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Jalyn Olivas

4th period
January 14, 2019
Mrs. O’Keefe
Literary Analysis Term Paper

Kate Chopin, “The Story of an Hour”... Sandra Cisneros, “Woman Hollering

Creek” two very rich text both in different time periods 1894 to 1954. About a 60 year

difference and yet are still composed toward a similar aspect and idea. “The Story of an

Hour” is a story about a woman who suffers a great loss of her husband. Though

throughout the story various emoticons and symbols do not make the process of grief

so bad. In “Woman Hollering Creek” it begins off with a woman talking about the

progress of love. As the narrator continues speaking occurrences in the narrator's life do

not make marriage seem beautiful as its made out to be. Resulting in surprising

encounters within the text. Both of these stories share one similar idea and that is the

connection within oppression. What is oppression exactly? The maltreatment or tyranny,

further meaning the harmful treatment or pattern which is being implemented by one or

a social group.

Maltreatment is something no one wants to endure. The short story, “Woman

Hollering Creek” is a complex story. The woman portrayed in the story gives her life

story and what lifes supposed and portrayed to be like. Her mindset of love has been

sheltered and shadows to something unrealistic. Cleofilas Enriquets DeLeon Hernandez

is then married to Juan Pedro Martinez Sanchez by the permission of Don Serafin.

Throughout the story tis always talked about the idea of family and relationships.
Cleofilas’ idea of love has always been portrayed as the love from a parent to a child

with be unconditional. “I am your father, I will never abandon you.”(Cisneros, 220) A

family connection is very important. Nothing will be more powerful and special than your

family. Cleofilas then takes this very important where she very much relates to what her

life was like with her father and brothers. She grew up without a mother so she did not

have the relations to learn from her mother. Since she was younger the idea of

“Passion” has always been through fictional portrayals of songs, books, and

telenovelas. Telenovelas are mainly television played by actors in dramaful situations,

fictional love stories and more. “Bur passion in its purest crystalline essence. The kind

the books and songs and telenovelas describe when one fings, finally, the great love of

one's life, and does whatever one can, must do, at whatever the cost.” Cleofilas mainly

grew up on this fictional idea of love. Later on Cleofilas talks about this river “La Gritona”

which was named after a woman. Then becomes very fascinated and intrigued upon

how this river got its name. She talks about this neighbor Dolores. Soledad’s husband

had left her which rumors have flies that her husband left her for an ice-house floozie.

Though Dolores has lost her two sons in the war and husband died of grief. In which

they all focus on the fact of why their men had left them. A large topic discussed is

relationships and marriage. Cleofilas later endured abuse from her husband. In which

she thought that if any man were to strike her she would do the same. “But when the

moment came up, and he slapped her once, and then again, and gain until the lip split

and bled an orchid of blood, She didn’t fight back, she didn't break into tears, she didn’t

run away as she imagined she, night when she saw such things in the telenovelas.”
(Cisneros, 222) Until the moment came where he slapped her again and again. From

the blows she’s endured her lip split bled. She had not fought back. Did not cry any

tears. Cleofilas had not done anything she didn't even run away. All the thought was

that this is how things were supposed to go. Juan had first struck her before they were

even married together. Even as a child she had never endured anything upon this

standard due to being in a household of all men were they never laid a hand. Only then

did Cleofilas feel shock and the heat upon her face and the blood that drew. But had

only comforted him from his tears of shame and remorse as well as sorrow. Women

upon being with their husbands are to be mute, quiet, and follow the line of their

husbands. Only speak, laugh, nod in the appropriate moments. Overall, Cleofilas idea

has been this is the man I've been waiting for my whole life that's made just for me. In

which is how it should not be. He's not all that she would have thought him to be in

appearance and actions as well as anger issues. She very such notices his harsh ways

and rough appearance but although thinks that this is what there for her. In this time

period leaving your husband and going back home was to be judged and rumored

about. Mainly for being what reasons and why one were to leave and esplicaly with

children. Though Cleofilas is now terribly upset with her life now in the conditions and

environment esplicaly with having been beaten so many times. Cleofilas becomes

pregnant again and goes to the doctor ro keep check with her baby. She asks her

husband if he could take her to the doctor. His main focus was if the doctor notices

these bruises on her body and yet she says that she will lie saying she fell down some

stairs and took a tumble. She considered asking her family for a loan to cover expenses
for the child. In which this not actually what it's for mainly to escape. Though to a

readers surprise a nurse calls in plead for help of Cleofilas. “Look, I need kind of a favor.

There’s a patient, a lady here who’s got a problem...This poor lady’s got black-and-blue

marks all over” (Cisneros, 227) As this nurse noticed what’s happening to Cleofilas she

wants to help her escape the harsh environment she's in away from her husband. From

noticing Cleofilas body and the bruises and markings all over her body initially knowing

what must be done. Therefore beginning on planning Cleofilas escape from Juan Pedro.

