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Gene Expression Patterns 28 (2018) 77–86

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Astacin gene family of metalloproteinases in planarians: Structural T

organization and tissue distribution
Maria Emilia Isolania, Renata Batistonia, Chiara Ippolitob, Anna Maria Bianuccic, Silvia Marraccia,
Leonardo Rossib,∗
Department of Biology, University of Pisa, S.S.12 Abetone e Brennero 4, 56127 Pisa, Italy
Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University of Pisa, Via Volta 4, 56126 Pisa, Italy
Istituto Nazionale per la Scienza e Tecnologia dei Materiali, Via Giusti, 9, 50121 Florence, Italy


Keywords: Planarian flatworms possess extraordinary regenerative capability and body plasticity, which rely on a com-
Astacin posite population of stem cells, the neoblasts. Despite impressive advances have been recently achieved in the
Extracellular matrix knowledge of neoblast biology, few is still known about factors that are released by differentiated tissues and
Metallopeptidase influence the neoblast fate. Extracellular matrix (ECM) is a fundamental component of the stem cell niche and its
remodeling affects stem cell fate. Here we provide the characterization of the astacin gene family of metallo-
proteinases in planarians, good candidate enzymes for generating dynamicity in the ECM. Ten and eighteen
astacin isoforms were identified in the planarian species Schmidtea mediterranea and Dugesia japonica, respec-
tively. Besides the already characterized Smedolloid, in Schmidtea mediterranea are present eight astacins with a
minimal structure (a signal peptide, an activation domain and a Zn-binding catalytic domain), that are colo-
calized in large cells organized in a peculiar, not yet morphologically characterized, two-ring-shaped structure
located in the middle of the body. A single astacin, characterized by a ShK toxin domain in its C-terminal region,
has been found to be produced in gastrodermal cells.

Section 1 inhibition. However, their primary regulatory mechanism is the zy-

mogenic latency, provided by the presence of the activation domain
Astacins are secreted and membrane-bound metzincin metallo- (Bond and Beynon, 1995; Nguyen et al., 1994). This segment physically
peptidases widespread among different animal phyla and involved in blocks the access of substrates to the active site when the enzymatic
various physiological processes, including digestion, extracellular ma- activity is not required and it is removed during enzyme maturation
trix (ECM) remodeling, morphogenesis, hatching, tissue remodeling (Khan and James, 1998).
and differentiation (Gomis-Rüth et al., 2012 and references therein). All Expression and function of astacins have been studied during em-
members of this family are characterized by two key elements: the 18- bryogenesis of different animals, being BMP-1 and its Drosophila
amino acid zinc-binding motif (HEXXHXXGFXHEXXRXDR), and the homologues, Tolloid and Tolloid-like, the best characterized members
methionine-turn (Met-turn) sequence SXMHY (Gomis-Rüth, 2003; Bond (Ge and Greenspan, 2006). BMP-1/Tolloid members perform multiple
and Beynon, 1995). The N-terminal hydrophobic signal peptide - that functions, including activation of the TGF-β signaling pathway and
directs the proteins into the endoplasmic reticulum during biosynthesis formation/remodeling of the ECM during development and metamor-
- followed by an activation domain, is another remarkable common phosis (Reddi, 1996; Hopkins et al., 2007). BMP-1/Tolloid also plays
feature of astacins. While minimal astacins do not possess any C- crucial roles during regeneration. In Hydra two Tolloid-like proteinases,
terminal domain in addition to the protease domain, other members of HMP-1 and HMP-2, are implicated in head regeneration and transdif-
the family contain one or more copies of different non-catalytic do- ferentiation of tentacle battery cells and in foot morphogenesis, re-
mains, promoting protein-protein and substrate interactions (Wermter spectively (Yan et al., 2000a,b). A BMP-1/Tolloid homolog is involved
et al. 2007; Hintze et al. 2006; Garrigue-Antar et al., 2001; Sieron et al., in morphogenetic movements leading to folding of the luminal epi-
2000). Astacins are temporally and spatially regulated through mod- thelium and gut looping during visceral regeneration in the sea cu-
ulation of gene expression, compartmentalization, allostery or cumber (Mashanov et al., 2012). A Tolloid-like gene (Smedolloid-1) has

