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September 2008 Vocabulary calendar

Word Skills
Learn a new word every day.
• Repeat the word two or three times to help you
remember it.
• Write a translation into your own language.
• Write a sentence in English using that word.
• Say the sentence to yourself.

1 recognition  Unit 1              16 veal  Unit  16             

2 complex  Unit 2              17 boil something  Unit 17             
3 avoid doing something  Unit 3               18 discount  Unit 18             
4 such as  Unit 4              19 go off  Unit 19             
5 expect a baby  Unit 5              20 wound  Unit 20             
6 crazy  Unit 6              21 tip  Unit 21             
7 be in a good mood  Unit 7               22 end up  Unit 22             
8 trust somebody  Unit 8              23 material  Unit 23             
9 only child  Unit 9              24 doctor’s surgery  Unit 24             
10 burial  Unit 10              25 enough  Unit 25             
11 invention  Unit 11              26 cotton  Unit 26             
12 cargo ship  Unit 12              27 polish something  Unit 27             
13 drizzle  Unit 13              28 have something done  Unit 28              
14 considerable  Unit 14              29 filthy  Unit 29             
15 leopard  Unit 15              30 enormous  Unit 30             

Oxford University Press © 2008

October 2008 Vocabulary calendar

Word Skills
Learn a new word every day.
• Repeat the word two or three times to help you
remember it.
• Write a translation into your own language.
• Write a sentence in English using that word.
• Say the sentence to yourself.

1 cardboard  Unit 31              17 manual  Unit 47             

2 feel like something  Unit 32               18 entertainment  Unit 48             
3 distance  Unit 33              19 success  Unit 49             
4 fold in half  Unit 34              20 academic  Unit 50             
5 robber  Unit 35              21 confirm  Unit 51             
6 proof  Unit 36              22 builder  Unit 52             
7 memory loss  Unit 37              23 make sure  Unit 53             
8 constituency  Unit 38              24 go on strike  Unit 54             
9 ceasefire  Unit 39              25 cash flow problem  Unit 55              
10 defeat somebody  Unit 40             26 adequate  Unit 56             
11 publishing  Unit 41              27 crucial  Unit 57             
12 suitable  Unit 42              28 assume something  Unit 58              
13 out of focus  Unit 43              29 doubt that  Unit 59             
14 live  Unit 44              30 greedy  Unit 60             
15 flag  Unit 45              31 get together  Unit 61             
16 fencing  Unit 46             

Oxford University Press © 2008

November 2008 Vocabulary calendar

Word Skills
Learn a new word every day.
• Repeat the word two or three times to help you
remember it.
• Write a translation into your own language.
• Write a sentence in English using that word.
• Say the sentence to yourself.

1 would rather ... than  Unit 62               16 commence  Unit 77             

2 believe that  Unit 63              17 ID card  Unit 78             
3 make somebody do something  Unit 64              18 attorney  Unit 79             
4 expect something  Unit 65               19 argument  Unit 80             
5 dissatisfaction  Unit 66              20 after a while  Unit 1             
6 premises  Unit 67              21 emphasis  Unit 2             
7 provided (that)  Unit 68              22 semicolon  Unit 3             
8 inadequate  Unit 69              23 fattish  Unit 4             
9 now and again  Unit 70              24 dishonest  Unit 5             
10 capable of doing something  Unit 71              25 absolutely  Unit 6             
11 fair  Unit 72              26 rely on somebody  Unit 7              
12 economical  Unit 73              27 queen  Unit 8             
13 accuse somebody of something  Unit 74              28 choose something  Unit 9              
14 generally  Unit 75              29 revolve  Unit 10             
15 hang on  Unit 76              30 cause something  Unit 11             

Oxford University Press © 2008

December 2008 Vocabulary calendar

Word Skills
Learn a new word every day.
• Repeat the word two or three times to help you
remember it.
• Write a translation into your own language.
• Write a sentence in English using that word.
• Say the sentence to yourself.

