.
Some plates are spoons.
I. 'No spoon is cup.
II. Some cups are spoons.

a) Only I follows
b) Only II follows
c) Either I or II follow
d) Neither I nor II follow
e) Both I and II follow

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12) Pick an appropriate option

based on the following data.
All white are yellow.
All yellow are pink
I. Some yellow are white.
II. Some pink are not white.
III. All white is pink.

a) Only (I)and(II) follow

b) Only (II)and(III) follow
c) Only (I)and(III) follow
d) (I), (II) and (III) follow
e) none of these

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13) Pick an appropriate option

based on the following data.
Some shoes are socks
All socks are footwear
I. Some footwear are not shoes.
II. Some footwear are shoes.
III. No shoes are socks.

a) Only (I) follow

b) Only (II) follow
c) Only (I) and (II) follow
d) (I), (II) and (III) follow
e) none of these

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14) Pick an appropriate option

based on the following data.
Some mobiles are chocolates.
All chocolates are scales.
I. All scales are chocolates.
II. All mobiles are chocolates.
III. Some mobiles which are not
chocolates are scales.
IV. Some scales are mobiles.
a) Only II follows
b) Only I follow
c) Only III and IV follows
d) Only IV follows
e) None of these
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15) Pick an appropriate option

based on the following data.
No Router is hub.
All hubs are switches.
I. No scale is Router
II. Some hubs are Routers.

a) Only I follows
b) Only II follows
c) Either I or II follow
d) Neither I nor II follow
e) Both I and II follows

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Data Sufficiency
Read both the given statements and
give answer as
a) If statement-I alone is sufficient
and the data in statement-II alone is
not sufficient to answer the question.
b) If statement-II alone is sufficient
and the data in statement-I alone is
not sufficient to answer the question.
c) If either statement-I or in
statement-II alone are sufficient to
answer the question.
d) If statement-I and II together are
not sufficient to answer the
questions. And some more data
e) If both statement-I and II together
are necessary to answer the question.
16 17 18 19 20

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Data Sufficiency

16) What is the rate of the

simple interest per annum?

I. The sum triples in 20 years

at simple interest

II. The difference between

the sum and the simple
interest earned after 10 years
is Rs. 1000

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Data Sufficiency

17) What will be the cost of the

second necklace?

I. The cost of the first necklace is

more than the second and
the cost of the third necklace is
more than the second. The
total cost of all the three
necklaces is Rs. 120000.
II. The cost of the first necklace is
more than the second. The
cost of the third necklace is the
least and total cost of all the three
necklace is Rs. 120000.
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Data Sufficiency

18) What is Reena's rank in

the class?

I. There are 26 students in

the class.

II. There are 9 students

who scored less than

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Data Sufficiency

19) What is the salary of x, in

a group of u, v, w, x, y and z
whose average salary of
Rs. 51126 ?

I. Total of the salaries of u

and z is Rs. 89782.

II. Total of the salaries of v

and w is Rs. 54,665.

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Data Sufficiency

20) What is the salary of A, in

a group of A, B, C, D and E
whose average salary is
Rs. 65970 ?

I. Total of the salaries of B

and C is Rs. 84625.

II. Total of the salaries of D

and E is Rs. 58040.

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21) All the 6 members of a

family L, M, N, O, P, Q are
traveling together. M is the son
of N but N is not mother of M.
L and N are married couple.
P is brother of N.
O is the daughter of L.
Q is brother of M.
How many children does L

a) One
b) Two
c) Three
d) Four
e) Five
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22) All the 6 members of a

family L, M, N, O, P, Q are
traveling together. M is the son
of N but N is not mother of M.
L and N are married couple.
P is brother of N.
O is the daughter of L.
Q is brother of M.
How many male members are
there in the family?

a) One
b) Two
c) Three
d) Four
e) Five
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23) If South becomes East,

East becomes North and
North becomes West and so
on. What will West become?

a) North
b) South
c) North – East
d) South – East
e) None of these

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24) Two clocks begin to strike

12 strokes together. One
strikes its strokes in 33 sec
and the other in 22 sec. What
is the interval of time
between 6t h stroke of the first
and 8th stroke of the second?

a) 1 sec
b) 4 sec
c) 5 sec
d) 8 sec
e) 9 sec

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25) What is the figure that

replaces the question mark?

a) b)

c) d)

e) None of these

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Section C

Verbal Ability

40 Questions
35 minutes

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Intellectual fear is characteristic with

human beings. It is analytical in its
nature and admits motives into its
field. Man has invented money,
insurance, provident fund, savings
bank etc., due to his intellectual fear.
Many aspects of law are meant to
satiate intellectual fear in the name
of restoring justice. What we call
rights are only the various
projections of fear. Fighting for
rights and trying to establish one’s
own rights are all sure signs of
intellectual fear. Trying to own a
thing proves existence of fear, the
possibility of not owning it.
26 27 28 29
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Registering the contents of a book

for copy right proves the presence of
fear. The author fears losing the
ownership of his own thoughts.
“What if any one owns our
thoughts? is a question which is
foreign to human nature.” Strangely,
the intellectual fear has turned out to
be an integral part of the brainy
beings. It has become a predominant
trait leading mankind on to the road
of doom and destruction. In the
name of security for life in the
present and future, man has
invented several things which are
highly valued by him, even more
than life itself. Contd...
26 27 28 29
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Like ‘A House for Mr. Biswas’ (by

Naipaul), man thinks that a house
gives security and protection and
entire life is dedicated to pay off the
debts incurred on the house. Most
unfortunately, human beings are
strapped by the illusions that only
the external objects can give them
security and shelter.

26 27 28 29
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26) In the opinion of the author of

the above passage, which of the
statements, do you think, is

a) All men and women in this

world are struck with fear.
b) Only those knowledgeable
beings that think of future are fear
c) It has become an inherent trait
with the mankind to live in fear.
d) All the above are correct.

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27) According to the passage, the

author opines that

a) there should not be copy rights.

b) copying others’ contents is not
c) There is no need of perturbance
when some other person takes the
contents of one’s book.
d) All the above are wrong.

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28) The author’s tone is

a) harsh
b) inspirational
c) melancholic
d) satirical

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29) What could be a suitable

title for the passage?

a) Man and fear

b) Fear and man
c) Intellectual man and fear
d) Conquering fear

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The term middle class is a classic

example of semantic conspiracy. It
has been misused, twisted and
straight-jacketed into something
essentially evil. It has become
fashionable to use the term
pejoratively. It is a legacy of the
Victorian era that is long past us.
Why we are still stuck with this
linguistic monstrosity?
The rich are busy counting their
cash. They do not bother about
what others say about them.

30 31 32

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The poor are the darling of the

political class and social scientists,
and the intelligentsia. They are
always struggling to make both
ends meet. Then we are left with
the middle class, which has no
patrons or godfathers because it
minds its own business. These
people do not have political clout
as they are suspected of abstaining
from voting during elections. No
wonder the middle class has
become the whipping boy of many
politicians and commentators.

30 31 32
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In Nazi Germany, it was easy to

kill a person by merely calling him
a Jew. In India, it is easy to
demonise a movement by labelling
it as a ‘middle class’ phenomenon.
Some ruling party politicians tried
to rubbish Anna Hazare’s anti-
corruption movement as a middle
class movement have no right to
protest. Is political legitimacy the
birth right of only the rich and the
poor?It has become fashionable to
deride the “middle class
mentality” without even bothering
to think what they really mean.
30 31 32
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Yes, the middle classes are

conservative. They believe in
incremental changes.
But they are also progressive in
many respects. They embrace
change more easily than others.
They hate violence and provide
stability and order to society.
The middle classes may not be
politically active, but many of
them are RTI activists, members of
public-spirited NGOs, and public
interest litigants who have
exposed corruption and defended
the rights of the common man.
30 31 32

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30) In the view of the author, the

middle class in India
1. have lackadaisical attitude
towards politics.
2. are selfish.
3. have no political power but
only bureaucratic authority.
Which of the views of the author
mentioned above, are appropriate in
the context of the passage?

a) Only 1
b) Only 2 and 3
c) All the above
d) None of the above

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31) Consider the following
1. The movement of Anna Hazare
against corruption has been
dismissed by the Govt. as the
agitation of a middle class only
but not of the rich and the poor.
2. It has become a fashionable
thing to hail the ‘middle class’
According to the passage, which of
the above is definitely right or
a) Only 1 is right
b) Only 2 is right
c) Only1 is wrong
d) Only 2 is wrong
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32) The term ‘middle class’,

according to the author, is
nothing but a
a) linguistic intrigue.
b) convenient usage for the
c) consoling wording for the
middle class.
d) deceiving term coined by the

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Unfortunately, for most people,

fear, anger, hatred, are the most
intense situations in their lives.
Their love is never so intense, but
their negativities are intense. So
they experience power in negative
situations. As you experience
power as anger, the rapist
experiences his lust as power. It is
the most powerful situation that
he experiences in his life, where
he physically imposes himself on
somebody else. He feels powerful.
That is why he is going for it.
33 34 35
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And that is exactly the

justification you are giving to the
anger. It is not different. It is just
that the acts are different. One is
socially approved and another is
not approved. That is all.
Otherwise both these actions are
coming from the same basis. It is a
feeling of power with oneself;
there is no difference between a
rapist and a man that is gripped
by anger. Both experience the
same power.

33 34 35

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33) According to the author,

which of the following is true?

a) There is almost no difference

between a rapist and a man of
uncontrollable wrath.
b) Lust and power are one and the
c) Love and Power are
d) A feeling of power can be
experienced only in negative

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34) In the opinion of the author,

a) Many men and women

experience their feelings to the
fullest only in negative traits.
b) Anger or lust are the culprits in
any crime, but not the persons
that are gripped by them.
c) It is a natural phenomenon to
experience greater power in
destructive qualities than in the
d) It is an impossibility to be a
man without anger.

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35) When the author said, ‘it is not

different’ – he means,

a) the action of a rapist and that of

a man of anger are not different.
b) the source of both the actions is
one and the same.
c) a man of uncontrollable anger
and a rapist of irrepressible
emotions are exactly the same.
d) None of the above mentioned
statements can be correct

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36) Each of the questions given

below consists of four sentences on
a topic numbered (a) to (d). There
may be an error in any one part of
the sentence. Read the sentence
and identify the part which has the
error and write it as the answer. If
there is no error, mark the answer
as (e).

(a) The traffic /

(b) in Hyderabad /
(c) is worse /
(d) than Chennai.

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37) Each of the questions given

below consists of four sentences
on a topic numbered (a) to (d).
There may be an error in any one
part of the sentence. Read the
sentence and identify the part
which has the error and write it as
the answer. If there is no error,
mark the answer as (e).

(a)The man with a blue shirt /

(b) standing near the gate /
(c) is the man /
(d) I had mentioned earlier.

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38) Each of the questions given

below consists of four sentences
on a topic numbered (a) to (d).
There may be an error in any one
part of the sentence. Read the
sentence and identify the part
which has the error and write it as
the answer. If there is no error,
mark the answer as (e).

a)This organization provides/

b) good service to all /
c) the illiterate people in this
village /
d) for the past ten years.

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39) Each of the questions given

below consists of four sentences
on a topic numbered (a) to (d).
There may be an error in any one
part of the sentence. Read the
sentence and identify the part
which has the error and write it as
the answer. If there is no error,
mark the answer as (e).

(a) By the time /

(b) Harish and his friends /
(c) reached the station /
(d) the train left.

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40) Each of the questions given

below consists of four sentences
on a topic numbered (a) to (d).
There may be an error in any one
part of the sentence. Read the
sentence and identify the part
which has the error and write it as
the answer. If there is no error,
mark the answer as (e).

(a) Before you enter /

(b) a place of worship /
(c) you should /
(d) take out your shoes.

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41) Each of the questions given

below consists of four sentences
on a topic numbered (a) to (d).
There may be an error in any one
part of the sentence. Read the
sentence and identify the part
which has the error and write it as
the answer. If there is no error,
mark the answer as (e).

(a) The green building /

(b) besides the bank /
(c) was the building /
(d) in which my doctor lives.

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42) Each of the questions given

below consists of four sentences
on a topic numbered (a) to (d).
There may be an error in any one
part of the sentence. Read the
sentence and identify the part
which has the error and write it as
the answer. If there is no error,
mark the answer as (e).

(a) Due to old age /

(b) the man /
(c) is confined within his
house /
(d) and is unable to step out.

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43) Each of the questions given

below consists of four sentences
on a topic numbered (a) to (d).
There may be an error in any one
part of the sentence. Read the
sentence and identify the part
which has the error and write it as
the answer. If there is no error,
mark the answer as (e).

(a) Unless you do not

complete /
(b) the work /
(c) you will not be allowed /
(d) to leave this place.

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44) Each of the questions given

below consists of four sentences
on a topic numbered (a) to (d).
There may be an error in any one
part of the sentence. Read the
sentence and identify the part
which has the error and write it as
the answer. If there is no error,
mark the answer as (e).

(a) Every man and woman /

(b) must vote /
(c) for the candidate /
(d) of their choice.

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45) Each of the questions given

below consists of four sentences
on a topic numbered (a) to (d).
There may be an error in any one
part of the sentence. Read the
sentence and identify the part
which has the error and write it as
the answer. If there is no error,
mark the answer as (e).

(a) This product is /

(b) superior than /
(c) many others /
(d) from the same company.

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Fill in the blanks

46) My final year at MIT was a year

of (46) . A new wave of thought
(47) through the country in those
years. The popular view in those
days was that a belief in scientific
methods was the only (48) approach
to knowledge. If so, I wondered,
what about spiritual (49) ?
I had been taught from my early
childhood that knowledge could be
(50) only through the inner

a) achievement
b) transition
c) tribulations
d) accomplishment
e) None of these
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Fill in the blanks

47) My final year at MIT was a year

of (46) . A new wave of thought
(47) through the country in those
years. The popular view in those
days was that a belief in scientific
methods was the only (48) approach
to knowledge. If so, I wondered,
what about spiritual (49) ?
I had been taught from my early
childhood that knowledge could be
(50) only through the inner
a) brimmed
b) erupted
c) swept
d) encapsulated
e) None of these

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Fill in the blanks

48) My final year at MIT was a year

of (46) . A new wave of thought
(47) through the country in those
years. The popular view in those
days was that a belief in scientific
methods was the only (48) approach
to knowledge. If so, I wondered,
what about spiritual (49) ?
I had been taught from my early
childhood that knowledge could be
(50) only through the inner
a) valid
b) pragmatic
c) tangible
d) lucrative
e) None of these

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Fill in the blanks

49) My final year at MIT was a year

of (46) . A new wave of thought
(47) through the country in those
years. The popular view in those
days was that a belief in scientific
methods was the only (48) approach
to knowledge. If so, I wondered,
what about spiritual (49) ?
I had been taught from my early
childhood that knowledge could be
(50) only through the inner
a) justification
b) association
c) amalgamation
d) hibernation
e) None of these

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Fill in the blanks

50) My final year at MIT was a year

of (46) . A new wave of thought
(47) through the country in those
years. The popular view in those
days was that a belief in scientific
methods was the only (48) approach
to knowledge. If so, I wondered,
what about spiritual (49) ?
I had been taught from my early
childhood that knowledge could be
(50) only through the inner
a) evolved
b) preserved
c) obtain
d) assessed
e) None of these

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51) "The kind of efficient system

of Harappans of Dholavira,
developed for conservation,
harvesting and storage of water
speaks eloquently about their
advanced hydraulic engineering,
given the state of technology in
the third millennium BCE" says
R.S.Bist, Joint Director General
(Rtd.), Archeological Survey of
India. One of the unique feature of
Dholavira is the sophisticated
water conservation system of
channels and reservoirs, the
earliest found anywhere in the
world and completely built out of
stone, of which three are exposed.
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Dholavira had massive reservoir.

They were used for storing the
fresh water brought by rain or to
store the water diverted from two
nearby rivulets. This clearly came
in wake of the desert climate and
conditions of Kutch, where
several years may pass without
rainfall. A seasonal stream which
runs in north-south direction of
the site was dammed at several
points to collect water.

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The passage best supports the

statement that:

a) The water conservation system

existed much before third
millennium BCE.
b) The early conservation system
of water worked in Dholavira
because of the heavy amount of
rainfall in that region.
c) Dams were constructed along
with the reservoirs to conserve
d) The Harappans followed
antiquated techniques for water

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52) The archaeological evidence

revealed that the earliest
Neanderthals had lived in Europe
about 200,000 years ago. But then,
about 30,000 years ago, they
disappeared... just at the time
when the first modern humans
appear in Europe. The story has it
that our ancestors, modern
humans, spread out of Africa
about 100,000 years ago with
better brains and more
sophisticated tools. As they
spread into Neanderthal territory,
they simply out-competed their
primitive cousins.

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The passage best supports the

statement that:

a) The Neanderthals lived in

Europe and spread to Africa.

b) About 30,000 years ago,

modern humans had moved to

c)Neanderthals had sophisticated


d) The modern humans ousted the

Neanderthals 100000 years ago in

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53) Alcatraz Island is located in

the San Francisco Bay, 1.5 miles
(2.4km) offshore from San
Francisco, California, United
States. Often referred to as "The
Rock", the small island was
developed with facilities for a
lighthouse, a military fortification,
a military prison (1868), and a
federal prison from 1933 until
1963. Beginning in November
1969, the island was occupied for
more than 19 months by a group
of Aboriginal peoples from San
Francisco who were part of a
wave of Native activism across the
nation with public protests
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through the 1970s. In 1972,

Alcatraz became a national
recreation area and received
designation as a National Historic
Landmark in 1986.
The passage best supports the
statement that:
a) Alcatraz was, in the earlier
days, known for its incarceration.
b) Alcatraz is one of the most
beautiful islands in the San
Francisco Bay.
c) Tribes occupied Alcatraz as
they wanted it to be a tourist
d) Alcatraz was known for its
advanced facilities.

