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oe Concrete Face Rockfill Dams— Design, Construction, and Performance Proceedings of a Symposium sponsored by the Geotechnical Engineering Division ofthe American Society of Civil Engiiers in conjunction with the ASCE Convention in Detroit, Michigan October 21, 1985 Edited by J. Barry Cooke and James L. Sherard @ Pubiised by the ‘American Society of Civil Engineers 345 East 47th Street NewYork, New York 10017-2998 ‘iiiany conerzoaie 235627 ‘The Society is nat responsible for any statements ‘ade or opinions expressed in its publications. | SEEN Orn PREFACE, ‘This Osher 1985 Symposiom on the Concrete Face Rockfil Dam (CFRD) follows the Symposium on Rockfil Dars held at the Portand, Oregon June 1958 ASCE Convention. The 1958 Symposium was publsied in ASCE Transactions, Vol. 128, Pat il, 1962, and included Aiscssios and clrue clcussions in an excasie Volume. Most of the work's bigh rok dams ofall pes were presented in that Symposium “The 37 papers inthis Occer 1988 Symposism are fer the CFRD only. This type of ar isting ed with greater fequeny ar 1 greater heights i he lst decace ands resent ‘The dovelopments lating tothe progress are many, and are peecented inthe papers inthis Symposium. Majo fesuros contributing to progres are the we aed development ofthe smth ras vibratory roller an detig improvements isthe cuff the foundation nd concet face slab and joints, Paperson te performance ofthe existing modern das, special apes enrockfl lag, dam constuction and seismic analyses, ad on dams curently under esi ae inched ‘The syrposim 9s proposed othe GT Executive Commitee by Rickard. Volpe, Caiman of the Emoankment Doms and Slopes Commitee, J, Bany Cooke and lames L. Sheard were ppinted a the Symposiv Committe Chairman and Co-Chairman. Papecs were invited ana the five reepone is vide! i thie vlume, Members of The Symosium Comite” are the reviawere who eobmited prompt and thorough reviews leis the crtat pace ofthe Geteluicl Eaginaetig Division that ech ppor published ne special technics publestion (STP) be reviewed for ls content and quliy. These special ‘ech publiaton ar inended to reinforce the programs presente at convention sestoas ot specialty eenferesces and to contain papers that are timely snd may be controversial © some teat, Because ofthe ned ta ve the STP avaiable the conversion, de vallsbe for review 's peerally no as ong and reviews may sot be as comprehensive as those given to papers Sobrited to the Jural ofthe Divison. These STP reviews orsiasily are cared out within 2 Ue month tine frame. Therefoee, i should be recognized that thre isa diference fe the purpose snd technia status af eotribaions othe special techsical publications a compared 10 ‘howe inthe our, Reviows of papers publahed in thie volume were conducted 8) the Extankmest Dans end Slopes Commites of the Geotechnical Bngieerng Division. The folowing commitee members or cooperating pertons from the general memberhip reviews these papers ‘Sintom Bia) Don R. Hooper Donald H. Babb David E, Kleiner Hugh M. Brown G, Rober Kock Richard &. Bure Richa L. Klee Giles Boreas Thomas M. Leps 4. Bary Cooke ‘Andeen Merit Jobe V. Hela Mice! J. Moris Ralph B. Peck ‘Willan F, Swiger Nelson L. de 8, Pinto Gerald R. Thier Warren. Sehumans Mizes 8. Vasiescs James L. Sheed Richard L. Volpe Arthur. Stasburger ‘Thurman R. Wathen efor discussions athe Geptechicl foul ‘The papers contained in these proseodings rel sand ace eligible for ASCE awards. Discusion a ievied and encuraged. Tey should be made 10 the book, “The Conseie Face Reckfill Dan”, fllowed by the tle of paper and name of suthor. The elsing date for submission of discussions is Februsry 1, 1986. Discussions, including closures, wll be published ina fire volume of the GT outa 4 Bany Coote, F. ASCE Snes L. Shorr, F. ASCE iors ‘CONTENTS EXISTING DAMS Performance of Cogoi Dam Under Slsmic Looting Tris Anat, lat Ibar, aed Guillermo Noguera New Exchequer Dam, Califor “Thonae M. Lepe, C. A. Casha, and R. N, Janopal Design, Contin & Performance of Fades Dam 3.C. Milt, F, Lavi, and F. Robert, Weak Rockin Two Reckfil Dams RJ. Good, D. L. W. Bun, and A.M. Patons Alto Aachicaya Dam—Ten Yeurs Performance Bayatco Matron “Mersbrave Sealing of Rouen Dam 1M. Salembiee Gls Dam-—Desgn, Consruction and Peformance Fabio Ama and Alberto Marlanda “The Outardes 2 Concrete Faced Rockfil Da ©. Dasal - i Conese Face Reciill Das of the Winneke Project, R Casinader and R. B. Wett ‘The RD. Baley Dam —A Conciee Faced, Eath-Rockfil Ralph R, W. Beene and Bdvard C. Prchet For do Artis Dam—Design, Contnction, and Behaviour "Nelson L de Pint, Pedro L. Maagoes Fi, and Elbe Maurer * consrtion of Foe do Aela Dam Bayardo Materon Mangrove Creek Dar: Ute of Soit Rock for Keck , R, Mackenzie and L. A. MeDonalé > Design snd Peformance of Stiroro Reef! Dam ‘Willem L, Boskmss, Joba D. Wyatt Fortuna Concrete Face Rocfill Dan 'D. A. Penfom, M. S. Vasesca and E. A, Fetro Design Features of Salvajina Damn ess M, Siena, Carlos A Rare, and Jorge E, Hace Consiristion sed Peroreance of Salajina Dam Tonge Hactas, Caos A. Remitez and Gallrmo Regalo Beendooma Dam RL. Roses hwo Laere—A Cone Face Recs! Dam on Karst ‘Soman Wesheetsl, Gordon J. Roberts, and Andrew J. Coles Design’ apd Constasion of Tenor Lake Den (Michael Mors ra 0 16 mm 192 06 2s 266 26 a6 36 362 1 Kotmale Dam and Observations on CFRD i Eawued M. Gosschale and A-N.§. Kulssinghe x | fang Ai—Trnsten Zone i PR. Pape 36 Daign of Crate Conic Face Roki Ban ‘vor L Pekewon, Soetomo Siwostdjnss nd Yuan Mat on ‘GENERAL PAPERS Design of Conesi-Faead Reckfill Dams Is Mis ©. apa, Brute A. Col, Frank L, Kine, ad Beam ®. Knoop 410 ji Consiucten of Concrete Face Rockit Dans 1 ‘8. Vary, R. Boyle, E. Prick, and Ri 23s (+ ‘The Upstream Zone in Concrete Face Rock Dane | James Sharad 618 | Sime Design of Concrete Fated Rockfi Dam I Bolte Seo, Raymond B. Seed, SS. Ls. and 8, Khaenehpour 459 i Selmic Analysis of Concrete Face Rockit Dams : Sites Buca, Richard L. Volpe, Wolfgang H. Roh and Takehara Udska 7 Pisign and Siabilty Evaluation of Balsam Mescow Dury hee-Fea Tea, Bing C. Yen, Keith D, Tucker, and Shahen Asai 09 i A Siudy of Deformations in Concrete Faced Reekill Dane ideo Imaizumi, Alvara Sarah 8 DAMS (Nv DESIGN Design of Deer Crest Dam Facolé Helingsvor, Tinaty R. Conne, and Victor E. Anéenon a The Xingo Rockfil Darm Aurelio A. Vasconcelos, Laiz Paulo Eigenteer 38 Rocifl Compreson Tests and Other Aspects ofthe Design of be { Da Juan E. Piero 306 Segreso Dam-—Basic Design Aspecs cso de. Pinto, Podio L. Margues Filo, anf Edibeao Maurer so Machadinto Dam in Broil Regis Darton Cares and Ferasndo Thelen 308 ea Dim —Setection of Type Joe Antunes Sotriho and Jeagury C. da Casha on Design of Macagus Concrete Face Rock Dan 2. Pras, K. De Files, Lage cos Sabjet tnx 6s Author index 6s PERFORMANCE OF COGOTI OHM UNDER sEiSMIE LoKoING by Luis Arrou," Isnae) Ibarra,2 snd Cuil Terma Noguera? 280 te°Tig Af the, te of Tes comtetton in 1998, the 280 1 185 a) high Tyner eteced In height by onty one other goatar Stag Le,cerl, Sele Sorings tans The den eo tse eoes Se YE {70,000 03) of eumped eacees omtane fogeer"beg ff (Re F860, Tab ie T72,000°sa re Lae 9), foveti Dan is located in north cengral erine Fock? 111 dan ces ign eed, completion of Caps hile has been sub jected 9 four major ears Ing From 7. Richter. (Teo Richter) wich epleenter the most severe TaehsUph Copotl mas constructes of highs lise deine SESE without compaction or stuiciag, no cee ste fetage to The face stab hor occurred, Shut esac Eettlonent ald occur, but the dan 1s contnacent sffective In wienstonding seismic toadines Inteoduetton soon nasics Publications the Cogott oun has been reported as having Ege! tas‘hot®MPertaN setumie loadings, Those 2s e300 the pertornaneet af 30, 0 describe Tes desigh; cont es ferent Unformat Ton Seget23s,, TM Barpose of thia'paper s"tseetgtS, ssvanTe Longiggg? eYeTeete the dam's performance uae gst seisnte loadings: Pistieas’ 200; tePtD. de Riegoy Direccton Genera) de teres Pubticas, Santiosos chile GAyii Etgineering Student, Fac, de crencies Fisices Y Matenstices, Universidas ce Chile, Senttags, erie Santlogt2' goer» Enoress Naclona! ce Etectrieidad S.A, ~ Nes, Santiagey Chile 2 CONCRETE FACE ROCKFILL DAMS General Tho Copot! am 1s located 45 mites (75 km) From the clty of Oval 2150 fr (656) above sea level, in the province of Coquinooy IV Region of chile, The reservoie provides. Irrigation to 30,000 acres (12,000'ha), Te was constructed Just downstream of the confluence of the'Paaa and Cogat! Rivers, Figure 1, The capacity of the reservolt is. 120,000 acre=Fe (150 million w3), and its surface araa le 3.3 56 rites {850 hal. The catchment basin measures 560 8q nites (250 fen2}. Annual rainfall in the area 1s 10 tn. (258 a} ete WAIOR EARTHGUARES arg ner [oare [ericenter] ,RewteRe @| wa] mara |e @| we) auc | a. Arnee © | wn] marco | +s @| ws] woueo [27 FIGURE 1 = LOCATION PLAN AMD EARTHQUAKE OATA DAM PERFORMANCE UNDER LOADING Studies coomerced In 1933, bidding for construction tock place near the end of 1836, and the dem was constructed during the period 1935= 1938, The studies, design, and construction Inspection were performed by the Departenent® da Riego de te Direceion General de Goraz Pibticess ‘Type of Dam ‘he dan Is located in the foothiI1s of the Andes where the Copot! River has excavated 2 deep gorge in anéesitic breccia rock. Impervious soils are not found in the eres, and cenent sources vere very remote at the tine, concrete face reckFill dom wos selected os Seis mast economical. "The earth core reckfill dan wes just emerging se a type of dom In 1933 (1, pg. 1385) Moxiaum height of the dam is 280 fr (65 w). The crest lengeh is $25 fe_(160 n), with a width of 25 ft (8m). The upstream slope averages T.AH:1.00 bod the downstream slope Ix 1.5H:7.0V. total rockt ill volume Is apprexinately 915,000 eo yé (760,000 m3). The plan and Sectlon of the dam are shown in Figures 2 ang 3+ spittuay ‘An ungated spilnay is excavated Into the Teft abutment rock and has 2 design capacity of 176,000 cu ft/sec (5,000 m3/s). The spillway contains 2 reinforced-conerete side-channe! broad-crested weir control 525 ft (160 m) long and with erest ot 23 Fe (7'm) below the Gam creie. The spillvay canal lovert and chute are uni ined. tem Design A review of the project files did not reveal any inforaation or date fon the stability analysis of the dom. By applying Reseork's method (2),"the fol loving anslyeis can be modes Fs. (= Ry sec?) We (FS. = 1) sin 8 . = Static factor of safer Ingle of internal Friction of the reekFiIt Bogle of the rockfIil slope ty_= Pore pressure factor N= Yielding acceleration s. o Since no pore water pressures develop in » CFRD, the pore pressure factor, Ry Is sero, Triasisl teats on the fined of the reektil! have thown an ingle of intoraal friction of #1° for a relative density of JOR.” Results of the analysis are shown In Tables | and 2. 4 CONCRETE FACE ROCKFILL DAMS F10URE 3 - COGOT! OAM = TYPIcAL section DAM PERFORMANCE UNDER LOADING TABLE 1 RESULTS OF SEISMIC STABILITY AMALYSIS. Slope 8 6 (static) wo Upstream 35.58 0 taz yk downetrean 33.699 0 10 nee According to Newmark's nethos, the dan may be subjected to greater fccelerations than the ylelding accelerat‘on with the following crest atsplocoments: TABLE 2 ~ CALCULATED CREST DISPLACEMENTS. Crest Displacement Tn tnehes (concineters) Upstream slope Nis N/a 013 813 1.00 ° @ 020° Ons 0.65, 2 eo 030033 a (20) odo 0130.38 15 Ga 050 ots 0.28 25 (ay Crest Displacenent Downstream Th inches ‘Stop ee (contisetars) on7 8nT 1.00 ° o v.20 Or 0.85, 1 (25) 030 O78? 2g @ oto OTB 8 (20) 050 OT OB 15 Gay thax © maxioum ground acceleration, 9 = acceleration of gravity 6 CONCRETE FACE ROCKFILL DAMS Dosign Details of the Face Slab ‘The concrete faco varies in thickness From a maxinun of 31.5 In. (40 en) at the foundation to # in. (20 en} st the don crest. ‘The Face Is divided into individual formed clabs, generally 32,8" 52.8 fc (10 a ® 19m) squere. Joints have 24 in. (6b ex) uide copper waterstops with Fiveved jolntsd Steel reinforcing varies from panel to panel with depth, camencing at the Foundation with two rom af 1 the (25ch en) dianeter bors at 12 in. (30 em) spacing each way in each Face and terminating at the dam crest with a single ron of 3/0 Ine (19 mo) disoater bars st 8 in. $20 en) spacing. Mintaum cover (3.4 Ine {10 con). (46.6 Fe (2 m) wide zane of hand-placed smell rock foras a beudi¥g zone for the face stab. At the sane cconerete Face is Forme into 2 3.3 1¢ (1a) high retaining wall, Under at lines of joints, both versical and horizontal, a trench approximately 47 in, (1.20 n) wide ang 28 Ine {70 en) deep wow formed in the handeplaced rock zone and backfilled with concrete to provice bearing support at the joints (see Figure h for typicel jolnt end Felaforcanent detsile for the face sco). The totel area of the concrete face fs 172,000 sq Ft (16,080 m2). In secordence vith design dravings, at the Toundetton contact in the slvar botton 24.62 Fe {IaS'a) wide reinforced conerets carcrf watt wes cvcavated a minimin of 918 Fe-(3's) taes sound roeee tne Bertneter Joint getait along the sbuteants Tees show in Figuce 5. ‘ke escbullt aetell for the’ abutment parlaetar jeine Te, serusedfoem site:sbservacions nd convacaations with on engiease tnvsived’ in tne onstruction. Ie 1a noted thet either the erigival design nor the fiat” design contemplated the use ef naterstopss he nerioeley Joint feta at the Fiver bottom cut-off wall Ta not tnows Fock#I11 Construction In eecordance wlth aval lable construction reports, the initia! construction of the main rockFIII zone was sccampl ished by required sbutment rock excavation blasting, allowing the rock to Fall free to the dan foundation. Upon completion of this excavation, rock was, stated as being dumped In Tifts of greatest height pract icebles Neither’ conpaction nar water sivicing wae applied: ‘Rock#ill matertel were generally andesitie Breceia. sie Loading Since completion in late 1938, Cogoti das hes withstood Four important sefseic actions, the characteristics of which are shown Te Table 3. DAM PERFORMANCE UNDER LOADING 1 JOINT FILLER @ asrnait xk serene 08 @ auruminous mereonates EH COPPER WATERSIOP Feu sis. icwsi ASPHALT BONO BREAKER /ERTICAL(NCLNED) SUPPORT BEAM (Cowan 27} wonrzont src Be {e) IYPICAL HORIZONTAL JOINT 1 (25mm) REINFORCING BARS TeRTicat sont (Sasenaut aon sreaKer [inz0m)___|\CHORIZONTAL suPpORT BEAM \ \verticat ciotineo) Suneoe Seam (b) TYPICAL VERTICAL JOINT FIGURE 4- FACE SLAB JOINT DETAILS 4 ‘CONCRETE FACE ROCKFILL DAMS TINgeR PROTECTION AUQRER sea HEME ROPE Steet wine REINFORCING FACE SLAB (REINFORCING NOT SHOWN) (6) som sera yon ota, (asSorsaeet cae often yas SECOND Stace CoNcRETE WEDGE ptumastic ‘COATING FACE SLAB (REINFORCING NOT SHOWN) spuncmes | |b) JOINT DET. (as GUIT-ASSUMEDT FIGURE 5~ PERIMETER JOINT DETAILS DAM PERFORMANCE UNDER LOADING TABLE 3 = EARTHQUAKE HISTORY AT EP ICENTERS Distance from Epleentery In Epicenter nites, {ki Teneters) dete Lecation —K* Horizontal Depth Ig Jeri A tape 7.985 20 5-10 13853 3) 3) March 28 La tiga Tet 38 1 1365 053) co) July 8 Pepuder 7.502 37 8 i971 Zapallar 8s) (60) march 3. Liolleos 7-7 174 9 tot 1385, Rigarrebe (20) 09 © Richter Magnitude T= Mercalli tavensity at Epicenter ‘The Mercatti tatens!ty (1) at the epicenter wss estimated by the Guteonberg-Richter fermul® (5): tg = (5H 3.5 fog H) 43 whore + = Richter Nagnitude H depen (ka) “he maximum ground aczeteretion In the daw cite uae estimated by the Formuta. ceveloped by Seragoni, Labbe, and Gol dsack (5 bax = ge x 008m (n+ 25)? oximm ground acceteretton (em/s®) = Richter RegnTtude Ro Radial distance to epleenter = (0% + #2) 25 (um) D= Horizontal distance to the epicenter (ken) HW Depth to the epleenter (kn) and the eewults are given In Table 4: 0 CONCRETE FACE ROCKFILL DAMS TABLE & - SEISMIC EXPERIENCE AT OM At cogoti site oak, tn