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ASTROLOGICAL Se MAGAZINE Chief Editor: Bangalore Niranjan Babu 50.00 November 2014 The Mathematical Genius ic CPanel La DT From this issue = Yoga Vasiisiiia Benedictory Message from our Kulaguru If j Dakshinamnaya Sri Sharada Peetham, Sringeri Sri Adi Shankaracharya has emphasized that one has to keep one’s ego or Ahankara—in check. Its sald that: sre ua sractceraaraf are a wa fata sfzeRATEH- He who was the emperor of the land, only in the morning, becomesanasceticin the forest by evening, Thisis used to illustrate that one who has great power and wealth can become a mendicantin no time. We too have seen with our own eyes many wealthy and haughty people becoming ordinary citizens. Such is. the temporal nature of possessions and power. One must never let ego run amok in the mind. Similarly, scholarship does not entitle one to special benefits if you commit a mistake. That is why everyone must remember what the great Acharya said —e¢fa fait 1a: Gaz, — that all these can be snatched away in an instant by time. At another place, Sri Shankaracharya says — sre cha He wera SCAT NTE BISA, — Give up lust, anger, greed, delusion and strive to know the Self. Thus the Acharya did not stop with penning His Bhashyas on the abstruse aspects of Vedanta. He provided a number of instructions in His other works that are applicable to all of mankind. Indeed, this is why He is revered as a Jagadguru— one who has shown the path of welfare to the entire world, If anyone turns his. back on these instructions, itis their choice. Who can stop one who digs a pit and plots his own downfall? Hence itis left to each one of us to grasp the teachings of the Jagadguru and better our lives, May each one strive along this direction and attain Shreyas, Jyothisha Chinta Nidhi 5 Saturn Transits into Scorpio Can the next 2 1/2 years be good for you ? Sind TF Srinivasa Ramanujan: Discourses Yoga Vashishta From this issue PANCHANGA for November 2014 29 Complementary Nature in Nature 37 THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE NOVEMBER 2016 1 ew aetologiaimagazina com RSTROLOGICAL mens sat quater wer: 1 eMAGAZINE at amr aremerer Tia det fae (het Eto Nranan Babu Bogaore ‘ie asholopeainagarine cm Those who know Astrology can only indicate Chief Editor and Publisher in a way what will take place in future. Bangalore Niranjan Babu Who else, except the Creator Brahma, asuphos masse om can say with certainty what will definitely happen ? The Astrological eMagazine appears the previous month of publication. ll rights reserved. No pt of the magazine may be ts reproduced in any form or by any means ‘without the prior writen permission of the publishers Contents Antcles submitted for publication in The Astrological eMagazine must be certified in Py ‘writing bythe author that they have not been published earlier in any form whatsoever. [| Jyothisha Chinta Nidhi 3 Unsolicited manuscripts wil not be returned. Views expressed in the articles are not Ganoseuseee necessarily those of the Bio. The Ear crvesthe right to reject, revie or rewrite J Saturn Transits into Scorpio - any article/material without assigning any ff Cam the next 1/8 years be good for you? s son whatsoever und no eorespondence willbe entertained in this regard Dr. Bevcavone Sunesunana All published articles will become [| Seinivasa Ramanujan: The Genius Mathematician ° automatically copyrighted to The Astrological eMagazine unless otherwise fP pyzry YuwsnoeTonma Snaate sated, ‘Yoga Vashishta - Discourses “4 ‘The publisher assumes no responsibility for products or services alverised by oct | Surya Prakash Memorlal Endowment Lecture on than The Astrological Magazine. No free insertion of any advertisement alleging typosraphical or other mistakes will be | SHM¥Is€ and Sunset Timings for November 2014 cy ziven, pal ‘The Astrofogical eMagazine Panchanga for November 2014 29 Niranjan Babu Bangalore OIC, Sarathy Apartments, Yemacms 48, 13h Cross, th Main, Malleswaram, ‘This Month for You November 2014 se angalore-560 003 Tel: 491-80-2336 6864 DK. Mass & D. K. Hosts Has ‘nfoasteologicalmagerine com oigiscicalacy finiare ia Hedure ‘ww wastologiealmagaine com Somoleseeine’ Netee moe % Timings for Rahukala, Gulikakala and Yamakantaka 0 2 NovEMER 2014 THE ASTROLOGICAL @MAGAZINE vow astoogialmagazne com Jyothisha Chinta Nidhi wafers fart fafer YAINAVALKYA Thalakkulathur Govinda Bhattathiri The Astrological Genius of Kerala ROPING INTHE DARK, Bhattathiri somehow came near a small hut, In a flash of powerful lightning Bhattathiri was able to see a cot with a mat and pillow in an open but covered portico of a house. Being too tired Bhattathiri was quick to hit the bed. Immediately he was immersed in sound sleep. ‘The house belonged to a drunkard. He had, ina fit of inebriation had quarrelled with his wife and gone away. The dutiful wife had provided a cot and mat for him so that he could lie and sleep in comfort as soon as he came back a bit saner and sober, which of course, he never did, that night. ‘After past midnight, the lady of the house woke up and in her anxiety, came out to check whether her husband had returned home. When she saw someone sleeping on the cot, she was too sure that it was her husband, as none else ‘would dare sleep on the cot. Without any hesitation she Tay beside the man on the cot. Bhattathiri, as any ordinary human, suffering from the chill of the night was much in need of the neamess and warmth ofa woman. In that licker of that deleterious moment, oblivious of all his earlier resolves and decisions he accepted the lady as his mate It was dawn when Bhattathiri woke up and found the funny situation to which he had been drawn into, He asked the woman about her. The woman realized her folly in mistaking a stranger for her husband for the night, She said: "Sir, lam a Kaniyan woman, an untouchable. Please tell me what can I do now?" It took no time for Bhattathiri to know that he had fallen from his high caste and become a brishta or outeaste. The much-dreaded prediction had come true, He was quick to assess the planetary map for the moment and was too sure of what was going to happen. Consoling the sobbing ‘woman Bhattathiri told: "There is no point in worrying over what has happened. This is God's will. You are ‘continued from the October 2014 issue of The AeM destined to get a son from me, He will becomea great man and bring pride to you and your clan, Tam on my way to go on pilgrimage and cannot therefore stay here, We will ‘meet again if so ordained by the Almighty." Bhattathiri revealed his idemtty to the woman and left the place. This gatchouse where Bhattathiri was destined to sleep on that fateful night forced by the power of the irrevocable fate was also destined to become a famous spot of worship and reverence to all the astrologers and native physicians of Kerala, The founder of this distinguished spot was none else than the son born to Bhattathiri from the Kaniyan woman. There can be none in Kerala who has not heard of this Pazhoorpadippura and the famous prasnakriyas done daily even today, by the worthy descendants of the son of Bhattathiri at the samadhi of that illustrious astrologer-saint Bhattathiri, having become a brishta, undertook a very Jong pilgrimage to North India and visited many holy places. Many years later he returned to his homeland, altired as a Sanyasi. Bhattathiri's son by the Kaniyan woman had by this time grown up. He was not only young and handsome but also a distinguished scholar. He had mastered the science of astrology proving to be the chip of his father’s block. He ‘was so famous that not even a single prediction of his went wrong. Those who were old and knew Bhattathiri were comparing him with that sage for his uncanny predictions, ‘unaware of all these turns of events One day a Namboodiri Brahmin whose wife was pregnant ‘met the young Kaniyan youth to ascertain whether the child expected would bea boy ora girl. The Kaniyan, after some calculations, predicted that the child would be a girl and the prediction came true. Since then it was the habit of that Namboodiri Brahmin to come to the Kaniyan every- time his wife conceived and without fail the predictions came true. The Kaniyan was adept in writing out the horoscope of the expected child even before it was born! During the past period of time the Namboodiri had already nine daughters when his wife conceived again, The poor THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE NOVEMBER 2014 3 ew aetologiaimagazina com ‘man was sad but was hoping against hopes that at least the next one woulld be a boy. He went to the Kaniyan, as usual, to find out whether there was any hope for a son, this time at least. But the Kaniyan emphatically told him that the tenth child would also be a girl, Readers must remember that those were days when family planning and female focticide was unknown. It was then, that the poor Namboodiri was pining in grief over his fate he met the sanyasi Bhattathiri, near the village tank. Taking compassion over the grieved face of the Brahmin, Bhatiathiri asked him the reason for his unhappiness. Namboodiri explained his situation. The visitor told him that since it was just over a ‘month since the latest child was conceived, there was still hope for the child to be born as a boy. It was made known to the visitor that the famous Kaniyan had already declared that the child to be born would only be a girl and in view of the past experience of faultless predictions of Kaniyan there was no hope left for the poor Brahmin, But the visitor Brahmin was optimistic. He assured the poor man that if he could maintain him with food and shelter for forty days he would be able to make the next child to be born as a boy. ‘The Namboodiri though sceptical, agreed to the proposal, as