1 affect  Unit 13              17 drawback  Unit 29             

2 destruction  Unit 14              18 corridor  Unit 30             
3 life expectancy  Unit 15              19 circle  Unit 31             
4 sea bass  Unit 16              20 flavour  Unit 32             
5 roast  Unit 17              21 artist  Unit 33             
6 debt  Unit 18              22 burst out laughing  Unit 34              
7 go to sleep  Unit 19              23 stab  Unit 35             
8 temporarily  Unit 20              24 might  Unit 36             
9 tyre  Unit 21              25 infectious  Unit 37             
10 get held up  Unit 22              26 PM  Unit 38             
11 neutral  Unit 23              27 ally  Unit 39             
12 filling  Unit 24              28 establish something  Unit 40              
13 benefit  Unit 25              29 scare  Unit 41             
14 hammer  Unit 26              30 movie  Unit 42             
15 muddy  Unit 27              31 on display  Unit 43             
16 get something done  Unit 28              

Oxford University Press © 2008

January 2009 Vocabulary calendar

Word Skills
Learn a new word every day.
• Repeat the word two or three times to help you
remember it.
• Write a translation into your own language.
• Write a sentence in English using that word.
• Say the sentence to yourself.

1 guitarist  Unit 44              17 main difference  Unit 60             

2 footballer  Unit 45              18 confirm something  Unit 61              
3 criticize  Unit 46              19 get to like somebody  Unit 62              
4 cover  Unit 47              20 apparently  Unit 63             
5 parade  Unit 48              21 compulsory  Unit 64             
6 relief  Unit 49              22 I guess so  Unit 65             
7 fees  Unit 50              23 atrocious  Unit 66             
8 contact somebody  Unit 51               24 in case of something  Unit 67              
9 engineer  Unit 52              25 moreover  Unit 68             
10 member of the public  Unit 53               26 firm  Unit 69             
11 shift work  Unit 54              27 occasionally  Unit 70             
12 fall  Unit 55              28 deliberately  Unit 71             
13 overestimate  Unit 56              29 illegible  Unit 72             
14 factor  Unit 57              30 careful  Unit 73             
15 downturn  Unit 58              31 enable  Unit 74             
16 good chance  Unit 59             

Oxford University Press © 2008

February 2009 Vocabulary calendar

Word Skills
Learn a new word every day.
• Repeat the word two or three times to help you
remember it.
• Write a translation into your own language.
• Write a sentence in English using that word.
• Say the sentence to yourself.

1 get through something  Unit 75               15 single parent  Unit 9             

2 rather  Unit 76              16 in mourning  Unit 10             
3 joke  Unit 77              17 reach somewhere  Unit 11             
4 hearing from you  Unit 78               18 banks  Unit 12             
5 laboratory  Unit 79              19 bitterly cold  Unit 13             
6 mall  Unit 80              20 collapse  Unit 14             
7 discuss something  Unit 1               21 insect  Unit 15             
8 fluently  Unit 2              22 spinach  Unit 16             
9 build something  Unit 3              23 plenty of something  Unit 17              
10 small letters  Unit 4              24 afford something  Unit 18             
11 female  Unit 5              25 heavy sleeper  Unit 19             
12 aggression  Unit 6              26 slipped  Unit 20             
13 envious  Unit 7              27 slow down  Unit 21             
14 old friends  Unit 8              28 day trip  Unit 22             

Oxford University Press © 2008

March 2009 Vocabulary calendar

Word Skills
Learn a new word every day.
• Repeat the word two or three times to help you
remember it.
• Write a translation into your own language.
• Write a sentence in English using that word.
• Say the sentence to yourself.

