TS - EAMCET Med2016 QP

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Time : 3 Hours A Marks : 160 Instructions = (i) Each question carries one mark. [08 AH aS Srdsy Loss. Choose the correct or most appropriate answer from the given options to the following questions and darken, with blue/black ball point pen the corresponding digit 1, 2, 3 or 4 in the circle pertaining to the question number concerned in the OMR Answer Sheet, separately supplied to you. BS ADS (8 (H4)% abyodS TIS SOTS Sirq@SSmSs. I50)K9 ODD Srdod wos 1, 2, 3 BS 4 Sw ad)S OMR SSrqS BSind* [Aye Bon0dodS Somsifo SHSM ar/arf SF DonoS Div) SSBrN0D 2sSTS BOTANY A pure pea plant with round seeds having large starch grains is crossed with another pure pea plant with wrinkled seeds having small starch grains. The F, heterozygotes formed are self pollinated. What is the phenotypic ratio of plants with round seeds and intermediate starch grains to plants with wrinkled seeds and larger starch grains expected in the F, generation ? Wg DodSaY Dmioss SONS od D4 Tos aod as Hg werd Snszso DS) BodSag Umioss SOAS SndSms8 a5) OS rod' sod JTS Hg werd Bn8z5* So8Se Uoiodo wdNod. D8yg F, Daw chusiyerod® Sedov Sobsz0 BddnG0d. F, Sod MoisS ISTosr, SSgyor sod odsarg Bmiposr S0ain saddens 48) Dwosr, Vg 08 dag Imyosr SONS Bwsyo Syig6rS NIB QoS sods}? (1) 5:6 Q) 2:3 GB) 3:4 AY 6:1 2. The distance between the genes on the chromosomes is measured by using (1) Codominance + (2) Recombination frequency (3) Pleiotrophy -¢ AY Allele frequency CSrSind adogo Logg srody S28 Sess) (1) B& wirgsdgo Q) YSsoMrare HsrySso 3) otros Serds 4) diwrdserjo BSrySgo Rough Work AM 2016 C 18 3. Study the following lists List-I List-II (A) RNA Polymerase-I (D)_ tRNA, 5 srRNA, snRNA (B) RNA Polymerase-II (1) Transcribes all types of RNAs (C) RNA Polymerase-Il (IID) 28S, 18S and 5.88 RNAs (D) Bacterial RNA Polymerase 2 (IV) Precursor of mRNA (V) Synthesis of DNA $1 808 Dros. eSgadsSo Uos0d. del wdo-I (A) RNA &O5094-1 (1) tRNA, 5 stRNA, snRNA (B) RNA &OS98E-11 (I) ©) ds© RNA of wS:dPQ08 (C) RNA $55 S-I1 (II) 28S, 18S S20050 5.88 RNA © (D) ergocirs® aod RNA JD%dE (IV) mRNA Spdgrd. (V) DNA 0d4e0 The correct match is oy) cee eed Bd S0D%5 #30% Mal VECO ace “” ® © © a © < a oS wap dy @® @d % 20 a ~v gd : Bay @ ™ a) nes i @@ ~ ad @ estos S x a ait. = L. i —_" AM 2016 C 218 A bef ce 4. Escherichia coli, in which both the strands of DNA are labelled with 'SN is transferred to ‘SN medium and allowed to replicate for two generations. Find out the number of hybrid DNA molecules in the second generation. (1) Four (2) Eight (3) One 4S Two DNA Soe SiSeo YN & Swd Dow8S DtVbaair SBSH MN Ko cirdsosts SPO) Tod: STO S5H Agiods)SSOr%, Goss S505 HO¥S DNA emo Dowgio SSoFsomoo. (1) seote Q) 2920 @) ase (4) Gods 5. What is the amino acid sequence in the polypeptide segment translated from mRNA strand with base sequence of UCU-UGG-UGC-UGU-GGU ? UCU-UGG-UGC-UGU-GGU $8828 So mRNA 3 $208 wiomrdo Davods STOVE woddSod wR vSro WSod (1) Tyt-Cys-Ser-Gly-Cys (2) Ser-Trp-Cys-Cys-Gly _QG)-Arg-Phe-Tyr-Gly-Gly (4) Trp-Ser-Tyr-Cys-Gly 6. The restriction sites for Pyu I and Pvu II, respectively are in which genes in pBR 322 ? PBR322 &*, Pyul S26c5n Pw illo By¥S dre Shor & wsgsoct Moeron. (1) rop, amp® (II) Non-recombinants if colonies are blue coloured (IV) Non-recombinants if colonies