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Terms and Formulas

Used in Urethane Polymer Preparations

In the field of urethane polymers, many of the definitions Graft polymer. A polymer composed of a main chain, to
and formulas used by workers vary in both concept and which other monomeric or polymeric groups are
application. Assumptions for simplifying the calculations chemically added as side chains. The addition site and the
are also not consistent. graft are specifically selected to form a desired branch.
Although the definitions and formulas are all applicable for Linear polymer. A polymer essentially composed of
their intended use, they are often passed on and modified molecular chains with no radicals, groups or appendages
for special cases. The original fundamental concepts, the attached along the chains.
theoretical relationships and the intended applications are
often not stated or presented. This inevitably has created Branched polymer. A polymer containing one or more
confusion and misuse. It has also hampered proper field appendages attached to the main chain. These appendages
work evaluations and comparisons. may be small and simple radicals, or they may be rather
large and complex chains.
This bulletin has been prepared to provide generally
accepted definitions of terms, and to list the formulas used Cross-linked (or three dimensional) polymer. A polymer
by the industry in general. Theconcepts, assumptions and formed only from monomer and/or polymer units having an
modifications are given. Sample calculations are also average of more than two active centers or groups per
shown, for clarification. molecule. Inter-chain reactions can form a network which
can grow infinitely in three dimensions. Cross-linked
DEFINITION OF TERMS polymers are of moderate size; normally they are infusible
Chemical Nomenclature and insoluble.
Monomer. The fundamental chemical compound which
can undergo polymerization and form a polymer chain. Mathematical Concepts
Molecular weight (M). The sum of the atomic weights of
Polymerization. A chemical reaction in which two or more all the constituent atoms in a molecule. Atomic weight is
monomers combine to form a polymer. A polymer may be expressed relative to the arbitrary weight of oxygen
randomly formed or a deliberately planned block polymer. (O=16).
Polymer. The chemical compound formed by polymeriza- Polymers consist of chain molecules of various lengths.
tion and consisting essentially of repeating structural units. When their molecular weights are given, calculated or
A polymer chain canbe formed from the same  or from determined, they are stated as average values. These
more than one  monomer type. average molecular weights are based on either of two
Prepolymer. An intermediate polymer which is not reacted concepts: number average or weight average. Number
to stoichiometric completion. There is always a deliberate average and weight average molecular weights cannot be
excess of active groups (e.g. -OH, -NCO) which is used interchangeably. They are equivalent only when all
available for later reaction to form the final polymer. molecular species are the same, as in the case of pure
Homo-polymer. A chain formed by chemically combining
the same monomer units. Number average molecular weight M n. M n is equal to
the total polymer weight, divided by the total number of
Block polymer. A chain with a specific planned pattern monomers (molecules). See equation [15].
formed by chemically combining different homo- and/or
other polymer chain segments. Since the total weight of a polymer equals the number of
monomer molecules, each multiplied by its molecular

