Greenlight Q4 2019

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January 21, 2020

Dear Partner:

The Greenlight Capital funds (the “Partnerships”) returned 13.8% 1 in 2019 compared to
31.5% for the S&P 500 index. Since its inception in May 1996, Greenlight Capital, L.P. has
returned 1,592% cumulatively or 12.7% annualized, both net of fees and expenses.
Greenlight’s investors have earned $4.5 billion, net of fees and expenses, since inception.

For the year, our long portfolio contributed 37.4%, our short portfolio lost 20.1% and macro
added 1.5% to the returns before fees. All told, our longs went up slightly more than the
market while our shorts went up slightly less than the market. Even so, the result feels a bit
disappointing because at September 30 we seemed on track to have an excellent year, rather
than just a decent year.

There was a brief period in September when the environment was favorable for us. WeWork
failed in its IPO attempt and subsequently some high-profile money-losing companies saw
their share prices cut. Growth stocks in general underperformed. There were musings that
value investing was ready to rebound. But that dynamic reversed in the fourth quarter and
by year-end, growth stocks had outperformed value stocks for the year by 15% (40% vs
25%).2 In the fourth quarter, our longs went up less than the market and our shorts went up
more than the market; we underperformed on both sides by similar amounts. Tighter
corporate credit spreads drove a small loss in macro during the quarter.

We tend to take comfort in low multiples and we are generally skeptical of high multiples –
a framework that is a hallmark of a disciplined value orientation. Until recent years, value
investing has tended to outperform growth investing. But over the last three years, growth
has knocked the stuffing out of value (106% vs. 17%) – enough so that the long-term
outperformance of value stocks has now reversed.

Against this backdrop, many of our longs – including some that contributed positively to
2019’s result – are just as cheap today as they were at the beginning of 2019. Likewise, many
of our shorts are more expensive today than they were a year ago. The gap between how we
perceive the operating business fundamentals of our investments and their market valuations
has never been wider.

Thus, we begin 2020 with a portfolio that continues to be concentrated in our best ideas. We
currently have 96% of capital in our top 10 longs and 47% of capital in our top 10 shorts.

Source: Greenlight Capital. Please refer to information contained in the disclosures at the end of the letter.
Using the Russell 1000 Pure Growth Total Return and Russell 1000 Pure Value Total Return indices as

2 Gr a nd C e ntr a l T o wer  1 4 0 E as t 4 5 t h St r e et , 2 4 t h Fl o o r  Ne w Yor k, N Y 100 17

P h o ne : 2 1 2 -97 3 -1 9 0 0  Fa x 2 1 2 -9 7 3 -9 2 1 9  w ww. g re e n li ght c a pi tal . co m
Page 2

We discuss our 10 largest positions below (in alphabetical order). 3 For names that appeared
on last year’s list, we emphasize the 2019 developments:

AerCap (AER) – Long

7.6x P/E on 2019 estimates, 86% of book value

AER leases new and mid-life airplanes to airlines globally. AER’s 99%+ utilization rate and
7.5- year average remaining lease term support a high degree of earnings visibility.
Additionally, the company is well-managed and a strong capital allocator. Since we invested
in the company in 2014, AER has disposed of about 500 planes to improve its fleet age,
technology mix and customer concentration, while generating strong gains-on-sale
consistent with its conservative carrying values. During this period, the company has de-
levered, bought back 42% of its shares outstanding and grown book value per share annually
by 15%. The shares recovered from a 2018 sell-off and gained 55% in 2019.

In September and November, two smaller peers with inferior platforms and returns on equity
agreed to be acquired for 111% and 117% of book value. The suspension of Boeing 737
MAX deliveries since March 2019 and the subsequent recent production halt has reduced
global narrow-body deliveries by 50% and structurally strengthened the demand for (and the
value of) AER’s airplanes on a multi-year basis. For the last few years, technical overhangs
have increased the volatility of AER stock and generally harmed the shares. We believe these
issues have been fully resolved and the company is poised for strong economic and equity
performance in 2020.