are white coloured 2S DNA poderd) erfodrd'd z-wdxgoS [Sd2008 SHJ00S shard, SBE VS_sErgo O25 Domwds. whodr ssaréta DBOAS shard TED & Adom Moms (I) Sharer SO Sots ao YsdsoBrewes (Il) SSarS8eo Boy soros* sod WSmwoarewrcs (Ill) SSarHo2 YO Sorrds* so WsSrsoGredo vdd (IV) SSarS$02 Bay doid* a08 YsSrs0aredo s-dd Identify the correct pair BO S0GRS ad we a (1) Il, IV) ) @, GV) GB) @, a) (4) dD), GID Rough Work AM 2016 C 38 A 8. Identify the correct sequence of steps in RNA interference (RNAi) process to develop nematode resistant plants (I) Silencing of specific mRNA of the nematode (Il) Formation of sense and antisense RNA (Il) ds RNA formation (IY) Introducing nematode specific genes into the plant DST GBISSSS Ko Sv8z0% wNS)G Wolmos RNA Sg8¥Se (RNAD SGBS* wSr2d00 S4o SOTHS SHBESI0 ()) 294595 dS5*S MRNAS WBS) (Silence) Wosaco (Il) 5) S28c% SrosS) RNA SdrdSdo (Il) ds RNA 283¢00 (IV) Bn8z 528 ASHE D2Q wdogHos. SSI Ded (1) @, (iD, (IV), (ID (2)_ (ID, (I), (), (IV), G) dy), (dD, GID, © JAX (IV), (D, (I), CU) 9. Identify the correct sequence of steps involved in the treatment of sewage (Growth of aerobic microbes to reduce BOD 7 (11) Sequential filtration to remove floating debris (II) Production of inflammable gas ‘% (IV) Growth of anaerobic microbes for digestion of bacteria Santoro SGD 20% SdvoHS* 65) S¥o SOBHS GSrd) MQodod (I) BOD A Shoko SSH wrdiwotrd Hos. Doro (Il) Sesdos) Sgf Sorqrese Stomd S46ads SDD c5no (Ill) 0% mofo waimye 4578 (IV) wZdos520%2 EQ0dUdnow Taindierds wg8dcdsrS20%2 Dow QQ) @, dV), (1), (I) + PP ad, (IV), (, (1) G) @, @, GV), dD (4) GV), @), GD, @ 10. One of the following diseases is not caused by heterotrophic eukaryotic organism (1) Black rot of crucifers RB Red rot of sugarcane (3) Brown rust of wheat (4) Late blight of potato & Go TAS 2S Tgdd SdIRS dz Poss dd seo dasoeo (1) EPBREO Sed Seog Q) BIHS* IE Hoy Broo (3) MGSoS* A*gosoSS Soksso Stoo (4) woryone* wh Srben (Late blight) Rough Work AM 2016 C 4s A 11. The net production of NADH molecules when 4 glucose molecules yield 8 molecules of lactic acid through glycolysis and subsequent fermentation is (1) Four (2) Eight BY Zero (4) Two 4 wmio IrSS FSO S0din S5SosT Bagso Sgr 8 wmrdye orgs VSP) DIVOOSYM Bom o5j8 wobg NADH emo Sows (1) weots (2) 290 G3) wary (4) Bodo 12. Study the following lists List-I List-Ii (A) 2, 4-D 5 ( Promotion of lateral shoot growth (B) GA, “ (1) Thinning in cotton (C) Ethephon & } (II) Stress tolerance (D) ABA 7) (IV) Brewing industry (V) Weed free lawns & 808 eDeow wdgcbso Bahos. del wdo-ll (A) 2, 4-D @) 52g rowe WWihSods. [AS troddo (B) GA, ay 885° GOS S40 (Thinning) (C) 2Ba5 (MM) PdaroH srStods (D) ABA (IV) *orow S5/sSo (VY) Sem Soszod%rs SO)S watowoy ‘The correct match is ad S05bS s*80%) A B® © gm © ™ a Q~ a @ ap ASW”) aw © @ @ a ad @~ dy) Rough Work AM 2016 C ss A 13. The nitrogen fixed in the root nodules of Glycine max is exported to other parts of the plant as (1) Ureides won Aspargine (3) Nitrates (4) Ammonia DoS S&S Sho wdc Pokda0 Bods Sed Sokpo add wrroH & Srboc Sam Bode (1) ixBGeo Q) 8395 @G) BGs (4) wBr2do5r 14. Study the following lists List-1 List-I1 (A) Tuberculosis 2 (1) Polyhedral (B) Pneumonia > (il) Filamentous branched (C) Cholera (ID) Round cells (D) Polio (IV) Comma shaped (V) Helical form 6: 808 erDeros wSgodso Uabod. dol wds-I1 (A) ergnbsogs's @ wero aoergya (B) Sogardosr (i) TerdinS Sossrocindso (©) soe (Il) M0(62 Sere (D) soar (V) S37 esdo (VY) 8830 drdo The correct match is a S0DRS S*B0% (A) (B) (C) (D) a) (vy) dv) di dp @@ dag (~ dy) Bg ad dy) ad @ ay di dv) Rough Work AM 2016 C 6s A 15. Nucleic acid having 5-methyl uracil is the genetic material in WO HIV one (2) QB bacteriophage G3) TMV (4) T,-Phage S-BBE caowdD $OAS Poss vszo ANS wdxgdagor soeod () HIV Q) Bergoards (3) TMV (4) TOE 16. Identify the family belonging to the order Sapindales (1) Solanaceaet (2) Convol¥ulaceae (3) Poaceae _AAy Anacardiaceae HOTOS [SSFDE Bods Hmowd) MGowod. (i) Pedd 2) Sageogd> (3) Bob (4) wSsgob% 17. The marine organisms showing spinning movements and responsible for killing fishes by Producing toxins belong to the following kingdom in Wittaker’s classification “= (1) Fungi (2) Animaliay (3) Monera WY Protista Ss oido S08 somos srdsr, 94 dogs: 45)3 Uh Woo Sodarde SOmssohg Sins eye DerS5 SOsdaos* G 800 oargs Domeron (1) 20 qe. (2) wodoayoo G) Svdc (4) woe Rough Work AM 2016 C 78 A 18. Study the following lists List-1 List-Il (A) Takhtajan (@ Five kingdom classification (B) Linnaeus (Il) Phylogenetic classification (C) Warming (Ill) Artificial classification (D) Carl Woese < (IV) Classification of communities based on relation of water (V) Six kingdom classification & 808 wDerods wdgovso Bov0d wrde-l wde--ll (A) $g25 M 2& wargo S850 (B) 83)0525 (I) Sg Ds wonog S6¥dm0 (C) 30208 (II) $)\842 588500 (D) s§S55 (IV) 58 Sono~oeswsd0d Sdswrsto S680 (V) v6 oengo SO85m0 The correct match is ad S005 s40% (A) (B) (C) () qd) (vy) dD @ (dy) @) (v) dv) a) ap BF (dl) Iv) (Vv) @ dv) @ WW) a) : 19. Identify the correct sequence of plants in the order of characters given below (1) Sporophyte with foot, intercalary meristems and capsule (1) Gemmae cups on the thallus (II) Sorus covered by false indusium (IV) Embryophytic, trachaeophytic, archegoniate Anthoceros, Marchantia, Pteris, Ginkgo (2) Polytrichum, Lycopodium, Equisetum, Cedrus (3) Sphagnum, Selaginella, Psilotum, Ginkgo (4) Funaria, Gnetum, Dryopteris, Sequoia St B0S SichoadS ofero SSriotooor Sv$,0 SOGLS SHow$Srd) MoQovod () So, 9g DeragswrSo, OSs SOcimS) 2S Dado (I) wos B5r28500 (i) g Bersto% “Qoeross w5000 w5)S aodrgDoeSo (IV) BoddSn8, TOS Smerodind, wdpMAdSvoso SOAcinsyd (1) soSoS, SrBz,Qair, BOS, not 2) POBgn0, BSH Achks0, S8gaowo, DSS G) H)Ay0, Wredyr, WS*oSo, Aof® (4) Sogsodr, Soo, (SAr_OS, WE*gonots Rough Work AM 2016C 8S A 20. Study the following lists List-I (A) Solitary cyme = (B) Monochasial cyme 1 (C) Cymule (D) Polychasial cyme 2 & 80 wDeods edgoiaso Datood. ded (A) dsod DSO (B) 28 hoe da)So (C) wSargd (D) wires habs DBjS0 The correct match is ad S0bS doe (A) (@) © ©) mM @ dy (vy) ay) 2 am) @ (vy) dm G) a) dv) (vy) db @ a @ dv) (yy) List-1 (1) Solanum (1) Ipomea (11) Datura (IV) Jasmine (V) Nerium wdo-ll (@) FerS5o (I) i dose (I) S8r6 (IV) e235 (V) S8cs5> 21. Ratio between number of stamens in nine male flowers and number of carpels in three female flowers in Euphorbia is eel fact BnpojSrs5* FMWYOS YHAYAyjosd tooo, sarc by Qarjos*d goSwre Sows Sods D4 Or 221 Qj: 3 @) 1:1 1:3 Rough Work AM 2016 C 9S A 22. Arrange the following plants in descending order based on the number of locules in their ovaries () Anacardium (i) Cirrus (II) Asparagus (IV) Solanum» vocls3 som tcS0d'D Dero Sosrgbdor 