KEY TO NOTATION weight, M n can also be expressed as in [16]. In other

Symbols and Abbreviations words, M n equals the sum of the number of molecules of
[ ] Reference number for formula each species, multiplied by the molecular weight of the
Σ Summation of corresponding species, all divided by the total number of
a amine molecules.
b amine-polyol blend
M n is an arithmetic mean. Each molecule contributes
c cross-link
d NCO radical equally, independent of its weight. M n is most useful in
f functionality polyurethane calculations since it is inversely proportional
g curative and extending agents in general to the functionality (number of active groups) and the
n number of molecules hydroxyl number (OH). For a definition of M n in terms of
p polyol functionality and OH number, see [18].
q water Weight average molecular weight (Mw). Mw equals the
s isocyanate sum of the weights of each species multiplied by the
v prepolymer molecular weight of the corresponding species, all divided
A acid number by the total polymer weight [24]. The contribution of each
Ap acid number of polyol molecular weight class to Mw is proportional to the weight
D percent free isocyanates as NCO of the molecules in that class. Weight average molecular
E weight equivalent weight is seldom used in polyurethane calculations, and
Ea weight equivalent of amine then only when the molecular weight is calculated from
Eg weight equivalent of curative or extending agent viscosity, light scattering and ultra-centrifuge
Ep weight equivalent of polyol sedimentation data.
Eq weight equivalent of water
Es weight equivalent of isocyanate Molecular weight per cross-link M nc. M nc is the weight
M molecular weight of polymer per active center or group which can form a
Md molecular weight of NCO radical (Md = 42) cross-link [22]. The value does not represent the effective
Mn number average molecular weight or actual arithmetic mean between cross-links in a three
M nc number average molecular weight per cross-link dimensional polymer. It is used simply as a convenient
method for comparing effectiveness of available cross-
Mw weight average molecular weight
linking factors.
OH hydroxyl number
OHp hydroxyl number of polyol Weight equivalent (W). The molecular weight of
Q percent water compound or polymer per active function for the
R1 ratio of amine to polyol or polyester considered reactions [1]. Weight equivalent is used as an
R2 ratio of isocyanate to polyol average value for polymers.
R3 ratio of isocyanate to amine
R4 ratio of isocyanate to amine plus polyol Hydrogen equivalent. The weight of hydrogen equal to the
W weight reactive groups of 100 unit weights of compound or
Wa weight of amine polymer.
Wb weight of amine-polyol blend Isocyanate equivalent. The weight of the isocyanate
Wg weight of curative or extending agent radical, NCO (M = 42), which is equal to the reactive
Wp weight of polyol groups of 100 unit weights of compound or polymer.
Wq weight of water
Ws weight of isocyanate Free or uncombined isocyanate as -NCO (D). Usually
Wv weight of prepolymer expressed as weight percent of the prepolymer.
a fractional weight of first component Hydroxyl percent. The percent by weight of OH (M = 17)
(1 - a) fractional weight of second component which is equivalent to the active functions of a compound
Subscripts or polymer.
i individual molecular species
j, k individual components in a mixture
m mixture

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Hydroxyl number (OH)*. The number of milliweights of Number Average Molecular Weight ( M n)
KOH which is chemically equivalent to the active functions [15] M n; given Wi, ni (general form)
per unit weight of the compound or polymer [30]. When [16] M n; given Mi, ni (usual given form)
free acidity is measured in these units it is usually called
[17] M n; given E, f
acid number.
[18] M n; given OH, f
Acid number (A). See hydroxyl number, above.
Number Average Molecular Weight of 2-Component
Degree of polymerization. Equals the number of mono- Mixture ( M nm)
meric units chemically combined to form a polymer chain [19] M nm; given nj, nk, Mj, Mk (general form)
or molecule
[20] M nm; given M nj, M nk, a (1 - a)
Functionality (f). The number of chemically active atoms [21] M nm; given OHj, OHk, fj, fk, a (1 - a)
or groups (e.g., -H, -OH, -NCO) per molecule for the
considered reaction [27]. This is used as an average value Number Average Molecular Weight Per Cross-link
for polymers. ( M nc)
*The molecular weight of KOH is 56.1. Since hydroxyl number (OH) is [22] M nc; given Eg, Wg, Wv, D, Md
expressed in milliweights per unit weight, we must multiply 56.1 by 1000 to
convert to OH, and the factor 56,100 appears in the calculations. OH is a Number Average Molecular Weight of Polyol or
dimensionless unit; it can be expressed in any weight system without altering Polyester Component of a Prepolymer ( M np)
its numerical value.
[23] M np; given Es, Md, D
INDEX TO FORMULAS Weight Average Molecular Weight ( M w)
Weight Equivalent (E) [24] M w; given Mi, Wi (general form)
[1] E; given M n, f [25] M w; given Mi, ni (usual given form)
[2] E; given OH
Weight Average Molecular Weight of a 2-
Weight of Amine Required for Blending with Polyol (Wa) Component System ( M wm)
[3] Wa; given Ea, Ep, Wp, R1 [26] M wm; given M wj, M wk, a (1 - a)
Weight of Isocyanate Required for Blending with
Functionality (f)
Various Components (Ws)
[4] Ws; given Ep, Es, Wp, R2 (for polyols) [27] f; given E, M n
[5] Ws; given Ea, Es, Wa, R3 (for amines) Functionality of a Mixture (fm)
[6] Ws; given Ea, Ep, Es, Wa, Wp, R4 (for amine- [28] fm; given M nm, OHm
polyol blends)
[29] fm; given fj, fk, OHj, OHk, a (1 - a)
[7] Ws; given Ep, Es, Wp, R1, R4 (for amine-polyol
blends) Hydroxyl Number of a Mixture (OHm)
[8] Ws; given Eq, Es, Wq (for water)
[9] Ws; given Es, Wp, OHp, R2 [30] OHm; given OHj, OHk, a (1 - a)
[10] Ws; given Ea, Es, Wa, Wp, OHp, R4 Weight of Components (a)
[11] Ws; given Eq, Es, Wp, OHp, Ap, Q
[31] a; given M nj, M nk, M nm
[12] Ws; given Ep, Es, Wp, Md, D
[32] a; given fi, fk, M nm, OHj, OHk
[13] Ws; given Ea, Ep, Es, Wb, a (1 - a), R4
[33] a; given M wj, M wk, M wm
Weight of Reactive or Curative Agent Needed (Wg)
[14] Wg; given Eg, Wv, Md, M nc, D