Assured Guaranty (AGO) – Short

Current valuation is not relevant because we don’t believe the accounting

AGO is a financial guarantor. In addition to insuring many large, long-term issuances in

Chicago, Illinois and New Jersey that may prove problematic, AGO is already responsible
for billions of dollars of defaulted Puerto Rico debt. We believe AGO has set aside
inadequate loss reserves for its Puerto Rico exposure compared to what bond markets and
our analysis suggest will be sizable losses. This year the Financial Oversight & Management
Board for Puerto Rico, which has been empowered to set fiscal policy and propose a plan of
adjustment for the Commonwealth, proposed a plan (subject to further negotiation and
litigation) that would impart losses consistent with our analysis. Were AGO to own up to the
probable losses, we believe it would become apparent to market participants that the shares
are overvalued. This may also prompt insurance regulators to require AGO to cease releasing
capital to fund its aggressive share buyback and instead retain capital to protect the bond
investors who rely on AGO’s insurance. As is, AGO is presently spending far in excess of
its net income on share repurchases and dividends. In 2020, we expect that gap to widen
further, if the buyback persists. Earlier in this investment, we hedged part of our risk by

We have omitted an undisclosed short. Also of note is that Tesla is not included. While we maintain a negative
view of the company, our Tesla exposure, which has been mostly expressed through put options, was not large
enough to qualify for this list at December 31, 2019. One difference between a short cash equity position and
a long put option strategy is that in the put strategy, when the stock price moves against us, our exposure
becomes smaller.

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buying Puerto Rico general obligation bonds at low levels. In 2019, we sold the bonds at a
profit, which mitigated part of our exposure to AGO’s 30% advance in 2019.

Altice Europe (Netherlands: ATC) – Long

6x EV/EBITDA on 2020 estimates and 17% free cash flow yield in 2021

ATC is a telecom company whose largest operation is in France. We purchased the shares
as a “leveraged stub” in 2018 at a time when the capital structure (with over €30 billion of
debt and only €2.5 billion of market capitalization) implied substantial bankruptcy risk.
However, we believed the capital structure was durable and the company would seek to de-
lever. In 2019, ATC divested assets at attractive valuations, refinanced a significant amount
of debt at lower rates, and grew EBITDA by 10%. We expect ATC to continue to further
improve its capital position by refinancing high cost debt. Once net debt/EBITDA falls to
4.25x, we anticipate share repurchases will resume and the equity to further re-rate. In 2019,
ATC stock appreciated by 238%, making it the best performer in the STOXX Europe 600

Brighthouse Financial (BHF) – Long

4.0x P/E on 2020 consensus adjusted earnings, 31% of book value

This remains one of the most perplexing investments we have ever made. Although the
shares “recovered” 29% in 2019, the underlying value of the business also improved, so
much so that the shares are arguably cheaper now than they were a year ago.

BHF’s main business is variable annuities. Customers deposit funds into segregated
accounts, which are then invested in equity and fixed income funds, and pay BHF fees in
exchange for minimum performance guarantees. The biggest risk BHF takes (and must
hedge) is that equity markets underperform and the company has to make good on these
minimum guarantees. When markets do poorly, policies can become “upside down,”
meaning the guaranteed policy benefits exceed the value of the assets in the separate
accounts. Policies written with assumptions that are too optimistic cause trouble for variable
annuity writers, as was the case from 1998 to 2011 when the S&P 500 index was essentially

In 2019, the S&P 500 returned 31.5%, bringing its return since 2011 to 203%, or almost
15% annualized. Separate account returns have been vastly exceeding the underwriting
assumptions, making it very unlikely that many variable annuity policies are presently
upside down. We posit, if the policies are performing this well, why should the business
have any discount to book value?

In nearly every analyst report (1 buy, 9 holds, 4 sells), potential investors are given stern
reminders that BHF is “sensitive” to equity markets. Analysts seem to be ignoring (or in a
couple cases underplaying) that this sensitivity goes both ways. Since none of the analysts
have delved into what happens to BHF in a strong stock market, it’s no surprise that they
don’t recommend the stock.

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BHF’s annual report provides certain sensitivities showing intermediate-term cash flows
from the variable annuities segment based on hypothetical capital markets scenarios. We
estimate that the 31.5% gain for the S&P 500 incrementally added at least $2 billion to
BHF’s distributable cash flow over the next four years. BHF’s entire market capitalization
is only $4.2 billion. The company will release new sensitivity tables next month.

