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Midterm Examination in Physical Science

S.Y. 2019-2020

Name: Grade: Score:

I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Write the letter of the correct answer on your answer sheet.

1. By 300 BC, Aristotle greatly influenced alchemists, that he supported the idea of Empedocles.
Among the choices which show his support on the idea of Empedocles?
A. Matter is composed of 4 elements
B. Physical properties of matter as supported by the 4 elements
C. The discovery of electrons and neutrons
D. The addition of the 5th element called “Aether”
2. Democritus, by 400 BC supported which idea of matter?
A. All matter is continuous C. Matter is unexplainable
B. All matter is composed of large particles D. All matter is composed of tiny particles.
3. How did the ATOMISTS view on Atom?
A. Small, soft and made of same materials C. Immobile, and finite in number
B. Hard, small and can be combines D. Small and infinite in shape.
4. Alchemists use symbols to designate elements. Which symbol signifies for the element Iron?
A. B. 4 C. 5 D.

5. The experiment called “ plum pudding”, explains which of the following?

A. The neutrality of neutrons C. The neutrality of atoms
B. The negativity of electrons D. That Atoms are empty
6. James Chadwick uses which particle to be able to bombard on a thin sheet of beryllium?
A. Gamma particle B. Beta particle C. Alpha particle D. Cathode ray particle
7. Which among the given particles completes the nuclear reaction 15963 Eu ______ + 0-1e?
A. 15864Gd B. 15863Eu C. 15965Gd D. 15964Gd
8. The magnitude charge of each proton is?
A. 1.6022 X 10-18 C B. 1.6022X 10-19C C. 1.6022 X 10-16 C D. 1.6022 X 10-17 C
9. The calculated mass of electron is?
A. 9.12 X 10 -28 grams B. 9.11 X 10-28 gramsC. 9.10X 10-28 grams D. 9.10X 10-27 grams
10. Henry Moseley argued with Dmitry Mendeleev that the arrangement of elements should be?
A. According to atomic mass C. According to atomic number
B. According to electronegativity D. According to ionization
11. The figure presented shows what orbital shape?
A. S orbital B. P orbital C. D orbital D. F orbital
12. This indicates the spin of electrons having 2 values + ½ and – ½ .
A. Magnetic Quantum Number C. Azimuthal Quantum Number
B. B. Spin Quantum Number D. Principal Quantum Number
13. This law states that elements always in similar proportion by mass regardless of the size of a
A. Law of conservation of mass C. Law of multiple proportion
B. Law of definite proportion D. Law of singularity
14. Which of the following statements best defines the law of conservation of mass?
A. Mass cannot be created but it can be destroyed under extreme pressures
B. Mass cannot be conserved during a chemical reaction; a little bit of mass is always lost
C. The mass of a closed system cannot change over time, mass cannot be created nor destroyed
D. When added to a system, energy can destroy mass.
15. Which of the following is a correct statement about the compound Carbon Monoxide ( C0)
C 12.0107 and O 15.9994?
A. 12 parts by mass carbon and 14 parts by mass oxygen C. for every 1 g of Carbon there is 2.66g
of Oxygen
B. 12 parts by mass carbon and 16 parts by mass oxygen D. for every 1 g of carbon, there is 1.14g
of Oxygen
II. Determine whether the bonds in the following substances are Ionic, Polar Covalent or Non Polar.
16. H2S 17. KCl 18. MgO 19. H2O

20. O2 21. CO 22. FeS

III. Look for the Electronegativity and Type of bond of the given formula.

Formula Electronegativity Type of Bond

NO 23._________________ Polar covalent
LiH 1.1 24._________________
CuF 25._________________ Ionic
LiBr 26.__________________ 27._______________

IV. Create and show the chemical bond Lewis Structure on each compound. ( Show the X and Dot sharing
of valence electrons.
28. MgBr2 29. SO2 30. K2O 31. Rb2S 32. H2O2
33. CCl4 34. SO4 35. MnO4 36. PO5 37. CH4
38. H2O
V. Compute for the Average Atomic Mass. Show your solution.
39. Titanium has 5 common isotopes: 46Ti ( 8.0%), 47Ti ( 7.8%). 48Ti ( 73.4%), 49 Ti ( 5.5%), 50 Ti (5.3%).
What is the average atomic mass of Titanium?
40. Uranium has 3 common isotopes. If the abundance of 234U is 0.01%, 235 U is 0.71% and 238U is 99.28%.
What is the average atomic mass of Uranium?
41. Calculate the average atomic mass of Sulfur if 95% of all sulphur atoms have a mass of 31.972 amu,
0.76% 32.971 amu and 4.22% 33.967 amu.
42. Calculate the average atomic mass of Bromine. One isotope of bromine has an atomic mass of 78.92
amu and a relative abundance 50.69%. The other major isotope of bromine has an atomic mass of 80.92
amu and a relative abundance of 49.31%.
VI. Show the Electron Configuration and Orbital Diagram( Hund’s Rule)

