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Maslow’s Hierarchy Theory Of Motivation:

Abraham Maslow is an American psychologist, one of his article were he mention the Maslow’s
hierarchy ‘theory to desire’ (Taormina and Gao, 2013). He wants to identify what constitute positive
mental health and happiness, not just the mind illness and unhappiness. Maslow was hence motivated
to start a complete new movement in psychology ‘a third waves’, which he call ‘humanistic psychology’
(Pereira, de Campos and Camarini, 2012).

Figure: Hierarchy of needs (Pereira, de Campos and Camarini,


In This Figure He Describe The Different Needs Of Human Psychology Are

The Following:

Physiological needs- it’s a basic needs which include food, water, rest etc.

Safety needs- The safety needs work mainly on psychological needs. Of course we try to keep away
from a poke in the eyes with a sharp stick. But formerly we manage a confident level of physical
comfort; it helps to set up stability and constancy in a chaotic world. Security and human security are
come under this type of needs (Pereira, de Campos and Camarini, 2012).

Love and belongingness needs- this come after psychological and safety needs. Once a want has
been significantly content over a long period of time it becomes functionally absent. Under these
friends, intimate relationship is there (Pereira, de Campos and Camarini, 2012).
Esteem needs- under this self esteem plays a vital role, David McClelland called this type of esteems
is needs for esteem. McClelland assume that individual disparity in needs is tied to character, and they
transform slowly if at all. Prestige and feeling of achievement are the part of self esteem.

Self-actualization- Maslow describe this need as “the want to become more and more what one is, to
develop into everything that individual is capable of becoming”. Under this achieving one’s full
potential, including creative activities etc are the part of self- actualization (Pereira, de Campos and
Camarini, 2012).

In his theory he mention hierarchy of needs, it’s a model in which he attempt to confine these different
levels of human motivation. It represents the design that human beings are propel into action by
different motivating factor at different period –self fulfillment needs psychological needs and basic
needs (Wu, 2011).

In his theories the hierarchical arrangement is not intended to mean that the persons who pay attention
on higher needs are someway better than those people who pay attention on lower needs. According
to this it simply means unless and until if the person will not satisfied their lower need they will not
satisfied their higher needs too (Pereira, de Campos and Camarini, 2012). Like for example if the
person is suffering from hunger and cold, then they don’t have the time to concern about their self
esteem because that time there focuses on foods (STARSIGHT TELECAST, INC v VIRGIN MEDIA

Maslow planned, what he use to identify creditable people like Eleanor Roosevelt, Albert Einstein,
Jane Addams, and Frederick Douglass comparatively than fearful people or mentality condition,
whereas inscription “underdeveloped, untrained, the lecture of crippled and harmful specimen can give
way only a cripple psychology” (Pereira, de Campos and Camarini, 2012). Maslow considered the
healthiest 1% of the college academic community” (STARSIGHT TELECAST, INC v VIRGIN MEDIA

Maslow's theory was completely expressed in his 1954 degree of personality and motivation. The
sequence relics a very well-known arrangement in sociology study, association training.

Maslow's hierarchy of needs is commonly portrayed in a shape of a pyramid, which mostly necessary
levels of wants at the downward and the necessities for self-actualization at the peak. Similarly the
pyramid has revolved away in facto form to distinguish the hierarchy.

In Maslow’s theory the most vital four level of pyramid which include what Maslow used to called
deficiency needs because it represent self esteem, love, security, etc. if this requirements are not
introduce or not accomplished – with the elimination of the main primary condition- then human being
feel worried and strained in work place. This theory suggests the basic needs what human being want
in their life, and with the help of this stages human being will fulfill their needs. Maslow also suggested
or introduced a new term name “metamotivation”, which explain how to inspire people at workplace
and help the people to go additional than the level of the necessary requirements and go all- out for
usual betterment (Kohte, 2015).

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