fect/second? Epicenter Richter (Centinegers/ beaten Ragni tude sezond?) toox/s Tags 9-38 133) Le Ligue 741 13 0.08 a} Papudo- 7.5 109 16 0.05 mapatlae (78) a} Liottes: 7.7 vs 0,82 0.05 Algarrebo coat} 5) Performance: Settlenent ~ Figure 6 presents crest sattlenent data. It is noted that the 1943 Illapel earehquake produced an Instantaneous settlement of 1.32 Ft (40 cn) approximately equal to the total settlement experienced to that date since dam completion 4.5 years eariter. No record of settlement measurements since 1953 hes been encountered; however, In lovenber 1989 special survey var sade.” From Figure 6 it an be concluded that tha 1966 and 1971 earthquakes had slight, If ‘ny, effect on settlenent but, more Importantly, the effect of the ai} earehquake was to produce, Instantonsously, setttenent wich would have eventually occurred. The duration sn magnitude of the Setelenene curve agree with the type of rock, ancesteie Drecel@y and the nathod oF construction, high-Iift dumped rockFiIT with no coapaction or sivielng waters The settlonent data shown in Figure 6 15 taken at a point essentially inldway along the crest length of the dam and corresponds te the point fof mextman recorded settlenent 3.54 ft (108 em). At this polot the diam height is 207 Ft (63 ml, end the settlement represents 1.78 of the hetght oF the dan. The point of moxtnum height of the dany however, is considarably closer to the abutment, end aoxinun settlenent at that point mas only 2.79 #t (85 ca), corresponding to If of the du heighe. Ie is believed ehat the proximity of the foundation tow point to the extrenely steep lert abuteent restrained the settlenent at that rection. Leakage - The letest recorded leakage at Cogetl, messured in Hey 1985, sar BS cu Fe/sse (2,400 1/2). Apparently leskage has base noted oe ogoti Since the Tale was First filled in 1939." Reports. indicate that ntil 19b1 it was believed that the leakage was coming foe sbutvent or foundat lon and not from the dan, A conti nuove record of Teakage was Initiated In 1953. Price to 1953 only Inveralttent data Is avai labte DAM PERFORMANCE UNDER LOADING u ay Sear] aan 7 tobe ant 2 atte ‘oao' fa fp ep! st nee Tole Teal a P i 8 Leakace IN FT/SEC 1 ge A = i mf eae? FIGURE 7 - LEAKAGE At cogot! OAM 2 CONCRETE FACE ROCKFILL DAMS The Yeakage appears at the downstream toe oF ene ote aneene! center of the valley. The Fotlowing can be deduced from Figure 72 z leakage rates are increasing with tine 7 Individual seismic events nave sppsreatly not affected leshage rates = Leakage rate Increase proportienately with height of reservoir ia,the wells of the discharge channels of the sve tunels no Leakage has been observed. On the left abutment sone leakage ie nied nat tn yory small amounts. This evidence leads to the ber fet shee Gee Sunages. due to Seismic Action - The April 1943 I1lapel earthquake hed the greatest effect en the dan. Setthenent occurred thresshecr ate ErggE Tenath, reaching a maximum of 1.32 Fe (40 em) at the ecee et section, a3 can be seen In Figure €. "In sccortonce orth ene information provided by Engineer Luis Larroueauny cived by fh. Rleseyer in his 1972 report (3), the extreme upper part of the concrete teae slab was expotod Fron the downstream oid. Table 3 presente ettinates of the maxinun accelerations experienced in the dam foundation. According to Aabreseys and Same (1) ovine Segglergtion tn the upper third of the dn would trcrense’ te dap x 1:35 = 0.37 91 The corresponding displacancrts caleuiaeed oy Meomark's method are of the order of 15 ine (38 en} for Oe4'y (Table 2). There is an agreenent between the observed end the esheet eet The Meimeyer report (3) indicates thet elthough the reservoir wes erety, the 1971 Papudan2apaltar earthquake caused longi soaroe? Stacking at the crest and sone disarrangenent of Indic duel racks and Curb stones on the crest at well 25 rocks’ on the domstresn slope: soblens with the Concrete Face Slab’ A review of the Department of ‘hole orks Files revealed the Foiloning probless with she tnentect face s1eb1 ) With very low lake levels, vortices have been observed at the Fight ebuteent contact where the sbutaent fs very seecpe, Fotis Woy possible thet the perimeter joint hes becn ruptured at this Vocation. ») In the upper part of the Face slab, the vectiea! joints show deterioration due to compression. ‘The bituninaus joins Fitter wos being squcezed out, and some spalling of concrete hos’ boon noted. These probiens were encountered In the central ger tion of the conerete faces DAM PERFORMANCE UNDER LOADING 8 1) Ae the erase level, longitudinal cracking occurred tn the center portion of the crest. Repairs, - The only repair work done to date was to place rockt itl he don crest, after the 1543 earthquake, to compensate for the induced settlénent. Since Teakage rates have been inereat ngy more strict monitoring of aune has been initiated in order to provide inforastion necessary for s decision to repalt the face, siabe, Conetustons The 260 fe (85 m) igh Cogot! concrete Face rockFiI1 dam, completed ia 1538, has been subjected to four major eerthquakes, the mest severe having been estinsted to induce e ground acceleration of 0.18 9 ond & weximon acceleration in the enbenknent Sody of 0.37 9. It appears that the most significant result of thie seismic’ loading has bees only an Ninstant acceleration" of the long-term settlonent carves Although tone minor crest damage was experienced, no selenfe damage so the concrete face slab has been observed. Goservation of Tolnts ie she exposed face sleb Indicates intoct Joints, o¥though some. Joint squeezing scconpenied by spalling of concrete Is occurring. After sore than &5 years of operation, the concrete has shown re signs of deterioration. Dan leakage, however, has inereosed merkedly aver the yeers and a repair plan Is presently under study. Leekege versus tine Curves show no apparent eaerelation with the severel selsais seestse i Ts concluded that. the Teakage #2 primarily s result of adverse Gisplacenents along the perimeter joint indveed by the then carvent and accepted method of dusped rockfil! construction In high, lincompactea 11Fte. 4 (CONCRETE FACE ROCKFILL DAMS References 1. Aebrsseys, Note and Sarma S.K, ‘the Response of Earth Dans ‘to Strong Earthquakes"! ceotechatgue, London, England, Vol. 17 = Sept. 1967, pp 181-213. 2. amar, MMe "Effects of Earthquakes on Dans and Exbankients! Fifth Rankine Lecture, Geatechnique. Neneyer, H. “informe’ Prat iminar sobre el Efecto to los Sismos en los Prinetpates Eabalses de ta. Zona Centro-horte de Chite™ Hinisterio de Obras Publleas y Transportes, Direccion de Riego, chile, 1972. 4. Noguera, 6. "Selaple Behavior of Some Chilean Earth Dans" 1600, 13th Congress, New Deli, 1579. saragonly GR. Lebbe, JC nd Goldeack, As ‘Rlgunas’Reiactones Hacrdeisaiese para'la Evaluecion del Riesgo Stamicn on Chile 2nd Jornadas Chilenas do Sisnologia @ Ingenieris Antlsisnico, Sentlaga, chile, 1976. 6. Schnetaer, 8, ‘Wisits Dt. Schneider ol Esbslze Cogott IV Region” Unpublished Report, Coyne et Bellier, Bureau é*ingeneieurs Conseils, Decanter’ 198% Te Sooke, J-Be, "Progress in RockfTIT Dans" Journal of Geotechnical Division, ASCE, Vol. 110, No. 10, (etober 1984. ASCE 155N 0733 s6i0 84 /b010~1363, Paper Mo. 19206, NEW EXCHEQUER DAM, CALIFORNIA, by Thomes M. Laps (DF. ASCE, C.A, Cashatt (2), an RAN, Janopaul (9) ®. ASCE avsraact:( New Bxchesuee Dam design, ia 3968, was in the trtatton peta wilh tanoed roc yar bang resnsed Koby andelechie cetlemest sharesterstics, and compaction of toutn in spit ts war bagning to be rence, so ato minimize Seitements } Additional,’ tis sige tanlish period witeced Svan fmorvements boing nahin conrete face sab Sei, Sauniy abandoning the gly arcuate, eneeeronrd peter of Re tnd compretne fat eostastec at New Becher urther= tore the roskil sme Sign inmedintey anor the face aad a Beisel frre om eae ary mesmo ours crated Foot anor tree bee detail “havng fot, Bean petested iisiety in 185 rested large sattlomonts tnd Tee Sub dame, ond ih eagee INTRODUCTION ‘The design of high concrete face, rockfill dams has undergone continuous ‘and major impcovements in the past twenty Years. Improvemont minor stails, principally related to waterstops and joints, is continuing but, as of ths time, the basie design requirements gonarally being adopted are considered to provide en exceptionally safe and reliable tspe of dam for all helghts Up to end somewhat beyond 000 ft. (245 m (as suggested by Chivor earth core rockfill dam performance at 250 me ‘The design of Now Bxahoquer Dam preseded the major improvements referred to above although exhibiting in two important details the initial trends towards those improvements as follows: (1) The trend towards vibratory ‘compaction of rodkfill in small, controtied lifts, and (2) the trend towards specitybg compacted, dirty, semi-impervious gravel for the zone immediately under the fece slab. ‘These two trends have now fully maturad, hove acsomplishod the highly esos controt of rookfil settlement and translation, and have provided & ‘support for the face slab whiah is easier to grade and compact, and constitutes A secondary contro! of leakage through face sb fonts. (a) President, Thomas M, Laps, Ine, P.O. Box 2228, tlonlo Park, CA 91028, @) Project Manager, Now Exchaguer Project, Merced krigation Distriet, D188 Village Br, Sneling, CAxy 95352. 2) President, Tusor Engineering. Co., 301 tisson St, San Francisoo, CA, 94103. 6 ‘CONCRETE FACE ROCKFILL, DAMS ‘The povformance of New Exshoquer Dam as regards its leakage history has convincingly demonstrated that sueh improvements were. mandatary If Nigh, eonerete face, rookfill dans were to eontiaue being bull, DESCRIPTION OF DAN. | Mew Bxonoquer Damn (Figs. 1, 2 9 & 10) Ie a 490 ft, (180 ma) high, eonerete face rockfill darn. — The acest langth is 1400 ft. (627 m). Tho volume of rockrill is 5,848,000 cu. yo. (4,080,000 m®). Both slopes are 1.43 ELOY. "The Dam Is fovated in a deep, relatively narcow eanyen eroded in ‘competent rock, and all of the rockflll was placed oa % fully stripped site, (the Dem is unique in thet its upstream slope is retained up to a holght ‘of 185° 1. (85 m) by the pre-existing Exchequer concrete gravity dam, the Gownstream face of which slopes at U.6SIT tov10V. Thus the concrate face Slab extends from the old dam, where the rockflll is already 185 fe. 5. m) Geep, to the crest of the new ockIll dary where the rock" Is 490 ft, (50 tn) deen, cassie Bibs moeo SIEe FIG. NEW EXCHEQUER DAM MAXIMA SECTION Bee {, the interior of the new dam i ones into four zones (ig, a fll Zone 1, % 10-18 in (7.8 to 38 em) ecushed rook, provided ss bedding for the eonerete face, compacted tn 2 ft. (0,8 i) ifs, 10 Th Gm) with zone. Zona 2, minus 4 ft. (1.2 m) quartied rockfill, in the upstesem 2656 Of the ross Gection, compacted in’ ft. (1.2m) lifts by ibeatory roller Zone 8, minus 4 ft (2 mo) quertied rooktil, placed in 10 ft. (3. rm) Tifts, no special compaction, in central 2/3 of soction, [NEW EXCHEQUER DAM 1” mu Baa FIG.3 » NEV EXCHEQUER DAW LOCATION 8 ‘CONCRETE FACE ROCKFILL DAMS (zone 4, random quarsed rooktit, dumped in lifts up to 60 ft. (8 / \ tm), in downstream 18% of section. & (me conres tgp smb vases tokyes tom 18 om at me Geek Up 51 ns 88 an a he optenn Toe) Kansas of ses ot bcs GER Ge ay ate OF oo 8 40 Vee Senge See a oot acd oly by o-gege Soper mater sop at midep nt ch rial Reem pitinise Tis nase § oa we 2. (ae pam is oeated on the Meteed River, about 35 mi GB Xm) East of ened, Calorie (rg. 3), Tt owned by the Merced telgation Dstict Karst chief, to sip igigtien olen, alls & goes Stotage wehime ot 4985000 a (as x 10" 8) bo aso sures an 40400 kn hyeoelesie enetatng un. ‘Tho Dam a covettveted in lee tanto yours n 084 estan “the physieat design of the concrete face rockl dam was almost entirety bese on precedent and resulted inthe dimensions given in the preceding section, There. was, however, one major aspect of the design that was at hat tine unique, "That was the Incorporation of tho xiting ‘Exchequer concrete gravity dam in the cross seetion of the propasee rookfill dam as 2 portion of its upstream helt. The basle question was a8 follows: To what Felght’on the cownstream face of ihe old dam would It be safe, for all Toading conditions, to construct the lew rocKfll, es regards. the thrust on the old dam cue both to rockfill construction and to that thrust a5 later modified by reservoi Ioading on the face slab? The situations considered swore: (1) The possiblity of sliding the old dam upstream, and (2) The Possibility of tipping the off dem upstream, These questions required making fan estimate of tho presaures thet the roskfill would exert against the old ‘Germ and then analyzing the stablity of the gravity dem for the various pertinent toading conditions. ‘The results of these anslyses indicated that the new roekfill could be safely placed ar high ar 258° fe (TLT m) up the 920, ft. (07.6 m) high Gownetream face of the old dam. On advice of ite consuitants, howover, the California Dept. of Water Rosouroes, Divsion of Safety of Dams, would not secept, that determination, and required, as a matter of added. eon- fervatism, that the design resrlet rock ecntact on the old dam to the helgnt of 158 ft. (6A m Rockit presoutes agalnet the old dam wore measured by stress motors during’ and after oonstraction Tho values boorved will be diseussod in @ subsequent seetion. sous ‘the concrete face slab war conttructed as individual panels 60 f (10.3 12) wide by Irom 21 ft G4 m) to 0 ft 05 m), on the 1.4 1: LO V slope, Vertical joints, as constricted, wero open 2 it. (S em) in the eonteal half of the face and 1 In. (2.5 of) In the remainder. Horizontal joints were fonstrueted without openings. Al olats contained 18 gauge copper waterstops ‘wien were Loeates at mid-depth of the sisbs and extenced § In. (12.6 cr) into conerete, Maximum theovette direst extension of the waterstops was NEW EXCHEQUER DAM 9 8 in. (0. em), although saversly lessor extension was permissDle at right angle interseations of vertical and horizontal waterstops. ‘The basic result of the highly articulated, checkerboard patter of face slab panels wos that, while fe permitted sufficient mobility of individual panels to freely follow the long term sottloment and translation of the Underlying rook, it algo allewed cumulative herizental eioswe over the Width of the faee slab of as much as 24 In. (0 om). ‘Thess large horizontal movements were not anticipeted and were clearly undesirable. ‘The perimeter jbint, belag In tension and rigidly attached to abutment bedrock, was totally Inoapable of providing the extension nevessar7 to mati the elosues elsewhere Inthe face sleb without rupturing the copper waterstop. Furthermore, offsets of face slate at the perimeter jpints, due to downstream translation of the Uinderiyeg rocktil also wore ifflelent to tear the waterstops, ‘Accurate measurements of opening and translation of nesr-perimeter Joints at Now Exchequer aze not avallable, Dut a reviow of visual estimates Indicates there have been, over the past 20 years, local openings of as ‘uch ‘a5 10 in, (25 em) and offsets of us much es § in, (128 em). These have been resenied In several inerements, Dut many of the corrective meesures to-1984 (uch as now, jointed, cover slabs over jolts, and use of thiak Neoprene reembrenes Gver repeived joints) have bad limited capebility to provide adequate, long life performance, as concentrated font. separations have continued. ‘One Jpint thet has not been disoussed In the foregoing is that at the upstream tee, that was designed to saul the fac slab to tho existing gravity dam. Detale of Its complex. design will not be presented herein. Suffiee Ito say that during construction the face slab translated downslope suffi- cientiy to cause crushing of the horizontal and vertiosJolat eonerete near the old dain and lates, when ihe reservoir Milled, the froe slab translated avay from ‘the olf dam, damaging watersiops ‘and permitting excessive Teakages under heads of up to almost 800 fe (90 m). Immediate repairs were performed underwater in 1967. The procedure, as referred to later, was the nderwater, eareful placement of @ bentonite-onriched, impervious gravelly fill in the Veo space betwrean the tno dame up tos maximum depth of 30 £0(@ mm), thus blanketing all of the lowermost leaking joints with & meDile, self-nealing mass of {IL This measure, except for one repair 10 years after original placement of the fil, has succesfully sealed those jlnts which could Detinanentiy be blanketed in thet menner. It could not be used as a seal for progressively opening Joints in the grolas of the new dam because of the Steepnese of the face #lad along’ the groins. construction ‘The dam was constructed under & fixed price contract between July 1984 ‘and dune 1968, Its cost was about $29,000,000, The quarry Tor production ‘of rookfill was located high on the left abutment just downstream. The rock feos a very hard, very strong. meta-andesta,. which generally broke. whan Dissted into. angviss, medium and smaller sized particles, The Contraotor Used unusually (for that time) farge hauling equipment, 110 ton eagaaity Dart tusks.” Zones 1 and 2 rockfill were compacted by 3 passes of @ 10-ton (8070 kg) vibratory roter. 