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54) Cleopatra’s downfall was

Antony’s overwhelming desire to
be with her. Antony hastily went to
war in the east too early in the
season. As he hurried his army
along, he made a catastrophic
mistake. His siege equipment –
huge battering rams which broke
down city walls, which was carried
in 300 carts – was forgotten and
left behind!!! It was then captured
by his enemy and burned. His
troops suffered from famine or
were poisoned by the herbs they
ate and the water they drank.
Antony lost about 24,000 men.

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The passage best supports the

statement that:

a) Cleopatra had conspired with

the enemies to oust Antony.

b) Antony lost the war because he

was in a haste and extremely

c) Antony’s downfall was caused

by the famine.

d) Antony was defeated and burnt by

his enemies.

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55) Honey Bee colony life revolves

around the Queen Honey bee.
Without the eggs that she lays the
entire colony would die. She
begins life as ordinary female
worker larvae, but by feeding on
an extremely rich mixture of food,
provided by young Worker Bees
called Royal jelly, becomes a
Queen. A new Queen can be
produced at any time, if the young
Workers choose, by feeding any
female larvae less than 48 hours
old Royal Jelly. The Queen's
function is to lay eggs. The Queen
lays thousands of eggs which will
develop into more Honey bees.
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She is continually surrounded,

protected and fed by young
Worker Honey bees.

The passage best supports the

statement that:

a) The oldest female larva is

chosen as the queen bee.
b) Once the queen bee lays eggs,
she ceases to be the queen
c) Any female larva can become a
queen bee if she is capable of
laying thousands of eggs.
d) A female larva that feeds on
Royal Jelly becomes the queen.

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56) Find the synonym of the

underlined word.

The inspector was a vigilant


a) Intelligent
b) Ambitious
c) Watchful
d) Smart
e) Incredible

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57) Find the antonym of the


a) Sociable
b) Friendly
c) Gracious
d) Haughty
e) Approachable

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58) Overall, organized retail

is creating a ____ effect on
the ___ of how consumers
buy and how retailers
procure and sell.

a) tremendous, situation
b) intermittent, visibility
c) ripple, dynamics
d) for reaching, process
e) None of these

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59) On the power front, the

best way to to energy
security is to make sure that
the country's goal resources
are fully and then
extracted and used

a) contribute, assessed
b) move, exploited
c) access, preserved
d) approach, utilized
e) None of these

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Fill in the blanks

60) High court warns CBI __

inordinate delays in probe.

a) at
b) for
c) of
d) to
e) No preposition required

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Fill in the blanks

61) As it was a long journey,

the battery of the car ran ___.

a) on
b) upon
c) down
d) off
e) for

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Fill in the blanks

62) She has been trying to

talk to me, but I kept ____
working without listening to

a) on
b) at
c) out
d) up
e) in

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Infosys Paper - 2
Fill in the blanks

63) I am looking __ meeting

you in the International
Congress for Grammar at

a) forward to
b) up to
c) out on
d) for
e) at

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Fill in the blanks

64) The windows of my bed

room look____the sea.

a) on
b) on to
c) out
d) towards
e) in

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Infosys Paper - 2

65) Find the appropriate

analogy for


a) unpopular : wealth
b) homeless : shelter
c) polite : power
d) nervous : stress
e) There is no appropriate
analogy for the given words.

Paper - 2 Key Answer Index


Placement Paper - 2
Infosys Paper - 2
Quantitative Ability

1) c; 2) a; 3) a; 4) b; 5) c;
6) b; 7) a; 8) c; 9) d; 10) a;
Reasoning Ability
11) d; 12) d; 13) c; 14) c; 15) d;
16) a; 17) a; 18) e; 19) e; 20) c;
21) c; 22) d; 23) b; 24) a; 25) b;
Verbal ability
26) c; 27) c; 28) d; 29) c; 30) d;
31) a; 32) a; 33) a; 34) a; 35) b;
36) d; 37) a; 38) a; 39) d; 40) d;
41) b; 42) c; 43) a; 44) d; 45) b;
46) b; 47) c; 48) a; 49) b; 50) a;
51) c; 52) b; 53) a; 54) b; 55) d;
56) c; 57) d; 58) c; 59) a; 60) c;
61) c; 62) a; 63) a; 64) a; 65) b;

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Infosys Paper - 2

1)c; Out of eight women three

women are selected in
8 8!
C 3= =56
Similarly out of five men
three men are selected in
5 5!
C 3= =10
Total possibilities are

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2)a; The total possibilities are

2[(0,9) + (1,8) + (2,7)+ … + (9,0)]
= 2(10)
= 20

Required probability
20 20 1
= = = .
10×10 100 5

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3)a; 'or' refers either only men

are working or only women
are working. 'and' refers to
both men and women
working simultaneously.
12 men or 15 women
⇒ 12 men = 15 women
⇒ 4 men = 5 women. and
7 men and 5 women
= 7 men + 5 women
= 7 men + 4 men = 11 men.
Now, we need to find in how
many days 11 men will
complete the work.

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If 12 men can complete the

work in 20 days then 11 men
will complete in how many
Men Days
12 20
11 x
20 11 240
i.e. = ⇒ x= =21.8.
x 12 11

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Let the train be 'x' meters long.

The ratio of the speed of the

man and the train
x x
= : =4 : 25.
5×60 48

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5)c; Ratio of 1st, 2nd, 3rd class

fares = 12 : 10 : 7.
Ratio of number of
st nd rd
passengers of 1 , 2 , 3 class
= 4 : 7 : 10
Ratio of the money collected
from 1st, 2nd, 3rd class
= 12 × 4 : 10 × 7 : 7 × 10
= 48 : 70 : 70 = 24 : 35 : 35.
Amount acquired by the sale
of 2nd class tickets =

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6)b; The equation in question

can be rewritten as

3 6 9
× 6 3
1 1 0 7
2 2 1 4
2 3 2 4 7

Thus, value of ENEMY is


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7)a; From figure-(i) and (ii),

either 1 or 3 can be opposite to
4. If we observe the dice (i), if
turns two steps upwards LHS,
then it came 1 at top and 4 has
gone to bottom. So, 1 is
opposite to 4.

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8)c; The equation in question

can be rewritten as
4 3 5
× 5 6
2 6 1 0
2 1 7 5
2 4 3 6 0

Hence, the value of

(MAP – OE)
= 243 – 60
= 183.

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9)d; Here, every number is

multiplied with a prime
number in order.

2 4 12 60 420 4620
×2 ×3 ×5 ×7 ×11

Hence, the next number = 4620.

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10)a; Here, M is the middle

letter of l and n.
O is middle letter of n and p.
Like wise all other letters.

ln np mo df xz

Similarly, 'RUPEE’ is coded

as ‘qs tv oq df df’.

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11)d; The possible Venn

diagrams are,

follows only in diagram (i)
and (ii). So, it is not true.

follow only in diagram (ii).
So it is also not true.

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12)d; So all conclusions I, II

and III are true from this
Venn diagram.


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13)c; The possible Venn

diagram for the given
statements are as follows.
Sh = Shoes
S = Socks
Sh S F = Foot wears

Conclusion-I and II are true

from the Venn diagram.

Conclusion-III is not true

from diagram.

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Since 'S' and 'M' do not lie

entirely within 'C', so neither
conclusion-I nor II follows.
Since, some area common to
'M' and 'S' lies outside 'C', so,
conclusion-III follows.
Also, 'S' and 'M' have a
common area. So,
conclusion-IV also follows.
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15)d; Let Router = R;

Hub = H,
Switch = S;


Since, S lies outside to R.

So, conclusion-I does not
Since, H lies outside to R.
So, conclusion-II also not
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Infosys Paper - 2

Alternative Explanation:
Since, one statement is
negative, so conclusion must
be negative. So, Conclusion-
II cannot follow.

The term 'scale' distributed

in conclusion-I is not
distributed in any of the
statements. So, conclusion-I
also not follows. So, answer
is (d).

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16)a; Let the sum = P;

According to statement-I,
S.I = Amount – Sum
= 3P – P = 2P.
P RT 20(PR)
S.I= ⇒ 2 P=
100 100
From the above equation, we
can find out the value of R.

So, Statement - I alone

provides the sufficient
information to answer the
given question.

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From statement-II,
(PR )10
Given, – P=1000
Here the value of P is not
given. So, it is not possible to
find the value of R. Hence,
statement-II is not sufficient
to answer.

So, option-a is correct.

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17)a; From statement-I, Ratio

of the costs of first, second
and third necklaces is 6:5:7,
and hence, the price of
second necklace can be
Hence, option- a is correct.

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18)e; Statement-I provides the

information about the number
of students in the class. But that
is not sufficient to conclude the
Statement-II provides the
information about the number
of students who scored less
than Reena. This statement
alone cannot conclude the
question hence we require both
the Statement I and II to
explain about the rank of Reena
in the class.
Hence, option-e is correct.

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19)e; From the given data, we

can have the values of u, v, w,
and z. But y value is not

Hence, it is not possible to

find the value of x, even from
the data given in both the

Hence, option-e is correct.

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20)c; Total salary of A, B, C, D

and E = 5 × 65970 = 329850
From statement-I,
total salary of B and C is
Rs. 84625
From statement-II,
total salary of D and E is
Rs. 58040
Salary of A
= 329850 – (84625 + 58040)
= 187185.

Hence, option-c is correct.

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21)c; 3 children (Q, M, O).

P(+) N(+) = L(-)

Q(+) M(+) O(-)

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22)d; There are four males.

(The plus signs denote

P(+) N(+) = L(-)

Q(+) M(+) O(-)

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23)b; Given that South → East,

East → North.

Every direction is rotating 900

in anti clock wise.

Then, West will become


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24)a; n strokes have n-1

intervals. For example, 6
strokes has 5 intervals.
1 2 3 4 5 6

The above figure has 6 poles
and 5 intervals. First clock
strikes 12 poles or 11
intervals in 33 sec, the
interval between two
successive strokes is
=3 sec.

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Similarly, the interval

between two successive
strokes of the second clock is
=2 sec.
Now 6 strokes have 5
interval which takes
5×3 = 15 sec
and 8 strikes of the second
clock have 7 intervals which
takes 7×2 = 14 sec.

∴ Required time interval

= (15 – 14) = 1 sec.

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25)b; Here from figure-1 to 2,

all the symbols are moved
45o in clockwise and first
symbol is moved to the end.

From figure-2 to 3, all the

symbols are moved 90o in
anti clockwise and first
symbol is moved to the end.

Same pattern continues for

the subsequent figures.

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26)c; The passage speaks about the

fear complex of the people. The
author says that mankind alone is
living in fear when compared to rest
of the species. Author mentions that
‘fear has become a predominant
trait’. Hence- 26-c; so also the author
opines that what happens if
somebody else claims his thoughts as
his? One need not be pained or
perturbed. Hence 27-c; the author’s
tone is satirical as he is commenting
on mankind’s meaningless fears; 28-d;
the author is not just speaking about
all men and women, but the
intellectual man especially;
Hence option-c would be appropriate
title- 29- c.

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Infosys Paper - 2

27)c; The passage speaks about the

fear complex of the people. The
author says that mankind alone is
living in fear when compared to rest
of the species. Author mentions that
‘fear has become a predominant
trait’. Hence- 26-c; so also the author
opines that what happens if
somebody else claims his thoughts as
his? One need not be pained or
perturbed. Hence 27-c; the author’s
tone is satirical as he is commenting
on mankind’s meaningless fears; 28-d;
the author is not just speaking about
all men and women, but the
intellectual man especially;
Hence option-c would be appropriate
title- 29- c.

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Infosys Paper - 2

28)d; The passage speaks about the

fear complex of the people. The
author says that mankind alone is
living in fear when compared to rest
of the species. Author mentions that
‘fear has become a predominant
trait’. Hence- 26-c; so also the author
opines that what happens if
somebody else claims his thoughts as
his? One need not be pained or
perturbed. Hence 27-c; the author’s
tone is satirical as he is commenting
on mankind’s meaningless fears; 28-d;
the author is not just speaking about
all men and women, but the
intellectual man especially;
Hence option-c would be appropriate
title- 29- c.

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Infosys Paper - 2

29)c; The passage speaks about the

fear complex of the people. The
author says that mankind alone is
living in fear when compared to rest
of the species. Author mentions that
‘fear has become a predominant
trait’. Hence- 26-c; so also the author
opines that what happens if
somebody else claims his thoughts as
his? One need not be pained or
perturbed. Hence 27-c; the author’s
tone is satirical as he is commenting
on mankind’s meaningless fears; 28-d;
the author is not just speaking about
all men and women, but the
intellectual man especially;
Hence option-c would be appropriate
title- 29- c.

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Infosys Paper - 2

30)d; Nowhere in the passage

it is mentioned that they are
of lackadaisical
(means – arrogant, apathetic,
careless etc.,) or selfish; nor
they have any authority,
whatsoever. If they really
have bureaucratic authority,
they would not be middle
class people.

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31)a; To hail means to praise

and acclaim and this is
contrary to what has been
proposed in the passage.

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32)a; The very opening

sentence of the passage
speaks about the ‘semantic
conspiracy’ which means
linguistic intrigue; a trickery
usage of language.

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Infosys Paper - 2

33)a; Since the anger of a

person and the emotion of a
rapist are more or less the
same in terms of negative
force, there is not much of a
difference between a person
of wrath and a rapist.

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Infosys Paper - 2

34)a; The very opening

sentence speaks about the
intensity of the negativity of
man and woman.

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Author clearly mentions that
the source of the actions of a
rapist and a man of
uncontrollable anger is one
and the same.

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36)d; ‘that of Chennai'.

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37)a; ‘In a blue shirt'. (The

person is wearing the shirt in
this context.)

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38)a; 'Has been providing'.

(The sentence needs to be in
present continuous as thr
start time is specifically

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39)d; Had left. After a simple

past tense, the past perfect
must be used.

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40)d; take off. In this context

the show has to be removed
(taken off).

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41)b; beside

'Beside' means 'near'

'Besides' is used in context
for 'alternate'.

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42)c; confined to.

Since, the person is not held
against his will, “confined
to” needs to be used.

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43)a; unless you complete.

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44)d; his or her choice. The

sentence began with singular
subject and hence, it has to be

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45)b; superior to.

'superior than' means that
this person has been chosen
to be the superior instead of
the other person. Hence,
'superior to' needs to be

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46)b; The author is speaking

about the changes in
thoughts and views of people
when he was in final year at
MIT. A change from one state
to another state is called

Hence, option-b is correct


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47)c; Brim means to over

flow. Erupt means to start
suddenly. Sweep through
means to move steadily.
Encapsulate means to enclose.

Hence, option-c is correct.

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48)a; Valid means right or

genuine, which is an
appropriate fit in the given
blank. The word pragmatic
means logical. The sentence
speaks about a certain belief
in those days. Hence, it
doesn't go with the word
pragmatic. Option-c, tangible
means real or perceptible by
touch and option-d- lucrative
means profitable, are
inappropriate in the present

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49)b; Association means a

group of people organized
for a joint purpose.

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50)a; Preserved means

maintain or continue. Assess
means evaluate or estimate.
So, option-b and d can not be
the correct choices. Here the
author explains the person's
mentality right from
childhood. Evolve means to
develop gradually. And
obtain means to get or
acquire. Hence, evolve is the
correct choice.

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51)c; The water conservation

system developed by
Dholavira in 3rd millennium
BCE was one of the first and
unique systems. The region
experienced desert climate.
The people of that region
used advanced techniques
for water conservation.

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Infosys Paper - 2

52)b; The Neanderthals

disappeared about 30,000
years ago when the modern
humans moved into their
territory (Europe). The
Neanderthals did not move
to Africa and they did not
possess sophisticated tools.

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53)a; The first few lines of

the passage make a mention
of Alcatraz as a place of
military fortification,
military and federal prison.
Hence, in the earlier days it
was known for its

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54)b; According to the

passage, Antony lost the war
because he went to war too
early in the season and
because he forgot his main
siege equipment behind.
Famine only added to his
woes and was not the
primary cause for him losing
the war.

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55)d; According to the

passage, the oldest female
larva is not chosen to be the
queen bee. The capability of
laying eggs also does not
entitle a female larva to
become the queen bee. The
female larva who feeds on
the rich mixture of food
called the Royal jelly
becomes the queen bee.

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Infosys Paper - 2

56)c; The root word 'vigi'

means watchful, wakeful or

For example, vigilant,

invigilation, surveillance,
reveille etc. Vigilant means
careful or watchful.

Hence, option-c is correct


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57)d; Affable means friendly,

cordial, kindly, warm etc.

Haughty means arrogant or


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58)c; Overall, organized retail

is creating a ripple effect on
the dynamics of how
consumers by and how
retailers procure and sell.
Ripple means to flow with a
slight rise and fall. Dynamics
means changing.

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59)a; Here 'to move to energy',

'to access to energy' and 'to
approach to energy' are not fit
to the meaning of the
sentence as well as
grammatical point of view.
Only the word 'contribute'
can take as the subject
conveys 'on the power front'.

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60)c; The preposition that

follows the verb, ‘warn’ –'of'

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61)c; The phrasal verb ‘ran

down’ means- to get
discharged; reduce or
become reduced in size,
numbers, or resources: lose
(or cause to lose) power; stop
(or cause to stop) functioning
The phrasal verb ‘run
something off’ means to
reproduce copies of a piece
of writing on a machine: (ex:
please run off some copies of
that report);

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'Run on' is to continue
without stopping; to go on
longer than expected: e.g.
the story ran on for months;

'Run into' is to collide with:

(e.g. He ran into a lamppost.)
it also means meet by chance:
I ran into my schoolmate on
the way home. Experience (a
problem or difficulty): (e.g.
the bank ran into financial

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62)a; To 'keep on' is to

continue with some work.

