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Things to include: 

1) Writing ideas/things from paper to computer - When just about to sleep (20 
2) Checking things (written/stored) frequently - Each MONDAY (use CALENDER) 
3) Learning DESIGN -  
4) Exercise (Eye, height, etc) - 1 hour 
5) Managing college - 10 hours (or) 0 hours 
6) Time to learn some other things - 30 minutes 
7) Sleep - 6 hours 
8) Wake Up winning, making mind peaceful (focused and silent) 
9) Checking to do paper that I have written and kept in the pocket 
10) Keep things simple 
11) Things to take with me to college(watch, pass, books, etc) - 5 minutes 
12) What are the most important things in the ROUTINE (Give more time, focus, energy 
to them and focus less on the other things) - Make a priority list of this routine 
things and act accordingly 
13) Maybe entertainment time - Nope for most of the days  
(only MONDAY [​STAY HARD​]). 
14) Look what you’ve written in the computer - MONDAY 
The Routine: 
● Priority: 
○ Learning Design 
○ Exercise 
○ College 
○ Others left things 

● Time breakdown: 
○ 24 hours 
○ 6 hours of sleep until I figure my sleep type, amount and all the things. 
○ On college day 10 hours of college time/If not 10 hours remaining (from 8AM - 
○ Remaining - with College: 8 hours, without college 18 hours 
○ Exercise (Morning and Evening) - 1 hour (30 minutes/ 30 minutes) 
○ While college day: 
■ After wake up 
● 5AM to 6AM: Become fresh(Make bed, brush), Exercise. 
● 6AM to 6.30AM: Read (20 min - book, 10 min - todo) 
● 6.30AM to 7.00AM: Become ready for college and go. 
● After came back from college become fresh and start to learn 
design till 8PM. 
● Exercise till 8.30PM 
● Lunch till 9PM 
● 9PM-10PM learn design 
● 10PM to 11PM ​Writing ideas/things from paper to computer 
● Set alarm for tomorrow 
○ On NO college day: 
■ After wake up 
● 5AM to 6AM: Become fresh(Make bed, brush), Exercise 
● 6AM to 6.30AM: Read (20 min - book, 10 min - todo) 
● Check what you’ve written/stored in computer. 
● Bath, eat, become fresh and start learning design, do if some 
college work is there like test, assignments, homework, etc (That’s 
● From 8AM to 8.30AM Start exercise 
● Lunch till 9PM 
● 9PM-10PM learn design 
● 10PM to 11PM ​Writing ideas/things from paper to computer 
● Set alarm for tomorrow 

Important information: 
1) Sleep books (Dr. Micheal Breus) 
a) The power of when 
b) Good night 
c) Sleep doctors diet plan 
Organized timing from start to finish on what to do: 
Working day 
Time  Working day  Holiday 
5AM - 6AM  Wake up,   Wake up,  
Make bed,   Make bed,  
Brush,   Brush,  
Exercise,    Exercise,   
Eat something  Eat something 
(Biscuit, Vegetables)  (Biscuit, Vegetables) 
6AM - 6.30AM  Reading  Reading 
20 min -Book/Design  20 min -Book/Design 
Stuff  Stuff 
10 min - Todo  10 min - Todo 
6.30AM - 7AM  Ready to go to college  Check what you have 
and go:  written in the entire 
Bath,  computer 
Check the things to 
take with me to 
- Watch 
- Pass 
- Books 
- Money 
8AM - 6PM  Spend time in college  Bath,  
Eat something,  
Start ​learning design​. 
Do college work if it is 
there like exams, 
assignments, etc... 
6PM - 8PM  Become fresh,   Other things 
Eat something light,  Analyzing people 
Start learning design  Learning new things 
8PM - 8.30PM   Exercise  Exercise 
8.30PM - 9PM  Eat  Eat 
9PM - 10PM  Learn design  Learn design 
10PM - 11 PM  Writing  Writing 
ideas/thoughts from  ideas/thoughts from 
paper to computer,  paper to computer, 
Set alarm for  Set alarm for 
tomorrow  tomorrow 
Check whether  Check whether 
tomorrow is a holiday  tomorrow is a holiday 
or working day and  or working day and 
set that as the  set that as the 
reminder topic of  reminder topic of 
your alarm.  your alarm. 
Ex: Today is a holiday,  Ex: Today is a holiday, 
you have to follow  you have to follow 
Holiday’s routine.  Holiday’s routine. 

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