2” ‘CONCRETE FACE ROCKFILL DAMS Because of concer that potential Spring-of1966 flood sunof® might ‘greatly exseed the civeralon wanel eapactts, with a resulting potential for Svortopping the ongoing tokfil and face sisb consteuetion, these tWo con Struction activities were foread to proceed concurrently. "At one point in the schedule, the {aoe sia> placement was even ahead of rockll placement tothe extent that rockfill Tevels downstream from the top of the row of slabs being. constructed averaged lower than the top edge af the sl row. ‘Thig condition undowwtedly resulted In en appreciable increment of damage fo tase elab Joints as they responded to the lange rodkfill setlements that Wrore coneweantly being induced by bulléing the embankment; But this nad tobe aacapted az a raalonabla rk of mich lessor depres than potential overtopping. RESERVOIR OPERATION ‘when complotely full, the now resorvoie lovel is at Boy. 867 ft, (264.6 im). ‘In the fest yane of operation (1968), hard on the heels of topsing oit the dam, the pesarvoir filled only to Bley, 743 fe, (228.8 mm). Tt was then frawn_cowa =o Unit Tepairs oould be made tb all leaking Joints in the {aco slab. "i 1967, the reservolr fed completely to Bev. 8BT, and was drawn dovn only U2 Ble1. 800 prior to midi968. Following that, it was heavily drawn dawn, to effect face slab repairs and sealing. Since 1968, exegpt as very low runafl has been experienced, as in 1978-11, the normal reservoir fluctuation has been Detwoon about Bievs. 860 and 803 fe 82 and 244m). PERFORMANCE OF DAN 1, Settlament, Haga lab settlements ware monitored during con~ struction, end £9 often thereafter ae physically posible, by surveying an lrray of 40 beneh maske distributed over the entive fave.” An indiestion of ‘the magnitude of cettlaments that the féee slab hes experienced is shown ‘on Fig. 4. That figare shows cumulative settlements to 1889 for a Tine of Denet marke down the maximum height section of the dam, from erest 10 near the contect with the old dam. it Ilusteates the large megnituce of feformation that has been experienced by tho, rockfill and the face slab. ‘The chronologie history ef development of the settlements 1s presented on Fig. &, whieh also shows the projected trend to 1998, 2 ‘Translation. Concurrently with Die settlement surveys, the hortzontal movements of the 40 bench marks were surveyed. The velues shown on Fig. Sar from measurements, extended where necessary to best estimates of 1989 conditions. All treneiations aso currently in tho downstream direction, land are subotantial enough (up to 1.7 f. G2 em) ‘at some horizontal joint waterstoos. I fe of interest, the period of ‘constuction of the rockfil, the bench marge levels of the face slab translated upstream as much as 8 Deore reversing an translating downstream boat 10 to 42 In, GF to 28 4. Face Slab Vortloal Joints. It ie well knovn that the central 80 to 90% of sll vertloal face slab fointe tond to olose due to compression caused by coset] Settlements, and that the remaining joints adjacent to the ebut- NEW BXCHEQUER DAM a Wo wet asc coe vane iene emo a se bi FlG.4 ~ NEW EXDIEOLER ast FACE SLAB REFERENCE POINTS! SETTLEMENT AND HORIZONTAL TRANSLATION IN FT. C1983) z q . ae 2 3 5 PN 5s Th at CALENDAR YEAR, FIG. 5 ~ NEY ENOIEOUER On VERTICAL SETTLENENT OF REFERENCE POINTS ON FACE SLAB 2 ‘CONCRETE FACE ROCKFILL. DAMS ments tend to open, At New Exchequer, @ aystom of monitoring the Joint Spenings andjor closings consisted of using pairs of reference marcers at SEicotes ints, and remeaturing. the distence betwacn markers whenever {coats to thom parmitted. ‘This was faithfully done during construction, but pparently ceased. thereafter. The records up to Nov. {886 are, however, of eonsiderabie valle, ‘They show chiefly the intense degree of ‘cosire of fhe vortigal joints nece the centrold of the f4ee, amounting to the entice 2 ine G em) gap originally constructed, and opening of individual joints near the abutments, and ast the crest, of over 1 in. (2.5 om). Unfortunately, ho direct measurements were mads for perimetor joints at water depths of {ho to 200 f, (30 to 80m) where experience and visual observations have resulted in reported cumulative openings sinee 1966 of prebsbly more than WD in. (25 em) at each abutment. 4, Rockfill Stresses Against Old Dam. ‘The divect pressures and shear strsstes {nponed on the od kat Bp construction of the rook and opetation St'the now ecervoie wore messtrad by eighteon special stress maters designed, fabricated and calldrated by De. Roy W. Carlson, The instruments, with 2 fh by 2 ft. (60 em by 60 em) sensing ateas, were embedded in the face of the old dam, and sensing leeds wore provided to observation terminals in the gallery of the old dam, The instruments were located on the approximately Eaximum section of the new dam, at three elovations, a3 follows (Fig. Dt Blew. 480 ft, (137 mm), 128 ft Dalow toe of face sis. Bley. 500 ft, (152.5 m) 7S f. below toe of face slab. Bley. 550 f, (167.8 m) 25 ft Below too of fase slab ‘At each elevation, one block of four meters sansed direct normal oading faid one bioek of two moters sensed shear loading. Figs 6 & 7 show te normal and shear etressea of roskfill on concrete, fs a finetien both of elevation of top of rocktili during construction, and later as a function of completed roek{ill plus reservoir loading. Pig. & Musteates the relationship of the measured stresses to their positions on the face of the old dam, It ip rot olgot from a review of the originel stability fanalyses of the old ‘dem (undor. the new rock{ll loading) how the measured istresoee compare with pre-construction estimates, Dut it would appear that fhe maximum normel pressure of about 180 psi may be somewhat higher than assumed. “The total rockTil loading, however, may be somenhat lower than tras essumed due to the told decrease of normal pressure below the Elev. 300 evel, 5, _Ueakage, Initia} reservoie storage, in 1966, cosuted in partial iting aly tp Elev TiS fe, QUT mp.” Measured Ioaage at that level was 12.9 ef Gala ceoh in 1987, the reservolr filed almost completely by Iate gun, Heavy leekege orcgressively developed, stounting to about 490 of (L4m®/sec) by June 28. Underwater sonophone and video surveys indicated major leakage thé damage to face slab joins in the groias and at the wpatceam toe of the face sien Underwater sealing operations, consisting of placement of well {raded eerthfil containing 25% gravel ang 1 to 1.535 Dentogite, were promptly Endertakens Aftor placement of ebout 15,000 oy'(11,500m") of such material, the loakege was gradually reduced to 8 cfs (0,23m/sec). HEIGHT OF ROCK TLL aBove STRESS METERS, ft) ee ay bet NEW EXCHEQUER DAM. 2 500) Bs, kre es | iE | 300] ™ 7 1 | 200} 7ST TT z [Edam ieee cs Sis sress terns ESS FeStam Fal 100 7 sn, ae et 8 Shes sre: 4 0 10 ho, pst S00 10005 15000 20000 5000 3008 pst NORMAL, PRESSURE FIG.6 ~ NEW EXCHEOLER OAM, NORMAL STRESS, RODKFTLL OF CONCRETE OMM 500) —— 400}— 309} 200} a 8 400 | T seria a {il ere Soe: | 1000 = 2000 30004000 S000 6000 pst SE SRS 10. = NW EDR mM EA TESS, FL OEE DOM co ‘CONCRETE FACE ROCKFILL DAMS F1G.8 ~ NEW EXCHEQUER Di [LOADING IMPOSED ON OLE DAM, ROCKFTLL NORMAL PRESSURE AND SHEAR FIG, ~ NEV EXCHEQUER DAM DURING CONSTRUCT ON [NEW EXCHEQUER DAM Es FIG,10 = NEW EXCHEQUER 4H COWNSTREAH SLOPE In the yeate folloming the 1967 underwater sealing work, as the dam continued to settie and the face sab joints continued to oper, particularly fn and near the groin an almost continous program of cepa and sealing ot joints has Been eareied out, az portione of the face slab were exposed BY normal late Summer and Fall sagervoin drawdown. In partiouat, In 10T6-7¢ It was possible, beoause of drought conditions, to fuly nwater the fece slab land carry out comprehensive repairs, both to joints and to the 1867 earth {G1 whieh tad experienced some lose Of fines through open joints beneath Tk, Despite this work, ia 1919 leakage again increased, reaching a maximum ot 1B ats (2.2mi/se8), Since 1078, repairs have continued almost ennually, but maximum. annual leskage nevertheless has increased, being 79 cfs in 1980, 11D in 1982, 149 in 1988 end 79 in 1984, tho latter amount being eelatively low a 8 result of temporary, underwater repairs. ‘White this leakage has posed no threst to the safety and stability of the Dam, and has not impreted the Irelgation water function of the reservole, has resulted In substantially lower electric power output and apparently tendless maintenance activities and casts, Accordingly, the. decision has been ‘made in’ 1985 to undertuke a major modification of the fece slab 20 a5 to Provide Long. term control of oakage, TR work, now In progress, will fehieve the foliowings 16 CONCRETE FACE ROCKFILL DAMS Hliminste articulation of vertical joints by filing With eonerete ‘a oats that are not alteady closed. b. Repair all perimeter joints that have been progressively opening and leaking, and provide them ith special, flecible water stops. fe. Further goal the eartfill that blankets the upstream too. ‘The datails of this program, and the results achleved wil hopefully be the subject of enotner paper. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Permission to repart the performance of Now Exchequer Dam and to ‘isouss an evaluation of the derign and historle repalr metnoes was given by the Owner, Meroed Kvigation District, and tts , Timethy Mecalioagh’ ang Chief Engineer Tom Nets, as well as by Peoitls’ Gas and Ele Co., which by contractual arrangement purchsas electric energy rom. the District and supports all maintenanee costs of the Project. Key Olea personnel have been under the direction of Manger of Hy dregenarati Norvin Head ond Manager of Civil-Hycro Construction 1.0. Rasmussen. Th permission and full cooperation are gratefully acknowledged. REPERENCES 1008, Reitter, Arthur R., New Exchequer Dam, Proc., Western Weter and Power Sympciiim, ASCE, ASWE end IEEE, Los Angelas, CA. 1063, Janopaul, Robert X., "New Exchequer Dam, Undeewater Placorent of Impervious Fil to Curtail Veakages" Proe,, Neti". Meeting, Assoe. of Engrg Geologists, Seattle 1970, Reltter, Arthur R. and Jangpaul, Robert N., "Construction Surveys for Merced River Project" Trans. ASCE, Vol. 195 DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION & PERFORMANCE OF FADES OAM ac. mitet!, F, Lovis? and F. Robert? ABSTRACT - The project, construction and performance of les Fades dan are described. Les Fades dam is one of the first concrete faced ockfit dans compacted with a vibratory roller. A vibratory rolier Was also Used for the concrete facing support. No incident hes been obecrved since first impounding in 1988. Movement i slight. Leakage tends to reduce ae time goes BY. INTRODUCTION ‘The Besserve scheme on the Sioule river, @ loft-bank tributary to the Aller near Clermont-Ferrand in central Franco, was commissioned in 1968. The main storage dan at Fades is a rockfill structure with Feinforced-eonerete facing impounding 63 hms of water at reservoir Jovel S08 m, with an effective head of approxinately 16 m. A power= Station on the right bank of the river houses one 82 MVA verticsl- shaft generating set. Criteria for Dam Type Selection ‘The whole Fades dam site consists of granite, with & topography which first suggested an arch dan guite wide at the bottom, as Compared with its height and crest width. ‘The supertioial geology appeared to be suitable, but closer investi- gation revesied © complete lack of homogeneity’ in the jointing. all fhe rock promontories visible at the surface are bounded on all sides by westhered or breccistea zones. Wheathering runs deep in such & material, and the Joints are deep with weathered walls, or even Completely filled with residual clay ‘An arch dam wae therefore not feasible Omer types of comerete dam were also discarded for the samme geclo- gical reagone, plus the fact that the large volane of conccate requir Ed would have made costs prohibitive = Blectricité de France - Service de la Production Hydraulique = Tf, rue de dficomesnll ~ 75008 Paris ~ Coyne et Helier = Bureau c'ingéaieur Conseils - 5, rue d'HElio~ ~ "73017 Pais. 2 2% ‘CONCRETE FACE ROCKFILL DAMS An earth dani or rocktiil dam with earth core was impossible, because fof the absence of any suitable earth material in the area. There was Only ‘really one feasible solution, rockfill dam with a watertight upstream facing, ‘Tenders for construction were invited in Nay 1963, on the basis of theo competing designs, in which the upstream facing was elther biti~ nous concrete of cement concrete. The latter alternative was found to be the lower cost, and construction preceeded on this basis. Final design features wore as follows Max. height 68 m from BI. 440 to El. $08 Crest width 8a Crest length 285 a ‘Average doxenstream slope La 2 ‘Average upsteeam slope Ls ‘Total fil volume 730,000 me ‘Aeea of concrete facing 16,800 m? Figure 1 shows typical section through dam. 909 1 - BL rocks 5 - Cutoff 27 Bit rockdill 6 = Downstrean cotferdam 42> ELIT rockti 77 Downstream cofferdem facing 4 Upstream facing Fig. 1 ~ Typical Seotion through Dam Concrete Facing ‘The watertight upsiream facing is of a conventional design. Thick- hess ‘ranges from 25 ere at the top to 60 em at the bottom of the Fleer channel, Horizontal and vertical joints divide it up Into individual slabs, the largest one measuring 18.50 mx 13.40 m, ‘The developed elevation in DAM DESIGN/CONSTRUCTION!PERFORMANCE » Figure 2 shows the pattern of joints. The perimeter joint forms a row of slabs 4m wide, known as "perimeter slabs", whose purpose is t> improve the flexibility of the fecing at the abutnent, ‘The joints ere 12 am wide, produced by mesne of 9 non-rot compressible material (Flexcel)) lett in place. ‘The scaling strips are natural rubber (Waterstop type A, 22.5 em wide), providiag a very simple solution to the problems of intersec Hon and change of direction. ‘The special intersection and tee ceale Are. moulded and reinforced with « rubber chall. Plain changes of Glrection are also made with special mouldings. All special seals are ‘fileanized with the main strips ss.s0 EEE tt raoxness Toss Fig, 2 - Developed Elevation of Watertight Upstream Pacing Bach slab is reinforced, the steel representing 0.5 % of the section both waye. ‘The normal arrangement at that Une wae to have al the Steel bar forming e mech at mid-thickness, to provide adequate cover inthe event of spelling and, more importantly, to confer some flexi- Diity'on the slabs: 225 mm waterstop Main reinforcement Bdge reinforcement