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A Fully Integrated Shark-Fin Antenna for MIMO-LTE, GPS, WLAN, and WAVE

Article  in  IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters · February 2018

DOI: 10.1109/LAWP.2018.2805681

2 989

3 authors, including:

Oh-Yun Kwon
Sungkyunkwan University


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A Fully Integrated Shark-Fin Antenna for

MIMO-LTE, GPS, WLAN, and WAVE Applications
Oh-Yun Kwon , Student Member, IEEE, Reem Song , Member, IEEE, and Byung-Sung Kim , Member, IEEE

Abstract—In this study, a three-dimensional compact antenna TABLE I

solution for the automotive industry is proposed. The antenna so- FREQUENCY PLANNING FOR ANTENNA INTEGRATION
lution is designed to fit in a shark-fin case and is easily fabricated
from a printed circuit board and a metal sheet with low-cost pro- Standard and Band Frequency (MHz)
cess and materials. The antenna solution covers Long Term Evo-
lution (LTE), GPS, WLAN, and Wireless Access in the Vehicular LTE 3GPP Band 5∗ UL 824-849/DL 869-894
Environment (WAVE) bands (850 MHz, 1575 MHz, 2.4 GHz, and GPS L1 Band 1575.42
5.9 GHz, respectively). The planar inverted-F antennas are used as WLAN IEEE 802.11b/g/n 2400–2484
multiple-input–multiple-output antennas for the LTE band due to WAVE IEEE 802.11p 5850–5925
their low-profile structure. Modified planar monopoles are used to

obtain omnidirectional radiation patterns for WLAN and WAVE Low-band in South Korea.
bands. Antenna characteristics such as return loss, isolation, and
radiation pattern have been simulated and measured to confirm
the possibility for use in automotive applications. multiband operations. The design of low-band multiple-input–
multiple-output (MIMO)-LTE antenna is especially challenging
Index Terms—Multiple-input–multiple-output (MIMO) an- because the physical dimension of the antenna is limited by the
tenna, shark-fin antenna, vehicular communication. available volume of the plastic cover as well as by other radi-
ating elements in proximity operating at different frequencies.
Many types of multiband antenna solutions for automotive ap-
plications equipped with GPS, GSM, LTE, and WAVE bands
OR a better driving environment, future vehicles will be have been proposed [3], [4].
F connected with each other and to a roadside infrastructure
to share traffic information in the upcoming intelligent trans-
In this study, a new configuration for compact integrated
shark-fin antenna solution with two planar inverted-F antennas
portation systems and telematics. Recently, several cellular and (PIFAs) and two modified planar monopoles is proposed to cover
ad-hoc-based communication standards are under consideration MIMO-LTE, GPS, and WLAN bands (850 MHz, 1570 MHz,
for offering a safe, efficient, and comfortable driving environ- and 2.4 GHz, respectively) as well as the WAVE band (5.9 GHz)
ment. A Wireless Access in the Vehicular Environment (WAVE) as summarized in Table I for vehicular applications.
protocol, IEEE 802.11p standard at 5.9 GHz band, can be a
great candidate for vehicle-to-vehicle communication due to II. ANTENNA DESIGN AND FABRICATION
its real-time operation when anticollision messages and safety
information must be provided to vehicles [1]. As mentioned in Section I, the design of MIMO anten-
For cellular communication between the vehicles, Long Term nas in the low-frequency band for LTE application is a more
Evolution (LTE) shows suitability for automotive applications formidable challenge than the high-frequency counterpart due
due to high data rates and scalability [2]. In this respect, future to the physical size of the radiators. Good isolation and low
vehicles will be heavily integrated with more communication envelope correlation coefficient (ECC) between closely spaced
devices and systems. One of the main challenges is the antenna antennas must be addressed for LTE applications. Recently,
integration in a small form factor such as shark-fin case on monopole antennas printed on a two-dimensional (2-D) sub-
the roof of a vehicle and its multiband behavior between an- strate for LTE low band have been successfully developed for au-
tenna elements. Each closely located antenna element should be tomotive applications [5]. However, such antennas present prob-
highly isolated within a small volume for covering simultaneous lems in implementing MIMO antennas with good isolation char-
acteristics due to limited height and width of the plastic cover. To
use the available volume more efficiently, 3-D antenna solutions
Manuscript received December 13, 2017; revised January 8, 2018 and Febru- have been introduced in [6]. Two LTE antennas were designed
ary 5, 2018; accepted February 8, 2018. Date of publication February 13, 2018; and fabricated on the plastic cover by direct laser structuring
date of current version April 5, 2018. This work was supported in part by the technology. However, the effect of antennas on the other radiat-
Technology Innovation Program (10051928) funded by the Ministry of Trade,
Industry and Energy, and in part by the program for fostering next-generation re- ing elements close to the LTE antennas has not been clarified in
searchers in engineering of the National Research Foundation of Korea funded those studies. To address the isolation issue, a PIFA can be a good
by the Ministry of Science, ICT & Future Planning (2017H1D8A2031628). candidate for designing MIMO-LTE antenna since the PIFA is
(Corresponding author: Byung-Sung Kim.) one of the very low-profile antennas. In [7], two types of pla-
The authors are with the College of Information and Communication En-
gineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon 16419, South Korea (e-mail:
nar antennas, monopole and PIFA, arranged perpendicularly to;; each other were used for MIMO-LTE application. Although the
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LAWP.2018.2805681 antenna configuration shows good isolation between the MIMO

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Fig. 1. Dimensions of shark-fin cover in millimeters.