1 outfit  Unit 23              17 gun battle  Unit 39             

2 chew  Unit 24              18 assassination  Unit 40             
3 successful  Unit 25              19 pledge something  Unit 41              
4 glue  Unit 26              20 producer  Unit 42             
5 tidy up  Unit 27              21 portrait  Unit 43             
6 blow dry  Unit 28              22 influence  Unit 44             
7 advantage  Unit 29              23 referee  Unit 45             
8 attic  Unit 30              24 fencing  Unit 46             
9 curved  Unit 31              25 catalogue  Unit 47             
10 overhear somebody  Unit 32               26 undefined  Unit 48             
11 brightness  Unit 33              27 invigilator  Unit 49             
12 breathe out  Unit 34              28 flexibility  Unit 50             
13 rapist  Unit 35              29 automatically  Unit 51             
14 sentence  Unit 36              30 care for somebody  Unit 52              
15 heart disease  Unit 37              31 handle something/somebody  Unit 53    
16 minority  Unit 38             

Oxford University Press © 2008

April 2009 Vocabulary calendar

Word Skills
Learn a new word every day.
• Repeat the word two or three times to help you
remember it.
• Write a translation into your own language.
• Write a sentence in English using that word.
• Say the sentence to yourself.

1 bonus  Unit 54              16 disgusted  Unit 69             

2 operating costs  Unit 55              17 towards  Unit 70             
3 stock  Unit 56              18 generally  Unit 71             
4 innovative  Unit 57              19 alcoholic  Unit 72             
5 realistic  Unit 58              20 powerless  Unit 73             
6 optimistic  Unit 59              21 admit  Unit 74             
7 exactly the same  Unit 60              22 extinguish  Unit 75             
8 are meant to  Unit 61              23 terribly  Unit 76             
9 not at all  Unit 62              24 keep an eye on  Unit 77             
10 in principle  Unit 63              25 Madam  Unit 78             
11 disobedient  Unit 64              26 pub  Unit 79             
12 intention  Unit 65              27 motorway  Unit 80             
13 complain (about something)  Unit 66     28 gist  Unit 1             
14 caution  Unit 67              29 frustration  Unit 2             
15 in addition  Unit 68              30 select something  Unit 3             

Oxford University Press © 2008

May 2009 Vocabulary calendar

Word Skills
Learn a new word every day.
• Repeat the word two or three times to help you
remember it.
• Write a translation into your own language.
• Write a sentence in English using that word.
• Say the sentence to yourself.

1 join something  Unit 4              17 prevention  Unit 20             

2 going bald  Unit 5              18 skid  Unit 21             
3 dull  Unit 6              19 lane  Unit 22             
4 miserable  Unit 7              20 jewellery  Unit 23             
5 have a lot in common  Unit 8               21 dread doing something  Unit 24              
6 stepsister  Unit 9              22 recover from something  Unit 25              
7 inherit something  Unit 10               23 screw  Unit 26             
8 scientific  Unit 11              24 wipe something  Unit 27             
9 boat  Unit 12              25 parting  Unit 28             
10 chilly  Unit 13              26 convenient  Unit 29             
11 ground  Unit 14              27 impressive  Unit 30             
12 harmless  Unit 15              28 rectangular  Unit 31             
13 grapefruit  Unit 16              29 smell something  Unit 32             
14 put on weight  Unit 17              30 corner  Unit 33             
15 reduction  Unit 18              31 smash  Unit 34             
16 fast asleep  Unit 19             

Oxford University Press © 2009

June 2009 Vocabulary calendar

Word Skills
Learn a new word every day.
• Repeat the word two or three times to help you
remember it.
• Write a translation into your own language.
• Write a sentence in English using that word.
• Say the sentence to yourself.