Concrete ribs Ye mm Flexcell joint former = EL roctefat Fig. @ = Upstream Fécing + Joint Detail 0 CONCRETE FACE ROCKFILL. DAMS Special reinforcement was added at the ends of perimeter and corer slabs, which had proved to be 2 problem in this type of dam. Its Purpose was to prevent the concrete cracking near the seal strip, a0 effect which would have caused leakage and difficult co locate ig. 9) Since the pattern of slabs yas self-stable by definition, no stability ‘analyses were necessary. There was Uitte seiemiity in the area, and in "gay “event, “this type of dam is known for ite geod earthquake performance: cutee? ‘The design of the cut-off was based on a technique which was new at the time, but which has since become common practice in dam ‘The designers’ prine aim was to avoid having to use explosives to aig s cut-off trench in the sound rock, and backtill it with con rete. Blasting ts expensive, and even’ with the greatest precau= tons, it inevitably loosens the surcounding rock, which must su0- sequently be made good by grouting. Since the cut-off was needed solely for coepage control, not to provide a reaction at the te of the facing, a deep foundation wae hot necessary, and so the design af the cut-off consisted basically of a concrete’ slab lying on, and tied to the sound rock surface Gig. 4).Tn weathered zones) a trench was cut by pneumatic ham= ner, before building the cut-off = Perimeter slab > Waterstop © Grout curtain = Blanket grouting and vents + 25 mm anchor bar, Trow per meter + 20 mm ber, 0.50 m e/e = Concrete rib + EIT rocket Fig, 4 ~ Cutoff : Section on Sound Rock. [DAM DESIGN/CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE Rockfil Base for Fecing ‘Three classes of rockfill are used in the dan, designed EI, £1 and EI, spread and watered in thin layers and compacted by ‘ibratory roller (lig. 1). ‘The material came from a graplte quarry about 1 kin Upstream of the dam. EI and B form the mein body of the dan. EI! provides © uniform foundation for the watertight facing, spreading the load, reducing ial settlement, and providing effective drainage in the event ‘The specified tolerances on the final face wero S om upstream of the Gesign line (to pravent the facing being locally too. thin) and 10 cm Sounsineam of the design line (to avoid excessive concrete consump ton}. ‘Thorough compaction of the surface of te bedding was also specified, to control subsequent movements of the facing. CONSTRUCTION Compaction The basic constructional requirements for the three classes of rock- fil were a8 follows F Rockdill Class BT =n Layer thickness dm i am: 05m Number of passes with vibratory roller 10 wo: 6 Min. water per unit volume rock- : : oy Ws: Ve 3 08 Max. percentage particles <5 mm: by weight, Poa task Ek Max. particle size Pot grester than layer : Thickness Volume employed (m2) + 498,000 "218,000 : 77,000 ‘This war the first job on which & vibratory roller was used for the rockf ill bedding (HiIl zone) to an upstream watertight facing, Procedurslly, the EI materisl was dunped and spread by bulldozer in oem layers. The bulldozer was used to windrow the coarser particles towards the upstream side, so that they could be roughly Enranged by hand over'a distance of 0.50-0.15 m. This arrangement tused only about one-third of the labour that would have been needed {or a properly hand-pitched surface. When the labourers had finish fed, the layer was compacted horizontally with six passes of an 6.5 ¢ “Bratory roller which was not allowed to come nearer than 1 m to the upstream edge, to prevent it disturbing the hand-placed stone, 3 2 CONCRETE FACE ROCKFILL DAMS Fig. 6 ~ Concreting Upstream Facing DAM DESION/CONSTRUCTION/ PERFORMANCE 3 ‘The completed face slope was rolled up-and-down by means of a Vibratory roller on a wire rope suspended from # mechanical shovel. ‘The roller wes vibrating only on. the Upward passage (Pig. 5). ‘There were ‘ten passer on each strip. Average settlement of fa02 during compaction was 10 ct ‘Treatment Before Concreting Before the face was concreted, concrete ribs not less than 80 om ‘wide and not lege then 2 cm thick were formed in a grid pattern boineiding with the facing joints (Fig. 3). The objects were to 4) engure that the concrete would be sound and the seals properly embedded by preventing lsitance escaping into the underiying Fockfill, ») By-appiying a bitunen emulsion on the ribs before pouring the slabs, to produce # cold joint around the perimeter of each slab to reduce the risk of edge cracking if there was any movement of the slab relative to the underlying rockfil (Fig. 6), and ) provide a convenient seating for the edge fons. Formwork, ‘The edge forms around each slab and along the perimeter joints were timber planks whose width was equal to the thickness of the slab, split along the ‘cenireline to accommodate the free edge of the seal strip. ‘They eat directly on the ribs, and wore fixed to s scantling tied backe into the concrete ‘The more problematical top forms made use of sliding steel shutter ing, with hich the slabs were poured in strips, starting with the Jowest one nearest the base Concrete Pouring a slab took one 8-9 hour day. The sliding forms started at the bottom of the dim, and moved upwards as each slab was poured, finally reached the crest (Fig. 7). Only three workmen were needed fon the ‘ridge across the form to guide the skip, vibrate the pour lind move the forms up to the next position, the latter operation often ‘being completed before the next skip arrived. Another man was Stationed on the lower bridge to trim off the concrete and spray the suring compound without slowing down the unit The concrete contained 325 ke mixed slag and Portland cement per cubic metre of conerete. The mix also contained en air entraining agent. x (CONCRETE FACE ROCKFILL DAMS Fig. 7 ~ Sliding Forms on Facing Slab ‘The crushed aggregate specification was OL mm 195 kg M4 mm 30 eg 412 nm 220 ks 12-2501m 500 kg 25-54, 550 ke (by weight, dey material. ‘The water cement ratio was approx., and 90-day strength was 38.5 MPs (average of 20 sain Concreting proceeded with no problems whatsoever. ‘The only pre- caution needed was to hose down the rockfdl before pouring’ the ‘conerete in periods of very hot weather PERFORMANCE OF UPSTREAM FACING Instrumentation Provision was made for measuring leakage on the dam and at to points in the abutment drainage adits. ‘There were also. six pieao~ eters on the sbutnente, Thore was a plane table guevey network (2 targets and 4 monuments on the upstream aide, 26 targets and 4 Tionunents on the downstream side), and a lavelling network (26 targets upstream, 25 downstream). ‘There was sito a system for nessuring joint width on the upstream facing [DAM DESIGN/CONSTRUCTION/ PERFORMANCE, 38 Fig, 8 - Deformations measured sfter first drawdown vn. August 1969 = Central section ere 7s 14 75-76 77-78 79 eB 2 83 64 6S 9 Settlement = Downstream displacement 2 Pig. 9 - Time Plot of Movements at Central Target NO. 108 36 CONCRETE FACE ROCKFILL DAMS Movements of Facing When the dan was first filled in 1968, maximum measured displace nents of the upstream facing were 15 cm in the lower central third orton. Tha corresponding deformations at the crest were 1-8 cm Figure 8 is 2 plot of measured deformations of the middie cf the tac ing after the first dravdowa in August 1969. Only deformations. at fhe crest, were recorded when the reservoir was again filed. The dam “continued ite clight” but regular settlement “and. downstream movenent, greater on the downstream side than on the upstream Side. Figure 8 plots the movements of the central target (No, 103). Figure 10 shows the horizontel and vertieal aieplacements of the top edge of the facing. ‘The average rate recorded trom the central targets since construction is 2.8 mm per year settlement and 2-2. mm er year movement in the upstream to downetream direction, Lett abutent igh eta Woo iol 10d 108 WOR 08 toe a Lett abutment ig cbutmen 1 = Vertical deformation 4 - 14/9/82 2- Horizontal deformation 5 ~ Scale of deformations 2+ Before first filing Fig, 10 - Deformation of Facing Top Edge DAM DESIGN/CONSTRUCTION/PERFORMANCE, Horigontal movements from the right towards the left bank, caused by the sloping abutments channelling the movement in that direction, were always regular and symmetrical in the rock(il, causing it to compact further: ‘Trends at Joints Fourteen jointmetar bases were provided slong the top row of the fscing slabe,, where they are always above the water level and enable the foints trends to be monitored regularly (Fig. 11). The reaulte eseribed therefore concern only the top of the facing Generally speaking, the joints near the abutments tend to open end the central joints tend 0 close, as would be expected from other Gisplacement measurements. The maximum recorded moveneat since 1972 is of the order of 10mm in both cases More recently, however, joints 9, T and 6, which tend to be repre= Sentative of the movensnte of all the centhal slabs, have tended to Glove at @ faster rate. This began in late 1961, with approximately Qnm at joint 9 snd 1 mm at joints T and 6. However, movements of the same order of magnitude had already occurred between late 1976 and early 1977 at all the monitored joints, and they reopened in Iste ist, 42.00 ne rec Tas Woe AD se aT Ae 39 OA Rig. 11 ~ Join ere on Upstream Facing Joint 8 (a central joint) would appear to be slnost completely closed ‘Since first filing, Joint A2N on the left abutment is continuing to Open at a steady rate, reflecting the sliding movement of the peri- meter slabs slong the slope w = ‘CONCRETE FACE ROCKFILL DAMS A seasonal analysis of joint movements revesled a difference in the behaviour of the central joints and joints near the abutment, doint slosure due to higher seasonal air temperatures reached approxinate= ly 1 mm at the central part of the crest and 2.-2.0 mm near the Banks. ‘The latter values in Tact represent expansion of the slabs, ue to thelr size, with a winter-to-aummer temperature increase of 25-30°C. ‘This difference in behaviour can probably be explained by ‘the substantial reduction in the gaps ‘between the contral slabs ad ‘the damn accommodated the loads trom ficst fling. An underwater, inspection siade in 198} to examine the foints revealed fp anomalies: ‘The part of the facing above water calls for no par Hoular remarie Leakage Leakage through the facing and through the foundation is measured, but there are no means of separating the water coming’ from the abutments, the ceatral part of the dam, or even fainwater runoff from the banks. ‘The highest leakage was recorded at the tine of ‘pst filling (62 i/s), “This quickly fell off to around 60% of this valve after the reservoir had been full for 2 months. A, multiple-regression analysis of the 14 years of monthly data since 1972 ‘allows sessonal and hydrostatic effects to be eliminated to arrive at what is known a2 "identical condition” deta for a given reservoir level and average seasonal conditions. This provides information oh the tine-dependent trend in leakage. Bigure 12 shows the statistically reduced leakage records since 1972. ‘There is « disceraible trend towards a reduction in leakage as. tine goes by, even though the absolute figure was stil sround 1260 l/min fm 984." Tt can be supposed that pervious zones are gradually be~ coming clogged. emia lore 73 4 75 76 77 70 79 60 8 a2 oS oF 8S 88 Fig. 12 ~ Leakage (statistically reduced to “identical conditions") « DAM DESIGN/ CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE racks in Facing A few hate cracks have been noticed in the perimeter slabs of the ficing, ‘at the botton of the right bank snd up to a third of the Height on the left bunk. ‘They sore tested with epoxy and polyu~ Rethane during the 10-year dravden in 1971, “They are very few in umber, short (0.4 mm for one erack on the left abutment), end are ‘adomiy ‘orlontated, ‘They sre probably caused by individual slabs EGapting to the load, and have no effect on safety. The 1981 wnder- Mater inspection showed that the 1971 repairs were stending up well lind no new cracking was found. [REFERENCES 1 = Llaménagement des Fades ot ses ouvreges annexes ; H. View, 3. Peuch, Ke Marchand, and F, Robert, Travaux, 1967 (special ‘edition fr 9th ICOLD Congress) 2. Internal Performance Monitoring Report ; EDE-DTG, Wos. 1-7 3.- Report on Full Inspection on Sth October 1971 4 Leb Fades Besserve ; Report on 10-year dam inspection ; EDF/ GRPH Loire, June 1361, » WERK ROCK UN Ivo BOCKETLL pat BY: Ld. 6000, D-Le. BADY 6 A.M, ERESCHS suey vo South Australian concrete face compacted rockEit dans, built from soft rock won fron each dan site, have perforaad successeuliy ia service with only snail leakages and settlenents being recocded Wo concrete face compacted soft rocktitt dans (CFRD's) were built in South Austeelia, Kangaroo creek (59 setres) in 1968 and Little Pata (23 notres) tn 1977." for the projects to be viable the cockEltl nad fo be won fron the dan sites. accepted practice was to use hued durable rock, but at Kangarco Cresk It war a soft schist and at Licele Pera a week dolomitic shale, With the advent of compaction equiznsat fn the sixties rockf1l for faced dats took on a aw meaning, Soft rock sluiced and ‘compacted produced high densities which secs tae for concrete faced dans. AL Little Para because of drought conditions at was not possible to sluice the rockélll with sufficient volume of water to achieve optimim Levels ‘of compaction. oth dans have performed well In service: Kengaroo creek enbaninent wae raised in 1984 using a rainoceed concrete channel structure infiited with compacted quarty eubbia, ‘eonucRtN ‘Te tnalneering & Mater Supply Departrent has designed and bulit two concrete face rolled rockE1l1 dans, nanely,, Kangarco Creek Dam and Little Para Dan, located near Adelaide, Figure 1.” The sshankaeats of both of these dane were constructed principally from weak rock ven from their dam site areas. At Kangaroo Greek Oona, water, volume equivalent to the rockFill Volune was usad to eustet in compsceing the FookELLl, but at Little Para Dana water volune equivalent to wp to only 154'of the rocktili volume was used. Kangaroo Creek Dom, Figure 2, ts bullt accoss the River Torrens which Flows hrough the’ clty of Adalaids. The dan wes bulle originally uring 1958/69 to a height of 59.4 %m (194.0 ft), tn 1363/04 It wes ralsed to a hetght of 62.8 m (205.9 ft) and ite function was. chenged Fron being purely a water supply factlity &> a duat purpose water Richard John Good, Principal Engineer (chvil Design) David Lindsay sain, Designing Engineer andrew tLiler Parsces, Designing sngineer ALL of (the engineering and Water Supply Department of south Australi, WEAK ROCK IN ROCKFILL DAMS 4 apy tty aces FIOURE ¥ Lectin of Kagarge Creek Cam and tte Pare. Oar, + Rerlal Photograph ~ Kangaroo creek Dan 2 (CONCRETE FACE ROCKFILL DAMS Supply and flood control storage. the raising of the exbanknent wae achieved by constructing a quarty rubble Filled. celnforces eenceeee chanael alang its crests little para Dan, Figure 3, is pulit across the Little Pare. River. Mais river flows ehrough ‘the suburbs ‘north of Adelaide. ane yee; plich 1s for water supply purposes, war bilit between 19TAPI) Cos height, of 53.08 (173.8 ft). the reservoir capecity at tort sunply Level 1s eppsoninately 21 000 ml (13 000 acre-Ee}> — FIGURE 3: Aerial Photograph ~ Liteie Para Dan ‘SEDLOCY AND EMATIRL INVESTIGATION OF KAWGREOO CREEK pats Loaical Features end selection of Type of pam he, tight bank oF the dom site consists of granitic and stitcecus greiss ‘grading to serictte schist on ‘the’ left abucasne She geabined engineering and geological feasibility tnvestiqetions of are basis. At the sate cine a systenatic engineering geslogiocs Anvest gation was begun by the 6:8. Bopartnent of anes (12). Xe, soon bocane evident that there wee instability probless with the