Fig. 3. Simulation results of S 2 1 for different top plate of shapes.

Fig. 2. Simulation model. (a) Typical. (b) Modified. (c) Folded.

antennas due to the orthogonal polarization, it is only effective

at higher band, not lower band, and the design of other antennas
for different services can be limited by the available volume of
the shark-fin case. In this study, for better antenna integration,
two symmetrical PIFAs are adopted for automotive MIMO-LTE
application, and two modified monopole antennas are designed
for WLAN and WAVE application.
Fig. 1 shows the 3-D prototype of a shark-fin case and its
dimensions indicating the finite ground plane and the available
space inside the shark-fin cover. Low-profile PIFAs are placed
on the right and left corners of the shark-fin. After that, two
modified monopole antennas are placed between the two PIFAs
to use available space efficiently.
Fig. 2 shows the design evolution of PIFAs for MIMO-LTE. Fig. 4. Geometries and dimensions of the proposed (a) PIFAs, (b) monopole
All antennas have been designed by using the High-Frequency antennas, (c) antennas in the cover, and (d) fabricated antennas.
Structure Simulator. The PIFA consists of a top metal plate
fed by a feeding strip and a shorting strip. The height of the
PIFA is determined by the height of corners inside the case, as The PIFAs were made up of only one metal plate and formed
shown in Fig. 1. Input impedance of the PIFAs can be easily by slight cutting and bending for the ease of manufacturing and
matched to 50 Ω by an appropriate choice of space between low loss using a 1.5 mm thick nickel silver material. One of the
the short and feeding strip. Widths of the shorting and feeding three protrusions as described in Fig. 4(b) at the bottom edge of
strip are adjusted to find optimum values since they are related feeding strip is electrically connected to 50 Ω connectors. All an-
to the bandwidth of the antenna [8]. If the proposed PIFAs are tennas are fed by U.FL connectors. The connectors are mounted
patterned on a high dielectric substrate instead of the metal plate, on the bottom layer of the ground plane and electrically con-
the size of the antenna can be further reduced, which covers the nected to antennas by soldering. The other two protrusions were
lower band while fitting in the cover. used only for mechanical fix to the ground plane. As mentioned
In our previous study [9], the top plate that occupies the largest above, note that not only previously developed WAVE antenna
volume in the PIFA structure has been modified according to in [9] but also WLAN and GPS antennas were additionally inte-
the shape of the shark-fin from the typical rectangular shape as grated in the shark-fin case in this study. The WLAN and WAVE
shown in Fig. 2(a) and (b) at the cost of isolation. In this study, antennas are mounted in between the PIFAs for better use of the
the volume of the PIFA has been further reduced by folding the available volume. The proposed WLAN and WAVE antennas
edge of the top plate from the modified structure as shown in are chosen as a monopole type and have been modified to be
Fig. 2(c), which has improved the isolation as well. Fig. 3 shows installed inside the shark-fin case. In terms of mutual coupling
the simulated isolation (S21 ) for different top plate shapes. The between the antennas of different services, a monopole 1 for
isolation of the folded model improved approximately by 0.5 dB WLAN that is for lower frequency band than the monopole 2
at 850 MHz as compared with the previous model due to the for WAVE has been positioned at the front side of the substrate
increase in the distance gap between two top plates. The whole to guarantee electrical distance from the feed point of the lowest
dimensions of the PIFA were tuned with the aid of the 3-D band PIFAs.
EM software considering the compactness and fabrication, as Both antennas were designed on the 0.8 mm thick FR-4 sub-
shown in Fig. 4(b) and (c). The top plates were slightly inclined strate with permittivity of 4.4 and loss tangent of 0.02. The
for better impedance matching and compact integration. substrate depicted in Fig. 4(a) is shaped to be fitted in the

Fig. 5. (a) Current distribution on the proposed monopole antenna and Fig. 7. (a) Measured correlation coefficient of MIMO antenna and simulated
(b) simulated surface current distribution on the phase reversal section at radiation efficiency of the proposed antennas depending on out-of-band port
5.9 GHz. impedance, and (b) measured mutual coupling (S 2 1 parameter) between differ-
ent antennas.

