Athena Goddess - Etymology

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Athena goddess - etymology

It is well known that goddess Athena was Zeus's favorite daughter and she was
born from his head, and of course afterwards she would be called the daughter
of Ab's / Father-Sun; A'ba = A'va, "E'va", and knowing that v = n, we have: Ava
= Ana (H'ana)-(The Moon), and "Moon" is a white, cold and not fiery planet,
from where we have: White + Moon = White / Moon; Parth'èna - goddess
Athena, virgin, "Αθήνα" = παρθ / ένα, goddess of wisdom, strategy, and war,
and in the Greek language we have παρθένα = virgin.

In IE languages the oldest word that is also found as a root word in all existing
similar languages or languages of Albanian origin we have the word: At. This
ancient name in the Albanian language still preserves double meaning
today: (At) Father = God (Zeus) - God and Father = Ab; bab 'baba -prind
The word "god" is gender-free because we find the Father and Mother of this
world as well as with Adam (Father) from whom Eva, Ava, Ana, Hana, Hannah-
Mother were born; The Mother of the World, This was the Ad / amy-sun, two-
body, (at and am two opposites as in our double-headed eagle).
This feature is found in all the actual languages, so we have: God and Goddess
= God and Goddess, in gr. Kiri and Kiria = Lord, and Lady, just as in Albanian
with the word "parent" we mean both parents (Atin,Amën) ,the father and the
Our basic prayer in Albanian: "In the name of the Father (të Atit), of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit. Amen!" Fully confirms that this word is pure Albanian
and that the word At* has the same meaning as "God ", God, as we have At, Et,
Etri, (why not and Etrusks),so in the Albanian language we can say "mëm-At"
apo "Ati-mëm", "at-Dhe = mëm-Dhe", as long as the word "god" and "parent"
were considered the same.
The name *Athena is exactly the union of the names "At" and "Moon" (Hëna) =
AT'HENA, ATHENA. So we have: Father-Sun = "Zeus" and Father-Moon =
"Athena-god" constantly associated with the holy bird of the night,an owl. Also
"Father-Zeus," is repeatedly appeared with his bird "Abis", the same as with the
symbol of the goddess Athena or (Ati-nukna).

In all the ancient coins of the goddess Athena is written: "At (h) e". Within the
Athena name is preserved the name "At" = god and "Hena" - goddess; their
union brings this god into the feminine form: AT, ATE; (ATHENA). Here is the
same thing, we have a gender division, a more accurate estimate in her honor
as "God", as we say: AT = God, in this case we have AʘE, ATE = Lady - God,
Goddess ( Zonjë – Perëndi, Perëndeshë), (as it happens in many other
languages, in Albanian, in Greek, etc.), where the word “Madam” originates
from the masculine word "Sir" in gr. kýrios kyría, (κύριος -κυρία).

Not without purpose, the "Owl" bird, the representative of the goddess Athena,
has been selected. The owl sleeps during the day and stays awake at night;
hunts. The owl is the only bird that can rotate its head nearly 360 degrees,
just like the Hena (The moon)-God itself, which appears at night, not during
the day as the Sun-Zeus; once again at 360 degrees, the moon returns filling
itself or eating itself in-infinty.
We pay particular attention to the fact that in all the ancient coins of this
goddess, above the Owl is founded a half-moon, and an olive branch. But why
so? Obviously we have to do with the Moon-Goddess itself.

Athena (Αθηνά) in Greek mythology was the goddess of wisdom, strategy and
war. The oldest names of the goddess were At (h) 'an (Doric dialect) and Athèna.
The Athena name finally became empowered, derived from the surname
*Athanaia, indirectly matched in Athenian> Athens. The idealization of
Athena's name derives from A-God-Noah or H-χ, God-Noah, ie, God's intellect
of this according to (Cratylus 407b); the explanation is pre-etymological.
Scientific literature considers the name Athene "theonymus" prehelenic;
paragryt and with unknown etymologies. " Thus, the etymology of "god-Athena"
has remained unclear to date, just as many ancient names, inscriptions and
inscriptions, which the ancient Greek language did not succeed.

Max Müller also writes about the evolution of the Sanskrit word "ahâna",
meaning "Shine" but he does not give any explanation to establish a relation
between the word Ahâna and Athèna.

According to a third group of scholars, the Athene word comes from the root
AIθ (AEʘ), from where comes the denomination "αιθηρ" aithēr = Etër (fathers)
or more precisely from the root Aʘ - AT. It is worth remembering that the word
"ET or AT" belongs to Albanian and Albanian only. (Aʘ) is scientifically
recognized as a symbol of the Sun. The letter T → ʘ = ☀ → The sun - AT.

Günther Neumann suggests that Athena's name is probably of Lydian origin, a

composite word derived partly from Tirren where: AT = Mother, as the name of
the Huraannah goddess Hannahannah, which is often referred to as Ana.
So from what we read above, it is more than obvious that the name "Athena",
derived from the writings of the ancient authors and the linear B mycenas
inscription ; all of them show that this name derives from the male name At =
God (Zot), in Lydian language: At = Mother (Nëna), and in Sanskrit we have,
"ahâna" = bright, same as in Greek synonym her * Pallas Athena = white,
bright Athena = âna; Hâna, Moon itself - glittering solar radiation)

We also learned that in the Old-Sanskrit language, Athene's name is the

evolution of the word "ahâna" = ashtë hâna, (dialekti geg. Â= asht’ osht’ êshtë)
hēnë, (e shndritshme, flakëruese) meanwhile in the ledian language, the name
Athèna comes from: AT = Nëna (Mother), just like the name of the Hurian
goddess, Hannahannah = 'Anë.

Platon noted that the citizens of Sais in Egypt adored a goddess whose
Egyptian name was *Neith and was identified with the Athena goddess, without
forgetting here that most linguists believe that Athene’s name comes from the
root "Aʘ = AT". (Aιθ = etër)
And this is more than true, a lot of facts show that in the coins made in her
favor, all have the owl; the holy bird of the night - its symbol and in it is also
written clearly: "AʘE" -ATE = Zonjë (Lady), a name which is derived from the
root word AT, Aιθ, as most of the linguists also declare.
We carefully look at the name of the Egyptian goddess Neith written as all the
ancient Asian writings from right to left, comparing it with the term "Athena",
read in anagram already, taking into account the value of the letter: Â = âshtë
(geg dialect) we have: Neith- (â) ⇔ Âthein = Athena. Already proven and
accepted as the same god.

If we consider the "night-bird" owl, as the symbol of Athene's goddess and the
name of the Egyptian goddess Neith, it explains everything and it means:
Neit(h) = e Natës, Neith, Netë, natë, night, nýchta. Goddess of night.
It is the name of the Moon (goddess) from which we have in many languages of
the world, the source of the word Nana; Mother, (ama; mëma). In the English
language Hëna it means "Moon" and (mëma) its called "Mom", also in Greek we
have: "M'ana" = Mama.
This is Athena - Zonja Hènë, favorite daughter of “Atit -Diell”
At = Diell = Zot (At = Sun = God) dhe Ate = Hëna -Zonje (Ate= Moon- Goddess);
Perëndesha Mëm’.

Greek philosopher Plato (428–347 BC) etymologies of Athena's name. Museum number 1891,0806.86
In the Iliad (4.514), the Odyssey (3.378), the Homeric Hymns.
(Cratylus. 407b)
Mycenaean Greek and Linear B
Martin Bernal Black Athena, Roots Afroasiatic of Civilization Classical (1987)

Aleksander Hasanas
Korce Albania

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