left abutnent caused by large triangular wedge blocks Zipping serene fovacds | the clvar. in adition thick clay seane ese so eee Girection of arch thrust wore found in the walls of the adie tit Red Deen driven into the abutoent. Tt yas decided to apanion’ feet atad design and proceed with the next Leweat cost altersative, ¢ Gu. nat that tne dass of this type were being constructed dn the Gash thine Exchequer, ‘cabin Cceek) and France (Pades) and design ies “wot construction methods were developing ftom these wuperione, “ate Cooke sas engaged te provide advice during the design and const eac ie, of the dan. |X core dan was not pursund a8 there war fo sultahie tee aatertal within an economical “distance of the dam “the valieg profile, locking domstrean, shows the geological formations, vigees WEAK ROCK IN ROCKFILL DAMS ® (eeeeterene \ oc Sa oly «Baten ety ae tac sens Tronsperted sa “Zone of severe mechaniat ‘wosthringltecte Zone of minor echaricl veaheren ete Sane aliens” Scale BP mates FGURE + Valley Profite—Kangareo Creek 0am ‘SuLtebLLisy of Rock for RockEAID Up to thls tine it had been accepted practice to use strong durable Fock for rockEiti dena, Rt Kangaceo Creek Dan the spitluay area ch the 1eEt abutment wae the main site excavation and hence the principal source of tock. the rock wae mainly schist. seriog of uncont ined Compression testa had been aade on the three main rock types in the ‘lam site area ant the results obtained are indicated in Table X. the Sehise averaged only a third of the steangth of the right abutment Gariss. "A Eurther corkes of einilar teste wore dove on paired sanples determine the effect of saturation on the schist and\a 30% loss in Strength occurred, EE the schist proved to be unsuitable for rock#ill tt was Ltkely that the site would Ihave to be sbandoned. Another doubt sutfaced at this tine shen the engineering geologists COnducting the Feld investigations noticed the capld detertocation of Fock surfaces in exploratory adits, natural cavities and protected parts of road cuttings in end co the Left abutment. “ CONCRETE FACE ROCKFILL DAMS oe cara [oseplos 1 1 Invaragn igs averogeltange | { fae TST aa 8 FEE LT LB Lz pie baa! A programme of intensive investigation wiz initiated to try end Aevermine under what physical environment’ the. weathering occured, eden rock types were susceptible and the physico-chemical nechentse involved. fron these Investigations 1t was concluded that’ oaly, a small proportion of rocks would be effected in the fil (examination of 40 year o14 road fills confiened thts) and that the nechanten occurs in situ when grouna aolsture reacts with tock’ containing sulphide ‘aineral. Te soluble products are "thon transported. ta solution along fissures and seans where on reaching the surface’ thay Peneteate micro cracks, ‘evaporation occurs and the ‘sulphates cause Surface breakup. He was deciged to proceed with the use of the wesk schist In the dam even though tt aid not meet. the nornaliy accepted requicenests. for good fockEill. Tt wes considered ‘that provided the ‘sonst mes weil Sluiced ond compacted It would provide a vary ense fill which should in turn’ recuit) in snaiter bank cettlenents, but it did mean the upstrean fllter protective zones would need to play a nore vital role ‘tm nendling leakage thecugh the face ‘SEDLOGY AND INKTZAL INVESTIGATION Of UtETLE PARA pnt Seolgsical reatuces and selection of tne type of nap ‘Te geology of the dam site consists of parallel beds of quartztt slatey dolomite and slate all with « north-south steike and’ a dip of about 33° east, Pigure 5, (1) ‘The foundation for the dam was investigated using exploratory trenches and core deilling. "this exploratory seological work revealel the Presence of solution caverns, geana of complately weethered.aolonttic siltstone extending theough the eite, hillside, “stress, reliet fracturing, and. a major shear zone traversing the Left abutaents ‘Toposraphically the ‘site appeared suitable for a cenccote gravity oF an enbenknent dan, Geologiclly the alte proved unfavourable. Eee a gravity dan as the quartz cap 414 not extend a sufflclent distance dounstraan to ensure. the. stebility of ‘the structure. fucthermore there was no clay natecial for building q core dan Within an ‘econonical haul distance of the dan elte WEAK ROCK IN ROCKFILL DAMS 45 feat glee Agung Sas, = suesin metres AHO. Raed Sin etl? federico gmakeve Gane Oolitic satone (By venta str, sie debe sluices ‘ea atv, One sista FOURE 5+ Vey Profie~Little Para. Dae Provided that a satisfactory seal could be established between the Upetrean face end the rock foundation a CHRD was the lowest cost Suitable dam for the sive. The tce slab area was sliced down to Fenove all the loose material to enable a better examination of the Surface geology with @ final evaluation being male fron the cores Fecovered from @tanond rill holes, she results confined that « CED ‘could be adapted to the foundations. ‘Gultabdltey of Rock for fockf412 A rumber of quarry sites were studied and the one Finally chosen was Gomstrean of the dan, This excavation also provided a suitable Tocation for siting the associated water flltration plant. thick Ddend of quartzite dipped through the face of the quarry and this provided ready" source of soma gost rock. tha remainder of the Quarry consisted of a weak slatey dolontte and a dolenitic shale with Various degrees of weathering. Having successfully used weak cock at Kangaroo Creek ‘Dan it was felt that this matecial could be Incorporated readily into the Little Para Dan exbanknent. Xk vas decided to use only the Fresh to moderately weathered doloaitic siltetone inthe dam ac the highly weathered material roke down to 2 Sandy silt with a 10-20 per cant. clay content which wat nearly all fmonthoritionite ‘ard ofa clepersive nature. the unconfined Compressive strength of the dolonitic siltstone was comparable vith the schist at Kangaroo Creek Dan but unlike the schist 1e did not sbow fany ‘marked loss in strength hen tested saturated surface ary. Gonersily vertical faces were maintained in the quarty to ensure safer 4 CONCRETE FACE ROCKFILL DAMS working conditions during tts operation and for ite intended Future Use asa site for the water filtration plant. ‘benkment Destan tthe stebiiity of the rockEili mass with the water acting against the Uwatrean face wis not considered q problem on the solid rock Foundations. Tt was also felt that thle type of dan wlth recket]? Placed in shallow layers with intense ‘vibration ‘and vertical Leading should have good selsale resistance capabilities Design considerations centred on ensuring that firstly, any teakage essing the concrete face and the grout curtain could aot erode thle ‘Weak rock zone within the eabeniaent and hence theeaten the stability € the bank. Secondly, hat the sluleed weak rock did not break dow lunder’ the action of the vibrating roller ‘to the extent that it began to held pore pressure. Thirdly, that sufficient compaction was given to the fockflli in order to ‘restrict the post constuction ‘bank settlement to a level that vould minimize the likelihood of the face Slab ‘cracking duo to excessive settlement. the Final eonstieret ion Was that should significant movenent of the face elab occur unter, the ection of the reservoir then the slabs and Joints must seil1 retein their invegrity ‘he dank shape adopted hed a Ga wide crest with a 1m (3.3 ft) high parapet watt and an upstream slope of 1 on 1:2 nde dumasicean sicpe of 1 on 1:4. the bank was divided into zones, Pigure 6 Zone T faterial was a strong quartz gneiss won fron a quarey upstceom of the an, ‘Atter Dlasting it Droke into a stone whtch had very Few Enos ‘and’ was predominantly single sized at approximately 250 an (10 in) Although ‘poorly ‘graded it was accepted as sultable because of tes strength, “durabiliey, hardness, ‘and free reining properties. the Erosher stronger schist and gneige were selected far Zone 2 materials ‘mis zone had far nore Fine material then Zon0 1. me schist rock won from the spillway excavation was used alsost exclusively in Zone 3.” hen guactled it produced. low strengths platelet type frageents with large percentages of fines, Figure 7. Sound gneiss was used to form the base fliver (zone 4) over the top of the clver sediments. The river sediments except for the upsteeam snd domstrean toe arees were Left tn place ae zone § material because Of thelr granular properties. the ‘actual gradings of tho materiats tn the principal zones as recorded. fron the ring density Tests are. shown on Figure 8. River Diversion A Aiversion tunnel wae used to divert the river during the Construction operations. the ‘size of ‘the. tunnel was ehoson to match the space reguirenents for” the final outlet works rather’ than for flood "needs. thin reinforced concrete cotfecdan anchored to the 6 Froune 7: WEAK ROCK IN ROCKFILL DAMS 1A Ring bensity est ~ Kangaroo creek Dan a a Se 8 CONCRETE FACE ROCKFILL DAMS roo ACTUAL canes ReconoED arTER compact 0 44 wolfe zone 2 {tone a g a F 9 2 " C oar a SIZE Cove FIOURE 41 Rockit Grating CurvesKangerco Crath Dam Iothe aig Pokus Steel reinforcing ods was used to protect ported mgd Matton areas” “Mis could handle ye Seat tothe Hise oncckcnpel Rete, gvertconinas ‘Sedoce bank cenateverken weste™ Flood overtepped the cofferdan tos depth of Si'n Gee Gan Le can ngdit, Bevel Of Brotection provided for the base of the Period Soaunse *es0P™£© brobect the” ben curing’ afee ee, ofthe Srarcurte bet ety geeetbllley of Floods “overdoping et ee Tibsrotany MUSE ULE conductea wiehin the Sopeeeeeee Baca, fee ithe $2! £208, dlscusslon “wien the Sasranin! Ridewallcs feo potent RUSEEALEA TE as evident at Sroctonaty Bt gSttee Sordi taasea SRE, the BLSeSd rocktLit oven taepun £008, Bal thoroughly etulesd end coapactes the “feunaseien f2n°CGF vrotective chain ice wesh anchored dato soot gation [oO and tne “the domacran fae af" autre into Soackeied ec pd® tas Delos constructed, the aah preety, MEN Teseetniy Gubt CHM one UEC above ene genase Pesteseton as Proceeded wpeennake NEEL Blacenen’ began atte aman ect, fe Sonia ee easy EESCEICR the fm x Solan Conte ian Seat fk plasinent anf Ree gumultable "as 1 ctated top ceediy atte) Fock placement and fortunately overtopping never eeutooy, cn‘rabie s T!St#6® Of the rocket) snes placed tn the dan are shan on rabie 2 cutclon sarCeccy W2,tOURES WADFating roller up the face towered the Section of, aeptene ¥ BY about 150 ma (6 anys eysace ZoMeeS the Sebnon 12s GggE,S1D ME elaced over this. conras “oossiis $y ohitith ‘seFess 108 WEEN a5 a sub-base for the concrete, Mae Adda Oreee £2 T WEAK ROCK IN ROCKFILL DAMS ° m2 Te eee eee eee eee TT [omltock type [nox | ttses ¢ 24a froies | Fits | | [Souetity | Layer [pesitiefichot ftatie | Yolen | iy Peto hs ee oie | I an metres | r 1 rg lurante [Beanttic [ovetss i 2 fect et Fonwiee Tao Heat [soner r 3 i 4 [or atrong | fonts | fea wmak | fsast Jzm0 me I i 5 Neos | Ietetiog | 1 iRiver bad | ! I Inara 1 em 39.039 inches i 1 i 1 1 I 1 I I i I I i i I 1 t I SEncaGGeEFUL wth slmost negiteible water toss fron the low stump Concrete. Movever the Contractor ld ‘experience problees’ 1h Ske ‘eck unraveling when the face seb Feinéorcencnt was olen peed, £ofakONge Seach struck load of schist was sluiced with the equivalent Serine GEuater fom a aonttor Aounted on a bulldoverbetere aeetaat during dumping and before spreading. Tm hindelent ie for tee age SREErable, compaction could have been achieved with lass ease eye hat {ose early Cays wo were loathe to change fron what appestes veg ERISTEREUL gootoncn. our passes. of the vibrating otter coseeetes See, gutcod weak rock so aftectively that an average: bulkise Reset of only 158 was obtatncd. EEWEE,_OreaKtow occurred on the suctace o€ each layer, the degree of Heakdow being directly related ‘to the quality ‘of the nest ne oe Becca, 1 20M avers this consisted oF o100 mm 4 ine) enka tghte ‘of sandy silty mud, Figure 10. ‘Tis material was analysed and found to have a 9 = 39° end ¢ = 80 Koa 2 CONCRETE FACE ROCKFILL DAMS FIGURE 9: KolLing the Upstrean Face (Zone 1) ~kangeroo creek Daa (22 psi) with a covgfictent of permeability = 3 x 10-7 cns/sec (1x 10-8 te/sec.), “The permeability ‘was considerably less thon the econpted figure for parneable fil, tis was borne out in practice oe the silt blanket caused the sluteing water to pond on the surbace- ‘There wes pressure on the designer to reduce the wastage of rock and it mas “decided that providing the surface” ould’ support the construction equipnant without bogging it would be accepted. This was Figure 10: typical Surface Layer (zene 3) ~ Kangaroo Creek Dan WEAK ROCK IN ROCKFILL DAMS si a staple procedure for assessing the granular properties of the Diarket. fo avold a succession of possible weak cones at the top of ech layer vhete ledkoge could possibly erode the fines and cause Teter bank settlenent the nuddy fines were slutced whtie placing the next layer of rockEtiL. Ste ring density teste were wade in tone 3 and because of the high quantity of fines” discovered; saturated, consolidated, drained frlaxial tests were made on model gradings of the schist’ recovered fron the “holes using 972 nm (22.3 in.) @laweter specimens. The results indlected that the schist wag of adoquate strength. ‘Embankent_ Dostsn ‘the bank shape adopted had the sane upstrean and gowstrean slopes a5 Kangaroo creek Daw but {e incorporated a 4m (13 ft) igh retaining Wall with a 4.60 (15 ft) wide crest at road level. A zoned bank Virtually the Sana’ as Kangarco Creak Dan was adopted, Figure 11 Full Suppty Level EL 169-200 Inmate Tower) Misra Operating Level €L 126000 soma Setectve * Sevan Mena = eee Bite / FIGURE Th: Embankment Cross Section —Utle Para Dam ‘me only real variation wor the grading of Zone 1 which waa modified fo" prevent. e reoccurrence oF the unravelling problens and face ovenente experienced with that zone at Kangaroo Creek Dam. zone 1 Baterisl var a crumher. run quartzite, imported fron an adjacent uery, scatped of watertal tess than 27 ma (1.5 in.) and then placed Mhroush ¢ jew crusher, Sarly advantage wes taken of the presence of the thio’ ough quartz seam dn working the quarry to obtein the good quality rock initially required for Zones 2 ond. f. the actual Stecinge recorded for the principal zones fron the ring density tests Are’ shown on Figure 12. An attempt was made to introduce an induced trench condition above the 32 ‘CONCRETE FACE ROCKFILL. DAMS Aiversion outlet conduit or duct in order ko reduce the rockf1l1 leads. “mis wes achieved by using a zone with Lower compaction of approtinately ‘5 m (16 Et.) thickness domediately over, che duct with, harrow adjoining zones of approxinately 4m (13 ft.) width of highly compacted material on etther side of the duct, Figure 13. ‘the tndsced teench condltion was constructed above about nalf of the duct Tength extending roughly equidistantly either side of the Gan axis. Pressure ells were placed on the duct to noultor rockEill pressures during end after construction. ACTUAL GRADINGS RECORDED AFTER cOREACTION vo % el peaet foe 1 tine — Sco é 40. x» » cae Sze cm FIOURE 12: Rockit Grading CurvesLitte Para dam 4000 3500 4 10-000 Zone 2aw 6 Zone 2 FIGURE 1: Outlet Out showing Induced Tench-Lite Para dam & WEAK ROCK IN ROCKFILL DAMS 33 iver piverston, the wo Levels of protection as used at Kangaroo Creek Dan wore aMopeed for Little Para Dam except that a concrete duct built against the bace of the left abutment vas used nctead of @ diversion tunel ani a snall galvanised steel faced bank was used a5 the cofferdan to Protect the low Level works during construction for up to a 5 yeer Weide sires rtet tactre Shear sane Stay comic sistove dplaed by shear zone Beet o eater wer Ourtet det FIGURE 14: Lett Abutment and Diversion Duct ~ Little Para Dan 4 CONCRETE FACE ROCKFILL DAMS return period ficod. the other option of a tunnel through the steep Weathered Left abutnent would