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1/13/2020 Information Management for Smooth Relationships | Girls Chase

Information Management for Smooth

By Varoon Rajah

Expect women to remember everything you tell them. If they get con icting information, it inevitably causes friction, so be mindful and congruent with
what you share.

This is a little darker than most of my articles. My intent is to educate why it’s vital to control the information ow coming to
and from women you're romantically involved with. Whether you’re new to getting girls, are experienced, want a
monogamous long-term relationship, desire one-night stands, or prefer to date many women at once, it’s bene cial to
manage the information that you share and convey.

Just to be clear, I am a HUGE fan of being open, honest, and upfront with women, and I do not condone lying. Our greatest
mission as responsible men is to avoid hurting a girl, which can lead to many problems. Instead, our mission is to
understand what we want with the opposite sex, and what women want from men, and to meet in the middle. We want to
have fun together and experience a healthy relationship, doing our best to minimize emotional pain in the process.

However, women have superpowers when it comes to understanding

men that many of us simply don’t have. They are masters at
understanding social dynamics. Part of the reason all women are so I. Women Remember Everything You Say
good at this is that they’re masters at acquiring and processing different II. Women Are Master Sleuths
pieces of information very quickly.
III. Share Only What You Want Her to Remember
So, as intelligent guys who are the leaders of women in the mating
IV. Relationship Frames vs. Information
game, it’s our job to manage the ow of information to our women for
their sanity as well as our own. Information control is related to frame V. Trust and Respect
control. What you tell and reveal to her in uences the way she sees and
values you, and how she executes her relationship with you. 1/17
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The best information you can give her is inherently valuable to the type of man women are looking for: con dent, dominant,
attractive, sought after, healthy, masculine, passionate, among many other traits.

Women Remember Everything You Tell Them (and What They Tell You)
One of the greatest lessons of women’s behavior is if they like you, they remember every single thing you tell them, and that
happens between both of you. Too many guys don’t pay enough attention to this, but women have the memories equivalent
to perhaps an elephant. They NEVER forget anything, down to the smallest details!

Birthdays, anniversaries, that little postcard you gave her two years ago that made her feel adorable, the time in high school
she once told you about when she felt embarrassed about her out t — if you forget about any of these things, you can count
on her to remember it.

The same goes for what you tell her: your likes, dislikes, where you were two years ago (even if she wasn’t around). You can
count on her to remember EVERYTHING you've told her in the past and compare it to the information you give in the

For this reason, it’s important to be conscious of what you tell her and make sure it all adds up. Men are terrible liars and
often get caught in their lies simply because they don’t consider this. They spew information to women without thinking
how she will perceive and remember con icting information.

Solution: don’t tell a girl something you don’t want her to remember later.

Women Are Master Sleuths

If there’s one thing women are truly good at, it’s seeking and discovering information. Once a woman is with a guy, she does
everything she can to covertly nd out information about him and any women he's in contact with.

Women have all sorts of mechanisms for extracting information from a guy. She can do it by changing her behavior or
following his. She can do it verbally, or by being cold and distant to entice a response. She can start drama or pick ghts
with the intent of extracting information unrelated to what’s causing drama. Men are far more likely to reveal the truth in 2/17
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the heat of the moment. She can ask friends, family, other girls, and even have other guys working for her to extract
information. She can even befriend your entire social circle, make a better impression than you, and use THEM to keep tabs
on all your activities, thereby extracting information without consulting you at all.

One time, I brought in an mLTR (multiple long-term relationship) into a BDSM scene I had started. Unfortunately, as I
learned, she was both socially savvy and extremely jealous. As I was dating multiple women and some girls in that group,
she started using the entire group to keep track of me with the goal of being #1. If you haven’t read my article on Queen
Theory, be sure to check that out. This mLTR closed my access to other women in the group through her information
management. I was forced to distance myself from the group to keep dating multiple women, and let her go in the end. The
mLTR's jealousy of my lifestyle caused intense curiosity, and she used everyone in that social circle to extract information.

How much information she seeks also depends on the information you give her. If you tell her a believable story, all parts
tally out, and she respects you, she’s far more likely to trust you than if you give a story with holes and contradictory
information. Unfortunately, this is what a lot of men do. And if it’s not you, it’s probably some other guy that did, and women
will do their due diligence to protect themselves from getting screwed over by a man.

Sometimes the best means for a girl to verify the truth is to use your social circle, friends, and mutual contacts to monitor
you. When dating multiple girls, discretion is extremely important and valuable to exercise. I always like to separate girls
into different groups and keep them each in check, which I’ve described in my mLTR series. This helps control what she
sees as my image as well as hers. We’re framing information for the girl’s bene t, too.