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FORMULAS Given: Hydroxyl number of polyol (OHp), weight

These formulas have general application. When specific equivalents (Ea, Es), weights (Wa, Wp) and
compounds or materials are used continuously, the ratios (R2, R4).
formulas can be simplified considerably by substituting and Es Wp OHp R 2
[9] Ws =
combining their numerical values. 1000(56.1)
Weight Equivalent [10] Ws = [ Es Wp OHp Es Wa
] R4
Given: Number average molecular weight ( M n) and
functionality (f) [11] Ws = Es Wp R 4 [ OHp + Ap
OHp R 1
1000(56.1) 1000(56.1) 100 Eq
[1] E =
f Formula [11] can be simplified to:
Given: Hydroxyl number (OH) and molecular weight of
KOH (=56.1) [11A] Ws = Es Wp R 4 [
OHp (1 + R 1 ) + Ap
100 Eq
1000(56.1) Weight of isocyanate required to obtain a specified
[2] E =
OH percent free NCO in a prepolymer.
Weight of Amine Required for Blending With Polyol Given: Weight equivalents (Ep, Es), weight (Wp,
Given: Weight equivalents (Ea, Ep), weight of polyol molecular weight of NCO radical (M = 42), and
(Wp), and ratio of amine to polyol (R1). percent free NCO in a prepolymer (D).

[3] Wa =
Ea Wp R 1 [12] Ws =
Es Wp 100(42) + D Ep
100(42) - D Es
Weight of Isocyanate Required at Various Reacting Given: Weight equivalents (Ea, Ep), weight (Wb), ratio
Ratios or for Blending With Various Components (R4), fractional weight of polyol in blend (a)
and fractional weight of amine in blend (1-a).
Given: Weight equivalents (Ep, Eq, Es), weights (Wa,
Wp) and ratios (R2, R3, R4). [13] Ws = Es Wb R 4 [a (1 − a )
Es Wp R 2
[4] Ws = (For polyols)
Ep Weight of a Reactive or Curative Agent Needed to give
Es Wa R 3 a cross-linked product from a linear isocyanate
[5] Ws = (For amines)
Ea prepolymer, with a predetermined molecular weight per
[6] Ws = (
Es Wp Es Wa
)R 4 (For polyol-amine cross-link. (See Definition of M nc for significance and
blends. Also see Equation [13] and Appendix)
Given: Weight equivalent (Eg) of reactive or curative
Given: Weight equivalents (Es, Ep), weight (Wp) and agent, weight (Wv), molecular weight of NCO
ratios (R1, R4). radical ( M d = 42), number average molecular
[7] Ws = ( Es Wp
) (1 + R 1 ) (R 4 ) weight per cross-link ( M nc), and percent free
isocyanates as NCO (D).
Es Wq
[8] Ws =
(For water)
[14] Wg =
100( 42 )
Eg Wv Mnc D − 100( 42 )
Mnc + Eg

