Soal Pas 2019 Ganjil

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For the questions number 1 to 2, look at the picture and choose the best wishes.


a. Have a wonderful life!

b. Congratulations on your wedding!
c. Congratulations on your graduation!
d. Congratulations on your achievement!

a. Have a great journey!

b. Congratulations on your wedding!
c. Happy birthday!Wish you all the best!
d. Congratulations on your achievement!
For questions number 3 to 6 choose the correct expressions that suitable with the responses.
3. Badru : “ …… “
Rizal : “ Thanks. You know this is the first time I win the race.”
Badru : “ I am happy for you.”
a. Congratulations on your new job!
b. Congratulations on your wedding!
c. Congratulations on your graduation!
d. Congratulations on being the champion!
4. Claudia : “…… “
Siti : “ Wow it’s fantastic!”
Claudia : “Thanks.”
a. I lost my wallet
b. I pass the audition.
c. I broke your bicycle
d. I get a bad score for Math test
5. Rara : “ …… “
Mutia : “ Really? I am sorry to hear that. I hope she will get quick recovery.”
Rara : “ I hope so, Mutia.”
a. Mia’s car is broken
b. Mia didn’t pass the audition
c. Mia lost her beautiful necklace.
d. Mia has been hospitalized for a week.
6. Your little brother wants to go to bed and gets sleep. You say ……
a. Have a nice trip!
b. Have a nice day!
c. Have a nice dream!
d. What a wonderful day!
For questions number 7 to 11 choose the correct expressions to complete the dialog
Mika : “ (7) …… “
Sasa : “ I pass the audition for singing contest.”
Mika : “ Really? (8)……
Sasa : “ Thanks, Mikaila. But I’m very nervous with the next step.”
Mika : “ (9) …… Please, don’t worry.”
Sasa : “ I’m worried about the judges. Sometimes they are cynical. Right?”
Mika : “(10) …… Do the best for the battle. Sing with your heart.”
Sasa : “Thank for your support.”
Mika : “(11) …… “
Sasa : “I hope so.”
Mika : “Good luck!”
Sasa : “Thanks, Mikaila. You’re my best friend.”
7. a. See you.
b. Pardon me.
c. Look at me!
d. How are you?
8. a. I’m great
b. Congratulations!
c. I cannot believe it.
d. I’m sorry to hear that.
9. a. I think you are lucky.
b. I think you are the winner.
c. I think you have beautiful voice.
d. I think all contestants have beautiful voices, too.
10. a. Of course they are.
b. Yes, they are not good.
c. Yes, I think they are funny.
d. No, I think they are credible.
11. a. I think you are not bad.
b. I’m sure you are the best.
c. I think you are good enough.
d. I hope the audiences and the judges enjoy your singing.
12. Tim : I’m going to be a football player. I’m going to be a famous.
Dave : What team are you going to play for?
Tim : I’m going to play for Chelsea.
What does Tim express?
a. Agreement
b. Disagreement
c. Clarification
d. Intention
13. Jani : “I think the Mandarin language is the most difficult in the world.”
Sue : “That’s exactly what I think.
From the conversation, Sue expresses …
a. Agreement
b. Disagreement
c. Intention
d. Objection
14. Which expression is used to express disagreement?
a. I totally agree with you.
b. I think so too
c. Well, you could be right.
d. I don’t go along with you on that.
15. Resa : “What will you do this weekend?”
Bowo : “I will go to the museum.”
Resa : “… … “
Bowo : “I will go there by bike
a. How will you go there?
b. Why will you go there?
c. What will you do there?
d. When will you go there?
16. Fajar :Will you go to the Vocational High school after you finish Junior High school?
Amira : …… I want to have a job soon.
a. No, I won’t
b. I’m not sure.
c. No, I am not
d. Yes, I will
17. Anjar : I’m so glad we decided to take a vacation in this place.
Helen : Me too.
From the conversation, we know that Helen expresses … …
a. Disagreement
b. Dislike
c. Agreement
d. Like
18. My family and I …… to have a family vacation next holiday.
a. Will have
b. Is going
c. Are going
d. Will be going
19. The strong old man
The underlined word in the noun phrase is called …
a. Age
b. Determiner
c. Size
d. Shape
20. Which of the following noun phrases is right?
a. This wonderful show music big
b. The many important new English book
c. The English new book
d. The young man helpful
21. The tallest wild animal
a. Determiner – ordinar number – head word – opinion
b. Ordinal number – determiner – head word – opinion
c. Determiner – ordinal number – opinion – head word
d. Determiner – head word – ordinal number – head word
Text for questions number 22 - 25
Composition : 100% honey
Uses :
Keep your body fit and fresh
Restore body resistance against disease
Increase vitality
Enchances, herbal treatment effect
Suggested Serving Site:
1-2 teaspoons of ORIGINAL HONEY three times a day
directly, or mix it with water ( warm or cold, as you
like). ORIGINAL HONEY can also be mixed with any
kind of food or drink and stripping herbs
Keep refrigerated
Best before December 2019
22. What is the purpose of the text?
a. To tell the reader about how to consume honey
b. To describe ORIGINAL HONEY
c. To give detailed information about ORIGINAL HONEY
d. To tell people about the benefits of ORIGINAL HONEY
23. How often should we consume the honey?
a. Once a day
b. Twice a day
c. Three times a day
d. As we like
24. From the text we can conclude that we should keep the product in a …
a. Dry place
b. Cool place
c. Wet place
d. Hot place
25. What is the name of product?
a. Serving size
b. Original honey
c. Herbal
d. Body fit
Text for questions number 26 - 32
Ingredients needed to make an omelet
1) An egg
2) Cooking oil
3) Some salt
4) pepper
The easy way to make the omelet
 First, break the egg into a bowl and beat it with some salt and pepper.
 Then, heat some oil in a frying pan.
 Next, pour the mixture into the pan and fry the omelet until it turn brown.
 Finally, it’s ready to serve.
26. What is the text about?
a. How to make porridge
b. How to make noodle
c. How to make omelet
d. How to make fried rice
27. What is the main ingredient?
a. Egg
b. Salt
c. Pepper
d. Oil
28. What is the social function of the text?
a. To inform the reader about the omelet
b. To retell the story
c. To describe omelet
d. To describe how to make the omelet
29. What is the generic structure of the text?
a. Goal – steps – ingredients
b. Goal – ingredients – steps
c. Goal – orientation – steps
d. Goal – steps – complication
30. The language feature is ……
a. Past tense
b. Future tense
c. Present tense
d. Past future
31. How many ingredients are needed to make the omelet?
a. One ingredient
b. Two ingredients
c. Three ingredients
d. Four ingredients
32. What is the last step in making the omelet?
a. Break the egg
b. It’s ready to serve
c. Pour the mixture into the pan
d. Heat some oil in a frying pan
33. …… your shoes before entering to keep the house clean
a. Don’t take off
b. Take off
c. Taking off
d. Taken off
34. ...... the door, so we can talk private
a. Close
b. Don’t close
c. Closing
d. Closed
35. She took her cellular phone …… soon after it rang
a. Quick
b. Regularly
c. Quickly
d. Basically
36. The bus driver can’t see …… because of the fog
a. Clearly
b. Clear
c. Careful
d. Carefully
37. Dave : Look! The firemen …… hard to put out the fire
Pepi : Yeah. It is risky work, Isn’t it?
a. Tried
b. Were trying
c. Will be trying
d. Are trying
38. Mother : Oh, Fakhi. I didn’t know that you have already come home.
Fakhi : I came home while you …… in the kitchen
a. Are cooking
b. Were cooking
c. Will be cooking
d. Cooked
39. Teri : Do you have a plan for this evening?
Soni : Yes. What’s up?
Teri : I intended to invite you to have dinner in my house at seven
Soni : I’d love to. But I …… my brother at the airport then.
a. Am picking up
b. Was picking up
c. Will be picking up
d. To pick up