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (L. Rossi).
Received 10 January 2018; Received in revised form 2 March 2018; Accepted 12 March 2018
Available online 13 March 2018
1567-133X/ © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M.E. Isolani et al. Gene Expression Patterns 28 (2018) 77–86

Table 1
S.mediterranea astacin sequences and Blastx analysis versus Homo sapiens non redundant protein sequences.

Planmine ID Genebank ID Best human blastx hit

Smed-ast-1 dd_Smed_v6_85_0_1 HF952107 PREDICTED: astacin-like metalloendopeptidase isoform X2 [Homo sapiens]

E-value: 1e-19; identity: 29%
Smed-ast-2 dd_Smed_v6_51_1_1 HF952108 PREDICTED: astacin-like metalloendopeptidase isoform X4 [Homo sapiens]
E-value: 2e-16; identity: 30%
Smed-ast-3 dd_Smed_v6_345_0_1 HF952109 tolloid-like protein 1 isoform 2 precursor [Homo sapiens]
E-value: 7e-19; identity: 28%
Smed-ast-4 dd_Smed_v6_76_0_1 HF952110 Select seq gb|AAH13871.1| TLL2 protein [Homo sapiens]
E-value: 7e-19; identity: 32%
Smed-ast-5 dd_Smed_v6_497_0_1 HF952111 meprin A subunit beta isoform 1 precursor [Homo sapiens]
E-value: 7e-14; identity: 33%
Smed-ast-6 dd_Smed_v6_51_1_2 HF952112 PREDICTED: astacin-like metalloendopeptidase isoform X4 [Homo sapiens]
E-value: 1e-18; identity: 30%
Smed-ast-7 dd_Smed_v6_961_0_1 HF952113 PREDICTED: astacin-like metalloendopeptidase isoform X1 [Homo sapiens]
E-value: 1e-18; identity: 28%
Smed-ast-8 dd_Smed_v6_254_0_1 HF952114 PREDICTED: meprin A subunit alpha isoform X1 [Homo sapiens]
E-value: 2e-22; identity: 30%
Smed-ast-9 dd_Smed_v6_12688_0_1 PREDICTED: astacin-like metalloendopeptidase isoform X4 [Homo sapiens]
E-value: 3e-20; identity: 32%
Smedolloid-1 dd_Smed_v6_5652_0_1 tolloid-like protein 1 isoform 1 precursor [Homo sapiens]
E-value: 0.0; identity: 45%

Table 2
Percentages of identity between S. mediterranea astacin putative proteins. Font size increases with the increase in identity percentage.

Smed-ast-1 Smed-ast-2 Smed-ast-3 Smed-ast-4 Smed-ast-5 Smed-ast-6 Smed-ast-7 Smed-ast-8 Smedolloid-1

Smed-ast-1 – 82% 60% 34% 50% 77% 38% 26% 27%

Smed-ast-2 82% – 58% 33% 52% 75% 36% 28% 27%
Smed-ast-3 60% 58% – 35% 49% 62% 36% 24% 25%
Smed-ast-4 34% 33% 35% – 34% 39% 76% 31% 29%
Smed-ast-5 50% 52% 49% 34% – 52% 33% 25% 27%
Smed-ast-6 77% 75% 62% 39% 52% – 38% 27% 24%
Smed-ast-7 38% 36% 36% 76% 33% 38% – 29% 30%
Smed-ast-8 26% 28% 24% 31% 25% 27% 29% – 31%
Smedolloid-1 27% 27% 25% 29% 27% 24% 30% 31% –

