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Outpost Skulls Infinity March ‘19 Player's Pack

Skulls is back again!

When: Saturday the 23rd March, arriving at 8am with the first round starting by 8:30am.
Expected finish time around 6pm

Where: South Perth Community Hall, Corner of South Terrace and Sandgate Street,
South Perth

Cost: Ticket price is $30 each, with $5 discount for Outpost membership, with a further
$5 off the total if a player is playing in two tournaments over the weekend. If you bring
terrain you also get a free lunch (2 sausage sizzles and a drink).

Payment can be made in person at Outpost before the weekend or online:

Name: Outpost 6030 Incorporated BSB: 036 069 Acc #: 603 621

Electronic payments should include name and game within the payment reference (e.g. Ben
Addison, Infinity). Also, can you please notify me when you have paid so I can keep track
of who is coming / has paid.

What: 4 Games of Infinity for the day. Players are allowed 2x 300 point lists (same
sectorial and faction with no spec ops) with NO Limited Insertion or Soldiers of Fortune
Modifiers. The missions for the tournament are Acquisition, Firefight, Supplies and
Pairings: For the first Tournament Round pairings are assigned at random. From the second
Tournament Round on, a Swiss system is used. Players are ranked according to their
Tournament Points scores, and ties are broken by comparing accumulated Objective Points
scores. If the tie persists, compare the players’ accumulated Victory Points and, if this
fails to break the tie, the total Objective Points from all their previous opponents in the
tournament. Once all players are ranked, opponents are assigned in descending order of
ranking (first against second, third against fourth, etc.). Please note that your Victory
points refers to the number of surviving army points that you have at the end of the game.

Proxies: Will be allowed on the day as long as players using them clearly highlight these to
their opponent (please note only Corvus Belli miniatures are allowed on the day)

Army Lists: Players will be allowed two army lists, however are free to only use one list
during the day if that is their preference. There is no requirement for lists to be
submitted prior to the day however courtesy lists for player's opponents are mandatory.

Prizes: There will be a huge bunch of prizes as per normal including boxes, blisters,
patches, pins and terrain. Note also that the exclusive Aida Swanson will be up for grabs
at this event 

Please note the painting award for this event will go to the best model painted up to
represent a viable Lieutenant for your force! There will also be the usual Sportsmanship
award and best "newbie" (first ITS tournament) prize being given out on the day as well.

Timetable: Game time allowed will be 2 hours with a maximum of 3 turns per game (per
ITS rules).

8:00 to 8:30 - Arrive and Set Up

8:30 to 10:30 – Round 1: Acquisition

10:30 to 12:30 – Round 2: Firefight

12:30 to 1:00 - Lunch: Can be bought from Outpost and items on sale will include a sausage
sizzle, chocolates and drinks

1:00 to 3:00 – Round 3: Supplies

3:00 to 5:00 - Round 4: Unmasking

5:00 – 6:00 - Prizes and clean up

Registration: The tournament will be submitted as an official ITS tournament and as such
each player must provide me with their ITS number. The pairings for the day will be
handled by the ITS Tournament Manager App with player ITS numbers being essential.

Do my models need to be painted? No, while painted models are encouraged there is no
painting requirement for this tournament.

I'm a new player and am unsure if I should come: I'd encourage you to come along and give
it a go. Tournaments are a great place to learn the game and the community tends to be
very friendly and inviting

Contact: If you have any questions about this player pack or the tournament in general
please contact me on or post your questions / queries on the WA
Infinity Facebook Page

Looking forward to rolling some dice!

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