In 2018, the company announced that it would return $1.5 billion to shareholders by the end
of 2021. At that time, management was clear that its targets were sensitive (in both
directions) to capital markets. As a result, we believe there is an excellent chance BHF will
exceed its capital return targets. Even at current levels, the company is buying back stock at
a rate of over 1% of the company each month. Given the discount to book value, the buyback
alone is causing book value per share to grow by 10% per year, in addition to the company’s

The bears’ latest bugaboo is that around 2022, BHF will be subject to a change in accounting,
which could lead to a “sizable” non-cash charge and reduction of book value. We note that
the shares already trade at only 31% of book value and that any write-down would actually
have a positive impact on future earnings. We estimate that every $10 per share write-down
will improve annual earnings by $0.65 per share. By our estimates, even with a $3 billion
charge, book value per share is likely to grow at a double digit rate over the next 5 years and
adjusted earnings per share is likely to grow even faster than book value per share.

BHF shares could double from here and still be absurdly cheap.

Chemours (CC) – Long

5.7x P/E on 2020 estimates

CC makes titanium dioxide (TiO2) and refrigerants. Both businesses came under pressure in
2019. TiO2 suffered from cyclical excess supply and customer destocking, and CC lost
market share by demanding inflexible contract terms from customers. Refrigerants suffered
from smuggled product into Europe, in response to rising prices as Europe phases out
environmentally-damaging refrigerants. The company also has liability related to PFOA, a
so-called forever chemical that DuPont (CC’s former parent) used to manufacture Teflon.
Recently, there was a feature film, “Dark Waters,” which tells the story of pollution and
various misdeeds at DuPont’s Washington Works plant in West Virginia. Due to a
combination of cyclically-challenged business conditions and concern over legal risk, CC
shares have fallen approximately 70% from their late 2017 highs.

We believe CC’s results are set to improve. The TiO2 cycle is turning more favorable as the
destocking has run its course and CC is poised to retake lost share. Refrigerants should
improve in 2021 as European fluorinated gas legislation mandates a further phase-out of
older refrigerants, raising demand for the new-generation refrigerants where CC holds
valuable intellectual property.

Finally, we think the legal liability concerns are vastly overstated. DuPont curtailed PFOA
emissions in 2004 and has been remediating its sites (which are now part of CC) ever since.

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Further, CC settled health claims related to the Washington Works plant in 2017. There is
market concern that Congress may pass legislation or the EPA may pass rules to address
forever chemicals in a way that creates substantial new liabilities for CC. However, we
believe that most of the legitimate remaining concern is about a sister chemical called PFOS
that is used in firefighting foam. While this is a real concern for the largest PFOS
manufacturer, 3M, neither DuPont nor CC ever made or sold it (though they did sell a non-
toxic ingredient that was used in firefighting foam). We don’t believe CC has material
liability for PFOS. However, every time there is a headline about regulating forever
chemicals, the story invariably lumps PFOA with PFOS and CC gets dragged through the
mud along with 3M.

Analysts currently expect CC to earn $3.20 and $3.99 per share in 2020 and 2021,
respectively. If our view of the improving cycle plays out, we believe those estimates should
be exceeded by a very large margin.

Credit Short – Macro

We have short positions in indices that track U.S. corporate investment grade and high-yield
credit. Credit spreads are at cyclical tights even though (a) the economy appears to be
decelerating, (b) we are far along in the economic cycle, (c) corporate debt has exploded,
and (d) rating agencies have been complacent by allowing debt/EBITDA ratios to expand
without downgrading the underlying credits. At current spreads, we believe that the
risk/reward in corporate credit is asymmetric and unfavorable. This short also provides a de
facto macro hedge to some of our cyclical or credit-sensitive longs including BHF, CC and

General Motors (GM) – Long

5.8x P/E on 2020 estimates, 4.2% dividend yield

We have owned GM for a number of years and our investment has underperformed the
market (our return to date has been 10.6%, annualized). Every year the shares seemed cheap
on an earnings basis, but cash flow ultimately came up short for one reason or another. An
unprofitable region or two was sold or restructured, investments were made in new
technologies, plants and product lines required capital investment, GM Financial required
capital to grow, and pension plans were funded. All of these steps have led to a stronger
company that can better face future economic and business challenges. However, the net
result of so many cash needs is that while earnings have been good, cash flow has lagged.