also been characterized during planarian regeneration and its func- Section 2
tional ablation causes the loss of some differentiated tissues at the re-
generative midline (Reddien et al., 2007). 2.1. Structural organization of the astacin-like gene family in planarians
Planarians are free-living Platyhelminthes (Collins, 2017). A popu-
lation of adult stem cells called neoblasts (Aboobaker, 2011), which By performing a survey of S. mediterranea genome, published tran-
includes pluripotent stem cells (Wagner et al., 2011; van Wolfswinkel scripts and available transcriptome databases, we managed to identify
et al., 2014), accounts for the astonishing regenerative capabilities, ten genes encoding putative astacins that we named Smed-ast-1, Smed-
high body plasticity and continuous cell turnover of these organisms. ast-2, Smed-ast-3, Smed-ast-4, Smed-ast-5, Smed-ast-6, Smed-ast-7, Smed-
Following amputation, neoblasts activate a biphasic proliferative pro- ast-8 Smed-ast-9, and Smedolloid-1 (Reddien et al., 2007) (Tables 1 and
gram and accumulate to form a regenerative blastema in which novel 2). The analysis of genomic organization revealed that some astacin
tissues and organs are quickly reformed. Following this early epi- genes are amplified. Indeed, at least two copies for Smed-ast-2 and
morphic regeneration, morphallatic rearrangements of the entire body Smed-ast-5 and 3 copies for Smed-ast-4 and Smed-ast-6 were detected in
are needed to restore the appropriate body proportion (Elliott and the same genome contig. Moreover, the locus coding for Smed-ast-2,
Sánchez Alvarado, 2013; Rossi et al., 2008). Despite sustained efforts to Smed-ast-3, and Smed-ast-6, as well as those coding for Smed-ast-4 and
identify micro-environmental cues responsible for neoblast fate control, Smed-ast-9 are relatively close, being included in the same genomic
no conclusive evidence has been provided in demonstrating the ex- contig (Supplementary Fig. S1 A).
istence of a “neoblast-niche” analogous to that described for adult stem Based on the genomic organization of introns and exons the pla-
cells in other organisms. Thus, the molecular mechanisms by which narian astacin genes can be subdivided in three groups. The first group
stem cells respond to differentiated tissue requests are still almost un- is represented by Smed-ast-1 and Smed-ast-2, each with four exons and
known. ECM remodeling undoubtedly serves a dynamic micro- three introns. The length and position of the introns and exons appear
environment for stem cell niche and previous work demonstrates that well conserved between the two genes. The second group is represented
some matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) play key roles in planarians, by Smed-ast-3, Smed-ast-4 Smed-ast-6, Smed-ast-7 and Smed-ast-9 with
generating the microenvironment in which cells can migrate and ex- five exons and four introns, again preserved in length and position.
press their proliferation/differentiation program (Isolani et al., 2013; Finally, the third group is represented by Smed-ast-5 and Smed-ast-8,
Dingwall and King, 2016). With the aim to identify additional candi- with six and seven exons, respectively. Both Smed-ast-5 and Smed-ast-8
dates for ECM remodeling that might be important for neoblast fate are characterized by the presence of a long intron, of about 1 Kb, in
determination, here we provide the identification and characterization position three and five, respectively (Supplementary Fig. S1 B).
of a family of astacin-related genes in planarians. Smed-ast-1, Smed-ast-2, Smed-ast-3, Smed-ast-4, Smed-ast-5, Smed-ast-
6, Smed-ast-7 and Smed-ast-9 encode astacins with a minimal structure,
including a signal peptide, an activation domain and a Zn-binding

M.E. Isolani et al. Gene Expression Patterns 28 (2018) 77–86

Fig. 1. Structural organization of astacin gene family. (A) schematic structural organization of S. mediterranea astacins. (B) multiple alignment of the zinc-binding motif and Met-Turn
sequence of S. mediterranea astacins. Substitutions with respect to the consensus sequence are indicated in red. (C) Cladogram clustering S. mediterranea and D. japonica putative astacins.
D. japonica genes are named as: Dj+(gene bank ID for the transcriptome contig).