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To solve Equation [14] for M nc when weight equivalent Given: Weight (Es), molecular weight of NCO radical
(Wg) is given, see Equation [22]. (Md = 42), and percent free isocyanate as NCO
Number Average Molecular Weight 200( 42 ) − 4 Es D
[23] Mnp =

[15] Mn =
(General form)
NOTE: Valid only when there are no free (OH) groups,
∑ ni
no free isocyanate and most (OH) groups are combined
with one isocyanate.
[16] Mn =
∑nM i
i i
(Usual given form) Weight Average Molecular Weight
∑n i i
∑ i
Wi M i
[24] Mw = (General form)
Given: Weight equivalent (E) and functionality (f )
[17] Mn = E f
∑ Wi

Given: Hydroxyl number (OH) and functionality (f ) [25] Mw =

∑nM i
(Usual given form)
[18] Mn =
1000(56.1) f ∑nM i i i
Weight Average Molecular Weight of 2-Component
Number Average Molecular Weight Of 2- System
Component Mixture Given: Weight average molecular weights ( M wj, M wk),
n jM j + n k M k and fractional weights of components (a), (1 - a).
[19] Mn m = (General form)
n j + nk [26] Mw m = Mw j a + Mw k (1 − a )
Given: Number average molecular weights ( M nj, M nk) NOTE: Number average molecular weight ( M n) or
and fractional weights of components (a), (1 - a). hydroxyl number (OH) cannot be used.
Mn j Mn k To solve Equation [26] for ( M wm) when (a) is given,
[20] Mn m =
Mn k a + Mn j (1 − a ) see Equation [33].
To solve Equation [20] for a when M nm is given, see Functionality
Equation [31]. Given: Number average molecular weight ( M n) and
Given: Hydroxyl numbers (OHj, OHk), functionalities equivalent weight (E).
(fj, fk) and fractional weights of components (a) Mn
[27] f =
and (1 - a). E
1000(56.1) f j f k
[21] Mn m =
OH j f k a + OH k f j (1 − a )
Number Average Molecular Weight Per Cross-link
Given: Weight equivalent (Eq) of curative per given
prepolymer, weights (Wg, Wv), molecular
weight of NCO radical (Md = 42), and percent
free isocyanate as NCO (D).
[22] Mnc = 100( 42 ) Eg [ Wv + Wg
Wv Eg D − 100( 42 ) Wg
To solve Equation [22] for (Wg) when (Mnc) is given,
see Equation [14].
Number Average Molecular Weight of Polyol or
Polyester Component of a Prepolymer
(Approximation for a difunctional system.)

