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TEMA 1 17. We three books.

HAVE GOT 18. The dog a mouth.

He a watch? 19. Sam a kite.

Yes, he
20. The girls three pens.
It four legs?
21. They four apples.
No, it
22. Manee a dog.
She a pint T-
shirt? Yes, she 23. We ten eggs.

we big feet? 24. Lek a van.

No, you
25. I an umbrella.
they computer
games? Yes, they 26. you a pet ?

he a fast car? Yes, I a dog.

No, he 27. you a cat ?
1.I got a bicycle. No, I a cat but I a
2.He got a big dog. rabbit.

3.We got pencils. 28. Max a cat ?

4.You got a desk. No , he . he a dog.

5.She got a good book. 29. Rachel a pet ?

6.They got a computer. No ,she , but she a brother.

7.He got a wife. 30. Max, Rachel and Chrissie

guinea pigs?
8. I got a red pen.
No they , but Ganesh 3
9.They got no money. guinea pigs.

10.We got a nice house. TRADUCE AL INGLÉS

11. I a car. Yo tengo dos orejas. Ella no

tiene tres bocas.
12. She a bag.
Nosotros tenemos cuatro ojos.
13. They a house.
¿Tienes tú cinco dientes?
14. It two legs.
Él no tiene seis ojos.
15. He a pencil. ¿Tienen ellos dos narices?


1- I met Mr Jones last week. ________ is 10. The (male) singer is very handsome. = is
the president of the trading chamber. very handsome.

2- Do you know Sarah?. _________ is irish.

3- This is my dog. ______ love _________.
I You
4- This is Peter. ________ works as a cook
in the Italian restaurant. He She

5- Those guys are my cousins. It We

___________ go to the swimming pool
every day. You They

A dog _________ Me and my

family _________ 1.Sonia and Tara buy clothes at
Me and my cousin _________ Me Zara.
___________ 2. When I was a child, father
Some pupils __________ A played with me.
girl __________ 3. The computer keeps the information in
Mr Carbreaker ____________ memory.
Miss Underground ____________ 4. We went to the party with
A father with his son __________ friends.
1. The people are reading. = are reading. 5. John lost money in the park.
2. My father and I love this team. = love 6. Laura does English homework
this team. at the weekend.
3. The car is missing a tire. = is missing a 7. Many people like to spend
tire. holiday at the beach.
4. The dog looks sick. = looks sick.

5. The police came here yesterday. = came

here yesterday.

6. My sisters and I always laugh when

we're together. = always laugh when we're

7. My aunt is 80 years old. = is 80 years old.

8. My friend's uncle likes to travel. = likes

to travel.

9. Holly's boots are dirty. = are dirty.

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