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Heat and Heat transfer

Heat is the form of energy that can be transferred from one system to another
as a result of temperature difference.
Heat is the energy in transition and it is never contained in a body.

Internal Energy is contained in a body, which is an extensive property.

Heat Transfer deals with the

1. determination of the rates (per unit time)

of thermal energy transfer.

2. mechanism of heat transfer.

3. determination of temperature distribution Heat transfer occurs in the

direction of decreasing temperature
in a space. Source for illustration: Cengel

ME-544 Advanced Heat Transfer by Dr.-Ing. S. Mushahid Hashmi (Lecture 2- Introduction to heat transfer) 1
Examples of heat transfer Ref:[Sukhatme]

1. Heat Loss through thermal 2. Heat transfer to water flowing

insulation on a steam pipe. through a tube

3. Heat transfer in electric furnace. 4. Heat transfer in electronic board.

ME-544 Advanced Heat Transfer by Dr.-Ing. S. Mushahid Hashmi (Lecture 2- Introduction to heat transfer) 2
Three Modes of Heat Transfer

Conduction, Convection, Radiation are the

three modes of heat transfer. All modes require
the existence of a temperature difference, and
heat transfer is from the high-temperature
region to a lower temperature region.
Conduction: the transport of
energy in a medium due to a
temperature gradient.
Convection: occurs between a solid surface and a fluid (at rest
or in motion) when they are at different temperatures.

Radiation: occurs between two surfaces at different

temperatures when energy emitted by a surface in the form of
electromagnetic waves. It may occur without a medium e.g.
energy coming from the sun.

ME-544 Advanced Heat Transfer by Dr.-Ing. S. Mushahid Hashmi (Lecture 2- Introduction to heat transfer) 3
Mechanism of Heat Conduction in solid

When we heat a metal bar at one end, the

thermal energy travels to the other end.

At a microscopic level in metal the

particles vibrate, these vibrations
make the adjacent particles vibrate, and so
on, the vibrations are passed along the
metal and so is the heat.
In metals, heat conduction is due to lattice vibration and Electron flow.
Lattice vibrations is induced by the Free electrons
vibrational motions of the molecules are responsible
positioned at fixed position in a for the energy
periodic manner called a lattice. transport.

ME-544 Advanced Heat Transfer by Dr.-Ing. S. Mushahid Hashmi (Lecture 2- Introduction to heat transfer) 4
Thermal conductivity of solids

The thermal conductivity of

a solid is obtained by adding
the lattice and the electronic +
The thermal conductivity of pure metal is primarily
due to the electronic component, whereas the thermal
conductivity of nonmetals is primarily due to the
lattice component.
The lattice component strongly depends on the way
the molecules are arranged, e.g., the thermal
conductivity of diamond, which is a highly ordered
crystalline solid, is much higher than the thermal
conductivities of pure metals.

Ref: Cengel

ME-544 Advanced Heat Transfer by Dr.-Ing. S. Mushahid Hashmi (Lecture 2- Introduction to heat transfer) 5
Particles in conductors insulators and Metals

In conductors metals are arranged well in

order transferring energy from particles to

In poor conductors or insulators particles

are arranged such that there are empty spaces
which reduces the transferring of energy.

Empty spaces

In metals there are free electrons which

enhances the thermal energy transfer along
with particle to particle interaction.

ME-544 Advanced Heat Transfer by Dr.-Ing. S. Mushahid Hashmi (Lecture 2- Introduction to heat transfer) 6
Mechanism of Heat Conduction in fluids

Conduction can take place in solids and fluids.

In fluids, conduction is due to collision

and diffusion of the molecules during
their random motion.

Conduction is the transfer of energy from the more energetic particles

of a substance to the adjacent less energetic ones as a result of
interactions between the particles.
ME-544 Advanced Heat Transfer by Dr.-Ing. S. Mushahid Hashmi (Lecture 2- Introduction to heat transfer) 7
Fourier’s law of Heat Conduction
According to Fourier’s law the rate of heat conduction
through a layer of constant thickness Δx is proportional to the
temperature difference ΔT across the layer and the area A
normal to the direction of heat transfer, and is inversely
proportional to the thickness of the layer, Δx .
A proportionality constant k is
T the thermal conductivity of the
Qcond  − A
x material. Negative sign is because
T the direction of heat transfer is
Qcond = −kA W  positive for negative gradient of
x temperature.

