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Inter-company STO with SD Delivery, Billing

In this document I’m going to explain inter-Company Stock transport Order with SD
Delivery, Billing & Logistics Invoice verification.

1. Knowledge of MM & SD
2. Two organization structures: one for purchasing and another for sales
Purchasing: Company Code:8888, Plant: 8881, Sto. Loc: 0002, Purchase Organization:
Sales: Company Code:6666, Delivering Plant: 6661, Sto. Loc: 0001, Sales Area:6666,
66, 66, Shipping Point 6666.
Step1. In Transaction XK01, Create Vendor Master to represent Supplying plant(6661) in
receiving company code(8888) & Pur.Org(8881).
In Purchasing Data, Goto Menu Bar, Extras > & click on Additional Purchasing Data.
Here Maintain the supplying plant(6661) so that it is linked to the vendor master.

Note: A Plant can only be assigned to one vendor number. So we have to extend the
same vendor number to different Pur.Org if required.
Step2. In Transaction XD01, Create Customer Master to represent Receiving
Plant(8881) in Supplying Company Code(6666) & Sales Area(6666,66,66).
In Sales Area Data, Shipping tab, Maintain Delivery Priority, Shipping Condition &
Delivering Plant(6661) as shown below.
Step3. Create Material Master with below selected views, in Supplying Plant(6661),
Sto.Loc.(0001), Sales Org(6666), Dist.Ch(66).
In Basic Data1 View maintain Division(66) & General Item Category Group Ex.
Norm(Standard Item)
In Sales Org1 View, Maintain Delivering Plant(6661) & Tax Details as shown below
Note: If You are not able to see tax condition types or not maintaining any tax indicators
then it is not possible to Create a delivery against STO. Same applies to Customer
Master in Step2.
In Sales Org2 View, Maintain Item category Group Ex. Norm (Standard Item)

Note: The Item Category group maintained here is preferred over general item category
group and used to determine ‘Item Category in Delivery’ Ex. NLC(For Inter Company)
NLN(For Intra-Company).
In Sales General Plant Data, maintain Availability Check Group(Ex.01), Transportation
Group(Ex.0001), Loading Group(Ex.0001).
Step4. Extend the Material Created in Step3 to Purchasing plant(8881) & Sto.Loc(0002)
with below selected views.
Configuration Settings
Step5. Define Shipping Data for Plants in below path
SPRO > Materials Management > Purchasing > Purchase Order > Setup Stock
Transport Order
For Supplying Plant(6661), assign Sales Area(6666,66,66) as shown below.
For Receiving Plant(8881), assign Customer Number(100216) Created in Step2.

Step6. If required Create a Checking Rule by entering a two digit code & Description. Ex.
B – SD Delivery(Standard)
Step7. Define Checking rule Created in Step6 in combination with Availability Check
Group(01) assigned in material master Step3. Here select the stocks, receipts &
requirements as per requirement.
Step8. Assign Delivery type & Checking rule
Here Assign Delivery type(NLCC) & Checking rule(B) to the Purchase order Document
type(NB) & Supplying plant(6661) Combination as shown below.

Step9. Assign Document type, One Step Procedure & Under delivery Tolerance.
Here for Supplying & Receiving Plant(6661 & 8881 respectively) Combination Assign PO
Document Type(NB).
Select One step Check box to post the Goods receipt while doing PGI itself. Otherwise
Goods Receipt have to be carried out in another step.
If You Select tolerance limits check box, Then SAP closes the STO by marking final
delivery Check box, if delivered Quantity is within the under delivery tolerance limits
maintained in delivery tab of PO. It depends on Partial deliveries allowed or not. Then the
remaining quantity will not be shown as open in requirements.

Step10. Define Shipping Point Determination in below path

SPRO > Logistics Execution > Shipping > Basic Shipping Function > Shipping point
Determination > Assign Shipping Points.
Here assign Shipping Point(6666) for the Combination of Shipping Condition(01)
(customer master step2), Loading Group(0001) (material master step3) & Supplying

Step11. Define Item Category Determination in Deliveries in below path

SPRO > Logistics Execution > Shipping > Deliveries > Define Item Category
Determination in Deliveries
Here assign Item Category (NLC – Replenishment delivery inter Company) for the
combination of Delivery Document type (NLCC), Item Category Group (NORM), Usage V
(Purchase order) & Higher level item category group ( ‘ ‘-blank) as shown below.