for him a trial may cost nothing, The visitor sanyasi, from that day onwards, ‘was regular in giving the pregnant wife of the Namboodiri some ghee, fortified with special mantras and prayer. ‘When the period of forty days were over, Bhattathiri left the village again, assuring the Namboodiri that he will be coming back to the village before the confinement to prove his prediction. Digressing for a while, it is worth remembering what Charaka, the famous Indian physician and author of Charakasamhita has to say about the rites and remedies to be administered under favourable and auspicious influences of a select constellation to effect a change of sex in the womb of a pregnant woman, Both Dr, Raman and his grandfather Prof. Suryanarayana Rao have written extensively on this subject. The rules of the Pumsavana Samskara laid down by our ancients and the nasyakriya or application of the medicinal nasal drops to the pregnant woman during the ceremony are themselves intended to secure a male progeny. Dr. Raman explains the etymology of the word The juice of unbroken and fresh buds of a good banyan tree (picus indica) is to be administered with cow's milk, as nasal drops on the Pushyami nakshatra day until the third month of the pregnancy, Pumsavana canena (by this ‘pung (male) syate (is produced) or male producing rite. ‘The juice of unbroken and fresh buds of a good. banyan tree (picus indica) is to be administered with cow's milk, as nasal drops on the Pushyami rnakshatra day until the third month ofthe pregnancy. Dr. Sivachandra, Director of India Medicines. conducted experiments, with 40 pregnant women, in 1972 at Hyderabad. In my own experience, when I suggested and experimented, the kriya, over the years, with some of my close friends and relatives in seven cases, five of them got male children. ‘The other two failed, perhaps, because the rules were not meticulously followed, as they were away at Delhi. ‘They could not get fresh buds and Kept the buds secured in the refrigerator and used them later. Even now we can see in our villages, those elders with mantrasiddhi do the Santhanagopaalamantra Prayoga, give sanctified ghee or butter to the early expectant mothers with faith to get the desired results. It is sufficient to surmise that Bhattathiti ‘would have adopted one of the methods suggested in our mantrasastras or Ayurvedic and other Vedic principles. Time flew fast. On the day of the expected delivery, the Namboodiri Brahmin arrived at the residence of Kaniyan and sat at the gatehouse to ask him once again whether he could expect male child. Bhattathiri had also arrived in the garb of a sanyasi. When Kaniyan arrived at the gatehouse the visitor sanyasi also butted in and sat there. When the Namboodiri asked Kaniyan to review his prediction, the latter retorted saying whether he could cite an instance of failure of his prediction, Sanyasi was quick to proclaim that child would be a boy and told Kaniyan that his prediction would go wrong. At that time a cow was labouring to deliver acalf atthe premises. The sanyasi confronted Kaniyan to tell what the calf would be. Kaniyan had no hesitation to proclaim that the calf would be a male one with a white spot on its forehead, Sanyasi was quick to dismiss his version and told that the calf would be a male, of course, without any white spot while the brush of its tail would be white, Soon the cow delivered the calf and the calf though was ‘male had no white spot on its forehead but the tail had a white brush! ‘continued on 13 4 NOVEMBER 2014 THE ASTROLOGICAL @MAGAZINE vow astoogialmagazne com Saturn Transits into Scorpio Can the next 2 1/2 years be good for you ? Garcacuarys ATURN ENTERS SCORPIO on 2.11.2014, He isin Visakha 4th quarterin the beginning and enters Anuradha ‘on 30.11.2014, He becomes retrograde on 15.3.2015, He resumes direct motion on 3.8.2015. He continues to stay in Anuradha. He enters Jyestha on 25.3.2016. He resumes direct motion on 14.8.2016, He is still in Jyestha, He enters Sagittarius on 26.10.2017 when he enters Scorpio, The Moon isin Aquarius in Satabhishaka. According to Murti nimaya method, he assumes Svarnamurti for Aquarius, Cancer and Sagittarius. He dons Rajatamurti for Pisces, Gemini and Libra, He has the attire of Tamaramuirti for Aries, Leo and Scorpio and he assumes the grab of Lohamurti for Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. Rajata, Tamara, Loha and Svarna give full, %, Y and M good results respectively, Saturn being a malefic MESHA (ARIES) [Aswini, Bharani and Krittika 1] Saturn in the 8th is inauspicious, but being Tamramurti his bad effects are to a great extent reduced On the whole problems about profession torments him. His actions do not bear fruit. At the same time, he feels a bit comfortable when the difficulties imagined do not actually take place. In some cases threat of losing position or setbacks in business though contemplated do not actually happen. In this process, there is the favour from unexpected sources. Similarly attempt to mobilize funds for development activities meet with partial success. Money lent by you will not return, But you exercise influence and get over these problems. Obstacles to ventures undertaken make you unhappy, but you may find that you get the cooperation of your associates and matters are solved easily. Those who are engaged in industries may find labour problems and problems relating to raw materials. But they solve these though great effort is required. ‘Though you face an avalanche of obstacles, things become brighter after July 2015, There will be significant changes. Nearly for a year you find surprising changes. There will be gains from unexpected quarters and you will be amused by the new developments. The hurdles in the profession pale into insignificance and many changes, which caused difficulties, recede and you develop fortitude and take up the challenges with ease and nonchalance. ‘There will be success in | THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE NOVEMBER 2014 ew aetologiaimagazina com ‘There will be some setbacks after August 2016, Still you will be able to manage, but for the isolation you face at times. Many of your projects partially succeed. After September things become once again better and the period ends on a note of good cheers despite the problems you face. Aswini: There will be trials and tribulations till November 2014. You feel disappointed at the turn of events. Thereafter you feel quite happy throughout the remaining period Bharani: Initially you feel happy at the success. After November 2014, you feel disappointed at the reverses. After March 2016, you meet with success and feel quite fortunate. Krittika 1: Problems of health torment you till November 2014. Thereafter you succeed in ventures till March 2015. Towards the close there will be setbacks. VRISHABHA (TAURUS) [Krittika 2, 3, 4, Rohini, Mrigasira 1, 2] Saturn occupies the 7th which is not favourable and he assumes the Lohamurti, which showers one-half benefits. The picture is not encouraging. Still the native gets some benefits in profession and matters connected with properties. The initial experience is bitter, it becomes better gradually, and after August 2016 you see the beginning of good results. What is required is caution. Your own acts are at times responsible for setbacks. You may rely on people who actually mislead you. You are quite unaware of the way you are led. Only in the end when you find things turning topsy-turvy dashing the glass bubble of your hopes, you realise the clovenhoof ofthe entire plot, Your wife’s health may cause concern, You may with good intentions, present your views to the higher-ups who view it as an act of defiance and develop acrimony towards you. Though by August 2016 they realize the errors of rash decisions made earlier, it will be late for making amendments. ‘The proposals for marriage of your child, you may be forced to take up speculation and similar acts partly prompted by people feigning friendship. But you are not likely to succeed in such things. You may end up with disappointed. You may get chances for foreign travel. But it ends as a ritual. Despite the pains taken by you and the enthusiasm evinced by you the benefits are meagre. The fact is that promises are not, kept up by the foreign employers. Even in other cases, deputation sought after by you comes to you, but ends unceremoniously. Your vaulting ambition may force you to invest all your fortune and start as memorable venture. Excercise caution and do not indulge in risk-involving schemesPlease remember that discretion is the better part of valour, Towards August 2016 you find that your problems get solved to some extent and you can hope for better day 6 NovEMBER 2014 THE ASTROLOGICAL @MAGAZINE vow astoogialmagazne com Krittika 2, 3, 4: Till November 2014, you face numerous problems. Thereafter you fee! happy till March 2015. Afterwards, there will be setbacks. Rol ill November 2014, you are successful in ventures. Thereafter various problems disturb you till March 2015. Afterwards you meet with success. ‘Mrigasira 1, 2: Till November 2014, your schemes get aborted. Afterwards, you succeed till March 2015. Then again there will be some setbacks MITHUNA (GEMINI) (Mrigasira 3,4, Aridra, Punarvasu 1,2,3] Saturn is in the 6th and assumes Rajatamurti and the period of sojourn of Saturn in Scorpio will be splendid. You will be even bewildered at the turn of events much to your surprise and restoration of losses taking place. Though you may become anxious about some matters partially to the diffidence you have developed there is no need for such things. Disputes on properties get settled in your favour. Till June 2015 you are crowned with success and succeed in all your ventures. Afterwards the initial euphoria