Management recognizes this disconnect, and in early 2019, the company emphasized that
cash flow must better match earnings. As we looked at the company’s forecast, we saw no
more regions requiring expensive restructuring, and the above-normal capital and strategic
investments appeared to be paid for. As such, we believed that by late 2019 the cash flow
would again be significant enough to allow GM to recommence its share repurchase
program. We half-asked and half-joked, what would cause cash to come up short in 2019?
We couldn’t think of anything. And then a six-week-long strike hit that caused GM to miss
its earnings forecast and come up woefully short on free cash flow – again.

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And yet, we believe 2020 is the year where it all finally comes together for GM. The full-
size pickup truck and SUV platforms have been fully updated. Channel inventory is low and
dealers need to rebuild supply that was reduced during the strike. The restructuring is
complete. China sales appear likely to stabilize and ultimately recover. GM Financial is
performing well and is over-capitalized and poised to start distributing 100% of
earnings. While consensus estimates are for $6.36 per share in earnings in 2020, we believe
earnings could surpass $7.00 in 2020 and finally – yes, finally – cash flow should also
approach that level. As such, GM should begin repurchasing shares at a healthy clip,
providing a tailwind for future EPS growth.

Not included in any of this is GM Cruise, which is still targeting a commercial launch of
autonomous vehicles. We doubt the market has any optimism about GM Cruise, despite a
$19 billion valuation in a May 2019 investment round. The recognition of GM Cruise as a
source of material value is an additional way for investors to re-rate GM shares.

Gold – Long

U.S. total public debt to GDP is over 100%. With unemployment at record lows, the U.S. is
running an almost $1 trillion annual deficit. The bipartisan consensus is that deficits don’t
matter – it implies we can always print our way out of trouble. Meanwhile, although the
Federal Reserve Bank’s balance sheet is very large and interest rates are already low, the
Fed has cut interest rates and begun expanding its balance sheet again. All told, we can count
on aggressive fiscal and monetary policies in both good times and bad. Gold continues to be
a hedge in our portfolio against adverse outcomes related to those policies.

Green Brick Partners (GRBK) – Long

9.5x P/E on 2020 estimates

GRBK is a diversified homebuilding and land development company. The company operates
in growing markets in Atlanta, GA; Colorado Springs, CO; Dallas, TX; Houston, TX; and
Vero Beach, FL. GRBK has more than tripled its revenue since going public in 2014, while
maintaining industry-leading high margins and low debt-to-capital. It has achieved this via
organic growth, accretive acquisitions, launching its internal brand (Trophy Signature
Homes), starting title and mortgage subsidiaries, and reducing its costs through national
account contracts available to it as a function of GRBK’s scale. Management is disciplined
and resourceful. GRBK rebounded from a brief slowdown in late 2018 and the company
executed better than planned, leading to a 59% share price increase in 2019. 4

Netflix (NFLX) – Short

59x P/E on 2020 GAAP estimates, which we believe dramatically overstate the business

We have been negative on NFLX’s earnings prospects for a long time, and we used the late-
2019 bounce in the shares to make it a more substantial investment. For years, NFLX has

David Einhorn is the Chairman of the Board.

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been an open-ended growth story, where the value of a subscription was considered to be
underpriced and bulls could dream about future subscriber totals in the context of the global
population. The market celebrated NFLX as the king of a perceived “winner-take-all” (or
“winner-take-most”) global market for streaming video-on-demand (VOD).

We believe this narrative is finally coming to an end. NFLX is no longer the only value-
priced streaming VOD provider. There are now a half-dozen subscription services and in the
coming year there will be additional credible entrants with deep content libraries. Not every
customer will choose to subscribe to all services, and on the margin, substitution will occur.
We believe that new competitors have already hurt NFLX in the U.S. Following an
unexpected Q2 subscriber loss and in response to management’s apparent optimism, analysts
raised estimates for U.S. growth; as recently as September, consensus expected NFLX to
add 1.5 million new customers in the fourth quarter. Instead, in October, the company guided
to just 600,000. Still, Wall Street cheered the lowered guidance because it was deemed to be
“conservative.” In fact, the CEO ended the conference call by saying he looked forward to
“blowing away” the guidance.