1 serious  Unit 35              16 away from home  Unit 50             

2 prosecution  Unit 36              17 give somebody feedback  Unit 51              
3 depressed  Unit 37              18 civil servant  Unit 52             
4 represent somebody/something  Unit 38              19 clerical  Unit 53             
5 half a dozen  Unit 39              20 take time off  Unit 54             
6 president  Unit 40              21 increase  Unit 55             
7 food scare  Unit 41              22 survive  Unit 56             
8 incredible  Unit 42              23 invest in something  Unit 57              
9 still life  Unit 43              24 goal  Unit 58             
10 record something  Unit 44              25 might  Unit 59             
11 skier  Unit 45              26 similarity  Unit 60             
12 praise  Unit 46              27 say  Unit 61             
13 hardback  Unit 47              28 be fond of something  Unit 62              
14 spectacular  Unit 48              29 mature  Unit 63             
15 planning  Unit 49              30 forbid  Unit 64             

Oxford University Press © 2009

July 2009 Vocabulary calendar

Word Skills
Learn a new word every day.
• Repeat the word two or three times to help you
remember it.
• Write a translation into your own language.
• Write a sentence in English using that word.
• Say the sentence to yourself.

1 sort something out  Unit 65               17 text  Unit 1             

2 keep calm  Unit 66              18 make progress  Unit 2             
3 in case of something  Unit 67               19 syllable  Unit 3             
4 link ... with ....  Unit 68              20 instead of  Unit 4             
5 embarrassed  Unit 69              21 in good shape  Unit 5             
6 over there  Unit 70              22 impatient  Unit 6             
7 involved in something  Unit 71               23 proud  Unit 7             
8 pack something  Unit 72              24 go out with somebody  Unit 8              
9 practical  Unit 73              25 take after somebody  Unit 9              
10 mind  Unit 74              26 religious  Unit 10             
11 put something on  Unit 75               27 analyse  Unit 11             
12 widely  Unit 76              28 on the horizon  Unit 12             
13 lately  Unit 77              29 gales  Unit 13             
14 in particular  Unit 78              30 erupt  Unit 14             
15 pop  Unit 79              31 turkey  Unit 15             
16 interstate  Unit 80             

Oxford University Press © 2008

August 2009 Vocabulary calendar

Word Skills
Learn a new word every day.
• Repeat the word two or three times to help you
remember it.
• Write a translation into your own language.
• Write a sentence in English using that word.
• Say the sentence to yourself.

1 lobster  Unit 16              17 observant  Unit 32             

2 frying pan  Unit 17              18 in the distance  Unit 33             
3 refund  Unit 18              19 sigh  Unit 34             
4 in a deep sleep  Unit 19              20 kill somebody  Unit 35             
5 running water  Unit 20              21 may  Unit 36             
6 close to something  Unit 21               22 diabetes  Unit 37             
7 meant to do something  Unit 22               23 priority  Unit 38             
8 match  Unit 23              24 fighter  Unit 39             
9 take a tooth out  Unit 24              25 invade  Unit 40             
10 patient  Unit 25              26 journalism  Unit 41             
11 repair something  Unit 26              27 gripping  Unit 42             
12 sweep something  Unit 27               28 album  Unit 43             
13 scissors  Unit 28              29 pianist  Unit 44             
14 lively  Unit 29              30 umpire  Unit 45             
15 currently  Unit 30              31 overall  Unit 46             
16 plastic  Unit 31             

Oxford University Press © 2008
September 2009 Vocabulary calendar

Word Skills
Learn a new word every day.
• Repeat the word two or three times to help you
remember it.
• Write a translation into your own language.
• Write a sentence in English using that word.
• Say the sentence to yourself.

1 present  Unit 47              16 can’t bear something  Unit 62              

2 neighbourhood  Unit 48              17 opposed to something  Unit 63              
3 disqualify somebody  Unit 49               18 obey somebody  Unit 64             
4 loan  Unit 50              19 plan something  Unit 65             
5 mechanic  Unit 51              20 happy with something  Unit 66              
6 reward  Unit 52              21 mind your head  Unit 67             
7 work overtime  Unit 53              22 all the same  Unit 68             
8 pay  Unit 54              23 deserted  Unit 69             
9 struggle  Unit 55              24 rear  Unit 70             
10 factor  Unit 56              25 on purpose  Unit 71             
11 skill  Unit 57              26 plug something in  Unit 72              
12 bound to do something  Unit 58               27 kind  Unit 73             
13 completely different  Unit 59               28 persuade  Unit 74             
14 instead  Unit 60              29 work something out  Unit 75              
15 tied up  Unit 61              30 approximately  Unit 76             

Oxford University Press © 2008

October 2009 Vocabulary calendar

Word Skills
Learn a new word every day.
• Repeat the word two or three times to help you
remember it.
• Write a translation into your own language.
• Write a sentence in English using that word.
• Say the sentence to yourself.