you have developed may get reduced, but you go on with your trade successfully A businessman may fee! that the tremendous success which he faced in the beginning is not absent, but there may be some Lull due to the feeling of satisfaction. Marriage proposals for your children are quite successful till June 2015, though afterwards the degree of success may get reduced. One important result is that your industry pays you. You work hard and discharge your duties, with a high sense of responsibility and you are rewarded well in the end. You have good relation with relatives and friends. But your status conscious nature at times may preclude mingling with the common man. Yet you should banish aside such characteristics and try to identify yourself with the society. In that you will be really successful.If you are engaged in business, you are free to start the new ventures at your will and pleasure and you head towards success. Many obstacles vanish. You find that Goddess of Fortune smiles on you. A memorable period indeed. Mrigasira 3, 4: Till 2015 you may find some problems which get obliterated after that. There may be setbacks towards the end, but these are not significant. Aridra: Till November 2014, there will be tremendous success. Then some setbacks disturb you till December 2016, Afterwards you feel cheerful. Punarvasu 1, 2, 3: Till November 2014, problems of health disturb you. Then you have financial gains. Afier December 2015, there are some minor problems. THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE NOVEMBER 2014 7 ew aetologiaimagazina com KARKATAKA (CANCER) [Punarvasu 4, Pushya, Ashlesha] Saturn is in the Sth which is not a good position. Moreover he dons the grab of Svarnamurthi the most unwelcome position for a malefic. gees! St./ The picture is quite disappointing in general. You face travails and /ZaSrsS, turmoil in general but for some good resulting occasionally and in ‘ the beginning until June 2015. % There will be quarrels in domestic life. If you are young your tussles with the siblings make you unhappy. If you are grown up the skirmishes with the kith and kin on issues connected with family matters disturb you. In official life you find strong opposition. Despite your efforts you are sidelined and even the credit for the commendable work you have done is usurped by an antagonist. Your travel plans get delayed. But till June 2015 some success can be expected. You also may find that your hard labour is rewarded occasionally, but it is just an apology for similar rewards. Joint ventures may be helpful. But have also your partner should be selected carefully. A complete stranger may prove to be very deceitful. There may be Trojan horses occasionally who subvert your schemes. Out of the desire to earn moreyou may leave the present job and seek another. But you may fall from the frying pan into the fire. Overtime allowance may be promised and you may be even assigned work. But you will not be rewarded as expected. The real problem is that you may earn well at times. Still the expenses mounts high and you are disappointed in the end.It is necessary to remain taciturn in general. You may incur the displeasure of your kinsmen and endanger yourself. Punarvasu 4: Till November 2014 you are concerned about health. Thereafter there will be financial gains. After December 2015 you face setbacks. Pushya: In the beginning you are successful. Till December 2015 you face many problems. Thereafter you are successful. Aslesha: In the beginning you feel cheerful. After November 2014 also the situation continues. After December 2015, you face setbacks. continued on 18 8 NovEMBER 2014 THE ASTROLOGICAL @MAGAZINE vow astoogialmagazne com Dr Bangalore Sureshwara has been involved in the study of the application of Ramayana, Mahabharata, Bhagavad Gita and Vedic Astrology in modern life. His lectures and writings on Ramayana, Hinduism, Vedie Astrology, “Ramayana and Management” have been well received. He was the principal speaker on Vedie Astrology at The Second Parliament of the World's Religions held in Chicago in August-September 1993, He has been a distinguished contributor to The Astrological Magazine, Asia's leading Vedie Astrology journal ‘founded in 1895 by Professor B. Suryanarain Rao. The illustrious Dr: BY. Raman was its Editor from 1932 to 1938. Dr: Sureshwara obtained Master's ‘and Doctorate in Engineering {from the University of Notre Dame, USA, He has taught Civil, Structural and Mechanical Engineering at undergraduate ‘and postgraduate levels at various universities in USA. His varied and extensive industry experiences cover Civil, Structural, Fire Protection, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. Professor Sureshwara has taught “Ramayana, Bhagavad Gita and Management and related courses 10 MBA Classes Srinivasa Ramanujan: The Genius Mathematician India’s Eternal Gift to the World Dr. BANGALORE SURESHWARA, known as Genius Ramanujan wasbornto Komalatammal and her husband Srinivasa on Thursday, the ninth day of Margasirsha (Margazhi) of Sarvajit, corresponding to 22nd December 1897 at Erode. The time of birthin a family document is indicatedas 6,00 PM.The family, although poor, came from a generation of Sanskrit scholars who were also familiar with Vedic spite of the “curse” of poverty on the family, mother Komlatammal struggled to keep the family together. S RINIVASA RAMANUJAN ATYANGAR, more popularly The story of Ramanujan’s life is a remarkable one by any standards. Aman bor inan extremely poor family, filled with extraordinary challenges throughout his life and overcoming significant hurdles on the way ends up as the greatest mathematician the world has, produced and possibly willever produce in the future. He is the real role-model for any youngster who wants fo be the next greatest mathematician, scientist, engineer, doctor or even the next “Ramanujan” It willnot be a surprise if the world of the twenty first century and later will hardly believe that such a person ever existed on this planet. There are many informative publications covering the life of Ramanujan and his extensive contribution to Mathematics. The book The Man Who Knew Infinity (A Life of the Genius Ramanujan) by Robert Kanigel is anoutstanding biographical and information filledreference publication. It carries detailed information covering the life of Ramanujan as well as many technical aspects of mathematics speciallycovering his immense contribution to mathematics. Kanigel’s book is a valuable reference for anyone interested in Ramanujan and mathematics. Many of Ramanujan’s theorems and discoveries have found extensive and extraordinary applications in modern science and technology. THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE NOVEMBER 2014 9 ew aetologiaimagazina com Child Prodigy Evolves into Adult Genius Ramanujan was a child prodigy. A significant and important aspect of his life was that he evolved as a self-taught genius in mathematics. He had mastered trigonometry thoroughly by the age of twelve. He was inventing and discovering advanced and specialized theorems that left his teachers with no words to express the genius shown by their young student.From the age offourteen he received merit certificates and academic awards, He was completing the examinations in half or less of the allotted time and was already showing his familiarity with infinite series. Ramanujan was also knowledgeable in astrology and had apparently predicted his own death before the age of thirty five years. His intuition was remarkable and that is possibly a reason that while presenting complex mathematical theorems, he did not, unlike other mathematicians, make efforts to present solid or extensive proofs often needed or expected from ‘mathematicians to prove the validity electronic “tablet”), wrote on it using a chalk-like “pencil” and used his elbow to erase the writing, Poverty never stopped him from his passion of pursuing mathematics to the highest levels possible to mankind. Destiny or Life ‘Synthesis of Prarabdha Karma, Free-will and Intuition Astrology is the subject that correlates the indications shown by the planetary positions at birth with the possible events in an individual's life, The correlationsare based oon the principle that Prarabdhakarma or the karma that is generated by one’s actions or inactions in previous life or lives has an effect on one’s current life. Horoscope is thecorrelation mapthat indicates the locations of the planets and their geometry of relationships.,The sages and seers have repeatedly said thatthe information provided by the horoscope is indicative and not deterministic. Further, the human free-will or human-effort possibly influences the indications. Therefore, an individual through free of the presented theorems. Hetook great care about acknowledging the help he received from others. It is said that his conversation with friends mostly related to complex Ramanujan was knowledgeable in astrology and had apparently predicted his own death before the age of thirty five years will, can overcome or minimize the challenges or difficulties indicated in the horoscope, while also ensuring significantfulfillment of positive or encouraging indications. Thus, an individual creates his or her own mathematics. He would try to explain his extraordinary discoveries or inventions to his school class mates for whom most of the material and explanations presented were way above their limited understanding of mathematics. Ramanujan entered college in Kumbakonam in 1903. His infinite passion for ‘mathematics resulted in focusing only on its study and virtually ignoring all other subjects. It is reported that he would finish a three-hour mathematics examination in about thirty minutes, However, he failed in F.A. (first arts) examinations