It appears to us that new subscriptions are slowing and cancellations are accelerating.
Competition is denting the NFLX domestic story, just as the platform loses its two most
popular shows, Friends (in 2020) and The Office (in 2021), forcing management to spend
aggressively to create and market binge-and-forget Netflix Originals 5 and stand-up comedy
specials, which lack staying power. In response, management has decided to stop disclosing
U.S. margins and subscriber totals beginning in 2020.

International subscriptions will continue to grow, but those customers are far less valuable
than domestic subscribers, in large part because the revenue per user is lower in international
developed markets and much lower in developing markets. Even so, international subscriber
growth is now decelerating as well. As NFLX has to compete for subscribers to maintain
user growth, the pricing-power narrative should increasingly come undone.

In what appears to be a desperate attempt to achieve international subscriber growth

headlines, the company recently launched sub-$4 per month mobile-only plans in Thailand,
Malaysia and Vietnam, and in December NFLX began offering up to 50% annual
subscription discounts in India. Obviously, the marginal economics on these new subs are…

To the extent the market sees the NFLX growth story as “busted,” there is a lot of downside
to the shares. At present, NFLX burns several billion dollars a year in cash and has
accumulated a heavy debt load, even before considering future content commitments. Of
course, NFLX could service the debt and de-lever by raising equity – but doing so would be
a cold admission that the party is over. We doubt management will rush to do that.

We added two medium-sized new equity longs in the fourth quarter:

Among the shows NFLX counts as “Originals” are many for which NFLX doesn’t own global rights.

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DXC Technology (DXC) is an IT services company created in 2017 through the combination
of Computer Sciences Corporation and the Enterprise Services division of Hewlett Packard
Enterprise. After a difficult post-merger period that resulted in substantial lost business,
DXC brought on a new CEO with previous experience managing a successful turnaround of
a similar operation. Subsequently, the company has announced a new strategy to refocus on
DXC’s core business and leverage it with clients. DXC also lowered earnings expectations
through 2022. The company has begun the process of divesting ancillary businesses totaling
about 25% of revenue, with the proceeds targeted to pay down debt and buy back over one-
third of shares outstanding over the next 10 quarters. We believe many of the challenges at
the company are self-inflicted and can be fixed. Our field research reveals early signs that
improvement is underway, and at our average purchase price of $36.54 (7x the reduced
current year consensus earnings) we think little of that is priced in. DXC ended the quarter
at $37.59.

Software AG (Germany: SOW) is a middleware and Internet of Things integration software

company. Under new leadership, the company is transforming its business towards a
subscription model from its volatile, legacy licensing model. We entered SOW at €31.05 per
share, representing 2.3x revenue, a deep discount to comparable companies. We believe the
multiple will improve, as SOW shifts to more predictable subscription based recurring
revenue in 2020. SOW ended the quarter at €31.10.

After six and a half years, we exited our investment in Voya Financial. The position, which
had many similarities to BHF, generated a compounded return of 21.7% for the Partnerships.
Management executed a successful business repositioning and bought back 53% of its shares
outstanding. With the shares trading at a premium to book value and a double digit P/E
multiple, we exited to focus our capital on BHF.

We covered an unsuccessful small short in Lam Research. We had expected earnings to

disappoint in response to oversupply in semiconductor memory. However, the company won
enough new business in China to negate our thesis.

We also sold our small positions in Dillard’s and Siltronic AG. Both appreciated and we
sold after relatively short holding periods.

We have several staff-related items to announce.

Jason Lewis was promoted to Director of Partner Relations. He’s an all-around amazing guy
and you should get to know him if you don’t already. As the editor of this letter, he not only
approved this message, but he also wrote it. Awkward. Congratulations, Jason!

Dan McCluskey was promoted to Controller. He will now be on the hunt for a new office
nickname as “Youngblood” no longer feels appropriate. Congratulations, Dan!

Christmas came early for the other half of the Partner Relations team as Regan and her
husband Alex welcomed their son, John Alexander Guzinski, on December 4.
Congratulations to Regan, Alex and proud big sister Edie!

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After 15 years at Greenlight, Alexandra Jenkins has decided to retire to spend more time
with her family. We thank her for her many years of hard work and positive contributions
and wish her well in the future!

