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January 2020

Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, others will praise God for the obedience
that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ, and for your generosity in sharing with them
and with everyone else. 2 Corinthians 9:13

Dear Friends,

It continues to be our mission to share the gospel of Christ and to make disciples in Moldova. In this
newsletter I would like to share with you about the tremendous outreach efforts of Vadim Beleavschi
in the city of Ungheni. I began the newsletter with the verse from Corinthians because it represents
what I would say about Vadim after getting the chance to again spend time with him again this Fall. I
praise God for his efforts to broadly and generously share the love and gospel of Christ throughout his
hometown. Ungheni is a city of about 30K people that is about a 2 hour drive from Chisinau, the
capital, and is on the Moldova / Romania border.

Vadim with his young family

Vadim planted a church in Ungheni with support from our ministry and the church is called My Home
Church. From this base Vadim has developed a multi-prong outreach to the youth and the City of
Ungheni. The support we provide to Vadim is intended to allow him to develop these additional
ministries. Vadim is organizing a music school where he is providing guitar and drum lessons. He has a
sports program where they coach a competitive floorball team (popular Moldovan sport that is like
indoor field hockey). The sports program works with the local school and government officials to
provide the competitive team and also to host different activities during the year at the schools. This
has been a great way for Vadim to serve the community and to build contacts both with the youth of
the city and those running the schools.

They also host an after school club once per week where they are able to pour into the lives of a lot of
the youth that they build relationships with from their sports and music outreach. At these meetings
they have entertainment and singing, but also time to discuss real life issues and to share the gospel
and their love of Jesus.

Youth Club meeting in Ungheni

Vadim has also been able to host multiple camps each year for the youth in his city. It is often a great
opportunity to build deeper relationships with the kids that he works with from sports and music that
don’t regularly come to his church.

Summer Camp Youth Group

Vadim is having a large impact on the community and touching the lives of a lot of the youth in
Ungheni. A challenge in working with the youth for a long time is that so many of them are leaving the
country by the time they graduate from high school instead of staying in town and becoming involved
in the local church. It can often be disheartening to invest in a young person and then not continue to
watch them grow but he is clearly planting seeds in the lives of the youth.

Below is a picture of his church group on a recent Sunday. The group remains young and small but
from this base he is leading them to have a tremendous impact in their community.

Sunday meeting at My Home Church

Please continue to pray for Vadim, his family and the ministry of My Home Church. They are
continuing to grow their impact and are a bright light for Christ in Moldova.

Sincerely yours,

Mark Ganaway
Gospel of John Board Member

Phone 817-507-8339

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