have regulred extensive support, Zhe Strean wae diverted unrough the base Of the intake towse end alcng the uct, Figuce Id. Like Kangaroo Creek Dan the duct woo. sized eo sult operational ‘reqitrenents. Little Para pam 1s tn a position where both Life and property would be threatened should ovartopping of the bark occur’ and therefore to co wlth the possibility of overtopping during the construction period the ownstrean face of the bank hal Deen designed. to be coveced. with welded steel mesh as had been proven at —Googong Dan (6) during Svertopping. Ralnfal1 “1s very ‘seasonal in South Alstralia and therefore the Departmental construction force was allowed to emit. the fea protection providing the upsttean portion of the bank could be butle ‘to au 112 by the Christnay holiday beeek, ‘the ste LIZ enbeninent evel provided containsent ‘of up toa S00 year return period #003. ‘the constructors achieved thate goal. ‘the concrete duct was designed tongitudinally as a continuous structure without contraction or expansion Joints with the intention OF Finishing with a myriad of fine cracks rather then a. few Large Joint openings and this hac been succseeful. there waa no evidence of. ecent sovenant uhere the shear zone crossed the duct. mmbankuent construction There was virtuelly po flow of water in the Little Fare River at the Gonsencenant of construction of the dan as the State uaa. suffering Fron a prolonged drought. Although thera had been Little spparent loss of ‘strength in the saturated condition in the coupression tests the designers. and engineering geologists still felt that the roe Would break down aore under the 4 passes of the vibrating roller iF it was stuleed. Even so they elected to go ahead placing the rock ay. The dan was being constcucted by Departeental day lebour forces and therefore once water becane avalleble there would be ne. conteactual problens. with its Introduction. the anbarkmont was constructed a Four ‘stages 1 order tO. minimise haulroad developsent ard only internal haulrcad “ramping wae used. The various charsctartatice OF the reckE1I1 zones placed in the daa are show in Tabla 3. ‘Te dan had reached @ height of approximately 24 m (00 ft.) before ater could be added and ia that time the rock quality ta Zone 3 had fallen below expectations. Because water was still scarce At was only Possibie to use ¢ Volume of water equivalent to about 15k of the Yolune of the cock, It took three aonths after the Introduction of ‘sluicing for the water to finally emerge fron the downstrean face of the bank. “Although no trial bank testing was done At wer felt that to ‘achieve optim conpection s larger quantity of water would have been Foquired.. where large size rocks occurred at “random in the ili, every effort was nada to ensure conpaction of the adjacent fill wae obtained. an average bulking factor of 10% was obtained. zone 1 hater! conpacted dow to a sound seui-pervious bage Dut in order co Provide a better base for placing the face retnforcenent a conent Slurry with approxinately a Til we ratio wae eprayed onto the face WEAK ROCK IN ROCKFILL DAMS ss aes TTT parma ompock type [ox fines ¢ ate Not | i 1 Fitss [Pato | volume | Pe S| eS Ieee [Tet 1 | tf 1 1 Joo | 1 1 [te | I deta eee See with a coarse garden spray, Figure 19. [SNOERMEADLE BARRIER ‘im general the baste design approach adopted for waterproofing the Teoktiti ‘exbaninent, nanely’ the concrete toe slab, the concrete face Slab and the grout curtain tae sinllat for both Kangaroo Creek Dan and atte Para Dan moe 8 ‘me waterproof Junction between the face slab and the foundation rock as provided bya concrete toe tied shich was dovolied to che cock. ‘Dis wos a variable shape slab which had to be founded on at leest a 56 ‘CONCRETE FACE ROCKFILL DAMS FIGURE 15: Upstream Face (Zone 1) and Drag screed Litete fare Dan 3.7m (12.0 ft.) width of rock which was considered capable of betng eifectively grouted. the acceptec excavated surface was thoroughly Cleaned Just Before placing the concrete. Wormal practice was to Fit the toe slab onto the bese of a wedge shape excavation except at the right abutment of Littie Pare Dan where ehere was neglignble excavation. “It vas placed to the sane thickness as the Adjoining face ‘slab and. “tt sas allowed to follow the shape of the ‘excavation. "the jolnts in the toe slap were aligned to those in the fece slab and were 12.2 m (40 ft.) apart. All joints were sealed with continuous 240mm {9.5 in.) PVC weteretop. {he section of the toe slab adjacent to. the concrete face was Formed an whe sane plane, Figure 16, to singlify che forming of ‘the Lower section of the face slab. In order to ensure that tho face slab wee ‘lvays backed by the Zoue 2 filter and that che slab wos suppotted on FUN" rule was made that where the underside of the tace siab net the toe slab there had to bea minim depth of 0.6m (2 ft.) ane a minimum width of 3.7 m (12 Ft.) of Zone 1 material. This. sane rule wes even adhered to at Little Para Dan where the face butted the concrete auct where it crossed the toe slab aligment. A thinner slab design was adopted for Littie Para Dam in contrast to Kangaroo creek Oan. For each dom the thickness of the face slabs and toe slabs at any elevation was set by the following Formule. Kangaroo creek Ltttle para roa) = 0na08 + 0.005H F(a). = 0.308 + 0,0029H (iere H 18 the depth in meires below the crest of the dan). WEAK ROCK IN ROCKFILL DAMS ” WE Sus weiss Matenum Gstence between dayplanes Farmed Yor hal 36 tcerest ar ite boars PVE Waterniop protected Sy cork filer tears FIOURE 16+ Toe Sind aod Face Slad Detais—sangeroo Creek Oom and {Uitte Para. Dam Ae kangarco Creek Dan the foundation rock was a sound minerat rock tien very feu abnocaalities. To bridge across sone V-shape gulleys on the Left abutment the upstream end of the toe slab was finished wlth a Vertical leg into a trench. On the right abuteent. sone overhanging teas were renoved and alco como open hilside stress rellef fractures Were fllled with cemené, send slurry and then concrete topped. The (Grout curtain wae relocated in order to Intersect then. At Little Pare Dan there were nuuerous completely to highly weathered Seans. of ‘dolonitic ‘siltstone that paseed through fhe too slab Foundation across the grout curtain. hese were a potential source of Teakage once the reservolr wor in eervies.” Samples were taken from the tho principal aress of ‘completely weathered dolonitic siltstone, One at the top of the fight abutment and coe near the top of the Left sbucment and thelr mineralogy and dispersive natures were assessed The simple taken {ros the top of the right abutment showed @ 8 CONCRETE FACE ROCKFILL DAMS conpostt ion of about 30% sand, 0% silt and 10% clay and the clay was principally nontnoriifonite and vernisulite. the sodiun absorption Fatlos were derived for 2 sample of unleached material and this was 9-4 and for a sample of leacnod ‘material it was Ici, the lowest expected cation content Of the storage water was about 3 neq/titre and ‘hence (9) the unlesched oan material was considered ¢ispersive white the other sample vas only possibly disporsive. it vas felt that a the clay content was only 103 of the total waathered product. that the naterial snould be elf filtering. Nevertheless, two precautionary seasures were taken to prevent any Gispersion of the sean material oce the reservoir case into servic ‘Me first of these wes to place Zone 1 aaterial over the cleaned Up surface Jamadtately dowstraan of the too slab to 4 depth of I'm (3. ft) and for sufficient distance to fully cover the exposed seans’ The second measure was to excavate the portion of the wlde, sean of Coapletely weathered dolomite at tne top of the quartsite cap beneath, the parapet wall foundation to machine workable depth ane then Fill tt with concrete. this trench was extended to a polit dowistrean of the Gan and the resatnder was filled with & washed “concrete sed. thet possessed the right ftiter gradings to block any €lapersion path. the trench was graded domstrean and Ste dounstcean exteenity. wes Kept under visual ‘observation during the flest Filling, 4m order to be able to achlove the winimun toe slab width shere open Joints occurred ‘along the base of the toe slab trench the slab was allowed to extend up the face of the batter. an other instances: Providing exposed seans wore’ ceapletely infliled with inpernecbie material they were accopted in the toe clab excavation, The top 450 mm (18 in.) of $0 of the infill wat removed and the excavation {lied with dental concrete before placing the toe slab. On the right abutient “apart fron the complete replacement with concrete of Completely weathered dolomite at the dgper end of the quartzite cap Usetie excavation was made excopt For the removal of soma portions oF the quartz cap that appested to bo no longer part of the parent seck: Blasting was not used in case the underlying strata wor aleturbed. Te San to 30 pm (0.2 Ins to 1.2 ins) wide stress relief fractuce Joint in the toe slab excavation batter on the Left abutment, Figures 1M and 17, was merely drained at the base of the fracture tn ofder to ensure that pressure could not builé up in it with a dropping reservoir Sout curtain The toe slab wos dowelled to the foundation to resist a nominal uniform pressure of 12 XPa (7 psi) on its underside and no problens lwece experienced with novenent caused Dy pressure buildup on this concrete cock interface. the dowel holes ware used to exanine the Underlying strata for the presence of sean. [Me Kangaroo creek Dan one or two Lines of holes varying An depths from 12a (40 Et) to 18m (60 ft) were conent grouted from stangpipes set An the cap using ascending stage grouting with finel spacing set bY WEAK ROCK IN ROCKFILL DAMS 1 Hisge stress ret fracuce 2 Gena comely evcaied seam of mathe 2 Shows abby nature of coor sittone FiguRE 17: Toe Slab and stress Rellef Fracture ‘on Left Abutnent ~ Lietle Pera Dan cleoure tole take criteria, water pressure testing was used for Bre-evalustion ef the foundation ana for post-evaluation in specific ‘Breas of the curtain share Large takes occurred At Little para Dan a two Line curteln 21m (10 fe) doep was coment © ‘CONCRETE FACE ROCKFILL DAMS outed in three stages using downstage, non packer technique «ith Stage pressures of 10 kPa (16 pol), 280 KPa (26 pst) and £00 Ha (72 pst). "Dowstege grouting was used to miatmize the possibility of Afeing ‘the ‘lat’ lying beds. " Primary ‘spacing was 6m (20 £0) teh Final ‘spacing of holes again being fixed by closing the curtain 20, acceptable levels of grout takes, but ie was manlatocy to close to at east secondaries. vater pressure testing was agein ‘ussd before, and atter grouting. ‘Boo observation bores were drilled into the right abuteent of Little Para Dan Just below the doanstrean toe of the das. Tt was Felt that these would provide early wacning oF flaws in the grout curtain by Fecoreing any excessive rises in groundvater lovals- “Coe vos drilled ata level consistent with the top of the quartzite cap end the oth fo atign with the shear zone running beneath the to0 lab. the water levels in these bores plus an exploratory hola were cecocded daily during the initial €tlling of the reservoir, Soncrete Face $iab ‘the concrete face slab was not placed at oither dan until the dan mbankneat was virtually topped out ~ chus removing the effects “of construction setttenent. The surface of sone 1 was screeded off to tolerance Limits by moans of 4 dozer pushing the excess materia! in Front of its blage. down tha slope. ‘the dover was supported by aeane Of @ steel cable toa cable drum on a pipe Laysr which wes mounted oo the crest of the das. ‘Te finished reek Face was’ then compacted by 4 passes of the 10 tonnes vibrating roller” in the uwacd direction, Horizontal joints ‘were. eliminated ‘except for” cola jotnts cher placenont jas interrupted ‘and then the reinforcenent. passed ehrough fhe Joint For 00 am (12 in.) each side of each vertical expansion Joint ine the compacted zone i material Was seraedad with couche fortar “and gurtaced with asphalt." This ot only provided smoth surface tor Founding ‘the Joint forms and screed rails but It prevented’ thet Portion of the slab adjacent to the jolnt from being restrained by the Fockfilt. At Little Para Dan it wo only necessary to spray on the asphalt topping. & similar sucFace preparation was given vo the Zone Lat the slab’ perinetral joint. Apart. from ‘the lower tetongular sectlons the face slab was ‘formed by means of a Ballasted vibrsting rag screed with a 1m (3.3 ft) contacting face. 30 Hoa (4 380 pel) conerete yas used with 9 40 mm to 50 mn (1.6 tn. to 2.0 tn.) sling R concrete finishing platform wan provided belew tive screed, Me _verticel and perimetral Joints ware designed to allow for rotacionel novenent of ‘the face slab panale and of he fase. sla) Felative to the toe slab. the first design measure used was the Proviston of antispailing reinforcement at the edges of the face stabs and the edge of the toe slab abutting the face sla. Secondly four Strlps of cork wore positioned around the bulb of the wetetstop, Figure 16. me cork prevents the sharp edges of the concrete cutting the 2¥e when shear of rotation takes place. Tho percentage of tect placed tn the face stabs was 0.59 placed centrally and ite Purpose was WEAK ROCK IN ROCKEILL DAMS 6 to control thermal cracking. At Kangaroo creek ban some areas of hhoneyoombing were detected: during construction and. these were repaired. otherwise the only face problems experienced have been Superficial spalling on the face sib at jotnes. At Little ara Don a design simtlar to that adopted at Kangaroo creek ‘Dan wae used but in hindatght the problems of Join shear and rotation sere unlike Kangarco creek Dan where the problem arcce becacse the Single size one 1 material used was 20 éifficult to ettectively Ecapact. During the first filling some harizontal cracks Up £01 nm (0.04 14) wide wore observed in the upper levels of the face. Thess ele examined, but no ettenpt was nade to try and effect repairs, araget wall [At Kangaroo creek Dan a 1m (2.9 £¢.) high ceinforced concrete parapet well was incorporated” into the top of the face slab. Before the Feising of the dan the parapet wall edJecent. to each end abutment Block was a convenient place for observing movenents ‘of the dam relative to the Foundation, Figure 10 FIGURE 18: Parapet Wall Adjacent ight ‘Mbutent Block ~ Kangaroo Creek Dan ‘Ae Lisette Para ban the face slab was terminated with a 4m (12 ft) high pazepet val!” uhich resulted in a reduction in” gockESit “of ‘24°000m? (GL 000 cu yd). The parapet wall design is integrated With the face siniler to ‘Kangarco creek Dan but in this cage Compaction of the adjacent rockEill had to" be restricted, see Figure 19. General Acransesent of Instruments Both dans have been instrumented simtlarly to provide information on eakage, settlement and horizontal mavenante of the dar after consteuction, Figure 20. ‘the obsorvattons include Leakage through the a ‘CONCRETE FACE ROCKFILL DAMS ‘dam and abutments, vertical and horktontal novenent, and relative Gisplacenent of the upstesan deck concrete slabs," vortieal and horizontal movenant’ of the downstream face rockflli and relative ovement in Joints between face stabs and toe slab blocks. At Little Para Dan eddltional instrunentation has been provided for the stress Aistetbution Inthe transverse reinforcing stect of the outlet ict, oad induced by rockfill on the outlet duct, and for the internal settlenaat of the rockEi1. kane, Mt Kangacoo creek Dan the Leakage for the dam 8 measured at 2 point Just Below the toe of the dan by'a stilling pond and Vrotch weirs AE Eirse filling tt vas ovidont that Leakage flowed through the bank cna number of near horizontal layers. when standing on the domatteas face of the embankient one could hear waver trickling dom within the Surface of the anbanknant. Since