Women have much more to lose from social repercussions than men. So it’s essential to disseminate information in a way
that helps both of you. Since you control the frame, you have the power to frame your relationship in whichever manner can
protect and help you both.

Share Only What You Want Her to Remember Later

Now that we’ve gone over how women remember everything and are also masters of discovery, my suggestion is that you
only tell a woman what you want her to remember later.

Assume she will remember things about:

Your job
Your age
Whether or not you have a girlfriend
Whether or not you’re dating or seeing anyone else
Whether you’re telling her the truth about anything, really
How many partners she thinks you have (or what you’ve told her)
Your whereabouts as you reveal them
Whether or not you’re chasing other girls (if she has reason to believe this)
Your sexual history with her
Your relationship history with her
Anything you’ve told her about yourself
Anything she’s told you about herself (this one’s particularly important, and one
that many guys unfortunately forget, making it seem like they don’t care about her)

Women use all the above information and more to determine:

1. Whether she should sleep with you

2. Whether she can trust you, to decide if she’ll sleep with you or stay with you

The congruence between your image to her and the words you say, plus your behavior, tell her instinctively whether she
should stay with you and keep pursuing you. Men are naturally bad at trying to hide these things. It’s why I believe it’s
better to be honest from the start. 3/17
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Think of women you date like Lady Justice, but with a wonky scale and no blindfold... just a sword. No one wants to be prosecuted in that court.

There is not a single woman in the world who likes a man who lies. Yet unfortunately, women experience many lying men
throughout their lives and are mainly on the lookout for guys who aren’t being truthful and honest in their intentions. I’ve
described this thoroughly in my Red-Black series.

There are lots of things you can present about yourself to a woman, and ways you can present your image to her. The way
you frame yourself can have a powerful and seductive effect on her if you do it right. For instance, make yourself her
fantasy or secure her good behavior with fantastic sex.

Relationship Frames vs. Information

Since a guy leads the relationship with a woman, he also gets to set the frame and ultimately provide the information within
the relationship. Here’s where framing is crucial.

When you lead, you have exclusive control of the image you present to a girl. Your image must be congruent with your
behavior and your words, and ALSO with your intentions with her; if it's not, it'll inevitably cause friction. Don’t promise
monogamy or behave like the perfect boyfriend if your intentions are only a one-night stand or to have her as a non-
monogamous girlfriend (like an mLTR).

In my opinion, girls should buy into whatever frame you’re going for of their own accord. If you haven’t experienced it yet,
know that women can be just as, if not even more, open-minded than men when it comes to sex and relationships. I truly
believe that women have a strong potential as the more sexual, adventurous, and open-minded of the sexes. But often, it is
the world of men, morals, and society that restrict what women are freely able to do. Women have sexual fantasies and
desires as much as men; most of all, though, they don’t like being lied to.

Guys are most prone to lie when being questioned about anything involving the relationship: whether he is seeing other girls
or not, and whether he is committed to her. Often, a guy will lie to women because he's afraid of losing her if he doesn’t. And
yet the biggest peeve that women have with men is when they lie about this. The truth is, attractive women are generally far
more mature than men about sex and relationships, having been chased for sex their entire lives.

Trust and Respect 4/17
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The greatest feat a man can accomplish with his woman is for her to respect him. A girl’s respect is based mostly on how
much she can trust him. As you might be able to connect the dots here, a girl’s trust is tied directly with how much she
respects her man, and ultimately that ties to a combination of his frame along with the information he conveys about

Women test for a man’s trust and respect from the beginning of courtship to the end of the relationship (whether it’s hours or decades).

Women know from observing men and other relationships what they’re up against with men and what men are up to. These
indications tell her psychologically whether to pursue a man or get away as fast as possible.

Trust is determined by your honest intentions and feelings toward her, while respect is determined by your value and how
well you treat her. When you control the ow of information, you want to share yourself in a way that fosters both trust and
respect. Thus, your frames with a girl are critical to creating this.

Being with a woman who respects and honors her man is a happy feeling. Expect devotion, adoration, and frequent
hedonistic sex as she tries to get even closer to the man in her life she cherishes most.


About the Author: Varoon Rajah

A New York City native, Varoon’s studied under many of the seduction industry’s leading instructors.
His specialty is direct day game, where he meets girls on the street, on the subway, and in coffee
shops. Varoon is the host for the Girls Chase Podcast, available on iTunes or via SoundCloud. 5/17

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