Assign Sales pricing procedure ICAA01 to the combination of Sales Area(6666,66,66),

Document pricing grp ‘ I ‘ (for billing doument type IV) & Costomer pricing grp ‘1’

Make sure You have sufficient stock in issuing storage location(0001) of supplying plant
Step1. Create Purchase Order in Transaction ME21N with Document type NB,
Vendor(2122), Material(2116), PurOrg(8881) Pur Grp(001), Company Code(8888),
Receiving Plant(8881).
Note: If you are using one step procedure the enter the receiving storage location(0002).
Here Observe the shipping tab with the above details as shown. Here first of all SAP
checks for any plant assigned in vendor Master. if not assigned then it will be a standard
Note: You Can process inter Company STO by using PO document type UB with
Clearing accounts, without delivery, w/o billing, w/o invoice(Mov.types 351 &101). If You
are using document type NB then it is only possible with delivery & trigger point is vendor
make sure you have proper sales tax setup in SD > Basic Functions > Taxes.. Customer
& Material Master is assigned to tax indicators. Create condition record for output tax
condition type in Trasaction VK11. Ex. MWST output tax
In Transaction VK11 Create Condition Record for Condition type PR00 with the sales
price if required.
Note: To adopt price from purchasing in to billing create a condition type with same
name as PB00. In copy control enter reference as application purchasing & condition
type PB00. Now assign this condition type in procedure ICAA01 after step of condition
type IV01. Now the PO price is adopted in to billing.
Step2. Generate Outbound delivery against purchase order in Transaction VL10G or
Here make sure that delivery date is in between the dates entered. & enter the shipping
point triggered in PO shipping tab. Then Execute.
Then Select the Purchase order line item & click on back ground.
Note: If you are able to see an extra line item with status green proceed to next step or
else click on log button as shown above.
Now click on line item & click on notes. now you will see some error messages & solve

Step3. Select the Line item & Click on Log Icon. Now click on documents & note down
the outbound delivery document number.

Go to Transaction VL02N. Enter the outbound delivery document number & Click enter.
Here in picking tab enter the issuing storage location & picked Quantity.
Check the Delivery item Category NLC. In Goods Movement tab observe the movement
type 643( two step). In item Conditions Tab Observe conditions as shown below.
Note(movement type 645 is for one step procedure)

Carry out the post goods Issue.

If You are not able to process PGI, then check WM is activated in storage location or if
one step procedure check PO whether receiving storage location entered or not.
Check The Accounting Document where stock account from BSX is credited & Cogs
Account from GBB-VAX is debited with the price as per supplying plant material master
Step4. In Transaction VF01 Create billing document with reference to outbound delivery.
Create Condition record for Condtion type PI01 in transaction VK11.

The Condition type PR00 & PI00 are for Information purpose only & the Condtion type
IV01 is the main condition type which is based on PI01.
Make Sure Account determination has been done and Save the billing document.
Observe the accounting document. Where Customer account is debited with the sum of
revenues(credited) & Tax(credited).
Step5. In Transaction MIGO do Goods receipt wrt Outbound delivery. Enter the receiving
storage location & post the goods receipt.

Check the accounting document. Whre stock account from BSX is debited & GR/IR
account from WRX is Credited with the price in PO.
Step6. In transaction MIRO carryout Logistics Invoice verification in receiving company

Post the invoice & observe the accounting document. Where the vendor account is
credited with the sum of amount entered in PO to GR/IR A/c(debited) & Input tax
NAVICUTS (Check Points for Error Messages):-
1. Not possible to determine shipping point for item 00010 Message no. 06855
Check Step2, Step3, Step10
2. There is no item category available in item category determination in the delivery
(table T184L) for the following entries: NLCC NORM V
Error Message No. VL320
Check Step3, Step11
3. Enter Stor. Location Message no. M7018
Check Step1 in Testing
4. No sales and distribution data maintained for material & Message no. 06854
Check Step3.
5. No delivery type defined for supplying plant 6661 and document type NB Message no.
Check Step8
6. Please maintain sales org./division/distr. channel in supplying plant 6661 Message no.
Check Step5
7. Customer does not exist (please change entry in plant 8881)
Message no. 06849
Check Step5
8. Not possible to determine shipping data for material & Message no.06280
This Error Message will not come in inter company stock transport orders & Will only
come in Intra company STO with Delivery & W/o Billing

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