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63)a; ‘Look forward’ takes a

following verb in progressive

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64)a; The appropriate

preposition, here is – on to.

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65)b; Some one who is

skeptical lacks belief.

Someone who is homeless

lacks shelter.

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Placement Paper - 3
Infosys Paper - 3
Quantitative Ability

1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
Reasoning Ability

11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25
Verbal Ability

26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35
36 37 38 39 40
41 42 43 44 45
46 47 48 49 50
51 52 53 54 55
56 57 58 59 60
61 62 63 64 65

Paper - 3 Key Index

Infosys Paper - 3

Section A


10 Questions
35 minutes

Paper - 3 Key Index

Infosys Paper - 3

1) A committee of four is to be
chosen from seven employees
for a special project at ACME
corporation. Two of the seven
employees are unwilling to
work with each other. How
many committees are possible
if the two two employees do
not work together?

a) 15
b) 20
c) 25
d) 35
e) 50

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Infosys Paper - 3

2) There are 31 students in a

class, including Peter and John.
How many ways are there to
choose a soccer team (11
players) so that Peter and John
are not on the team together ?

(11 )( )(
31 + 30 + 29
10 9 )
(11 )( )(
30 + 29 + 28
10 9 )
(10 )( )(
29 + 29 + 29
10 11 )
( 10 )( )(
30 + 30 + 29
10 11)
Paper - 3 Key Answer Index
Infosys Paper - 3

3) Preeti can do a piece of

work in 40 days. Trupti is
25% more efficient than
Preeti. The number of days
taken by Trupti to do the
same piece of work is?

a) 32 days
b) 36 days
c) 44 days
d) None

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4) In a stream running at
2 Kmph, a motor boat goes
6 Km upstream and back
again to the starting point in
33 minutes. Find the speed
of the motorboat in still

a) 20
b) 21
c) 22
d) 23
e) 24

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Infosys Paper - 3

5) A reduction of 25% in the

ticket rate resulted in
increase of 30% in the daily
attendance in a theater. The
total daily collection will be?

a) 2 % more
b) Same
c) 5% less
d) 2 % less
e) none of these

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Infosys Paper - 3

6) If each alphabet denotes a

particular single digit number
in the following equation,


Determine the value of

(SHO – VE) + LS

a) 117
b) 120
c) 132
d) 149

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7) From the below figures,

find the number at the
bottom, when top is 5?

a) 6
b) 4
c) 3
d) 2

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8) If each alphabet denotes a

particular single digit
number in the following
× O F

What is the value of SELF ?

a) 7669 b) 3064
c) 2004 d) 6894
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Infosys Paper - 3

9) Find the value of x in the

following series.

3768, 6, 733, 4, 9004, 4,

2314, 1, 2014, x

a) 6
b) 4
c) 3
d) 5
e) 7

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Infosys Paper - 3

10) In a certain coding

language, ‘LEAVE HIM’ is
coded as ‘JCYTC FGK’.
is coded as?

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Section B

Reasoning Ability

15 Questions
25 minutes

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Infosys Paper - 3
Data sufficiency

Decide whether the data

provided in the statements are
sufficient to answer the given
question. Read both the
statements and give answer as
a: If the data in statement-I alone
is sufficient and the data in
statement-II alone is not
sufficient to answer the question.
b: If the data in statement-II alone
is sufficient and the data in
statement-I alone is not sufficient
to answer the question.


11 12 13 14 15
Paper - 3 Key Index
Infosys Paper - 3
Data sufficiency

c: If the data either in statement-I

or in statement-II alone are
sufficient to answer the question.
d: If the data either in statement-I
and II together are not sufficient
to answer the questions. And
some more data needed.
e: If the data in both statement-I
and II together are necessary to
answer the question.

11 12 13 14 15
Paper - 3 Key Index
Infosys Paper - 3
Data sufficiency

11) X, Y, and Z are integers. Is

X an odd numbers ?
I. An odd number is obtained
when X is divided by 5.
II. (X+Y) is an odd number.

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Data sufficiency

12) What is the price range

of ordinary wall clocks?
I. The price range of
ordinary wrist watches of
company x is Rs 400 to
Rs. 600 .
II. The price range of
ordinary wall clocks of
company x is 50% that of
their ordinary watches.

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Data sufficiency

13) What is the number?

I. 25% of the number is 4
of that number.
II. 4
of that number is less
by 34 of the same number.

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Infosys Paper - 3
Data sufficiency

14) What is the average

monthly income per family
I. Each male member of the
family earns Rs.1000 a
month and each female
member of the family earn
Rs. 800 a month.
II. Ratio of male to females
in the family is 2 : 1.

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Data sufficiency

15) What is the speed of bus?

I. The bus covers a distance
of 80 km in 5 hours
II. The bus covers a distance
of 160 km in 10 hours.

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The following table gives the
information of flight charges in rupees
of different companies from Mumbai
to other places in India.


JA 5542 14868 5448 5642 6642 7799
KF 3842 4264 4426 4697 5849 6366
IA 2864 4120 3648 3793 3917 4866
AS 2848 3928 3842 3693 3748 4327
Ind 3246 3246 3482 3311 4111 2746
AI 2644 3542 3648 3292 3233 2765
AD 2264 2848 2641 2683 2789 2745

JA : Jet Airways; HYD: Hyderabad

KF: King fisher; DEL: Delhi
IA: Indian Airways; BAL: Bengaluru
AS: Air Sahara; CCU: Kolkata
Ind: Indigo; GOI: Goa
AI: Air India; AD: Air Deccan;

16 17 18 19 20
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16) What percent of flight

fare from Mumbai to
Chennai of Jet airways is
more than Air India?

a) 49.3%
b) 46.7%
c) 43.4%
d) 48.6%
e) 50.3%

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17) Find the flight charges

for 6 tickets from Mumbai to
Chennai by Kingfisher,
4 tickets from Mumbai to
Hyderabad by Air Sahara,
5 tickets from Mumbai to
Kolkata by Air Deccan?

a) Rs. 49586
b) Rs. 48963
c) Rs. 51893
d) Rs. 52619
e) Rs. 51738

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18) What percent of flight

fare from Mumbai to
Kolkata is more than the
lowest price available to the
highest price?

a) 128%
b) 115%
c) 118%
d) 124%
e) 138%

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19) What percent of flight

fare of Indian Airways from
Mumbai to Hyderabad is
less than the flight fare from
Mumbai to Goa?

a) 38%
b) 39%
c) 43%
d) 41%
e) 46%

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20) Which company fare

charges equal price for
traveling from Mumbai to
other two cities in India?

a) Jet Airways
b) Air India
c) Indigo
d) Air Deccan
e) Indian Airways

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21) Looking at a portrait of a

man, Rajesh said, "His mother
is the wife of my father's son.
Brothers and sisters I have
none". At whose portrait was
Rajesh looking?
a) His son
b) His cousin
c) His uncle
d) His nephew
e) None of these

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P×Q means P is the sister of Q;
P+Q means P is the father of Q;
P-Q means P is the mother of Q.

Which of the following means S

is the aunt of T ?
a) T ×M +S
b) S +T ×M
c) S ×M +T
d) S ×M +R−T
e) None of these.

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(i) A family with six persons
namely Jhansi, Shruthi,
Rajeshwari, Yashoda, Ramu and
Sunny are sitting in a closed
circle facing the centre.
(ii) Rajeshwari is to the left of
(iii) Ramu is between Jhansi and
(iv) Sunny is between Rajeshwari
and Janshi.
23) Who is to the right of Ramu ?
a) Jhansi
b) Sruthi
c) Yashoda
d) Rajeshwari
e) None of these
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(i) A family with six persons
namely Jhansi, Shruthi,
Rajeshwari, Yashoda, Ramu and
Sunny are sitting in a closed
circle facing the centre.
(ii) Rajeshwari is to the left of
(iii) Ramu is between Jhansi and
(iv) Sunny is between Rajeshwari
and Janshi.

24) Which of the above given

statements is superfluous ?

a) (i) b) (ii) c) (iii)

d) (iv) e) None

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(i) A family with six persons
namely Jhansi, Shruthi,
Rajeshwari, Yashoda, Ramu and
Sunny are sitting in a closed
circle facing the centre.
(ii) Rajeshwari is to the left of
(iii) Ramu is between Jhansi and
(iv) Sunny is between Rajeshwari
and Janshi.

25) Who is 3rd to the right of

a) Jhansi b) Ramu
c) Rajeshwari d) Sruthi
e) None

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Section C

Verbal Ability

40 Questions
35 minutes

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Reading Compression
Akbar had quarrelled with Birbal over
something important and had asked
him not to come to the palace again.
Akbar started missing Birbal and
wanted him back, but could not find out
where he was. Akbar hit upon a plan.
He sent a message to all the villages that
wells have been selected to wed the
royal well and so they had to bring the
bride capital immediately. This
headmen of the various villages were
alarmed at the impossible task and came
rushing to the capital to apologise for
their inability to move their wells. One
man, Khaji, however, came to discuss
the details of the wedding. Khaji wanted
to know whether the marriage
ceremony would be conducted in the
traditional manner.

26 27 28 29 30
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Reading Compression

Akbar assured him that all the

formalities would be observed. Khaji
was happy and assured Akbar that he
would bring the bride to the gates of the
city. Khaji added that according to the
tradition, the bridegroom was to meet
the bride at the village gates and take
her into the city. He also asked Akbar
when was the commitment date from
the bridegroom so that they could set
out with the bridal party. Akbar was
happy to hear all this. He realized that
such an intelligent idea could be
thought out only by the fertile brain of
Birbal and told Khaji that he did not
want the well but the man who gave the

26 27 28 29 30
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Reading Compression

26) Why did Akbar decide to

perform the marriage
a) He wanted to know how
marriage are performed
b) He wanted to increase the
water in his well.
c) He wanted to test the
intelligence of village
d) He wanted to find out the
where about of Birbal

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Reading Compression

27) Which of the following is

not true in the context of the
passage ?
a) Birbal was the most
intelligent man in Akbar's
b) Khaji thought of the idea
that the marriage of wells
should be conducted in a
traditional manner
c) Akbar enjoyed Birbal's
d) The King's well was to be
the bridegroom
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Reading Compression

28) Which of the following

true in the context of the
a) Akbar quarrelled with
others on small matters
b) Akbar ordered ll the
village headmen to find out
about Birbal
c) Every village headman
did not react to Akbar's
proposal in the same way.
d) Khaji was to bring the
bridegroom to the village
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Reading Compression

29) Why did Akbar say that

he did not want the well
which Khaji was offering ?
a) Akbar did not like Khaji's
b) Akbar's intention behind
his plan to perform the
marriage was fulfilled.
c) There was not much water
in the well
d) Akbar knew that Birbal
came disguised as Khaji

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Reading Compression

30) Why did Khaji come to

meet Akbar
a) He wanted to know
whether the marriage would
be performed in a traditional
b) He wanted to know whether
the bridegroom would come to
his village gate to manner
c) He wanted to know why
Akbar thought of a marriage
between wells
d) He wanted to know when
the marriage ceremony was to
be held.
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Reading Compression

There are two basic rules in

argumentation. First, consider your
audience. Second, consider how to
use language to get the reader where
you want him. Your approach to
your subject must fit the kind of
audience you expect to have. The
first rule requires you to imagine in
advance and in detail how the
reader thinks. You must be able to
put yourself in the place of the
reader to respond as he would to the
words on the page. It requires
detachment from your own feelings,
and words, and an imaginative leap
into the minds of the audience.

31 32 33 34 35
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Reading Compression
This duality of mind, in which you
will simultaneously think and feel,
on the one hand and analyse your
thoughts and feelings, and the
words which express them, on the
other, is the crucial change in
attitude which will finally make a
writer out of a scribbler. It can be
achieved only through practice,
through working for an audience
and getting to know how the
audience responds, over and over
again until it becomes second nature
to see the reader in imagination
peering over your shoulder as you
compose. Without this sense of
audience, no degree of technical
expertise in the use of words matter.
31 32 33 34 35
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Reading Compression

Basic rules of argumentation

a) audience and language

b) yourself and language
c)language without audience
d) a selfish personal

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Reading Compression

32) Good writing requires

a) a complete detachment from

the reader
b) psychological identification
with the reader.
c) attachment to subjective
d) no consideration at all for
the feelings of readers.

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Reading Compression

33) A true writer's success

depends upon

a) a sense of audience
b) purely personal feelings
c) a mere analysis of words
d) words without thoughts

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Reading Compression

34) The duality of mind


a) thought feelings, analysis

and words
b) thought without feelings
c) thought and feelings
d) thought and feelings but
no analysis of words

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Reading Compression

35) For a writer, the ability to

perceive the readers'
response must become

a) no habit
b) a habit
c) an unhealthy obsession
d) an avoidable practice

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36) Each of the questions given

below consists of four sentences
on a topic numbered (a) to (d).
There may be an error in any one
part of the sentence. Read the
sentence and identify the part
which has the error and write it
as the answer. If there is no error,
mark the answer as (e).

(a) Though they require /

(b) only fifteen candidates, /
(c) they have received /
(d) 12000 applications.

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37) Each of the questions given

below consists of four sentences
on a topic numbered (a) to (d).
There may be an error in any one
part of the sentence. Read the
sentence and identify the part
which has the error and write it
as the answer. If there is no error,
mark the answer as (e).

(a) The teacher asked /

(b) the poor boy /
(c) why was he /
(d) not attending classes

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38) Each of the questions given

below consists of four sentences
on a topic numbered (a) to (d).
There may be an error in any one
part of the sentence. Read the
sentence and identify the part
which has the error and write it
as the answer. If there is no error,
mark the answer as (e).

(a) She is believing /

(b) all that her tell her /
(c) is the truth /
(d) and nothing but the truth.

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39) Each of the questions given

below consists of four sentences
on a topic numbered (a) to (d).
There may be an error in any one
part of the sentence. Read the
sentence and identify the part
which has the error and write it
as the answer. If there is no error,
mark the answer as (e).

(a) The two first students /

(b) were rewarded /
(c) by the Principal /
(d) during their annual

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40) Each of the questions given

below consists of four sentences
on a topic numbered (a) to (d).
There may be an error in any one
part of the sentence. Read the
sentence and identify the part
which has the error and write it
as the answer. If there is no error,
mark the answer as (e).

(a) Each of the players /

(b) have played /
(c) well in /
(d) the recent games.

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41)Each of the questions given

below consists of four sentences
on a topic numbered (a) to (d).
There may be an error in any one
part of the sentence. Read the
sentence and identify the part
which has the error and write it
as the answer. If there is no error,
mark the answer as (e).

(a) He had taken /

(b) the exam more seriously /
(c) if he had known /
(d) how important it is.

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42) Each of the questions given

below consists of four sentences
on a topic numbered (a) to (d).
There may be an error in any one
part of the sentence. Read the
sentence and identify the part
which has the error and write it
as the answer. If there is no error,
mark the answer as (e).

(a) The chief minister /

(b) as well as /
(c) his cabinet colleagues /
(d) have attended the plenary

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43) Each of the questions given

below consists of four sentences
on a topic numbered (a) to (d).
There may be an error in any one
part of the sentence. Read the
sentence and identify the part
which has the error and write it
as the answer. If there is no error,
mark the answer as (e).

(a) After the accident /

(b) they discovered that /
(c) the house’s compound wall /
(d) had been knocked down.

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44) Each of the questions given

below consists of four sentences
on a topic numbered (a) to (d).
There may be an error in any one
part of the sentence. Read the
sentence and identify the part
which has the error and write it
as the answer. If there is no error,
mark the answer as (e).

(a) The master accused him /

(b) for stealing the money /
(c) but he denied /
(d) having taken it.

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45) Each of the questions given

below consists of four sentences
on a topic numbered (a) to (d).
There may be an error in any one
part of the sentence. Read the
sentence and identify the part
which has the error and write it
as the answer. If there is no error,
mark the answer as (e).

(a) Neither my sister /

(b) nor I /
(c) are attending/
(d) the seminar.

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Fill in the blanks
(C) Information is not (46) with
education. Real education must
(47) the learner. When a child
feels genuinely sad at the (48) of
bullocks over burdened with a
heavy load on his way to school,
or when he (49) a helping hand
to guide a blind person in a
crowded street, he shows
compassion the (50) in class
makes him compassionate.

a) analogous
b) synonymous
c) congruous
d) sedulous

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Fill in the blanks
(C) Information is not (46) with
education. Real education must
(47) the learner. When a child
feels genuinely sad at the (48) of
bullocks over burdened with a
heavy load on his way to school,
or when he (49) a helping hand
to guide a blind person in a
crowded street, he shows
compassion the (50) in class
makes him compassionate.

a) activate
b) promote
c) transform
d) augment

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Fill in the blanks
(C) Information is not (46) with
education. Real education must
(47) the learner. When a child
feels genuinely sad at the (48) of
bullocks over burdened with a
heavy load on his way to school,
or when he (49) a helping hand
to guide a blind person in a
crowded street, he shows
compassion the (50) in class
makes him compassionate.

a) demise
b) plight
c) sight
d) fracas

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Fill in the blanks
(C) Information is not (46) with
education. Real education must
(47) the learner. When a child
feels genuinely sad at the (48) of
bullocks over burdened with a
heavy load on his way to school,
or when he (49) a helping hand
to guide a blind person in a
crowded street, he shows
compassion the (50) in class
makes him compassionate.

a) extend
b) lend
c) offer
d) provide

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Fill in the blanks
(C) Information is not (46) with
education. Real education must
(47) the learner. When a child
feels genuinely sad at the (48) of
bullocks over burdened with a
heavy load on his way to school,
or when he (49) a helping hand
to guide a blind person in a
crowded street, he shows
compassion the (50) in class
makes him compassionate.

a) experience
b) transformation
c) synthesis
d) nemesis

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Theme Detection

51) The working mother who

cannot cuddle her distraught child
can relax- her voice on the phone
soothes as much as a hug, a
research suggests. US researchers
put more than 60 boys in stressful
situations and monitored their
hormonal responses when they
were spoken to by their mothers
on the telephone or hugged
afterwards. Their mother’s voice
virtually produced the same
amount of oxytocin as a physical

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The passage best supports the

statement that:

a) Oxytocin is produced only in

the boys.
b) Oxytocin is produced only by
physical contact.
c) Oxytocin is associated with
social bonding.
d) Physical contact is associated
with social bonding.