6 $08 Swkyos eS ws SSr05* wiod}08 () wdSsgasvSo dM) 2e8 (@) dv), GD, ©, aD ¥ BY (i), aD, AV). © (I) we3os5 (IV) Bors 50 @) @, (VY), (i, a (4) (ID, ©, GV), dD) > 23. Identify the character which is absent in Fucus (1) Nonflagellated male gametes - (3) Heterogametes_- _ QF Holdfast (4) Oogamy QrgsSS Sbodd oFerd) MQosod (l) SP8S%rs QRadsoars heron G3) O25) somrs Heres Q) amotio (4) wodsoBrio 24. Study the following lists List-I (A) Strobilanthus ? (B) Martynia (C) Lodoecia (D) Viola i (808 wDeross wSgcvso Davos. wde-l (A) B9Dr0S'S (B) Sr Qader (C) SER0Sr (D) Sarre The correct match is ad S05bS sG0% a 8 © © aad @ a AD - ® Ww a ea @ a © @ am ay ayy Rough Work AM 2016 C List-II (1) Tiger claw plant (Il) Century plant (III) Neelakuranji (IV) Common pansy (V) Double coconut wde-l () SaFodsci2 Snsy (I) Poss Bnsy (I) Seossdoe (IV) #825 3d) (V) Ged S555 ws A 2 25, Identify the correct pair of statements Vike <° (1) White kernel of coconut is a free nuclear endosperma” (II) In dioecious plants, autogamy is prevented but geitonogamy occurs Yaiers yes (ill) Cleistogamous flowers are always self-pollinated (IV) Castor is an endospermic seed BOBS TEpso wdS. MQosod () Sa70s'd Bed BVT as Hgeryoind Foss vosssK0 () D8 Oompfass BB So¥z,00* vsZSonK Sodsz0 DEQowndd0d Fd DES LSGSOK HoBsz0 wdoeis0d (Il) 208)8 BoBPH WRJOS' AVdpe vsysorws Bodsz0 wOoHfosv0a (IV) eSx2d0 COHSS SIPS DSToS2. SOA cSwom0d a) @, wh “ey (un, (lv) @) WM), dv) (4) @), a 26. Study the following combinations (1) Cymose inflorescence—Epipetalous—Solanum (11) Homochlamydeous—Polyandrous—Allium (II) Axile placentation—Radical leaves—Smilax (IV) Zygomorphic—Diadelphous—Butea S (808 TDD wSgovoSo Vobod () d8)8 QAargZs0-SHoOsesoyso-MrsS (Il) $42 SSS Gdado-wiro Fodcindo-vasr5o (I) e§.c% sotargoo-dre Sarosonogo-wyrSy (IV) F388 PQ SdindSo-Ggno0ds sHors0-ardir The correct combination is ad S09nS Hedoy a) @, av) (2) am), (Iv) @) @, ai) Ay), (IV) 27. A plant with bulb, trimerous flowers, 6 stamens in two whorls belongs to a specific class © in Bentham & Hooker’s classification. The number of natural orders present in that class is eho, Bericind Hero, Doc Stooos* a5) 6 Soros SQaind) Sosy BosSs S0aio So S48Sm0s* af OIG SSKBE Boddins)d. w SoKaS* aod siassro Song ANY 165 (2) 202 GB) 3e (4) 34 © Rough Work aes Say tes Toe AS <4 a oO AM 2016 C ns cs aA 28. Study the following lists List-1 (A) Hydrogen bond S o (B) N-glycosidie linkage +4 ay (©) Phosphodiester bond “ ay (D) Peptide bond 4 0) W) & (800 wheoss wdgosso Daiood. List-I1 Adenine-Deoxyribose Glucose-Fructose Leucine-Glycine Nucleotide-Nucleotide in polynucleotide chain Guanine-cytosine on opposite strands of DNA wdeo-l wool (A) Br(G25 vogo @M 6435-8 v8) 35°S (B) N-QS HSE Dos () grs*dé-oste © FB IB5nogo (Il) omgeS-QeS (D) BBE vogo (IV) SHdDSrg8HrBS Ajomood* SrgarB-srgares (V) DNA &8Snm BSop 4d) Mg SS-DEDS ‘The correct match is BO BODRS stBoy (A) @) © (@) 4 (vy) ai) av) a aw ay ™ aw 6B) %) @® dy) ay O68 © ™ aD Rough Work AM 2016 C Rs A 29, Identify the correct pair of combinations (1) Schwann—Omnis cellula-e-cellula~ (11) Ochoa—Polynucleotide phosphorylase {Mll) Taylor—Semi conservative replication of DNA_~ (IV) Flemming—Ribosomes BODHS BeIoWo ados. Mdowod Q) &gS - wy5 wooer-e-Dooer (I) aSax - HdSrgsBTBE Prods (Ill) 05 - ef Sod¥¥ ors DNA [S8S)8 (IV) BR0h - Basta*Sooo (1) (ip, (Vv) 