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A. Background
Coffee has been a popular drink in Indonesia since time immemorial. All people
in Indonesia, from teenagers to adults, love coffee. In fact, many coffee shops are found
in Indonesia.
In the era of globalization, the coffee shop business is growing. Many coffee
shops are visited by teenagers to relax or do schoolwork with their friends. Coffee shops
are also popular with adults for work meetings. Many things to do in a coffee shop
make it a place that is visited by many people.
Indonesia also known as a country that has a lot of spice variety. Inspired from
this, we want to combine between coffee and spice to bring Indonesian traditional taste.
To preserve the taste of coffee, we choose several spices that suitable to combine with
coffee. One of spice that we use is cinnamon, clove, etc.
Nowadays, coffee also has many variations which attract many visitors. An
attractive coffee shop design is also an added value for the visitors. Usually, visitors not
only buy coffee, but also take pictures and upload it on social media. This will make it
easy for promotion.
Many beneficial things can be obtained from making a coffee shop. From this
thought, we have an idea to make a business as a Goffee Coffee Shop.

B. Name of Agency

C. The Purpose
The followings are the purposes of our business:
1. Obtaining profits
2. Train the ability in entrepreneurship
3. Increase experience and knowledge about entrepreneurship
4. Reducing the unemployment rate
5. Introducing Indonesian traditional taset to next generation

D. Business Vision
Making Goffee Coffee Shop as a leading shop in Indonesia

E. Business Mission
1. Open market opportunities.
Although many competitors are in the same business, we work with different
innovations from existing products. It's with a variety of flavors, attractive
packaging, and affordable prices.
2. Utilize local materials
Indonesia is a producer of coffee beans. We try to introduce the
superiority of Indonesian original coffee beans in our business. And we use
Indonesian spices such as cinnamon, clove, etc.
3. To provide the best service to consumers.
Good service will make consumers feel comfortable when buying
4. Opening business branches in various places in Indonesia
By opening a branch, our coffee shop business will be increasingly known
and can open jobs for many people.


A. General Description of The Shop

The Goffee Coffee Shop location will be placed in a rest area PIK. The Bisikan
Coffee Shop operates every day with operational hours start at 6.30 am until 11.00 pm.
Goffee coffee shop offers a many variation of coffee drinks and dessert.

B. Specification of Product
In our business we sold coffee with many variation.
 Americano
 Cappuccino
 Latte
 Frappucimo

C. SWOT Analysis
In each activity to start a business, we must pay attention to the problems and
threats which can disturb our business activities in the future and we have to find the
opportunity that is profitable to run our business. That is the way through the SWOT
1. Strength
 Coffee is a popular product that is loved by many people
 The price is quite affordable
 Can be consumed for all community
 Strategic place
 Have plenty of nutrients
 Have complete facilities
2. Weakness
 Many competitors in the same business
 Product easily imitated
3. Opportunity
 Coffee shop is popular in the community
 Many people hold meetings at the coffee shop
4. Threat
 Many coffee businesses that have long been famous
 The presence of competitors who sell products at a cheaper price than the
price that the authors have to offer

D. Marketing Mix (4P)

1. Product
The products offered are types of coffee drinks and various desserts that are
suitable to be eaten with coffee.
2. Price
Prices at Goffee Coffee Shop are affordable and very friendly according to the

No. Items Name Items Price / Unit Amount (Rp)

Quantity (Rp)

pockets of students. Prices offered start from IDR15.000

3. Place
The Bisikan Coffee Shop location will be placed in a rest area
PIK. Bisikan Coffee Shop design is made attractive with a beach theme that makes
visitors feel comfortable.
4. Promotion
This promotion is done by distributing brochures and with social
media like Instagram and Twitter (@GoffeeCoffee).

B. Expending
1. Coffee Shop Bar 1 4.000.000 4.000.000
2. Cashier Machine 1 2.100.000 2.100.000
3. Bar Chair 4 200.000 800.000
4. Circle Table 4 300.000 1.200.000
5. Chair 16 150.000 2.400.000
6. Wifi Transmitter 1 300.000 300.000
7. Oven Gas 1 2.400.000 2.400.000
8. Coffee Machine 2 2.500.000 2.500.000
9. Milk Jug 2 50.000 100.000
10. Milk Frother 2 25.000 50.000
11. Glass 50 8.000 400.000
12. Plate 50 15.000 750.000
13. Spoon 50 5.000 250.000
14. Fork 50 5.000 250.000
Total 17.500.000
Operational Cost

Basic Material Cost

No. Materials Name Materials Price / Unit Amount (Rp)
Quantity (Rp)
1. Coffee Beans 5 Kg 50.000 250.000
2. Milk 10 L 20.000 200.000
3. Chocolate Powder 2 Kg 50.000 100.000
4. Red Velvet Powder 2 Kg 50.000 100.000
5. Taro Powder 2 Kg 50.000 100.000
6. Wheat Flour 15 Kg 8.000 120.000
7. Sugar 3 Kg 10.000 30.000
8. Egg 5 Kg 25.000 125.000
9. Banana 5 Kg 14.000 70.000
10. Nutella 2 kg 120.000 240.000
11. Gas 12 Kg 140.000 140.000
Total 1.475.000

Supporting Cost
No. Description Price / Unit Amount (Rp)
1. Place Rent (1 month) 5.000.000 5.000.000
2. Employee Salary (3 mans) 1.500.000 4.500.000
3. Electricy + Water (1 month) 100.000 100.000
Total 9.600.000

Total Cost: Rp28.575.000

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