43. Al 3+ 44. P 45. Ca 46. K 47. Na 48. Ba

Identify what element is the given electron configuration.
49. 1s22s22p63s23p4
50. 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p5

“If you are able to focus unswervingly on your goals, then all that you desire will become yours.”
-Steve Backley

Prepared by:


Teacher I- SHS Science

Approved by:

Principal I
Final Examination in Physical Science
S.Y. 2019-2020

Name: Grade: Score:

I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Write the letter of the correct answer on your answer sheet.

1. During summer, high temperature is observe causing spoiling of food. What type of reaction will
explain this?
A. Effect on particle size C. Effect on catalyst
B. Effect on temperature D. Effect on concentration
2. What is the reason why natural rubbers like tires become unstable during seasonal change?
A. Rubbers can adapt to the air content
B. Rubbers strength will be based on the size and use of it.
C. Rubbers turn brittle during hot weather, soft during cold weather.
D. Rubbers turn soft during hot weather, became brittle during cold weather.
3. What is the correct chemical equation of the given word equation? When chlorine gas reacts with
methane, Carbon tetrachloride and hydrogen chloride are produced.
A. Cl(l) + CH2(g) CCl5 + HCl C. Cl (g) + CH4 (g) CCl4 + HCl
B. Cl (aq) CH4 + CCl4 + HCl D. CH2 (g) + Cl (g) CCl4 + HCl
4. Among the choices which best shows the correct chemical equation of Iodine crystals reacts with
chlorine gas to produce iodine trichloride?
A. I (l) + Cl(s) I4Cl5 C. I (s) + Ca( aq) I2Cl6
B. I (s) + Cl (g) I2Cl6 D. I (l) + Ca (s) I4Cl4
5. When sodium oxide is added to water, sodium hydroxide is produced. How can we show the
chemical equation of the given word equation?
A. Na2O +H2O2 NOH C. Na2O + CO2 NaH
B. Na3O + H2O NaOH D. Na2O + H2O NaOH
6. When fluorine gas comes in contact with calcium metal at high temperature, solid calcium
fluoride is produced.
A. F(g) + Ca2(s) Ca2F2 (s) C. F4(g) + C(s) CaF3(s)
B. Fl(g) + C(s) CF2(s) D. F2(g) + Ca(s) CaF2(s)
7. It is a type of household cleaner that are either alkaline or acidic that depends on the surface to be
A. Special surface cleaners B. Deposit cleaners C. Disinfectant cleaners D. Bathroom cleaners
8. Cleaning products that needs abrasives are ___________.
A. Scouring cleaners B. Carpet cleaners C. Special surface cleaners D. General purpose
9. It is use to kill disease causing microorganisms which are primarily applied in hospitals and
A. Sanitizers B. Alcohols C. Disinfectants D. Decontaminants
10. The speed by which reactants are converted to products is called __________.
A. Rate of change B. Rate of reaction C. Rate of conversion D. Rate of interaction
11. It is consider as polar solvent and the most common cleaning agent ________.
A. Soap B. Sodium C. Chalk D. Water.
12. Among the choices below; which best shows the characteristic of MSDS?
A. Information that helps answer the questions about the ingredient of a product.
B. A form required by Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
C. Provides information to workers on the proper handling of a product.
D. Information that provide the toxicity, health effects, first aid, disposal and leak procedures.
13. A common ingredient in many cosmetics and beauty products that acts as astringent, preservative
(lotions) and use in hairspray to adhere to hair.
A. Ethanol B. Water C. Scent D. Oil
14. A friend of yours from a distant country is visiting you, while going for a walk one night you point
out the North Celestial Pole. They remark that they’ve never seen either the celestial pole high up
in their sky before. Which of the following best describes where they live?
A. On the equator
B. B. In the Southern hemisphere
C. In a country that’s either due to East or due West of your country
D. Near one of the Earth’s poles.