catalytic domain (Fig. 1A). Conversely, both Smed-ast-8 and Sme- Smed-ast-5 and Smed-ast-6 (Fig. 1B). Smed-ast-8 shows a substitution
dolloid-1 possess additional domains in the C-terminal region. Smed- in both the 9th and 15th position of the consensus motif (Fig. 1B). The
ast-8 has a single ShK toxin domain (Möhrlen et al., 2006), while Met-turn sequence is completely conserved in Smed-ast-1, Smed-ast-2,
Smedolloid-1 has five CUB domains intercalated with two EGF-like Smed-ast-3, Smed-ast-5, Smed-ast-6, Smed-ast-8 and Smedolloid while
domains (Sarras, 1996) (Fig. 1A). In Smed-ast-4, Smed-ast-7, Smed-ast- an aminoacidic substitution is present in Smed-ast-4, Smed-ast-7 and
9 and Smedolloid-1 the zinc-binding motif shows the typical consensus Smed-ast-9 (Fig. 1B). In order to investigate whether S. mediterranea
sequence. Conversely, the second glutamate of the consensus domain is astacin isoforms are conserved in the closely related species Dugesia
substituted by a threonine in Smed-ast-1, Smed-ast-2, Smed-ast-3, japonica, we used the S. mediterranea sequences to query D. japonica

M.E. Isolani et al. Gene Expression Patterns 28 (2018) 77–86

Fig. 2. Expression of Smed-ast-1 to Smed-ast-6 genes in

intact S. mediterranea. (A) Representative images of col-
orimetric in situ hybridization for Smed-ast-1 to Smed-ast-6
genes. Scale bar corresponds to 200 μm. Anterior is at the
top (B) Lateral view of transcript distribution of Smed-ast-1.
This expression pattern is shown as representative example
of the typical two-ring-shaped structure. Anterior is on the
left. Scale bar corresponds to 200 μm. (C) A transverse
section of an intact S. mediterranea hybridized with Smed-
ast-2 probe is shown as example of localization of tran-
scripts of minimal astacins. Scale bar corresponds to
50 μm. g: gut. Dorsal side is at the top.