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Theme Detection

52) More than two thirds of the

children who have been
vaccinated against Meningitis C
lose their protection by early
teens, a research suggests.
Experts in the US agreed that a
booster may be needed in the
future. Some physicians however,
disagree by saying that the
American children are still
protected against the potentially
fatal bacteria by the existence of
herd immunity. This means that
vaccination has reduced the
occurrence of meningitis in the
population and hence a person

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who is not vaccinated is also


The passage best supports the

statement that:

a) Many countries have introduced

a booster vaccine for meningitis C.
b) The occurrence of meningitis C
in the US is low.
c) American teens are prone to
drug abuse and hence may
contract meningitis C.
d) American children have
antibodies that protect them
against all fatal diseases.

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Theme Detection

53) Lung cancer is the most common

form of cancer caused by smoking.
More than 80% of cases of lung
cancer are due to smoking. Cigarette
smoke contains many chemicals that
interfere with the body's method of
filtering air and cleaning out the
lungs. The smoke irritates the lungs
and leads to overproduction of
mucus. It also paralyses the cilia -
tiny hair-like structures that line the
airways and clean out dust and dirt.
Paralysis of the cilia means mucus
and toxic substances accumulate,
resulting in congestion of the lungs

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The passage best supports the

statement that:

a) Smokers are more prone to cold

and cough.
b) Cigarette smoke leads to
c) Smoking causes the reduction in
the body’s ability to filter toxic
d) All smokers die because of
lung cancer.

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Theme Detection
54) Yesterday, for the first time in
human history, concentrations of
carbon dioxide, the primary
global warming pollutant, hit 400
parts per million in our planet's
atmosphere. This number is a
reminder that for the last 150
years -- and especially over the
last several decades -- we have
been recklessly polluting the
protective sheath of atmosphere
that surrounds the Earth and
protects the conditions that have
fostered the flourishing of our
civilization. We are altering the
composition of our atmosphere at
an unprecedented rate.
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Indeed, every single day we pour

an additional 90 million tons of
global warming pollution into the
sky as if it were an open sewer.
As the distinguished climate
scientist Jim Hansen has
calculated, the accumulated
manmade global warming
pollution in the atmosphere now
traps enough extra heat energy
each day to equal the energy that
would be released by 400,000
Hiroshima-scale atomic bombs
exploding every single day. It's a
big planet -- but that is a LOT of
energy. And it is having a
destructive effect.
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The passage best supports the

statement that:

a) The extra heat energy due to

global warming can be used as
alternative source of energy.
b) Global warming is because of
the reeling pollution of the
protecting atmospheric layer that
surrounds the earth.
c) Global warming can be
drastically controlled.
d) Only industrial nations are
responsible for global warming.

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Theme Detection
55) The holidays may be over, but for
the U.S. hotel and motel industry,
the good times could continue into
2014.Privately held hotels and
motels saw their third year of solid
sales and profit growth, according to
recent data from Sageworks, a
financial information company, and
net profit margins have turned
nicely positive in recent years as
tourism and business travel continue
to improve from the depths of the
recession. Meanwhile, the hotel
industry is seeing some turnover in
investors. Private equity firm
Blackstone Group has announced or
executed initial public offerings for
three of its hotel chains within the

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last six months, and sale and

purchase transaction volume is
growing. Indeed, industry
consultants STR Analytics expect
hotel-industry transaction activity to
top $18 billion in 2014.

The passage best supports the

statement that:
a) The hotel industry in the US is
growing despite recession.
b) The arrival of private equity
investors in the hotel business has
been recent.
c) 2014 may be a good year for
investors who have invested in
privately held hotels in the US.
d) Sale of hotels due to demand is
trending in the US.
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56) Find the synonym of the

underlined word.

The Professor is one of the

most erudite in our college.

a) Boring
b) Pleasant
c) Learned
d) Demanding

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57) Find the antonym of the



a) Vulgar
b) Sacred
c) Imperious
d) Sacrilegious
e) Profession

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Fill in the blanks

58) Any organization has

several key ____ sales,
marketing, etc., but HR
remains the __ that supports
all these pillars in creating
powerful organization.

a) pillars,foundation
b) segments,fulcrum
c) bottom lines,drive
d) bases, force

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Fill in the blanks

59) The company believes in

its employees through
education and ____

a) training, business
b) nurturing, training
c) motivating, learning
d) attracting, placement

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Fill in the blanks

60) Children have a natural

inclination to look ___ their
parents, esp. mother.

a) for
b) out to
c) forward
d) up to

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Fill in the blanks

61) ____the campus of OU,

many agitations taken birth.

a) at
b) in
c) on
d) on

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Fill in the blanks

62) The law students of a

reputed institute are
in____due to the closure of
the law school.

a) demand
b) euphoria
c) elation
d) quandary

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Fill in the blanks

63) The educational terrain

in India is very ___ differing
widely from state to state
and institute to institute.

a) flexible
b) uneven
c) attractive
d) expensive

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Fill in the blanks

64) more serious aspect of

the indoor air pollution is
that many diseases are
caused by airborne bacteria
and virus_____into the air
from sneezing, cough and
ordinary breathing.

a) thrown
b) delivered
c) expelled
d) pushed

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65) Find the analogy for


a) chef : fat
b) dog : energetic
c) priest : religious
d) dancer : intelligent

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1) c; 2) c; 3) a; 4) c; 5) d;
6) a; 7) a; 8) b; 9) e; 10) a;
11) a; 12) d; 13) b; 14) e; 15) c;
16) c; 17) c; 18) e; 19) d; 20) c;
21) a; 22) c; 23) a; 24) e; 25) d;
26) d; 27) b; 28) d; 29) b; 30) a;
31) a; 32) b; 33) a; 34) a; 35) b;
36) b; 37) c; 38) a; 39) a; 40) b;
41) a; 42) d; 43) c; 44) b; 45) c;
46) b; 47) b; 48) c; 49) b; 50) b;
51) c; 52) b; 53) c; 54) b; 55) c;
56) c; 57) b; 58) a; 59) c; 60) d;
61) d; 62) d; 63) b; 64) c; 65) c;

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1)c; If there were no restriction,

then it would be a relatively easy
combination problem.
N = 7 and K = 4. so the number of
arrangements is =35.
4 ! 3!
However some of those groups
are not allowed, because they
would contain the two employees
that won't work together. From
the remaining 5 people, 3 people
are selected in
5 5!
C 3= =10 ways
The total ways are 35–10 = 25

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2)c; There are three possible

1. Only Peter is in the team.
2. Only John is in the team.
3. Neither one of them is in the
team. There are 29C10 different
teams with Peter but without
John (If Peter is in team, the other
10 teammates can be chosen only
from the other 29 students of the
class excluding John).
Similarly there are 29C10 teams
with John but without Peter. And
finally there are29C11 teams
without either Peter or John.
Therefore, the answer is
C10 + 29C10 + 29C10
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3)a; Days Efficiency

40 100%
x 125%

40 125
= ⇒ x = 32
x 100

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4)c; Let the motor boat in

still water travel at x Kmph,
6 6 33
then + =
x+2 x−2 60

⇒ 11x2 – 240x – 44 = 0
⇒ 11x2 – 242x + 2x – 44 = 0
⇒ (x–22)(11x + 2) = 0
⇒ x = 22.

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5)d; Let cost of ticket be ₹ 100.

Let the attendance be 100 members.
Total daily collection = ₹ 100 × 100 =
₹ 10000
Ticket rate is reduced by 25% and
attendance increased by 30%. So,
new ticket rate = 75 and attendance
= 130.
Total daily collection = ₹ 75×130
= ₹ 9750
Decrease in collection = 10000 – 9750
= 250
Percentage Decrease= ×100= 2.5
=2 %
Option-d is the correct answer.

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6)a; The equation in the

question can be rewritten as

8 9 3 3 6 0
8 3 2 2 4 1
1 7 2 5 6 0 1

Then, (SHO – VE) + LS

= (172 – 56) + 01 = 117.

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7)a; Imagine, as if the figures

are rotated in such a way
that the common side
i.e. 3 at the bottom in both
the figures.

Then compare the sides.

Thus, 6 is opposite to 2 and 4

is opposite to 5.

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7 6 6
× 9 4
3 0 6 4
6 8 0 4
7 2 0 0 4

Thus, SELF = 3 0 6 4

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9)e; Sum of digits until a

single digit is obtained.
3768 → 3 + 7 + 6+8
→ 24 → 2+4 = 6.

733 → 7 + 3 + 3
→ 13 → 1 + 3 = 4.

9004 → 9 + 0 + 0 + 4
→ 13 → 1+3 = 4

2314 → 2 + 3 + 1 + 4
→ 10 → 1+0 = 1
2014 → 2 + 0 + 1 + 4 →7.
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-2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2
Every letter is coded with its
2nd previous letter. Similarly,
-2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2




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11)a; Statements-I alone is

sufficient to answer the
question. We know that
whenever any odd numbers
is divided by any odd
numbers, it gives an odd
number Hence, option-a is

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12)d; From statement-I we can

conclude the price range of ordinary
wrist watches in company 'x' to be Rs.
400 to Rs. 600 but it is not enough to
conclude the question in both ways, it
did not given price of wall clock as
well it has given information of only
company x From statement-II we can
get the information that ordinary wall
clocks price range to be 50% as that of
ordinary wrist watches of the
company 'X' this can be Rs.200 to
Rs.300 by using the information in
statement I. But wait, both statements
has given information only about
company X, Question has asked for
price range of ordinary wall clocks
that refers to whole market.
So, problem cannot solve using both
statements. Hence, option-d is correct.
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13)b; From statement-II,

x− =34 ⇒ x=136
From statement-I, 25% of
any number is one-fourth of
the number. It does not give
any particular value.
Hence, option-b is correct.

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14)e; In statement-I we get

income obtained by male and
female members of the family.
But this statement alone is not
sufficient to conclude the
In statement-II we get the ratio of
male and females in the family as
2:1 this alone is also not sufficient
on combining both the
statements we get
2 x×1000+x×800 2800
Average = =
3x 3
So, both the statements together
are required.
Hence, option-e is correct.

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15)c; Speed=
The information related to
distance and time is clearly
evident in both of the
statements. So, option-c is

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16)c; Fare from Mumbai to

Chennai in Jet Airway=5448.
Fare from Mumbai to
Chennai of Air India=3648.
Difference = 5448-3648
== Rs.1800.
∴ Fare of Jet airways is more
than Air India by
(1800×100) / 3648 = 49.3%

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17)c; Flight charges

= (6×4426) + (4×2848) + (5×2789)
= 26556 + 11392 + 13945 = 51893.

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18)e; Highest price of flight fare

from Mumbai to Kolkata
= 6642 (Jet airways)
Lowest price of flight fare from
Mumbai to Kolkata = 2789
(Air Deccan)
∴ The difference price = 3853.
∴ Flight fare of Jet Airways is
more than Air Deccan from
Mumbai to Kolkata by 3853
Hence, Percentage increase
= ×100=138 %

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19)d; Flight fare of Indian

Airways from Mumbai to
Hyderabad = 2864.
Flight fare of Indian Airways
from Mumbai to Goa=4866
∴ The difference of the fare
= 4866 – 2864 = 2002.
Flight fare of Indian Airways
from Mumbai to Hyderabad is
less than the flight fare from
Mumbai to Goa by
×100=41 %.

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20)c; Clearly, from the table,

flight fare of Indigo from
Mumbai to Hyderabad and
Mumbai to Delhi are equal.

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21)a; Since, Rajesh has no

brother or sister, so he is his
father's only son. Now, wife
of my father's son means my
wife. So, Rajesh's wife is the
man's mother or the man is
Rajesh's son.

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22)c; 'S is the aunt of T'

means 'S is the sister of the
father (say M) of T''. i.e;
S ×M +T

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23)a; Jhansi is to the right of


Sruthi Rajeshwari


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24)e; Since all the statements

are necessary to determine
the arrangement, none of
them is superfluous.

Sruthi Rajeshwari


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25)d; Sruthi is the 3rd to the

right of sunny.

Sruthi Rajeshwari


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26)d; Akbar wanted to know

the whereabouts of Birbal.

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Khaji wanted to confirm if
the marriage ceremony
would be conducted in the
traditional manner. It was
not his idea.

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The underlying implication
in the passage is that Birbal
had sent Khaji to Akbar to
get the royal well, the
bridegroom, to the village

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29)b; Akbar's search for

Birbal was complete on
hearing Khaji's proposal.
Akbar wanted Birbal and
not the well.

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30)a; Khaji came to confirm

the if the marriage will be
performed traditionally..

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Basic rules or argumentation
requires audience and

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Psychological identification
with the reader is required
for a good writer.

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33)a; A sense of audience is

needed for true success.

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Duality of mind implies
thought, feeling, analysis
and words.

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35)b; Perceiving the reader's

response must be a habit.

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36)b; only fifteen candidates

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37)c; why he was.

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38)a; believes.

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39)a; the first two.

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40)b; has;

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41)a; would have taken.

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42)d; has attended.

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43)c; the compound wall of

the house.

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44)b; accused of.

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45)c; am attending (neither…


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46)b; The sentence has a

negative approach as not is
used. Therefore we cannot
use any more negative
words like analogous,
congruous or sedulous.
Moreover subjective
consideration is brought out
between two subjects
information and education.
Hence synonymous is a right
word to fit here saying
information and education
have no same meaning.

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As you know education has
no logical relation to activate
or to augment something. But
education can promote
something as it is the main
work of education.

According to semantic
organization of words
transform is not a logical fit
in the blank.

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48)c; Children are often

frightened by the sight of
bullocks. Demise means fate.
Plight means dilemma or
difficulty. Fracas means
disturbance. All these three
options are not suitable

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49)b; Here we need observe

how the author presents his
motive. The author is not
showing redundancy to
compact his theme.
Therefore we have to select a
word from the options
which surely fits to the
theme. The word lends can
be chosen to fulfill this

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50)b; Here options-c and d

cannot be used because they
are not considerable for the
theme. So our choice splits
between option-a and b. The
word experience cannot make
a bridge of possible meaning
between the subject and the
object concern in this last
part of the sentence.

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51)c; According to the

passage, the mother’s voice
can produce the same
amount of oxytocin as her
hug. Hence ‘social bonding’
is a predominant factor for
producing oxytocin. It has
not been explicitly stated
that oxytocin is unique only
to the boys, although the
subjects that have been used
for research have been boys.

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52)b; According to the passage,

even if a person is not vaccinated,
he may be protected against
meningitis C because of herd
immunity. This means that the
occurrence of meningitis C in the
US must be low. Option 'a' is not
stated in the passage. Option C,
the cause for meningitis as drug
abuse has not been mentioned.
Option d, American children may
have antibodies against
Meningitis C bacteria but not all
fatal diseases.

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‘Accumulation of mucus’
does not imply that smokers
are more prone to cold and
cough. ‘Paralysis of cilia’ is
due to smoking and not only
The relation between a
smoker’s cause of death and
lung cancer is not explicitly
stated in the passage.
Option 'c' is apt as per the
third sentence in the given

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54)b; The extra heat energy’ that

is trapped because of global
warming has a ‘destructive effect’
according to the last line of the
passage. Hence option A is ruled
out. The passage does not
mention the reduction of global
warming or that only the
industrial nations are responsible
for it. Hence options 'c' and 'd' are
ruled out. Option B- the
statement is supported in the
following line of the passage-
‘every single day we pour an
additional 90 million tons of
global warming pollution into the
sky as if it were an open sewer’.
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55)c; The hotel business in the

US is growing ‘from the depths
of recession’. Hence option A is
incorrect (despite recession). The
‘turnover’ in investors and the
statement about Blackstone
Group suggest that the presence
of private equity investors in the
hotel industry has not been
recent. Option 'd' is irrelevant as
the passage does not support the
trending of hotel sales. Option 'c'
is the apt choice as the last
statement in the passage suggests
that the transaction in the hotel
industry is expected to increase.

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56)c; Erudite means well

educated or cultured.
Learned is the synonym of

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Profane means disrespectful
of religion or irreligious.

Sacred means devoted to

some religious purpose,

Sacrilegious means violation

of anything sacred.

Hence, option-b is the

antonym of profane.

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58)a; In the last line of the

sentence, it is given that,
sales and marketing etc. are
pillars in creating powerful
organizations. Hence,
option-a is correct choice.

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59)c; Though training,

nurturing, attracting are
important for a company but
not the mottoes. But
motivating is the motto for
any company. Similarly
employees can get the
opportunities only on

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60)d; To look up means to

look for or towards

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61)d; This is a common error

with many- ‘in the campus’
is wrong; ‘on the campus’ is

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62)d; The key word of the

sentence is – closure; hence
‘quandary’ which means
dilemma, fix, difficulty- is
the right choice. The second
and third choices are
synonyms which mean –
exhilaration, exultation,
rapture and ecstasy.

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63)b; Since the education

terrain is ‘differing’, it is

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64)c; Air is ‘expelled’ under


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65)c; A characteristic of an
athlete is to be fit.
A characteristic of a priest is
to be religious.

