Cerere de Grant Kusanone Program

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(1) Name of the organization

Theoretical Lyceum "Mihai Eminescu"
(2) Address
Comrat City, 60 Suvorov Str., ATU Găgăuzia, Republic of Moldova
(3) Telephone (including cell phone)
+373 (298)3-17-39, +37369201639 Fax+373 (298)3-17-39

(4) Contact persons (first and last names)

Stoinov Svetlana, headmaster of Lyceum +37368201639
Arnaut Veronica, teacher of primary school +37369674603
Stoleru Aliona, teacher of primary school +37369456102
Cîlcic Ilie, member of School Council +37367227280

(5) Has your organisation ever received any financial/technical aid from foreign
governments, international organisations or non-governmental organisations? (If yes,
please describe the substance of such aid).

1. Ministry for Romanians Abroad, Bucharest – reparation of school’s roof

price_785200,00 lei
2. Embassy of the Republic of Poland – reparation of toilets in Lyceum price_60 000,00
3. Embassy of the Republic of Poland – trip in Poland in framework of project ”Moldawia
Polska Zwaistun”
4. Roman Cultural Institution from Bucharest – organization of trips about ”Know Your
Country ” and camps for pupils
5. Kolping Bezau Austria – material help for children and socially vulnerable families.

6. Embassy of the USA in Moldova – voluntary for English teaching and organization
of extracurricular activities
7. Association ”Tighina” from Bucharest , Romanian – changing of heating system

(6) Please reply to the following questions about the structure of your organisation.
(B) School or research institute

I Year of establishment 01.06.2000

II Number of teachers (researchers) 39
III Number of students 400
IV Purpose of research

Main purpose of school is education of children for taking responsibility of life in free
society, spirit of understanding, of peace, tolerance, equality between sex and friendship
relations with other nations, ethnic groups, nationalities, religions.


(1) Title of the project

Upgrade friendly school of child.

(2) Location (including distance from the closest well-known city)

Comrat City, 100km from capital of country, Chișinău

(3) Tasks of the project

 Equipment with furniture of 6 cabinets of primary school.
 Equipment with IT (Informational Technologies) of 6 cabinets of primary school.
 Arrange and equipment the hole of primary school as saloon for activities.

(4) Summary of the project

The project proposes creating a space to help increase social inclusion by creating opportunities
for primary school pupils to interact through both informal social contact and participation in the
activities to be carried out. The project was designed to modernize the furniture of primary
classrooms in the 1980s which is already worn out and to automate the workplace of the primary
school’s teacher. Today, as information technologies (IT) are developing rapidly, the teacher is
bound to implement innovative methods and techniques through applying more educational
technologies. By equipping the primary classrooms with modern furniture and ICT will transform
the instructive-educational process into an attractive and interactive one.
At the same time, high school (Lyceum) does not have extra-school activities and space for
organizing the circles on interests. The 19th anniversary is the need to solve this important problem
that affects all our educational beneficiaries. In the project we want the arrangement and
endowment of the all primary school corridor as a recreation space and interactive activities for
For example, at the moment, the circle of interests like "chess and ladies" takes place in a cabinet
in the neighbouring school because our high school (Lyceum) does not have adequate space and
equipment. We want to solve this problem because, due to any impediments, high school students
are always at Chess competitions 1-3th place winners.
The Extra-School Circle "Visual Arts" does not have cabinet and furniture specifically for doing
activities. It would be more interesting for children to draw their pictures not on the school desks
but on a mobile easel and in a modern designed space.
This space will be a tool to help teachers in organizing the educational process, conduct
extracurricular activities, feasts and gatherings of parents, scientific conferences and the
organization of thematic sitcoms, etc. A space will be created where students will benefit from the
opportunity to participate, and to adapt the knowledge, skills and attitudes acquired at the
classroom in new education and training contexts, both individually and in groups. Students will
be supported and encouraged to value their creativity, originality, personal and group skills and
capabilities and improve their weaknesses.
(5) Population that will benefit from the project

The direct beneficiaries of the project are:

- 220 students of "M.Eminescu" Theoretical Lyceum from grades I-IV of primary education,
-180 pupils from gymnasium and lyceum,
- 39 teachers teaching in high school.

Indirect beneficiaries:
- Project team members with experience gained;
- Pupils and teachers from other schools in the district and the region, by disseminating project
results and examples of good practice;
-400 parents of high school students,
- The image of the M.Eminescu Theoretical High School by promoting the project,
- The locals of Comrat, who are interested in the future to enrol their children in the primary grades
of the high school (Lyceum)

(6) Expected project results

The project activities will be carried out in the high school "M. Eminescu" we will ensure a good
functioning of the educational process, will provide the opportunity for the development and
implementation of the skills possessed, will create a successful partnership, of all educational actors
without which we cannot ensure the functionality and existence.
Immediate results:

6 classrooms equipment with furniture suitable for pupil’s age

6 classrooms equipment with ICT utilities
, -1 hole/saloon equipped for extracurricular activities
Results during a -4 circles on interests with the application of ICT;
long period of time: -1 circle extracurricular "chess and checkers",
-Development of communication skills, including modern
-Increase the Percentage of quality in the school;
Increase the involvement of teachers in the use of ICT in their classes
and extracurricular activities;
- Create an appropriate space for free expression and correct
information, rest and involvement of students in interactive activities;
-Database with recordings of lessons, presentations, posters, brochures,
newspapers etc.,
- Promoting the image of the school in the educational environment of
the region of GAGAUZIA.

