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The practical uses of philosophy in the real world.

Most often we think the human person are just like actors/actresses. Socrates and Plato
the first philosophers who engage in a systematic question about the self. Socrates tackle about
personal self while Plato discussed about our soul and it is composed of three segments the
rational, spiritual and appetitive. Many philosophers try to give meaning about our selves to be a
better one. Just like Rene De Cartes who discussed the differences of human body and our mind
that’s why we all felt that we doubt something the turns to questioning and rethinking.

We are all multifaceted wherein we have different roles as an individual we are different
from being a child, a sibling, a friend, and a lover. We showed our different roles because our
selves itself adjust in a particular situation whatever the situation or circumstances we are facing
right now. The French Anthropologist Marcel Mauss Discussed about self but he gives different
meaning it says that self-composed of moi” means (Me) it also means adjusting the self. The
second one is the “personne” which means to leave in a particular religion, nationality and
family. All of the philosophers give and put essence in our lives.

Based on some philosophers, ceased that the Philosophy itself belongs in the lives of everyone. It
helps us to solve our problems, and it help us to make a better decision by developing our critical
thinking, like reading, clear writing and logical analysis. Philosophy helps us deciding which
goals and values are worthy to pursue, philosophy is we substitute for factual knowledge. It is
about the intelligent and national uses of knowledge and the beliefs to see how clean and how
reasonable we are in the light of knowledge we have.

It is also seems that those who are the most successful at analyzing and understanding concept
would also be better off we understand their lives. Based on what I read the philosophy influence
our society in the sense that its lies in its ability to influence a society and for provide wisdom to
others often philosophy is mistakenly thought of as in adequate compared to science. They are
like goals that we strive to attain that guide us through life. They different from one person to
mother, it represent who we are. Knowingly as not we are currently following some sort of
ethical code just like what I read and understand but our actions, our thoughts, and our worldly
beliefs have all been Alma gated into our moral beliefs.
These moral beliefs shape how we perceive the rightness or wrongness of our own and other
actions. People will cheat, lie, steal, and seemingly always find ways to justify it. We’re probably
guilty of something like that ourselves. But that’s okay. In philosophy I understand that is okay
to commit mistake sometimes because we are not saint. What important is understanding that our
beliefs make us happy, and while we all likely have somewhat different beliefs, if we find and
live true to ours we will find our happiness from life to.

We value the things most that we have integrated some part of our deepest bits into. Once we
have plan we should find ways to execute it through daily habits, philosophy is a work of
progress, every day, we find near ways to improve it because someday when the moments where
life test us, it’s helpful to know what we are and are not willing to do. It’s our approach to
leading our life.



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