Heat transfer rate

depends on the
thermal conductivity
of the material

ME-544 Advanced Heat Transfer by Dr.-Ing. S. Mushahid Hashmi (Lecture 2- Introduction to heat transfer) 8
Thermal conductivity of different materials

The range of
of various
materials at

ME-544 Advanced Heat Transfer by Dr.-Ing. S. Mushahid Hashmi (Lecture 2- Introduction to heat transfer) 9
Thermal conductivity of different materials

ME-544 Advanced Heat Transfer by Dr.-Ing. S. Mushahid Hashmi (Lecture 2- Introduction to heat transfer) 10
Thermal conductivity of different materials

ME-544 Advanced Heat Transfer by Dr.-Ing. S. Mushahid Hashmi (Lecture 2- Introduction to heat transfer) 11
Fourier's Law of heat conduction in 3D
The heat flux vector q  at a point P on an
isothermal surface must be normal (n) to the
surface and its direction must be in the
direction of decreasing temperature.
 T
q = −k

qn = qx iˆ + q y ˆj + qz kˆ

T T T
qx = −k qy = −k qz = −k
x y z
T ˆ T ˆ T ˆ
q = −k i −k j−k k
x y z

 T ˆ T ˆ T 
q = − k  i+ j+ kˆ  or q = −k T
 x y z 
ME-544 Advanced Heat Transfer by Dr.-Ing. S. Mushahid Hashmi (Lecture 2- Introduction to heat transfer) 12
Problem: Fourier’s law of Heat Conduction
Problem: The roof of an electrically heated home
is 6 m long, 8 m wide, and 0.25 m thick, and is
made of a flat layer of concrete whose thermal
conductivity is 0.8 W/mK. The temperatures of the
inner and the outer surfaces of the roof one night
are measured to be 15°C and 4°C, respectively, for
a period of 10 hours. Determine
(a) the rate of heat loss through the roof that night.
(b) the cost of that heat loss to the owner if the cost of electricity is $0.2/kWh.

Solution :
A = 6  8 = 48 m 2 x = 0.25 m, k = 0.8 W/mK

Q = − kA
= −0.8  48 
( 4 − 15 )
= 1689.6 W = 1.7 kW
x 0.25
In 10 h Q = Qt = 1.7  10 = 17 kWh
Cost/day = 17 kWh  0.2 $ / kWh = 3.4$ Cost/month = 3.4  30 = 102$
ME-544 Advanced Heat Transfer by Dr.-Ing. S. Mushahid Hashmi (Lecture 2- Introduction to heat transfer) 13
What happens to the particles
warmer fluid is less
of a fluid when you heat them?
dense and rises up.

The particles spread out and

become less dense.

Cooler fluid is more dense

therefore sinks down.

ME-544 Advanced Heat Transfer by Dr.-Ing. S. Mushahid Hashmi (Lecture 2- Introduction to heat transfer) 14
Convection is the mode of energy transfer
between a solid surface and the adjacent fluid
that is in motion, and it involves the combined
effects of conduction and the bulk fluid motion.

Convection = Conduction + Advection

bulk motion of fluid

• There is always conduction takes place in the layer adjacent to the

stationary fluid layer.
• The faster the fluid motion, the greater the heat transfer by
• In the absence of bulk fluid motion, heat transfer between a solid
surface and the adjacent fluid is by pure conduction.
• The presence of bulk motion of the fluid enhances the heat transfer
between the solid surface and the fluid, but it also complicates the
determination of heat transfer rates.
ME-544 Advanced Heat Transfer by Dr.-Ing. S. Mushahid Hashmi (Lecture 2- Introduction to heat transfer) 15
Forced and Natural Convection
In Forced Convection the fluid is forced to flow in a tube or
over a surface by external means such as a fan, pump, or the

In Natural or Free Convection the fluid motion is

caused by buoyancy forces induced by density differences
due to the variation of temperature in the fluid.

ME-544 Advanced Heat Transfer by Dr.-Ing. S. Mushahid Hashmi (Lecture 2- Introduction to heat transfer) 16
Newton’s law of Cooling
According to Newton’s law of cooling the rate of
heat transfer by convection is directly proportional
to the temperature difference between the hot
surface temperature Ts and the bulk fluid
temperature Tf as well as heat transfer area A.
Qconv  A (Ts − T f )
Qconv = hA (Ts − T f ) W 
The proportionality constant ‘h’ is called the
convective heat transfer coefficient. Unlike
thermal conductivity ‘h’ is not a property of the
material. It is an experimentally determined
parameter whose value depends on all the
variables that influence convection such as:
the surface geometry, the nature of fluid
motion (laminar turbulent), the properties of
the fluid, and the bulk fluid velocity.
ME-544 Advanced Heat Transfer by Dr.-Ing. S. Mushahid Hashmi (Lecture 2- Introduction to heat transfer) 17
Parent source of Energy to earth is Sun
which transmit energy in the form of
All bodies above 0 K temperature
emit thermal radiation.

Unlike conduction and

convection, heat transfer by
radiation can occur between two
bodies, even when they are
separated by a medium colder
than both of them.