Estimated amount requesting from Grass-roots Fund 23257 USD
⃰ Expenses such as taxes, duties, tariffs, VAT (Value Added Tax), permit fees, license fees, and
bank administrative and transfer fees, etc. cannot be funded by Kusanone Grant Project. (In
principle, the decision of the Government of the Republic of Moldova Nr. 246 dated of 8 April,
2010, exempts Kusanone grant recipients from paying VAT, excise and customs duties on goods
and services purchased for the implementation of the grant project.)
⃰ Upon the completion of the project, grant recipients are expected to install a sign indicating that
the project was implemented with the support from the people of Japan. Grant recipient is to cover
the costs of installing such sign.

Please attach a list of goods/services you intend to purchase through the Kusanone Grant Project
List of needs for project realization
150 tables and chairs (both individually for each pupil),
6 desks (tables) and chairs for teachers
6 stands for drawing
6 stands with glass stands for exhibition of pupil’s works
2 ecological tables
2 sets of geometric 3D bodies
6 tan gram sets of 7 piazzas,
6 sets of multiplication table (A60037)
6 Computers (laptops) with licensed soft , connected at network ,
6 Multimedia digital projectors (with screen for presentation),
6 Multifunctional devices (printer, scanner, copier),
6 sets of active sound speakers
10 chairs\benches with 3 places –( N-13 2485 lei)
7 Chess tables for amateurs
7 Chess tables for amateurs «Grandfather»
15 easels for drawing
3 sets of table’s football
3 sets for Catana’s basic game

(8) If you receive Kusanone Grant Project funding just for a part of the project how do you plan
to finance the rest of expenditures?

 This project is developed according to the Development Plan of the Theoretical

Lyceum "M. Eminescu" for 2016-20121, based on which the implementation team
of the plan works and the Administrative Council of the high school. For which
reason and we can say with certainty, any impediments this project will be realized.
At the same time, when planning the high school budget, the needs of the project
will be taken into account, as the high school is the institution that manages its

 Actions are planned at the executive committee of UTAG to allocate funds to

support the project's activities. There is the decision of the future prosperous
Association indicating the financial support of the project.
Duration of the project
From September 2019 until December 2019

Please attach the following documents to this form.

(If these are not available, please provide equivalent information to our Embassy).
 Maps of the project location (with violet colour is indicated the location “Comrat City”)
 Chart of specifications of the project
 Written estimates of goods/services from three suppliers

Date 30.03.2019
Name Svetlana Stoinov

Position Headmaster of Lyceum

Signature ________________________________

Annex 1.Maps of the project location (with violet colour is indicated the location “Comrat City”)


Annex 2. Chart of specifications of the project

Name of the objective, activity, etc.

Implementation period (month)
1 2 3 4
Objective 1. Equipment with furniture of 6 cabinets of primary school.

Activity 1.1. Announcement and conduct of the purchase +

procedure for school furniture

Activity 1.2. Own purchase of the furniture +

Activity 1.3. Distribution of furniture by classes and +

conclusion of material liability agreements
with teachers
Objective 2. Equipment with IT( Informational Technologies) of 6 primary classrooms
Activity 2.1. Announcement and conduct of the ICT +
procurement procedure
Activity 2.2 Own acquisition of ICT and installation +

Activity 2.3 Distribution of technical equipment by classes +

and conclusion of material liability
agreements with teachers.
Activity 2.4 Conducting training / informing teachers' + + + +
seminar "On the Use / Effective Application
of the Technical Equipment in the Instructive-
Educational Process"
Objective 3. Arrange and equipment the hole of primary school as saloon for activities.

Activity 3.1 Announcing and conducting the procurement +

procedure for furniture / equipment
Activity 3.2 Purchasing the necessary furniture / +
equipment and installing them
Activity 3.3 Organization and timing of extracurricular / + + + +
extra-curricular activities (Chess, Art, football,
mini library, competitions, parent meetings,
Activity 4.1 Promoting the idea of a project Seminar for +
School Managers from ATU Gagauzia
"Creativity of pupils in extracurricular
Evaluation and Reporting

Report 1 Monitoring and evaluation report of project +

activities for September-December

Annex 3.Written estimates of goods/services from three suppliers. All data is in the application

Annex 4 Attached budget.

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