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Self-Assessment: Health, Safety, and Nutrition

Be concise in answering the statements/questions in each box. The NAEYC criteria for National Accreditation is the basis of this
self-assessment to demonstrate alignment with the Standards and to familiarize students with this national accreditation process.
Describe how you supervise children adequately—by positioning self to see as many children as
possible, how you are aware of children’s location always, how you monitor by sound when
children may be out of visual range (as when using the toilet, etc.).
I try to keep my back against a so that I can see all the children possible, I keep moving around to
check on the children through out the day. When outside I walk around to make sure I can keep my
eyes on all the children, to make sure they are all safe. When they go to the bathroom and I stand in a
location that I can see and hear all the children in the classroom as well as the one in the bathroom.
Describe the child tracking procedures you use when moving from one location to another (as in
when going from classroom to outdoor play area).
I have all the children in a line and before we leave the room, I count to make sure I have them all, as
well as when we get to outside I count again. I also count the children as we are walking and I walk
backwards to make sure none of them run out of line.

Describe your use of proper hand-washing procedures—list the times when you wash your own
hands and when you assist children in washing their hands.
Wash hands before and after every meal
Wash before changing diapers and wash your and child hands after the diaper change
Wash hands after wiping a child’s nose, have them wash after wiping their own.
Wash hands before handling food
Wash hands thoroughly before and after handling any cuts

Describe a schedule for cleaning and sanitizing and what it means to use universal precautions—
including cleaning and sanitizing of surfaces, use of gloves and barriers to minimize contact with body
fluids, cleaning spills as they occur, cleaning and sanitizing toys that have been mouthed or exposed to
body fluids.
Clean anything that could have been touched by the bodily fluids and wear gloves at all times while
taking care of it.

Describe your process for being aware of children’s special health care needs, nutrition needs or
allergies, etc. Do you conduct daily health checks as children arrive? If yes, what do you look for? If
no, why not? We spend a little one on one with each child and note to yourself if there is anything off
about them, we also make sure that we avoid the child allergies by having it marked in the room if a
child is allergic to something.
Describe the process for administering medication or applying sunscreen or other products. What do
you do to follow licensing requirements for administering and logging?
We get parents permission and then we write down how much and when we apply lotion, sunscreen
or when we give them meds

Give some examples of how you use care routines such as toileting, meal and nap routines as
opportunities to build relationships, language, concepts (food classification, nutrition, healthy
living, manners, etc.) and to build child’s self-awareness, social interaction and self-help skills.
When changing diapers I talked to the children and take the chance to grow their language, as
well as during nap time I take time to read a book to relax them.

Describe what you do during meal/snack times. Do you sit with children and promote children’s
feeding skills and social interactions? If yes, how do you? If no, why not?
Yes, I bring healthy snacks such as fruit, yogurt and or cheese.

Describe what you do to handle and serve food using proper safety precautions and sanitary
techniques. Wash hands and then place on gloves before touching the food, any food that the children
have been close to must be thrown away.

Describe the clean-up routine—how do you encourage children to participate in daily clean up and
maintenance of the classroom? When ever we go to another thing all children help pick up their own
mess and then help their friends out. I help as well as encouraging the children to clean up, once we are
all done each child has a job to double check their assigned space is all cleaned up and they report back
to me.
Describe the toileting routine—how do you help children use the toilet following good health and
hygiene practices?
Take them to the bathroom every 2 hours and then make sure all children have flushed and washed
their hands after using the toilet. Let them go when they say they have to go, and change diapers when

Describe the nap time routine—what do you do to follow licensing regulations and meet children’s
need for rest? What do you do if a child does not sleep at nap time?
After lunch the children grab their sleeping bags and lay them down on the floor 2 feet apart, if the
child is not sleeping we allow them to look at books quietly on their beds.

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