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Placement Paper - 4
Infosys Paper - 4
Quantitative Ability

1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
Reasoning Ability

11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25
Verbal Ability

26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35
36 37 38 39 40
41 42 43 44 45
46 47 48 49 50
51 52 53 54 55
56 57 58 59 60
61 62 63 64 65

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Section A

Quantitative Ability

10 Questions
35 minutes

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1) Assuming that there are no

ties, how many different out
comes are possible in a race
with five athletes?

a) 25
b) 120
c) 240
d) 360
e) 720

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2) Ramu is renting DVDs from

the video store. He must choose
three DVDs from a list of eight
new releases and then decide in
what order to watch them. How
many different schedules of
DVDs can he create, if he cannot
watch the same movie more
than once?

a) 24
b) 56
c) 72
d) 336
e) 512

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3) Machines 'A' and 'B' always

operate independently and at
their respective constant rates.
When working alone, machine
'A' can fill a production in 5
hours, and machine 'B' can fill
the same production in x hours.
When both machines operate
simultaneously to fill the
production, it takes them 2
hours to complete the job. What
is the value of x?
a) 3 b) 3
1 1
c) 2 d) 2
2 3

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4) A man covers 16 Km distance

in a river by downstream in
4 hours 16 minutes. In the same
river to cover a distance of 6 Km
upstream he takes 2 hours 12
minutes. Find the speed of the
river current.

a) 2 Km/hr
b) 0.515 Km/hr
c) 3 Km/hr
d) 4 Km/hr
e) 5 Km/hr

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5) A man purchases fruits from a

fruit market at wholesale price and
sells at his shop at retail price. He
purchased in multiples of 100 and
sells them in multiples of dozen.
He purchased oranges at Rs. 425
per hundred and sells at Rs. 65 per
dozen, he purchased mangoes at
Rs. 150 per hundred and sells at
Rs. 30 per dozen, he purchased
Apples at Rs. 1800 per hundred
and sells at Rs. 360 per dozen.
Which of the three fruits yield him
the maximum profit percentage?

a) oranges b) apples
c) mangoes d) both b and c
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6) If each alphabet is assigned a

particular single digit number, in
the following equation,

× T O
Then, what is the value of OSAK?
a) 4 8 6 0
b) 5 9 1 0
c) 6 8 9 5
d) 4 5 6 7
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7) Two Adjacent surfaces of a

cube are painted yellow color.
The cube is cut in to 8 smaller
equal cubes. Find how many
cubes have yellow color?

a) 5
b) 6
c) 7
d) 8

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8) If each alphabet is assigned a

particular single digit number, in
the following equation,

× A D
What is the value of AID?
a) 7 9 5
b) 9 7 5
c) 5 6 5
d) 6 2 5
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Find out the odd number

9) 24, 51, 105, 213, 427, 861.

a) 105
b) 213
c) 51
d) 427
e) 861

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10) In a certain code language

blue is called green, green is
called yellow, yellow is called
white, white is called red, red is
called purple, purple is called
orange. Then what is the color of
milk ?

a) White
b) Red
c) Green
d) Orange
e) Purple

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Section B

Reasoning Ability

15 Questions
25 minutes

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Answer the questions based on the
pie chart:
13% E
18% A
Salary of Mr. X is 9228/- per month. And
he gets dearness allowance (DA) at the
rate of 10%. The expenditures are as
A = Food B = House Rent
C = Entertainment D = Education
E = Medical F = Savings

11 12 13 14 15
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11) What is X's actual house

rent ?

a) Rs. 1661
b) Rs. 1827
c) Rs. 1287
d) None of these

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12) If X wants to save at least

Rs. 30000 in two years,then
how much extra should he
save in the second year?
(Currently, the rate of interest
for savings is 12% p.a.)

a) Rs. 1000
b) Rs. 7601
c) No need to save
d) None

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13) After his savings and

payment of house rent, how
much money is left with him
for other things?

a) Rs. 7106
b) Rs. 7601
c) Rs. 7016
d) None of these

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14) How much does X spend

on entertainment and food?

a) Rs. 415
b) Rs. 835
c) Rs. 914
d) None of these

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15) If in the next year, a 10%

increase in the cost of food
and entertainment occurs due
to inflation, then what is the
new percentage of savings
with the same salary?

a) 8.2%
b) 8.6%
c) 9.2%
d) None of these

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16) Statement:
The bus got fired near Hyderabad
while moving on the highway and
all the passengers died in that bus.
Course of a action:
I. The bus authority should
clarify the reason for the accident
to the government.
II. The Government should
allocate funds to compensate the
destruction caused.

a) If only I follows;
b) If only II follows
c) If either I or II follows
d) If neither I nor II follow
e) If both I and II follows.
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17) Statement:
If the retired heads of the same
department are also invited to
deliberate on restructuring of
the department.
Their contribution may be
beneficial to the department.
Course of action:
I. Management may seek
opinion of the employees
before calling retired heads.
II. Management should involve
experienced people for
systematic restructuring of the

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a) If only I follows;
b) If only II follows
c) If either I or II follows
d) If neither I nor II follow
e) If both I and II follows.

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18) Statements:
All televisions are dogs .No dog is
I. No black is television
II. No television is black
III. Some blacks are televisions
IV. All dogs are televisions

a) Only I and IV follows

b) None Follows
c) Only IV follows
d) Only II&IV follows
e) None of these

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19) Statements:
Some pillows are snakes
All pillows are glasses
All snakes are books
I. Some books are pillows
II. Some glasses are snakes
III. Some books are glasses
IV. Some snakes are pillows

a) Only IV follows
b) All Conclusions follow
c) None of the conclusions follow
d) Either I or III follows
e) None of the above

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20) Statements:
Some pouches are belts
No belt is tie.
I. No pouch is tie
II. No belt is pouch
III. Some pouches are ties
IV. Some belts are pouches

a) Only I and III follow

b) None follow
c) Only I, II and III follow
d) Only IV follow
e) All follow

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21) Sushmita has a brother

Dheeraj. Sushmita is a
daughter of Mr. Shyam
Sundar. Dharmaiah is Shyam
Sundar's father. In terms of
relationship, what is Dheeraj's
mother for Dharmaiah's wife
Susheela Devi ?

a) Daughter
b) Daughter–in–law
c) Sister
d) Granddaughter
e) Cannot be determined

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22) Gopi's mother is sister of

Vimala and daughter of
Manisha. Susheela is
daughter of Vimala and sister
of Lavanya. How Manisha is
related to Lavanya?

a) Granddaughter
b) Daughter
c) Grandmother
d) Sister
e) None

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23) Observe the below figure

carefully and choose the
correct option, which fills the
blank place of the figure.

a) b) c) d) e)

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24) A man is going to his office in

the east direction by walk. After
walking some distance he turned
900 in the clock-wise, then 1800 to
his left hand side. From there he
turned 900 in the clock-wise
direction, then he turned 1000 in
the clock-wise direction, finally he
turned 350 in the same direction.
Finally in which direction he is
now ?

a) North-East
b) North-West
c) South-East
d) South-West
e) None of these
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25) Find the missing character

in the following question?

12 8 15
25 38 ?
2 4 8
4 9 6

a) 50
b) 48
c) 26
d) 49
e) 6

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Section C

Verbal Ability

40 Questions
35 minutes

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Infosys Paper - 4
Reading comprehension

When you first arrive in a new

culture, there is a period of confusion
that comes from the new situation
and from lack of information, It leaves
you quite dependent and in need of
help in the form of information and
advice. The second state begins as you
start to interact with the new culture.
It is called the stage of small victories
Each new encounter with the culture
is fraught with peril. It is preceded by
anxiety and information collection
and rehearsal. Then the event occurs
and you return home either
triumphant or defeated.

26 27 28 29 30
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Reading comprehension

When successful, the feelings ate very

much as though a major victory has
been won A heightened roller coaster
effect is particularly characteristic of
this stage.
Once some of the fundamentals of life
are mastered, there is time to explore
the new culture. This is the
honeymoon stage of wonder and
infatuation, In it there is heightened
appreciation for the new. the different
the aesthetic. Depending on the
degree of cultural immersion and
exploration. it may continue for a
considerable period of time. After a
while, a self correction takes place.

26 27 28 29 30
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Infosys Paper - 4
Reading comprehension

No honeymoon can last forever. Why

in the world would anyone do it that
way? Can't these people get their act
together? Now the deficits seem
glaringly apparent Finally, if you are
lucky enough to chart a course
through these stages and not get
stuck, there is a re balance of reality.
There is the capacity to understand
and enjoy the new culture without
ignoring these features that are less

26 27 28 29 30

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Reading comprehension

26) When does one acquire the

capacity to understand and
enjoy new culture?

a) When one is willing to accept

the new culture uncritically.
b) When one goes through
various stages of assimilation.
c) When one is infatuated with
the new culture.
d) When one gives up old

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Reading comprehension

27) How many stages of

adaptation are described
before moving on to the new
culture finally ?

a) Four
b) Three
c) Two
d) Five

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Infosys Paper - 4
Reading comprehension

28) When does one go

through a critical questioning
phase before moving on the
new culture ?

a) At the honeymoon stage

b) At the initial stage
c) At the final stage
d) At the second stages

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Infosys Paper - 4
Reading comprehension

29) Which stage of cultural

adoption is comparable to a
roller coaster ride ?

a) When you interact with

the new culture.
b) While experiencing the
honeymoon stage of the new
c) While being critical of the
new culture.
d) When you first arrive in a
new culture.

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Reading comprehension

30) At which stage of one's

entry into the new culture, is
one likely to feel quite
dependent ?

a) At the stage of interaction

with the new culture
b) At the initial stage.
c) At no stages.
d) At all stages.

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Reading comprehension

My childhood was, on the whole,

happy and straight forward, and
I felt affection for most of the
grown-ups with whom I was
brought in contact. I remember
very definite change when I
reached what in modern child
Psychology is called the "latency
period. At this stage, I began to
enjoy using slang, pretending to
have no feelings, and being
generally manly'. I began to
despise my people, chiefly
because of their extreme horror of
slang and their absurd notion.

31 32 33 34 35
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Reading comprehension

it was dangerous to climb trees.

So many things were forbidden
me that I acquired the habit of
deceit, in which I persisted up to
the age of twenty-one. It became
second nature to me to think that
whatever I was doing had better
be kept to myself, and I have
never quite over come the
impulse to concealment which
was thus generated. I still have an
impulse to hide what I am
reading when anybody comes
into the room, and to hold my
tongue generally as to where I
have been, and what I have done.
31 32 33 34 35
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Reading comprehension

It is only by a certain effort of will

that I can over- come this
impulse, which was generated by
the years during which I had to
find my way among a set of
foolish prohibitions.
The years of adolescence were to
me very lonely and very
unhappy. Both in the life of the
emotions and in the life of the
intellect, I was obliged to
preserve an impenetrable secrecy
towards my people. My interests
were divided between sex,
religion, and mathematics

31 32 33 34 35
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Reading comprehension

31) what did the author

acquire in his adolescence ?

a) Good habits
b) The bad habit of drinking
c) The habit of deceiving
d) The bad habit of smoking

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Reading comprehension

32) From where is the

expression ' Latency period'
borrowed ?

a) Adult psychology
b) Child psychology
c) Educational psychology
d) Abnormal psychology

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Reading comprehension

33) How did the author

acquire the 'habit of deceit' ?

a) People hated him.

b) Because he was not
permitted to do many things
which he wanted to do.
c) He was lonely
d) No one sympathized with

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Reading comprehension

34) How was the author

during the period of

a) Lonely but not unhappy.

b) Lonely and unhappy.
c) Unhappy but by no means
d) very friendly and very

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Reading comprehension

35) Where did the author

maintain secrecy ?

a) In emotional but not

intellectual life.
b) In intellectual but not
emotional life.
c) In emotional and
intellectual life.
d) Nether in intellectual nor
in emotional life.

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36) Each of the questions given

below consists of four sentences on
a topic numbered (a) to (d). There
may be an error in any one part of
the sentence. Read the sentence
and identify the part which has the
error and write it as the answer. If
there is no error, mark the answer
as (e).

(a) The teacher asked /

(b) the student /
(c) why he had not /
(d) informed beforehand.

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37) Each of the questions given

below consists of four sentences
on a topic numbered (a) to (d).
There may be an error in any one
part of the sentence. Read the
sentence and identify the part
which has the error and write it
as the answer. If there is no error,
mark the answer as (e).

(a) Don’t offer her /

(b) anything hot as she
prefers /
(c) cool drinks /
(d) than coffee or tea.

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38) Each of the questions given

below consists of four sentences
on a topic numbered (a) to (d).
There may be an error in any one
part of the sentence. Read the
sentence and identify the part
which has the error and write it as
the answer. If there is no error,
mark the answer as (e).

(a) He was my classmate /

(b) when he studied /
(c) in my college /
(d) two years before.

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39) Each of the questions given

below consists of four sentences
on a topic numbered (a) to (d).
There may be an error in any one
part of the sentence. Read the
sentence and identify the part
which has the error and write it
as the answer. If there is no error,
mark the answer as (e).

(a) She does not /

(b) talk to her sister /
(c) as she is angry /
(d) upon her.

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40) Each of the questions given

below consists of four sentences
on a topic numbered (a) to (d).
There may be an error in any one
part of the sentence. Read the
sentence and identify the part
which has the error and write it
as the answer. If there is no error,
mark the answer as (e).

(a) He hanged /
(b) the picture of his mother /
(c) in the drawing room /
(d) above the window.

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41) Each of the questions given

below consists of four sentences
on a topic numbered (a) to (d).
There may be an error in any one
part of the sentence. Read the
sentence and identify the part
which has the error and write it
as the answer. If there is no error,
mark the answer as (e).

(a) Unlike most animals /

(b) the crocodile can live /
(c) both on land /
(d) and water.

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42) Each of the questions given

below consists of four sentences
on a topic numbered (a) to (d).
There may be an error in any one
part of the sentence. Read the
sentence and identify the part
which has the error and write it
as the answer. If there is no error,
mark the answer as (e).

(a) By January next year /

(b) we will be living /
(c) in Hyderabad /
(d) for thirty years.

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43) Each of the questions given

below consists of four sentences
on a topic numbered (a) to (d).
There may be an error in any one
part of the sentence. Read the
sentence and identify the part
which has the error and write it
as the answer. If there is no error,
mark the answer as (e).

(a) His friends congratulated

him /
(b) for his success /
(c) in securing a job /
(d) in an MNC.

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44) Each of the questions given

below consists of four sentences
on a topic numbered (a) to (d).
There may be an error in any one
part of the sentence. Read the
sentence and identify the part
which has the error and write it
as the answer. If there is no error,
mark the answer as (e).

(a) He usually travels /

(b) with the local train /
(c) So that he can avoid /
(d) driving in chaotic traffic.

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45) Each of the questions given

below consists of four sentences
on a topic numbered (a) to (d).
There may be an error in any one
part of the sentence. Read the
sentence and identify the part
which has the error and write it
as the answer. If there is no error,
mark the answer as (e).

(a) He is very good /

(b) in mathematics /
(c) and will surely /
(d) get a state rank.

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Fill in the blanks

46)All movements do not (46) the

goal of social transformation. The
social spaces are fully occupied by
(47) . A reformer basically does
the work of creating an (48)
about the fellow human being. If
he (49) in that he has in a way
more than succeeded. Even Ram
Mohan Roy succeeded partially in
as much as he could not win the
legal (50) .

a) manifest b) epitomize
c) achieve d) obfuscate

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Fill in the blanks

47) All movements do not (46) the

goal of social transformation. The
social spaces are fully occupied by
(47) . A reformer basically does
the work of creating an (48)
about the fellow human being. If
he (49) in that he has in a way
more than succeeded. Even Ram
Mohan Roy succeeded partially in
as much as he could not win the
legal (50) .

a) orthodoxy b) perfidy
c) sybarite d) sycophancy

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Fill in the blanks

48) All movements do not (46) the

goal of social transformation. The
social spaces are fully occupied by
(47) . A reformer basically does
the work of creating an (48)
about the fellow human being. If
he (49) in that he has in a way
more than succeeded. Even Ram
Mohan Roy succeeded partially in
as much as he could not win the
legal (50) .

a) aura b) awareness
c) idiosyncrasy d) opprobrium

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Fill in the blanks

49) All movements do not (46) the

goal of social transformation. The
social spaces are fully occupied by
(47) . A reformer basically does
the work of creating an (48)
about the fellow human being. If
he (49) in that he has in a way
more than succeeded. Even Ram
Mohan Roy succeeded partially in
as much as he could not win the
legal (50) .

a) indulges b) rejoices
c) succeeds d) thrives

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Fill in the blanks

50) All movements do not (46) the

goal of social transformation. The
social spaces are fully occupied by
(47) . A reformer basically does
the work of creating an (48)
about the fellow human being. If
he (49) in that he has in a way
more than succeeded. Even Ram
Mohan Roy succeeded partially in
as much as he could not win the
legal (50) .

a) battle b) exegesis
c) fiasco d) precinct

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Theme Detection

51) Just like interstate maps have

cities and towns that serve as
landmarks, genetic maps have
landmarks known as genetic
markers, or "markers" for short.
The term marker is used very
broadly to describe any observable
variation that results from an
alteration, or mutation, at a single
genetic locus. A marker may be
used as one landmark in a map if,
in most cases, that stretch of DNA
is inherited from parent to child
according to the standard rules of
inheritance. Markers can be within
genes that code for a noticeable

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physical characteristic such as leaf

colour, or a not so noticeable trait
such as a disease. The greater the
distance between two linked
genes, the greater the chance that
two non-sister chromatids would
cross over in the region between
the genes and the greater the
proportion of recombinants that
would be produced. Thus, by
determining the frequency of
recombinants, we can obtain a
measure of map distance between
the genes. Today, several other
genetic markers are used to detect

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The passage best supports the

statement that:

a) Genetic markers are used to

study the the variation of genetic
b) Linkages can be detected using
only one genetic marker.
c) Genetic markers can reside
inside genes that may determine
physical characteristics
d) The distance between the genes is
inversely proportional to the number
of recombinants.

