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G r av u re T roub leshoot i n g Gu i de

Problem Possible Causes Possible Solutions

Hazing Contact area too large Increase blade angle | Use thinner tip blade (i. e. 50 micron
or MULTIBLADE | Reduce blade pressure | Decrease blade and
back-up blade extension | Use thicker doctor blade (less de-
flection) | Change blade
Cylinder finish too rough Decrease cylinder roughness (Rz) | Introduce local air
Cylinder finish too smooth Increase cylinder roughness (Rz) with polishing paper
Ink drying rate too slow Add faster drying solvent and check viscosity | Increase blade
to nip distance  |  Adjust press speed  |  Ink temperature too
cold or not matched correctly to pressroom humidity | Check
pH balance of ink
Worn doctor blade from Use LONGLIFE doctor blade | Consult ink supplier
abrasive ink
Drag-outs Dried ink under or on top Use “slur stick” to remove  |  Stop press to clean doctor

MDC Doctor Blades For Gravure

of doctor blade blade | Keep ink pumps running during press stops | Lower
ink viscosity
Burr formation on blade tip Reduce blade pressure | Use LONGLIFE or ULTRALIFE doctor
blade | Use bevel blade | Increase angle | Decrease cylinder
roughness (chrome nodules)
Streaks Foreign particle lodged Remove with “slur stick” | Stop press and clean doctor blade
under doctor blade with solvent  |  Increase contact angle  |  Check or lower ink
viscosity  |  Install ink filters and magnets in inking system  |  The Right MDC Doctor Blade  Gravure printing covers many markets  –
Filter all added ink with 25 micron mesh
Nick in doctor blade in If small, lightly polish cylinder with fine polishing paper  |  flexible packaging, paperboard, illustration, decorative, and others.
contact zone Install ink filters and magnets in inking system  |  Change
doctor blade | Use LONGLIFE or ULTRALIFE doctor blade Whether it is high-speed solvent press printing catalogs or water-based
Cylinder Wear Too much blade pressure Increase contact angle for sharper wipe | Use thinner blade | 
(contact area too large) Reduce blade pressure printing on film, each comes with its own set of unique applications and
Abrasive wear Check with ink supplier for less abrasive ink formula or sol- printing problems. MDC understands these markets and manufactures a
vent | Use doctor blade with a lower co-efficient of friction
such as the LONGLIFE doctor blade | Use a rougher cylinder wide range of doctor blades to meet your every day use and special ap-
finish to carry a heavier lubrication film  |  Chrome too soft
(check chrome hardness)  |  Too little oscillation or none at
all  |  Oscillation not smooth (inspect system)  |  Doctor blade plications.
holder in poor condition | Foreign, abrasive particles in ink,
replace with fresh ink (install ink filter and magnets in ink-
ing system) | Check for contact with ink pan, splash cap
Corrosive wear Check pH balance of ink | Use SOFT nickel-coated or Stainless
Steel blade made for water-based ink
Bleeding Viscosity too low Increase viscosity
Excessive cell volume Check with engraver for alternative
Doctor blade edge too sharp Decrease blade angle | “Wear-in” doctor blade | Hand polish
doctor blade with fine polishing paper | Reduce blade pres-
sure | Increase blade tip thickness
Ink Splashes Broken doctor blade on Change doctor blade and look for excessive ink dried on
cylinder radius cylinder ends or high cylinder radius areas
Ink trapped between Clean blade holder and back-up blade  |  Check for waves
Max Daetwyler Corpoartion back-up blade and wiping in wiping blade  |  Check for damage in back-up blade  | 
blade Check for damage in holder that would cause leaking
US Headquarters or wavy blade
Blade Chatter Blade angle too steep Decrease blade angle
13420 Reese Blvd. West
Blade pressure too high Lower blade pressure
Huntersville Vibration Check holder for loose bolts  |  Check press for loose holder
clamps | Inspect bearings on cylinder for wear
NC 28078

Phone (704) 875-1200

Fax (704) 875-0781 DB-1023-u-MAR10.2000
MDC STANDARD  This award-winning blade has a consistent tip thickness, which Fine adjustments are required for optimal printing results  The gravure industry recom-
provides even doctoring for all gravure cylinder applications. Tonal values remain mends a doctor blade contact angle of approximately 55 to 65 degrees. Flat angles create
unchanged throughout the life of the blade. The specially polished tip guarantees a a greater contact area, thereby increasing hazing and drag-outs. Angles too steep pro-
quick, streak free start-up. duce chattering.
55°– 65°