15. Which of the following statements best describes the difference between the apparent DIURNAL
and ANNUAL motions that we see in the sky?
A. There really isn’t any difference between the diurnal and annual motion, since all motions in
the sky take 24 hours to complete one cycle.
B. The diurnal motion means that the sky seems to rotate westward once per day, while the Sun
seems to move eastward relative to the stars making one eastward circuit per year.
C. The diurnal motion means that the sky seems to rotate eastward once per day, while the Sun
seems to move westward relative to the stars, making one westward circuit per year.
D. The apparent annual motion of the Sun is much faster than the apparent diurnal motion of the
sky. The first only takes 24 hours, while the second one takes a full year.
16. What was the main purpose of a planet’s EPICYCLE in the Ptolemaic model of the Solar System?
A. It explained why the planets orbit around the Earth
B. It explained the relative sizes of the planets orbits
C. It explained why each planet appears to move across the sky with a certain speed.
D. It explained the occasional retrograde motion of the planets.
17. What feature of planetary motion could the Copernican model of the Solar System explain more
simply than the Ptolemaic model could?
A. Eclipses B. Retrograde motion C. Annual motion D. Diurnal motion
18. Which of the following apparent sky motions is caused by the rotation of the Earth?
A. The moon appears to move around the sky in about one month.
B. Mars appears to move in a retrograde direction about once every year and a day.
C. The sky seems to rotate westward once per day.
D. The sun seems to move around the sky once per year.
19. When Galileo observed Venus, he saw something that didn’t fit the Ptolemaic model for the Solar
System. What was it?
A. Venus sometimes shows a nearly full phase, and not just a crescent.
B. Venus sometimes shows a crescent phase and not just a nearly full phase.
C. Venus looks brighter at certain times than at others.
D. Venus shows phases, instead of always looking nearly full at all times.
20. Karen was cleaning the bathroom when she accidentally splashed a corrosive alkali on her eyes.
What will be the first action of Karen to prevent further damage to her eyes?
A. Call for help but do not touch the affected eye.
B. Rinse it with clean running water 15-20 minutes
C. Rinse it with clean running water for 30-60 minutes
D. Do nothing since that the chemical is a weak alkali.
II: Write T if the statement is correct and F if the statement is incorrect.
21. __________ It is appropriate to induce vomiting when there is an accidental ingestion of cleaning
product without prior doctors advise.
22. __________ Deodorants have silver nitrate and lead as an active ingredients.
23. __________ Neurotoxins are substance that gives direct effect on our Respiratory System.
24. __________ Skin whiteners have bleaching and antioxidant substance that inhibit melanin
production on our skin.
25. __________ Infertility, birth defects and cancer of the reproductive organs are caused by the irritants
from a personal care product.
26. __________ “ Keep out of reach of children” gives greater consideration on children because they can
take anything within their reach, out of curiosity.
27. __________ Lead is a neurotoxin that can cause learning, language and behavioural problems.
28. __________ It is appropriate to store cleaning products in a cabinet without transferring its content
to unlabelled containers.
29. __________ Saponification is the process of making soap.
30. __________ Soaps have to ends: non polar “ water loving” and polar “ water fearing”
31. __________ The point where the sun is at the northernmost position above the celestial equator is
called the winter solstice.
32. __________ The changing of season was attributed to the revolution of Earth around the sun is called
“annual motion”.
33. __________ According to Aristotle motion was either natural or violent.
34. __________ An example of violent motion are push and pull motion.
35. __________ the 2 points having the greatest distance from the celestial equator is referred as ecliptic.
36. __________ Annual motion is also responsible for the rising and setting of the sun and stars.
37. __________ Precession of equinox accounts for the visibility of the zodiac constellation and change of
38. __________ Aphelion is the closest point to the sun in a planets orbit.

39. __________ Aristotle’s Model consists of 27 celestial spheres, 27 buffer spheres and a prime mover.
40. __________ Alteration is the ability of an object to change either generation, corruption and
alteration in quality.
III: Balance the given chemical equation. Please show your solution.

41-42: 43-44:
CF4 + Br2 CBr4 + F2 RbNO3+BeF2 Be(NO3)2+ RbF

45-46: 47-48:
K + Cl2 KCl AlBr3 + K2SO4 KBr + Al2(SO4)3
MgF2+ Li2CO3 MgCO3 + LiF

“If you are able to focus unswervingly on your goals, then all that you desire will become yours.”
-Steve Backley

Prepared by:


Teacher I- SHS Science

Approved by:

Principal I

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