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(Setting : Kenny, Frengky, dan Mubarok sedang duduk disuatu tempat.

Lalu datanglah Amir dan Slamet)

Amir : Excuse me , are these seats taken?

Mubarok : No, it’s not. Feels free to take it

Amir : Okay thank you. Hey Slamet, come and sit here.

Frengky : Wait, I think I have seen your face. Are you both student in Mercu Buana? Especially in
Accounting Class A301?

Slamet : Yes we are. Are you all taking that class too?

Kenny : Yes, we are currently working on our group assignment for Business Management Class.

Amir : Oh, do you guys still have a slot for us? We haven’t join any group for that assignment.

Mubarok : Sure, we are also lacking 2 peoples for the requirement. What is your name?

Amir : My name is Amir, nice to meet you all.

Slamet : And my name is Slamet, thank you for letting us join the group.

Kenny : It’s fine. I’m Kenny.

Frengky : I’m Frengky.

Mubarok : And I’m Mubarok.

Amir : So, what will we do this assignment?

Kenny : Uh… we will have to gather information from books about Pricing and Distribution method,
make a report of it, and then do a class presentation.

Slamet : I see, then shall we go to campus library and look for it?

Frengky : Nah, we have been searching that place and barely got any books about it. We just discussed
about going to National Library to find more information.

Kenny : Right, we already scheduled it on next Sunday at 8 AM. What about you two, can you come?

Slamet : Sorry but I can’t. I usually have plan to play basketball every Sunday morning.

Amir : Me too, I have to work on next Sunday.

Mubarok : Then how about Saturday after class?

Frengky : Ah sorry but I can’t on Saturday. I have to visit my relative.

Kenny : Hmm ok, then me, Mubarok, and Frengky will go to National Library on next Sunday. While Amir
and Slamet search for articles about our topic on internet. How about that?

Slamet: That’s fine by us.

Kenny : Great! Then I will ask your Student ID Number to write on our paper. Frengky can you help get
my pen and book inside my bag?

Frengky : Sure, but which book?

Kenny : It’s a (...)

Frengky : This one?

Kenny : Yes.

Kenny : Okay. What is your Student ID Number?

Amir : My Student ID Number is (…)

Slamet : And mine is (…)

Kenny : Okay , all done. Now what?

Mubarok : I’m kinda hungry, shall we go and eat?

Amir : Right, we haven’t eaten yet either. Do you know a good place nearby?

Frengky : Well there is McDonald about 5 minutes walk from here.

Slamet : Okay then, lets go there. I’m famished.

Kenny : Oh you guys can go, I have another plan to attend.

Mubarok : If you say so, let’s have a meal together next time.

Kenny : Sure, bye!

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