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Functionality of a Mixture Es Wa
Given: Number average molecular weight of mixture Ea
( M nm) and hydroxyl number of mixture (OHm). . . . equals the isocyanate equivalent for the amine. It is
Mn m OH m convenient to base the ratio (R4) on the sum of the
[28] f m = isocyanate weight equivalences. We prefer this, but the
ratio of isocyanate to polyol, plus the ratio of isocyanate to
Given: Functionality of components (fj, fk), hydroxyl amine, may also be used. Equation [6] then becomes:
numbers of components. Es Wp R 2 Es Wa R 3
OH m f j f k Ws = +
[29] f m = Ep Ea
OH j f k a + OH k f j (1 − a )
Hydroxyl Number of Mixture
Given: Hydroxyl numbers of compounds (OHj, OHk) SAMPLE CALCULATIONS
and fractional weights of each component (a) NOTE: In a number of the following examples MBCA is
and (1 - a). used as the amine. MBCA is a DuPont trademark for 4,4'-
[30] OH m = OH j a + OH k (1 − a ) methylene-bis-(2-chloroaniline).
Weight of Components
Molecular weight of polyol ( M n) . . . . . . . . . . . 1000
Given: Number of average molecular weights of
Functionality of polyol (f ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
components ( M nj, M nk) and number average 1000
molecular weight of mixture ( M nm). E= = 500
Mn j Mn k − Mn m
[31] a = (
Mn m Mn k − Mn j
) [2]
Hydroxyl number of polyol (OH) . . . . . . . . . . . 58
To solve Equation [31] for number average molecular E= = 967. 2
weight of mixture ( M nm) when weight of component (a)
is given, see Equation [20]. [3]
Weight equivalent of amine (Ea) . . . . . . . . . . . 133.5
Given: Number average molecular weight of mixture Weight of polyol (Wp) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
( M nm), functionality of components (fj, fh) and Blending ratio, amine:polyol (R1) . . . . . . . . . . . 1
hydroxyl numbers of components (OHj, OHk). Weight equivalent of polyol (Ep) . . . . . . . . . . . 490
f j 1000(56.1) f k − Mn m
[32] a =
Mn m
[ OH j f k − OH k f j
] Wa =
= 27. 2

Given: Weight average molecular weights of mixture
Weight equivalent of TDI (Es) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
and components ( M wm, M wj, M wk).
Weight of polyol (Wp) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Mw m − Mw k Charging ratio, TDI:polyol (R2) . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.08
[33] a =
Mw j − Mw k Weight equivalent of polyol (Ep) . . . . . . . . . . . 1009
To solve Equation [33] for weight average molecular 87 (100)(1. 08)
Ws = = 9. 3
weight of mixture ( M wm) when component weight (a) is 1009
given, see Equation [26]. [5]
Weight equivalent of TDI (Es) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
APPENDIX Weight of MBCA (Wa) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
In Equation [6] Charging ratio, TDI:MBCA (R3) . . . . . . . . . . . 1.04
Es Wp Weight equivalent of MBCA (Ea) . . . . . . . . . . 133.5
Ep 87 (100)(1. 04 )
Ws = = 67. 8
. . . equals the isocyanate equivalent for the charged polyol. 133. 5
Similarly, [6]
Weight equivalent of TDI (Es) ............. 87

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Weight of polyol (Wp) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 [10]

Weight of MBCA (Wa) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Weight equivalent of TDI (Es) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Charging ratio, TDI:MBCA + polyol (R4) . . . . 1.05 Weight of polyol (Wp) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Weight equivalent of polyol (Ep) . . . . . . . . . . . 504 Hydroxyl number of polyol (OHp) . . . . . . . . . . 110
Weight equivalent of MBCA (Ea) . . . . . . . . . . 133.5 Weight of MBCA (Wa) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26.2
Ws = [
87(100) 87(25)
133. 5
1. 05 = 35. 2
Charging ratio, TDI:MBCA + polyol (R4) . . . . 1.05
Weight equivalent of MBCA (Ea) . . . . . . . . . . 133.5

