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Scholarship abroad – study schedule

In the following document I will shortly explain the scholarship abroad-study schedule. Since
I applied for two-month programme I the plan I am presenting will be adopted to this period.
The work will be separated into two stages: collecting and processing data.
First and second week (10 days) will be devoted to field observation and survey. In this part
we will try to collect all the needed data and to create great amount of documentation as:
photos, GPS locations, field description, determination of the current state of these
archaeological monuments.
Third and fourth week (10 days) will be devoted to collecting data from the institution
databases and documentation from the relevant institutions. Even though the first part is
more crucial, this is also very important because with the set of data I will be able to do more
detailed analyses, proper for the thesis requirements.
In the fifth and sixed week (10 days) study of the literature and available maps and sorting of
the previous gained data will be conducted.
Seventh and eighth week (10 days) will be used for consultation and primary processing of
the data. Also, an important step where results will be sum up and future collaboration will
be negotiated. Both of my mentors, the one that I had for my master studies and thesis, prof.
D-r. Dragi Mitrevski and the mentor which I have now doc. Mgr. Ondřej Chvojka, Ph.D. are
partially familiar and worked on the problem of this phenomenon. I see this abroad
scholarship as an opportunity of merging this huge amount of knowledge and my willingness
and enthusiasm to learn and to gain knowledge which not only with result with conducting
my thesis, but also producing a future candidates and professionals which will operate

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