At quarter-end, the largest disclosed long positions in the Partnerships were AerCap,
Brighthouse Financial, General Motors, gold and Green Brick Partners. The Partnerships
had an average exposure of 127% long and 63% short.

“Normal is nothing more than a cycle on a washing machine.”

– Whoopi Goldberg

Best Regards,

Greenlight Capital, Inc.

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The information contained herein reflects the opinions, estimates and projections of Greenlight Capital, Inc. and its
affiliates (collectively “Greenlight”) as of the date of publication, which are subject to change without notice at any
time subsequent to the date of issue. Greenlight does not represent that any opinion, estimate or projection will be
realized. All information provided is for informational purposes only and should not be deemed as investment advice
or a recommendation to purchase or sell any specific security. Greenlight has an economic interest in the price
movement of the securities discussed in this presentation, but Greenlight’s economic interest is subject to change
without notice. While the information presented herein is believed to be reliable, no representation or warranty is made
concerning the accuracy of any data presented.

GREENLIGHT® and GREENLIGHT CAPITAL, INC. with the star logo are registered trademarks of Greenlight
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trade names, trademarks and service marks herein are the property of their respective owners who retain all proprietary
rights over their use. This communication is confidential and may not be reproduced without prior written permission
from Greenlight.

Unless otherwise noted, performance returns reflect the weighted average total returns, net of fees and expenses, for
a “New Issue Eligible” investor invested since inception in Greenlight Capital, L.P., Greenlight Capital Qualified,
L.P., Greenlight Capital Offshore, Ltd., Greenlight Capital Offshore Qualified, Ltd., and the dollar interests of
Greenlight Capital Investors, LP and Greenlight Capital Offshore Investors, Ltd. (collectively, the “Partnerships”).
Each Partnership’s returns are net of the modified high water mark incentive allocation of 10%.

All figures are unaudited. Greenlight does not undertake to update any information contained herein as a result of
audit adjustments or other corrections. Past performance is not indicative of future results. An investor’s actual returns
may differ from the returns presented due to several factors, including the timing of each investor’s capital activity
and the applicable incentive allocation rate, which may be 10% or 20% depending on whether such investor is below
such investor’s modified high water mark. Each investor will receive individual statements showing returns from the
administrator. Reference to an index does not imply that the Partnerships will achieve returns, volatility or other results
similar to the index. The total returns for the index do not reflect the deduction of any fees or expenses which would
reduce returns.

All exposure information is calculated on a delta-adjusted basis and excludes “macro” positions, which may include,
but are not limited to, government debt, currencies, commodities, credit default swaps, interest rate swaps, volatility
indexes, credit indexes and derivatives on any of these instruments. However, equity indexes and derivatives on such
instruments are included in long/short exposure. The largest disclosed long positions represent individual issuers to
which the Partnerships have the highest exposure. Greenlight, in its discretion, may exclude from this list any position
that has not been disclosed but would otherwise be included, and instead include the Partnerships’ next largest position.
Weightings, exposure, attribution and performance contribution information reflects the weighted average of such
figures for investments by Greenlight Capital, L.P., Greenlight Capital Qualified, L.P., Greenlight Capital Offshore,
Ltd., Greenlight Capital Offshore Qualified, Ltd., Greenlight Capital Investors, LP, and Greenlight Capital Offshore
Investors, Ltd. (excluding any gold backing) and are the result of classifications and assumptions made in the sole
judgment of Greenlight. All exposure calculations include the impact of month-end redemptions and subscriptions as
of the first day of the following month.

The fund terms, performance returns, and portfolio characteristics reflected in this document are not indicative of
future returns or portfolio characteristics and do not modify the terms of the funds as detailed in each fund’s
confidential offering memorandum.

Positions reflected in this letter do not represent all the positions held, purchased or sold, and in the aggregate, the
information may represent a small percentage of activity. The information presented is intended to provide insight
into the noteworthy events, in the sole opinion of Greenlight, affecting the Partnerships. The book value of AerCap
and Brighthouse Financial are Greenlight estimates as of December 31, 2019. Altice Europe’s enterprise value and
free cash flow are Greenlight estimates. General Motors’ dividend yield is based on the year-end stock price.



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