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Election Day 2019

(watching election news on the tv)

Nenik : this year’s election was so crowded with the many interests of citizens chanelling their voting
rights. What about yesterday’s election on your area? Who dou you choose?

Lia : Oh, I think so. Election in this year was truly unexpected. Many people who excited about this
moment. And when you ask to me about who was chosen. Let it be our secret, we should to apply
election principal so well,right?. This election became the biggest moment in our nation with the
interests of many people. And that day has come for us to make difference and to make a change for
better Indonesia. Talking about election in my area, I dont know the spesific process at there. Because i
had just arrived 15 minutes before the TPS was closed after i take a long trip from Jogja to East Java.
Even so, as a good citizens for better Indonesia I should to give my voting rigths for this country. The
election process itself ran smoothly and in orderly manner, but i heard only in the city area there was a
re-e;ection on the next day due to a mistake of the tps officer gave a ballot that should be given to
residents of the local area but was given to residents of Mimika area so people on the local area wasn’t
accepting a ballot. even so, the interest of the citizens is so great for following the re-election, with vote
participation 76.1%. For the result of the presidential election in my area that i know were won by the
number one candidate with 1403 votes while the number two candidate was 561 votes obtained. Just it
I know about the situation in my area. Then how about the election situation in your area? Is it the same
as with my area?

Rikha : No, situation in my area so different with you. In that day I have a job to be an officer in election.
I’m so tired yesterday. You know, this is a first time I participate in election 2019 and also the first time
for me to be an afficer in election. I think is not too difficult, but the fact of it is very tired and also
difficult. Because all of the members and I in TPS must registering the voters, calculating and their
recapitulation in the many copies provided by the KPU. If when the vote count is not thorough, there
will be an error in election results. So that the ballot counting has to be repeat again. And that
happened in my village, where we had to repeat the vote count for DPD. In my village the election
process began at 7 a.m and finished at 1 p.m with total of 210 voters and the vote count and
recapitulation finished at 4 p.m.

there were some problems that happened in almost all TPS. It cause that the election 2019 used a new
mechanism, which is carried out simustaneously the sence that the people are required to elect the
representative to occupy the exceutive institution (precident and vice precident, and the legislative (
DPR RI, DPD, DPRD province, and district/city DPRD)). Many people are confused when they have to
choose legislative candidates, because the information is drowned out by the election of precidential
candidates. Abroad, voters lose their rights because of the limited duration of voting. Therefore many
residents are abstainers for legislative candidates.
In my village ahead of the election many succesfull teams from legislative candidates and precident
candidates carried out money politic. It is a problem that has always been dificult to eliminate in my
village, even in our country.

From the result of the election vote count, in my village yesterday, the superior pair of precidential and
vice precidential candidates is number two, has a vote of 73.5 % and candidate number one pair gets
25.7%. while for invalid ballots there were two, and yesterday election of many legislative candidates
was invalid ballots, almost 50% of the ballots were invalid. This is because are many abstained, because
of their ignorance of prespective legislative members.

Nenik : Oh, you so lucky people to be an officer an election yesterday. We have the different election’s
situation. At my place the vote count is done until 9pm. Many beginners, many also participate. The
many issues circulating regarding the presidential and vice presidential candidates did not make
prospective voters turn into abstentions.

But unfortunately from the five types of ballots that exist, only the presidential and vice presidential
candidates are ins and outs and electability is widely known to the public. I also did that, out of the five
ballots available, only one that I blamed was a ballot for presidential and vice presidential candidates,
four other ballots were not at all. Even so the election took place smoothly and peacefully. It can be
ascertained that there is no fraud in the vote count.

Although the vote counting process did not arrive in the morning, many committee members were
exhausted. So, I can't imagine how tired the election committee worked until morning and didn't have
time to sleep.

Lia : About who will be chosen later is the best answer for Indonesia. Because our job is choosing the
right candidate to take a placein the government representing the voice of the people. But when its
done, we have to keep an eye on their performance. We have to cooperate with each other rebuilt for
better Indonesia in the future.

Nenik : Yes, you’re right. I hope that the candidates who will be chosen will run all the programs
consequently as their promise when they did the champaign for the programs. All of the candidates are
awesome. They have the experiences to be leaders. They have a good track record also.

Rikha : but the important thing is, how they can solve the problem without causing the other problem
with the solutions. That will be the hardest part of us to make a decision. Voting the best of the, the
right person for Indonesia

Lia : that’s right. I cant wait to know who was chosen. Let’s see the news about it again.

(Turn On and Watching TV about election)

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