1 vague  Unit 77              17 gas  Unit 13             

2 whether  Unit 78              18 earthquake  Unit 14             
3 VAT  Unit 79              19 spider  Unit 15             
4 trash  Unit 80              20 mint  Unit 16             
5 revise something  Unit 1              21 junk food  Unit 17             
6 contain  Unit 2              22 scratch  Unit 18             
7 slang  Unit 3              23 habit  Unit 19             
8 omit something  Unit 4              24 dizzy  Unit 20             
9 rough  Unit 5              25 bonnet  Unit 21             
10 intolerant  Unit 6              26 emergency services  Unit 22              
11 moody  Unit 7              27 accessory  Unit 23             
12 disloyal  Unit 8              28 look forward to  Unit 24             
13 royal  Unit 9              29 operation  Unit 25             
14 civil  Unit 10              30 reel  Unit 26             
15 discovery  Unit 11              31 vacuum cleaner  Unit 27             
16 pebbles  Unit 12             

Oxford University Press © 2008

November 2009 Vocabulary calendar

Word Skills
Learn a new word every day.
• Repeat the word two or three times to help you
remember it.
• Write a translation into your own language.
• Write a sentence in English using that word.
• Say the sentence to yourself.

1 trim something  Unit 28              16 create something  Unit 43             

2 region  Unit 29              17 musician  Unit 44             
3 walled  Unit 30              18 worldwide  Unit 45             
4 oval  Unit 31              19 outside  Unit 46             
5 notice something  Unit 32              20 readable  Unit 47             
6 industrial  Unit 33              21 illuminate something  Unit 48              
7 scratch something  Unit 34               22 follow instructions  Unit 49              
8 mugging  Unit 35              23 manage something  Unit 50              
9 evidence  Unit 36              24 reference  Unit 51             
10 cancer  Unit 37              25 retail  Unit 52             
11 vote  Unit 38              26 quit  Unit 53             
12 explosion  Unit 39              27 union  Unit 54             
13 revolution  Unit 40              28 sharp  Unit 55             
14 edit  Unit 41              29 set up a business  Unit 56             
15 ordinary  Unit 42              30 do research  Unit 57             

Oxford University Press © 2008

December 2009 Vocabulary calendar

Word Skills
Learn a new word every day.
• Repeat the word two or three times to help you
remember it.
• Write a translation into your own language.
• Write a sentence in English using that word.
• Say the sentence to yourself.

1 strategy  Unit 58              17 deny  Unit 74             

2 spot  Unit 59              18 get over something  Unit 75              
3 alike  Unit 60              19 highly  Unit 76             
4 postpone something  Unit 61               20 fancy something  Unit 77             
5 adore doing something  Unit 62               21 further  Unit 78             
6 consider something  Unit 63               22 gym  Unit 79             
7 insist that  Unit 64              23 datebook  Unit 80             
8 hope to do  Unit 65              24 make mistakes  Unit 1             
9 consideration  Unit 66              25 in detail  Unit 2             
10 watch out  Unit 67              26 stress (on something)  Unit 3              
11 otherwise  Unit 68              27 pause  Unit 4             
12 modern  Unit 69              28 scar  Unit 5             
13 not ... yet  Unit 70              29 umambitious  Unit 6             
14 by chance  Unit 71              30 thrilled  Unit 7             
15 immoral  Unit 72              31 depend on somebody  Unit 8              
16 cruelty  Unit 73             

Oxford University Press © 2008

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