transcriptome databases. We managed to identify 18 D. japonica as- et al., 2002; Iglesias et al., 2008), we wondered if astacin-positive cells
tacin-like genes that we multialigned with S. mediterranea astacin se- of the two-ring-shaped structure are also positive for TCEN49 tran-
quences. Phylogenetic tree analysis (Fig. 1C) allowed us to group as- scripts. To this aim double fluorescent in situ hybridization was per-
tacins in five clusters: cluster I including Smed-ast-1, -2, -3, -5, -6 and formed using TCEN49 and smed-ast-1 labelled probes. As shown in
their D. japonica homologues and further divisible in cluster IA in- Fig. 4 all TCEN49-positive cells also express smed-ast-1 transcripts. The
cluding Smed-ast-1, -2, -3, -6 and their D. japonica homologues and expression pattern of Smed-ast-1, Smed-ast-2, Smed-ast-3, Smed-ast-4,
cluster IB including Smed-ast-5 and its D. japonica homologues; cluster Smed-ast-5 and Smed-ast-6 appeared conserved in the related species D.
II including Smed-ast-4, -9 and -7, as well as their D. japonica homo- japonica (Supplementay Fig. S4), as demonstrated by in situ hy-
logues, cluster III and IV including respectively Smed-ast-8 and Sme- bridization with S. mediterranea probes.
dolloid-1 together with the corresponding D. japonica homologues. Smedolloid-1 transcripts are mainly localized on the dorsal side of
Multiple alignments of the active and catalytic domains of S. medi- the body, as previously demonstrated (Reddien et al., 2007) and its
terranea and D. japonica putative minimal astacins reveal high con- expression appears conserved in the related species D. japonica, as de-
servation at the amino acid level (Supplementary Fig. S2). monstrated by in situ hybridization with S. mediterranea probe
(Supplementary Fig. S5).
Smed-ast-8 is mostly expressed in some gastrodermal cells
2.2. Expression of astacin genes in intact planarians
(Fig. 5A–C) that are also positive for the goblet cell marker smed-ra-
punzel (Reuter et al., 2015) (Fig. 5F). To exclude a certain degree of
Colorimetric whole mount in situ hybridizations (WISH) in intact S.
colocalization between Smed-ast-8 and the astacin genes expressed in
mediterranea show that most astacin genes (Smed-ast-1 to Smed-ast-7
the two-ring-shaped area we performed colocalization experiments
and Smed-ast-9) are strongly expressed in cells that are confined to two
with Smed-ast-8 and Smed-ast-1 probes. As shown in Fig. 5 D, E, astacin-
ring-shaped areas localized dorsally and ventrally around the pharynx
positive cells of the two-ring-shaped structure are differently localized
in the central region of the body (Fig. 2 and Supplementary Fig. S3 A
with respect to Smed-ast-8-positive cells. The expression pattern of
and B).
Smed-ast-8 appeared conserved in the related species D. japonica, as
We wondered if astacins confined to these ring-shaped areas are co-
demonstrated by in situ hybridization with S. mediterranea probe
expressed in the same cells or in different cells. To this aim we co-
(Supplementary Fig. S5).
localized Smed-ast-1 with the other astacin transcripts expressed in the
two-ring-shaped area. As shown in Fig. 3A and Supplementary Fig. S3 C
and D, Smed-ast-1 almost completely colocalizes with Smed-ast-2, Smed- 2.3. Morphogenesis of the two-ring-shaped structure by visualization of
ast-3, Smed-ast-4, Smed-ast-5, Smed-ast-6, Smed-ast-7 and Smed-ast-9 Smed-ast-2 expression during regeneration
with the exception of rare cells that were found positive for only one of
the analyzed genes (Fig. 3A and Supplementary Fig. S4). For example, To analyze how astacin-positive cells reform the two-ring-shaped
in Smed-ast-1 and Smed-ast-2 hybridized specimens very rare (ast-1+/ structure, we monitored the expression of Smed-ast-2, as a re-
ast-2-) and (ast-1-/ast-2+) cells can be detected scoring the entire an- presentative marker, during the regeneration process. We produced two
imal. Further experiments are necessary to find out if these rare cells groups of regenerating animals. In the first group, we cut the animals
belong to a different lineage or to the same lineage but are in a less through the pharynx (and consequently through the two-ring-shaped
differentiated state. Confocal analysis at high magnification shows that structure). In the second group, we cut the animals under the head, in
the positive cells are large cells (30–50 μm in diameter) slightly poly- way to produce anterior fragments devoid of the two-ring-shaped
gonal or bottle-shaped and with a low nucleus/cytoplasmic ratio structure and posterior fragments including the whole structure.
(Fig. 3B and C). As a two-ring shaped expression pattern has also been Animals from both groups were sacrificed at 1, 3, 6, 8 or 10 days after
demonstrated for the cysteine-rich neurotrophic factor TCEN49 (Bueno the cut. As shown in Fig. 6A when the cut was performed through the

M.E. Isolani et al. Gene Expression Patterns 28 (2018) 77–86

Fig. 3. Colocalization of Smed-ast-1 to Smed-ast-6 transcripts in

intact S. mediterranea (A) Double fluorescent in situ hybridization
showing examples of Smed-ast-1 (red) transcript distribution with
that of the other astacin members (green) expressed in the two-ring-
shaped structure. Arrows point to rare single positive cells. Scale bars
correspond to 200 μm Anterior is at the top. Images are the result of
the superimposition of confocal optical sections collected through
the animal at an interval of 2.5 μm. (B,C) Two examples of double
positive cells. Scale bars correspond to 10 μm. Red is for Smed-ast-1
and green is for Smed-ast-2 in B and for Smed-ast-3 in C. Blue is for
nuclei. Images are the result of the superimposition of confocal op-
tical sections collected through the central part of the labelled cells
at an interval of 0.35 μm.