Ws = [
87(100)(110) 87 ( 26. 2 )
1000(56. 1)
133. 5
1. 05 = 35. 8
Weight equivalent of TDI (Es) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Weight of polyol in blend (Wp) ........... 100
Weight equivalent of TDI (Es) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Charging ratio, MBCA:polyol (R1) . . . . . . . . . 0.8
Weight of polyol (Wp) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Charging ratio, TDI:MBCA + polyol (R4) . . . . 1.08
Charging ratio, TDI:MBCA + polyol (R4) . . . . 1.05
Weight equivalent of polyol (Ep) . . . . . . . . . . . 510
Hydroxyl number of polyol (OHp) . . . . . . . . . . 110
Acid number of polyol (Ap) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.0
Ws = [ 100510
(87 )
](1 + 0.8)(1. 08) = 33. 2 Blending ratio, MBCA:polyol (R1) . . . . . . . . . . 1.1
Percent of water in polyol (Q) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.06
[8] Weight equivalent of water (Eq) ........... 9
Weight equivalent of TDI (Es) . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Weight of water (Wq) ...................
Ws = 87(100)(1. 05) [ 1000
110 + 1. 0
110(1. 1)
0. 06
(56. 1) 1000(56. 1) 100(9)
]= 38. 4
Weight equivalent of water (Eq) ........... 9
87(1. 12) [12]
Ws = = 10. 8 Weight equivalent of TDI (Es) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Weight of polyol (Wp) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
[9] Percent free isocyanate as NCO
Weight equivalent of TDI (Es) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 in prepolymer (D) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2
Weight of polyol (Wp) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Weight equivalent of polyol (Ep) . . . . . . . . . . . 510
Hydroxyl number of polyol (OHp) . . . . . . . . . .
Charging ratio, TDI:polyol (R2) . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.05 Ws =
87 (100) 100( 42 ) + 6. 2 (510)
100( 42 ) − 6. 2 ( 87 )
] = 34. 3
87(100)(74)(1. 05) [13]
Ws = = 12. 0
1000(56. 1) Weight equivalent of TDI (Es) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Weight of amine-polyol blend (Wb) . . . . . . . . . 100
Charging ratio, TDI:MBCA + polyol (R4) . . . . 1.08
Fractional weight of polyol in blend (a) . . . . . . 0.823
Fractional weight of MBCA in blend (1 - a) . . . 0.177
Weight equivalent of polyol (Ep) . . . . . . . . . . . 510
Weight equivalent of MBCA (Ea) . . . . . . . . . . 133.5
Ws = 87 (100)(1. 08) (
0. 823 0.177
510 133. 5
) = 27. 6

Weight equivalent of reactive agent (Eg)
= weight equivalent of MBCA (Ea) . . . . . . 133.5
Weight of prepolymer (Wv) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Molecular weight of cross-link ( M nc) . . . . . . 5000
Percent free isocyanate as NCO
in prepolymer (D) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.2
Wg =
133. 5(100) 5000(7. 2)−100(42)
5000 + 133. 5
]= 19. 7

Weight of reactive agent (Wg) = weight of MBCA (Wa)