MDC LONGLIFE  The best choice for fighting print defects, the LONGLlFE blade pro- A precise adjustment doctor blade angle is crucial for an optimal contact zone.
vides clean doctoring, reduces drag-outs and increases cylinder life. With an industry
specific hardened coating that significantly increases blade life, press downtime and 20–25 mm The correct installation of the doctor blade into the doctor blade holder  For best results,
waste are reduced. It is an excellent blade for abrasive and corrosive inks and coatings. the blade holder and back-up blade (if used), must be cleaned carefully and be in good
condition. The MDC Doctor Blade must be mounted absolutely straight, without waves.
MDC BEVEL  The unique bevel tip configuration adds strength and blade stability while 3–4 mm To prevent waves, tighten bolts in the blade holder beginning in the center and working
minimizing blade wear-in time. With a sharp blade edge and rigid tip, the blade allows Back-up Doctor Blade your way out, alternating sides.
for a clean wipe, while adding more resistance to tip breakage. Readily available in MDC Doctor Blade

4°–45° bevels.
blade pressure Doctor blade pressure: Less is more  We strongly recommend using minimal doctor blade
MDC ULTRALIFE  This premium doctor blade has a specially formulated coating pressure. The thinner the tip, the less pressure required to achieve a clean and brilliant
designed to prevent hazing and streaks. Ideally, this blade is suited for short to mid- Lower blade printing result. A certain amount of flexibility is needed to compensate for things such as
Contact area angle
range run lengths. It also provides enhanced cylinder life due to smooth and consistent Doctor blade
deviation of the cylinder surface or changes in diameter.
wear characteristics of the coated lamella tip.

MCD SOFT  This white carbon steel blade is coated with a soft nickel based material Excessive doctor blade pressure  Too much pressure will result in excessive deflection of
that is resistant to corrosive inks, coatings and lacquers. The SOFT blade fits well for the doctor blade. Increased deflection creates a lower contact angle and wider contact
the water-based gravure industry because it helps prevent oxidation. The soft, selfre- area, which leads to hazing and tonal value changes in the printed product.
Contact area Higher pressure
pairing coating greatly decreases streaking by reducing the contamination in the inks.
Blade angle

MDC MULTIBLADE  A 3° flat beveled blade increases stiffness and reduces tip deflec-
tion caused by high blade pressure and fast press speeds. The thin tip wipes clean Customize MDC Doctor Blades to fit your cylinder  To prevent excessive pressure at the
helping to decrease print related toning and hazing issues. The 50-micron tip increases ends of the cylinder, which could crack a doctor blade, we recommend that the back-up
proportionally to the 3° angled bevel. blade be cut at an angle at both ends. The cut should end approximately 12.7 mm inside
each end of the cylinder to include allowance for oscillation travel. Ideally, the ends of
MDC OPTILIFE  This doctor blade has a new special coating designed to produce an your cylinder should be equally rounded.
instantaneous smooth and clean wipe. This extremely smooth and durable coating
eliminates streaks from the very beginning and maintains this clean wipe throughout 1219 mm
the run. The low friction values of this smooth coating result in very low chrome wear, Cylinder
1168 mm
which helps to maintain the integrity of the cylinder surface. 51 mm
Doctor Blade Radius
Back-up Blade 3–6 mm

Handling and Storage  MDC Doctor Blades should be stored in a dry and clean environment. | Multiple packaging options are Doctor Blade holder

designed to assist in safe and convenient blade dispensing. Blades should remain packed until ready for use. | Care should be
1270 mm
taken to protect the blade tip. We recommend using the Doctor Blade Safety Shield during set-up, storage, and handling.
For more information about our Safety Shield, contact our Customer Service Department. | Pre-honed doctor blades do you
require resharpening or honing. | When examining your blade edge, ALWAYS KEEP IN MIND THAT THE EDGE IS VERY SHARP. Notice:
| Safety gloves should be used whenever possible when handling doctor blades. | Clean doctor blade steel can be recycled.
Contact your local recycler.

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