two-ring-shaped structure, Smed-ast-2-positive cells initially did not shaped structures (Fig. 5B). Similarly, when anterior and posterior
change in distribution. In the posterior fragments including the whole fragments cut through the pharynx regenerated, two novel complete
structure (Fig. 6B), Smed-ast-2 expression pattern remained unaltered ring-shaped structures are reformed after that the pharynx is com-
during the entire regeneration process. The analysis of the anterior pletely reformed (Fig. 5A). No apparent difference was observed in the
fragments, devoid of the two-ring-shaped structure, revealed that novel reformation of the dorsal ring with respect to the ventral ring.
Smed-ast-2-positive cells were produced late during the regeneration
process and not in the blastema region. Indeed no Smed-ast-2-positive Section 3
cells were found 1 day after transection and only a few positive cells
were detectable in the stump of only about 50% of hybridized animals It is presumable that ECM remodeling is a key issue for highly
(6 out of 15) 3 days after transection (Fig. 6B). From this time point, the plastic tissues. However, due to its complexity, redundancy and dyna-
number of Smed-ast-2-positive cells increased rapidly and 6 days after micity, the understanding of the role of ECM and ECM remodeling in
transection a large number of cells were distributed in the parenchyma complex morphogenetic processes is extremely challenging. In this
to embrace the regenerating pharynx. Ten days after cut, when pharynx context, planarians offer the possibility to carry out single and multiple
regeneration was completed (Kobayashi et al., 1999), novel Smed-ast-2- knockdown assays by RNAi on large number of animals, thus, providing
positive cells reformed in the posterior region to complete the two ring- an in vivo “platform” for combined functional studies on ECM