from Government College, Kumbakonam in 1904 and 1905. Again, he failed F.A. from Pachiyappa College, Madras (now Chennai) in 1906 and 1907. It appeared either he was not destined to get a degree in India or India was not fortunate enough to recognize one of her most distinguished genius son with a formaldegree. Later, England was fortunate to award him degrees. It is important to recognize that even though there were “academic failures”, Ramanujan’s reputation as an outstanding mathematician continued to rise by leaps and bounds. At the Port Trust, he may have been an “ordinary clerk” but for those who came in contact with hin he was an extraordinary person and a genius in the making. He continued on his own advanced research studies. He could not afford even to buy writing paper to do the complex and voluminousmathematical calculations. He used a slate, a mini “black-board” (early nineteenth century non- satisfactory “destiny” when free-will and PrarabdhaKarma walk together.On the other hand, ‘when an individual effort is not sufficient or inadequate, there is every possibility of Prarabdha Karma and free- will walking away from each other, thereby creating significantly less than a satisfactory “destiny” or life. Divine Blessings as Ramanujan experienced in his life can be expressed or considered as intuition. Intuition is powerful possible catalyst for the successful synthesis of horoscope indications and human efforts. My father Dr. B.V. Rawiay has clearly and repeatedly indicated that intuition is a very helpful tool not only to the astrologers but also to all others. Ninth house represents intuition coupled with knowledge. It is reasonable to consider that horoscope, free-will and intuition as the three principle pillars of “destiny” or life of an individual. They appeared to have significant roles in events and decisions that happened in Ramanjun’ short life. The intuition in Ramanujan’s life was not an “ordinary” intuition but an extraordinary one, Ramanujan and his family were ardent devotees of Goddess Namagiri (Goddess Lakshmi), consort of Lord Narasimha (fourth incarnation of Lord Vishnu) of Namakkal. Right from his young age he believed that his extraordinary ability to understand complex and advanced mathematics was due to the blessings of Goddess Namagiri, He said, "An equation TONOvENBER 2014 THE ASTROLOGICAL @MAGAZINE vow astoogialmagazne com for me has no meaning, unless it represents a thought of God”. Ramanujan said that the Goddess gave Her Blessings for his trip to England in a dream, In a nutshell, one can summarize that horoscope is the map of Prarabdha Karma or one’s potential and intuition is the result of merging of faith or devotion and God's Blessings Some astrologers will debate endlessly, whetherthe effects of human-effort influenced Prarabdha Karmaor divine-blessed intuition had a greater role in molding Ramanujan’s destiny ot life. Possibly, Ramanujan would have been the only person to know the truth As a devotee of Goddess Namagiri, Ramanujan would have expressed Life in the simplest mathematical formor equation. Destiny or Lif Prarabdha Karma (planetary indications) + Di Blessing and/or Extraordinary Intuition + Free Will (human effort) Saturn and Venus Embrace Ramanujan Just as Ramanujan appeared to be an enigma to many, the Rasi and Navamasa charts are also somewhat puzzling. (One would normally expect thatthe chart of an exceptional person would indicate certain obvious, definite and clear pattern of planets occupying auspicious or favorable positions, such as one or more planets in exaltations, quadrants and trines, vargottama and/or favorable aspects. It appears that a first look at the Rasi chartof Ramanujan shown alongside does not give an outright clue as to what ‘makes it stand out. A single planet (Moon) isin an exalted position in the Navamasa chart. However, intuition, the ‘mark of divine blessing, had a significant role in the life of the mathematician, The present astrological review will focus on the Rasi chart-The Ascendant is Gemini and Rasi or the Moon-sign is Pisces. Gemini ascendants are highly inclined towards mathematics and often become experts. The 2nd lord Moon is auspicious and located in the 10th house. Second house represents family, wealth and optimism. Ramanujan’s optimism was superb and he had enough “wealth” to live a simple value and spiritual based life. He had good attachment to his family Some of the attributes or characteristics contained in ‘Vedic Astrology for the location of planets in specific signs are indicated, Sun in Sagittarius: respected and popular; Moon in Pisces: good reputation and spiritually inclined; Mercury in Scorpio: bold and reckless. Jupiter in Scorpio: passionate and proud: Saturn in Cancer: poor and stubborn, Venus it Libra: Statesman, Rah and Ketu give the results of the lords of the houses they occupy. Rahu gives the results of Sun in Cancer (expert astrologer and sickly) and Ketu gives the results of Saturn in Capricorn (intelligent, intellectual and learned). The above indicated characteristics of the various planets, by and large, also defined Ramanujan’s life and also laid the foundation for him to rise from a person of ordinary and simple background to the dazzling heights of extraordinary achievements. Moan ea vee |S wm | | Eat, | | weer Ke Resi Navemsa ta ae ie = Mars. sau) " se | Bet | ean | tsa) | oe Venus, 5th and 12th lord, ed in Libra, its own house. Thus, Venus is favorable, A retrograde planet is, favorable even in an enemy or depression rasi or navamasa and indicates effects similar to its location in the exalted position Retrograde Saturn 8th and 9thlord, isin 3rd house. ‘Thus, any 8th house influence is rather limited Therefore, Saturn is auspicious or favorable, Saturn’s embrace is, welcome and desirable, Thus Venus and Satur, Mercury and Moon contribute to the overall glow of the chart Saturn dasa was from birth to July 1894, Mercury dasa was from July 1894 to July 1911. Ketu dasa lasted from July 1911 to July 1918. Venus dasa started in July 1918 and he was running Venus bhukthi atthe time of his death on April 6, 1920, The dasas of Saturn, Mercury and Ketu helped Ramanujan to gradually ascend the divine-blessed pedestal of genius, Further, as retrograde Satur is in conjunetion with Rahu, it reduces to a great extent, Rahu’s role as apotential or possible mischief maker-The eighth house lord is Saturn and Ketu is in it andindicates religion and spiritual orientation. Rahu and Saturn aspect the 8th house. Saturn aspect of Ketu is favorable THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE NOVEMBER 2014 11 ew aetologiaimagazina com ‘The 3rd house indicates courage, siblings and intelligence. Sun, lord of 3, is located in 7th house. This indicates Sun's influence tilts towards being more auspicious than otherwise Mother is represented by the 4th house. The fourth house lord is ascendant lord Mercury and is occupied by Mars, lord of 6 and 11. The fourth house is aspected by Moon, the lord of second and retrograde Saturn, Moon and Satum influences are auspicious and signifies cordial relationship between the mathematician and his mother. Ramanujan was a dutiful son to his mother. His mother recognized from the comments and stories that went around the school and neighborhood that her son was not an ordinary youngster but an extraordinary genius, Her motherly intuition coupled with her interpretation of the horoscope clearly convinced her that her son would reach high pinnacle in life and would provide relief to her and the family from the poverty driven day-to-day-life Even after death, Ramanujan’s eternal reputation enabled continuing financial support to his mother and the two younger brothers. Fifth house indicates fame and position. Venus in the Sth represents intelligence, affuble manners, and statesmanlike ability. The 6th house denotes illness, diseases and enemies. Mats, lord of 6 and 1 is located in 4th and, therefore, the sixth house is not fullyauspicious Ramanujan experienced health problems throughout his life, He fell ill in England in 1917 and his condition worsened in England, possibly impacted by the limited availability of vegetarian food. He was diagnosed with tuberculosis and a severe vitamin deficiency He was in England from 14th April 1914 to 27th February 1919. When, he returned to India in April 1919, he was very sick. Mother Komalatammal was familiar in using local- Janguage Panchanga (religious and astrological almanac) and other simple standard references that contained reasonable information related to religious ceremonies, including marriage and various other samskaras (traditional social-teligious-rituals), She seemed to have reasonable familiarity with comparisons of horoscopes for ‘marriages and selecting a date for marriage. She compared the horoscopes of nine-year old Janaki and her twenty-two year old son and was satisfied that it was a reasonable and ‘a comfortable match, The marriage took place on July 14, 1909, Apparently, Ramanujan’s father Srinivasa was not happy because he was not actively involved in the selection of the bride. It may have been the reason for the father not attending the marriage. In 1912, three years later, Janaki joined her husband. They became a family. Seventh house indicates spouse and marital happiness. Jupiter, lord of 7 and 10, is located in 6th. Jupiter is less favorable Mercury is in the 6th house. But, as ascendant lord, Mercury is addition, auspicious Mercury tends to reduce any inauspicious influence of Jupiter, Venus in Libra is an indicator for a successful marriage. The short married life of Ramanujan and Janaki, though challenging, was a happy one.Ramanujan’s work in higher mathematics was beyond the understanding of ‘most people, including young Janaki. Spiritual