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Learning resources that caught my interest most was the computer. During my
Elementary year in this school, I could not remember they we use computer in the
discussion, in fact the computer were only located at the principal`s office and only
the teacher are allowed us. The materials that I am confident to use are the books,
Encyclopedias and magazines; I have been using these materials since the day I
started to go to school. The gadget that I feel I need to learn more is how to use
operate the computer even though I already have the knowledge can how to
operate the computer, I still think that I need to improve it more

Bulletin Board Display

Creativity-She/he must be able to come up with unique ways to portray lesson or

concepts, Elegance-She/he must be strive for balance between relevant and
conservative design so that the message will be delivered properly, Ingenuity-
She/he will be able to apply problem solving skills in coming up with a display,
Innovativeness-She/he will be able to introduce contemporary topics her/his board
display, Resourcefulness-She/he will be able to come up with an effective display
using the available resources at hand, The skill that I already have one creativity,
resourcefulness and innovativeness. I think I do not have much experience in
making board display, the one that could remember was in high school, we layout
the material needed for our bulletin board but I want able to practice the skills. I
feel that I need to develop more elegance and ingenuity in coming up with designs
not only in making a board display another instructional materials also I can
improve on these skills by constant helpful in coming up with instructional


In making my slide presentation I encounter some difficulties like, what I choose

the best colors and animation to catch the attention of the learners, Another
difficulties is I only have limited font style and font size so I choose the simple
styles and font size, I overcome the difficulties to choose wisely to create a good
slide presentation.


The technological knowledge in TPACK Framework makes my pedagogical and

content knowledge to be applied in my real life teaching in the future to use a
computer or laptop for my lesson, to make slideshow presentations with animation
on and video clips. The pedagogical makes my technological and content
knowledge be more effective to make sure that they are carried out and executed
properly in my teaching, And the content knowledge to make sure that I have
mastery with my lesson, to choose the right materials or technology and strategies
of the learning that will be best explain and elaborate the contents of my lesson. I
think some of the things I can do to enhance and enrich my technological
pedagogical content knowledge to be aide to facilitate an active, interesting,
learning and fun-filled learning environment in the future is by reading a lot of
informative books and to know how to use the internet connection to research
some educational articles and to know many websites that help me to catch more
knowledge and undergo the seminars and be open to any suggestions that help me
to boost my knowledge in the field


If I would teach that class I observed I would first start off, with a great
motivation. I call some pupils that can solve fraction and decimal in front of his/her
classmates, so all learners that can see is interesting. So I will capture the attention
of all learners. I would definitely use modern technology in conducting the lesson,
I provide a video , Power point Presentation about the Fraction and decimal The
only thing that I would use a mobile projector and power point presentation that
has video, Images regarding about the lesson. More importantly as a teacher make
learning fun and exciting. Pupils nowadays want to move around and explore
things, so, as a teacher give some time they are learning and inquiring knowledge.


In surfing the internet for appropriate electronic resource for the class. Need to
read first the online of the resource that comes it first wither it is useful to my topic
net. Yes it is difficult for me, but with the aid of various machineries it becomes
relatively easy. There are many ways to consider in choosing an electronic
resource, First is credibility It means choosing those resource that are already
proven and tested. Next is appropriateness. If I will search on Google there are
many other things that are irrelevant so you need not to include them. Availability
is the third I choose resource that are attainable to your budget and to the
institution funds. I f I were to evaluate myself I can say that I already have a basic
good skills in manipulating computers surfing the internet and in preparing
various electronics resources. On the other hand, I need to continue practicing is on
making various aids like slides and many more.


MOOCS help me in my future career as a professional teacher and as a lifelong

leaner. Are MOOCS give me more knowledge on how to teach properly and to
give more knowledge to all my learners because being his/her teacher I am a light
or path to become his/her success of his/her life. I learned from the way the
provides use technology to teach in the appropriate knowledge how to catch more
strategies that help me someday to keep all my learners engaged the class
discussion and activity, and to have always interactive in our class. I prepare
myself in MOOCS , as learner is how to get more knowledge how to search the
appropriate websites or URL that help me to catch more knowledge, and as a
teacher MOOCS help me catch more knowledge to teach my learners because
MOOCS have many websites helpful to the teacher and learners how to catch
appropriate knowledge

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