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ISSN 2278- 4136
ZDB-Number: 2668735-5
IC Journal No: 8192

Online Available at www.phytojournal.com  

Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 

Organoleptic and Microscopic Analysis of

Gentiana regeliana

Vikrant Arya1*, Raneev Thakur1

1. College of Ayurvedic Pharmaceutical Sciences, Joginder Nagar, Mandi H.P., India.

[Email: arya.vikrant30@gmail.com]

Organoleptic and microscopic examination revealed various diagnostic characters. Stem (dried, 30-40 cm long, light
brown having characteristic odour with bitter taste and smooth texture), flower (dried, 3-5 cm long and crumpled,
dark brown to blue in color having characteristic odour and bitter taste with smooth texture), leaf (dried, 7-8 cm long
and broken, brownish green, characteristic odour, bitter in taste and smooth texture). The transverse section of the
stem (hollow in between) of Gentiana regeliana Gand. showed presence of epidermal cell and abundant xylem
vessels. Stomata arrangement was anisocytic and anomocytic with numerous non-glandular trichomes on both
surfaces. These findings should be expedient for inclusion in the Pharmacopoeia of Medicinal plants.
Keyword: Gentiana, Microscopy, Macroscopic

1. Introduction 2. Materials and Method:

Gentiana regeliana Gand. is perennial stem upto 2.1 Organoleptic Studies
40 cm tall grows at an altitude of 350-2300 The plant material was procured from Global
meters mostly erect, slender, simple, glabrous. Herbal Store, Delhi. Macroscopic investigation
Linear-elliptic to elliptic lanceolate leaf with (evaluation of drugs by color, odour, size, shape,
distinct veins. Flowers are arranged in terminal taste and special features including touch and
corymbose cymes with 3-5 flowers with 3-5 cm texture etc.). Organoleptic evaluation can be done
slender pedicel. Seeds are of capsules ellipsoid by means of organs of sense which includes the
type with seed coat thick reticulate having 0.8-1 above parameters and thereby define some
mm in size [1-5]. Gentiana regeliana Syn. specific characteristics of the material which can
Gentiana olivieri is used in traditional medicine be considered as a first step towards
in Unani and Ayurveda system of medicines in establishment of identity and degree of purity [8].
arthritis, anti-inflammatory, antidepressant, The organoleptic investigations (color, shape and
antiulcerogenic, gastroprotectant and sudorific. It size, odour and taste, surface characteristics and
has been also employed as a hepatoprotective, texture) were performed.
aphrodisiac plant in Turkey [6-7]. The objective of
the present study is to evaluate various 2.2 Microscopic Studies (Transverse section of
pharmacognostic standards like macroscopy and Gentiana regeliana Gand. stem)
microscopy of Gentiana regeliana Gand. Microscopic characteristic parameters were
studied in entire and powdered form and
photographs have been taken using digital

Vol. 1 No. 2 2012                                                 www.phytojournal.com                                                Page | 32  
Vikrant Arya* 

microscope. To study microscopic characters of stained with phloroglucinol solution for few
Gentiana regeliana Gand. stem, transverse minutes and followed by concentrated
sections of fresh stem were prepared with the hydrochloric acid (1:1) in watch glass. It was
help of sharp blade. The lignified tissues were mixed well and allowed to stand for about 3 min.
distinguished by using safranin stain. For this free It was then mounted in glycerin (50%) and
hand sections of stem were placed for two min. in observed under microscope. Similarly, the
the safranin solution in a petriplate and washed in powder was also stained with weak iodine (N/50)
other petriplate containing distilled water. Then solution for the identification of starch grains.
the sections were mounted on clean glass slide Powder was treated with conc.H2SO4 for the
with help of glycerin water and covered by glass identification of calcium oxalate crystals [8]. The
cover slip. Then slides were observed under light powder microscopic characters were noted.
3. Results
2.3 Powder Microscopy 3.1 Organoleptic study:
A small amount of powder was taken and boiled The results were obtained in study of Gentiana
with chloral hydrate to remove chlorophyll. Then regeliana Gand. aerial part (Table 1)

Table 1: Organoleptic features of Gentiana regeliana

Particulars Stem Flower Leaf
Condition Dried Dried and crumpled Dried and broken
Color Light brown Dark brown and blue Brownish green
Odour Characteristic Characteristic Characteristic
Taste Bitter Bitter Bitter
Texture Smooth Smooth Smooth
Size 30-40 cm 3-5 cm 7-8 cm

3.2 Powder Microscopy

Table 2: Diagnostic Characters of Gentiana regeliana Gand. Powder

S. No. Features Observation
1 Nature Coarse powder
2 Color Buff brown
3 Odour Characteristic aromatic
4 Taste Bitter
5 Trichomes Non-glandular
6 Stomata Anisocytic and anomocytic
7 Calcium oxalate crystals Absent
8 Oil globules Present (scattered)
9 Fibres Present

3.3 Microscopic study arrangement was anisocytic and anomocytic

The transverse section of the stem (Fig.1) of (Fig.5) with numerous non glandular trichomes
Gentiana regeliana showed presence of (Fig.7) on both surfaces. Scattered oil globules
epidermal cell and abundant xylem vessels are persistent (Fig.4).
(Fig.3). The stem is hollow in between. Stomata

Vol. 1 No. 2 2012                                                 www.phytojournal.com                                                  Page | 33  
Vikrant Arya* 

Fig 1: T.S. of Stem

Fig 2: Veins Fig 3: Xylem vessels

Fig 4: Oil Globule Fig 5: Stomata

Fig 6: Fibre
Fig 7: Non-glandular Trichome

4. Conclusion the precise taxonomy which is significant for the

The plant Gentiana regeliana Gand. showed standardization of drug. Findings of the present

Vol. 1 No. 2 2012                                                 www.phytojournal.com                                                  Page | 34  
Vikrant Arya* 

investigation will be useful for the appropriate

botanical identification and authentication of the
drug. After getting the overall results of Gentiana
regeliana Gand. and if, these are comparable with
other species of Gentiana, it will be used as a
substitute for them especially for Gentiana
olivieri Griseb.

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