2x @), am) G) dD, amp (4) (im), (IV) 30. Exchange of genetic material between two homologous chromosomes occurs in (1) Diakinesis (2) Anaphase1 (3) Zygotene + _@Y Pachytene Bods BSrerBoss ESrSSrve Soghg wig Sag SrO74 dS adatod200 (1) dS 335 (2) Sosd4 I GB) BASS (4) &8é5 31. Arrange the following in the ascending order based on their chromosome number (1) Primary endosperm cell of Maize (Il) Meristematic cell of Apple (IN) Xylem parenchyma cell of Potato (IV) Aleurone layer cell of Rice Bid adS TD SSrd%bno somg Torso wins S206" wsrd2j5» (I) Bx8yHS) HSDE woHsSyS Sm0 (I) sod5S* deregsmere Sa0 (I) womro0ss a arSodoytoSmaero So (IV) S052 wegoS HISD Sao LO), (), (i), (In) (2) (Ill), (IV), @), (ID) (3) @, dD, AV), aD (4) dD, GD, (), AV) Rough Work AM 2016 C 138 A 32. Which of the following contributes to the formation of the primary plant body (1) Cork cambium GY Intercalary meristem ® (3) Intrafascicular cambium (4) Interfascicular cambium G Bod TNS DO Sosy, |SGRY diro Ijdooo* Se Sadosod. (1) Bods deragserso 2) SoSgy Deragserso GB) Qowresy Deragserse (4) Howodss DeragsarSo 33. In grasses, the types of cells which help in transpiration and rolling of leaves respectively are ee (1) Dumble shaped cells and empty colourless cells- evo cell Py “Lenticels and mesophyll cells (3) Normal epidermal cells and guard cells (4) Bulliform cells and bean shaped cells x 485 aatydyrd) Sodio Sereo opSSHDE Siravod sero dsroso SSM MQosod. (1) Sa@oorss Sere Sod pdr 45) Sgdws Soro (2) ach Sores Sodcin Serods Saaro Sores (3) Horde wing dz Serer SoOaio SEs sarod (4) wOe5o Sara Sdn Dsy do flow essay Soro i Rough Work AM 2016 C 4s A 34. Study the following lists List-1 List-I1 (A) Phytoplanktons 4 ())_ Pioneers of succession (B) Lichens (11) Grow in shady places (C) Sciophytes (I) Abandoned farm lands (D) Secondary succession > (IV) Lungs of the world (V) Bare rock, & 808 Devs. wggaiso Dovod. roel dell (A) 5) 23500 () wdr[Sd25* (dose (B) B85e0 () Sah BoA Svsyeo (C) bares (I) Hd2nBS SgSroho srsveo (D) Bg8% wss/SS20 (IV) (SSo%0 Dns, s#dOBd 00 (V) oa Jo The correct match is BO Sb GnS SB0% “4” ® © ® May) @ aD 4 Qa OM () aD AP dy) © ab am a of a wm @ 35. The amount of carbon dioxide required for the production of 3 grams of dry organic matter 3 (wSn0 Fd o[doss Bargray a88 Uatoaas CSO5S2T52g S5j5o B35 S0drn0 (1) 180g (2) 264 g BY 1.63 g (4) 4.89 ¢ Rough Work AM 2016 C 15s 36. Find the correct pair of statements (1) The influx of Cl” into guard cells during stomatal opening is active (1) The entry of sucrose from companion cells into sieve tubes at source involves expenditure of energy (Ill) At the sink, sucrose moves out of the phloem sap by passive transport 3 (IV) The efflux of K* from guard cells during stomatal closure does not involve energy expenditure BODHS agwgo add M2Govo0d () BF Sores BiHES Siochod* SES Sr-od*8 Cl wos p50 Bair Srorm edohod208 (Il) 6838 Sood SSero S208 Sr[SFS rod Twross BStoddos* 48 DMBrHo sod0d (Il) D2BFA armed BAY Smee Sho S004 Sr[SS SosOs Day yotr bare Bodsod (IV) 3{SSo[gres SarwwES Sioahos* SESSmro S008 K* wing Oy9Sm08) 43 re DBrAo sods. ) (i), (IV) 2) (i), (ID, GB) @, aD (4) dl, (Iv) 37. Study the following table & (808 SYS wdgodso Bowvod = Cell Water Potential Pressure Potential e es wv Se0 dé 4820 e5 4820 ok (kPa) (kPa) no ae -- Ss A —590 320 =r BS 5a B -368 6235.94) Rosai & ; Nat G 292 412 = 904 Be ta D —481 146 = GY? Arrange the four cells in ascending order based on their solute concentration & mete Sros. TS (TIIMGSS6or VHS [SS205* wS2504 (Q) C,A,D,B D.C,A,B 3) A,C,B,D (4) BLA, C,D Rough Work AM 2016 C 16S 38. A The enzyme which catalyzes the formation of glutamine from its substrate belongs to this category of enzymes (1) Hydrolases QF Transferases (3) Ligases (4) Lyases eS% Sogo S08 FrodS sairb9 e8y9005 UH ISBS s& ISBS> SEDI Bodssr0a (1) essen Q) WSjyodeo 3) Bago (4) edhoéeo . How many NADPH and ATP molecules are utilized in Calvin cycle for the production of ig ; i , : . eatey US trioses required for the synthesis of 6 sucrose molecules ? “eens Sy 6 SES emye Sofas wsossrdhy UPd sOs5 Seco age DSpSbos* wSSSs2og NADPH SodaSno ATP wmriyo weg og (1) 144 NADPH, 216 ATP (2) 288 NADPH, 432 ATP. * as. (3) 144 NADPH, 288 ATP AS, 72 NADPH, 108 ATP vate ease Es . Which of the following two enzymes catalyzes the release of CO, from the substrate ? () a-Ketoglutaric dehydrogenase (I) Pyruvate dehydrogenase (IID) Succinic thiokinase (IV) Enolase 6 80d MIS D Gots ISBS.e> ws Zeago S08 CO, Méadoss 487008 Baron? Q) a-Se*meros Sariress () RorsS Gewese (I) 8995 Sar3se (IV) asde& @ @, ap (2) dm), (Iv) @G) @, Gv) AF tp, (a) Rough Work “AM 2016 C 7s A ZOOLOGY 41, The pair that exhibits hyperplasia and hypertrophy is (1) Leishmania tropica — Wuchereria bancrofti (2) Nosema notabilis — Sphaerospora polymorpha _@) Fasciola hepatica — Plasmodium vivax (4) Sacculina — Carcinus maenas arobH Rar L0diw Brod Eos God TES D es AHer O50)R on (1) Saar wrDs> — S8dbdr wosy (2) Seir Teoo0S — bjSrjo HdSrory G3) PoarTr Wess — Hsyacvo BarS) (4) Fhgda — $0755 ded 42. Which of the following have heterogametic females ? ra) (A) Grasshopper _(B) Bird 272 — (C) Drosophila® —(D) Moth & God FDS D 7 dor Das Bomrs De aerydsrer? (A) dos (B) 8 (C) Water (D) S78 (1) (D) and (C) y (2) (A) and (B) (3) (A) and (C)x _(4y (B) and (D) 43. Match the following with reference to larval forms List-1 List-I1 (A) Cydippid + (I) Schistosoma (B) Muller's larva (1) Balanoglossus (C) Trilobite larva S (11) Hormiphora (D) Miracidium larva (IV) Dugesia (VY) Limulus Bosso%s sqrdor BRED & God TID addwordsn adsl wde-l (A) 24B5 @ agarsr (B) SnQ5 oso (i) Bosses (©) B9SBE Go¥So (I) S80. (D) xo Sas0 (IV) AD osr (V) Ddngo% ~@ 8 © © a @ (|) ab @Q2) a) diy @ dy) B) ad dv) (v) @ (4) ai) dv) dp) (VY) Rough Work AM 2016 C 18S A _ 44. Which of the following male accessory genital glands produce citric acid and prostaglandins ? (1) Seminal vesicles (2) Cowper's gland (3) Prostate gland AY Bulbourethral glands God HIS BOE wsdn Soin SP PSSos GION QA wsoo0d eS So(Bos Nodse 227 45. () bisrtotreo (2) BSE ogres QB) & 6% [Kod (4) aS yohar BSS Wodows Match the following with reference to corpora adiposa of Periplanata List-1 List-II (A) Trophocytes () Contain symbiotic bacteria (B) Mycetocytes (Il) Store food (C) Oenocytes (III) Store uric acid (D) Urate cells > (IV) Synthesise and store lipids DOPNESD PHeds*oH Son0Ho0s Ss ($08 HN adSoroen del wrae-ll (A) SIDS () S855 wg§dcsro%. SOA sotron (B) BBS ws) (l) v%d0 Deg Wao» (C) GPRS) (III) oar85 wS20 Xog Daron (D) oar dS sereo (IV) S%go Sodam Sod050 dog @ 8) © ® a @ dp am dy) 2 a ay avy @ ada © ay @w ri dy) a Rough Work AM 2016 C 19S aA 46. Choose the wrong statements with