M.E. Isolani et al. Gene Expression Patterns 28 (2018) 77–86

Analysis of genomic organization indicates that astacin genes were

object of events of duplication probably resulting in an advantageous
increase in protein synthesis level, but also a source for isoform varia-
tion. Intron/exon organization suggests that two groups of astacin
genes (ast-1/ast-2 and ast-3/ast-4/ast-6/ant-7/ast-9) include sequences
derived by two independent events of duplication.
Planarian astacins are exclusive for post-mitotic differentiated cells.
A structure similar to the two-ring-shaped area has previously been
identified (Isolani et al., 2013) by the expression of two distinct me-
talloproteinases: Smed-mmp1 and Smed-mmp2, suggesting that groups of
cells of this area are specialized in storage and secretion of ECM de-
grading enzymes. Reasons for their specific distribution pattern around
the pharynx region are still to be clarified. At the moment, no detailed
literature is available on the specialized cells forming the two-ring-
shaped structure. Due to their localization and characteristics, the peri-
pharyngeal cyanophilic secretory cells described by Pedersen, (1963)
and Zayas and colleagues (Zayas et al., 2010), are the main candidates
to express the astacins localized in the two-ring-shaped structure. A
possibility is that astacin-positive cells of the two-ring-shaped structure
are secreting cells with long protrusions projecting into the pharynx for
food digestion. This is consistent with the finding of ast-2, ast-5 and ast-
1 in the proteome of planarian regurgitate (Goupil et al., 2016). On the
contrary, some evidence suggests that astacins might also be secreted in
the mesenchyme and act as ECM remodeling enzymes. First, a gland-
like system of cells surrounding the pharynx and projecting into the
pharynx cavity has been described by the use of 2C11 antibody
(Forsthoefel et al., 2014) and lectin staining (Zayas et al., 2010).
However, in both cases this gland system appears organized as a single
ring. Second, we demonstrate that astacin-positive cells also express the
TCEN49 transcripts that code for a secreted trophic factor involved in
the regulation of cell survival in the central body region (Bueno et al.,
2002). According to immunogold labeling on ultrathin section experi-
ments TCEN49 protein is contained in a subset of the cyanophilic se-
cretory cells, highly concentrated within large secretory granules whose
content is shed into the extracellular matrix (Bueno et al., 1996).
During regeneration the expression pattern of the genes encoding
minimal astacins did not change significantly in trunk fragments, while
some labelled cells began to be detected in the stump of head fragments
only after 3 days of regeneration. This suggests that a putative role for
these minimal astacins during regeneration should be played in later
regeneration steps, when body proportion reestablishment is needed.
Interestingly, as also demonstrated for TCEN49 (Bueno et al., 1996), the
reappearance of transcripts encoding minimal astacins occurs con-
comitantly to the major morphological changes of pharynx regenera-
tion. Pharynx regeneration is a complex process that occurs in the
Fig. 4. Colocalization of Smed-ast-1 and smed-TCEN49 transcripts in intact S. med- stump region. Its reformation starts early during regeneration, begins
iterranea. A transverse section of an intact S. mediterranea hybridized with Smed-ast-1
with the accumulation of pharynx precursors 1/2 days after cut and
(Red) and smed-TCEN49 (green) probes. Nuclei (blue) are stained with Hoechst 33342.
Scale bar corresponds to 20 μm.
only around 4/5 days (for head pieces) a true pharynx primordia be-
come observable, protrudes in a novel pharynx cavity and connects its
novel lumen with that of the gut (Kobayashi et al., 1999). ECM re-
remodeling enzymes. Here, to help in these future functional studies, modeling enzymes may play a fundamental role in such morphallactic
we provide a detailed characterization of the complex astacin gene process that includes tissue degradation and remodeling, as well as cell
family in planarians. migration processes. Although we cannot exclude that pharynx re-
We found ten genes coding for astacins in available S. mediterranea generation plays a driving role for the reformation of the two-ring-
transcriptomes. Although a higher number of astacin genes is present in shaped structure, an intriguing hypothesis is the opposite scenario, in
the related species D. japonica, all the sequences clusterize with a S. which minimal astacins are required for the ECM remodeling needed
mediterranea gene indicating that the duplication events that generated for pharynx reformation. Future functional studies might shed light on
the paralogs pre-dated the divergence between the two species. A high this possibility. A similar function has also been proposed in C. elegans
number of astacins is an usual feature of invertebrate organisms. A where a surprisingly large number of astacins have been found ex-
general expansion of astacin gene family occurred in fact in nematodes pressed in the marginal cells of the pharynx and supposed to be secreted
(Caenorhabditis elegans: 40 genes); 16 genes encoding astacins were towards the basement membrane and involved in processing basement
found in Drosophila and 23 genes in sea urchin (Park et al., 2010; membrane components of the pharynx (Park et al., 2010).
Möhrlen et al., 2003). Only two astacins were found in the blood fluke, The ast-8 expression in the digestive system is a feature typically
Schistosoma mansoni genome (genomic contigs: Smp_047460.1 conserved in genes encoding astacins with a ShToxin domain. For ex-
Smp_134430.1), suggesting that loss of astacin genes occurred during ample, in Podocoryne carnea, expression of a gene encoding an astacin
evolution of parasitic flatworms (Park et al., 2010). with the ShK toxin domain (PMP1) is concentrated to the manubrium,

M.E. Isolani et al. Gene Expression Patterns 28 (2018) 77–86

Fig. 5. Expression of Smed-ast-8 in intact S. mediterranea. (A) Representative image of colorimetric in situ hybridization for Smed-ast-8. Scale bar corresponds to 200 μm. Anterior is at
the top. (B–C) Smed-ast-8 positive cells are visualized by in situ hybridization on a wax section. Scale bar corresponds to 50 μm in B and 10 μm in C. g: gut; gl: gut lumen; ph: pharynx.
Dorsal is at the top. (D) Representative image of double fluorescent in situ hybridization showing transcript distribution of Smed-ast-1 (green) and Smed-ast-8 (red). Scale bar corresponds
to 200 μm. Anterior is at the top. (E) High magnification of Smed-ast-1- (green) and Smed-ast-8-positive cells. Scale bar corresponds to 10 μm. (F) Transverse section of an intact S.
mediterranea hybridized with Smed-ast-8 (Red) and smed-rapunzel (green) probes. Nuclei (blue) are stained with Hoechst 33342. Scale bar corresponds to 10 μm.

