English Vocabulary Items Used by Speakers

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Vocabulary items appropriate for vocabulary class

Hello everyone, this is my first blog so I hope this will help you in learning about vocabulary.
First of all, what is vocabulary? Suppose a person uses a set of words he/she is familiar of
and uses in his/her day today conversation. Then we will say his/her vocabulary is very
good. Its like a word bank of ours that is helpful in communication and acquiring knowledge.
Here are some vocabulary items that can be introduced in your class:-
1. Break the Ice- At first it may sound like that it is related to do some hard work but its
actual meaning is to do something so that people feel more relaxed and comfortable
with each other. For example, Teacher tried to break the ice by telling the students to
introduce themselves.
It also means eliminating shyness, unfamiliarity or awkward silence. For example,
There was dead silence in the class, so I tried to break the ice by telling a joke, but
Another meaning could be to try becoming friends with someone. For example, He
tried to break the ice by offering some snacks, which she accepted happily.
2. Chicken Out- No need to panic. Nobody is going to throw chicken at you. It means to
decide not to something out of fear. For Example, I decided to ride on rollercoster,
but I chicken out just before it was about to start.
We can also use it as a verb. For example, He chickened out of the plan at the last
3. All Ears- It might sound weird like all ears are pointing at you but it means to hear or
listen attentively. For example, So how was your first date? I am all ears.
We can also use as it as a request. For Example, Please be all ears.
4. Cold Feet-

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