planet Ketu in 8th house is significantly influenced by retrograde Saturn and thus becomes auspicious Spiritualism and values were significant part of Ramanujan’s life. Ramanujan’s devotion to Goddess ‘was so intense that nothing else, including mathemati meant anything to him.Ninth house signifies faith divine, religion and spirituality. Retrograde Saturn as lord of 9th house is auspicious. This indicates good relationship with the father The 10th house, indicator for career or profession, is influenced by Moon, Mars, and Jupiter. Moon, lord of the 2nd, is auspicious, Mars, 6th and 1th lord is in the 4th and aspects 10th house. Jupiter’s effect can be considered to be not encouraging, Mars is neutral rather than showing tendencies of inauspiciousness. Ramajunan had a rewarding career as a mathematician par-excellence, but at every step he had to work very hard to achieve his rightful place in life and history. The umbrella of divinity protected him ‘Swayambu Ramanujan Discovers Hardy Ramanujan wrote on 16th January 1913 a letter, in which ‘was enclosed a long listof complex theorems, to Professors HLF. Baker, E, W. Hobson, and G. H, Hardy of Cambridge University. It was only the genius mathematician Professor Hardy, a Fellow of Trinity College, observed the brilliant ‘material contained in Ramanujan’s theorems. After reading the initial unsolicited communication by an unknown and “formally” untrained Indian mathematician, Hardy and his colleague J.B. Littlewood appear to have commented T2NOvENBER 2014 THE ASTROLOGICAL @MAGAZINE vow astoogialmagazne com that, "not one theorem could have been set in the most advanced mathematical examination in the world." Even though, Hardy was one of the well-known mathematicians of that time and an expert in several areas, he added that many of the theorems "defeated me completely. had never seen anything in the least like them before”. After, understandably, some hesitancy, scepticism and disbelief, Hardy invited Ramanujan to England. It was the beginning of a very successful academic collaboration that not only brought a revolution in the field of mathematies but more importantly the world became aware that India could produce not merely a genius but possibly the greatest genius in the world-of-mathematics, Hardy compared Ramanujan, in terms of genius, to the ‘mathematical giants Leonard Euler and Carl Gustav Jacob id “I did not invent him. Like other great ‘men, he invented himself”, It is remarkable that Hardy, over the next thirty plus years, brought to the attention of the world to Ramanujan and his legacy, Many, directly or indirectly, claimed ctedit for “discovering” Ramanujan, One is reminded of a classical proverb that “success has ‘many fathers and failure is an orphan”. It is said that Ramanujan discovered Hardy. Many believe and have remarked that Ramanujan was swayambu or self-born. In simple terms, it is not an exaggeration to say that he had created himself, Professor George Andrews, then a mathematics professor at University of Wisconsin made a visit to Cambridge in 1976. During the visit, he discovered the “Lost Notebook” from a huge pile of unorganized papers that were to be possibly destroyed in a matter of days. The collection of “neglected” papers contained the very valuable “mock sheta functions” document and other papers. Mock theta function was the subject matter of Professor's thesis. This indicated that the discovered papers contained the work conducted by Ramanujan during the last year of his life in India, His final invaluable gift to the world was the discovery of “mock theta functions”. Ramanujan was a pioneering mathematician who gave the world new theories and formulas that revolutionized this field of study. He is considered as one of the world's greatest-ever mathematicians, proving over 3,000 advanced theorems. Ramanujan’s 1914 paper on “Modular Equations and Approximations to Pi” has led to computer algorithms for evaluating “pi” that are fastest in use today. Final Thoughts Like many of the great personalities of the world, ‘Ramanujan was recalled by God at the rather young age of thirty-two, ‘While Ramanujan’s unique and extraordinary contribution to mathematies was recognized by England, America and other Westem countries, India was rather slow to come forward to embrace her illustrious son who had brought so much glory to her. Janaki, the aging and later the aged orphan daughter of India was mostly ignored and for decades she led a difficult life. Limited pensions were given to her in her last years by the government and other institutions, She never complained at the treatment given toher, She was satisfied and extremely gracious to indicate that Ramanujan had once told her that mathematics would give financial support to her, regardless of whether he lived or not. She was 94, when she passed away in 1994, While working on this article, 1 am delighted that I discovered that in the last half century or so many information filled books and articles on Ramanujan and his mathematical contributions were published and are available in libraries.Genius Ramanujan will be remembered for as long as the Sun and the Moon shine over the world, (Written. 13th October 2014) . Jyothisha Chinta Nidhi (coninued from 9) Kaniyan was shaken to his roots, as it was the first time imhis life he was experiencing a failure of his prediction, While he was looking with awe and great respect for the Sanyasi, a message was brought that the wife of the poor Namboodiri had delivered a boy. That was enough to floor the Kaniyan. ‘And in great bewilderment he asked the Sanyasi, with great humility and reverences "How can all these happen? Where have all my astrological calculations, which have been made strictly according to the rules, gone wrong? Is it that the science is wrong? Or is it that I have become incompetent?” ‘The Sanyasi told "The science of astrology can never go wrong. Itis necessary that one must be extremely shrewd in applying the mules. You have committed the mistakes as you were imprudent for awhile.” Kaniyan then pleaded with the visitor to enlighten him where all he went wrong for which the Sanyasi told: "It is not wise to predict the sex of a child before the completion of three months. Those with Vedie knowledge, like Brahmins, can get the sex changed within three months with proper rites. So am astrologer must not venture to write the horoscope of an unborn child if it is not three months old. With proper Vedic rites, Lonly helped this poor fellow to get a male child.” (to be continued) 7 THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE NOVEMBER 2014 13, ew aetologiaimagazina com Yoga Vashishta Discourses Daria VuavaNaNbaTEERTIIA SAME (Sri Dana Vijayanandateertha Swamiji, she junior ponttf of Datta Peetham, referred as Bala Swanijt by Datta devotees is born in a tcadiional Brahinin family on 14th January 1977 in Mysore, The boy named Harsha Vardhana Sharma had his Vedic education it Sri Ganqpathy Sachidananda Veda Patashala ‘Sr Bala Swami has been under the spiritual observance, tatelage, and guidance of the senior pontiff of Datta Peettuan Sri Geonapathy Sachohidananda Swami. Sri Bala Swanuji was announced as the spiriual successor of Avadoota Datta Peetham on 30th May, 2004 ‘Sri Data Vjayananda Teertha Swami the junior poniiff of Dasta Peetham, referred as Bata Swsamiji by Data devotees is born in ‘rational Brahia family on 14th January, 1977 in Mysore. The boy was narned Sri HarshaVardhana Sharma had his Vedic education in Sri Ganapathy Sachidananda Veda Patashala ‘Sr Bala Swaniji has been under the spiritual observance tutelage, and guidance of the senior pontiffof Datta Peetham Sri Ganapathy Sachehidananda Swami. Sri Bala Swamiji was announced as the spiral successor of Avadooia Datta Peetham on 30th May, 2004, ith coliasal knowledge ofthe shastas Sri Bala Swamiji has been interpreting Vedas in simple language to influonce many lives. He observes Chaturmasya Deeksha every year. This year during this sacred peri Sri Bala Swami dscoursed on the Yoga Vashista These discourses are brought to vou, asa series of articles, beginning from this issue. Due credit is given to Smt. Hira Duvvuri and Sin ‘MadiuGopi, both sincere and dedicated devotees of Datta Peetham, for translating and editing the discourses from telugu to English, Yoga Vasishea is one of the greater spiritual rexis and is sail tobe the conversation berween Lord Sri Rama and Sage Nasishia, This text goes into much details of the subtle intricacies of the mind and is said 0 answer all questions that arise in one's ria.) Discourse 1 delivered on July 1, 2014 Yoga Vasishtha is an exquisite work. It narrates the Sri Ganesaya Namaha, Sri Saraswatyai Namaha/ — Sialogue between an enlightened Guru Rishi Vasishtha and a direct incarnation of God, Lord Sri Rama. It is Sripada Vallabha Narasimha Saraswati, Sri Guru impossible to find two personages equal to them in this Dattatreyaya Namaha/ entire world. Yoga Vasishtha isa dialog between two such ‘Sri Ganapati Sachchidananda Sadgurubhyo Namaha// exalted individuals. It is also called Yoga Ramayanam, Asato ma Sadgamaya, Tamaso ma Jyotirgamaya/_—- Maha Ramayanam, Maha Yoga Ramayanam and Jnana MrityormaAmrtamGamaya, Om Santissantissantihi// Vasishtham, But commentators have used the more popular name Yoga Vasishtha. Till now we watched Sri Swamiji’s program on Yogasangeeta and we have listened to Him. Our Nadis This work grants Yoga and Jnana, We must strive for have become purified as a result of this. We had the spiritual knowledge. Instead, we chase after other things, ‘occasion to listen to Sri Swamij’s healing music concert _ in life. That isthe greatest illusion that we fall into. When prior to commencing this discourse on Yoga Vasishtha. we seek, knowledge will come. When there is genuine interest and a yearning to eam Guru's grace, the way a cow comes running after its hungry calf, Guru will come seeking you. In the Taittiriyopanishad, emphasis is laid on cultivating a deep interest and an intense thirst for spiritual knowledge. Now during the auspicious Chaturmasya celebrations we begin the discourse on Yoga Vasishtha. [tis very beneficial to listen to the scriptures on this day, when Sravana is the nakshatra of the day.Sravana means ‘to listen’. Today is Monday, and Dwitiya, the second day of the lunar ‘month, Everything wonderful has come together for us. First we offer prayers to Sadgurudeva, then to Lord Sri ‘Rama, sages Vasishtha and Viswamitra, and all the gurus who teach us our ancient wisdom, Let us offer prayers in our mind to the Supreme Soul, the Paramatma, now incarnated as our Sadgurudeva to kindly bless us with spiritual knowledge, since we have come genuinely seeking to be enlightened. 