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Models of Human Resource Management Management Decision

Problem & Marketing
 Surendra Jagwan  October 19, 2015  13 Comments Research Problem
De ning the problem is the
most important step, because
The Human Resource Management model contain all human resource only when a problem has...

activities. When these activities are discharged effectively, they will result in
Nature and Characteristics
a competent and willing workforce who will help realize organizational of Entrepreneurship
The main characteristics of
goals. There is another variable in HR models - environment. It may be
entrepreneurship are given
stated that the Human Resource function does not operate in vacuum. It is below:  Economic Activity...  1/12
1/22/2020 Models of Human Resource Management - Professional Shiksha

influenced by several internal and external forces like economic, John

technological, political, legal, organizational and professional conditions. Kao’s
They provide an analytical framework for studying HRM ( for example, on
situational factors, stakeholders, strategic choice levels, competence). Entrepr
They legitimize certain HRM practices; a key issue here being the ip
distinctiveness of HRM practices: "It is not the presence of selection or John Kao thinks you need to
play on the job. "When people
training but a distinctive approach to selection or training that matters." use the word   play  in a...
They provide a characterization of HRM that establishes variables and
relationship to be researched.
They serve as a heuristic device - something to help us discover and Advertisement
understand the world of explaining the nature and significance of key HR
Following are major HRM Models:
· Matching Model of Fombrun, Tichy & Devanna Recent Posts
· The Harvard Model
· The Guest Model
· The Warwick Model Hypothesis
hypothesis is a
speci c
statement of...
1. Matching Model of Fombrun, Tichy &
Devanna: Project
This model held that HR system and the organizational structure should be Report
managed in a way that is congruent with organizational strategy. Main focus
was on the four functions of HRM i.e. selection, appraisal, development and
rewards and their inter relatedness.
Brand Loyalty
is a scenario
where the

identity and
identity stems from an...
This is the first and very simple model that serves as a heuristic framework
for explaining the nature and significance of the key HR activities. But it is
incomplete as it focuses only on four functions and ignores
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all environmental and contingency factors that impact HR functions.

2. The Harvard Model:

The harvard model claims to be comprehensive in as much as it seeks to
comprise six critical components of HRM. The dimensions included in the
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1/22/2020 Models of Human Resource Management - Professional Shiksha

model are: stakeholders interests, situational factors, HRM policy choices,

HR outcomes and long term consequences.
The Stakeholders interests recognize the importance of 'trade offs'
between the interests of the owner and those of employees. Trade offs also
exists among other interest groups. But this is the challenge of HR
► 2019 (13)
manager, who needs to balance the interests of all stakeholders.
The Situational Factors influence management's choice of HR strategy. ► 2018 (84)
the contingent factors included in the model include work force ► 2017 (63)
characteristics, management philosophy, labour market, task, technology
► 2016 (50)
and laws and social values.
▼ 2015 (23)
HRM Policy Choices emphasize the management's decisions and actions
in terms of HRM can be fully appreciated only if it is recognised that they ▼ October (4)
result from an interaction between constraints and choices. This model McClelland
theory of
outlines four HR Policy areas:
Employee Influence - delegated levels of authority, responsibility, power
Models of
HR Flows - recruitment, selection, promotion, appraisal, termination etc. Resource
Reward System - Pay system, motivation etc. Management
Work System - design of work and alignment of people
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These HRM policy choices lead to 4 Cs of HR Policy Outcomes, that have ► 2011 (1)
to be achieved:
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Cost Effectiveness
Report Abuse
Beer et al (1984) proposed that long term Consequences both benefits

and costs of HR policies should be evaluated at three levels: Individual, 3/12
1/22/2020 Models of Human Resource Management - Professional Shiksha

Organizational and Societal. These in turn should be analyzed using the 4

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The Feedback Loop is the sixth component of the Harvard Model. as was
stated above, situational factors influence HRM policy and choices, and are
influenced by long-term consequences. Similarly, Search
stakeholders interests influence HRM policy choices, and in turn, are
impacted by long-term consequences (see Figure)
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3. The Guest Model:

It was developed by David Guest in 1997 and claims to be much superior to
other models. This model claims that the HR manager has specific
strategies to begin with, which demand certain practices and when
executed, will result in outcomes. These outcomes include behavioral,
performance and financial related. (See Above Figure).



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The model emphasizes the logical sequence of six components i.e. HR

strategy, HR practices, HR outcomes, Behavioral outcomes, Performance
outcomes and Financial outcomes. Looking inversely, financial results About me
depend on employee performance, which in turn is the result of action IT Tools for Business
oriented employee behaviors. Behavioral outcome are the result of
employee commitment, quality and flexibility, which in turn are impacted by
Hr practices. HR practices need to be in turn with HR strategies which are
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invariably aligned with organizational strategies.

Management Decision 
4. The Warwick Model: Problem & Marketing
Research Problem 4/12
1/22/2020 Models of Human Resource Management - Professional Shiksha
De ning the problem is the
This model was developed by two researchers, Hendry and Pettigrew of
most important step, because
university of Warwick (hence the name Warwick model). Like other models, only when a problem has...

the Warwick proposition centres around five elements (See Figure):

Nature and
Outer Context (macro environmental forces) Characteristics of
Inner Context (firm specific or micro environmental forces) Entrepreneurship
The main characteristics of
Business Strategy Content entrepreneurship are given
below:  Economic Activity...
HRM Context
HRM Content
John Kao thinks you need to
play on the job. "When people
use the word   play  in a...

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How Advertising Works The
debate on how advertising
works is actually eight

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Disadvantages of E-
E-Governance in India Indian
government has launched
many   e-governance  ...

In the preceding section on
This model takes cognizance of business strategy and HR practices (as the involvement, we said that
considerable research has...
Guest Model), the external and internal context (unlike the Guest Model), in
which these activities take place, and the process by which such changes
take place, including interactions between changes in both context and s of
content. the strength of the model is that it identifies and classifies Huma
important environmental influences on HRM. It maps the connection Resour
between the external and environmental factors and explores how HRM ce
adapts to changes in the context. Obviously, those organisations achieving ement
The Human Resource
an alignment between the external and internal contexts will achieve
Management model contain
performance and growth. all human resource activities.
When these...

on of
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Innovation An innovation is an
idea, practice, or product,
Surendra Jagwan
Author: Surendra Jagwan  perceived to be new by an...


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