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Theme Detection

52) Before William Shakespeare,

Geoffrey Chaucer was the pre-
eminent English poet, and he
remains in the top tier of the
English canon. He also was the
most significant poet to write in
Middle English. Chaucer was
born in the early 1340s to a fairly
rich, well-to-do, though not
aristocratic family. His father,
John Chaucer, was a vintner and
deputy to the king's butler. His
family's financial success came
from work in the wine and
leather businesses, and they had
considerable inherited property

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in London. Little information

exists about Chaucer's education,
but his writings demonstrate a
close familiarity with a number of
important books of his
contemporaries and of earlier
times (such as Boethius's The
Consolation of Philosophy).
The passage best supports the
statement that:
a) Mr. Geoffrey was Shakespeare’s
b) Chaucer’s family was rich and
owned many businesses.
c) Chaucer’s education was restricted
to the primary level.
d) Chaucer’s father was working for
the king.
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Theme Detection

53) Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer

payment system and digital
currency introduced as open
source software in 2009 by
pseudonymous developer Satoshi
Nakamoto. Bitcoin was the first
cryptocurrency, so-called because
it uses cryptography to control
the creation and transfer of
money. Users send payments by
broadcasting digitally signed
messages to the network from a
personal computer, mobile
device, or web application. All
transactions are verified, time
stamped, and recorded by contd...

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specialized computers into a

shared public database called the
block chain. The operators of
these computers, known as
"miners", are rewarded with
transaction fees and newly
minted Bitcoins.

The passage best supports the

statement that:
a) Bitcoin can be exchanged for
paper currency.
b) Miners monitor bitcoin
transactions through a computer
c) Bitcoin is patented.
d) Block chain is a computer that
records bitcoin transactions.

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Theme Detection

54) When a criminal fraudulently

identifies himself to police as
another individual at the point of
arrest, it is sometimes referred to
as "Criminal Identity Theft". In
some cases criminals have
previously obtained state-issued
identity documents using
credentials stolen from others, or
have simply presented fake ID.
Provided the subterfuge works,
charges may be placed under the
victim's name, letting the
criminal off the hook. Victims
might only learn of such
incidents by chance,

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for example by receiving court

summons, discovering their
drivers licenses are suspended
when stopped for minor traffic
violations, or through
background checks performed
for employment purposes.


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The passage best supports the

statement that:

a) A victim of identity threat loses

all his or her identity documents
that would be stolen by a criminal.
b) The theft of a victim’s identity is
made known to the victim by
c) Criminals perform identity theft
d) Identity threat invokes death

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Theme Detection

55) In April 1951, President

Truman fired MacArthur and
replaced him with Gen. Matthew
Ridgeway. On April 11, Truman
addressed the nation and
explained his actions. He began
by defending his overall policy in
Korea, declaring, "It is right for us
to be in Korea". He excoriated the
"communists in the Kremlin
[who] are engaged in a
monstrous conspiracy to stamp
out freedom all over the world".
Nevertheless, he explained, it
"would be wrong—tragically
wrong—for us to take the contd...

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initiative in extending the war...

Our aim is to avoid the spread of
the conflict." The president
continued, "I believe that we
must try to limit the war to Korea
for these vital reasons: To make
sure that the precious lives of our
fighting men are not wasted; to
see that the security of our
country and the free world is not
needlessly jeopardized; and to
prevent a third world war".
General MacArthur had been
fired "so that there would be no
doubt or confusion as to the real
purpose and aim of our policy".


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The passage best supports the

statement that:

a) President Truman was against

the war in Korea.
b) Kremlin were terrorists who
planned to wage the third world
c) Mac Arthur’s views were
opposed by President Truman.
d) The war in Korean was
prevented by President Truman’s

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56) Find the synonym of the

underlined word.

The world leader are trying to

prevent the proliferation of
nuclear weapons.

a) Use
b) Increment
c) Expansion
d) Extension

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57) Find the antonym of the


a) Inconsistent
b) Meaningless
c) senseless
d) Unintelligent
e) Rational

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Fill in the blanks

58) As the blended

learning expands and
matures, it becomes to
pin down any one definition.

a) principle, easy
b) notion, complicated
c) concept, impossible
d) merit, obvious

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Fill in the blanks

59) In any society, the

of education have a higher
moral responsibility to
positively the student

a) clientele, streamline
b) transfer, lead
c) orientation, enforce
d) imparter, influence

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Fill in the blanks

60) Almost 1,000 whales and

dolphins die daily in fishing
and urgent changes are
needed in______method.

a) trawling
b) safeguarding
c) eating
d) hunting

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Fill in the blanks

61) While______the congress

and the leadership for the
riots, the Nanavathi report
states that the act of violence
was apparently done by
local leaders for political and
personal reasons.

a) charging
b) exonerating
c) ionizing
d) excusing

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Fill in the blanks

62) It is not very uncommon

to see players react in anger
and shout at their team
mates for having
been______in the field.

a) sloppy
b) meticulous
c) emotional
d) drowsy

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Fill in the blanks

63) The blasts of Bangladesh

were a message from
fundamentalist militants
that they now have the
______ to strike anywhere.

a) strength
b) access
c) network
d) wherewithal

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Fill in the blanks

64) There are about 35

countries along the Indian
Ocean, but barring Australia
and India, nobody has taken
the _____ to set up a
warning system.

a) responsibility
b) challenge
c) initiative
d) task

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65) Find the appropriate

analogy for


a) unity : division
b) culture : feeling
c) family : tradition
d) anger : pride

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Placement Paper - 4
Infosys Paper - 4
Quantitative Ability

1) b; 2) d; 3) a; 4) b; 5) d;
6) c; 7) b; 8) a; 9) d; 10) b;
Reasoning Ability

11) b; 12) c; 13) a; 14) d; 15) b;

16) e; 17) b; 18) e; 19) b; 20) d;
21) b; 22) c; 23) a; 24) d; 25) d;
Verbal Ability

26) b; 27) a; 28) c; 29) a; 30) b;

31) c; 32) b; 33) b; 34) b; 35) c;
36) e; 37) d; 38) d; 39) d; 40) a;
41) d; 42) b; 43) b; 44) b; 45) b;
46) c; 47) a; 48) b; 49) c; 50) a;
51) a; 52) b; 53) b; 54) d; 55) a;
56) c; 57) b; 58) b; 59) c; 60) c;
61) b; 62) a; 63) d; 64) c; 65) a;

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1)b; Since no ties are there the

first can be any one of the five
athletes is 5C 1 . The second
can be any one of remaining
four is 4C 1 = 4 ways.
In this way it is 5×4×3×2×1 = 5!
ways = 120.

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2)d; 8 possibilities for the 1st

video, 7 possibilities for the
2nd video and 6 possibilities
for the 3rd video. The total
= 8C1×7C1×6C1= 336.

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1 1
3)a; RA= ; RB = ;
5 x
Rcombined = .
RA + RB = RC
1 1 1 x+5 1
⇒ + = ⇒ =
5 x 2 5x 2
 2 (x + 5) = 5x
 2x + 10 = 5x.
5x – 2x = 10
 3x = 10
10 1
 =3
3 3

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4)b; Rate down stream

( )( )
16 16×60
= = =3.75 km/hr
16 256
Rate upstream

( )( )
6 6×60
= = =2.72 km/hr
12 132
Speed of current
= (3.75−2.72)km/hr
= =0.515 km/hr

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5)d; CP of each Orange = Rs. 4.25

SP of each Orange = Rs. 5.41666
CP of each Mango = Rs. 1.50
SP of each Mango = Rs. 2.50
CP of each Apple = Rs. 18.00
SP of each Apple = Rs. 30
Profit percentage from Orange
5.41 – 4.25
= =27.29.
Profit percentage from Mango
2.50 – 1.50
= =66.66 .
Profit percentage from Apple
= =66.66 .

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6)c; The equation in the

question can be rewritten as

9 8 5
× 7 6
5 9 1 0
6 8 9 5
7 4 8 6 0

The value of OSAK = 6 8 9 5

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7)b; The cube is painted with

2 adjacent surfaces and
remaining 4 surfaces are not
painted. In which, edges of
cube are not at all painted. In
one edge, it has two smaller
cubes. Remaining all are
painted. Number of cubes
painted in the cube = 8–2=6

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8)a; The equation in the

question can be rewritten as

7 9 5
× 7 5
3 9 7 5
5 5 6 5
5 9 6 2 5

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24 51 105 213 429 861
×2+3 ×2+3 ×2+3 ×2+3 ×2+3

Hence, 427 should be

replaced with 429.

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10)b; Actually the color of

milk is white. But in the given
language, white is called red.
So, answer is 'red'.

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11)b; Total income = 9228 +

10 % of 9228 = 9228 + 922.80
= Rs. 10150.80
∴ Rent = 18% of 10150.80
=1827.14 = Rs. 1827.

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12)c; Savings in 1st year = 12%

of the Income in 1st year = 12%
of (10150.80×12)= 12% of
121809.60 = Rs. 14617.15.
Interest on Rs. 14617.15 for
one year = 12% of 14617.15 =
Rs. 1754.06.
Saving in 2nd year = 14617.15
∴ Total Savings in two years
= Rs.(14617.15 + 14617.15
+ 1754.06) = Rs. 30988.36.
Hence, he does not need to
save any extra amount.

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13)a; Savings (Rs. 1218.10) is

12% of Rs.10150.80.

House Rent (Rs. 1827.14) is

18% of 10150.80

∴ Money left for other things

= 10150.80 – 1218.10 –1827.14
= 7105.56
= Rs. 7106.

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Expenditure on
Entertainment and Food
= 34% of Rs. 10150.80
= Rs. 3451.27

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15)b; 10% of (25+9) = 3.4%.

Now 12% - 3.4% = 8.6%.

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16)e; The bus authority

should clarify the reason to
the government and the
government should give
compensation to the family
members of the passengers.

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17)b; The statement-II,

stresses that the contribution
of retired heads shall be
beneficial. This means that
these people's experience
regarding working of the
department is helpful. So,
course-II follows.
Course-I states that
management may seek
opinion before calling retired
heads. It is not necessary. So,
statement-I does not follow.

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18)e; From the given

statements, we get the Venn
diagram as shown below.

From this Venn diagram,

conclusions-I and II follow.
Conclusion-III does not
follow, why because 'No
black is television'.
Conclusion-IV also not true.
Therefore only conclusion-I
and II follow.

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19)b; From the below

diagram we can say that all
conclusions follow.
G G = Glass
B B = Books
P S P = Pillows
S = Snakes

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20)d; There are two possible

Venn diagrams for the given
statements. They are,

(X) (Y)
From (X), only I and IV
From (Y), only III and IV
The conclusion that follow in
both the diagrams is only
Conclusion-IV. Therefore only
(IV) follows.

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21)b; Sushmita is daughter of

Shyam Sundar. So, Dheeraj is
son of Shyam Sundar.
Dharmaiah is Shyam Sundar's
father, this mean Dharmaiah
is grandfather of Dheeraj.
Dheeraj's mother is
Daughter–in–law of
Dharmaiah and his wife
Susheela Devi.

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22)c; Gopi's mother is sister of

Vimala and daughter of
Manisha. This means
Manisha is mother of Vimala.
Susheela is daughter of
Vimala and sister of Lavanya.
So, Lavanya is daughter of
∴ Manisha is grand mother
of Lavanya.

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23)a; The correct figure will


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24)d; Take θ as positive if he turns

RHS or clock-wise and θ as
negative if he turns LHS or anti-
θ = 900 -1800 + 900 +1000 +350 = 1350.
This means he is in the direction
which is 1350 clockwise from his
starting direction (East).



He is in the
South-West direction now.

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25)d; In the 1st column,

In the 2nd column,
Similarly, In the 3rd column,

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26)b; after the honeymoon

stage when self correction
takes place. (2nd Paragraph)

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27)a; the whole of the first

and a part of the 2nd
paragraph talks about the
four stages before one finally
adapts to the new culture.

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28)c; after seeing the pros

and cons of the new culture,
one goes through a critical
questioning stage as the final

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29)a; the interaction and

experiences with the new
culture is comparable to a
roller coaster.

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30)b; this is a period of

confusion and lack of
information which makes
one feel dependent.

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31)c; The last few lines of the

first paragraph describe the
qualities he acquired up to
the age of 21.

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32)b; the 5th line this age is

called ‘the latency period’ in
modern child psychology.

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33)b; the last line in the 2nd

paragraph tells about ‘foolish
prohibitions’ which made
him conceal things.

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34)b; The 1st line in the last

paragraph mentions that he
was lonely and unhappy.

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35)c; the 2nd para says that he

hid his feelings as well as his

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36)e; no error.

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37)d; prefer…to.

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38)d; two years ago.

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39)d; angry with.

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40)a; hung (used for

inanimate objects)

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41)d; in water.

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42)b; will have lived (future


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43)b; on his success.

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44)b; by the local train.

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45)b; at mathematics.

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46)c; The objective of any

movement or evolution is to
achieve something.

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47)a; Social reformation is

being told therefore
orthodoxy is rightly fit for
this blank. As we know
social reformation is needed
for the orthodox mentality.

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48)b; It is obvious that if

there is no public awareness
then society cannot be

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49)c; The reformer has to

succeed in his initial work
then only he can have more
success in the future.

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50)a; Battle is related to win

therefore our choice should
be the option-a.

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51)c; The passage describes that

the markers are used to describe a
mutation at a genetic locus and
not the variation of genetic locus.
Last sentence says several other
genetic markers determining
linkages. Option-d is not correct
as the passage says that the
distance between linked genes is
directly proportional to the
crossover of non-sister
chromatids. ‘Markers can be
within genes that code for a
noticeable physical characteristic
such as leaf color’. Hence option-c
is the answer.

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Shakespeare and Chaucer
were not contemporaries
(before Shakespeare).
Chaucer’s education was not
preliminary as he wrote
books that were familiar to
many books written by his
contemporaries. Geoffrey’s
father did not work for the
king (Deputy to the king’s
butler). They were rich
because of wine and leather

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53)b; Bitcoin is a peer to peer

currency and hence it cannot
be exchanged for paper
currency. Bitcoin is open
source and hence is not
patented. Block chain is a
database and not a computer.
Option-b is apt.

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54)b; Only in some cases, the

identity documents of the
victim are stolen. Criminals
do not commit identity theft
accidentally. Death penalty
for criminals is not

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President Truman defended
his policy in Korea. So he was
not against war in Korea.
Kremlins were communists
and not terrorists who planned
to wage world war.
The war in Korea had already
taken place (I believe that we
must try to limit the war to
Korea for these vital reasons).
Mac Arthur was ‘fired’ which
means his views were opposed
by the president.

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Proliferation means rapid
increase. Option-c is the best
suitable synonym for
proliferation than option-b and

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57)e; The root word 'dox'

means opinion or belief.
Paradoxical means contrary to
common opinion,
inconsistent with the reason,
absurd or irrational.
Opposite of paradoxical is
meaningful or rational.

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58)b; We know 'learning' is

blended with 'notion' not
with 'principle, concept, or
merit'. 'Learning' is a
notional fact. Therefore it
becomes complicated to pin
down any definitions. So we
cannot say 'learning' becomes
'obvious, or easy'.

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59)d; Impart means make

known. Impart-er is the one
who imparts. The impart-er of
education has a higher moral
responsibility to positively
influence the student

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Trawling means hunting,
searching, sifting.

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61)b; The conjunction ‘while’

indicates contradiction in a
sentence. The second part
indicates that violence is
committed by some leaders;
that means, in the first part
of the sentence, the opposite
should happen- exonerate
which means freeing
somebody from blame or

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62)a; When will a player

react to other players? When
someone is casual, careless,
and lazy.

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63)d; The noun ‘wherewithal’

means – the resources,
means, finances and the
ability. The second and third
options also might seem to
be appropriate, but they do
not render complete meaning
in the given context. Those
words speak only one aspect
of the ‘strength’ or ‘network’
of the striker.

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64)c; Initiative means –

taking an active step to solve
something; the sentence is
not talking about the
‘challenge’ or the ‘task’ that
those countries are facing,
but the question is who
would come forward to
resolve the issue.

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Opposite of order is chaos.
Opposite of unity is division.

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Placement Paper - 5
Infosys Paper - 5
Quantitative Ability

1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
Reasoning Ability

11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25
Verbal Ability

26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35
36 37 38 39 40
41 42 43 44 45
46 47 48 49 50
51 52 53 54 55
56 57 58 59 60
61 62 63 64 65

Paper - 5 Key Index

Infosys Paper - 5

Section - A

Quantitative Ability

10 Questions
35 minutes

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Infosys Paper - 5

1) A car is available in seven

different exterior colours and
six different interior colours.

How many unique colour

combinations are possible?

a) 26
b) 42
c) 52
d) 7! × 6!
e) None of these

Paper - 5 Key Answer Index

Infosys Paper - 5

2) According to a recent
student poll, of the 21
members of the finance club
are interested in a career in
investment banking.
If two students are chosen at
random, what is the
probability that at least one of
them is interested in
investment banking ?

1 4 2
a) b) c)
14 49 7
45 13
d) e)
49 14

Paper - 5 Key Answer Index

Infosys Paper - 5

3) A certain work is
completed by 160 men or
200 women.
If 150 women have taken the
work, how many men will
be required to finish the
remaining work ?

a) 20
b) 30
c) 40
d) 50
e) 60

Paper - 5 Key Answer Index

Infosys Paper - 5

4) Two trains 143 meters and

157 meters in length are
running towards each other
on parallel lines, one at the
rate of 42 Kmph and another
at 48 Kmph.
How long will they take to
cross each other from the
moment they meet?

a) 10 sec
b) 11 sec
c) 12 sec
d) 13 sec
e) 14 sec
Paper - 5 Key Answer Index
Infosys Paper - 5

5) If the sum of first n

natural numbers is sum
of their squares, then the
values of n is:

a) 11
b) 9
c) 7
d) 4
e) Such a number does not

Paper - 5 Key Answer Index

Infosys Paper - 5

6) If each alphabet is assigned a

particular single digit number, in
the following equation,

× A D

Then, what is the value of AD?

a) 38
b) 28
c) 76
d) 64
Paper - 5 Key Answer Index
Infosys Paper - 5

7) 125 small but identical

cubes have been put
together to form a large
cube. How many such small
cubes would be required to
cover this large cube

a) 218
b) 266
c) 281
d) 264
e) 265

Paper - 5 Key Answer Index

Infosys Paper - 5

8) If each alphabet is assigned a

particular single digit number, in
the following equation,
× W E

What is the value of (L+H+A+L)?

a) 8
b) 9
c) 7
ci) d) 6

Paper - 5 Key Answer Index

Infosys Paper - 5

9) Find the wrong term in

the given series.