14 NovENBER 2014 THE ASTROLOGICAL @MAGAZINE ‘wi aologcalmagazne com Yoga Vasishtha consists of 32,000 verses, as compared to 24,000 verses of Ramayana, There are six Prakaranas. ‘ThewordPrakarana is widely used in the Sastras. The subjects are placed before us in a certain sequence. We have to follow that sequence. We cannot study even one sentence out of context. There are 6 such divisions in this work. The first one is Vairagya(dispassion)Prakarana. We think that we are very intelligent. We advise others that they should have a goal/a wish, a desire or aim and that they should follow it to achieve it. It is true in the worldly sense. But in the spiritual sense, it is not. We are asked not to entertain desires. We have to reduce our physical needs while on this journey called life, We cannot completely do away with requirements. Even great souls retain their body because it is Prarabda(destiny), The question arises why an enlightened soul does not give up the body. Yoga Vasishtha addresses this. ‘What Ihave begun, I must complete T cannot ask Guru to complete it for me. I have acquired this body. 1 ‘must experience it till its purpose is completed. We can pray to Sadguru to grant us the ability to satisfactorily fulfill our purpose in life. We cannot simply throw the burden of the rest of our life onto him. As per our past karma, we acquire illness, bereavement, pain, or even comforts and happiness. We ‘mustexperience them all ourselves. We can pray to Guru to expedite our experience. King Harischandra experienced in twelve moments of his dream twelve years’ worth of karma and exhausted it, Like that we may pray to speed up our expenditure of karma. This will happen through dispassion and not through hatred (which is unacceptable), Sastras say that we should not be like Ravana. Every word employed in the Sastras has a specific meaning. Not a single word can be deleted. Do not behave like Ravana and others who hated others and entertained negative qualities born of Rajo Guna and Tamo Guna. It means that such qualities should not be entertained, It does not ‘mean that you have permission to be like Kumbhakarna instead, The Mahabharata is given as an example, where cone should reject the tendencies of hatred and deception shown by Duryodhana and his cohorts. Through love and honesty the Pandavas gained God's grace. Such ideals one should develop. Through stories like the Bhagavatam and the Puranas, these teachings are conveyed. The Puranas are similarto the Sastras in their intent. It is much emphasized in the Puranas that hatred, deception, jealousy, and such other negative feelings are very harmful. What they do not stress on, is that even attachment should be given up. Excessive attachment is the cause of grief. A doctor may advise that you should give up spicy pickles, | and some other things which are your favorite | dishes. tis best to follow the advice given instead } of arguing that your neighbor is enjoying them without ill effects. The doctor speaks | from his knowledge and experience. Just J because you stop eating sugar for the sake Gof protecting your health, do not argue that sugar factories will close down, and so many laborers will lose their jobs. Our thinking process should follow logic and reason ue to some specific reasons, Sri Rama covered himself ina veil of ignorance and expressed his doubts to his gurus like an ignorant person, And his gurus on the other hand, then dispelled his ignorance. That is this, story. The first topic discussed here is Vairagya (dispassion), Prema (love) is not the subject here. If your mind is preoccupied with other thoughts or is trying to employ the reasoning discussed here with other unrelated subjects, it is not going to be beneficial to you. You will neither grasp the subject at hand, nor will you attain a better understanding of the subject that you are preoccupied with. First, you must empty your cup. Unless your cup is empty, Guru cannot fll it with knowledge. If your cup is already full, Guru cannot pour any more liquid into it, At first empty your mind of your strong preconceived notions and ideas. With an open mind you must listen. After fully listening, you may write down your questions if you have any, based on your contrary experience. I will then answer your questions. Attachment must be given up, it is said. Attachment towards what and towards whom should be given up? If that is a good question, guru would have specified the conditions to begin with. He simply made a general statement that attachment leads to sorrow. Except for truth, except for your own true nature, attachment for anything else must be given up. Whatever is harmful to your health nst your nature. Such things you must give up, THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE NOVEMBER 2014 15 ew aetologiaimagazina com Gradually and slowly, let us give up our preoccupation with all outward objects at least while we are here engaged in this study. As already indicated, the first section is called Vairagya Prakarana. The second section is Mumukshu Vyavahara Prakarana. Who does not wish for happiness? Everyone does. How does a person wishing for happiness behave? That description is given in this Prakarana, Uipatti Prakarana is next, which gives a description of how creation came into being. The next is Sthiti Prakarana which explains how this creation is sustained, Whether this explanation is true or false, we will discuss later. The next is Upashama Prakarana. Anything that comes into being has to also be withdrawn. That is the law of nature, It does not use the word destruction, but uses a word that describes a gradual process of extinguishing. In Telugu, ‘we do not say the lamp has ‘aripoyindi’/gone out; instead, we say “kondekkindi’ gradually went out, like the rising and setting of the sun which happens gradually and not abruptly.In Vedanta and in Yoga Vasishtha, this description about sunrise and sunset is frequently used. The next is Nirvana Prakarana (liberation). Sage Vasishtha covers all these six prakaranas, Today we begin the Vairagya Prakarana. This part of the ‘work is in the form of stories. Therefore, I hope you will find these interesting. Those who eat prasadam from the hands of Guru will not appreciate the taste of anything else. Annamacharya tasted the laddu prasadam of Mother Goddess and declared that nothing else beats that taste. Vidura declared that the taste of a tulasi leaf (basil) is unbeatable. Similarly, along with the taste of the stories, you also have to develop a taste for the subject that will be discussed here. The experience of what is not an object is difficult to describe and explain, Here they are laying a beautiful path for us to follow. Here Rama is an excuse for the teaching of Truth, just as Arjuna was made the excuse for the teaching of truth in the Bhagavad Gita | searched everywhere for a copy of Yoga Vasishtha to read. But I only came across a few incomplete versions and some that were full of printing errors, thus I was very frustrated. Finally, a person brought me a steel box containing some books studied by Sti Narasimha Sastry, Sri Swamiji's father, It was a treasure chest with the most precious gems Sri Swamiji called just now (from USA) and gave his blessing and permission to proceed with the discourse on Youa Vasishta. That Sadguru should cal just at this time to tive his blessings for this discourse, as we are just about to commence it, is indeed a wonderful blessing, ‘After looking through the collection of the books in this box, I checked if all the different sections of Yoga Vasishta were there, and I found a complete collection of all the sections, Sri Narasimha Sastry had studied this collection, published long back, in 1973. It was for me a great gift from my grandfather. I am extremely happy that Swamiji himself has given this gift to me inthis wonderful manner. Any text’s value must first be understood. The intent of, the text, what itis trying to convey, should be explained. ‘Then there should be a proper conclusion. Do not read all kinds of commentaries and confusing versions of books. Tis always best to read the original work. Otherwise false interpretations are likely to mislead the readers, First we begin with a prayer to Guru. Gurur Brahma, Ajnanatimira, Akhandamandalakaram| Om Purnamadah, Om Santissantissantihi If we know the value of a work, then our interest gets stimulated. Without knowing the worth of a book to begin with, if you begin your study, and after traveling halfway, find that you are not getting anywhere, then from the middle of the ocean which way can you proceed? ‘Some people indulge in self-praise. But here, itis not so. If Sage Vasishtha himself speaks well of this work, then what should we think? Those who are far superior to us are praised by us. Or those who are far superior to us will praise us just to encourage our