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Agricultural land is being developed into industrial areas, shopping malls and subdivisions.
Farmers are growing old and their children have shifted into other careers. The agriculture industry has
not progressed in ages. Many of our agricultural schools are producing office-oriented workers who
would much rather do paper work than help improve the agricultural sector of the country. Not to
mention the many horror stories of corruption at the Department of Agriculture.

The Philippines is currently facing different problems especially in the sector of agriculture.
These are some of the problems we think that needs an urgent solution.

1. Small farm size; 78% farms are less than 3 hectares.

Most of our farms are have already shrunk in size due to the fast growth of our population. Therefore,
our country needs to build more houses, sacrificing the agricultural sector of our country.

To combat the lack of resources and lands the farmers had, the Philippine Government issued several
Land Reform Programs. Just like the Republic Act (RA) 6657 which was implemented under Cory
Aquino’s time with aims to redistribute lands both public and privately while providing appropriate
support services to help the beneficiaries become independent small landowners.

2. Land is being encroached upon by the housing and industrial sectors

This is quite the same as the first one. Basically, this problem caused the first problem to happen due to
the same reasons.

3. Absence of critical programs on efficient irrigation systems

Irrigation is an important factor in agriculture. Irrigation helps farmers keep their crops well-hydrated
and moist, especially during the warm seasons. Without irrigation, the soil would become dry and the
crops will wilt.

4. Inadequate management programs on soil, pests and diseases

Pests and crop diseases have been a major problem in the agricultural sector of the Philippines. It lacks
funding from the government. If these pests and diseases were to be left out of control, famine would
crawl across our country.

5. Reduced farm labor

Due to the fast industrialization of our country, many people prefer to do industrialized work instead of
planting crops for the nation to eat. Our farmers have started to grow old, and only few are replacing
our old farmers.

6. Expensive and inappropriate farm equipment for small farmers

Since we do not have much money for spending in agricultural needs, machinery needed for this has
become a great expense for our pockets.

7. Climate change and natural disasters

Our country is known to be prone to natural disasters like typhoons and earthquakes. What is not seen
is that most of our crops cannot resist extreme weather conditions like these. Encroaching climate
change can also affect our agriculture due to its effects like droughts.

Climate change and natural disasters are inevitable. The National Economic and Development Authority
(NEDA) is responsible for advising the Philippine President on national development planning. This
provides technical support in coordinating the formulation of national plans and policies for agriculture,
natural resources and agrarian re-form sectors.

8. Inadequate technology transfer mechanisms

Our technology regarding agriculture is not given enough attention. Our country lacks machinery and
technology to improve our produce.


Mostly due to lack of support from the government.


 The government should help provide proper irrigation especially to rice farmers.

 Many farmers do not have enough capital to plant and maintain their farm. The government
should provide free (or lend) seedlings to farmers, and lend machineries/tools to them.

 Most farmers have too little area of farm land. I know farmers who own only 2 hectares of land.
The government should revive and strictly implement the agrarian reform program. Many rich
clans like the Cojuangco and Aquino (Hacienda Luisita in Tarlac) stole and illegally own huge
lands. These lands were taken from poor farmers who were massacred by these greedy people.

 The government should provide free proper education/training/seminar to farmers on modern

farming techniques and new farm technologies that will help improve their output.

 Typhoons and floods. An average of 20 typhoons per year hit our country. I guess there’s little
we can do about it. However, I believe that a good flood control system will help a bit.

 Infrastructure like farm-to-market roads.


1. Small farm size; 78% farms are less than 3 hectares.

2. Land is being encroached upon by the housing and industrial sectors

In order to solve these problems, it is good to consider the natural state of our farm lands. Most
farm lands are being replaced by buildings and houses dute to globalization but maintaining
these lands will help for the development in our agriculture.
3. Absence of critical programs on efficient irrigation systems

4. Inadequate management programs on soil, pests and diseases.

To control and stop these problems, awareness is important as well as having a voice and a
stand in terms of this topic. Programs should be implemented by the government and providing
subsidies for the irrigation systems of the land. As a part of millennials, we can share our
thoughts using social media to campaign our advocacy to better improve our economy
especially in agriculture for we depend on it in terms of production.

5. Reduced farm labor

To make the agricultural sector lively again, we can encourage citizens to farm again through
campaigning and education. Anything can be sparked using bare knowledge and motivation.


The number of Filipino farmers lessens each year. The average age of a Filipino farmer is 57. The
government has thought of ways in the past to fight this issue. For example the Republic Act No.
602 with a goal to establish a minimum wage law, to make it easier for farmers to earn money.

6. Expensive and inappropriate farm equipment for small farmers

Science and technology is important. A project wherein it is agriculture-based would be a great

idea featuring different researches such as alternative and new machines, prcoesses, etc. which
may help for faster and better production of the country.

7. Climate change and natural disasters

This is one of the problems of our country though it is unexpected. Crops are damaged due to
strong typhoons considering our geography. A possible solution would be good irrigation
systems to prevent flood to damage crops.


Climate change and natural disasters are inevitable. The National Economic and Development
Authority (NEDA) is responsible for advising the Philippine President on national development
planning. This provides technical support in coordinating the formulation of national plans and
policies for agriculture, natural resources and agrarian re-form sectors.

8. Inadequate technology transfer mechanisms

Our country does not invest that much in Technology considering it is important when it comes
to agriculture. In order to have progress, new mechanisms and processes are important.
Programs having exhibits on researches will be a great an dpromising idea having Filipinos with
great minds.

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