the’ first filting this phenomenon has ot been observed. The maxim total Leakage wat 14.2 Litres/sec (2i0 gal/nin) “recorded An october 1970. Flow vorled. between about 8.5 to 1.2 litres/eoc (8 to 20 gal/ain)’ during 1902. chemical tests canducted on the leakage water to check for rock deterioration proved negative. For Little Para oan the leakages from each abutment are measured at the toe of the dan by two stilling ponds with stainless steel V-notch weles. Total Leakage 4s a1s0 nonttored at"a point epproxinately 150 m WEAK ROCK IN ROCKFILL DAMS FIGURE 20: lan of Survey Pabts ar Lestage Moditrng— Cate Pua Oo (300 £4) dommstrean of the toe of the dan. Additional, information on Sround weter levels on the Tight abutnent is Obtained Prom 2 boreholes nd by monitoring seepage ‘spots cowmstrean of the toe of the cam, Figure 20. recause of the marginal quality of the foundations @ rigorous visual Surveillance ‘progrease was devised ant inplenented during the first Elling period. inspections of the V notch woirs, boreholes, and Seepage areas oh the dowistrean abutments were carried out twice daily fant plotted dally. Blectrical conductivity reedings and temperature Feadings were taken in order to detect changing trends tn the water Sources However no conclusive rasulte were obtained except that Feadings behaved reasonably consistently. uring thie Eiest Etlling a significant increase in leakage on the Fight abutment occurred heh the reservoic level reached about BL 138 and) again at sbout EL 141. Met spots and seepage on the right Sbumwent domstrean of the dan First appeared when the level reached ‘Sout EL 194, on several oceastons, seat notably at reservoir levels BL 127, 156, Gh 199, HL 14) and GL 144, readings tn one or other of « (CONCRETE FACE ROCKFILL DAMS the boreholes would fluctuate erratically over short periods of tine. Mthough Anieiaily elarming, this erratic behaviour’ was eventually Conficned az being due to either wet sesas being encountered of a Denvsaturated ares being filled, Tn ono example D429" fell 0.75 & (es et) tn 3 days whilst the’ reservolr level” rose about 0.5 (iis ft). “apart from these oddities the water ‘levels in these Observation bores followed reservolr Level: General seepage along he right abutment at higher reseevote levels Proapted tho installation of ageteuleural aeaine to monitor flows. for a given reservoir level all seepages have gradually Secroased over the “last ‘Tew yeers, the maximum total leakage was 19.2 Iitres/aee (Sto gai/ain) recorded at the dounstrean causeway just. petor to the First spillmay overflow in August 1981 Survey levelling pins were tnstatied to ponttor upstream and domstrean face novexents et both dans. At Kangaroo Creek Dan the lupstrean Layout consists of 26 pairs placed 303 am (1 ft) from each side of the slab joints at up to seven elevetions, and the downstream Iayout consists of 16 pine grouted Into suitably shzed rocks a2 close to\ the nominated position ag practical. At Little Fara Dan the Upstream ‘layout consists cf «3 pairs of (pine placed 305 mm (1.0 €) From wach side of the slab Joints at up fo five elevations, and the omstrean Layout consisted “of 10 pins grouted into suitably sized rocks 48 close to the neminsted position as practical, Figure 20. survey trlangulation and Levetling are used to sonttor hortzontal and Vertical govenents of the pine. Relative movenent between each pate Of pins on tho upstream face ig moniuocea with an invar bar Vernier gauge. At each dam the pins (as exposed above vhe water level at the ime of reading) in the upstcean face slab have been surveyed twice yearly stnee the constructlon of the am was completed. ‘At_Kangaroo Creek Dan tho matiaun Joint opening measured between Upstream face slabs was 4.5 mn (0-18 in) recorded betwoen clabe hand Brat ae 222.10. ‘the maximum settlement cecorded. (May 1876) was 65 mn (2.6 tn) at) joint cH (EL 244.30), Piguce 21, the maximin novanent downstream recorded was 50 mw (2.0 in) and the maxioun teonaverse wovenent. recorded was 19 rin (0.8 io) towards the right abutment. ‘The downstream face control points’ have beon surveyed twice yearly. The Inavlnun scottlenent recorded (Nov 1903) was 149 an (3.3 4a) at Se 22.1, the maximum movenant dounstresm recorded wae" 29 na" (2.5 in) and the saximn transverse novenent recorded was 40mm (1.6 4a) tonards the right sbutneat. ‘At Little Para Dan the maximum Joint opening acasured between upstrean Face slabs was 5.2m (0.20 th) recorded betioen elabe Mang. Wat EL 148,00. tn April 1979. currently (1984) reading Mi As 2.5 mn (6.10 in) with Gti other’ stabs at about 1mm (0.08 th). The saximan settlement recorded (Oct 1984) wes 64 ma (2.5 tn) at joint GH at EL 148.0, Figure 21, the naximn movenent domsttedn recorded. was 36 oa (1-4 tn) ond the maximum transverse sovenent ie 12 mm (0.5 ia) WEAK ROCK IN ROCKFILL DAMS 6“ * =~ Karguoo Gee tan Nea aig sie peeee Max Settemenn MAXMGM MOVEMENT OF “UPSTREAM FACE Wea eas ate teosrcion ume pen om FIGURE 211 Comparion of Pest Covsiructon Settlements at Kaoyorse Crock Dam ond Cite Paes Oa towards the Ieft abutment. the dowsteean face control potnts have been surveyed vice” yearly. the sarima cettlenent recorded (Oct 1964) sas 159 em (6-0 in) at #1, 128.0, the maximum novenent domstrean recorded was 49 na (1.9 tn) and ‘the mexinun transverse ovement recorded was 11 am (0-8 $n) towards the Left abutment. ace Slab, Too Slab goint Hovenents At Kangaroo Crock the Joint novenents between the toe slab and the Concrete face slab were monitored by using carlson electrical Joint Boters. These meters coneisted of seall electrical resistance colls Sealed’ in protective cesings of etal end rubber tubing. they were 66 ‘CONCRETE FACE ROCKFILL DAMS guchored in the concrete £0 that they ware bisected by the concrete Joint and ad a range of operation of 19 mm (0-8 ia). ane Gomerae lectrical resistance Joint meters tnstallad had failea ty ISM ee ‘Raxinun novenent. recorded between the toe slab and the Flow tab Gee 5.8 mm (0.22 tn) on the right abutment at BL 306.50, At ttle Pars Dan the Joint soveneats between the toa slab and face sonerete are nonktored by using Carlson electtices eine taeeeet ACE Joint meters are similar tn operation’ to the strain meters wsed ee gperation (12mm) (0.8 in). the higher range is. nsda°possible’ Sf Incorporating a set ‘of Bellone at the central “part off the gaurd ggcing Of the six gauges placed: four had fatled by Decener 1380. The Reximn wovenent of 6 mn (0.24 An) was, cesoraed sa the, Lek ghutment” at EL 113.0 in 1979 Dut the. tuo auger still” retin ee EL 129.0 now appear steady at 2 mn (0-08 in) and 3.0m (0.12 in)’ fon the right and Tete abutments respectively arthuske Recorder Eyre to2 accelerograghs (skinner-Duflou) as developed by the We Besland | department “of sclentitic and Industrial” Rooted wee instatied at each dan. the one at Kangaroo Creek ‘Dati nas placed aa the Antake tower house’ on the richt abutment upstrean of the Ben Tee ove at Little Para Dan was placed in the base of the inter tome. ae significant earth trenors have been reaotded at eliher sive shee to dans were constructed. iitional Instrumentation at Little pare des Taternal settlement of the rockELIL at Little para Dan is monttored using four hydraulic settlement gauges act out Ih a grid pees ce spproxinately EL. 124.0 n located above the original isco hat ant gutlet duct. | The yeuses, purchased ‘from Snowy fountains Gngineerins Corporation, operate on 2 sinple natneter basis with fo alloees fe WeFlations ‘in ‘atmospheric pressure and were installed on dune 26eh 3976. Each gauge has a duel anceeter aysten with two onectlan wate ogi gauges the weirs are ‘sot so that there is a So um Clos ie atfterence in the overtiow level. the dnielal level check us sce te out after field easenbly and placement of the gauges nes eemcieeee but before backfilling of protective material. “Figuce a2 Roe ee gverage sattlensnt values recorded by gauges 2 ant € aaciny Cd Amodtately after construction. The maximus nternal. settlesert tee steadied at, about 460 am (18 ta) at Gauge 4 whlch sotrespanie wo the sexinun height of "the bank. “Sottiement at" the “okd ot bee construction was 350 ma (12.8 tn), giving a rockEt1t modulus (2) vere of approxinately 38 twa (5 500 pst). Garlson dynanonsters wore instalted to gonttor stress distetbution 4a fhe outlet duck reintorconent. "three gauges were instalied on the’ top face felnforcenent and thrae on the bottom Face celaforconmnt” $e insteuments are dual coll ‘aeters which allow ter tanuratts coteection. The 6 stress netars installed on the selnfosmenattee section ® are ell recording. the matinum tensile steese renee wee e WEAK ROCK IN ROCKRILL DAMS a Sk_ug2m _p €uine Hyocae setiement shige (CROSS SECTION OF aM semnevet Sy Internat a Corsten Falag Clete a ae a ee) eC ars Ser isttation) FIOURE 22+ Construction Settement—Litle Pare am 22.Mpa (11 500 psi) and the maximum compressive stress was 121 Ha 7600 pet). owds iniuced by the rockfi11 on the outlet duct were measured with Mall total pressure cells set into an epoxy mortar pad. with the sensing face epproxinately 1.6 an (0.06 1n) prou of the outside face Of the duct. “A total of 16 cells were placed in groups of six around Phe duct, Figure 22, with the instruments belng protected by bedding Send fron damage by the rockEtll. Gas tuber from each instrument were Channellee to reading stations tn the act. OF the 18 total pressure Cells. instaltea only 6 are still functioning. Maximum. pressure Fecocéed to date 1s 990 kPa (144 psi) In the centre cross section (8) where the neximin height of rockPill occurs. this pressure represents 43m GM fe) of rockEU1 which te 0.94 tines the actual. dopth of Fock#ill. this result vindteates the attenpt at providing an induced tonch t6 reduce the loads From the reckFiLl on the cuter duct. ‘me soll adjacent to the uittle para Dan site 1s mainly a red-brown calctonorphic soll, up to 1m (3 ft) thick, resting won weathered Aolonitic siltstone. Because the right abutment about 400 m (440 Yas) lupstrean of the dan gave ‘the hungy appearance. scrociated ‘with elope instability, Mlisiope survey pegs were placed ond senitored. this was “the ‘only area shere an appreciable volune, approximately 45 000 m? (60 000 cu ya), of material might slip into the reservoir fas a result of saturation end subsequent drawicen. Two drancouns have ‘Since cccurred and no hovensnt hes been noted. 6 CONCRETE FACE ROCKFILL DAMS tHe 3 200 i on 4 we z Fea ne SECTION B-8 PRESSURE CELLS FOURE 23% Prestue recorded on Outlet Ouct — Background As 2 major conteibution to the celebration of the 150th anniversary of Seuth Australia in 1986, the state Government 13 establishing an uebon Vinear park along the River Torrens. Before doing so 2 stuly (5) was made into the consoquances of floods of various magnitudes on the Fiver channel and adjecent park. Although Melaide ts set in a region ‘of scarce water resources, significant portions of the suburbs ‘ace subject to Infrequent but damaging flooding frou the River Torrens and its ‘urban teibutartes. Major’ flooding occurred in the years 1809. 1917, 1925 ana 1931, ‘Me study identified an optimum flood mitigation strategy watch inter alia required that “Fangaroo Creek ‘Dan be odified’ to. provide ‘additonal, flood storage with controlled relesse. Ie stz0 found thet the existing spillway capacity of "800 cinocs (26 500 cts) was. weil Delew the level of protection (1 tn 10 000 year return period) for whlch ie wes originally designed and recommended thatthe spt tieciy ‘eapactty should bo Ancrossed 0 1500 cunecs (59 200 cfs). WEAK ROCK IN ROCKFILL DAMS 6 ‘the modiFtcations made to Kangaroo Creck Dan are designed to provide a Hloce retention storage In the upper Tovels of the raservolt and to finerease the capacity of the sptlivey. fh tlood retention storage of {8700.1 (7100 acre-ft) was created by ralsing the existing spiilvay rest level by 2.75 m (9.0 Et) and lowering the full supply level by Gi0s'm (15.9 Ft). To ungated ducts 4.0m (19.1 ft) wide By 9.0m ($0 fe) high wore formed in the end wall of the spillway. the cnbanknent wae roteed by 3.4 m (11.2 f-) patsing the an ‘two. schenes vere considered for raising the dan. gach reflected a ‘Gifeerence in conservatism with respect to the stability of the rated fan, Schone A roquired placing # layer of rockftI] over the shole of the’ dowstrean face and’ crest. "In Schene Ba reinforced conerete channel structure infilled with compacted quarry rubble end founded on the eabankent crest. was proposed. Both scenes ed a vertical fece oh the upsteean side of ‘the crest snLlar tothe parapet wall at Lietie para, Dan, igure 19. Schene A preserved the stability of the downstream face but was significantly nore costly than Schone B. For ‘sconomie reasons Scheme B vas favoured but the decisive factor was the Stability Of the rockEIII Beneath the crest structure, ‘me stability of the rockFLIt surcharged by the crest structure wes Checked using sifp cliele analysis with the shear strength of the FockFL11 described by a constant angle of shearing resistence, 8. Aithough Chis approach fs conJectural, no other nore rational methods Sere avatiablo at that time, for the analysts of the rock{ill an angle ‘of shearing resistance @ of 45" was afogted. This value ws Considered appropriate on the basis of Information obtained from the triextal tests on model gradings of the schist rockflll used at Kengateo Creek Dam (7) and on published results of trlasial tests on other rockEilis (8). “the circular are etability analysis wae undertaken using a commorclal computer progcan (Control Data ~ Slope TI) based on ASshop's modified method. Critical failure surfaces were Geterminoa using a grid search vechnigue for both faces. of "the fabanksent ana for the existing and raised conditions. On the basis, ff the factors of safety obtained for realistic failure surfaces the stabitiey of the raised enbanknent wos considered gattatectory. wore recently (3) a aathod of stability analysis for compacted Fockfill has been developed which takes Into account the non-linear Yoht fallure envelope fer compacted rocktili (4). Advice on the Proposal was sought ftom the same Consultant that had been engaged for She original dane Mo evidence could be found of 4 compacted rockfi1] onbarinont failing by slipping, and 1t also apposred ikely that the angle of ‘ehearing rectetance for dance well compacted rockFtll would probsbly be higher than 42°, furthernore a similar arrangenant had een used at Yacanbu. Dan, Venezuela and so the decision was subsequently taken to adopt scheae B. ‘The onboninent was raised using a dolonttic quarry rubble filled Feinforeed concrete channel whieh elts on the existing crest roadway, Figure 24. Although the sliding Factor, with water up to the top of » (CONCRETE FACE ROCKFILL DAMS the new parapet walt, was adequate at 0.22 on 9 plane between the base of the" cherel and the top of the existing enbankxent, a shear feyraes included to provide positive resistance to sliding.” A coserectinis Etiler has baen placed botwaen he downstream surface Of tie nereee wall! and the upstrean surface of the ‘chanel to prevent stiester arising from settlenent of the parapet wall base under the load of the channel belng transferred into the existing perapet well cease ol = —— rnin iti cnbanuonest, Nona FIOURE 26: New Crest Structure =Kangarce Creek Oar Recess to the ralsed embankment crest 42 provided by 4 ramp between the ‘crest and ‘the extating coadwey on the right abutsent.” vahieie access will not be possible once the reservoir tiaes above’ the Foadway, Dut this will only occur for care flood events, the sosteeee wall of the crest structure extends across the existing rlgne seereere Fomivay and is Keyed into the rock face, this provides s suttine cut-off to water that alght have othersise percolate! thraush the taee and Anto the £121 material during floods. A grated