5, 7.5, 15, 37.5, 112

a) 15
b) 7.5
c) 37.5
d) 5
e) 112

Paper - 5 Key Answer Index

Infosys Paper - 5

10) In a certain coding script,

'456' is 'she is beautiful',
'632' is 'he is handsome',
'517' is 'she works hard',
'486' is 'flower is beautiful'.

Then codes of 'flower' and

'is' are?

a) 4, 5
b) 2, 7
c) 8, 6
d) 6, 7
e) 6, 8

Paper - 5 Key Answer Index

Infosys Paper - 5

Section B

Reasoning Ability

15 Questions
25 minutes

Paper - 5 Key Index

Infosys Paper - 5

11) Profit Percent over years earned

by two companies is given below.

If the income of Company Y in 1998-

99 was equal to the expenditure of
company X in 2001-02, what was the
ratio of respective profits?

a) 13 : 15
b) 15 : 26
c) 19 : 10
d) 9 : 10
e) None of these
Paper - 5 Key Answer Index
Infosys Paper - 5

12) Profit Percent over years earned

by two companies is given below.

For Company X, its income in 2001-

2002 was equal to its expenditure in
What was the ratio of its respective
incomes in these two years?

a) 4 : 5 b) 3 : 4 c) 4 : 3
d) Can’t be determined
e) None of these
Paper - 5 Key Answer Index
Infosys Paper - 5

13) Profit Percent over years

earned by two companies is
given below.

When does company X record the

highest year over year profit in
the given data?

a) 2002-03 b) 1999-00 c) 2001-02

d) Can’t be determined
e) None of these
Paper - 5 Key Answer Index
Infosys Paper - 5

14) Profit Percent over years

earned by two companies is
given below.

In 1997 – 98, the expenditure of

Company X was Rs 40 crores.
What was its income (in crores of
INR) in that year?
a) 50 b) 48 c) 46
d) Can’t be determined
e) None of these
Paper - 5 Key Answer Index
Infosys Paper - 5

15) Profit Percent over years

earned by two companies is
given below.

What was the difference in

expenditure of the two
companies in 1999 – 2000?

a) 10 b) 100 c) 1000
d) Can’t be determined
e) None of these
Paper - 5 Key Answer Index
Infosys Paper - 5
Read both the given statements and
give answer as
a: If statement-I alone is sufficient
and the data in statement-II alone is
not sufficient to answer the question.
b: If statement-II alone is sufficient
and the data in statement-I alone is
not sufficient to answer the question.
c: If either statement-I or in
statement-II alone are sufficient to
answer the question.
d: If statement-I and II together are
not sufficient to answer the
questions. And some more data
e: If both statement-I and II together
are necessary to answer the question.

16 17 18 19 20
Paper - 5 Key Index
Infosys Paper - 5

16) What is the ratio of the

number of freshers to the
number of seniors in a

I. The ratio of males and

females in the college is 8 : 4.

II. There are 1120 female

freshers in the college

Paper - 5 Key Answer Index

Infosys Paper - 5

17) ABCD is a rectangle. Is

ABCD is a square?

I. The diagonals of the

rectangle are equal in length.

II. A = C where A and C

are vertices at one diagonal.

Paper - 5 Key Answer Index

Infosys Paper - 5

18) Find the average sales of

motorcycles from July to
December 2007 of a

I. The sales of motorcycles

from July to September is
66282 and the sales of
motorcycles from October to
December is 72363.

II. Total sales of motorcycles

from July to December is
Paper - 5 Key Answer Index
Infosys Paper - 5

19) Find the area of the


I. Side of the square is 7 cm.

II. The circumference of the

square is 28 cm.

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20) Who is youngest among

Raju, Vamsi and Rajni?

I. Raju is one year elder to


II. Vamsi age is average age

of Raju and Rajni.

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21) Ashwini is Kavya's sister.

Dheeksha is Kavya's mother.
Grathik is Dheeksha's father.
UmaRani is Granthik's mother.
Then how is Ashwini related to

a) Grand mother
b) Grand Father
c) Daughter
d) Grand daughter
e) Cannot be determined

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Infosys Paper - 5

22) If Akshaya says,

Smrithika's father Prathik is
the only son of her father-in-
law Gowrav, then how is
Manusri, who is the sister of
Smrithika is related to

a) Niece
b) Daughter
c) Wife
d) Daughter-in-law
e) None of these

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23) Five years ago my Uncle

Amarnath’s age was 4 times
of my brother Neelesh and
my age was half of my
uncle’s age. At present my
age is 23 years. What is the
average age of mine, my
uncle, and my brother at

a) 28 years
b) 27 years
c) 26 years
d) 28.16 years
e) None of these
Paper - 5 Key Answer Index
Infosys Paper - 5

24) Which digit will be the

9th digit to the left of 13th
digit from your right end of
the following series.

2 6 7 4 3 1}

a) 9
b) 1
c) 5
d) 4
e) 7

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Infosys Paper - 5

25) In a colony there are three

houses. The second house has
3 times the number of trees in
the first house. The third house
has double the number of trees
in the second house. There are
total 120 trees in all three
houses. Then find out the
number of trees in each house?

a) 10, 30, 60
b) 24, 72, 144
c) 12, 36, 72
d) 11, 33, 66
e) None of these

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Infosys Paper - 5

Section C

Verbal Ability

40 Questions
35 minutes

Paper - 5 Key Index

Infosys Paper - 5
Reading Compression

Read the following passage and

answer questions 26 - 30
Tea has always been an integral
part of our beverage culture. Its
origins are the stuff of legend. A
Chinese story says that when an
Emperor was purifying water in the
shelter of a tea tree, some leaves fell
into the pot. The liquid that emerged
after boiling was of a wonderful
fragrance, colour and taste, and the
first tea to be brewed. In India, we
are told of a Prince, who left his
homeland to preach Buddhism and
decided not to sleep during his nine-
year mission. At the end of his third
year, overtaken by exhaustion, contd...
26 27 28 29 30
Paper - 5 Key Index
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Reading Compression

he chewed a few leaves of a tea

shrub, which apparently enabled
him to stay awake for the remaining
six years.
Over the years. tea drinking was
refined into an art and indeed has
even been elevated into an elaborate,
almost sacred rite as in the Japanese
tea ceremony. But if there was one
culture that adopted tea drinking
and made it an iconic ritual itself, it
was the English.

26 27 28 29 30
Paper - 5 Key Index
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Reading Compression

26) According to legend, how

were the first tea leaves
discovered ?

a) By accident
b) By experimentation
c) By official order
d) By simple practices

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Reading Compression

27) What did tea drinking

gradually become a form of?

a) Healthy living
b) Habit formation
c) Sacred ritual
d) Polite behaviour

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Reading Compression

28) Who first related tea

drinking to a particular
"time of day" ?

a) The Indians
b) The English
c) The Japanese
d) The Chinese

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Reading Compression

29) Which of the following is

not mentioned in the
passage ?

a) Fragrance of tea
b) Origin of tea
c) Types of tea
d) Social etiquette and tea

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Reading Compression

30) What does the origin of

tea drinking suggest ?

a) It was fashionable
b) It was sublime
c) It was traditional
d) It was suspicious

Paper - 5 Key Answer Index

Infosys Paper - 5
Reading Compression
Read the following passage and
answer questions
How many times have you asked,
"Why did he do that ? Why did she
say that ? Why does nothing ever
work out for me ? Why didn't I get
what I wanted ? Why does this keep
happening in my life ?" "Whyology"
is the obsessive need to know why
things happen as they do, which
results in emotional paralysis,
keeping you stuck. Why do you
need to know why things happen ?
If you did know, would it make that
much difference ? Many people will
say, "Yes. it would make a difference,
because then I would be able to
move on and let go." contd...

31 32 33 34 35
Paper - 5 Key Index
Infosys Paper - 5
Reading Compression
Truth is that the letting-go experience
has nothing to do with knowing why
things happen as they do. In fact the
more you need to know why, the less
likely you are to let go and move on.
Unless you release this cycle, you will
be robbed of your ability to appreciate
and enjoy the moment you are living
in right now. Think of all the energy
that you could use to create in life if
you left the practice of keeping vigil
on tombstones. Internal stress comes
when you resist what is in life. When
you release your need to know why,
an amazing thing starts to happen.
You begin to connect with your inner
creativity, which helps you find
creative solutions to your situation.

31 32 33 34 35
Paper - 5 Key Index
Infosys Paper - 5
Reading Compression

31) What does 'Whyology'

lead to ?

a) Happiness
b) Success
c) A positive attitude
d) Emotional stagnation

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Reading Compression

32) What happens when this

cycle of 'whyology' is
released ?

a) Appreciation and
enjoyment of life follows
b) Negative thoughts enter
one's mind
c) One becomes critical
d) Life is filled with
unhappy moments

Paper - 5 Key Answer Index

Infosys Paper - 5
Reading Compression

33) What does the 'practice

of keeping vigil to
tombstones' mean ?

a) Going to the cemetery

b) Keeping a watch on
c) Brooding over the past
d) Worrying over the future

Paper - 5 Key Answer Index

Infosys Paper - 5
Reading Compression

34) When does 'internal

stress' occur ?

a) When one is creative

b) When one does not accept
what is in life
c) When one accepts what is
in life
d) When one helps others

Paper - 5 Key Answer Index

Infosys Paper - 5
Reading Compression

35) What is 'Whyology' ?

a) A philosophy of life.
b) Compulsive need to know
the reason behind an act.
c) A branch of literature.
d) Scientific approach to life

Paper - 5 Key Answer Index

Infosys Paper - 5
Sentence Correction

36) Each of the questions given

below consists of four sentences
on a topic numbered (a) to (d).
There may be an error in any one
part of the sentence. Read the
sentence and identify the part
which has the error and write it
as the answer. If there is no error,
mark the answer as (e).

a) Hardly had the shopkeeper/

b) opened the shop/
c) then he was attacked/
d) by the hooligans

Paper - 5 Key Answer Index

Infosys Paper - 5
Sentence Correction

37) Each of the questions given

below consists of four sentences
on a topic numbered (a) to (d).
There may be an error in any one
part of the sentence. Read the
sentence and identify the part
which has the error and write it
as the answer. If there is no error,
mark the answer as (e).

a) The district collector /

b) was invited to give up /
c) the prizes /
d) during the convocation.

Paper - 5 Key Answer Index

Infosys Paper - 5
Sentence Correction

38) Each of the questions given

below consists of four sentences
on a topic numbered (a) to (d).
There may be an error in any one
part of the sentence. Read the
sentence and identify the part
which has the error and write it
as the answer. If there is no error,
mark the answer as (e).

a) If he came on time /
b) he could have requested /
c) the Principal personally /
d) to give him permission.

Paper - 5 Key Answer Index

Infosys Paper - 5
Sentence Correction

39) Each of the questions given

below consists of four sentences
on a topic numbered (a) to (d).
There may be an error in any one
part of the sentence. Read the
sentence and identify the part
which has the error and write it
as the answer. If there is no error,
mark the answer as (e).

a) How much money /

b) you require /
c) to complete /
d) this work.

Paper - 5 Key Answer Index

Infosys Paper - 5
Sentence Correction

40) Each of the questions given

below consists of four sentences
on a topic numbered (a) to (d).
There may be an error in any one
part of the sentence. Read the
sentence and identify the part
which has the error and write it
as the answer. If there is no error,
mark the answer as (e).

a) Being a Sunday, /
b) I decided /
c) that I would /
d) stay at home.

Paper - 5 Key Answer Index

Infosys Paper - 5
Sentence Correction

41) Each of the questions given

below consists of four sentences
on a topic numbered (a) to (d).
There may be an error in any one
part of the sentence. Read the
sentence and identify the part
which has the error and write it
as the answer. If there is no error,
mark the answer as (e).

a) She is faster /
b) than me /
c) in completing the work /
d) allotted to us.

Paper - 5 Key Answer Index

Infosys Paper - 5
Sentence Correction

42) Each of the questions given

below consists of four sentences
on a topic numbered (a) to (d).
There may be an error in any one
part of the sentence. Read the
sentence and identify the part
which has the error and write it
as the answer. If there is no error,
mark the answer as (e).

a) He asked /
b) that we had /
c) taken lunch before /
d) we arrived there.

Paper - 5 Key Answer Index

Infosys Paper - 5
Sentence Correction

43) Each of the questions given

below consists of four sentences
on a topic numbered (a) to (d).
There may be an error in any one
part of the sentence. Read the
sentence and identify the part
which has the error and write it
as the answer. If there is no error,
mark the answer as (e).

a) They had swam /

b) across the river /
c) before the /
d) sun set.

Paper - 5 Key Answer Index

Infosys Paper - 5
Sentence Correction

44) Each of the questions given

below consists of four sentences
on a topic numbered (a) to (d).
There may be an error in any one
part of the sentence. Read the
sentence and identify the part
which has the error and write it
as the answer. If there is no error,
mark the answer as (e).

a) I am not /
b) one of those /
c) who believes /
d) everything I hear.

Paper - 5 Key Answer Index

Infosys Paper - 5
Sentence Correction

45) Each of the questions given

below consists of four sentences
on a topic numbered (a) to (d).
There may be an error in any one
part of the sentence. Read the
sentence and identify the part
which has the error and write it
as the answer. If there is no error,
mark the answer as (e).

a) I got this information /

b) from a friend /
c) who was there /
d) when the incident
Paper - 5 Key Answer Index
Infosys Paper - 5
Fill in the blanks

46) Two different approaches based on

different magnetic phenomena are being
(46) . The first being (47) by Gary Prinz
exploits the fact that the electrical
resistance of some material changes in the
presence of magnetic field. For some
multi layered materials, this (48) is
powerful. A major (49) on the way to
build a full scale memory chip is the
thickness of aluminum oxide barriers. Dr.
Prinz, however, contends that his plan
will (50) offer storage densities and lower
production costs.

a) Discussed
b) Pursued
c) Assessed
d) Encapsulated
e) None of these

Paper - 5 Key Answer Index

Infosys Paper - 5
Fill in the blanks

47) Two different approaches based on

different magnetic phenomena are being
(46) . The first being (47) by Gary Prinz
exploits the fact that the electrical
resistance of some material changes in the
presence of magnetic field. For some
multi layered materials, this (48) is
powerful. A major (49) on the way to
build a full scale memory chip is the
thickness of aluminum oxide barriers. Dr.
Prinz, however, contends that his plan
will (50) offer storage densities and lower
production costs.

a) Discovered
b) Proposed
c) Postulated
d) Investigated
e) None of these

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Fill in the blanks

48) Two different approaches based on

different magnetic phenomena are being
(46) . The first being (47) by Gary Prinz
exploits the fact that the electrical
resistance of some material changes in the
presence of magnetic field. For some
multi layered materials, this (48) is
powerful. A major (49) on the way to
build a full scale memory chip is the
thickness of aluminum oxide barriers. Dr.
Prinz, however, contends that his plan
will (50) offer storage densities and lower
production costs.

a) Effect
b) Change
c) Development
d) Gain
e) None of these

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Fill in the blanks

49) Two different approaches based on

different magnetic phenomena are being
(46) . The first being (47) by Gary Prinz
exploits the fact that the electrical
resistance of some material changes in the
presence of magnetic field. For some
multi layered materials, this (48) is
powerful. A major (49) on the way to
build a full scale memory chip is the
thickness of aluminum oxide barriers. Dr.
Prinz, however, contends that his plan
will (50) offer storage densities and lower
production costs.

a) Subsequently
b) Peculiarly
c) Barrier
d) Plight
e) None of these

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Fill in the blanks

50) Two different approaches based on

different magnetic phenomena are being
(46) . The first being (47) by Gary Prinz
exploits the fact that the electrical
resistance of some material changes in the
presence of magnetic field. For some
multi layered materials, this (48) is
powerful. A major (49) on the way to
build a full scale memory chip is the
thickness of aluminum oxide barriers. Dr.
Prinz, however, contends that his plan
will (50) offer storage densities and lower
production costs.

a) Just
b) Appropriate
c) Durable
d) Friendly
e) None of these

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Theme Detection

51) Over time, it is easy for the

psychiatrists to get
comfortable in the routine of
meeting numerous patients
each day and going through
very similar regimens.
A March 2011 "Psychology
Today" article noted that good
psychiatrists have a genuinely
caring attitude for their
patients and their illnesses.
Referred to as "informal
therapy," the psychiatrist uses
her personal warmth and
compassion to listen to patient
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Theme Detection

needs and offer helpful advice

and education along with
more formal treatments.

The passage best supports the

statement that a psychiatrist is:

a) A warm person by nature.

b) obliged to care for his
c) strictly a professional and is
apathetic to a patient's feelings.
d) takes genuine interest in his
e) None of these
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Theme Detection

52) X-linked congenital stationary

night blindness is a disorder of the
retina, which is the specialized tissue
at the back of the eye that detects
light and colour. People with this
condition typically have difficulty
seeing in low light (night blindness).
They also have other vision
problems, including loss of sharpness
(reduced acuity), severe near-
sightedness (high myopia),
involuntary movements of the eyes
(nystagmus), and eyes that do not
look in the same direction
(strabismus). Colour vision is
typically not affected by this

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Theme Detection

The vision problems associated with

this condition are congenital. They
tend to remain stable (stationary)
over time.