Fig. 6. Simulated and measured return losses of the proposed (a) PIFAs and Fig. 8. Photographs of (a) radiation pattern measurement setup and (b) the
patch antenna and (b) monopole antennas. proposed antenna mounted on a metallic sheet.

available space inside the plastic cover. A thin slot close to where ∗ denotes complex conjugate. From Fig. 7(a), the mea-
the bottom of the monopole 1 has been introduced for tuning sured ECC of the proposed MIMO antennas is always lower than
input impedance. The vertically collinear antenna array with a 0.5 for the whole LTE low band, which is practically acceptable
constructive radiation technique [11] was used as monopole 2 to for MIMO antenna diversity [10]. The acceptable ECC value of
obtain high-gain radiation pattern in azimuth plane and reduce the proposed MIMO antennas was successfully achieved with-
sidelobes in elevation plane. As shown in Fig. 5(a), the total out additional isolation techniques. Fig. 7(b) shows measured
length of the antenna is about two and quarter wavelengths. The mutual coupling (S21 ) between different antennas. The mu-
phase reversal sections of the total length were cancelled by tual coupling is below −20 dB in the operating band of the
using the stub and the via on the printed circuit board. Fig. 5(b) monopole 1, and below −25 dB in the operating band of the
shows the simulated surface current distribution at 5.9 GHz for monopole 2. Although not shown in this figure, the measured
the sections. The currents of the phase reversal section are suc- mutual coupling of the patch antenna is below −23 dB for the
cessfully suppressed by the proposed structures. A commercial whole operating bands. Mutual coupling between PIFA 1 and
patch antenna on a ceramic substrate for GPS application is the other antennas is below −20 dB except the LTE band. Values
placed in front of the monopoles. Fig. 4(d) shows the photo- at 850 MHz are −9.6 dB drawn in blue and −13 dB drawn in
graph of the fabricated antennas. red in Fig. 7(b), respectively.
Simulation results show that the radiation efficiency of PIFAs
is highly dependent on the mutual coupling and termination
III. SIMULATION AND MEASUREMENT RESULTS impedance of the other band antennas. When we measure the
The simulated and measured S-parameters of the full antenna mutual coupling, all ports must be inevitably terminated with
system are presented in Fig. 6. Each antenna was measured while a broadband 50 Ω, which most significantly degrades the effi-
the others were terminated at 50 Ω loads. A good agreement ciency of PIFAs. However, at the resonant frequency of the PI-
between the simulation and the measurement is confirmed for FAs, the actual termination impedance of the other band antenna
the whole operating bands except for a small frequency shift of is different from 50 Ω because of the bandpass characteristics
WLAN and WAVE bands, which is most likely caused by an of the filter or low noise amplifier for the other band antenna. If
inaccurate characterization of the FR-4 permittivity. As shown the out-of-band termination of the other band antenna is close to
in Fig. 6(a), over the entire LTE low band, the return losses of short impedance or open impedance while the PIFA 2 is still ter-
two PIFAs are better than 6 dB. The integrated patch antenna minated with 50 Ω, the efficiency of PIFA 1 is greatly improved
covers GPS band. As shown in Fig. 6(b), the return losses of as shown in Fig. 7(a). Because of the much smaller mutual cou-
the monopole 1 for WLAN band and the monopole 2 for WAVE pling, the efficiency of monopole 1 and monopole 2 is hardly
band are better than 10 dB. affected by the out-of-band termination impedance of PIFAs.
For MIMO applications, the ECC is generally used to evaluate Finally, gain patterns were measured in an anechoic cham-
channel capacity and cross-correlation performances. The ECC ber using a standard-gain horn antenna, far-field scanner, and a
of two antennas is given by vector network analyzer, as shown in Fig. 8(a). The proposed an-
tenna was mounted on a 51 cm × 41 cm metallic plane to include
|S ∗ 11 S12 + S ∗ 21 S22 | the car roof effect, as shown in Fig. 8(b). Fig. 9 shows the sim-
ECC = (1)
(1 − (|S11 | + |S21 |2 ))(1 − (|S22 |2 + |S12 |2 ))
2 ulated and measured gain patterns of the proposed antenna so-


LTE antenna Freq. Dimension ECC Coupling a Effi.

(MHz) (mm3 ) (dB) (%)

Monopole/ 830 65 × 62 × 73 NA −9.5 c NA

PIFA [7]b
Monopole 700 37.6 × 0.8 × 40 NA –6 65/5 c, e
PIFA, This 850 59.5 × 44.3 × 21 <0.2 –10 30.7 f

S 2 1 parameter between different antennas at LTE band.
MIMO antennas.
Estimated graphically.
Single antenna.
Impedance matching with lumped elements (capacitor/resistor).
Total efficiency.

A new compact multiband antenna solution covering MIMO-
LTE, GPS, WLAN, and WAVE bands (850 MHz, 1575 MHz,
2.4 GHz, and 5.9 GHz, respectively) that is fully integrated in
the shark-fin case was proposed for automotive applications.
The solution consists of two PIFAs, two modified monopoles,
and a separate patch with easy and low-cost fabrication pro-
cess. The solution is designed to fit inside a shark-fin case
mounted on a finite ground plane. The simulation and the
measurement results show that the antenna system exhibits
good performances for return loss, radiation pattern, and iso-
lation characteristics without matching network or decoupling

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