reference to human inner ear (A) Bony labyrinth divides into two areas namely cochlea and vestibule ~ (B) The scala vestibuli and scala media are separated by a membrane called Reissner’s membrane (© Scala media and scala tympani are separated by basilar membrane _ (D) Scala vestibuli and scala tympani and filled with endolymph SrSHA SSO BOE Sow0Gods GOrD agmgods MQorvsn (A) eRMerSo SPSFSn Hain vPodsn vd Todo wrmeam sods (B) Hyer ByegO SOc Hyer Mdcirer GSS) Sgso agr Bo Doood aodoso (C) dyer Dosw Hd Hyer Gomd Ader Sgdo ager Jo Gabod G@owron (D) dyor Byeagd Sd0iw Myer od De» wosdovs (6508 08 aotron (1) (A) and (C) 2) (A) and (D) GB) (96 and (B) 8) and (C) 47. Identify the pair having amphicoelous vertebrae (1) Omithorhynchus and Macropus (2) Ophiophagus and Tropidonotus (3) Scoliodon and Ichthyophis JAF Crocodylys and Hemidactylus S8oRKe S8Y Sadao YON aod ads MQotrso (1) 4080085 S2dcin SSS Q) L2BPHAS Odin GoSSoS @) ay OtiraS Soddin af Grd (4) (SS BOS Odin WwoagZos 48. In the life cycle of Plasmodium vivax, Schizogony occurs in these cells of man (A) Hepatocytes - Uiver els — (B) Adipocytes (C) Erythrocytes-pgt—~ (D) Reticulocytes Paco Bes) AS sos", Ipod wdSo SrSHI Gos, S Senos e28otho8208. (A) sod Serer (B) 263*RS) (C) 268 RE (D) BE%gs* sy (1) (B) and (D) (2) (and (D) L@F (A) and (C) (4) (A) and (B) nee Rough Work AM 2016 C 208 A _ 49. Arrange in a sequence, the given protocol for DNA Fingerprinting (A) Denaturing DNA (B) Blotting (C) Extraction of DNA (D) Fragmenting DNA a (E) Separation of DNA fragments by electrophoresis (F) Hybridisation with probe (G) Exposure on film to make a DNA fingerprint DNA Ro6 (odoh Aas. SFBD Sos [$H200* wsshJ08 (A) DNA % Sger5 D8D8 Sodosdo B) grok © DNA sopfirs (D) DNA podsda (©) de§*93*O%S ogo DNA pomo%s Bh Gatodo ) BSS BokbSda0 Paddo (G) DNA Ros5(bodess bz WD vdoozwwoo (1) (©)—-D)—E)4A)—B) FG) (2) (A}{C)4D)H{E)B){F)—(G) BY (AHO-B) 0) 2) 1F) 1G) (4) (C){E)-(D)B) A) F) 1G) eve -&G co 50. Identify the wrong statement with reference to the structure of human insulin (1) Insulin is synthesized as a pro-hormone which contains an extra stretch called ¢ peptide— (2)_A and B chains are combined by disulfide bonds to form ‘humulin’~ Human insulin is made up of 51 amino acids arranged in two poly peptide chains (4) In these chain A is made up of 30 amino acids and chain B is made up of 21 amino acids ~ SPSS aS2OS AoZwDE Som0gods SOsd a7gwgso Soysn () BIOS BUTS SoProdnd c VEE wS Ajopososs vdssom $A e008 Q) A 520050 B Movie BEIT wogro argor “srogsvOS'm I5ydoso G) SPSS asOS 51 OHS vSpos' 20Qosnd Bods DOWYS Porvos Godose (4) S85 A Tess 30 oS vsre2 S.0cin B Pos 21 eS vdrost Sodexo —— Rough Work | AM 2016 C 218 A 51. The hormone that stimulates the secretion of pancreatic enzymes is UY Enterocrinin (2) Cholecystokinin (3) Secretin (4) Enterogastrone (G08 HAS D S6652S2 SSS IOBSeS. HIoSaAE agwddouoSo (1) dosetgas Q) SOoZtEoS (3) BESS (4) 2086*rgyS $2. Identify the Stnk He with reference to UV rays At) UV-A is more harmful to animals than UV-B ‘LE (2) UV radiation falls in the range between 100 nm—380 nm (wavelength) (3) UV radiation is classified into 3 categories - (4) UV radiation kills microorganisms _- wdDOSws BSmrOH Som0do0ds BOSD agwgso MGorrdn (1) UV-A 8Sereo UV-B Sm) 2835 SSS 2) weabodtrS Sdero 100-380 nmo SoGg SSomBasd) SOA sotrow G) wd®doctrds Baro 3 Seem sotron (4) eadoc rds dara argzdHos. Stosdaon 53. Which one of the following methods does not fall under Ex-situ conservation of Biodiversity ? (1) Gene Bank .