What is she doing?

a. He is writing
b. She is cooking
c. She is writing
d. She is reading a newspaper
Text for questions number 41 – 44
Mila : Are you preparing dinner, mom?
Mother :Yes, I am, Mila. Look! The rice I cooked this morning is running out. Can you help me,
Mila : Sure, mom. What can I do for you?
Mother : Please prepare more rice in the rice cooker.
Mila : Ok. I will be preparing it after I wash my hands.
Mother : Thank you, dear.
Mila : Don’t mention it, mom.
41. What is Mila’s mother doing?
a. Preparing dinner
b. Preparing rice
c. Helping her daughter
d. Helping her mother
42. Is Mila’s mother asking for any help?
a. No, she is not.
b. No, she does not.
c. Yes, she is.
d. Yes, she does.
43. Why is Mila’s mother thinking that she needs to cook more rice? Because ……
a. Mila will be preparing the rice
b. The rice is running out
c. Mila should help her mother
d. Mila will be eating the rice
44. My family …… in Jakarta since 2003.
a. Moved
b. Lived
c. Has lived
d. Have lived
45. Q : “ …….?”
A : “ Yes, I have. I went there last month.”
Which questions is not suitable for that answer?
a. Have you ever gone to Paris?
b. Have you ever spoken French?
c. Have you ever traveled to Raja Ampat?
d. Have you ever been to an orphanage?
Look at the picture and choose the best imperative sentences


a. Slice the onions thinly

b. Fold the clothes neatly
c. Drain the noodles
d. Peel the carrots carefully

a. Cut the apples into the chunks

b. Measure the rice with the cup
c. Pour some cooking oil into the frying pan
d. Fold the clothes neatly
48. Ani : Have you seen this movie?
Yudo : ……
a. I’ve seen that movie five times in the last month
b. I have recovered
c. I have been here for a week
d. I see that movie
49. Which sentences doesn’t use the Present Perfect Tense?
a. I have checked my answers twice, Sir
b. I have already answered all the questions.
c. You may submit your sheet then.
d. I have not finished yet.
50. Tania : How long have you waited for me?
Soni : More than an hour. I have waited for you ……
a. This morning
b. Since seven o’clock
c. An hour ago
d. At once
1. C
2. B
3. D
4. B
5. D
6. C
7. D
8. B
9. C
10. D
11. D
12. D
13. A
14. D
15. A
16. D
17. C
18. C
19. A
20. A
21. C
22. C
23. C
24. B
25. B
26. C
27. A
28. D
29. B
30. C
31. C
32. B
33. B
34. A
35. C
36. A
37. D
38. B
39. C
40. B
41. A
42. C
43. B
44. D
45. B
46. C
47. C
48. A
49. C
50. B

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