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Sending Emails in KNIME

FSS Technology Adoption Program

Document Purpose: .......................................................................................................................................................... 1
Change History: ................................................................................................................................................................ 1
Instructions ........................................................................................................................................................................ 2

Document Purpose:
This document serves as instructions on how to automate sending emails in KNIME.

Change History:

Document Owner: Nixon Wong

Date Updated By Change Summary

Sending Emails in KNIME
FSS Technology Adoption Program

To send automated emails into KNIME, please follow the instructions below:

1. Download Anaconda (the Python 2

Version not 3) from this link.

2. Start installing Anaconda (make sure that

"Add Anaconda to my PATH environment
variable" is checked)

3. After installing. Open the Command

Prompt (Search “Command Prompt” in
start menu)
Sending Emails in KNIME
FSS Technology Adoption Program

4. Execute 'pip install protobuf'

5. In KNIME go
and browse/select the “python.exe” in
the Anaconda directory.

If you didn’t change the directory it

should be: C:\Users\<P&G

6. Import the “Send Email” workflow into

KNIME. Reapply the “Email Node” to
your own workflows.

Send Email.knwf
**copy/paste to desktop to import**
Sending Emails in KNIME
FSS Technology Adoption Program

7. Double-click the node to change:

recipients, cc, subject, body, and

***To send the email, just execute the

node normally as you would do with any
other node.

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