¢x?° _4@J Biosphere reserves (3) Cryopreservation - ©#¥° (4) In vitro culture- &xv'¥° (0d ret go wes Bos¥HH Bod Derard) Baysn (1) eSog ergosseo 2) &5M¥ WES Sores GB) wd8&sbsb0 (4) adas*sosgs Rough Work AM 2016 C 258 A (1) The emergence of many species from a single ancestor ~ (2) Seen only in species exhibiting sexual dimorphism (3) Appearance of a new species in the same area as the Parent population ~ AY Initiated by the appearance of a geographical isolation 54. Allopatric speciation is eSFREE wwko 4838 wir (l) 23 apbgHo S204 eS ereor d8,oo 2) BONS Og5rSssso [GS0j08 wrhoos* srs sdncoo GB) SQSoeo0d SEIoHS FF erder efrdcoo A) THOS DEES ao HSoPosow $5. Match the following List-1 (A) Po, of alveoli lungs 2, (B) Po, of atmospheric air 4 (C) Po, of deoxygenated blood ++ (D) Po, of oxygenated blood 2 & BoM) eSddooso rde-1 (A) &08d20 sroinS*rod*d Po, (B) PESSm0sd mds Po, (C) vied Sts S¥os*D Po, (D) vaQe2d StS S¥od*D Po, @ 8) © () dy db @- Ay, @ a dv) 1 @ 8 ad WW) © th Ay ay dv) @ a List-II at () 40 mm He won OR 8 (Ql) 95 mm Hg go, 6 (11) 104 mm Hg Re (IV) 159 mm Hg wde-I () 40 mm Hg (Ul) 95 mm He (IU) 104 mm Hg (IY) 159 mm Hg —— Rough Work AM 2016 C 238 A 56. Match the following List-1 List-Il (A) Sleep wake cycle % Cortisol (B) Induce smooth muscles of uterus (1) Aldosterone during child birth (C) Stimulate the process of erythropoiesis (IIT) Melatonin (D) Regulate the balance of water and (IV) Oxytocin electrolytes in the body (E) Anti-inflammatory reactions \ (V) Thyroxine & (G08 TAD 2d SrdoySo wde-t arder-ll (A) d[je-HeHS Socdn QM gre (B) 24% {os5o5* dodowy Sodmos. Bos*D0d Doin (M) vg*gos (C) sire sdtarjSSiso (SSborvso lll) Hoss (D) dsos*a Dd Sodc50 odero Bogs so Siow (IV) #8)6°95 (E) 68 sages Sogeo (VY) Bor8)5 “~ ® © © ® og a mM & O aoa om ™ o era (vy) ~~) a @ @ ow) avy ap a@ © a Rough Work AM 2016 C 2458 A 57. Statement (S) : Stem cells are undifferentiated cells found in multicellular organisms that have ability to undergo numerous mitotic cycles. Reason (R) Stem cells are self-renewal and do not exhibit “cellular potency’. (1) (S) is correct but (R) is wrong 2) (S) is wrong but (R) is correct AY Both (S) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation to (S) (4) Both (S) and (R) are correct but (R) is not the correct explanation to (S) 7395S): Ssrosare wd) airotm sHos* VIYSS Bad 404, eAII SHDFaS Bodo Hsagq-gd) SOA aotron. PERO IR): Srokeres Si whom add Loros D8JOF HHpZd) S070 (1) (S) SO DRSS, HD (R) sree (2) (S) BODHSO Soo, SO (R) SOERSO G) (S) $2005 (R) Bod BO GHSD Sodahn (8) % (R) 4050S DSdm (4) (8) S20c8s (R) Gods SOGHSD S28chn (S) & (R) SOTHS DSd0 sco GB The atria and ventricles are separated by a deep transverse groove called (1) Patent foramen ovale 2) Mediastinum (3) Auricular appendix (4) Coronary sulcus SQSeS2 Sdn esdsos. Ido Wain SBS wd2 WD IsSs0Erd (l) S808 Ponds 435 Q) SddirQso G) Sas dodrgo @) $888 S025 59. Which one of the following is not included under Schizocoelomata ? (1) Annelida (2) Arthropoda __ {3} Nematoda (4) Mollusca God mas ddd Rs Doers? Usydas? (1) e3da Q) eggra GB) Aso tar 4) sory eo Rough Work 2016 C 25S

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