progress. In the case of Sage Vasishtha, he is the most wisest ofall sages, and the most knowledgeable. There is no one who is higher than hhim in the field to write a commendation for his work. All others are way too inferior to estimate the worth of the book. Hence, he alone is qualified to comment on his own work. Veda speaks about itself. Veda is that which clears everyone’s doubts. Guru himself has to assure us that he is competent to lead us on the correct path. ‘Vasishtha himself writes the praise for this work. What does he say? He says that to overcome the difficulty that ‘we are in, of being caught in the cycle of births and deaths, wwe require an effective strategy. We need to get freed from this. Yoga Vasishtha is the strategy to employ, to obtain liberation. Liberation is not going from this world to another world. ‘That is a wrong notion. Liberation is bliss. Youa Vasishta gives you the procedure step by step, in a proper Sequence, on how to attain eternal bliss. This contains the essence of the Upanishads. The 32,000 slokas (verses)guides us to Moksha (liberation). ‘We awake from sleep, We see the Sun rising or we see lamplight. We do not open our eyes with the intention of seeing the light but the jyothi light ~ automatically TB NOVEMBER 2014 THE ASTROLOGICAL @MAGAZINE vow astoogialmagazne com becomes visible. There is no need to make any additional effort Ina similar mannerit is sufficient if this book is studied with full understanding and complete faith in its teachings (as the teaching of our Sadguru). Just as light becomes visible to our eyes even without any effort on our part, liberation will occur to us without any effort on our part, by a mere understanding of this text. Who is seeing this light? Itis the one who resides within us who is seeing the light. Similarly, the study of this book will certainly yield liberation. Like a light, this is placed before you If we are capable, we can study the text on our own. It is easy to follow Yoga Vasishtha. All other philosophical works have to be studied under the tutelage of a guru, They require the authority of the explanation by a guru, You may seek the permission of your guru and begin this study. Ordinary people may face some doubts while studying it on their own. So, it is also good to listen to someone who reads it and explains it to you, It removes delusion and grants peace. We chant Om Santissantissantihi, uttering the word Santi three times. The number three has a great significance. May the three worlds be at peace. May my three types of ignorance be dispelled, May my three types of sins be removed or destroyed. Here, we pray for the extinguishing of our ignorance/delusion, The one and only eternal bliss will be granted by the study of this work. If we listen to it with attention, we gain the benefit, If you bathe in the Ganga, if you have Sadguru’s darshan, your body, mind, and soul get cleansed, without any further effort on your part. Even an atheist will benefit by bathing in the Ganga because the river has descended from heaven directly. Like the Ganga, Yoga Vasishtha also will wash away our ignorance. One runs away in fright mistaking a rope for a snake, But ‘when he examines the object with a flashlight, the illusion is dispelled. Just worship this work with reverence, as you should all sacred scriptures like Swamij’s Life History, Sri Datta Darsanam and the Bhagavad Gita. Keep these books readily accessible, not locked away out of sight. If you grasp the meaning of this work, you will become enlightened. This is Veda itself. It should be thoroughly examined and understood. It should be commented upon. That is why I am attempting to explain it to you now: It should be approached with reverence and devotion. If you do, it will give you the four-fold benefit including salvation. The Veda prescribes several different karmas/actions or rituals, Here, in the form of stories, the highest knowledge is conveyed. In the study of this work, there will be no difficulty. There will not be any pain or suffering. The Upanishads also convey the same meaning as this great work. But since here itis in the form of stories, it will keep us entertained. There is no need to elaborate on this. Yoga ‘Vasishtha grants happiness. As their concluding words of praise for this work, Sage Valmiki and Sage Vasishtha declare that this book grants liberation, which is in the form of the experience of Sat, Chit, and Ananda ~ Pure Existence, Consciousness, and Bliss. ‘The work begins with 3 dhyana slokas for meditation. We will discuss the meaning of these verses tomorrow. Please chant the verses, Yuuassarvini BhitaniPracibhantsthicand Ca Yarraivdpasamarn Yanti Tasmai Sarytomané Namabv/t Fut Irina Tatha Sevan Drasttdarsana DrSvabhi, Kearta Hetuly Kriya Yosmar Tasmal JRapnvdimane Namalv/2 Sphurani Shard Yasmet Anamandasysbaré Vanaw Sarvs Stvana Tasmuat Brahmanandemané Namaby 3 (Om Santissantissantihi May peace prevail Haribi Om Tatsat Today we have begun. AC least to a small extent we have tried to grasp the essence of Yoga Vasishtha, Let us pray that we will be well rewarded by this experience.This is text that should be studied joyfully, not forcibly. Please keep that in mind, as you listen, You should keep churning in your mind the principles of Vedanta until you fall asleep. Until the body is given up, the study of Vedanta must continue. ‘Swamiji says that he plays the healing music for his own benefit, Similarly, 1 am doing this as my own personal study. You are all joining me on this journey, each sitting in their own seats on this bus, train, or boat. As much as possible, keep thinking about the ideas discussed here, ‘Tomorrow we continue the discourse on Yoga Vasishtha in the moming. During the Chaturmasya, we will have dliscoursesin the evening too. Sri Guru Datta. continued) The Astrological eMagazine Web :; Email : Soft Copy Now Available on THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE NOVEMBER 2014 17 ew aetologiaimagazina com Saturn Transits into Scorpio (continued rom 8) SIMHA (LEO) [Makha, Poorvaphalguni, Uttaraphalguni 1] From the third, Saturn has slipped in to the 4th, an unfavourable place. Yet his assumption of Tamramurti showering three-quarters of good results is a great solace. There will be a mixture of good and bad results. Still by August 2016 you find auguries of splendour. In the meantime occasional results which make you cheerful make the life significant. Because of the nature of results. you need to function with patience and care. In the family life you may feel happy with your consort. Still some acts of children may infuriate you and may lead to difference with your better half, But things will be settled in due course and your life will be restored to normalcy. ‘There are financial gains. Yet the expenses mount high. Problems of health and your involvement in real estate business may lead to deficit budget. Even in business this happen, But all these get gradually subdued and ultimately you feel satisfied. The general trend will be to face difficult problems and purse through a turbulent patch of difficulties and ultimately emerge victoriously. You cannot avoid problems. You have to fight and win. At times you may be troubled by incorrect diagnosis. You become frantic and consult several physicians. The difference in opinion adds confusion to chaos. But you come across a good solution to the problem. Your travel pans partially succeed. Problems like getting visa disturb you. But you exercise influence and get the things done ultimately. Your travel plan may get extended, but when it materializes, you feel happy about the outcome.In general this period gives you many problems, but you can solve them and feel happy. Magha: Till the end of November, 2014 problems of health give concern. Thereafter you feel quite happy. Purvaphalguni: Till November 2014, you may feel happy. Till December 2015 you face some setbacks. Later on you face success Uttaraphalguni 1: Till November 2014, unfavourable currents cause dissatisfaction. After that you succeed in ventures. After December 2015, you face some setbacks. TBNOvENBER 20r4| THE ASTROLOGICAL @MAGAZINE vow astoogialmagazne com KANYA (VIRGO) [Uttaraphalguni 2,3,4, Hasta, Chitta 1,2] Satur certainly graces you by transiting the 3rd house but his garb of Lohamurti, with one-quarter of good results, reduces the intensity of the grace. A It is true that you succeed in ventures. But the final result achieved fall short of expectations, You may try frantically for admitting your son or daughter in an elite institution. But you find that he or she gets admitted for the same course, but in the level of the institution you have aspired for. In the same way you fix the marriage of your daughter with a bride of your choice. Here also you are a bit disappointed at some of the deficiencies in the choice. Still there is no cause for complaint. Till June 2015 things move well and the problems become complex only later, But even the complicated matters are solved by you with ease and nonchalance, but in the effort put forth is certainly great. As a businessman you invest huge amount in some new project. At the final stages you feel that there could have been better profit. The fact that you have come out of the grip of Sadhe sati makes things a bit comfortable. Your wings are not clipped and you are really excited in the success in some matters which have been tormenting you fora long time. The matters relating to loan for example end in your favour, But the results may disappoint you a bit. You may make profit in several ventures. The financial help is easily extended to you by the people concerned. Your industry and sincerity pay you, though you have no cause for getting overjoyed. Uttaraphalguni 2, 3, 4: Things are colourless till November 