ME-544 Advanced Heat Transfer by Dr.-Ing. S. Mushahid Hashmi (Lecture 2- Introduction to heat transfer) 18
Radiation is the energy emitted by a matter in the form of electromagnetic
waves as a result of the changes in the electronic configurations of the
atoms or molecules.

In heat transfer, we are interested in thermal radiation, which is the

form of radiation emitted by bodies because of their temperature.

ME-544 Advanced Heat Transfer by Dr.-Ing. S. Mushahid Hashmi (Lecture 2- Introduction to heat transfer) 19
▪ Unlike conduction and convection, the transfer of energy by
radiation does not require the presence of any medium.

▪ Energy transfer by radiation is the fastest (at the speed of light) in a

vacuum. This is exactly how the energy of the sun reaches the earth.

▪ In general radiation is a volumetric phenomenon, and all substances

(solids and fluids) emit, absorb, or transmit radiation of varying
degrees. However, radiation is usually considered to be a surface
phenomenon for solids that are opaque to thermal radiation such as
metals, wood, and rocks since the radiation emitted by the interior
regions of such material can never reach the surface, and the
radiation incident on such bodies is usually absorbed within a few
microns from the surface.

ME-544 Advanced Heat Transfer by Dr.-Ing. S. Mushahid Hashmi (Lecture 2- Introduction to heat transfer) 20
Stefan Boltzmann law
According to Stefan Boltzmann law the maximum rate of radiation that
can be emitted from a surface at an absolute temperature Ts is
proportional to the fourth power of temperature and the surface area A.
Qemit ,max  ATs4 A proportionality constant σ is called
Stefan-Boltzmann constant and its
Qemit ,max =  ATs4 W  value is 5.67×10-8 W/m2K4.
An ideal surface that emits radiation at a maximum rate is called
blackbody, and the radiation emitted by the blackbody is called blackbody
The radiation emitted by all real surfaces is less than the radiation emitted
by a blackbody at the same temperature and is expressed as:
Q = AT 4 W 
emit s

where  is the emissivity of a surface. The property emissivity, whose value

is in the range 0    1, is a measure of how closely a surface approximates
a blackbody. The emissivity of a blackbody is 1.
ME-544 Advanced Heat Transfer by Dr.-Ing. S. Mushahid Hashmi (Lecture 2- Introduction to heat transfer) 21
Emissivity of different materials

Qemit =  AT s
W 

ME-544 Advanced Heat Transfer by Dr.-Ing. S. Mushahid Hashmi (Lecture 2- Introduction to heat transfer) 22
Problem: Consider a person standing in a breezy room
at 20°C. Determine the total rate of heat transfer from
this person if the exposed surface area and the average
outer surface temperature of the person are 1.6 m2 and
29° C, respectively, and the convection heat transfer
coefficient is 6 W/m2°C. Convection can be viewed as
combined conduction and fluid motion. Heat is
transferred from the person by convection and
radiation. The emissivity of human skin is 0.95.
Solution :
Qconv = hA (Ts − T f ) = 6  1.6  ( 29 − 20 ) = 86.4 W

Qrad =  A (Ts4 − Tsurr

) = 0.95  5.67 10−8 1.6 (3024 − 2934 ) = 81.7 W
T is absolute temperature
must be in K
Qtotal = Qrad + Qconv = 168.1 W

ME-544 Advanced Heat Transfer by Dr.-Ing. S. Mushahid Hashmi (Lecture 2- Introduction to heat transfer) 23
Assignment Problems
Q1. The heat loss through a common brick wall in a building is 1800 W. The height, width,
and thickness of the wall are 3, 8, and 0.22 m, respectively. If the inside temperature of the
wall is 22◦C, find the outside surface temperature of the wall.

Q2. The top cover of a solar collector plate is exposed to ambient air at 20◦C with a
convection coefficient of 6 W/m2 K. A surface coating is developed and applied to modify
the radiative properties of this absorbing cover plate. The incident solar radiation is 860
W/m2 and the outer surface temperature of the absorber plate is 70◦C. What plate emissivity
is required to provide a conduction heat flux of 500 W/m2 through the absorber plate?
Q3. Superheated steam at 240◦C flows through an uninsulated pipe in a basement hallway
at 20◦C. The pipe emissivity is 0.7 and the coefficient of free convection is 20 W/m2 K.
Find an expression for the total heat loss from the pipe (per unit length of pipe) in terms of
the pipe diameter.
Q4. A flat plate has one surface insulated and the other surface exposed to the sun. The
exposed surface absorbs the solar radiation at a rate of 800 W/m2 and dissipated it by both
convection and radiation into the ambient air at 300 K. If the emissivity of the surface is 0.9
and the convective heat transfer coefficient between the plate and the air is 12 W/m2K.
Determine the temperature of the plate.

ME-544 Advanced Heat Transfer by Dr.-Ing. S. Mushahid Hashmi (Lecture 2- Introduction to heat transfer) 24

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