the feeding organ of this organism (Pan et al., 1998). Ast-8 is specifi- Section 4
cally expressed in goblet cells, secretory cells that release enzymes
(Garcia-Corrales and Gamo, 1986), as demonstrated by the exclusive 4.1. Animals
colocalization with the goblet cell marker smed-rapunzel (Reuter et al.,
2015). This strongly suggests that the presence of the ShK toxin domain A clonal strain of the asexual Schmidtea mediterranea and an asexual
in the planarian ast-8 is required for digestion. Conflicting with this strain (GI) of the planarian Dugesia japonica were used in this study.
possibility Goupile and coworkers did not found ast-8 in planarian re- Animals were kept in artificial water (for D. japonica: CaCl2 2.5 mM;
gurgitate (Goupil et al., 2016). MgSO4 0.4 mM; NaHCO3 0.8 mM; KCl 77 μM; for S. mediterranea: NaCl
Despite their discovery in late 1960 (Sonneborn et al., 1969), as- 1.6 mM; CaCl2 1 mM; MgSO4 1 mM; Mg Cl2 0.1 mM; NaHCO3 1.2 mM)
tacins metalloproteinases, especially those with a minimal structure, at 18 °C, and starved for at least a week before being used in the ex-
remain an understudied family of proteins and only a few members periments. For regeneration studies, animals were cut posterior to the
have been analyzed in details. For example, it is known that minimal auricles or across the pharynx.
astacins possess broad substrate specificity with possible redundant, yet
unknown, functions (Gomis-Rüth et al., 2012; Möhrlen et al., 2006). 4.2. Identification and characterization of S. mediterranea and D. japonica
Our results will allow, according to structural data and tissue expression astacin sequences by in silico analysis
specificity, to select groups of astacins for co-silencing experiments in
way to preferentially impact in the dynamics of specific ECM compo- Genes encoding astacins of other organisms were used to query all
nents in selective body regions or in a particular temporal window the S. mediterranea transcriptomes available in Planmine database
during regeneration. (; Brandl et al., 2016).
Several sequences were identified, assembled and used to query, by
discontiguous megablast analysis, S. mediterranea genome database and
D. japonica transcriptome shotgun assembly. Transcripts with sig-
nificant homology were taken. Multialignment and phylogenetic tree
were obtained by using site, which combines:

M.E. Isolani et al. Gene Expression Patterns 28 (2018) 77–86

Fig. 6. Expression of Smed-ast-2 during regeneration. Smed-ast-2 was used as a representative marker for astacins of the two-ring-shaped structure. (A) Animals were cut through the
pharynx (and thus through the two-ring-shaped structure). Regenerating fragments were sacrificed 1, 3, 6, 8 or 10 days after cut. Blastemal region is outlined with dotted black lines in 3
day regenerating fragments. Red asterisks indicate the new pharynx rudiment in regenerating tail fragments. (B) Animals were cut behind the pharynx, directly under the head, in way to
produce head pieces devoid of the two-ring-shaped structure and tail pieces with a whole two-ring structure. Regenerating fragments were sacrificed 1, 3, 6, 8 or 10 days after cut.
Blastemal region is outlined with dotted black lines in 3 day regenerating fragments. Red asterisks indicate the new pharynx rudiment in regenerating head fragments. Ph: pharynx. Scale
bars correspond to 500 μm.

M.E. Isolani et al. Gene Expression Patterns 28 (2018) 77–86

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