Cleofilas becomes terrified of being caught by Juan Pedro where he might just appear.

A woman comes in a pickup truck to get Cleofilas and her children. Felice the woman

helping then goes to talk about the area and nothing being named after a woman.

Cleofilas then becomes so intrigued by this woman and having being so independent

and free. He was surprised by not having a husband and owning this truck on her own

and doing all upon herself. “Then Felice began laughing again, but it wasn’t Felice

laughing. It was gurgling out of her own throat, a long ribbon of laughter, like water.”

(Cisneros, 228) Felices laugh loud and free without having to worry or consider another.

Leading to Cleofilas freedom of now becoming her own person without the control of her

husband and torment and maltreatment. This new freedom allows Cleofilas to become

her own person.

Freedom something Mrs.Mallard felt during a complicated time in her life. Mrs.

Mallard was informed of her husband's death. Brently Mallard who is Mrs. Mallard's

husband was have infrared have been killed due to railroad accident. Richard her

husbands friend wanted to tell her what happened. Mrs. Mallard in shock with a reaction
of weeping once and the feeling of abandonment. “When the storm of grief had spent

itself she went away to her room alone. She would have no one follow her.” (Chopin, 6)

She then left to her room in which no one went to seek after her. She looks out the

window to a beautiful outside and weather. A lovely “New spring life” as stated within

the text. She sobbed most of the time, motionless within her room. Emotion of calm and

with a stare not overwhelmed with grief or sadness. She bagan stating the words “free,

free, free” over and over again. Mrs. Mallard has then become overwhelmed with the joy

of her husband's death. Sincerely becoming over joyus of the sad occurrence that has

happened which then continues the thoughts of that, “she would live for herself.” Mrs.

Mallard had no hatred for Mr. Mallard only a few times every once in awhile Josephine

Mrs. Mallard's sister began to worry. “Free? Body and soul free!” (Chopin, 2) Initially

conquered by the odd reactions of the tragic event. Begging and pleading for her to

open the door before making herself ill and irrational. Began to consider the beautiful

world and outside freshness she can endure now. Upon opening the door Josephine

and Richard watch her. Then suddenly the door opens and to appear is Mr. Mallard. He

had not died and was very much okay. “Someone was opening the front door with a

latchkey. It was Brently Mallard who entered, a little travel-stained, composed carrying

his grip-sack and umbrella. He had been far from the scene of the accident, and did not

even know there had been one.” (Chopin, 2) The initial surprise of her husband coming

home was in great shock. This moment of freedom and overjoyment had now been

gone where she had to then take a step back of amazement. Everyone in a frantic

state. Later then came doctors to state that Mrs. Mallard had died due to her heart
disease. Those had become concerned with Mrs. Mallard's reactions in the thought of

this is not a relational reaction to death. Especially to a loved one. Society takes the

death of a loved one as serious with reactions of sorrow and hurt in which her reaction

was the opposite.

Marriage... something everyone may want to endure if their lives. Although in

which case you take emotion, feeling etc. Is all up to your discretion. “Woman Hollering

Creek” a text about a woman’s torment from her husband. With the constant beating

and poor treatment. Her perspective about love has been clouded from what's she

known which is very limited. Making her own decisions in what's going to be best for her

family overall. Through this she comes across a woman who shocks her and teahces

her a new and alternate perspective. In which she does not need to rely upon no man

and becoming her own person. “Story of an Hour” is based on a woman with a heart

condition. In the beginning the woman is upset in the “death” of her husband where her

expression has then become odd. This moment when her husband appears, she

becomes so in shock that her heart stops. There's no freedom left for her. In both of

these stories they equally share similar scenarios of marriage compilations. The idea of

Marriage is a complicated thing in the emotion of your family to freedom once had

causes restrictions.

In conclusion, these stories were written in different times though had the similar

scenarios of marriage. The main topics of oppression come up a lot. Oppression within

marriage, systems of oppression. Within marriage it initially confinded one in rules and

obligations to their spouse. As well as from what marriage is supposed to be towards

whats wanted. In both of these stories the fact of social viewpoint upon marriage is how

one's supposed to act and/ or represent in society and towards their spouse. Within the

marriage aspect it's about how you and your spouse is to be together and the

coutrourcy and decency towards one another. The term oppression can have various

meanings and implementations. Within both of these stories being about 60-years apart

each had connections of society and marriage. In either being in a good relationship or

bad had been taking different forms of oppression in society's thoughts of marriage

should look like. To another form of how treatment should be like in being kind and

making sure your family is happy and well overall.


Cisneros, Sandra. ​Woman Hollering Creek.​ Bloomsbury, 2004.

Chopin, Kate, and Kate Chopin. ​The Story of an Hour​. Perfection Learning, 2001.

“Oppression Synonyms, Oppression Antonyms.” ​Merriam-Webster,​ Merriam-Webster,

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