aggregate drain has (been ‘provides along the futl length "of the ifeide of che ounstrean wall of the channel and drainage holes nave boon peevised Ehcoush the base of the wall. “the flll at the spitivey end of the crest structure 12 retained by a ection of the rataed fott ahoemee block. Modifications to Kengaroo Creek Dan were completed in Septeabor 1964 and the enbanioent with new crest structure ts show 4m Plate oe, sowcuustons Thorough site investigations backed by sound enginooring detatling and WEAK ROCK IN ROCKFILL DAMS 1 FIGURE 25: Rateed Crest ~ Kangaroo Creek Dax construction practice, coupled with close involvenent of the Seoigners, engineering geologists, consultant and constructors at all Stages of the development. of these dans, have contributed to the Successful Use of weck rock in the concrete faced conpacted rockEiL Gans. at Kengaroo Creek Dam and Little Pars Dan. the ouall leakage ratee and past construction enbaninent settlements, Fecorded at both of these dans have been reassuring to ali concerned, Sepectaliy th the case of Kangaroo creck Dam. zhis was the First large concrete face compacted rotk{iLt dan in which soft rock was used to form the bulk of the rockEtl1. With all types of soft cookEil1 there are various ratios of water to WouEILL to achieve ay optimus level” of compaction in order £0 Imininise poet construction settlement but it 18 not always possible to Provide ‘the quantity of water’ tequired because of drought, Coviconmental considerations or wone other Teasons. Little Para Dan wes constructed under erougnt ‘conditions, but the dacign proves Sufeictently versatile to etlew 1% to suscecd, thus demonstrating that this type of Gam when Properly engineered ic capable of coping with conditions that are lest then ideal craw, sorats ‘me authors wlsh to acknowledge the vork and assistance provided by the Gfficere of the Headworks ‘Section of the Design Services Branch, Engineering and Water supply Department apd they are grateful to the Dixector-ceneral and Engineer-ia-catet for granting. permission to publish this paper: 10. ae ‘CONCRETE FACE ROCKFILL DAMS “angineering Geology of Littte Para Energy Geological Survey of south Australia, Report of Investigations 34, 196%, Bowling, A.J., “Laboratory Investigations into the sultabllity of Reckfiil for “concrete faced Rocktill Dans” Peper delivered of RNEOLD Zh. A.G.N., Terrigal H.S.W, 1980, ANCOUD Bulletin Soeee 59, may 1981, ppZi-a1 Chactes, J.n.» Soares, N.M., “Stab{lity of compacted fockfill Slopes", Geotechalgue, Vol. 34, Wo. 1, Har. 1984. 4p 61-70" Charles, 3.R. Watts, K.S., “the Influence of confining Pressure gh the ‘Shear Strength o£ Conpacted Rockfi11~, Geotechnigue, Wel 30, to. 4, Dec. 1980, pp 353-367. Bagincering and Water suppiy Departnant, south Australia, “River ‘Torrens Flood Witigation study" Report Maaber Eas 90/16, Fokkesa, A. Sntth, W.fl., Flutter, J, "Googong es Flood Diversion and Bibankent Protection Guring consteuctlons; MNES Bulletin, Issue 49, Oct. 1977, pp 27-40, Good, RJ. “Kangaroo Creek Dan ~ Use of a Wesk schist as RockEtIt for ‘a Soncrete Paced RockFI11 Dans, ICOLD Douslase, Gage dee Grandes Barrages, Wexico 1976, Vol. L, gut, B33, pelea, Laps, TAH. “Review of Shearing strength of Hockti11*, Journal of the Gott Wechantes and Foundations Division, Acs, VOL ae ease Saty 1970, pp 11s9-170. Sherard, JL. Dunntgen, P.L. Docker B.S, *Edenttfteation and Nature "of " Dispersive | soils", Journal ‘of the catecmntend Engineering Division, A.8.C.€., “Vol. 102. ota, Aocil Neve pp287-201. Rudinger, J.2., “gineering Geology of the Kangacco creek ven”, Department of ‘Mines Geological Survey of "sown ‘austria, bulletin 44, 1972. Wilkins, Koy | "Decked RockEt2 ams", civil engineering ‘Transactions, Institution of Engineers Australia, Apell “ioee, eo Tis-135. ‘AUTO RNCHZCAVA RM ~ TEN YEARS FERORRANCE Boyard> taeoron?, M. ASCE AesTRICT: the general aspects of design an construction of the ‘eo anchicaya ban Guilt daring 1970.= 1974 in Calorie, South erica are Gescribed. ‘to the pexfommance of er POP sparatisn sftar Pemiint nose age dri Ue ileal gees ‘Hilties. “ee ‘op canaring te Te SERIE mchicaya Dan with concrete face dame recently built in ‘Skee uuntries are 8190 presenta Introduction ‘mito Aachicaya Dam is @ s0ckESLL concrete face structure looted con the fester Andee tear the Pacific coast in Colonia, South America, Pigd)., thie dam ie part of one of the hydroelectric scheres devel- ped by "Comgocaton Autonora Bagional del Cauca, C.7.C." for prorid= Shy electricity to the state of Walle del Guce’. 1 2ée 2 yes a ‘the height of the dan is 459 ft (1409), with a volune of 3,140,000 cox yal (2,400, 00000) ned BrORE TeNgE OF B52 fe (260m) butt with slopes Tutrty. "Pig, 2 shove a plan of the hydbslectric schene. ceoloay ‘the dam 15 located in an area of metanoxphic sodinents constituted rainy by various kinds of schists and bards of chert, intruded by ig- Teous aa other metanonhic rocks Located underesth the dan, uo to the lack of precedence of concrete faced dans of this height in 1970, the soft. and Laminated schists were considered Anad- ‘apace as sources of rockfill. tthe rock selected for rockf{11 was mainly homnfels, a durable and hand tock in contact with intrusive diorives vhich were weed in minor guinkities. ‘since the region of the project isa potential seimic zone, value of 0-15 g was selected for the design of the structures. en Selection the feeibility stuties considered the following four alterna tives of dare? > consulting Engineer, Rua Pari 99 ~ Apo 121 Si2a2 Seo panto, se" Brazil n ” ‘CONCRETE FACE ROCKFILL. DAMS PACIFIC OCEAN FIG.1-ALTO ANCHICAYA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT-LOCATION RockEtI1 with oanteal core { RockEENL with concrete face * Conorete gravity dain | sencrete arch dan Investigations of the ridge of the left abutment indicatal an arch altemative as a very expensive solution since this abutrant would eet guize a substantially deep trostnent, he region of the dan ie cubject to high rainfall totalling 197 in. (5,000) per year. his factor was extrenely ingartent in the final selection of the type of rockfill dan, since Host f the festdal tet Pabviows depoolts presented high natival water content, eo day woth ng daya were fav. Chinatic conditions and access to the alte favored the concrete face dams and 1 vas selected’ as the beet altemative fcon the vis. points of soormics and construction, ALTO ANCHICAYA DAM 8 FIG. 2-ALTO ANCHICAYA DAM-GENERAL PLAN ban Design ‘the dasign of the dan and the welected zoning of the rockfit] have oon peavionsly described fully in (4)5). Pig.2 shows ¢ cross section CeO dan wlth the tockEill stvas ant their Conresponding specifica Hons. Te 4g interesting to note that zone 1, under the face slab spect fied a nnd size Of 12 in. (06908) with on average of 318 passing Steve Ian, and about 126 of sand (pascing No.4 sieve). he main body Goons 2) opacities a naxinin sioe of 24 ia. (0,600) with an average of 27 pasing ateve 1 in. and about St sand. ‘the intont of the appcifications was to produce a well ccmpacted cin tonininaze deflection of the slab under the action of hydmstatic Sand.” “the thicknesses and widthe of Slabs vere Gefined according £0 the trends in existing modern dane. The amount of reinforcing vas Shecuasod andl mest of it wae Located dn two layers, rather than the Standard practice of using 0,58 sn each direction along the middle of the slab (1), Decinetrical hinge slabs ware provided to take Snto ac~ Sant extensional strains, naar the abuthents, as poedicted by the fi- Rite elenent onalysis. Fig.4 shows the layouts of joints for the face sla. % CONCRETE FACE ROCKFILL DAMS IMPERVIOUS ieeevadile ‘STONES BLANKET ROCKFILL ZONES SPECIFICATION WELL GRADED, 12" MAXIMUM SIZE, COMPAC- TED BY 4 PASSES {OTON VIBRAT. ROLLER - LAYERS ~ 20" 8 PASSES OF THE IOTON VIB. ROLLER UPSLOPE DIRECTION. 40" MAXIMUM SIZE-COMPACTED BY 4 PAS- SES 10 TON - VIB ROLLER~ 40" LAYER. BEST MATERIAL- WELL GRADED- 24" MAXI- NUM SIZE, COMPACTED BY4 PASSES- IO TON. VIB.ROLLER 211 LAYERS- WATERED BY 200 Lem3. SIMILAR TO 3 BUT WITH MORE FINES. COM- PACTION AND LAYERS AS FOR 3. FILTERS, ‘SANO AND GRAVEL 3/4" TO PROVIDE PRO- TECTION FOR EROSION OF THE ABUTMENTS AND RIVER BED. Fig 3-DAM CROSS SECTION AND SPECIFICATIONS ALTO ANCHICAYA DAM n Hinge Slabs Joints Plinth Soin Rubber W.Stop Slab Slob Painted With Asphalt WONT TYPE 1 Rubber WSs] Plinth if PERIMETRAL, VOINT TYPE 2 Wed Fitter JOINT FIG.4- FACE SLAB LAY-OUT AND JOINTS Daring the Gostgn studies, several triaxial tests were conducted /— of rodelied material using diorite and hornfels to detemine stress Strain relations which were wed in the analytical design compressibility tests using a 0.7in cadnater were useful to de \//~ temine the hornéels ao batter rockELll than diorite which was expect= cf te be more deformable under the vibratory roller. / Y 7 { vi \ ‘CONCRETE FACE ROCKFILL DAMS bam Conetauction ‘the constuction corthrecdon wT oes (of the dan wae initiated sm January of 1973, by Placing the type 2 material located at the damstrean toss “uckelt Hoached Qe raydmim elevation 648 at the end of May 1974, with the Inst 3 meters being completed in Rogist 1974" ‘Tomographic conditions of Alto Anchicaya xeateicted the develop eat oF access rosde #111 only be access: on the stogp eft abutment, Dy comping within te Fouts one’ to the bovton of the Gantand the “othe a€ elevation 585, right abvtnent, pernicoad to place almost 508 of tae sock£ill. he rinaining porticn was transgorted on an accsse road low cated on the dowetroan slope to the crest to the dan (Pig. S ands) ‘the rogktst sas ction. ths avtiase carefully controlled during the plactny end cae ‘density‘obeained for the mal gone 2 wag T4I~ pet (Zie tonve) for a Wold ratio oF 0:30, which vas better tas thee V'tests (4). Prcblene wate ele ‘ERMTELon itSrial type 1, which presented oxtensive ‘semmoyation and an unlulating saréace undcr carpastien when the ore ESRC aE fines rena the Sana ace Se SH ehh ea sieve). After the rockt itl reached elevation £00, the lowes portion 2 he’ face slab was contructed up to the constuction joie, Leostel at glevation 568 (ug. 7). the upper portion of the elab wag carmencel ‘bile the reckfLLl was st{il under constmoction, at elevation E20, ced A€ vas conploted simuitarenwaly with the placement Gf the fill tp te elevation 648. fe is important {0 emphasize that aside from the normal problem Gf interference hetween the placing of acktill and conscete, ‘no die rescas or mvrenents the slab. the sla ‘were cbserved uhuch would affect the behavior oF mnerete was placed by chutes located on the Ur trean slope, vith a slum of 3~ 4 in. (@Vien) to avoid segremation (ig. At Alto Anchicaya the upstiroan face of the compacted transition one was not treated by application of asphaltic emiision or sbotsrete {6 done in sore recent concrete fave dana’ (3) tn the middle of Feri 1974, ven the rockftll was at about eleva ion 630, heawy rains produced a flood in the "La Flora eres, located gn the right abutment, causing @ wash-out of transition mcetial. the ost material vas quickly replaced to continue the construction Of the stab. Instrimentation ‘he Gan ues extensively instrarmnted to monitor the novenants of the slab ond joints and the compressibility of the rockellie he slab wos instrunented by the typical devices used in this ype cf dam gach as inclinaneters, Strain gauges, and joint meters, A ae failed description of these’ instruments ad the nassuret results hate spoon aisouseed in (4) ALTO ANCHICAYA DAM vF Fig. 5'~ RockELlL omstniction. Access reeds on the right abutment. ® ‘CONCRETE FACE ROCKFILL DAMS she rock{ill was instruwented by sottlenent cells and extemal nonments end monitoring 1s still being eecuved ty the omer. Initial Filling of the Pasarvote On Cather 19, 1974 the filing of the reservote was initiated by losing the by-pass gate. Due to the small capecity of the ressnol ‘the Eilling was conpleted in only 5 aaye up to epiilvey elevations S38, ‘Te Leakage through the dan was 0.5 cfs (.014 m/s) with resecvoir glevation 588° and incvoased to nore than 64'cés (1.8 ni/s) at clewe tien 66. From October 24 to Novenber 8, the reservoir was held at elevation G@4 gad tie slab sas inspected by divers to determine the origin of the Leniage. “Te was novel that the wolime of water tnrech wer wes YOS Qotstant and clean, concentrated mainly in the seitial portion ar She dist ‘which corresponded to the original’ riverbed, WS mieten OF Fines vere detected diing the observations. Renedial, ‘treatent ASE Psst, ie, magni,» coral enpction of the sa aot inetrical joints was nade. Leakage waa mainly Gea, S a 1 Joints at both abutments in localized aones vhere the Slee see ments were relatively great, as mich ag 4 in.” Tt was cheered thor the mbber water stop, located in the nidile of the’ face elas “eat es (lie t© the prasence of isolated voids in the ceucrets under the robe \ater stop (4). the large joint openings wore dic to the carsennere vertical joints (Fis. 4): Fenedial treatment wes ciecuted by filling the defective joints with a mstic, “covered by 8 mixture of aands asphalf’ and’ impels Material as stow. on Fig. 8 she eservoir was filled for a second tine on December 8, 1974 and zeached elevation 634 cn Docetber 35, 1974 ‘and’ the previcts losers Final filling from elevation 634 to elevation 646 was completed Tebrunry 21, 1974 and March 2,-1975,, cbearving "eine leaks Ancreased to a value of 16 cfs (0-446 m/s). Although this Leskage wes sttll considered high, it was deoided to qwalt the major settlements and movenents in the fosk#ilh ane he eae Gucing fluctuations of the reservoir hefore further treatnant. “tn the oantine, a sound leak device was constructed to ‘invostiqate nse, water the Location of the new leaks. n January 1975, a survey vith the sound Leak Gevios revealed leak~ 895 gf the Serimetiic Joint of the riche abutment betwemn elevations 580-600. |The joint was" inspacted by" divers who identified the letters fi. glevation 500, and after placing a mixture of gravel, sand, clay and bentonite, the leskage was) reduced t0 6.5 cfs (oriabwyel fore cos ervolr elevation of G41 (Fig. 3) ALTO ANCHICAYA DAM 3 ig. 7~ Face elab construction up to the hortzontel ccnstmuction Joine at Elevation S64. Perfomance using the inspection of the slab after lovering the reservoir, it was chserved that the slab had adequately adjusted itself vo nowarents Of the reckfil] (Pig, 10). No ruptures nor spalling of the slab were fencountorel. Winor hair cracks wore cbserved, especially at the er= ‘eral slabs but nove of these fissures appeared to be a source of leak~ ‘the Joint meters located on both abutrents xegistared novenents which correlated well with ckecrvations after devetering. Hovevery it (s) Gia. Althouh sone of the instrumentation of the slab was removed dr~ ing the fico repairs, 2 curvailianse of the romining inetrments bas eon ramnrdhd periodically during the pact 10 years with cbeervatione 2 CONCRETE FACE ROCKFILL DAMS Right Abutment Opening Of Stab Rubber ws ‘and Concrete AFTER RESERVOIR FILLING Pint Sond ond Asphalt Masti Rubber Woter-stop Moin Siob Chicken Mesh/ AFTER TREATMENT FIG 6 - REMEDIAL TREATMENT FOR PERIMETRAL JOINT Mim orest settlenent was 2-3/8 in. (Go) after the second Fill ing; One yeax later St increased to 4-1/4'in, (Lien) and attar 10 years ie'is 6 in. (i500). Fig. 11 show cha taximin ceest settlonant Wess fine. Also it compares crest scttlenant with roveents of a typical intetnal colt, #S5- = Pig. 12 shows maxon crest settlanents with tine elated to the Percentage of strain. Tt can Le seen that after 10 years the percent age of the defomation of the crest is O.lie of the maxim height OF 4499 ft (14d). This value ie “typical of a very well-omaded and” wall Gampacted rock with sodulua of vompressibility ransing beteen 44,000 = 24,000 pst (1,00 = 1,798 kavent)>

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