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[17] [26]
Weight equivalent of polyol (Ep) . . . . . . . . . . . 1020 Molecular weight of first component ( M wj) . . 800
Functionality of polyol (f ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Fractional weight of first component (a) . . . . . 0.6
Mn = 1020(3)= 3060 Molecular weight of second component ( M wk) . 1900
Fractional weight of second component (1 - a) . 0.4
Mw m = 800( 0. 6) + 1900( 0. 4 ) = 1240
Functionality of polyol (f ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Hydroxyl number of polyol (OHp) . . . . . . . . . . 55.8 [27]
1000(56. 1)(3) Molecular weight of polyol ( M n) . . . . . . . . . . . 1000
Mn = = 3016. 1
55. 8 Weight of polyol (Ep) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500
[21] 1000
f = =2
Functionality of first component (fj) . . . . . . . . . 2 500
Functionality of second component (fk) . . . . . . 2 [28]
Hydroxyl number of first component (OHj) . . . 55.4 Molecular weight of mixture ( M nm) . . . . . . . . 2500
Fractional weight of first component (a) . . . . . 0.7 Hydroxyl number of mixture (OHm) . . . . . . . . 56.5
Hydroxyl number of second component (OHk) . 110 2500(56. 5)
Fractional weight of second component (1 - a) . 0.3 fm = = 2. 52
1000(56. 1)
1000(56. 1)(2)(2)
Mn m = = 1563. 1 [29]
55. 4(2)(0. 7)+110(2)(0. 3)
Hydroxyl number of mixture (OHm) . . . . . . . . . 79
[22] Functionality of first component (fj) . . . . . . . . . 3
Weight equivalent of curative (Eg) Functionality of second component (fk) . . . . . . 2
= weight equivalent of MBCA (Ea) . . . . . . 133.5 Hydroxyl number of first component (OHj) . . . 58
Weight of prepolymer (Wv) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Fractional weight of first component (a) . . . . . 0.625
Weight of reactive agent (Wg) Hydroxyl number of second component (OHk) . 114
= weight of MBCA (Wa) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Fractional weight of second component (1 - a) . 0.375
Percent free isocyanate as NCO 79(3)(2)
in prepolymer (D) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.8 fm = = 2. 36
58(2)(0. 625) + 114(3)(0. 375)
100 + 11
Mnc = 100(42)(133. 5) = 1992. 9 [30]
100(133. 5)(5. 8)−100(42)(11)
Hydroxyl number of first component (OHj) . . . 55.4
[23] Fractional weight of first component (a) . . . . . 0.645
Weight equivalent of TDI (Es) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Hydroxyl number of second component (OHk) . 110
Percent free isocyanate as NCO (D) . . . . . . . . . 3.8 Fractional weight of second component (1 - a) . 0.355
200( 42 ) − 4 (87 )( 3.8) OH m = 55. 4(0. 645) + 110(0. 355) = 74. 8
Mnp = = 1862. 5
3. 8
Molecular weight of first component ( M nj) . . . 1990
Molecular weight of second component ( M nk) . 1009
Molecular weight of mixture ( M nm) . . . . . . . . . 1500
a= (
1990 1009 − 1500
1500 1009 − 1990
= 0. 664
(1 − a ) = 0. 336

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[32] [33]
Functionality of first component (fj) . . . . . . . . . 2 Molecular weight of mixture ( M wm) . . . . . . . . 1800
Functionality of second component (fk) . . . . . . 3 Molecular weight of second component ( M wk) . 2100
Molecular weight of mixture ( M nm) . . . . . . . . . 2500 Molecular weight of first component ( M wj) . . . 920
Hydroxyl number of second component (OHk) . 57.2 1800 − 2100
Hydroxyl number of first component (OHj) . . . 55.4 a= = 0. 254
920 − 2100
2 1000(56.1)( 3) − 2500(57. 2 )
55. 4 ( 3) − 57. 2 ( 2 )
] = 0. 391 (1 − a ) = 0. 746

(1 − a ) = 0. 609

Please refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for complete information on Storage and Handling,
Toxicological Properties, Personal Protection, First Aid, Spill and Leak Procedures, and Waste Disposal. To order
an MSDS, call the Monument Chemical sales office listed below or the MSDS Control Group at (800) 511-MSDS.
Before using or handling this product, the MSDS should be thoroughly reviewed.

This bulletin and the information contained herein are offered solely for your consideration, investigation and verification.
OTHERWISE, ARE MADE OR CONTAINED HEREIN. Monument Chemical’s exclusive responsibility for any claims,
including claims based on negligence, arising in connection with the information contained herein or the subsequent
purchase, use, storage or handling of the product will in no event exceed Monument Chemical’s sales price for the product
with respect to which damages are claimed. IN NO EVENT WILL Monument Chemical BE LIABLE FOR ANY
INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. User accepts full responsibility for compliance with all applicable
Federal, state and local laws and regulations. Nothing contained herein will be construed to constitute permission or a
recommendation to use the product in any process or formulation covered by a patent or a patent application owned by
Monument Chemical or by others. No statements or representations which differ from the above shall be binding upon

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