The passage best supports the

statement that:

a) Night blindness patients cannot

distinguish between colours.
b) Night blindness is acquired from
the environment.
c) Retina is a tissue in the eye that
detects light and colour.
d) Night blindness worsens over the
time leading to total blindness.
e) None of these

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Theme Detection

53) Since the Middle Ages, France has

enjoyed an exceptional position in
European intellectual life. Though its
literary culture has no single figure
whose influence can be compared to
that of Italy’s Dante or England’s
Shakespeare, successive periods have
seen its writers and their language
exercise an influence far beyond its
borders. In medieval times, because of
the far-reaching and complex system of
feudal allegiances (not least the links of
France and England), the networks of
the monastic orders, the universality of
Latin, and the similarities of the
languages derived from Latin, there was
a continual process of exchange, in form
and content, among the literatures of
western Europe.

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Theme Detection

The passage best supports the

statement that:

a) Unlike the Latin or the

English literature, the French
literature did not have a
dominant writer.
b) French literature became
popular because of its
c) French authors resided in
d) Latin was predominantly
used in France.

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Theme Detection

54) Cardiopulmonary
resuscitation (CPR) is an
emergency procedure for
manually preserving brain
function until further measures to
restore spontaneous blood
circulation and breathing in a
person who is in cardiac arrest. It
is indicated in those who are
unresponsive with no breathing
or abnormal breathing, for
example, agonal respirations. Per
the International Liaison
Committee on Resuscitation
guidelines, CPR involves chest
compressions at least 5 cm (2 in)

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Theme Detection

deep and at a rate of at least 100

per minute to pump blood
through the heart and thus the
body. The rescuer may provide
breaths by either exhaling into
the subject's mouth or nose or a
device that pushes air into the
subject's lungs; externally
providing ventilation is termed
artificial respiration. Current
recommendations place emphasis
on high-quality chest
compressions over artificial
respiration; a simplified CPR
involving chest compressions
only is recommended for
untrained rescuers.
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Theme Detection

The passage best supports the

statement that:

a) CPR revives a person from

b) CPR is the same as providing
external ventilation.
c) Chest Compressions can be
given in a CPR procedure.
d) Artificial respiration is most
preferred procedure restoring
e) None of these

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Theme Detection

55) Grasshoppers, and

orthopterans in general, produce
sounds to attract mates or protect
their territories. Grasshoppers
can be identified by their unique
songs, which differ slightly from
species to species. Unlike their
cricket cousins, though,
grasshoppers do not rub their
wings together to make noise.
How do grasshoppers produce
sounds? Male grasshoppers
produce sounds to attract a
female mate. Grasshoppers make
sounds in one of two ways
stridulation or crepitation.

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Theme Detection

The passage best supports the

statement that:

a) Female grasshoppers do not

produce sounds.
b) Grasshoppers make sound in
several distinct ways.
c) Grasshoppers sing
d) Grasshoppers are territorial.
e) None of these

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56) Find the synonym of the

underlined word.

The tribunal’s order may

finally nudge the two
warring groups to come to
an amicable solution.

a) Just
b) Appropriate
c) Durable
d) Friendly
e) None of these

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57) Find the antonym of the



a) Comfort
b) Consolation
c) Relief
d) Mitigate
e) Embarrassment

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Fill in the blanks

58) A strategy to
urgent political commitment
from all notions, is the call
for a global for
children in 1980 where the
heads of governments will
be meeting directly on the
'Rights of the Child'.

a) Garner, Society
b) Establish, Awareness
c) Ensure, Summit
d) Promote, Institution
e) None of these
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Fill in the blanks

59) A strategy to ___ urgent

political commitment from
all notions, is the call for a
global ___ for children in
1980 where the heads of the
governments will be
meeting directly on the
“Rights of the child”

a) Gamer, Society
b) Establish, Awareness
c) Ensure, Summit
d) Promote, Institution
e) None of these
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Fill in the blanks

60) The greatest of

reformists could not achieve
what reservation policy has
done to ____ the upward
mobility of the

a) Acclimatize
b) Accelerate
c) Approve
d) Obstruct
e) None of these

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Fill in the blanks

61) While taking necessary

preventive measures to stop
the illegal immigration,
India also must enable
Bangladesh to ____ its
teeming millions helping in
its economic progress and
political stability.

a) Assist
b) Sustain
c) Educate
d) Train
e) None of these
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Fill in the blanks

62) Magasay award winner

Shanta Sinha said that there
was every need for an effort
to bring together the ____
groups fighting the MCH’s
axe and give the green
movement a leadership.

a) scattered
b) spirited
c) apathetic
d) young
e) None of these

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Fill in the blanks

63) Throwing a fresh

challenge at cops and excise
sleuths, the notorious gangs
in the city are ___ police by
using children to transport
and sell illicit liquor.

a) traumatizing
b) trapping
c) evading
d) challenging
e) None of these

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64) The capitation fee system

has reached ___ levels in
defiance of judiciary.

a) obscene
b) extraordinary
c) dismal
d) soaring
e) None of these

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65) Find an appropriate

analogy for


a) music : invention
b) hammer : tool
c) friendship : person
d) wine : grape
e) None of these

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Quantitative Ability

1) b; 2) e; 3) c; 4) c; 5) c;
6) b; 7) a; 8) b; 9) e; 10) c;
Reasoning Ability

11) d; 12) c; 13) c; 14) b; 15) d;

16) d; 17) d; 18) e; 19) c; 20) e;
21) d; 22) e; 23) c; 24) c; 25) c;
Verbal Ability

26) a; 27) c; 28) b; 29) c; 30) c;

31) d; 32) a; 33) c; 34) b; 35) b;
36) c; 37) b; 38) b; 39) b; 40) a;
41) b; 42) b; 43) a; 44) d; 45) b;
46) b; 47) d; 48) b; 49) c; 50) d;
51) d; 52) c; 53) a; 54) c; 55) d;
56) d; 57) e; 58) a; 59) c; 60) b;
61) b; 62) a; 63) d; 64) d; 65) b;

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1)b; Total available exterior

colours are 7.

Total available interior

colour combinations are 6.
They are independent.

Total combinations
= 7C 1 ×6C 1 =7×6
= 42 ways

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2)e; No. of people interested

in a career in investment
banking is (21)=15

Not interested people

= 21 - 15 = 6.

Probability that at least one

of them is interested
= 1 - (probability that none
of them interested).
C2 1 13
i.e., 1− 21 =1− =
C2 14 14

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3)c; 160 men = 200 women.

If 200 women complete the

total work,
then 150 women will
complete work.

Remaining work i.e th
can be completed by
= 40 men.

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4)c; Relative speed of the

trains = (42 + 48) Kmph
= 90 Kmph
= 90×
( ) = 25 m/s.

Time taken by the train to

cross each other is the time
to cover the length of both
trains together
i.e., (143 + 157) m at 25 m/s

= sec = 12 sec.

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5)c; Σ n= Σ n2
n(n+1) 1 n(n+1)(2 n+1)
⇒ =
2 5 6
⇒ (2n + 1) = 15

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6)b; The equation in the question

can be rewritten as

8 3 8
× 2 8
6 7 0 4
1 6 7 6
2 3 4 6 4

Hence, the value of AD is 28.

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7)a; Size of the cube made

with 125 small cubes
= 5 × 5 × 5.

After covering this, the size

of the cube will become
(n+2) × (n+2) × (n+2)
i.e., 7 × 7 × 7.

So, total numbers of cubes

= 7 × 7 × 7 = 343.

Extra number of cubes

required = 343 – 125 = 218

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8)b; The equation in the question

can be rewritten as

1 5 2
× 2 7
1 0 6 4
3 0 4
4 1 0 4

Now the value of (L + H + A + L)

= 9.

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5 7.5 15 37.5 112.5

×1.5 ×2 ×2.5 ×3

Hence, the number 112 should

be replaced with 112.5 to make
the given set of numbers a

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10)c; From the first two

statements, 'is' is coded as '6'.

From first and last

'beautiful' is coded as 6.

The only remaining term in

the last sentence is
'flower' → 8.

Hence, (6, 8) is the correct


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11)d; Income of Y in 1998-99

= Rs. a
Profit % = 30%
⇒ Profit = Rs.

Expenditure of X in 2001-02
= Rs. a
Profit % = 50%
⇒ Profit = Rs.

Required ratio
3a a
= : =9 : 10
10 3

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12)c; Income of X in 2001-02

= Rs. a
Profit % = 50%
⇒ Profit =

Expenditure of X in 2002-03
= Rs. a
Profit % = 60%
⇒ Profit =

Required ratio
a 3a
= : =4 : 3
2 8

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13)c; The year over year profit

percentage is shown below

In 1998-99 = ×100=33.33 %
30− 20
In 1999-00 = ×100=50 %
In 2000-01 = 0%
50− 30 2
In 2001-02 = ×100=66 %
30 3
In 2002-03 = ×100=20 %

Hence, the year over year profit

has peaked in 2001-02.

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14)b; Let income be Rs. I.

I – 40 20
40 100
⇒ I −40=
⇒ I=8+40=48 crores.

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15)d; To find the difference in the

expenditure of the two
companies, we should know the
incomes of the two companies.

But, the given graph depicts only

the percent profit earned by the
two companies over the given

So, this information is insufficient

to answer the question.

Hence, option-d is correct.

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16)d; The information given

in both the statements is not
sufficient to find the
required ratio as the
statements focus on the
gender of students while the
question requires the ratio of
freshers to seniors.

Hence, option-d is correct.

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17)d; Statements I and II are

not sufficient to answer the
given question because
equal length of the diagonal
are not sufficient to the
rectangle to become a
The four sides of the
rectangle should be equal.
Then only the rectangle
becomes a square. Neither
statement I nor statement II
is sufficient to answer.

Hence, option-d is correct.

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18)e; From statement I, the

average sales of motorcycles
from July to December
66282+72363 138645
= =
6 6
= 23107.5

Either statement-I, II is
sufficient to answer the

Hence, option-c is correct.

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19)c; Area = (side)2

From statement-I, we know the
value of side. Therefore area can
be found.

From statement-II, circumference

i.e. 4(side)=28.

From this we can find the value

of side. As a result area can also be

Here, either of the statements-I or

II alone are sufficient to answer
the given question.

Hence, option-c is correct.

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20)e; From statement-II, Vamsi's

age is between the ages of Raju
and Rajni.

From statement-I, Raju is one

year elder to Vamsi. It means
Rajni will be one year younger to

∴ From both the statements, we

can say, Rajni is youngest among
the three. Hence, option-e is

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21)d; Ashwini and Kavya are

sisters. Dheksha is Kavya's

This means Ashwini is also

daughter of Dheeksha.
Granthik is Dheeksha's

This means Granthik is

Ashwini's grand father.

Thus, Ashwini is the grand

daughter of Granthik.

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22)e; Akshaya's father-in-law

Gowrav is father of Prathik.

Prathik is father of
Smrithika. This means
Akshaya is wife of Prathik
and Smrithika is grand
daughter of Gowrav.

As Manusri is sister of
Smrithika, this means
Manusri is grand daughter
of Gowrav.

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23)c; Let my brother's age be

x years, 5 years ago. Since, I
was half my uncle's age, I
was twice the age of my
⇒ My age was 2x = 23 - 5 = 18
Present ages
Brother =x+5 = 14
Uncle = 4x + 5 = 41

∴Average age=
= 26 years

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24)c; Given that, 9th digit to

the left of 13th digit from
right end.

Left + Right → Add (LR and

RL→Add; L=left, R=Right)
i.e., 9 + 13 = 22.

Hence the answer digit is

22nd digit from right end.
(From right is given in the
 22nd digit from right end
in the given series is '5'.
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25)c; Let the first house have

x trees. Thus, 2nd and 3rd
house will have 3x and 6x
trees respectively.

x + 3x + 6x = 10x = 120
x = 12
3x = 36
6x = 72

Thus, the houses have 12, 36

and 72 trees respectively.

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26)a; The story of the

Chinese emperor trying to
purify water under a tea tree
tells us that it was an
accidental discovery.

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27)c; Tea drinking gradually

became a sacred ritual for
the Japanese.

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28)b; The English made tea

drinking an iconic ritual by
linking it with the time of
the day.

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29)c; The passage does not

mention the types of tea.

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30)c; The origins suggest

that tea drinking became a
tradition from early on.

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31)d; In the 6th line the

author tells us that the
constant need to know leads
to emotional stagnation.

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32)a; This cycle has robbed

us of our ability to
appreciate and enjoy the

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33)c; Instead of looking

forward we seem to be
looking at the past signified
here by tombstones.

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34)b; Instead of accepting

life as it is, if one is buried in
the past, internal stress

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35)b; As the name suggest, it

is the compulsive need to
know the reason behind

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36)c; Since, the person was

not attacked as a result of
opening the shop, “then” is
not the appropriate
connecting word. The
sentence needs to be
rewritten as:
“Hardly had the shopkeeper
opened the shop, when he
was attacked by the

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37)b; 'Give up' is to forfeit.

The phrase needs to be
changed with 'give away' to
give the appropriate
meaning to the sentence.

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38)b; could (remove have).

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39)b; To quantify the noun,

'money', we need a modal
verb like 'do', or 'would'.
Hence, the corrected
sentence might be read as:
“How much money do you
require to complete this

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40)a; In reference to the day,

the pronoun 'it' needs to be
used at the beginning of the
sentence. Or else, the
sentence might refer to the
person as Sunday.

The corrected sentence

would read as “It being a
Sunday, I decided that I
would stay at home.”

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41)b; Since, the first person

reference is used, the
connector 'than' must be
followed by 'I' not 'me'.

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42)b; If a question which

might be answered in binary
(yes or no), the verb asked
needs to be followed by 'if'
or 'whether' and not by the
pronoun 'that'.

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43)a; The first part of the

sentence must be a past
participle as it occurred in
the past to something that
has already occurred (the
sun set).

So, the sentence reads as

“They had swum across the
river before the sun set.”

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44)d; The second part of the

sentence refers to “those”
from the first part. Hence,
the sentence should end as
“everything they hear”.

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45)b; Information 'passes

and not 'passes from'.

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46)b; An approach can be

pursued i.e. to follow.

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47)d; By investigation you can

exploit the facts.

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48)b; The effect of the result which

is exploited by investigation is

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49)c; Barrier is the correct


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50)d; Option-b and c can not

be the correct choices. You
may confuse to choose
between option-a and d.
'Subsequently' means 'next' –
following in time, order or
place. And it doesn't imply
causation. Consequently is a
conjunctive adverb that
means 'as a result'.
The plan will eventually i.e.,
as a result, offer storage
densities and lower
production costs.

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51)d; ‘A warm person by

nature’ does not qualify a
psychiatrist. According to
the passage, Psychiatrists
genuinely care about their
patients and are not
‘obliged’ or apathetic.

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52)c; According to the

passage, ‘Color vision is
typically not affected by this
disorder’. Hence option-a is
not the key. Also, this
disorder is congenital (by
birth) hence B is not the key.
According to the last line of
the passage, the problems
related to night blindness
remain stable over the time.
D is not the key. C is the key.

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53)a; According to the

passage, the French
literature’s popularity was
not stated to be because of
its simplicity. It has not been
ascertained if the French
authors resided in England,
although their influence
spread beyond the French
borders. Latin was the
predecessor of French and
presence of Latin as a
dominant language has not
been mentioned. The correct
key is option-a.
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54)c; According to the

passage, CPR is used to
revive blood circulation and
restore breathing as well as
brain functioning. Hence,
option-a is not the key. CPR
is not the same as external
ventilation according to the
passage. Last sentence states
that Chest compression is
involved in the CPR.
Hence, the key is option-c.

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55)d; According to the

passage, grasshoppers
produce sounds to attract
females and also to protect
territories. Hence option-a is
wrong. According to the last
line, the sound is made in
one of the two ways. Hence
option-b is incorrect.
Option-c is an incorrect
inference. Option-d is the
key as the grasshoppers
want to protect their

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56)d; The prefix 'am'

generally denotes friendly,
casual or lovable. For
example, amiable, amateur,
amicable etc. Amicable means
friendly, peaceful, polite etc.
Hence, option-d is correct
choice. Durable means long-
lasting or strong.

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57)e; Solace means comfort

or peace. Options a, b, c and
d are synonyms of solace.

Embarrassment means not

feeling comfortable.

Hence, option-e is correct


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58)a; Conjure up means bring

to mind. And clanking means
to make a sharp sound, as
metal in a collision. Imbibes,
which means drink alcohol
is irrelevant in the present
context. Option-c, staggering
which means to walk
unsteadily, is not an
appropriate choice in the
second blank.

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59)c; Summit means meeting

between head of

Hence option-c is correct.

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60)b; The key phrase in the

sentence is - ‘upward
mobility’; it indicates
‘acceleration’ (hastening and
speeding up) of reservations.

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61)b; The sentence speaks

about the problem of the
migrating population from
Bangladesh to India. Hence,
the need of the hour is not
only to control the illegal
immigration but also to help
Bangladesh maintain, retain,
sustain, and prevent their
citizens from migration.

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Infosys Paper - 5

62)a; Bring together whom?

The ‘scattered groups’;
apathetic means–
uninterested, unconcerned
and lethargic.

Paper - 5 Key Question Index

Infosys Paper - 5

63)d; the notorious gangs are

‘challenging’ the police by
skillfully performing their
operations. By doing so, they
can ‘traumatize’ i.e. create
panic and terror among
public, but not police. v

Paper - 5 Key Question Index

Infosys Paper - 5

64)d; Soaring means – high,

mounting and escalating; fee
system is reaching such
unusual levels that cannot
be controlled even by the

Paper - 5 Key Question Index

Infosys Paper - 5

65)b; A democracy is a type

of government.
A hammer is a type of tool.

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