2014. You are successful afterwards. By December 2015 you face some health problems. Hasta: You feel comfortable till November 2014. Afterwards, you are engulfed by some reverses. After December 2015 you feel cheerful. Chitta 1, 2: In the beginning there will be setbacks. After November 2014, you are thrilled by successes. After December 2014 minor setbacks annoy you. THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE NOVEMBER 2014 19 ew aetologiaimagazina com TULA (LIBRA) [Chitta 3,4, Swati and Visakha 1,2,3] Saturn transits the 2nd and the intense period of Sade Sathi is over. He dons Rajatamurti which is auspicious. Thus the period showers some good results coupled with some undesirable experiences. Problems in the family disturb you. But from June 2015 to August 2016 you may feel that things are normal. The loans you received can be settled. Problems relating to your properties assume importance, but you can solve them with skill. ‘There may be problems relating to children, They may become recalcitrant and defy. You may suggest a course of action for them which may not be to their taste. Your son or daughter may disturb you with his or her love story and put you to hardship. However, these things reach a happy settlement. You may feel that all is well that ends well In this period you must exercise caution in your dealings. You may be misled by people feigning friendship to act in their favour, You should avoid matters relating to money in this case. If you deal with them you may get embroiled in difficulty. Ultimately you may throw off the hackles and extricate yourself. But the agony you undergo is really great and could be avoided. In a similar way you may give promises to close people and finally find it hard to keep it up. You are made a scapegoat at times. Be careful in uttering expressions without pre-mediation. A mistaken interpretation given by the listener leads you to an unpleasant state of affairs. You may try to help them and forget your family and finally incur the displeasure of your family members. Chitta 3,4: In the beginning there will be setbacks. After November 2014, you succeed in ventures. After that there will be mixed results. Swati: In the beginning you get wealth. After November 2014 problems of health cause concern. After December 2015 you emerge victoriously in ventures. Visakha 1, 2, 3: In the beginning you are troubled by health problems. After that you sueceed in ventures. After December 2015 you are troubled by unfavourable currents. 20 novemseR zone THE ASTROLOGICAL @MAGAZINE vow astoogialmagazne com VRISCHIKA (SCORPIO) [Visakha 4, Anuradha, Jyestha] Saturn transits the natal move, the intense period of Sade Sathi and the ¥ y period ahead is unpleasant experiences in general. That he assumes SZ, | Tamramurti with half the good results is matter of solace. Yet it does SBR SEBEL | not counterpoise the otherwise unfavourable position. In the midst of difficulties there is smear of good results too. Particularly till June Q 2015 and after August 2016 Saturn’s beneficial effects are to some extant reduced by providential grace. ses domestic problems disturb you. If the conjugal life is generally happy and there is harmony between the husband and the wife this may not affect much. Some differences may cause dissatisfaction. The problems of children often impinge in your life and you get infuriated with your consort. This leads to the disarray in the family. In some cases it may lead even to breaking up conjugal relations. But some senior kinsman interfere and settle matters amicably. In the official, you may undergo change to an inconvenient place and it may become difficult to settle down in the new place. Businessmen face the withdrawal of regular clients partly due to the attitude of their assistants. Patience is essential to handle such issues. The health of senior kinsman, particularly mother disturbs you. There may be partial recovery in some cases. You are sometimes sidelined despite the intrinsic importance you enjoy. The matters are manipulated by your rival waiting for a suitable opportunity to insult you. You may be forced by your associates to flout the laws and extend you to help others. Try to avoid such things. Otherwise you may land in trouble. When you do try to buy properties or valuable goods do not trust intermediaries especially those who are dark complexioned or law-breakers. The main problem is that despite your efforts the returns are meagre. Visakha 4: Initially there will be problems of health. After November 2014, there will be financial gains. Then there may be setbacks. Anuradha: Initially favourable currents cheer you up. After November 2014, you face tough problems. After 2015 December you feel quite happy at the successes. Jyestha: Initially you are concerned about the health of senior kinsmen. Then there will be financial gain, After December 2015, you meet with some reverses. THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE NOVEMBER 2014 21 ew aetologiaimagazina com DHANUS (SAGITTARIUS) [Moola, Poorvashada, Uttarashadha 1] Saturn is in the 12th, which is not good, more so because he assumes Svanamurti which is an undesirable position. With both of these touching, the Zero mark what good results can one expect. But between June 2015 and August 2016 when the Jupiterian transit is good you get some good results in the midst of difficulties. You are a man with self-confidence and there is a grammar in your life. But you face setbacks and unexpected reverses and when you face these after being crowned with success in the past are really nonplussed. ‘Try to be close-lipped in general, When you are provoked by others, particularly those who feign friendship, giving vent to your feelings even if you can justify your stand may lead to unpleasant consequences. This makes the beginning of Sadhe Sathi and you feel the pinch as time advances. You have planned many things mentally visualized fascinating schemes, conceived of a modus operandi, and decided to seek the help of your faithful colleagues. Yet your dream is shattered by unexpected moves of the persons working against you Your expenses mounts high. Family expenses relating to the education of children, treatment, of old parents etc. cause concern. During the middle portion you may feel a bit relieved. But, on the whole you have to taste the bitter experiences. You are certainly able and can execute even difficult tasks. But you are denied the opportunities despite your industry. There are people who desire sadistic pleasure in finding you struggling in life. You are straightforward in general. Your nature becomes a bane at times. Your kinsmen may approach you to do favour to an undeserving person, But you are willing to flout the norms, go out-of-the way and display an act of favouritism, But this act leads to unpleasant experiences. Since the time is not good, but for the middle portion, you do the remedial measures with fervour, to alleviate the pain endeared. Moola: Initially problems of health disturb you. After November 2014, you earn wealth. The end causes reverses. Poorvashada: Initially you feel happy at the success. After 2014, you face setbacks. In the end you become cheerful. Uttarashada 1: Initially you are disturbed by challenges. After November 2014, there will be financial gain, After December 2015, you face reverses. 22 ovemsER zo16 THE ASTROLOGICAL @MAGAZINE vow astoogialmagazne com MAKARA (CAPRICORN) [Uttarashadha 2, 3, 4, Sravana, Dhanistha 1, 2] Saturn’s transit in the 12th is splendid, but his assumption of Lohamurti makes all the difference. You come across many pleasant experiences, A, yet you have a feeling that things could have been better ‘You find that many hurdles get easily removed. There is flow of income and even unexpected gins, But when you compete for some position there are too many contestants and the fate drags to a relatively important, position, If you take part in sports the implacable umpire bent upon faultfinding charge sheets with many defaults and underrate your achievements, You get some reward, but nor as a desire or deserve. In this way you find successes in many spheres, but the achievements fall short of expectations. In fact you will be surprised to find the change in the attitude of many antagoni . Those who were working against now favour you and you feel satisfied. But in the final stages you find some unpleasant results along with the successes you achieve. Marriage proposals blocked earlier may suddenly click and you can raise enough finds for the conduct of the function. The only dissatisfaction is that things have not occurred as you wished. You get possession of new houses, vehicles etc. You are not extravagant, But you resort to luxuries because of the new developments and find it easy to manage the situation. Avoid unneces ‘ary expenses, Your position among the kinsmen will improve. People who have bypassed you earlier now seek your counsel on important matters. You become a man to be reckoned with. You may also gain by local or foreign travels. Your special skill will be applauded and you get a suitable assignment which suits you mentally. But you do not get the uniqueness you aspired for. ‘This is what makes otherwise excellent period a bit dull. Uttarashada 2, 3, 4: Initially you face setbacks. After November 2014, you gain wealth. Afterwards you face setbacks. Sravana: In the beginning you are cheered by the experiences. After November 2014, you face setbacks. After December 2015 you face successes. Dhanistha 1, 2: In the beg meet with success. After December 2015 you face reverses. ining health problems cause concern, After November 2014, you THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE NOVEMBER 2014 23

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